Growing Up With Home Economics and Livelihood Education. FNB Educational, Inc

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Lesson Plan in TLE 6

Allocating Budget for

I. Objectives Basic and Social
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in
managing family resources.
B. Performance Standards Manages family resources applying the principles
of home management.
C. Learning Competencies / A. Allocates budget for basic and social needs
Objectives such as:
i. food and clothing
ii. shelter and education
iii. social needs: social, and moral
obligations (birthdays, baptisms, etc.),
family activities, school affairs
iv. savings/emergency budget (health, house, repair)
B. Applies the principles of managing family resources.
II. Learning Content
a. Lesson Title Allocating budget for basic and social needs
such as:
a) food and clothing
b) shelter and education
c) social needs: social, and moral obligations (birthdays, baptisms,
d) family activities, school affairs savings/emergency budget (health,
house, repair)
b. Lesson Integration Constructs a pie graph based on a given set of data. (M6SP-IVe-2.6)
c. Learning THE VI Teacher’s Manual. 1991.pp. 23-24
Resources/References Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, J.P. (2014)
Growing up with Home Economics and
Livelihood Education. FNB Educational, Inc.
Learners’ Materials pp.
d. Materials Felt Tip Pens
pictures from internet
Slide decks
Meta Cards
III. Learning Development/Activities
A. Reviewing previous lesson What are the basic needs of the family?
The basic needs of a family are food, clothing, shelter, education, etc.
How do you differentiate needs and wants?
A need is a requirement for survival, e.g., breathable air. A want is a desire.
It may be the desire for a need (e.g., a choking person generally wants to
be able to breathe) or for something not needed for survival, such as
chocolate or a new car.
How are these needs meet?

The teacher prepares a chart of two columns on the board. One column
has the heading NEEDS. The other column has the heading WANTS.
Randomly distribute met cards containing a list of needs and wants. Ask
the learners to post the met cards on the board. Ask the learner to
explain/defend his/her choice.
B. Establishing Interest of the What happens if family expenses exceed family income?
Lesson There will be shortage of budget and allocation in acquiring basic needs.
What are the benefits of saving money?
The benefits of saving money are helps in emergencies, gives financial
freedom, limits debt, etc.
C. Presenting Concept of the New Show a video of different items/situations.

D. Discussing new concepts and What is the video all about?

practicing new skills #1 The video is all about allocating budget for basic and social needs.

What is family income/resources?

The primary  income  and receipts from other sources received by

all  family  members during the reference period, as participants in any
economic activity or as recipients of transfers, pensions, grants, interests,
food, and non-food items received as gifts by the  family.

What is managing family resources?

Resource management  is the process in which individuals and  families  use

what they must get what they want. It begins with thinking and planning
and ends with the evaluation of actions taken. Through choices, individuals
and  families  define their lives and influence the lives of others.

What are the basic needs? Social needs?

How do we apply the principles of managing family income?

The basic principles in managing family income are organizing your

finances and spending less than you earn. List all the basic needs including
some of the socials needs essential for a living then allocate an amount of
money to acquire your needs base on your income.

What happens if there is overspending family income?

If there is an overspending of family income, it could result to shortage and

increase of debts and loans.

Do you think allocating budget for basic needs and social needs is
important? why?

By means of budgeting, the family can properly allot the income. A family
should have a knowledge of family budgeting to know how much is spent
for family needs and where the income goes. Through family budgeting,
the members will learn to spend wisely, save regularly, participate in
family matters more actively with the maximum benefit from the wise use
of resources, like time, energy, and abilities.
E. Discussing new concepts and Present a situation about managing and allocating family income resources.
practicing new skills#2 Present a chart on allocating budget of basic and social needs. Call the
pupils to write budget allocation they desire for each of the basic and social

Mr. and Mrs. Castro are an average earner for about earning Php 30, 000.00
a month. They are both working in a private company. They have 3
children, and both went to public elementary schools. They are currently
renting a house and
Basic and Social Needs Budget Allocation continue saving money
Food for the house construction
next year. Mrs. Castro is
best in allocating budget
House Rental for basic and social needs.
Complete the chart below
Monthly Bills (electricity, to show the best practice
water, internet of family Castro in
Budget Allocation.
Savings (special occasion)
Savings (House
Savings (emergencies)

F. Developing Mastery Group the pupils into 3.

(Performance Tasks) Remind the pupils about the rubric in assessing group activities.
Also remind the pupils of Covid 19 Health protocols.
Let the pupils choose a reporter from group members.

Group 1: Using a Pie Graph, allocate a budget for basic and social needs
such as food and clothing, shelter and education, social needs: social and
moral obligations (birthdays, baptisms, etc.) family activities, school affairs
and savings/ emergency budget, house repair based on your family
Math Integration: Interpreting Data using graphs.
Group 2:
Create a family resources/income management plan of a family of 4
members with Php 18,000.00 income a month.
Create MS Excel Template using your laptop.
Use the template below.

Integration within curriculum: Creating MS Excel Template

Group 3:
As a student, you are given weekly allowance by your parents for everyday
school activities. Identify your needs as a student and create a simple
budget allocation to sustain your allowance within a week.
G. Finding practical applications Aside from what was mentioned, can you think of other factors that need
of concepts and skills in daily to be considered when budgeting? Explain.
living Other factors that need to be considered in budgeting are your income
structure, spending habits and your personality.
H. Generalizing and abstractions How do you allocate budget of your basic and social needs?
about the lesson By means of budgeting, the family can properly allot the income. A family
should have a knowledge of family budgeting to know how much is spent
for family needs and where the income goes. Through family budgeting,
the members will learn to spend wisely, save regularly, participate in
family matters more actively with the maximum benefit from the wise use
of resources, like time, energy, and abilities.

As a family member, how will you contribute to help your parents save an
amount of money?
I would contribute to being thrifty and save some amount from allowances
to help my parents to save an amount of money.
IV. Evaluating Learning Direction: Encircle the correct answer to each question.
1. Goods or services that are necessary for living such as food, clothing,
shelter is called _______________.
a. Needs b. Wants c. leisure d. expenditure
2. Which of the following is considered as social needs?
a. house b. outings c. clothing d. savings
3. Which of the following events/ situations can be allocate the savings of
the family?
a. water bill b. spending vacation
c. hospitalization d. eating in a restaurant
4. Why is it important to save some of the family’s income?
a. to have an extra money to buy a car
b. to have a lot of money to be shown into your relatives
c. To have an extra money to spend in case of emergency.
d. To buy toys for the kids
5. Which of the following is not consider in effective implementing of the
a. Buy all our wants
b. Choose a simple lifestyle
c. Recycle or reuse materials
d. Inform all family members about the family budget.
V. Assignment Make a simple budget allocation of basic needs of your family income.

Prepared by:

Teacher III



Master Teacher II School Head

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