Ass3 AsianCuisine

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Submitted by: ALEXIS T.



Discuss the similarities and differences of Thai cuisine with

the cuisines of at least two of its neighboring countries.

*Similarities of Thai cuisine

to Korean and Japanese Cuisine

 The three most common similar cooking methods are sir frying,
steaming, and deep frying. Common ingredients include soy beans,
mung beans, seafood (especially in Japan), tofu, ginger, garlic, sesame
seeds, and tea.

 Of course rice is also a staple ingredient of East Asian cuisine.

 Noodles are a main culinary ingredient in East Asia and tend to differ
based upon which region one is in.

*Differences of Thai cuisine

to and Japanese Cuisine

  Rice varies from country to country.

Jasmine rice is popular in Thailand while in Japan and Korea,
short-grain rice is popular.

 Noodles
  Thailand tend to use noodles made from rice flour, whereas
Korea,Japan, tend to use alkaline wheat noodles.

 Thailand is known for its fish sauce and peanut oil, while Korea and
Japan, mostly use sesame oil and soy sauce.

 Thai cuisine uses many tropical spices, fruits, coconut milk and fiery
peppers and features many seafood ingredients while Korean cuisine is
more earthy, relying heavily on pickled goods and featuring braised

 Thai cuisine rely on fish sauce, shrimp paste, and a lot more fermented
animal parts condiment for flavour while Korean cuisine rely on
sweeten soy sauce, sweeten bean paste on sweeten chilli paste for
flavour while Japanese Cuisine rely on soy sauce for flavour.

 Thai cuisine has a lot curries and curries-like soup while Many of
Korean dishes contain bbq meat in some form while Japanese cuisine
has a LOT of deep fried things and Raw dishes being served.

 Thai food as the most spicy, followed by Korean, and lastly Japanese. 

Asian Cuisine

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