Food Safety - Beginning Esl: Cook Prep Cook

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Carol Coriolan and Dorothy


Worthington ABE 2013


cook prep cook

dishwasher server


In this unit the student will learn how to safely prepare and serve a stir fry meal. Topics covered include proper hygiene, proper food
handling and food service careers. All materials referred to in this unit can be found at

Food Safety
Beginning ESL Section 0.5
Use food safety

Section 1.
Section 5.
Demonstrate good
Match cleaning
hygiene for food
product to use
service careers

Final Product:
Safely prepare
and serve a stir
fry meal

Section 4. Section 2.
Set a table and Prep foods safely
serve in a sanitary avoiding cross
way contamination

Section 3.
Sort foods into
correct serving

Unit Plan
Unit: Food Safety NRS Level: ESL Beg. Literacy – High Beg. ESL/<181 – 200
Section Product 0.5 Materials Activity Product 1 Activity Product 2 Activity Product 3
(S.5) (S.5-A1) (S.5-A2) (S.5-A3)
Description:  S0.5A1a Match Echo Vocabulary Complete close activity of Complete “All About
Using food safety  S0.5A1b Preventing Food Borne Illness, words with picture ECHO script Germs”
vocabulary ECHO DVD, transcript Reading and quiz
Materials: ECHO DVD S0.5A2 Cloze Exercise
 S0.5A3 “All About Germs”

Section 0.5: Using food safety vocabulary

Activity 1 (S0.5A1a): Discuss food safety vocabulary.

(S0.5A1b) View “ECHO” DVD as the teacher reads the subtitles.

(Go to >>click on “View all shows”>>”Food Safety”>>”Preventing Food Borne Illness” to access
information about ordering the DVD)

Activity 2 (S0.5A2) Watch a second time as students fill in cloze activity.

Activity 3: (S0.5A3) Read and discuss “All About Germs”. Complete the quiz.

(Go to >> Click on “Beginning High 6 – Worksheet #3 for the Reading and Worksheet
#4 for the quiz.)

OR – direct links:

Eating Well Living Well – Beginning High, Unit 6 (Teacher’s Notes- LP-6 and LP-7)

All About Germs: Worksheet #3, #4 and answer key for #4 (Worksheets)

Section Product 1 Materials Activity Product 1 Activity Product 2 Activity Product 3

(S1) (S1-A1) (S1-A2) (S1-A3)
Description:  S1A1 PPT “Food Service Careers” Match food service pictures Identify proper and improper Identify the steps and
Demonstrate good hygiene  S1A1a Write the name of the with names work clothing and hand care equipment for handwashing
for food service careers career under the picture
 EASY at Work video 4-1 Activity Product 4
Materials:  S1A1b Cut and match food (S1-A4)
 Power point service career pictures
Create and Print a good
 EASY at Work video  S1A2 PPT “Personal Hygiene for hygiene poster on the
Food Service” computer
 S1A2 Proper Hand Care WS
 S1A3 Hand washing Fact Sheet
 S1A3 Activity Sheets
 Projector
 Computers and printer

Section 1: Demonstrate good hygiene for food service careers

Activity 1: Ventures 1, Unit 8, pp. 96-97. P. 96 is a picture of a restaurant that shows different careers. P. 97 has listening activities
to match career vocabulary to pictures and the pronunciation of career words.
(Or Ventures Basic, Unit 8, pp. 96-98. P. 96 is a picture of a store including a lunch counter that shows different careers. Pp. 97-98
have listening to match career vocabulary to pictures and the pronunciation of career words.)

View power point S1A1 Food Service Careers.

S1A1a: Students write the names of the careers under the pictures while watching the power point a second time.

Add Ventures 1, p. 128 Label career photos and then write career in place of work (hospital, construction site, and restaurant)
Watch EASY at Work: Unit 4 Lesson 1- Introduces proper kitchen staff attire. Some of the vocabulary includes hygienic, prep
cook, apron, scarf, and jacket.
Students complete Easy at Work Unit 4 Lesson 1- worksheet that reinforces the vocabulary.
(Digital Education Productions,

S1A1b: Students cut and match food service career pictures with names.
Activity 2: View ECHO Vignette-Food Safety “Employee Health and Hygiene” Please visit the City of Minneapolis’s Health
Department’s website or to view these videos.
(Go to >>click on “View all shows”>>”Food Safety”>>”Employee Health and Hygiene” to access
information about ordering the DVD)

View power point S1A2: “Personal Hygiene for Food Service”

S1A2: “Proper Hand Care” – Students put an X on items that are not good hygiene for a food service worker.

Activity 3: As an introduction, pantomime hand washing and ask “What am I doing?”

Read together the “Proper Hand washing Fact Sheet”
Students complete “Proper Hand washing Activity Sheets 1-3”
Students demonstrate proper hand washing.

Activity 4: S1A4: Teacher demonstrates making a poster using the projector as students follow along the printed directions.
Students then make a poster in the computer lab with guidance from the teacher.

Section Product 2 Materials Activity Product 1 Activity Product 2 Activity Product 3

(S2) (S2-A1) (S2-A2) (S2-A3)
Description:  S2 PowerPoint “Don’t Let What Match prep vocabulary Sort foods that need to be Identify the steps to insure
Prep foods safely avoiding Happened to Me Happen to You” separated equipment is properly cleaned
cross contamination  EASY at WORK Unit 4, Lesson 3
Materials:  S2A1 PowerPoint “Food Prep
 Power points Vocabulary
 Highlighters  S2A1 Food prep vocab WS
 ECHO video  ECHO video “Protection from
 S2A2a Preparing Food Safely
Word Search
 S2A2b Preparing Food Safely Fact
Sheet and Matching Worksheet
 S2A2c and S2A2d Cutting Board
 Ventures Basic
 S2A3 a, b and c Cleaning and
Sanitizing worksheets

Section 2: Prep foods safely, avoiding cross contamination

View and discuss the power point picture story S2 Intro: “Don’t Let What Happened to Me Happen to You” Adapted from the
following source:
Don't Let What Happened to Me, Happen to You. Protect People Everywhere: Wash Your. Hands, Use Gloves or Utensils,
and. Never Work When You Are Sick.

Activity 1: Watch EASY at Work: Unit 4 Lesson 3 This lesson shows the work of a prep cook. Some of the vocabulary used
includes slice, dice, rotate, zest, chop, and peel.
We also did the EASY at Work worksheet from Unit 4 Lesson 3 p8 and 10 that reinforced the vocabulary.

View power point S2A1 “Food Prep Vocabulary” on prep vocabulary.

S2A1: Students label the pictures of food prep vocabulary while watching the power point a second time.

Activity 2: View ECHO Vignette-Food Safety “ Protection from Contamination” Please visit the City of Minneapolis’s Health
Department’s website or to view these videos.
(Go to >>click on “View all shows”>>”Food Safety”>>”Protection from Contamination” to access
information about ordering the DVD)

S2A2a Students complete the Word Search. Discuss the vocabulary of raw meats, poultry, and seafood and ready to eat foods
(fruits and vegetables) and the other words in the word search.

S2A2b Students complete the vocabulary matching exercise. Have students find the words in the top half of “Preparing Food
Safely Fact Sheet” and underline or highlight them.
Read together the top half of “Preparing Food Safely Fact Sheet” and do the Optional Activity 1 worksheet.

S2A2c and S2A2d Cutting Board Worksheets: Cut out the foods and put them on the correct cutting board.

Activity 3: As an introduction, Ventures Basic: Unit 9 pp 110-111. P.110 has a picture of a family doing household activities:
washing dishes, drying dishes, making lunch. P.111 has listening activities to go with the vocabulary.

S2A3a and S2A3b Read together “Cleaning and Sanitizing” and How to Clean and Sanitize”.
S2A3c Students number the steps in cleaning and sanitizing.

Section Product 3 Materials Activity Product 1 Activity Product 2 Activity Product 3

(S3) (S3-A1) (S3-A2) (S3-A3)
Description:  ECHO video Identify which foods need to Correctly read a thermometer Label a thermometer template
Sort foods into correct  S3A1 PPT “Food Vocabulary” be served hot or cold at various temperatures with critical temperatures for
serving temperatures  S3A1a Food Vocabulary WS food handling and storage
 S3A1b Hot and Cold Foods WS
Materials:  S3A2a “Is it done yet” posters
 ECHO video  S3A2b 27 sentences WS
 Power points  S3A3c “Preparing Food Safely”
 S2A2b “Preparing Food Safely”
Fact Sheet
 S3A3 “Thermometers”
 S3PA1 Food Vocabulary
 Thermometers: food, oven,

Section 3: Sort foods into correct serving temperatures

Activity 1: View ECHO Vignette-Food Safety “Times and Temperatures” Please visit the City of Minneapolis’s Health Department’s
website or to view these videos.
(Go to >>click on “View all shows”>>”Food Safety”>>”Times and Temperatures” to access information
about ordering the DVD)

View power point S3A1 Food Vocabulary.

S3A1a: Fill in Food Vocabulary Worksheet while watching the power point a second time.
S3A1a: Make copies of the food vocabulary worksheet and cut them apart. Number the students either 1 or 2. Form 2 lines. Pass
out a picture to each student. Each student asks the person across from them, “What is this?” They then switch cards. The person
in line 2 moves over one person to the left. (The end person walks around to the beginning of the line.) This continues until they
are back to the person they started with.
S3A1b: Complete Hot and Cold Sorting worksheet
Activity 2: S3A3a Read together the “Is it done yet?” handout -

Show pictures of foods with thermometers. Give dictation sentences from the information given.
Ask if any student has a meat thermometer at home. Ask them to use it and report what dishes they used it with.
S3A2b: 27 Sentences Worksheet: Students draw a number and then practice saying sentence that goes with their number. They
practice at their table in a group of 4.

Activity 3: S3A3c Students complete the word search. Discuss the vocabulary.
S3A3d Students complete the vocabulary matching worksheet.

(From S2A2b) Read together the bottom half of “Preparing Food Safely Fact Sheet”; the section on Control time and Temperature
and the information sheet “Types of food thermometers”

View power point S3A3 Thermometers. Discuss the Danger Zone

Complete Optional Activity 2 (From S2A2b, “Preparing Food Safely Fact Sheet”): Danger Zone (You can have the power point
slide on the screen to help students to fill in the thermometer.)

Product Activity: View Power Point S3PA1 Sorting Food Vocabulary

S3PA1: Fill in Food Vocabulary Worksheet while watching the power point a second time.

S3PA2: Students cut out and sort foods in the correct serving temperature box.

Optional additional activity: Make copies of the food vocabulary worksheet and cut them apart. Number the students either 1 or 2.
Form 2 lines. Pass out a picture to each student. Each student asks the person across from them, “What is this?” They then switch
cards. The person in line 2 moves over one person to the left. (The end person walks around to the beginning of the line.) This
continues until they are back to the person they started with.

Section Product 4 Materials Activity Product 1 Activity Product 2 Activity Product 3

(S4) (S4-A1) (S4-A2) (S4-A3)
Description:  S4A1 Power point Identify proper attire for food Demonstrate how to place Identify proper handling of
Set a table and serve in a  S4A1 Proper Attire WS service silverware in the correct place food and equipment when
sanitary way  “How to Set a Table” from serving
Materials:  S4A3 Proper Handling of Food
EASY at Work video and Equipment PPT
Power point  S4A3 a and b Proper Handling in
Food Service WS
 S4A3c Table Setting Scorecard

Section 4: Set a table and serve in a sanitary way

Activity 1: View PowerPoint S4A1 Proper Attire for Food Service.

S4A1 worksheet: label why this person has proper attire for a food service worker.

Activity 2: Watch EASY at Work: Unit 5, lesson 1 Bussing: This shows the busboy explaining how to set a table and other duties of
a busboy.

Read “How to Set a Table” from (

Students complete worksheet that shows proper placement of knife, fork, spoon, plate, napkin, glass. (Or have students do with
actual items.)

Activity 3: View power point S4A3 “Proper Handling of Food and Equipment”.
S4A3a Worksheet: Students put an X on the improper practice for food service workers.
S4A3b Worksheet: Students match the sentence to the right picture showing proper handling of food or equipment for food
S4A3c Scorecard: Teacher demonstrates setting the table 2 times. Students mark the score card.

Section Product 5 Materials Activity Product 1 Activity Product 2 Activity Product 3

(S5) (S5-A1) (S5-A2) (S5-A3)
Description:  Easy at Work Unit 4, lesson Put the steps for dishwashing Fill in chart of proper uses for Research on the internet
Match cleaning products to  S5A1a Dishwashing poster in food service in order different cleaning products "green" cleaning products
use  S5A1a Manual Dishwashing WS
 S5A1b Manual Dishwashing WS
Materials:  S5A1c Match the Word WS
EASY at Work  Ventures 1 Unit 9
 S5A2a Cleaners info WS
 S2A2b Matching WS
 S2A2c Cleaners cut/paste WS
 S5A3 Eco-friendly WS

Section 5: Match cleaning products to use

Activity 1: Watch EASY at Work: Unit 4, lesson 2 Tells the duties of a dishwasher in an restaurant and reviews the dishwashing
S5A1a: Read together the dishwashing vocabulary sheet and Manual Dishwashing Procedure poster.
S5A1b: Label manual dishwashing terms and number the steps in the correct order.
S5A1c: Match the sentence to the picture.

Activity 2: Ventures 1: Unit 9 pp110-121. This chapter is on a family cleaning. The chapter gives vocabulary of cleaning actions and
cleaning equipment.
S5A2a: Read together the Cleaners information sheet. Teachers can use “Google images” to show pictures of unfamiliar
S5A2b: Match the cleaning product to the job.
S5A2c: Cut and paste to fill in the chart.

Activity 3:
S5A3: Discuss precautions to be taken with cleaning products. Talk about eco-friendly cleaning products.
Chart toxic vs. non-toxic.
Choose an internet site and write three ways to be eco-friendly.

Final Product Materials Final Product Description

Safely prepare and serve FP Easy Stir Fry PPT Divide the students into four groups. These will simulate restaurant jobs: cook,
a stir fry meal prep cook, server, and dishwasher.
 Recipe A. Students clean, cut, and prepare chicken. They do recipe instructions 1 – 3.
 Ingredients for recipe
 Four table settings B. Student clean cut and prepare vegetables. They do recipe instructions 4 – 6.
 Three dishpans and dish rack with mat,
detergent, sanitizer, dishwashing gloves C. Students prepare and set the table.

D. Students wash, rinse, sanitize, and air dry dishes

Enjoy the meal together.

After cleaning up, write a summary of your job. Give your job title and the actions
you did to participate.

Final Product: Safely prepare and serve a stir-fry meal

Watch the power point on Easy Stir Fry made from:

Divide the students into four groups. These will simulate restaurant jobs: cook, prep cook, server, and dishwasher.

A. Students clean, cut, and prepare chicken. They do recipe instructions 1 – 3.

B. Student clean cut and prepare vegetables. They do recipe instructions 4 – 6.

C. Students prepare and set the table.

D. Students wash, rinse, sanitize, and air dry dishes.

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