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S/n Tab Name Information Remarks

Include Do and Don't and terms used by
1 General Info (綜合咨詢網) General Information on Taiwan tour
2 Weather Information (氣象網) Information on Typhoon and Earthquake Include weather information
3 Itinerary (旅行指南) Information on various itineraries Include planning tips and tour routes
Information on Taiwan holidays and various activities
4 Fun 365 (台灣好好玩) Include different types of fruits
held at different place
Include the altitude, temperature and
5 Mountain Recreation (高山情) Information on various mountain recreation areas
Tourist Attractions VS MRT Line (捷運 Information on various attraction and the nearest MRT Include attractions at Taipei country which
趴趴走) station under took by Train service
Include bus fares, timing and coach
7 Tour Bus Guide (台灣趴趴走) Information on various tour bus line
Include night market foods and local
8 Taiwan Goodies (台灣製造) Information on souvenirs and local products
9 Hotel Guide (住宿) Information on Accommodation Include homestay and hot spring resort
10 Hot Spring (溫泉樂透透) Information on Hot Springs Include hot spring type and ℃
11 Taipei/Keelung (台北/基隆) Information on Taipei and Keelung Include Taipei County information
12 Taoyuan (桃園) Information on Taoyuan Include farm tour info
13 Hsinchu (新竹) Information on Hsinchu Include Smangus Village
14 Miaoli (苗栗) Information on Miaoli Include stawberry picking information
15 Taichung (台中) Information on Taichung NIL
16 Changhua (彰化) Information on Changhua Include Lugang town
17 Nantou (南投) Information on Nantou Include Sun Moon Lake information
18 Yunlin (雲林) Information on Yunlin NIL
19 Chaiyi (嘉義) Information on Chaiyi Include Alishan information
20 Tainan (台南) Information on Tainan NIL
21 Kaohsiung (高雄) Information on Kaoshiung Include Cijin
22 Pingtung (屏東) Information on Pingtung Include offshore island -Liuqiu
23 Hengchun/Kenting (恆春/墾丁) Information on Hengchun and Kenting NIL
24 Yilan (宜蘭) Information on Yilan NIL
25 Hualien (花蓮) Information on Hualien Include Taroko Gorge information
Include offshore island -Green island and
26 Taitung (台東) Information on Taitung
Orchid island
Include various island under Penghu
27 Penghu (澎湖群岛) Information on Penghu
Include various island under Matsu
28 Matsu Islands (馬祖群島) Information on Matsu Islands
29 Kinmen (金門) Information on Kinmen Include small Kinmen-Leiyu
Tips in traveling in Taiwan

Never refer Taiwan as part of China (Taiwan is a self-ruling country)

Never make fun of Mr. Sun Yat Sun, Mr. Chiang Kai Shek and Mr. Chiang Ching Kuo
Never comment on their polities (You never know who belong to which party)
When in doubt or lost in directions, approach friendly Taiwanese for help
Till date, Taiwan still use Minguo (民國) calendar. To convert a Minguo date to A.D., just add 11
Don’t act smart (Taiwanese also know English, if possible speak Mandarin or Taiwanese Hokkien)
Starhub mobile user can call Taiwan directly by dialing…018886 follow by Taiwan number (omitting the zero)
Purchase a prepaid card (中華電信-Chunghwa Telecom,台灣大哥大-Taiwanmoblie) at airport [cheaper rates]
Always Q-up while boarding their MRT (Taipei/ Kaohsiung Metro)
Always keep to your right while taking the escalator especially taking Taipei Metro/Kaohsiung Metro (Left lane is for fast moving personnel)
Eating and drinking is strictly not allowed in MRT
Tourists can maps/informations of various places of attractions at airports, train stations, MRT stations and tourist centers
Tourists using 1 day ticket for Taipei/Kaohsiung MRT are reminded to return back the ticket before leaving Taiwan (Deposit refunded back)
Just say “No” to any taxi drivers if you are not taking cabs
Always ask how the taxi fare is charged before boarding (Even they are using the meter)
Cabs and hotels usually are easily available near train stations area
Cheap hotels usually are rated $1.5k (NT) and above
Taiwan public transport might be a liability in some remote mountainous area, tourists are encouraged to rent car
Taiwan vehicles are left-handed drive, tourists should familiar yourself with left-hand driving and Taiwan roads
While international license is being recognized in Taiwan, some car rental might not accept it
A simple rejection to all porters around airport/ train stations unless you really need their service
Do not need to give any tips to the porters or anyone
Friday and Saturday are considered weekends (Hotels price, Train ticket price, Theme park Q-up timing might be higher)
Minsu generally will cost more expensive than hotels
Book early for your hotel if you are staying over the weekends
Book early for your train ticket if you are traveling over the weekends
Hotel room key are to be return to reception for safekeeping whenever you go out
Always carry the hotel/minsu namecard with you in case of emergency
Beware of pickpockets when touring night markets
Never ask for a discount if you are not interested in buying that item
Should you need to withdraw money, ATMs can be found in most 24hrs convenience shops
When withdrawing money, the figures shown on the ATMs monitor is in New Taiwan Dollar (NT$) (DIY your own Conversion)
Prepare yourself enough cash as most of the shops/night markets don`t accept credit card
Always keep some small notes or coins (They come useful during your night market tour)
Plastic bags are not free. Either you bought it or you don’t have it
Water in Taiwan is not purified, drinking water is recommended to be boiled before consuming
If you are dining in fast food restaurant, pls clear your own table before you leave
In most eating house, drinks are kept inside refrigerator (self-serviced, and pay your bills accordingly)
Taiwan electric outlets uses a 2 plug with a 110v (mini transformer might be needed for certain appliances)
Taiwan electric outlets do not have a ON/OFF switch (Got to be careful when plugging your charger)
Mountainous areas usually experience a drop in temperature from 5-10℃
Hang around town/village area after dark when touring countryside area
Set off early wihle touring mountainous area, as Taiwan sun set very early
Tourists who are touring mountainous areas or offshore islands should prepare adequate clothing and personnel medicine
Tourists who don't wish to check in airport with a heavy luggage can air freight their items back by using post office freighting service

General terms used in Taiwan

台灣桃園國際機場/中正機場-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport/CKS Airport

松山機場/台北機場-Songshan Airport/Taipei Airport
小港機場/高雄機場-Siaogang Airport/Kaoshiung Airport
高鐵-Taiwan High speed Train
台鐵-Taiwan Railway
台北捷運-Taipei MRT
高雄捷運-Kaohsiung MRT
客運-Express Bus (Travel longer distance)
公車-City Bus (Within City and shorter distance)
派出所-Police Post
太平洋百貨-SOGO Department store
伊勢丹百貨-Isetan Department store
大遠百-FE Mega 21 Department Store
美體小舖-The Body Shop
便利店/便利超商- 24hrs convenience shops (7-11, FamilyMart, Hi-Life, OK-MART)
Seven 便利店-7-11
證件-Documents (Identity card, Passport etc)
付現-Pay Cash
跳表-by meter (use when taking taxi)
定價-Fixed price
平價-Flat rate (often used during holiday season such as Chinese New Year)
最低消費- The minimum amount need to be pay by the comsumer (can be by a single or group consumer,depend on the shop)
清潔費-Cleaning charge (usually found on Pubs/KTV receipts)
泡湯-Having hot springs
便當-A packed meal (usually consists of rice, meat and vegetables)
內用-Dine in
住宿-Overnight Stay
寒流-refer to cold air blowing down from north china)

Transport Information

Tourists can get around Taiwan and offshore islands by 3 main means of transports

Land - High Speed Train (Bullet Train), Railway (Train), MRT, Express Bus, City Bus, Taxis, and Car Rental

Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (台灣高鐵)

Taiwan Railways Administration (臺灣鐵路局)

Taipei Metro (台北捷運)

Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (高雄捷運)

Ho Hsin Bus Service (和欣客運)
Aloha Bus service (阿羅哈客運)

Kuo Kuang Bus Service (國光客運)

United Bus Company Ltd (統聯客運)

Dragon Bus Corporation (尊龍客運)

Free Go Bus (飛狗巴士)

Taipei City Bus Service

Taxi fares in all major cities are set by local city government itself and are in a minor discrepancy
Out-of-town or long-distance travels may not apply to meter charge

Car Rental
Tourists who preferred driving around can opted for a car rental service
International Driving Permit (IDP) is valid for 1 year
Tourists must have a valid International Driving Permit (IDP)
Tourists can apply for a International Driving Permit (IDP) at Automobile Association of Singapore

VIP CAR RENTAL CO., LTD. (嘉賓小客車租賃有限公司)

CARPLUS Auto Leasing Co (格上汽車租賃股份有限公司)

Easyrent (和運租車)

Air - Domestic flights

Uni Air (立榮航空)

TransAsia Airways (復興航空)

Mandarin Airlines (華信航空)

Daily Air Corporation (德安航空)

Sea - Ferry

Weather Information
While Taiwan is not a 4 seasons country, the winter can be bitter cold and high mountains do snow
Tourist are touring Taiwan during summer are advised to keep an eye on weather forecast on typhoon (Jun-Aug)
Tourist are advised to wear warm clothes when touring Taiwan during winter (Dec to Mar)
Taiwan has a average temperature of 22℃, recorded temperatures can be as high as 38℃ and lowest as 12℃ respectively
Weather conditions fluctuate the highest during spring and winter
Heavy rainy season from January to May
Hot and humid weather from June to September
With the exception of a few mountain areas where some traces of snow can be found during winter, no snow can be seen throughout Taiwan.
During summer (June to August) typhoons sometimes reach the island.

Typhoon Guide

Sea warning will be issued when typhoon's radius is anticipated to touch the 100 km sea area of Taiwan in 24 hours (34 knots or greater)
Land warning will be issued when typhoon's radius is anticipated to touch the 100 km sea area of Taiwan in 18 hours (34 knots or greater)
Stay tuned for latest news from TV/radio reports (Local authority reserved the rights to impose typhoon OFF day within their county/city)
The sea or land warning will be renewed every 3 hrs
Do not go near seaside/beach areas (Offenders can be fined and jailed under Taiwan law)
Once the typhoon OFF day had been implemented by the local authority, it is strongly recommended to stay indoors
Should you happen to be touring seaside/beachs areas, stay clear from them
Seek advise from the hotels/minsu owners if you still wish to continue your tour (Cancel your tour if possible)
Prepare enough drinkable water and food (biscuits, bread etc) if you are forced to stay indoors
Get back to hotels/minsu immediately should you happen to be outdoor
Return back to hotels/minsu immediately if you are at mountainous areas
Move to higher grounds if you are struck in mountainous areas
Beware of landslides when moving to higher grounds
Beware of flooding especially near rivers, canals, ponds etc
Do not use urmbella (wear raincoat if needed)
It is strongly recommended to seek advise from the Taiwanese when dealing with typhoon

Earthquake Guide

Run out of the building if possible

Make sure the entrance door is open if you are unable to get out of the building
Do not rush for the doorways if you are unable to to get out of the building in time
While getting out of the building, do not use elevators
Try to wear leather shoes or boots to avoid being hurt by broken window glass or other sharp objects.
Quickly duck under the table or any sturdy piece of furniture
Grab a cushion to protect your head if you are unable to duck under the table
Stay away from windows (Glass falls apart by shakiness)
Do not enter building immediately (There might be aftershocks)
Stand in an open area
Stay away from buildings that are still under construction
Stay away from beaches and ports in case tsunami should happen.
Follow emergency management officials' instructions to evacuate.
It is strongly recommended to seek advise from the Taiwanese when dealing with earthquake
Tips in planning itinerary

Book your air ticket 1st so that you can allocate your program for the 1st and last day
Plan your route in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction to maximize your time
Include an overnight stay in mountain areas such as Alishan or Cingjing Farm
Only Taipei, Banqiao and Zuoying station are integrated as 3 in 1 station (MRT, Railway and HSR)
As High Speed Train only travel on the western side of Taiwan, more time is needed on transportation on eastern Taiwan
When allocating time needed for an attraction, remember to include the travelling time as well
If planning to visit offshore islands, pls check ferry/flights timing and advance booking of accommodation beforehand

Tour route

To minimize time loss due to excess traveling, try to tour attractions that are nearby each other

Taipei County + Keelung City

Yeliu, Keelung City, Qingtong, Pingsi, Shifen, Jinguashi, Jiufen, Miaokou Night Market

Taipei City 1
CKS Memorial Hall, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei 101, Wufenpu, Raohe Night Market

Taipei City 2
National Palace Museum, Shilin Official Residence, Taipei Martyrs Shrine, Taiwan Storyland, Ningxia Night Market

Taipei City 3
Tamsui Customs Officer's Residence, Danshui Old Street, Fisherman's Wharf, Hell Valley, Beitou Hot Spring, Shilin Night Market

Taipei City 4
Taipei Zoo, Maokong Gondola, Core Pacific City, Miniatures Museum of Taiwan, Miramar Shopping Mall, LiaoNing Night Market

Taipei City 5
Taipei East Zone, GuangHua Electronics Market, Taipei underground Market, Ximending, Huaxi Night Market

Taipei City 6
Wulai, Bitan Scenic Area, Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park, Gongkuan Night Market

Taipei City 7
Tianmu, Taipei New World Shopping Center, Taipei East Zone, Shida Night Market

Tainan City 1
Koxinya's Shrine, Fort Provintia, Tainan Confucius Temple, Jhongjhen Commercial Area

Tainan City 2
Anping Fort, Yenping Old Street, Anping Minor Artillery Fort, Anping Tree House, Deji Trading House

Tainan City 3
Eternal Fortress, Lin Moniang Park, Historic Harborside Park, Anping Fisherman's Wharf

Kaohsiung City 1
85 SKYTOWER, Kaohsiung Shopping District, Shinkuchan Shopping District, Ruifeng Night Market

Kaohsiung City 2
Former British Consulate, Sizihwan, Love River, Shinkuchan Shopping District

Kaohsiung City
Cijin island, Former British Consulate, Sizihwan, Fisherman's Wharf

Sihjhongsi Hot Spring, Hengchun Town, Chuhuo, kenting Street

Taroko Gorge, Clear Water Cliff, Cisingtan Scenic Area, Stone Handicraft Street, Nan-bin Night Market

Sample Itinerary

Day 1-Arrival at Taiwan (Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport)

Check in hotel
Dinner and shopping at Shilin Night Market
Back to hotel
From airport bus interchange take Kuokuang bus ( 國光客運) to Taipei Main Station (台北車站)
Purchase a single trip ticket to the nearest station where your hotel is

Day 2-TianMu Shopping Circle, Taipei 101, New York Shoping Center, Taipei East Zone, Taipei Underground Mall, Ximending
Spend the rest of the day shopping at various shopping mall
Settle dinner at any night markets
Purchase a 1 day ticket at MRT customer service counter
Refer to Taipei guide for various tourist attractions

Day 3-Fort San Domingo, Beitou Hot Spring, Danshui Old Street, Miramar Shopping Mall
Enjoy hot spring at Beitou area
Purchase ferry ticket to get to Lover's Bridge
Settle dinner at any night markets
Purchase a 1 day ticket at MRT customer service counter
Refer to Taipei guide for various tourist attractions

Day 4-CKS Memorial Hall, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Hoping Island, Jiufen, Miaokou Night Market
Check out the changing of Sentry at CKS Memorial Hall (1st detail at 0900hrs with changing parade every 2 hrs hereafter)
Settle a cheap n fresh seafood lunch at hoping island
Be at Jiufen around 4-5pm
Settle dinner Miaokou night market
Purchase a single trip ticket to CKS Memorial Hall and Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall
Purchase a Train Ticket at Taipei Railway Station to Keelung
Take cab to Hoping Island and cab to Jiufen after lunch

Day 5-Bitan Special Scenic Area, Wulai, any other Shopping Malls
Purchase a 1 day ticket at MRT customer service counter
Refer to Taipei guide for various tourist attractions

Day 6-Sanxia Old Street, Shenkeng Old Street

Purchase a 1 day ticket at MRT customer service counter
Refer to Taipei guide for various tourist attractions

Day 7-Depart at Taiwan (Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport)

Check out hotel
Hang around Taipei Main Station area
Take bus back to airport


Sample Itinerary timing is based on Jetstar flight

Cost are estimated and might be different from the actual pricings
All costs are estimated using an exchange rate of $1SGD : $20NT

Est Cost
Air Ticket - $10000NT/$500SGD (Depend on airline)
Accommodation - $12000NT/$600SGD (Depend on hotel)
1 Day ticket - $200NT/$10SGD (per pax/per day)
Ferry ticket to Fisherman's Wharf - $100NT/$5SGD (per pax)
Transport to/fro between Taipei Main Station and Airport - $260NT/$13SGD (per pax)
Transport to/fro between Taipei Main Station and Keelung - $200/$10SGD (per pax)
Transport to/fro between Keelung Train Station and Hoping Island- $200NT/$10SGD (per cab)
Transport to/fro between Keelung Train Station and Jiufen- $400NT/$20SGD (per cab)
Taipei 101 observatory – $400NT/$20SGD (per pax)
Ferries Wheel at Miramar Shopping Center – $150NT/$7.50SGD (per pax)

Itinerary of 5 days Taipei Tour

Day 1 -Arrival @ TTIA #Rest & Relax (Hotel @ XMD)

Day 2 -Taipei 101, CKS Memorial hall, Guang Hua Electronic Market, Taipei East Zone, Raohe night market

Day 3 – YMS, Beitou, Danshui (Fisherman wharf, Lover Bridge), Miramar Ferris wheel, Shilin night market

Day 4 – North coast, Jiu Fen, Keelung, Miaokou night market

Day 5 – Return home (CKS airport)

Itinerary of 7 days Taipei + Alishan Tour

Day 1 –Arrival @ TTIA #Rest & Relax (Hotel @ XMD)

Day 2 - Beitou, YMS, Danshui (Fisherman wharf, Lover Bridge), Miramar Ferris wheel, Shlin night market

Day 3 – Taipei 101, CKS Memorial hall, Guang Hua Electronic Market, Taipei East Zone, Night market (less Shilin)
[midnight traveling to chaiyi]

Day 4 – Uptrain to Alishan

Day 5 – Downtrain to chiayi, Shopping @ Fen Chi Hu. [Midnight traveling to Taipei]

Day 6 – North coast, Jiu Fen, Keelung, Miaokou night market

Day 7 - Return home (CKS airport)

Itinerary of 7 days Alishan +Tainan +Kaoshiung Tour

Day 1 –Arrival @ TTIA #Rest & Relax (Hotel @ Chungli)

Day 2 – Uptrain to Alishan [midnight traveling to chaiyi]

Day 3 – Downtrain to chiayi, shopping @ Fen Chi Hu. [Stay @ Chaiyi or Tainan depend]
Day 4 – Tainan city, Anping Fortress, Fort Provintia

Day 5 –Shopping @ Kaoshiung City, sunset view @ Xi Zi Bay, stroll @ Love River

Day 6 – Kenting + Hengchun (free & easy) [Midnight traveling to Taipei]

Day 7 - Return home (CKS airport)

Itinerary of 7 days Taipei + Hualien + Keelung Tour

Day 1 –Arrival @ TTIA #Rest & Relax (Hotel @ XMD)

Day 2 – Taipei 101, New York Shopping centre, Ding Tai Feng, XMD

Day 3 – YMS, Beitou, Danshui (Fisherman wharf, Lover Bridge), Miramar Ferris wheel, Shilin night market

Day 4 –Hualien

Day 5 –Hualien

Day 6 –Shifen waterfalls, Jiufen, Keelung

Day 7 - Return home (CKS airport)

Itinerary of 7 days Taipei + Taichung + Keelung Tour

Day 1 –Arrival @ TTIA #Rest & Relax (Hotel @ XMD)

Day 2 –Sun Moon Lake

Day 3 –Taichung

Day 4 –Shifen waterfalls, Jiufen, Keelung

Day 5 –Taipei 101, New York Shopping centre, Ding Tai Feng, XMD

Day 6 – YMS, Beitou, Danshui (Fisherman wharf, Lover Bridge), Miramar Ferris wheel, Shilin night market

Day 7 - Return home (CKS airport)

Itinerary of 7 days Taipei + Hualien Tour

Day 1 –Arrival @ TTIA #Rest & Relax (Hotel @ XMD)

Day 2 –Sun Moon Lake

Day 3 –Hualien

Day 4 –Hualien

Day 5 – YMS, Beitou, Danshui (Fisherman wharf, Lover Bridge), Miramar Ferris wheel, Shilin night market

Day 6 – Taipei 101, New York Shopping centre, Ding Tai Feng, XMD

Day 7 - Return home(CKS airport)

Itinerary of 7 days Alishan + Kaoshiung + Pingtung Tour

Day 1 –Arrival @ TTIA #Rest & Relax (Hotel @ Chungli) [midnight traveling to chaiyi]

Day 2 – Uptrain to Alishan

Day 3 – Downtrain to chiayi, Shopping @ Fen Chi Hu. [Stay @ Chaiyi or Kaoshiung]

Day 4 –Shopping @ Kaoshiung City, Cijin scenic area, sunset view @ Xi Zi Bay, stroll @ Love River Liuho night market
(Hotel @ Kaohsiung)

Day 5 –Seafood lunch @ DongGang, Little Liouciou, dinner @ Pingtung night market (Midnight traveling to Chungli)
Day 6 – Shopping @ chungli city

Day 7 - Return home (CKS airport)

Itinerary of 7 days Kaoshiung +Taitung + offshore island (Green island or Orchid island)

Day 1 –Arrival @ TTIA #Rest & Relax (Hotel @ Chungli) [midnight traveling to Kaohsiung]

Day 2 – Shopping @ Kaoshiung City, Cijin scenic area, sunset view @ Xi Zi Bay, stroll Love River, Liuho night market
(Hotel @ Kaoshiung)

Day 3 – Jhihben National Forest Recreation Area, Jhihben hot spring, Amis Folk Culture

Day 4 –Green island or Orchid island (Hotel @ island)

Day 5 – Beinan Cultural Park (Return Kaoshiung and midnight travel back to chungli)

Day 6 – Shopping @ chungli city

Day 7 - Return home (CKS airport)

Fun in Taiwan 365 台灣好好玩
S/n Activities Location Date Remarks
Founding of Republic of China (中華民國開國
1 Founding Day (元旦) Whole Taiwan 1st Jan
Retrocession Day (臺灣光復 To commemorate the end of 50 years of
2 Whole Taiwan 25th Oct
節) Japanese colonial rule
Peace Memorial Day (228紀
3 Whole Taiwan 28th Feb Commemorated as Peace Memorial Day
Revolution Martyrs Day (革 To commemorate Guangzhou
4 Whole Taiwan 29th Mar
命先烈紀念日) Huanghuagang Uprising (廣州黃花崗)
To commemorate Wuchang Uprising (紀念
5 National Day (國慶日) Whole Taiwan 10th Oct
6 Chinese New Year (春節) Whole Taiwan 1st day of 1st lunar month Chinese New Year
7 Lantern Festival (元宵節) Whole Taiwan 15th day of 1st lunar month 2nd New Year celebrated by Taiwanese
Sky Lantern Festival (平溪 Around Chinese New Year
8 Pingsi Township (Taipei) Celebrated by Taiwanese and Tourists
天燈節) period (date might vary)
Beehive Fireworks Festival Commemorates a cholera epidemic more
9 Yanshui Township (Tainan) 15th day of 1st lunar month
(鹽水蜂炮) than a century ago
Bombing Master Han Dan
10 Taitung County 15th day of 1st lunar month Celebrated by Taiwanese
Penghu Ocean Fireworks Baisha Township and Siyu Around April to May (date might
11 To promote Penghu tourism
Festival (澎湖海上花火節) Township (Penghu) vary)

Xinyi Township (南投縣信義鄉),

12 Malahadisa (打耳祭) 3rd month of lunar calendar Celebrate by 布農族 (Bunun)
Yenping Township (台東縣延平鄉)
Flyingfishes Festivity (飛魚
13 Orchid Island (台東外海蘭嶼島) March to June Celebrate by 阿美族 (Yami)
Hualien and Taitung (花蓮縣與台東
14 Harvest Festival (豐年祭) July to August Celebrate by 達悟族 (Amis)
Dayi Township (新竹縣五峰鄉大隘
15 Pas-ta'ai (矮靈祭) 村), Donghe Towship (苗栗縣南庄 15th day of 10th lunar month Celebrate by 賽夏族 (Saisiat)
Base Township in Taitung (台東縣
16 Kuanian Festival (跨年祭) 12th Dec Celebrate by 賽夏族 (Puyuma)
Around March to April (date
17 Spring Scream (春天吶喊) Kenting Beach Celebrated by Taiwanese and Tourists
might vary)
18 Maple (楓葉) Nantou County October to December Aowanda (奧萬大)
19 Lotus (蓮花) Taoyuan county May to October Guanyin Township (觀音鄉)
20 Lotus (蓮花) Tainan county June to September Baihe Township (白河鎮)
Flower Season (梅花﹐杜鵑
21 Taipei City January to May Yangming Shan (陽明山國家公園)
Flower Season (櫻花﹐桃花 Taipei City January to May Yangming Shan (陽明山國家公園)
) Taipei County February to March Wulai (烏來)
Flower Season (梅花, 吉野 Alishan National Scenic Area (阿里山國家風
23 Chaiyi County February to March
櫻) 景區)
Dongshih Forest Recreation Park (東勢森林
Taichung County December to February
24 Flower Season (櫻花)
Aowanda (奧萬大), Puli Township (埔里鄉)
Nantou County December to February
and Lushan (廬山)
25 Orange Daylily (金針花) Taitung County August to September Taimali Township (太麻里鄉)

Luye Township (鹿野鄉), Jinfeng Township

26 Roselle Flower (洛神花) Taitung County October to November
(金峰鄉) and Taimali Township (太麻里鄉)
27 Flying Fish (飛魚) Taitung County April to June Sea territory around Taitung

Yilan County April to October Sea territory around Guishan Island (龜山島)
28 Whale Watching (鯨豚)
Hualien County June to September Sea territory around Hualien
Taitung County March to August Sea territory around Taitung
Luodong Township (羅東鎮) and Sanxing
Yilan County May to August
Township (三星鄉)
Hsinchu County May to August Hengshan Township (橫山鄉)
Dongshih Forest Recreation Park (東勢森林
Taichung County April to May
29 Firefly Watching (螢火蟲) 遊樂區)
Nantou County April to May Aowanda (奧萬大) and Lugu (鹿谷地區)
Tainan County April to September 曾文水庫
Jhihben National Forest Recreation Area (知
Taitung County March to May
本國家公園) and Crap Lake (鯉魚潭)
Miaoli county January to May 大湖觀光草莓園
30 Strawberry (草莓) Guoxing Township (國姓鄉)
Nantou County January to May
31 Wax Apple (蓮霧) Kaohsiung County May to August Qishan Township (旗山)
Tainan county Yujing Township (玉井鄉)
32 Mango (芒果) Kaohsiung County June to October Liugui Township (六龜鄉)
Pingtung County Fangshan Township (枋山鄉)
33 Sugar-apple (釋迦) Taitung County July to February All around Taitung County


Tourists are to take note of the different festivals and activities that take place during different month of the year
Mountain Recreation 高山情
S/n Mountains Attraction Ave Temperature (℃) Altitude (m) Remarks
Yushan National Park (玉山國 Might need permit for hiking
1 Impressive view of endless peaks 10 3467 - 3952
家公園) route
Nickname as Taiwan’s Little
2 Cingjing Farm (清境農場) Sheep shearing show, fruits farms 15 - 23 1750
Guanwu National Forest Fascinating with special
Impressive view of endless peaks, ocean of
3 Recreation Area (觀霧國家森林 13 1500 - 2500 clouds and mountainous
遊樂區) views
Taipingshan National Forest
Primeval Forest Park, largest alpine lake in
4 Recreation Area (太平山國家森 11 - 12 500 - 2000 Might snow during winter
Hehuanshan National Forest
5 Recreation Area (合歡山國家森 Snow, clouds of sea and sunrise 6 3000 - 3421 Might snow during winter
Aowanda Forest Recreation Ideal place for observing the changing autumn Famous for its beautiful
6 19 1200 - 1600
Area (奧萬大國家森林遊樂區) hues maple leaves

Dasyueshan National Forest

7 Recreational Area (大雪山國家 A variety of stunning views, clouds of sea 12 1000 - 2996 Famous for bird-watching
Basianshan National Forest
Numerous unique rugged rocks and pristine Taiwan Top Eight Scenic
8 Recreation Area (八仙山國家森 18 750 - 2424
emerald pines Destinations
Wuling National Forest Green Maples, varieties of
Ideal place for cotourism and environmental
9 Recreational Area (武陵森林遊 16 1800 - 3884 mountain vegetables and
樂區) fruits
Alishan National Forest
10 Recreation Area (阿里山國家森 Clouds of sea, sunrise, sunset, sacred tree 10.6 2200 - 2450 Might snow during winter
Tourist Attractions VS MRT Line (Taipei) 台北捷運趴趴走
S/n Place of Interest Station MRT Line Color
1 Jinshan Hot Spring (金山溫泉) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
Huogengzi Hot Spring (火庚子坪
2 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
Yangmingshan Hot Spring (陽明
3 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
4 Shin Kong Life Tower (新光大樓) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taipei
5 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
branch (新光三越)
Taipei New World Shopping
6 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
Center (台北新世界購物中心)
7 Nova Taipei (訊息廣場) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
Taipei underground Market (台北
8 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
9 Sanxia Old Street (三峽老街) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
Manyueyuan National Forest
10 Recreation Area (滿月圓森林遊樂 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
11 Sandiaojiao (三貂角) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
Tomb of Teresa Teng (鄧麗君之
12 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
Sanxia Qingshui Zushi Temple
13 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
14 Xingtian Temple (行天宮) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Interchange
15 Taipei East Zone (台北東區) Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) Interchange
16 Core Pacific City (京華城) Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) Interchange
17 Hsiaogongguan (小公館) Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) Interchange
18 Plush Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) Interchange
19 Eden Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) Interchange
Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall (中正紀念
20 CKS Memorial Hall (中正紀念堂) Interchange
National Museum of History (國立 Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall (中正紀念
21 Interchange
歷史博物館) 堂)
Taiwan Folk Arts Museum (北投
22 Xinbeitou (新北投) Interchange
Ketaglan Culture Center (凱達格
23 Xinbeitou (新北投) Interchange
Beitou Hot Spring Museum (北投
24 Xinbeitou (新北投) Interchange
25 Hell Valley (地熱谷) Xinbeitou (新北投) Interchange
26 The Red House (西門紅樓) Ximen (西門) BLUE
27 Ximending (西門町) Ximen (西門) BLUE
28 PartyWorld (錢櫃) Ximen (西門) BLUE
29 Gmixi 板南線/ BLUE
Ximen (西門)
30 Longshan Temple (龍山寺) Longshan Temple (龍山寺) BLUE
31 Huaxi Night Market (華西街夜市) Longshan Temple (龍山寺) BLUE
Xinzhuang Night Market (新莊夜 板南線/
32 Xinpu (新埔) BLUE
市) Bannan
Nanya Night Market (板橋南雅夜 板南線/
33 Fuzhong (府中) BLUE
市) Bannan
GuangHua Electronics Market (光 板南線/
34 Zhongxiao Xinsheng (忠孝新生) BLUE
華商場) Bannan
35 Pasoul Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化) BLUE
36 Louise Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化) BLUE
37 向 板南線/ BLUE
Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化)
38 Luxy Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化) BLUE
39 SOFA (沙發) Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化) BLUE
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall (國立 板南線/
40 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall (國父紀念館) BLUE
國父紀念館) Bannan
41 Taipei 101 (台北101) Taipei City Hall (市政府) BLUE
42 Room 18 (18號房) Taipei City Hall (市政府) BLUE
MINT BAR AND CLUB (台北101 板南線/
43 Taipei City Hall (市政府) BLUE
店) Bannan
44 ZIGA ZAGA Taipei City Hall (市政府) BLUE
45 Brown Sugar (黑糖餐廳) Taipei City Hall (市政府) BLUE
46 Lava Taipei City Hall (市政府) BLUE
47 Babe18 Taipei City Hall (市政府) BLUE
48 Primo Yongchun (永春) BLUE
49 Wufenpu (五分埔) Houshanpi (後山埤) BLUE
50 Red Castle (淡水紅樓中餐廳) Danshui (淡水) RED
Tamsui Customs Officer's
51 Residence (前清總稅務司公署官 Danshui (淡水) RED
52 Danshui Old Street (淡水老街) Danshui (淡水) RED
53 Fisherman's Wharf (漁人碼頭) Danshui (淡水) RED
54 Baisha Bay (白沙灣) Danshui (淡水) RED
55 Bali Left Bank (八 里 左 岸) Danshui (淡水) RED
56 Fugi Cape (富貴角公園) Danshui (淡水) RED
57 Fort San Domingo (聖多明哥城) Danshui (淡水) RED
58 Huwei Fort (滬尾砲台) Danshui (淡水) RED
59 Formosa Fun Coast (八仙海岸) Danshui (淡水) RED
Shihsanhang Museum of 淡水線/
60 Guandu (關渡) RED
Archaeology (十三行博物館) Danshui
61 Guandu Wharf 關渡碼頭 Guandu (關渡) RED
62 Guandu Temple (關渡宮) Guandu (關渡) RED
Yang Ming Shan National Park 淡水線/
63 Beitou (北投) RED
(陽明山國家公園) Danshui
64 Phoenix Hot Spring (鳳凰溫泉) Beitou (北投) RED
Hushan Hot Spring A (湖山里溫泉 淡水線/
65 Beitou (北投) RED
A) Danshui
Hushan hot spring B (湖山里溫泉 淡水線/
66 Beitou (北投) RED
B) Danshui
67 Shamao Mountain (紗帽山溫泉) Beitou (北投) RED
68 Xingyilu Hot Spring (行義路溫泉) Beitou (北投) RED
69 Huangxi Hot Spring (磺溪溫泉) Beitou (北投) RED
70 Machao Hot Spring (馬槽溫泉) Beitou (北投) RED
71 Beitou Hot Spring (北投溫泉) Beitou (北投) RED
TianMu Shopping Circle (天母商 淡水線/
72 Shipai (石牌) RED
場) Danshui
73 Zhishan Fortifications (芝山岩) Zhishan (芝山) RED
Shilin Official Residence (士林官 淡水線/
74 Shilin (士林) RED
邸) Danshui
National Palace Museum (國立故 淡水線/
75 Shilin (士林) RED
宮博物院) Danshui
Shung Ye Museum of Formosan 淡水線/
76 Shilin (士林) RED
Aborigines (順益原住民博物館) Danshui
77 Shilin Night Market (市林夜市) Jiantan (劍潭) RED
78 Taiwan Storyland (台湾故事馆) Yuanshan (圓山) RED
Taipei Confucius Temple (臺北市 淡水線/
79 Yuanshan (圓山) RED
孔廟) Danshui
Taipei Martyrs Shrine (台北忠烈祠 淡水線/
80 Yuanshan (圓山) RED
) Danshui
81 Dadaocheng Wharf (大稻埕碼頭) Shuanglian (雙連) RED
82 Ningxia Night Market (寧夏夜市) Shuanglian (雙連) RED
83 Wax Guting (古亭) ORANGE
84 Lehua Night Market (樂華夜市) Yongan Market (永安市場) ORANGE
85 Global Mall (環球購物中心) Jingan (景安) ORANGE
86 Xingnan Night Market (興南夜市) Nanshijiao (南勢角) ORANGE
National Taiwan Museum (國立臺 National Taiwan University Hospital (台大 新店線/
灣博物館) 醫院) Xindian
88 Shida Night Market (師大夜市) Taipower Building (台電大樓) GREEN
Gongkuan Night Market (公館夜 新店線/
89 Gongguan (公館) GREEN
市) Xindian
90 Shenkeng Old Street (深坑老街) Jingmei (景美) GREEN
91 JingMei Night Market (景美夜市) Jingmei (景美) GREEN
Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial
92 and Cultural Park (景美人權文化 Dapinglin(大坪林) GREEN
Wulai Atayal Museum (烏來泰雅 新店線/
93 Xindian (新店) GREEN
民族博物館) Xindian
Bitan Special Scenic Area (碧潭風 新店線/
94 Xindian (新店) GREEN
景區) Xindian
95 Wulai Hot Spring (烏來溫泉) Xindian (新店) GREEN
96 Wulai Waterfalls (烏來瀑布) Xindian (新店) GREEN
Nei-dong National Forest
97 Recreation Area (內洞森林遊樂區 Xindian (新店) GREEN
Miniatures Museum of Taiwan (袖 內湖線/
98 Nanjing E. Rd (南京東路) BROWN
珍博物館) Neihu
99 LiaoNing Night Market (遼寧夜市) Nanjing E. Rd (南京東路) BROWN
Miramar Shopping Mall (美麗華百 內湖線/
100 Jiannan Rd (劍南路) BROWN
樂園) Neihu
Jianguo Holiday Flower Market 內湖線/
101 Daan (大安) BROWN
(建國假日花市) Neihu
102 China Pa (中國父) Daan (大安) BROWN
103 Carnegies (卡內基) Liuzhangli (六張梨) BROWN
104 Linjiang Night Market (臨江夜市) Liuzhangli (六張梨) BROWN
105 Taipei Zoo (臺北市立動物園) Taipei Zoo (動物園) BROWN
106 Maokong Gondola (貓空纜車) Taipei Zoo (動物園) BROWN
107 Maokong Tea Garden (貓空茶園) Taipei Zoo (動物園) BROWN


All directions and destinations are positioned with regard as Taipei Main Station being the starting station

Tourist Attractions VS Train Line (Taipei)

S/n Place of Interest Station MRT Line Color
1 Raohe Night Market (饒河街夜市) Song Shan Train (松山火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line
Xiahai City God Temple (霞海城
2 Song Shan Train (松山火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line
3 Hoping Island (和平島) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

4 WanLi Hot Spring (萬里溫泉) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

Yeliu Geological Park (野柳風景
5 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line
6 Jhongjheng Park (中正公園) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line
Yanliao Beach Park (鹽寮海濱公
7 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line
Badouzi coastal park (八斗子公園
8 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line
Dragon Cave Bay Park (龍洞灣公
9 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line
10 Lovers Lake Park (情人湖) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

11 Ocean World (野柳海洋世界) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

12 Bisha Harbour (碧砂漁港) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

13 Ao-di Fish Market (澳底漁港) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

Wai-Mu-shan Seashore (外木山海
14 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line
15 Ershawan Fort (二砂灣砲台) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

16 Dawulun Fort (大武崙砲台) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

17 Shihciouling Fort (獅球嶺砲台) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

18 Gongzih Liao Fort (槓子寮砲台) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

19 Baimiwong Fort (白米甕砲台) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

20 Nan Ya Rock (南雅奇石) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

Miaokou Night Market (基隆廟口
21 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line
22 18 Kings Temple (十八王公廟) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

23 Fairy Cave (仙洞巖) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

24 Pingsi (平溪鄉) Pingsi Train Station (平溪火車站) 平溪線/Pingxi Line
Shifen Waterfalls (十分大瀑布風
25 Shifen Train Station (十分火車站) 平溪線/Pingxi Line
26 Jiufen (九份) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) 宜蘭線/Yilan Line

27 Jinguashi (金瓜石) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) 宜蘭線/Yilan Line

28 Shengping Theater (昇平戲院) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) 宜蘭線/Yilan Line

29 Crown Prince's Chalet (太子賓館) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) 宜蘭線/Yilan Line

30 Gold Museum (黃金博物園區) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) 宜蘭線/Yilan Line

31 Wufan Tunnel (五番坑道) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) 宜蘭線/Yilan Line

32 Gold Shrine (黃金神社) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) 宜蘭線/Yilan Line

Yingge Ceramics Museum (鶯歌
33 Yingge Train Station (鶯歌火車站) 西部幹線/Western Line

Tourist Attractions VS MRT Line (Kaohsiung) 高雄捷運趴趴走

S/N Place of Interest Station MRT Line Color
1 Liuho Night Market (六合夜市) Formosa Boulevard (美麗島) Interchange

2 Nanhua Night Market (南華夜市) Formosa Boulevard (美麗島) Interchange

3 Cijin Seafood Street (旗津海鮮街) Sizihwan (西子灣) ORANGE
Cijin Coastline Park (旗津海岸公 橘線/
4 Sizihwan (西子灣) ORANGE
園) Orange
5 Cijin island (旗津) Sizihwan (西子灣) ORANGE
6 Cijin Lighthouse (旗后燈塔) Sizihwan (西子灣) ORANGE
Cape of Good Hope Coffee 橘線/
7 Sizihwan (西子灣) ORANGE
House (好望角咖啡廳) Orange
Former British Consulate (打狗英 橘線/
8 Sizihwan (西子灣) ORANGE
國領事館) Orange
9 Sizihwan (西子灣) Sizihwan (西子灣) ORANGE
10 Fisherman's Wharf (漁人碼頭) Sizihwan (西子灣) ORANGE
Café @ Love River (愛河藝文咖啡 橘線/
11 Yanchengpu (鹽埕埔) ORANGE
廣場) Orange
12 Love River (愛河) Yanchengpu (鹽埕埔) ORANGE
Kaohsiung Museum of History (高 橘線/
13 Yanchengpu (鹽埕埔) ORANGE
雄市立歷史博物館) Orange
Teresa Teng Cultural Relic Hall 橘線/
14 Yanchengpu (鹽埕埔) ORANGE
(鄧麗君文物館) Orange
15 Shou Shan Zoo (壽山動物園) Yanchengpu (鹽埕埔) ORANGE
Chungwah Shopping Circle (中華 橘線/
16 Fongshan (鳳山) ORANGE
商場) Orange
Jhongsiao Night Market (忠孝夜市
17 Central Park (中央公園) 紅線/ Red RED
18 Zhenai Pier (真愛碼頭) Central Park (中央公園) 紅線/ Red RED
Urban Spotlight Arcade (城市光廊
19 Central Park (中央公園) 紅線/ Red RED
Shinkuchan Shopping District (新
20 Central Park (中央公園) 紅線/ Red RED
Kaohsiung Shopping District (高
21 Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈) 紅線/ Red RED
22 85 SKYTOWER (高雄85大樓) Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈) 紅線/ Red RED
23 Xinguang Pier (新光碼頭) Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈) 紅線/ Red RED
Guanghua Night Market (光華夜
24 Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈) 紅線/ Red RED
Xingjhong Night Market (興中夜市
25 Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈) 紅線/ Red RED
26 Dream Mall (夢時代購物中心) Kaisyuan (凱旋) 紅線/ Red RED
Airport Runway Café (機場跑道咖
27 Caoya (草衙) 紅線/ Red RED
28 Zuoying Old City (左營舊城) Zuoying (左營) 紅線/ Red RED
Zuoying Confucius Temple (左營
29 Zuoying (左營) 紅線/ Red RED
Lotus Lake Scenic Area (蓮池潭
30 Zuoying (左營) 紅線/ Red RED
31 Ruifeng Night Market (瑞豐夜市) Kaohsiung Arena (巨蛋) 紅線/ Red RED

32 Heart of Love River (愛河之心) Houyi (後驛) 紅線/ Red RED

33 Tower of Light (光之塔) Houyi (後驛) 紅線/ Red RED

Vision of Kaohsiung Museum (高
34 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED
35 Baolai Hot Spring (寶來溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

36 Bulao Hot Spring (不老溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

37 Duona (多納溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

38 Shidong (石洞溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

39 Shikeng Hot Spring (十坑溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

40 Qikeng Hot Spring (七坑溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

41 Gaozhong Hot Spring (高中溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

42 Taoyuan Hot Spring (桃源溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

43 Qinho Hot Spring (勤和溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

44 Fuxing Hot Spring (復興溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

45 Meishan Hot Spring (梅山溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

46 Lover's Wharf (情人碼頭) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED

47 Chengcing Lake (澄清湖) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED
Fo Guang Shan Monastery (佛光
48 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED
Kaohsiung Electronics Street (高
49 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED
An Jie Street Shopping Circle (安
50 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED
Meinong Folk Village (美濃民俗村
51 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED
52 Qishan (旗山) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED
Maolin National Scenic Area (茂
53 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED
Tianliao Muddy Volcanoes (田寮
54 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED
55 Tianliao Moon World (田寮月世界) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) 紅線/ Red RED


All directions and destinations are positioned with regard as Formosa Boulevard Station being the starting Station










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MRT heading towards Yongning Station (永
MRT heading towards Yongning Station (永
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MRT heading towards Yongning Station (永
MRT heading towards Yongning Station (永
MRT heading towards Yongning Station (永
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Nangang Station (南港
MRT heading towards Danshui Station (淡水
MRT heading towards Danshui Station (淡水
MRT heading towards Danshui Station (淡水
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MRT heading towards Danshui Station (淡水
MRT heading towards Nanshijiao Station (南
MRT heading towards Nanshijiao Station (南
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MRT heading towards Nanshijiao Station (南
MRT heading towards Xindian Station (新店
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MRT heading towards Xindian Station (新店
MRT heading towards Taipei Nangang
Exhibition Center Station (南港展覽館站)
MRT heading towards Taipei Nangang
Exhibition Center Station (南港展覽館站)
MRT heading towards Taipei Nangang
Exhibition Center Station (南港展覽館站)
MRT heading towards Taipei Zoo Station (動
MRT heading towards Taipei Zoo Station (動
MRT heading towards Taipei Zoo Station (動
MRT heading towards Taipei Zoo Station (動
MRT heading towards Taipei Zoo Station (動
MRT heading towards Taipei Zoo Station (動
MRT heading towards Taipei Zoo Station (動


Train heading towards Songshan Train
Station (松山火車站)
Train heading towards Songshan Train
Station (松山火車站)
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Keelung Train Station
Train heading towards Pingsi Train Station
Train heading towards Pingsi Train Station
Train heading towards Ruifang Train Station
Train heading towards Ruifang Train Station
Train heading towards Ruifang Train Station
Train heading towards Ruifang Train Station
Train heading towards Ruifang Train Station
Train heading towards Ruifang Train Station
Train heading towards Ruifang Train Station
Train heading towards Yingge Train Station



MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

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MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Sizihwan (西子灣站)

MRT heading towards Daliao (大寮站)

MRT heading towards Xiaogang (小港站)

MRT heading towards Xiaogang (小港站)
MRT heading towards Xiaogang (小港站)

MRT heading towards Xiaogang (小港站)

MRT heading towards Xiaogang (小港站)

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MRT heading towards Xiaogang (小港站)
MRT heading towards Xiaogang (小港站)

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MRT heading towards Xiaogang (小港站)
MRT heading towards Xiaogang (小港站)
MRT heading towards Gangshan South (南
MRT heading towards Gangshan South (南
MRT heading towards Gangshan South (南
MRT heading towards Gangshan South (南
MRT heading towards Gangshan South (南
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MRT heading towards Gangshan South (南
MRT heading towards Gangshan South (南
MRT heading towards Gangshan South (南
MRT heading towards Gangshan South (南

arting Station
Tour Bus Guide 台灣趴趴走

Taoyuan County (桃園縣) - Cihu Line (慈湖線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

Walking distance to Chungli
1 Taoyuan Chungli Main Station (桃園中壢總站) NIL
shopping district

2 Aborigine Culture Hall (原住民文化會館) Exploring of Aborigine handicrafts Collection of Aborigine handicrafts

3 Yue Mei Carpark (月眉停車場) NIL Walking distance to Daxi Old Street
4 Daxi Old Street (大溪老街) Famous for Daxi beancurd Baroque style Building
Ex-President Chiang Ching Kuo
5 Daxi Mausoleum (大溪陵寢) Changing of Sentry Guards by Taiwan Military Police
Burial Place
Ex-President Chiang Kai Shek
6 Cihu Presidential Burial Place (慈湖陵寢) Changing of Sentry Guards by Taiwan Military Police
Burial Place
7 Huai De Bridge (懷德橋) Café by the bridge Relaxation and strolling place
8 Ba Ding (壩頂) Provide a bird's view of Shi-men dam Ideal for photos taking
9 Ping Lin (坪林) Bicycle for rental for touring around the dam Ideal for photos taking
10 San-Keng Old Street (三坑老街) A taste of Hakka people (客家人) culture Hakka people (客家人) culture
11 Wenhua Road Live Fish Street (文化路活魚街) Fresh seafood for seafood lovers Fresh seafood
12 Shimen Grassland (石門大草坪) Kite flying NIL

Ticket Booth : Taoyuan Bus Chungli Main Station

Fares : $100 NT (Unlimited ride for 1 day)
Weekday : 0900hr - 1600hr
Weekend : 0800hr - 1730hr

Hsinchu County (新竹縣) - Lion Mountain Line (獅山線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

Jhubei Kuan Ming Commercial District (竹北光明商
1 Eating paradise Relaxation and strolling place
Office building for Hsinchu
2 Hsinchu County Government (新竹縣政府) NIL
Government officials
3 Sheration Hotel (喜來登飯店) NIL NIL
4 Hsinchu HSR Station (新竹高鐵站) NIL NIL
Provide touring information for
5 Jhudong Tourist Info Center (竹東遊客中心) NIL
Beipu Green World Ecological Farm (綠世界生態農
6 Outdoor ecological lesson for young kids Relaxation and strolling place
7 Beipu Old Street (北埔老街) A taste of Hakka people (客家人) culture Hakka people (客家人) culture
8 Fu Xing Old Street (富興老街站) Tea lovers paradise NIL
9 Emei Lake Big Matireya Buddha (峨嵋湖大彌勒佛) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
Lion's head Mountain Tourist Info Center (獅山遊客 Provide touring information for
10 NIL
中心) tourists
11 Quanhua temple (勸化堂) NIL NIL

Ticket Booth : Free till 7th Jan 2011

Fares : Free till 7th Jan 2011
Weekday : 0700hr - 1500hr
Weekend : 0700hr - 1500hr

Miaoli County (苗栗縣) - Nanzhuang Line (南庄線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Zhunan Train Station (竹南火車站) NIL NIL
2 Miaoli Bus Counter (苗栗客運) NIL NIL
3 Kuokuang Bus Counter (國光客運) NIL NIL
4 San Wan (三灣) NIL NIL
Lion's Head Mountain Historical Trail Entrance (獅
5 Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
6 Quanhua temple (勸化堂) NIL NIL
7 Guizhu Lin (桂竹林) Relaxation and strolling place NIL
8 Nanzhuang Junior School (南庄國中) NIL NIL
9 Nanzhuang Old Street (南庄老街) A taste of Hakka people (客家人) culture Old Village since early Qing govt
10 Nanzhuang Main Station (苗栗客運南庄站) NIL NIL

Ticket Booth : Pay on board

Fares : $77 NT (Per trip)
Weekday : 0800hr - 1850hr
Weekend : 0800hr - 1850hr

Miaoli County (苗栗縣) - Xiangtian Lake Line (向天湖線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks
1 Nanzhuang Main Station (苗栗客運南庄站) NIL NIL
2 Dongjiang Hot Spring (東江溫泉) Hot Spring NIL
3 Hengpingbei Tribe (橫屏背部落) Relaxation and strolling place NIL
4 Donghe Suspension Bridge (東河吊橋) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
5 Xiangtian Lake (向天湖) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking

Ticket Booth : Pay on board

Fares : $37 NT (Per trip)
Weekday : 0800hr - 1730hr
Weekend : 0800hr - 1730hr

Miaoli County (苗栗縣) - Fairy Mountain Line (仙山線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Nanzhuang Main Station (苗栗客運南庄站) NIL NIL
2 Li Jing Guan (里京館) NIL NIL
3 Xiao Dong He Tribe (小東河部落) NIL NIL
Jiangnan Recreational Agriculture District (南江休
4 Relaxation and strolling place NIL
5 Xiazhuang (下庄) Relaxation and strolling place NIL
6 Penglai River Ecology Park (蓬萊自然生態園區) Outdoor ecology lesson for kids NIL
7 Erping Tribe (二坪部落) A taste of Taiwan aboriginal people (原住民) culture Tribal Village
8 42 Tribe 1 (42份部落1) A taste of Taiwan aboriginal people (原住民) culture Tribal Village
9 42 Tribe 2 (42份部落2) A taste of Taiwan aboriginal people (原住民) culture Tribal Village
10 Baguali Tribal Village (八卦力部落) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
11 Xian Mountain Temple (仙山靈洞宮) Relaxation and strolling place NIL

Ticket Booth : Pay on board

Fares : $49 NT (Per trip)
Weekday : 0820hr - 1730hr
Weekend : 0820hr - 1730hr

Nantou County (南投縣) - Sun Moon Lake Line (日月潭線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Taichung Gan Cheng Train Station (台中干城車站) NIL NIL
A Baroque style train station by during the Japanese
2 Taichung Train Station (台鐵台中站) Baroque style Building
3 Taichung HSR Station (高鐵台中站) NIL Express train to central Taiwan
4 Tao Mi Keng (桃米坑) Paper Church 5 mins to Paper Church
Natural beauty is enhanced by numerous cultural and
5 Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) Largest lake in Taiwan
historical sites

Ticket Booth : Nantou Bus Company (南投汽車客運)

Fares : $180 NT (Per trip)
Weekday : 0805hr - 1905hr
Weekend : 0805hr - 1905hr

Nantou County (南投縣) - Sun Moon Lake/Puli Line (日月潭/埔里線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Taichung Gan Cheng Train Station (台中干城車站) NIL NIL

A Baroque style train station by during the Japanese

2 Taichung Train Station (台鐵台中站) Baroque style Building
Oftering all kinds of products using Shaoxing wine as main
3 Puli Station (埔里站) Puli Wine Factory
4 Tao Mi Keng (桃米坑) Paper Church 5 mins to Paper Church
Formosa Aboriginal Culture Village (九族文化 Outdoor museum for Taiwan
5 村) Exploring the culture of Taiwan aborigine tribes
aborigine tribes
Natural beauty is enhanced by numerous cultural and
6 Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) Largest lake in Taiwan
historical sites

Ticket Booth : Nantou Bus Company (南投汽車客運)

Fares : $180 NT (Per trip)
Weekday : 0725hr - 2225hr
Weekend : 0725hr - 2225hr

Chaiyi City (嘉義市) - Chaiyi City Line (嘉義市區線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Chayi Park (嘉義公園) Old cannons, Japanese Shrine Style Museum Historical Monuments
2 Chaiyi Old Prison (嘉義舊監獄) Old Prison during the Japanese rule Historical building
3 North Gate Post (北門驛) Important station for Alishan Line Historical building
4 Chaiyi Municipal Museum (市立博物館) Showcase of Chaiyi History Historical Monuments
5 Koji Pottery Exhibition Room (交趾陶博物館) Showcase of koji Potteries Potteries Artefacts
6 Chaiyi Train Station (台鐵嘉義站) NIL NIL

Ticket Booth : Chaiyi Station

Fares : $18 NT (Per trip)
Weekday : 0550hr - 1350hr
Weekend : 0550hr - 1350hr

Chaiyi City (嘉義市) - Alishan Line (阿里山線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Chaiyi Train Station (台鐵嘉義站) NIL NIL
Delicious foods and shops within
2 Chaiyi City (嘉義市) NIL
walking distance
3 Chu Kou (觸口) Forever Bridge Lovers favourite spot
Important stop point for Alishan
4 Shi Zhuo (石棹) Famous for braising food
Recreation area at 2880m above
5 Alishan (阿里山) Nature wonders at 2880m above sea level
sea level

Ticket Booth : Alishan Station

Fares : $221 NT (Per trip)
Weekday : 0610hr - 1410hr
Weekend : 0610hr - 1410hr

Tainan City (台南市) - 88 Anping Line (88安平線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Tainan Park (台南公園) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
One of the earliest temple dedicated to Bao Sheng Da Di
2 Xing Ji Temple (興濟宮) Ming Dynasty temple artefact
Walking distance to Tainan
3 Tainan Train Station (台鐵台南站) NIL
Shopping district
Accommodation for High ranking
4 County Official Residence (縣知事官邸) Old Japanese rule building
Japanese officials
5 Koxinya's Shrine (延平郡王祠) Shrine dedicated to National Hero Zheng Cheng Kung Shrine dedicated to Koxinya
6 Barclay Park (巴克禮公園) Nesting place for insects and birds Outdoor biology classroom for kids
7 Confucius Temple (孔廟) Oldest Confucius temple in Taiwan Historical building
Office building for officials in charge of commerce and 2nd Fort to be built by the Dutch in
8 Fort Provintia (赤崁樓)
executive administration during the Dutch rule 1653
9 Eternal Fortress (億載金城) Protection against Japanese after the Mudan incident Built by Qing govt in 1876
Anping Gang-bin Historcal Park (安平港濱歷史公園
10 Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
1st Fort to be built by the Dutch in
11 Fort Anping (安平古堡) Capital for politics and economy during the Dutch rule
12 De Ji trading Company (德記洋行) Historical building British trading company in 1867
13 Sunset viewing Platform (觀夕平台) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for viewing sunset

Ticket Booth : Not confirm

Fares : Not confirm
Weekday : 0900hr - 1800hr
Weekend : 0830hr - 1900hr

Tainan City (台南市) - 99 Tai Jiang Line (99台江線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Tainan Park (台南公園) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
One of the earliest temple dedicated to Bao Sheng Da Di
2 Xing Ji Temple (興濟宮) Ming Dynasty temple artefact
Walking distance to Tainan
3 Tainan Train Station (台鐵台南站) NIL
Shopping district
House of He Bin (Koxinya`s
4 Wu Yuan (吳園) Exclusive Ming Dynasty building
Office building for officials in charge of commerce and 2nd Fort to be built by the Dutch in
5 Fort Provintia (赤崁樓)
executive administration during the Dutch rule 1653
1st Fort to be built by the Dutch in
6 Fort Anping (安平古堡) Capital for politics and economy during the Dutch rule
7 Si Cao Ecology Park (四草生態文化園區) Old cannons and tombs from Dutch rule Ideal for photos taking
8 Yan Tian Ecology Village (鹽田生態文化村) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking

Ticket Booth : Not confirm

Fares : Not confirm
Weekday : 0930hr - 1630hr
Weekend : 0915hr - 1845hr

Pingtung County (屏東縣) - Kenting Express Line (墾丁快線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks
1 Zuoying HSR Station (高鐵左營站) NIL 1 of the 3 integrated stations
2 Dapeng Bay (大鵬灣) Dapeng Bay Scenic Area Cheap and fresh seafood
3 Fangliao (枋寮) Famous for mango and bellfruit Countryside town
4 Checheng (車城) 1 of the 4 famous hot springs areas in Taiwan Famous for hot springs
5 South Paoli (南保力) NIL Countryside town
6 Hengchun (恆春) Filming Site of Cape No 7 Historical town
7 South Bay (南灣) Water sports Famous for summer water sports
8 Kenting (墾丁) Water sports Famous for summer water sports

Ticket Booth : Zuoying, Fangliao, Hengchun, Kenting Station

Fares : $383 NT (Per trip)
Weekday : 0900hr - 1800hr
Weekend : 0900hr - 1800hr

Pingtung County (屏東縣) - Dong Liu Line (東琉線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Dapeng Bay (大鵬灣) Dapeng Bay Scenic Area Cheap and fresh seafood
2 Ferry Terminal (渡船頭) NIL Ferry Terminal for Siao Liuqiu

Ticket Booth : Zuoying, Fangliao, Hengchun, Kenting Station

Fares : $22 NT (Per trip)
Weekday : 0840hr - 1815hr
Weekend : 0820hr - 1815hr

Yilan County (宜蘭縣) - Jiaoxi Line (礁溪線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Jiaoxi Train Station (台鐵礁溪站) NIL NIL
2 Jiaoxi bus station (礁溪客運站) NIL NIL
Jiaoxi Hot Spring Tourist Center (礁溪溫泉會館遊
3 NIL Provide info on hot springs
4 Tang Wei Gou Park (湯圍溝公園) Hot spring park Typcial Japanese style hot spring
5 Pao Ma Old Trail (跑馬古道) NIL NIL
6 Wufongci Scenic Area (五峰旗風景區) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
7 Lin Mei Shi Pan Trail (林美石磐步道 ) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking

Ticket Booth : Free till end of 2010

Fares : Free till end of 2010
Weekday : 0800hr - 1700hr
Weekend : 0800hr - 1730hr

Yilan County (宜蘭縣) - Dong Shan River Line (冬山河線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Luo Dong Train Station (台鐵羅東後站) NIL NIL
2 Luo Dong bus station (羅東客運站) NIL NIL
National Center for Traditional Arts (國立台灣傳統
3 Showcase of Taiwan Traditional Arts NIL
4 Dong Shan River Park (冬山河親水公園) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking

Ticket Booth : Free till end of 2010

Fares : Free till end of 2010
Weekday : 0800hr - 1900hr
Weekend : 0800hr - 1900hr

Hualien County (花蓮縣) - Taroko Gorge Line (太魯閣線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Hualien Train Station (花蓮火車站) Hualien City Shopping District NIL
2 Sincheng Train Station 台鐵新城站) NIL NIL
Provide touring information for
3 Taroko Gorge Tourist Center (太管處遊客中心) NIL
4 Pulowan Recreation Area (布洛灣台地) NIL NIL
5 Swallow Grotto (燕子口步道) Wonder of Nature NIL
6 Tunnel of Nine Turns (九曲洞步道) Wonder of Nature NIL
7 Tiansiang (天祥) Wonder of Nature Resting point in Taroko highway

Ticket Booth : Free till end Jan 2011

Fares : Free till end Jan 2011
Weekday : 0650hr - 1500hr
Weekend : 0650hr - 1630hr

Hualien County (花蓮縣) -Carp Lake Line (鯉魚潭線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Hualien Train Station (花蓮火車站) Hualien City Shopping District NIL
2 Carp Lake (鯉魚潭) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking

Weekday : 0700hr - 1800hr

Weekend : 0630hr - 1800hr

Hualien County (花蓮縣) -Carp Lake Line (鯉魚潭線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Hualien Train Station (花蓮火車站) Hualien City Shopping District NIL
2 Hualien Ocean Park (花蓮海洋公園) Ocean themepark NIL

Ticket Booth : Free till end Jan 2011

Fares : Free till end Jan 2011
Weekday : 0800hr - 1630hr
Weekend : 0800hr - 1930hr

Taitung County (台東縣) - Taitung City Line (台東市區線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Taitung Train Station (台東火車站) NIL NIL
2 Jungshing Chuanguang Station (中興傳廣站) NIL NIL
To foster youngsters in the area of
3 Art Museum (美術館) Showcase of arts pieces
4 Taitung Hospital (署立台東醫院) NIL NIL
5 Forest Park (森林公園) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
6 Tianhou Temple (天后宮) Temple dedicated to Heavenly Queen (天后娘娘) Built during Qing dynasty
7 Beach Park (台東海濱公園) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
8 Fruits Street (水果街) NIL Cheap and fresh fruits
Provide touring information for
9 Visitor Center (旅服中心) NIL
Taitung Hostel For Teachers Public Workers (公教
11 Taitung Sugar Factory (台東糖廠) Showcase of Taiwan handicrafts Selling of souvenir
12 Formosan Naruwan Hotel (娜路彎大酒店) NIL NIL
Study of Taiwanese prehistoric
13 National Museum Of Prehistory (史前館) Showcase of prehistoric remains
14 Taitung Airport (台東機場) NIL Air Terminal for Green/Orchid island

Ticket Booth : Testing Period

Fares : Testing Period
Weekday : 0900hr - 1800hr
Weekend : 0800hr - 1900hr

Taitung County (台東縣) - Luye Line (縱谷鹿野線線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Taitung Train Station (台東火車站) NIL NIL
2 Beinan Area Farmer's Association (卑南農旅中心) NIL NIL
3 Beinan Cultural Park (卑南文化公園) Showcase of Beinan Tribe culture/activites Relaxation and strolling place
4 Biotanical Gardens (原生植物園) Breeding garden for plants Relaxation and strolling place
5 Chulu Ranch (初鹿牧場) Horseback rides and wide range of dairy products Biggest hillside pasture in Taiwan
6 Chulu Station (初鹿站) NIL NIL
7 Luminous Hot Spring Resort & Spa (鹿鳴溫泉酒店) Hot spring spa NIL
8 Luye Train Station (鹿野火車站) NIL NIL
9 Yungan Community Visitor Center (永安社區) NIL NIL
Provide touring information for
10 Luye Visitor Center (鹿野旅客中心) NIL
11 Paragliding Take-off Platform (飛行傘起飛場) Paragliding NIL
12 Longtian Elementary School (龍田國小) NIL NIL

Ticket Booth : Testing Period

Fares : Testing Period
Weekday : 0700hr - 1930hr
Weekend : 0700hr - 1930hr

Taitung County (台東縣) - Coastline Line (海岸離島線)

S/n Station Attractions/Activities Remarks

1 Taitung Airport (台東機場) NIL Air Terminal for Green/Orchid island
2 Formosan Naruwan Hotel (娜路彎大酒店) NIL NIL
3 Taitung Train Station (台東火車站) NIL NIL
4 Jungshing Chuanguang Station (中興傳廣站) NIL NIL
To foster youngsters in the area of
5 Art Museum (美術館) Showcase of arts pieces
6 Taitung Hospital (署立台東醫院) NIL NIL
7 Forest Park (森林公園) Relaxation and strolling place Ideal for photos taking
Ferry Terminal for Green/Orchid
8 Fugang Fishing Harbor (富岡漁港) Cheap and fresh seafood

9 Siao Ye Liu (小野柳) Famous for exotic scenes and fantastic rock formations Outdoor geography classroom

Renowned for its abundance of

10 Chia Lu Lan (加路蘭) Relaxation and strolling place
outdoor driftwood art exhibitions
11 Sanyuan Marine Community (杉原海洋社區) Study of marine creatures Outdoor marine study
12 Water Flowing Up (水往上流) Water flow against Law of Gravity World miracle
13 Dou Lan Sugar Factory (都蘭糖廠) Showcase of Taiwan handicrafts Selling of souvenir/gifts

Ticket Booth : Testing Period

Fares : Testing Period
Weekday : 0845hr - 1755hr
Weekend : 0730hr - 2030hr

S/n Train Name Station Remarks

1 High Speed Train (台灣高鐵) Limit to 8 HSR stations only Allocated seating, Fast, Expensive
2 Tarako Express (太魯閣號) Stopping at certain stations only Allocated seating and fast
Free seating, fixed timing, fixed
3 Alishan Train (阿里山號) Travel on Alishan line only

4 Tzu-Chiang Train (自強號) Major stations Allocated seating, Fast, Expensive

Allocated seating, moderate timing

5 Ju Kuang Train (莒光號) Major stations
and fares
6 Fu Hsing Train (復興號/區間車) Sub-stations Free seating, slow and cheap

S/n Coach Name Area Remarks

Allocated seating, personel
1 Ho Hsin Bus Service (和欣客運)
entertainment set
Allocated seating, personel
2 Aloha Bus service (阿羅哈客運)
Western Part of Taiwan only ,Stopping at different parts of entertainment set
Taiwan, Airport transfer
Western Part of Taiwan only ,Stopping at different parts of
Taiwan, Airport transfer Allocated seating, personel
3 Dragon Bus Corporation (尊龍客運)
entertainment set
4 United Bus Company Ltd (統聯客運) Free seating
5 Free Go Bus (飛狗巴士) Free seating

S/n Bus Name Area Remarks

1 Kuokuang Bus (國光客運) All Around Taiwan
2 Keelung Bus (基隆客運) Keelung Area
3 Danshui Bus (淡水客運)
4 Xindian Bus (新店客運) Taipei Area
5 Hsinhsin Bus (欣欣客運)
6 Taoyuan Bus (桃園客運) Taoyuan Area
7 Hsinchu Bus (新竹客運) Hsinchu Area
8 Fengyuan Bus (豐原客運)
9 Taichung Bus (台中客運) Taichung Area
10 Renyou Bus (仁友客運)
11 Changhua Bus (彰化客運)
Yuanlin Bus (員林客運) Changhua Area
Nantou Bus (南投客運) Fares vary accordingly to distance,
Nantou Area free seating
14 Fengrong Bus (豐榮客運)
15 Ritong Bus (日統客運)
Taixi Bus (台西客運) Yunlin Area
17 Chaiyi Bus (嘉義客運) Chaiyi Area
18 Xingnan Bus (興南客運) Tainan Area
19 Pingtung Bus (屏東客運) Pingtung Area
20 Kaohsiung Bus (高雄客運) Kaoshiung Area
21 Kenting Bus (墾丁列車) Hengchun Area
22 Yilan Bus (宜蘭客運)
Yilan Area
23 Taiqi Bus (台汽客運)
24 Hualien Bus (花蓮客运) Hualien Area
25 Dingdong Bus (鼎東客運) Taitung Aea

Taiwan High Speed Rail (HSR)

Currently HSR only stop over at 8 stations, in order to minimize time wastage, tourists should alight at the nearest station
Taipei Station : Suitable for tourists touring Taipei City area
Banqiao Station : Suitable for tourists touring Taipei County area
Taoyuan Station : Suitable for tourists using Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport
Hsinchu Station : Suitable for tourists touring Hsinchu and Miaoli area
Taichung Station : Suitable for tourists touring Taichung area (Sun Moon Lake, Cingjing Farm)
Chaiyi Station : Suitable for tourists touring Chaiyi area (Alishan)
Tainan Station : Suitable for tourists touring Tainan area
Zuoying station : Suitable for tourists touring Kaoshiung and Pingtung area (Kaoshiung, Kaoshiung Airport, Hengchun, Kenting)
Taiwan Goodies 台灣製造
S/n County/City Souvenirs Local products Must try delicacy
1 Night Market (夜市) 各式紀念品 格式各樣特產 當地美食
Guanghua Electronic Market (光華
2 格式各樣電腦需品
3 Guangnan Wholesale (光南大批發) 文具, 唱片, 生活用品
4 Cosmed (康是美) 格式各樣民生用品
5 Keelung (基隆市) 各式紀念品 鳳梨酥, 花生米老 活海產, 咖哩麵, 鍋貼, 滷肉飯
6 Keelung (和平島) 各式紀念品 海藻牛軋糖, 黑糖海燕窩 櫻花蝦炒飯, 活海產
7 Taipei (台北市) 各式紀念品 牛軋糖, 冰沙餡餅, 古餅 格式各樣美食
阿宗麵線, 老天祿港式滷味, 鴨肉
8 Taipei (西門町) 流行時尚飾品 老天祿蘇杭茶點
扁, 潤餅捲, 挫冰
9 Taipei (五分埔) 女性服裝
豬肉紙, 旗魚米粉, 筒仔米糕, 油飯,
10 Taipei (迪化街) 各式紀念品 格式各樣中藥材, 豬肉紙
11 Taipei (木柵) 各式紀念品 文山包種茶 司蛋糕, 小米粥, 貓耳朵, 綠竹筍
排骨酥湯, 臭豆腐, 蔗香雞, 北投炸
12 Taipei (北投) 陶藝 冰心蛋糕捲
包, 煎餅
阿給, 蝦捲, 魚丸湯, 魚酥, 炭烤臭
13 Taipei (淡水) 各式紀念品 鐵蛋, 蝦捲, 魚酥
豆腐, 雞蛋冰, 燒酒螺
14 Taipei (烏來) 原住民飾品 小米酒 原住民小吃
芋圓, 抹茶, 草仔粿, 黑糖麻糬, 豆
15 Taipei (九份) 各式紀念品 芋圓, 手工烘茶, 烏龍茶
腐乳, 高山茶
芋圓, 山藥, 箭竹筍, 秀珍菇, 陽春
16 Taipei (平溪) 小天燈紀念品 秀珍菇粉

炸蝦球, 炒竹筍, 金山鴨肉, 蘆筍沙
17 Taipei (金山) 各式紀念品 金山地瓜麵
拉, 綿綿冰
18 Taipei (深坑) 手工藝品 豆腐 豆腐、草仔糕
19 Taipei (三峽) 各式紀念品 金牛角麵包, 龍井茶 金牛角冰淇淋, 金牛角麵包
筒仔米糕, 小銅鍋, 切仔麵, 彰鶯肉
20 Taipei (鶯歌) 陶器, 馬克杯 筒仔米糕
圓, 羊肉飯, 瓦片蝦餅
21 Taoyuan (大溪) 兩蔣Q版公仔 黑豆干 蘿蔔幹, 蝦米, 地瓜餅, 油飯, 豆花
22 Taoyuan (龍潭) 各式紀念品 花生糖 龍泉茶
流行時尚飾品, 玻璃藝術品, 台灣
23 Hsinchu (新竹市) 米粉, 竹塹餅, 柑橘 貢丸, 芋圓菜包, 東方美人茶
野薑花粽, 紫玉菜包, 芒果青冰, 烏
24 Hsinchu (內灣) 各式紀念品 麻糬, 農特產品
25 Hsinchu (關西) 各式紀念品 仙草茶包, 柿餅 草莓, 仙草茶, 番茄, 仙草發糕
牛軋糖, 麻糬餅, 紫蘇餅, 桐花餅,
26 Miaoli (苗栗市) 各式紀念品 柿餅, 桔子醬, 豆腐乳, 肚臍餅
龍騰斷橋餅, 擂茶
27 Miaoli (大湖) 各式紀念品 草莓酒 草莓
28 Miaoli (泰安) 各式紀念品 火龍果, 小米酒 豆腐, 火龍果, 甜柿, 番茄
29 Miaoli (三義) 木雕飾品 紫蘇梅餅 竹筒草蝦, 客家料理, 鰻魚飯,
太陽餅, 鳳梨酥, 長崎蛋糕, 一心豆
30 Taichung (台中市) 流行時尚飾品 綠豆椪
干, 檸檬餅, 肉乾, 小月餅

31 Changhua (彰化市) 各式紀念品 手工蛋捲, 葡萄, 花生酥, 鳳眼糕 涼圓, 肉圓, 鴨肉丸子

32 Changhua (鹿港) 彩繪燈籠 牛舌餅 魷魚肉羹, 豆花, 手工蝦丸, 麵線糊

33 Nantou (信義) 各式紀念品 梅子加工製品, 梅子醋 梅子醋
34 Nantou (埔里) 竹炭製品, 竹雕 紹興酒, 香菇 紹興酒, 甘蔗
35 Nantou (魚池) 各式紀念品 阿薩姆紅茶 阿薩姆紅茶
36 Nantou (鹿谷) 各式紀念品 凍頂烏龍茶 凍頂烏龍茶
37 Nantou (名間) 各式紀念品 松柏長青茶 松柏長青茶
38 Yunlin (雲林市) 布袋戲偶 麥芽酥 夾心冰餅, 蒲燒鰻
39 Yunlin (西螺) 各式紀念品 麻糬, 肉鬆 麻糬, 九層粿, 水餃, 西瓜
40 Yunlin (古坑) 各式紀念品 巴登咖啡, 香橙酥 竹筍東坡肉
火雞肉飯, 蚵ㄚ包, 嘉義涼圓, 北平
41 Chaiyi (嘉義市) 交趾陶 方塊酥,柿餅, 福義軒蛋卷, 新港飴
烏龍茶, 阿里山咖啡, 轎篙筍, 山葵
42 Chaiyi (阿里山) 原住民飾品, 檜木球香包 烏龍茶, 阿里山咖啡, 金萱茶

鐵道便當, 山野菜, 筍, 草仔粿, 愛
43 Chaiyi (奮起湖) 檜木球香包 潤膚霜
龍眼乾, 鳳梨, 香腸, 青芒果乾, 肉 擔仔麵, 鱔魚意麵, 當歸鴨, 海龍湯,
44 Tainan (台南市) 葫蘆雕燈飾
燥罐頭, 香腸 土魠魚羹, 冬瓜茶
45 Tainan (七股) 台鹽沐浴用品, 台鹽保養產品 烏魚子, 蒲燒虱目魚肚 塩滷豆花, 鹹冰棒, 虱目魚
46 Tainan (安平) 福袋 蝦餅, 蜜餞, 古堡餅 黑豆花, 棺材板, 目虱魚粥, 蚵仔煎
蓮藕粉, 蓮花茶, 蓮子大餐, 白河潤
47 Tainan (白河) 各式紀念品 蓮花茶

蜂蜜, 鳳梨罐頭, 烏魚子, 旗鼓餅, 海產粥, 魚翅羹, 豚骨拉麵, 帶皮羊
48 Kaoshiung (高雄市) 各式紀念品
古餅 肉
49 Kaoshiung (左營) 海軍軍用品 菱角酥 左營饅飩
50 Kaohsiung (旗山) 格式各樣紀念品 香蕉脆皮雪糕 枝仔冰, 活海產
51 Kaohsiung (美濃) 油紙傘, 陶藝 米食粄條, 油蔥酥 擂茶, 客家料理, 豬腳, 面帕板
52 Pingtung (楓港) 各式紀念品 芒果 烤鳥, 鯰米仔
53 Pingtung (屏東市) 原住民琉璃珠飾品 蜜汁紅豆 雞肉飯, 手工布丁, 肉圓, 涼麵
54 Pingtung (東港) 海洋吊飾, 貝殼項鍊 櫻花蝦乾, 油魚子 活海產
55 Hengchun (恆春) 各式紀念品 港口茶 拉麵, 日式豬排, 肉餅, 羊肉爐
56 Kenting (墾丁大街) 各式紀念品 海草麻糬 異國料理, 烤鳥, 活海產
57 Yilan (宜蘭市) 各式紀念品 蜜餞,牛舌餅, 宜蘭餅 鴨賞, 膽肝, 蜜餞, 羊羹, 金桔茶
58 Yilan (礁溪) 各式紀念品 溫泉米粉 滷味食物
大理石雕, 玫瑰石雕, 原住民的服 小米酒, 麻糬, 茶油剝皮辣椒, 花蓮
59 Hualien (花蓮市) 辣蘿蔔, 香脆筍, 瑞穗鶴岡紅茶
飾 薯, 玉里羊羹
60 Taitung (台東市) 原住民飾品 杉原麻糬, 洛神花醋, 剝皮辣椒 釋迦, 福鹿茶, 小米酒, 洛神花茶
黑糖糕, 冬瓜糕, 麵線, 丁香甘貝
61 Penghu (馬公市) 貝殼飾品, 珊瑚製品, 文石印章 黑糖糕, 冬瓜糕, 風茹茶, 丁香魚
繼光餅, 高粱酒, 馬祖酥, 芙蓉酥, 高粱酒, 魚麵, 佛手, 紅糟肉, 蠣餅,
62 Matsu Islands (連江) 各式紀念品
手工米醋, 紫菜, 金銀花茶 鼎邊糊, 海鋼盔, 淡菜
63 Kinmen (金門) 金合利鋼刀, 風獅爺 高粱酒, 貢糖 高粱酒, 貢糖

Recommended Taiwan Foods 台灣吃甲飽

S/n Place of Eating Must try delicacy
Taipei Shilin Night Market (士林夜市 刀削面, 猪肝汤, 蚵仔煎, 大饼包小饼, 士林大香肠, 蕃茄沾姜汁, 东山鸭头, 青蛙下蛋, 生炒花枝羹, 十全排骨
) , 冰淇淋饅頭
Taipei Raohe Night Market (饒河街
2 甘泉豆花, 东发蚵仔面线, 十全药炖排骨, 麻辣臭豆腐, 河粉煎, 天妇罗, 东山鸭头
Taipei Huaxi Night Market (華西街夜
3 蛇肉, 两喜号鱿鱼, 华西街剥骨鹅肉, 鼎边趖, 碗粿, 鳖肉, 海鲜
Taipei Shida Night Market (師大夜市
4 许记生煎包, 大碗公牛肉面, 永亨炸鸡, 灯笼卤味, 阿诺法式可利饼
Taipei JingMei Night Market (景美夜
5 景美豆花, 阿郎盐酥鸡, 郑家碳烤, 景美上海生煎包, 当归鸭
Taipei Linjiang Night Market (臨江夜 生煎包, 状元卤味, 绵绵冰, 鸡蛋糕, 猪血糕, 爱玉之梦游仙子草, 曾阿婆猪血糕, 红花·红桂香肠, 蚵仔煎, 蚵
市) 仔面线, 石家刈包, 米粉汤
Taipei Gongkuan Night Market (公
7 佳兴鱼丸店, 公馆阿珠卤味, 小李猪血糕, 公馆碳烧胡椒饼
8 Liuho Night Market (六合夜市) 海產粥
Hualien Nan-bin Night Market (南濱
9 隨客意臭臭鍋, 隨客意牛排

Hotel Guide 住宿
S/n Place of Accommodation Location Address
1 Onestar Hotel (萬事達旅店) Taipei 台北市長安東路二段219號12樓
2 Green Peak Hotel (綠峰大飯店) Taipei 台北市中山北路二段77巷18號
3 Regal Hotel (瑞格商務會館) Taipei 台北市復興北路307號
Vendome Hotel (凡登台北商務旅
4 Taipei 台北市大安區忠孝東路4段197號12樓
5 CityInn Hotel (新驛旅店) Taipei Main Station 100台北市中正區懷寧街7號
6 Miyi Hotel (名邑旅店) Taipei Main Station 台北市中正區漢口街一段4號
7 Wonstar Hotel (萬事達旅店) Songshan 台北市信義區松山路153號2F
8 Wonstar Hotel (萬事達旅店) Ximending 台北市萬華區西寧南路105號
台北市漢中街170~172 (號長沙街口)
9 Ta Shun Hotel (大顺大饭店) Ximending
10 Future Star Hotel (明日大飯店) Ximending
11 Nei Jiang Hotel (內江商旅飯店) Ximending 台北市萬華區西寧南路112號
12 East Dragon Hotel (東龍大飯店) Ximending 台北市漢口街二段 23 號

13 King Regency Hotel (金財神商旅) Ximending 台北市中華路1段21號3樓

14 Li Lai Hotel (儷萊大飯店 ) Ximending 台北市中正區中華路一段 21號
15 Pai Yueh Hotel (百悅商務旅館) Ximending 台北市開封街2段42巷2號
16 Royal Castle Hotel (成都大飯店) Ximending 台北市成都路115號
Rich Garden Hotel (富園國際商務
17 Ximending 台北市萬華區中華路一段178號
飯店 )
18 King National Hotel (金國際旅館) Ximending 台北市西寧南路159號2樓
19 Rainbow Hotel (長虹大飯店) Ximending 台北市萬華區漢中街36號
20 Oceanhotel (歐香商務旅店) Keelung 基隆市仁二路215號
21 Aloha hotel (阿樂哈大飯店) Keelung 基隆市中正區信二路二九二號之一
22 Moonlight Hotel (明月大飯店) Hsinchu 新竹市東門街128號
Golden Swallow Hotel (金燕大飯
23 Hsinchu 新竹市民族路13號
24 Crown Hotel (梅村大饭店) Taichung 台中市進化北路431號
25 Wan Guo Hotel (萬國賓館) Chaiyi (Alishan) 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村東阿里山45號
26 Ying Shan Hotel (櫻山大饭店) Chaiyi (Alishan) 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村39號
27 Alishan House (阿里山賓館) Chaiyi (Alishan) 嘉義縣阿里山鄉香林村16號
Alishan Shermuh International
28 Chaiyi (Alishan) 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村50號
Tourist Hotel (神木賓館)
29 Chin Shan Villa (青山別館) Chaiyi (Alishan) 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村42號
Alishan Kaofeng Hotel (高峰大飯
30 Chaiyi (Alishan) 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村東阿里山41號
31 Dafeng Hotel (大峰山莊渡假別墅) Chaiyi (Alishan) 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村東阿里山46號
Gau Shan Ching Hotel (高山青賓
32 Chaiyi (Alishan) 嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正路43號
33 Rhine Hotel (嵐茵賓館) Tainan 台南市成功路2好 (國賓大樓12F)
Shun Yu Business Hotel (舜鈺商
34 Kaohsiung 高雄市新興區八德1路392號
35 King of Kings Hotel (皇帝大饭店) Kaohsiung 高雄市新興區八德二路10號
Holiday Garden Hotel (華園大饭 高雄市高雄市前金區六和二路279號
36 Kaohsiung
店) Category=289695
37 Hua Tung Hotel (花東客棧) Hualien 花蓮市970民國路165號
38 Wuzhou hotel (五洲商務旅館) Hualien 花蓮市中山路84號
Ambassador-inn Hotel (大使館商
39 Hualien 花蓮市中正路495號
40 Fu Kang Hotel (福康大飯店) Taitung 台東市更生路50巷28號
East Island (東島娛樂休閒度假中
41 Green Island 台東市富岡街305之21號

1 浪淘沙民宿 Hualien 花蓮市海濱街20號
2 日月星海濱休閒渡假民宿 Hualien 花蓮縣新城鄉大漢村明潭街1號
3 63inn庭園民宿 Hualien 花蓮縣壽豐鄉平和村大學路二段63巷82號
4 翠園民宿 Hualien 花蓮縣吉安鄉稻香村吉昌三街135號
5 國光民宿 Hualien 花蓮市中正路110巷28號
6 36 號燈塔海景民宿 Hualien 花蓮市海濱街36號
7 風信子民宿  Hualien 花蓮縣花蓮市東興二街28巷78號
8 辰發民宿 Hualien 花蓮縣吉安鄉慶北3街248巷
9 洄瀾雅舍 Hualien 花蓮市國聯二路78號
10 島國 B A L I 民宿 Hualien
11 大寶的民宿 Hualien

Hot Spring Resort

Broadway-hotspring-hotel (百樂匯
1 Taipei (Xinbeitou) 台北市北投區光明路250號
HongYueZhuang Hot Spring
2 Yilan (Jiaoxi) 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉溫泉路12號
Hotel (鴻月莊溫泉會館)
South Formosa Hotel (南台灣溫泉
3 Pingtung (Checheng) 屏東縣車城鄉溫泉村(路)玉泉巷37號
Fennel Resort (茴香戀戀溫泉會館
4 Pingtung (Checheng) 945屏東縣車城鄉溫泉村大梅路1-16號
5 Mudan Villa (牡丹風情) Pingtung (Checheng) 屏東縣車城鄉溫泉村溫泉路251-68號
6 Nanfeng Minsu (南風民宿) Pingtung (Checheng) 屏東縣牡丹鄉石門村大梅路68-2號
7 Kanshan Minsu (看山民宿) Pingtung (Checheng) 屏東縣車城鄉溫泉村溫泉路251-62號

8 Qing Quan (清泉日式溫泉館) Pingtung (Checheng) 屏東縣車城鄉溫泉村文化路5號

9 Mine Chum (洺泉溫泉旅館) Pingtung (Checheng) 屏東縣車城鄉溫泉村(路)玉泉巷2號


Starhub mobile user can call Taiwan directly by dialing…018886 follow by taiwan number (omitting the zero)
For other mobile user can call Taiwan directly by dialing…+886 follow by taiwan number (omitting the zero)

Ta Shun Hotel (大顺大饭店)

018886-2238-1315 (Starhub Moblie User)

+8862-2388-1315 (Other Moblie Users)

For the following hotels, pls call directly

Rhine Hotel (嵐茵賓館)
Golden Swallow Hotel (金燕大飯店)
Wan Guo Hotel (萬國賓館)
Hot Spring 溫泉樂透透
S/n Place of Hot Springs Location Categories Remarks
Sulfuric Acid Brine Spring (40- Take Kuokuang bus (國光客運) from Taipei Main
1 Jinshan Hot Spring (金山溫泉) Taipei (台北縣金山鄉)
50℃ station to Jinshan
Taipei (台北縣萬里鄉大 Take Danshui bus (淡水客運) from Keelung Train
2 WanLi Hot Spring (萬里溫泉) Sulfur Spring (95℃)
鵬村) Station
Huogengzi Hot Spring (火庚子坪 Taipei (台北縣金山鄉–磺 Acidic Sulfuric Acid Brine Spring Take Kuokuang bus (國光客運) from Taipei Main
溫泉) 嘴山東北側清水溪上游) (99℃) station to Jinshan

Taipei (北市北投區湖田 Sulfuric Acid Chloride Spring

4 Machao Hot Spring (馬槽溫泉) By cab from Beitou Station
里–陽金公路馬槽橋東側) (75℃)
Yangmingshan Hot Spring (陽明 Weak Basicity Sulfur Spring (70- Take bus 260 from Taipei Main Station to
5 Taipei (台北縣陽明山)
山溫泉區) 95℃) Yangmingshan
Take bus 508 or 612 and alight at Dunxun Vocational
6 Phoenix Hot Spring (鳳凰溫泉) Taipei (北市北投泉源里) Neutral Carbonide Spring (55℃)
7 Beitou Hot Spring (北投溫泉) Taipei (台北縣北投) Low Acid Pure Spring (45℃) Walking distance from Beitou Station
Xin Beitou Hot Spring (新北投溫
8 Taipei (台北縣新北投) Sulfur Spring (50-90℃) Walking distance from Xinbeitou Station
Hushan Hot Spring A (湖山里溫泉
9 Taipei (台北縣北投) Acidic Sulfur Spring (42-90℃) Take bus 230 and alight at Shamao bridge (紗帽橋)
Hushan hot spring B (湖山里溫泉
10 Taipei (台北縣北投) Neutral Spring (42-90℃) Take bus 230 and alight at Shamao bridge (紗帽橋)
11 Shamao Mountain (紗帽山溫泉) Taipei (台北縣北投) Sulfur Spring (50-80℃) Take bus 25 from beitou Station

12 Xingyilu Hot Spring (行義路溫泉) Taipei (台北縣北投) Acidic Sulfur spring (56-80℃) Take bus 25 from beitou Station
Taipei (台北縣金山鄉大
13 Huangxi Hot Spring (磺溪溫泉) Weak Sulfur Spring (50℃) By cab from Beitou Station
Weak Basicity Sodium
14 Wulai Hot Spring (烏來溫泉) Taipei (台北縣烏來鄉) Take Xindian bus to Wulai
Bicarbonate Spring (72-87℃)
Taoyuan (桃園縣復興鄉
15 Sihling Hot Spring (四稜溫泉) Carbonide Spring (65℃) Take cab from Yilan Train Station
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) from Dasi (大溪) and
16 Xinxing Hot Spring (新興溫泉) Taoyuan (桃園縣復興鄉)
(54℃) alight at Balin(巴陵)
Carbonic Acid Hydrogen Spring
17 Xiuruan Hot Spring (秀巒溫泉) Hsinchu (新竹縣尖石鄉) Take cab from Zhudong (竹東) Train Station
Take bus (新竹客運) from Hsinchu City to Zhudong
Carbonic Acid Hydrogen Spring
18 Qingquan Hot Spring (清泉溫泉) Hsinchu (新竹縣五峰鄉) (竹東) afterwhich take (新竹客運) which head
towards 清泉
Take bus (新竹客運) from Miaoli Train station and
Miaoli (苗栗縣泰安鄉錦 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring
19 Tai'an Hot Spring (泰安溫泉) alight at Wenshui (汶水) bus stop and take shuttle
水村) (47℃)
Taichung (台中市大坑公 Take FongYuan Bus in front of Taichung Railway
20 Dakeng Hot Spring (大坑溫泉) Carbon Acid Spring (50℃)
園) Station, and get off at DaKeng Station.
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take train to Fengyuan Station (豐原) and take bus
21 Guguan Hot Spring (谷關溫泉) Taichung (台中縣和平鄉)
(62℃) (豐原客運) to Guguang
Nantou (南投縣仁愛鄉紅
22 Hongxiang Hot Spring (紅香溫泉) Neutral Carbonide Spring (63℃) Pte Transport recommended
Dongpu Hot Spring Zone (東埔溫 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take train to Taichung station and transfer to to JiJi
23 Nantou (南投縣東埔村)
泉區) (55℃) (集集) train route and alight at Shuili (水里)
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Train to taichung Train Station and transfer to
24 Aowanda Hot Spring (奧萬大溫泉) Nantou (南投縣仁愛鄉)
(58℃) Nantou bus (南投客運) and alight at 奧萬大
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Nantou bus (南投客運) from Puli and alight at
25 Chunyang Hot Spring (春陽溫泉) Nantou (南投縣仁愛鄉)
(64℃) 春陽
Nantou (南投縣仁愛鄉發
26 Ruiyan Hot Spring (瑞岩溫泉) Carbonide Spring (60-74℃) Pte Transport recommended
Take Train to Taichung Train Station and take
Lushan Hot Spring Zone (廬山溫 Alkalinity Carbonide Spring
27 Nantou (南投縣仁愛鄉) Kuokuang (國光客運) to Puli after which take Nantou
泉區) (90℃)
bus (南投客運) to Lushan
Nantou (南投縣仁愛鄉精 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring
28 Jinying Hot Spring (精英溫泉) Pte Transport recommended
英村) (75℃)
Take the Train to Sinying Railway Station. Then
Guanzihling Hot Spring (關子嶺溫
29 Tainan (台南縣白河鎮) Muddy Spring (75℃) transfer to Sinying Bus bound for Nanleo and
泉) Guanziling. Get off at Guanziling Stop
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Xingnan bus (興南客運) from Tainan City and
30 Guidan Hot Spring (龜丹溫泉) Tainan (台南縣楠西鄉)
(34℃) alight at Lutao (鹿陶站)
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) from Kaoshiung and
31 Duona (多納溫泉) Kaohsiung (高縣茂林鄉)
(65℃) alight at (多納站)
Kaohsiung (高縣六龜鄉 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) from Kaoshiung and
32 Bulao Hot Spring (不老溫泉)
新發村) (48℃) alight at Baolai Hot Spring
Kaohsiung (高縣六龜鄉 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring
33 Shidong (石洞溫泉) Pte Transport recommended
寶來村) (70℃)
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) from Kaoshiung and
34 Shikeng Hot Spring (十坑溫泉) Kaohsiung (高縣六龜鄉)
(45℃) alight at Baolai Hot Spring
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) from Kaoshiung and
35 Qikeng Hot Spring (七坑溫泉) Kaohsung (高縣六龜鄉)
(42-60℃) alight at Baolai Hot Spring
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) from Kaoshiung and
36 Baolai Hot Spring (寶來溫泉) Kaohsiung (高縣六龜鄉)
(60℃) alight at Baolai Hot Spring
Kaohsiung (高縣桃源鄉 Alkalinity Sodium Bicarbonate Take Train from Kaohsiung Train station and alight at
37 Gaozhong Hot Spring (高中溫泉)
高中村) (45℃) Gaozhong station
Kaohsiung (高縣桃源鄉 Weak Alkalinity Sodium Take Kaohsiung bus (高雄客運) and alight at Liugui
38 Taoyuan Hot Spring (桃源溫泉)
桃源村) Bicarbonate (46℃) (六龜)
Kaohsiung (高縣桃源鄉 Weak Alkalinity Sodium Take Kaohsiung bus (高雄客運) and alight at Liugui
39 Qinho Hot Spring (勤和溫泉)
勤和村) Bicarbonate (40-54℃) (六龜)
Kaohsiung (高縣桃源鄉 Weak Alkalinity Sodium Take Kaohsiung bus (高雄客運) and alight at Liugui
40 Fuxing Hot Spring (復興溫泉)
復興村) Bicarbonate (80℃) (六龜)
Kaohsiung (高縣桃源鄉 Weak Alkalinity Sodium Take Kaohsiung bus (高雄客運) and alight at Liugui
41 Meishan Hot Spring (梅山溫泉)
梅山村) Bicarbonate (75℃) (六龜)
Sihjhongsi Hot Spring (四重溪溫 Weak Alkalinity Sodium Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) from Kaoshiung and
42 Pingtung (屏東縣車城鄉)
泉) Bicarbonate (60℃) alight at Checheng (車城)
Weak Alkalinity Sodium Take bus (客運) from Hengchun and alight at Shuhai
43 Xuhai Hot Spring (旭海溫泉) Pingtung (屏東縣牡丹鄉)
Bicarbonate (75℃) Town (旭海村)
Weak Basicity Carbonic Acid
44 Jiaoxi Hot Spring (礁溪溫泉) Yilan (宜蘭縣礁溪鄉) Take Train to Jiaoxi Station
Yilan (宜蘭縣員山鄉永和 Take Train to Yilan Train Station and transfer to Yilan
45 Yuanshan Hot Spring (員山溫泉) Pure Spring (42℃)
村) bus (宜蘭客運) and alight at 員山溫泉站
Yilan (宜蘭縣三星鄉清水 Alkalinity Carbonide Spring Take Taiqi bus (台汽客運) from Yilan and alight at
46 Qingshui Hot Spring (清水溫泉)
村) (95℃) Bullgate (牛鬥站)
Yilan (宜蘭縣大同鄉英士 Take Taiqi bus (台汽客運) from Luodong and alight
47 Fanfan Hot Spring (梵梵溫泉) Alkalinity Carbonide Spring 52℃
村) Yingshi Bridge (英士橋)
Yilan (宜蘭縣大同鄉土場 Alkalinity Carbonide Spring Take Taiqi bus (台汽客運) from Luodong and alight at
48 Tiangou Hot Spring (天狗溪溫泉)
村天狗溪上游) (50℃) Renze (仁澤)

Yilan (宜蘭縣大同鄉土場 Alkalinity Carbonide Spring Take Bus (台汽客運) from Yilan heading 仁澤溫泉
49 Renze Hot Spring (仁澤溫泉)
村多望溪畔) (90℃) and alight at (仁澤站) Renze bus stop
Yilan (宜蘭縣南澳鄉碧侯 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring
50 Nan'ao Hot Spring (南澳溫泉) Take Train to Nanao Train Station
村) (65℃)
Hualien (花蓮縣萬榮鄉紅 Chloride Carbonic Acid Brine Take the Train to Rueisuei Railway Station. Then
51 Ruisui Hot Spring (瑞穗溫泉)
葉村) Spring (48℃) transfer to Hualien Bus and get off at Rueisuei Stop.

Hualien Red Leaves Hot Spring Hualien (花蓮縣萬榮鄉紅 Take the Train to Rueisuei Railway Station. Then
52 Carbonic Acid Hydrogen (47℃)
(紅葉溫泉) 葉村) transfer to Hualien Bus and get off at Rueisuei Stop.

Hualien (花蓮縣玉里鎮安 Carbonate Chloride Spring Take Train to Antong Station, walk along Antong
53 Antong Hot Spring (安通溫泉)
通溪畔) (47℃) River to arrive.

Taitung Red Leaves Hot Spring Hydrogen Sulfide Spring (45- Take Dingdong bus (鼎東客運) from Taitung and
54 Taitung (台東縣紅葉村)
(紅葉溫泉) 63℃) alight at 鹿鳴站
Taitung (台東縣海東鄉霧 Alkalinity Arbonide Spring (70- Take Dingdong bus (鼎東客運) from Taitung and
55 Wulu Hot Spring (霧鹿溫泉)
鹿峽谷) 80℃) alight at 霧鹿站
Taitung (台東縣海瑞鄉利 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring
56 Lisong Hot Spring (栗松溫泉) Pte Transport recommended
稻) (45-65℃)
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take the Train and get off at Jhihben Station. Then
57 Jhihben Hot Spring (知本溫泉區) Taitung (台東縣卑南鄉)
(45-56℃) take the taxi to Jhihben Hot Spring
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring
58 Jinfeng Hot Spring (金峰溫泉) Taitung (台東縣金峰鄉) Pte Transport recommended
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring
59 Bilu Hot Spring (比魯溫泉) Taitung (台東縣金峰鄉) Pte Transport recommended
Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Dingdong bus (鼎東客運) from Taitung and
60 Jinlun Hot Spring (金崙溫泉) Taitung (台東縣太麻里)
(52℃) alight at 金崙溫泉站
Pu Sha Yuyang Hot Spring (普沙 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring
61 Taitung (台東縣大武鄉) Pte Transport recommended
羽揚溫泉) (45℃)

Taitung (台東縣海瑞鄉新 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring

62 Mokenan Hot Spring (摩刻南溫泉) Pte Transport recommended
武呂溪) (70℃)

Sulfuric Acid Brine Spring (53-

63 Lyu Island Hot Spring (綠島溫泉) Taitung (台東縣綠島鄉) Take ferry or flight to Green Island from Taitung

Taitung (台東縣海瑞鄉新 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring

64 Xiamo Hot Spring (暇末溫泉) Pte Transport recommended
武呂溪畔) (45℃)

Taitung (台東縣海瑞鄉大 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring

65 Lulu Spring (轆轆溫泉) Pte Transport recommended
崙溪上游) (75℃)
Taipei (台北縣三芝鄉老
66 Sanzhi Cold Spring (三芝冷泉) Sulfur Spring (22℃) Pte Transport recommended
Take Hsinchun bus (新竹客運) from Zhudong and
Carbonic Acid Hydrogen Spring
67 Beipu Cold Spring (北埔冷泉) Hsinchu (新竹縣北埔鄉) alight at Beipu (北埔) and transfer bus heading (小南
坑) and alight at Jiufen
68 Guoxing Cold Spring (國姓冷泉) Nantou (南投縣國姓鄉) Sulfur Spring (21℃) Pte Transport recommended
69 Suao Cold Spring (蘇澳冷泉) Yilan (宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮) Pure Carbonide Spring (21℃) Take Train to Suao Station
Kaohsiung (高縣桃源鄉 Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) from Kaoshiung and
70 Xiangzhu Cold Spring (向竹冷泉) Sulfur Spring (20℃)
寶來村) alight at Baolai Hot Spring
Dagang Shan Cold Spring (大岡 Weak Basicity Carbonide Spring Take Kaohsiung bus no 602 and alight at Dagang
71 Kaoshiung (高縣田寮鄉)
山冷泉) (18~21℃) Shan (大崗山)


Informative site on hot springs

Etiquette and Tips for Hot Springs

Wash your body before entering the pool
Strictly no washing of face or hair in public pool
Enter the pool slowly to avoid water turbulence
Patrons with circulatory system should consult doctor before using hot springs
Anyone suffering a communicable disease should not use a public pool
Women should not use hot spring during their menstrual cycle
Hot spring is not advised for pregnant women and children under aged of 3
Should you experience any discomfort, immediately get out of the pool and notify the service staffs
Patrons should not enter the pool with a full/empty stomach
Do not soak in the pool for more than 30min (each time)
No food and drinks are allowed at the pool side
It is very impolite to stare at other people's bodies
Some of the water might appear to be milky, greenish, muddy and have a strong surflur smell
Do not bring valuable items with you
Do remember to take off all your jewelleries before you enter the pool
Bring a small bag along if you are not staying within the hot spring resort (for your clothes, towel etc)
Most of the outdoor springs will required patrons to wear swimming costumes and swimming caps (man and woman mix)
Most of the indoor springs required patrons go naked (man and woman separate)

Japanese style hot spring (operated since Japanese colonial period)

Long Nice Hot Spring (瀧乃湯)
Whispering Pine Inn (吟松閣)
Yisun Hotel (逸邨大飯店)

Wulai outdoor hot spring

As the spring is along the river,tourists are advised not to swim in the river (Beware of strong currents)

Beitou outdoor hot spring (15mins walk from Xinbeitou MRT Station)
Patrons need to swim swimming costumes (6 mix pools for all)
Tickets are sold at $40NT per pax

Jiaoxi Japanese style hot spring (20mins walk from Jiaoxi train Station)
Patrons are to soak nakedly
Two different pools for both man and woman separately
Tickets are sold at $80NT per pax
Tourists can soak their legs in the nearby river or small pool (free of charge)

Green Island hot spring

Lyu Island Hot Spring (綠島朝日溫泉) is one of the world rare seabed hot spring
The world at present only Japan and Italy have the use seabed hot spring

The following hot spring is currently closed due to Typhoon Morakat

Taitung Red Leaves Hot Spring (紅葉溫泉)
Jinlun Hot Spring (金崙溫泉)
Bulao Hot Spring (不老溫泉)
Shidong (石洞溫泉)
Shikeng Hot Spring (十坑溫泉)
Qikeng Hot Spring (七坑溫泉)
Baolai Hot Spring (寶來溫泉)
Gaozhong Hot Spring (高中溫泉)
Taoyuan Hot Spring (桃源溫泉)
Xiangzhu Cold Spring (向竹冷泉)
The following spring is cold spring
Sanzhi Cold Spring (三芝冷泉)
Beipu Cold Spring (北埔冷泉)
Guoxing Cold Spring (國姓冷泉)
Suao Cold Spring (蘇澳冷泉)
Xiangzhu Cold Spring (向竹冷泉)
Dagang Shan Cold Spring (大岡山冷泉)
Taipei/Keelung 台北/基隆
S/n Place of Interest Station Categories Remarks
1 The Red House (西門紅樓) Ximen (西門) Arts 1 min walk from Ximen station
15 mins walk from Beitou Station (closed on
2 Beitou Market (北投市場) Beitou (北投) Eating
3 Red Castle (淡水紅樓中餐廳) Danshui (淡水) Historical/Eating 15mins walk from Danshui station
Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial
4 and Cultural Park (景美人權文化 Dapinglin(大坪林) Historical 10mins walk from Dapinglin Station
Shihsanhang Museum of Take MRT Shuttle bus R13 (RED) and alight at
5 Guandu (關渡) Historical
Archaeology (十三行博物館) Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology

Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall (國立 Walking distance from Sun Yat-Sen Memorial
6 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall (國父紀念館) Historical
國父紀念館) Hall Station
5mins walk from Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial
7 CKS Memorial Hall (中正紀念堂) Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall (中正紀念堂) Historical
Hall Station
Shilin Official Residence (士林官
8 Shilin (士林) Historical 5mins walk from Shilin Station
Taipei Martyrs Shrine (台北忠烈祠 Take bus 208, 247, 267, or 287 bus to the
9 Yuanshan (圓山) Historical
) shrine.
National Palace Museum (國立故 Take MRT Shuttle bus R30 (RED) and alight at
10 Shilin (士林) Historical
宮博物院) National Palace Museum
11 Taiwan Storyland (台湾故事馆) Yuanshan (圓山) Historical 10mins walk from Yuanshan Station
Take MRT Shuttle bus R26 (RED) and alight at
12 Fort San Domingo (聖多明哥城) Danshui (淡水) Historical
Fort San Domingo
Tamsui Customs Officer's
Take MRT Shuttle bus R26 (RED) and alight at
13 Residence (前清總稅務司公署官 Danshui (淡水) Historical
Fort San Domingo
Beitou Hot Spring Museum (北投
14 Xinbeitou (新北投) Historical 10mins walk from Xinbeitou Station
Taiwan Folk Arts Museum (北投
15 Xinbeitou (新北投) Historical 10mins walk from Xinbeitou Station
16 Huwei Fort (滬尾砲台) Danshui (淡水) Historical 20mins walk from Danshui station
Take Keelung City bus 101 or 103 and alight at
17 Ershawan Fort (二砂灣砲台) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Historical
Ershawan Fort
18 Dawulun Fort (大武崙砲台) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Historical Walking distance from Lovers Lake
Take Keelung City bus 201 or 202 and alight at
19 Shihciouling Fort (獅球嶺砲台) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Historical
Shihciouling Fort and walk for 30mins

Take Keelung City bus 104 and alight at Ersin

20 Gongzih Liao Fort (槓子寮砲台) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Historical
Junior High
Take Keelung City bus 301 and alight at Taibai
21 Baimiwong Fort (白米甕砲台) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Historical
22 Wufan Tunnel (五番坑道) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) Historical Within Jinguashi Township
23 Shengping Theater (昇平戲院) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) Historical Within Jiufen Township
24 Crown Prince's Chalet (太子賓館) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) Historical Within Jinguashi Township
25 Zhishan Fortifications (芝山岩) Zhishan (芝山) Historical 15mins walk from Zhishan station
Walking distance from Beitou or Xinbeitou
26 Beitou Hot Spring (北投溫泉) Beitou (北投) or Xinbeitou (新北投) Hot Springs
27 Wulai Hot Spring (烏來溫泉) Xindian (新店) Hot Springs Take Xindian bus to Wulai
Take Kuokuang bus (國光客運) from Taipei
28 Jinshan Hot Spring (金山溫泉) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Hot Springs
Main station to Jinshan
Take Danshui bus (淡水客運) from Keelung
29 WanLi Hot Spring (萬里溫泉) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Hot Springs
Train Station
Huogengzi Hot Spring (火庚子坪 Take Kuokuang bus (國光客運) from Taipei
30 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Hot Springs
溫泉) Main station to Jinshan
31 Machao Hot Spring (馬槽溫泉) Beitou (北投) Hot Springs By cab from Beitou Station
Yangmingshan Hot Spring (陽明 Take bus 260 from Taipei Main Station to
32 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Hot Springs
山溫泉) Yangmingshan
Take bus 508 or 612 and alight at Dunxun
33 Phoenix Hot Spring (鳳凰溫泉) Beitou (北投) Hot Springs
Vocational (惇敘工商)
Hushan Hot Spring A (湖山里溫泉 Take bus 230 and alight at Shamao bridge (紗
34 Beitou (北投) Hot Springs
A) 帽橋)
Hushan hot spring B (湖山里溫泉 Take bus 230 and alight at Shamao bridge (紗
35 Beitou (北投) Hot Springs
B) 帽橋)
36 Shamao Mountain (紗帽山溫泉) Beitou (北投) Hot Springs Take bus 25 from beitou Station

37 Xingyilu Hot Spring (行義路溫泉) Beitou (北投) Hot Springs Take bus 25 from beitou Station
38 Huangxi Hot Spring (磺溪溫泉) Beitou (北投) Hot Springs By cab from Beitou Station
39 PartyWorld (錢櫃) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) KTV Refer for more info
40 Shilin Night Market (士林夜市) Jiantan (劍潭) Night Market Opposite of Jiantan Station
41 Raohe Night Market (饒河街夜市) Song Shan Train (松山火車站) Night Market 10mins walk from Song Shan Train Station
42 Shida Night Market (師大夜市) Taipower Building (台電大樓) Night Market 10mins walk from Taipower Building Station
43 Huaxi Night Market (華西街夜市) Longshan Temple (龍山寺) Night Market 10mins walk from Longshan Temple station
44 JingMei Night Market (景美夜市) Jingmei (景美) Night Market 5mins walk from Jingmei Station
45 Linjiang Night Market (臨江夜市) Liuzhangli (六張梨) Night Market 20mins walk from Liuzhangli Station
46 Ningxia Night Market (寧夏夜市) Shuanglian (雙連) Night Market 20mins walk from Shuanglian station
Nanya Night Market (板橋南雅夜
47 Fuzhong (府中) Night Market 10mins walk from Fuzhong Station
48 LiaoNing Night Market (遼寧夜市) Nanjing E. Rd (南京東路) Night Market 15mins walk from Nanjing E. Rd Station
Gongkuan Night Market (公館夜
49 Gongguan (公館) Night Market 5mins walk from Gongkuan Station
Xinzhuang Night Market (新莊夜
50 Xinpu (新埔) Night Market Take bus 802 to Xinzhuang
51 Xingnan Night Market (興南夜市) Nanshijiao (南勢角) Night Market 5mins walk from Nanshijiao Station
20mins walk from Dingxi or Yongan Market
52 Lehua Night Market (樂華夜市) Dingxi (頂溪) or Yongan Market (永安市場) Night Market
Miaokou Night Market (基隆廟口
53 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Night Market 10mins walk from Keelung Train Station
54 Gmixi Ximen (西門) Pubs/Clubs 1 min walk from Ximen station
15mins walk from Taipei City Hall Station, along
55 Room 18 (18號房) Taipei City Hall (市政府) Pubs/Clubs
Songshou road
56 Taipei City Hall (市政府) Pubs/Clubs Inside Taipei 101
57 SOFA (沙發) Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化) Pubs/Clubs 10mins walk from Zhongxiao Dunhua station
58 Hsiaogongguan (小公館) Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) Pubs/Clubs 10mins walk from Zhongxiao Fuxing Station
59 Plush Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) Pubs/Clubs Located inside Core Pacific City
15mins walk from Taipei City Hall Station, along
60 ZIGA ZAGA Taipei City Hall (市政府) Pubs/Clubs
Songshou road
61 Brown Sugar (黑糖餐廳) Taipei City Hall (市政府) Pubs/Clubs 10mins walk from Taipei City Hall Station
15mins walk from Taipei City Hall Station, along
62 Lava Taipei City Hall (市政府) Pubs/Clubs
Songshou road
63 Wax Guting (古亭) Pubs/Clubs Walking distance from Guting Station
64 China Pa (中國父) Daan (大安) Pubs/Clubs Take cab from Daan Station
65 Carnegies (卡內基) Liuzhangli (六張梨) Pubs/Clubs Take cab from Liuzhangli Station
66 Pasoul Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化) Pubs/Clubs 10mins walk from Zhongxiao Dunhua station

15mins walk from Taipei City Hall Station, along

67 Babe18 Taipei City Hall (市政府) Pubs/Clubs
Songshou road
68 Eden Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) Pubs/Clubs 3mins walk from Zhongxiao Fuxing Station
69 Louise Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化) Pubs/Clubs 10mins walk from Zhongxiao Dunhua Station

70 向 Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化) Pubs/Clubs 10mins walk from Zhongxiao Dunhua Station

71 Luxy Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化) Pubs/Clubs 10mins walk from Zhongxiao Dunhua station
72 Primo Yongchun (永春) Pubs/Clubs 15mins walk from Yongchun Station
Recreation/ Take Keelung City bus 103 and alight at Bisha
73 Bisha Harbour (碧砂漁港) Keelung Train (基隆火車站)
Eating Harbour

74 Shin Kong Life Tower (新光大樓) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Recreation Behind Taipei Main Station
75 Maokong Gondola (貓空纜車) Taipei Zoo (動物園) Recreation 5mins walk from Taipei Zoo Station
Take Maokong Gondola from Taipei Zoo
76 Maokong Tea Garden (貓空茶園) Taipei Zoo (動物園) Recreation
Take the ferry from the ferry station which
77 Fisherman's Wharf (漁人碼頭) Danshui (淡水) Recreation
located along Danshui banks
Take the ferry from the ferry station which
78 Bali Left Bank (八 里 左 岸) Danshui (淡水) Recreation
located along Danshui banks
Yang Ming Shan National Park
79 Beitou (北投) Recreation Take bus 230 from Beitou station
80 Wulai Waterfalls (烏來瀑布) Xindian (新店) Recreation Take Xindian bus to Wulai
Wulai Atayal Museum (烏來泰雅
81 Xindian (新店) Recreation Take Xindian bus to Wulai
Ketaglan Culture Center (凱達格
82 Xinbeitou (新北投) Recreation 5mins walk from Xinbeitou Station
Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Take MRT Shuttle bus R30 (RED) and alight at
83 Shilin (士林) Recreation
Aborigines (順益原住民博物館) National Palace Museum

Nei-dong National Forest

84 Recreation Area (內洞森林遊樂區 Xindian (新店) Recreation Take cab from Xindian MRT Station
Manyueyuan National Forest
Recreation Area (滿月圓森林遊樂 Take bus 812 and alight at Sanxia Town Office
85 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Recreation
and take cab
86 Taipei Zoo (臺北市立動物園) Taipei Zoo (動物園) Recreation 5mins walk from Taipei Zoo Station
Miniatures Museum of Taiwan (袖
87 Nanjing E. Rd (南京東路) Recreation 15mins walk from Nanjing E. Rd Station
National Museum of History (國立
88 Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall (中正紀念堂) Recreation Leave the station by Exit 1 or 2.
National Taiwan Museum (國立臺 5mins walk from National Taiwan University
89 National Taiwan University Hospital (台大醫院) Recreation
灣博物館) Hospital Station
Take Keelung bus (基隆客運) from Dansui MRT
90 Fugi Cape (富貴角公園) Danshui (淡水) Recreation
Station and alight at Fugui stop
Take Keelung bus (基隆客運) from Dansui MRT
91 Baisha Bay (白沙灣) Danshui (淡水) Recreation
Station and alight at Fugui stop

Take Train to Shuanglian Station and transfer

92 Dadaocheng Wharf (大稻埕碼頭) Shuanglian (雙連) Recreation
to bus (Red 33) → Dadaocheng Wharf

93 Guandu Wharf 關渡碼頭 Guandu (關渡) Recreation Take bus (RED 35) to Guandu Wharf
Take kuokuang bus (國光客運) and alight at 馬
94 Sandiaojiao (三貂角) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Recreation
Yanliao Beach Park (鹽寮海濱公 Take Keelung bus (基隆客運) from Keelung
95 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Recreation
園) Train Station and alight at Yanliao (鹽寮站)
Bitan Special Scenic Area (碧潭風
96 Xindian (新店) Recreation 10mins walk from Xindian Station
97 Pingsi (平溪鄉) Pingsi Train Station (平溪) Recreation Walking from Pingsi Train Station
98 Gold Museum (黃金博物園區) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) Recreation Within Jiufen Township
Take Keelung Transit bus from Ruifang Train
99 Jiufen (九份) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) Recreation
Take Keelung Transit bus from Ruifang Train
100 Jinguashi (金瓜石) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) Recreation

Badouzi coastal park (八斗子公園 Take Keelung City bus 103 and get off at the
101 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Recreation
) intersection of Beining Road and Tiaoho Street.

Take Keelung City bus 103 and alight at

102 Jhongjheng Park (中正公園) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Recreation
Jhongjheng Park
Take Keelung City bus 101 and alight at
103 Hoping Island (和平島) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Recreation
Employment Training Center
Wai-Mu-shan Seashore (外木山海 Take Keelung City bus 302 and alight at
104 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Recreation
濱) Chung-Shan Junior High (中山國中) and walk in

Take Keelung City bus 505 and alight at Lovers

105 Lovers Lake Park (情人湖) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Recreation
Lake park
Yeliu Geological Park (野柳風景
106 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Recreation Take Keelung Transit bus from Yeliu bus stop
107 Ocean World (野柳海洋世界) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Recreation Take Keelung Transit bus from Yeliu bus stop
Shifen Waterfalls (十分大瀑布風
108 Shifen Train Station (十分站火車站) Recreation 10mins walk from Shifen Train Station
Yingge Ceramics Museum (鶯歌
109 Yingge Train Station (鶯歌火車站) Recreation 10mins walk from Yingge Station
Take Keelung bus (基隆客運) and alight at 18
110 18 Kings Temple (十八王公廟) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Religions
Kings Temple
Taipei Confucius Temple (臺北市
111 Yuanshan (圓山) Religions 10mins walk from Yuanshan Station
112 Gold Shrine (黃金神社) Ruifang Train Station (瑞芳火車站) Religions Within Jinguashi Township
113 Guandu Temple (關渡宮) Guandu (關渡) Religions 15mins walk from Guandu Station
Sanxia Qingshui Zushi Temple
114 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Religions Take bus 812 and alight at Sanxia Town Office
115 Longshan Temple (龍山寺) Longshan Temple (龍山寺) Religions 5mins walk from Longshan Temple station
Xiahai City God Temple (霞海城
116 Song Shan Train (松山火車站) Religions 10mins walk from Raohe Train Station
Take bus 5, 49 or 63 to Songjiang Mincyuan
117 Xingtian Temple (行天宮) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Religions
Stop (民權松江路口)
118 Beitou Puji temple (北投普濟寺) Xinbeitou (新北投) Religions 20 mins from Xinbeitou Station

Take Keelung City bus 301 and alight at Fairy

119 Fairy Cave (仙洞巖) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Religions
Jianguo Holiday Flower Market
120 Daan (大安) Shopping 15mins walk from Daan Station
121 Ximending (西門町) Ximen (西門) Shopping/Eating 5 mins walk from Ximen station
Taipei underground Market (台北 Located at the underneath of Taipei Main
122 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Shopping/Eating
地下街) Station
Taipei New World Shopping Located at the underneath of Taipei Main
123 Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Shopping/Eating
Center (台北新世界購物中心) Station
Located beside Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taipei
124 Nova Taipei (訊息廣場) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Shopping/Eating

125 Shin Kong Mitsukoshi (新光三越) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Shopping/Eating Refer for more info
Miramar Shopping Mall (美麗華百
126 Jiannan Rd (劍南路) Shopping/Eating 10mins walk from Jiannan Rd Station
127 Taipei 101 (台北101) Taipei City Hall (市政府) Shopping/Eating 15mins walk from Taipei City Hall Station
128 Danshui Old Street (淡水老街) Danshui (淡水) Shopping/Eating 5mins walk from Danshui station
129 Sanxia Old Street (三峽老街) Taipei Main Station (台北車站) Shopping/Eating Take bus 812 and alight at Sanxia Town Office

Take Hsinhsin bus (欣欣客運) and alight at

130 Shenkeng Old Street (深坑老街) Jingmei (景美) or Muzha (木柵) Shopping/Eating
Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化) or Zhongxiao Walking distance from Zhongxiao Dunhua or
131 Taipei East Zone (台北東區) Shopping
Fuxing (忠孝復興) Zhongxiao Fuxing station
GuangHua Electronics Market (光
132 Zhongxiao Xinsheng (忠孝新生) Shopping 15mins walk from Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station
133 Wufenpu (五分埔) Houshanpi (後山埤) Shopping 15mins walk from Houshanpi Station
Free Shuttle bus at bus stop beside Zhongxiao
134 Core Pacific City (京華城) Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) Shopping
Fuxing Station
Free Shuttle bus at bus stop beside Jingan
135 Global Mall (環球購物中心) Jingan (景安) Shopping
TianMu Shopping Circle (天母商 Take MRT Shuttle bus R19 (RED) and alight at
136 Shipai (石牌) Shopping
場) Tianmu Circle
137 Hell Valley (地熱谷) Xinbeitou (新北投) Sightseeing 15mins walk from Xinbeitou Station
138 Sulfur Valley (硫磺谷) Xinbeitou (新北投) Sightseeing Take bus 230 from Beitou station
139 Phoenix Valley (龍鳳谷) Xinbeitou (新北投) Sightseeing Take bus 230 from Beitou station
Take Keelung bus (基隆客運) and alight at
140 Nan Ya Rock (南雅奇石) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Sightseeing
Nanyali stop (南雅里)
Dragon Cave Bay Park (龍洞灣公 Take Kuokuang bus (國光客運) and alight at
141 Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Sightseeing
園) Dragon Cave stop
Take Keelung City bus 508 and alight at Ao-di
142 Ao-di Fish Market (澳底漁港) Keelung Train (基隆火車站) Sightseeing
Fish Market
Tomb of Teresa Teng (鄧麗君之 Sightseeing/ Take Kuokuang bus (國光客運) and alight at
143 Taipei Main Station (台北車站)
墓園) Religions Jinshan Station and hail a cab from there
Take MRT Shuttle bus R22 (RED) and alight at
144 Formosa Fun Coast (八仙海岸) Guandu (關渡) Theme Park
Formosa Fun Coast

Location of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi (新光三越)
Songgao Road No 19 (台北市松高路19號)
Songgao Road No 12 (台北市松高路12號)
Shinyi Branch (台北信義新天地) Taipei City Hall (市政府)
Songshou Road No 9 (台北市松壽路 9號)
Songshou Road No 11 (台北市松壽路 11號)
Nanjing West Road No 12 (台北市南京西路 12號)
Taipei south-west Branch (台北南
Zhongshan (中山) Nanjing West Road No 12 (台北市南京西路 14號)
Nanjing West Road No 15 (台北市南京西路 15號)
Taipei Main Station Branch (台北 Zhongxiao West Road Sector 1 No 66 (台北市忠孝西路一段 66號
Taipei Main Station (台北車站)
站前店) )
TianMu Branch (台北天母店) Shipai (石牌) Tianmu East Road No 68 (台北市天母東路 68號)

Location of PartyWorld (錢櫃)

Dunhua South Road Sector 1 No 205 (台北市敦化南路一段 205
Dunnan Branch (台北敦南店) Zhongxiao Dunhua (忠孝敦化)
SOGO Branch (台北SOGO店) Zhongxiao Fuxing (忠孝復興) Zhongxiao East Road Sector 4 No22 (台北市忠孝東路4段 22號)
Songjiang Branch (台北松江店) No nearby MRT Station Songjiang Road No 199 (台北市松江路 199號)
Nanjing Branch (台北南京店) No nearby MRT Station Nanjing East Road Sector 2 No3 (台北市南京東路 2段 3號)
Linsen Branch (台北林森店) No nearby MRT Station Linsen North Road No 312 (台北市林森北路 312號)
Zhonghua Branch (台北中華新店) Ximen (西門) Zhonghua Road Sector 1 No 55 (台北市中華路一段 55號)

Tourists are recommended to purchase 1day ticket which cost $200NT (MRT only)
A deposit of $50NT will be refunded back upon the return of card

Train is needed to get to the following places

Raohe Night Market (饒河街夜市)
Miaokou Night Market (基隆廟口夜市)
Jiufen (九份)
Jinguashi (金瓜石)
Yingge Ceramics Museum (鶯歌陶瓷博物館)
Shifen Waterfalls (十分大瀑布風景區)
Ershawan Fort (二砂灣砲台)
Dawulun Fort (大武崙砲台)
Shihciouling Fort (獅球嶺砲台)
Gongzih Liao Fort (槓子寮砲台)
Baimiwong Fort (白米甕砲台)
Bisha Harbour (碧砂漁港)
Badouzi coastal park (八斗子公園)
Jhongjheng Park (中正公園)
Hoping Island (和平島)
Wai-Mu-shan Seashore (外木山海濱)
Lovers Lake Park (情人湖)
Geological Park (野柳風景區)
Ocean World (野柳海洋世界)
Fairy Cave (仙洞巖)
18 Kings Temple (十八王公廟)
Taoyuan 桃園
S/n Place of Interest Station Categories Remarks
1 Dasi Old Town (大溪老鎮) Dasi Township (大溪鎮) Historical Take Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) to Dasi Town
Take Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) from Dasi (大溪)
2 Xinxing Hot Spring (新興溫泉) Fuxing Township (復興鄉) Hot Springs
and alight at Balin(巴陵)
3 Sihling Hot Spring (四稜溫泉) Fuxing Township (復興鄉) Hot Springs Take cab from Yilan Train Station
Take Train to Taoyuan Train Station and
4 Martyrs Shrine (忠烈祠) Taoyuan City (桃園市) Historical transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) and alight
at Martyrs Shrine
Cihu Presidential Burial Place (慈 Historical/ Take Train to Chungli Train Station (後車站)
5 Dasi Township (大溪鎮)
湖陵寢) Religions and transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運)
Take Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) to Dasi and
6 Daxi Mausoleum (大溪陵寢) Dasi Township (大溪鎮) transfer to Taoyuan bus heading to Fuxing (復
7 Taoyuan Night Market (桃園夜市) Taoyuan City (桃園市) Night Market 20 mins walk from Taoyuan Train Station
Jhongli Night Market (中壢觀光夜 Take Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) from Chungli
8 Chungli City(中壢市) Night Market
市) Train station
Take Train to Chungli Train Station (後車站)
9 Longtan Lake (龍潭湖) Lungtan Township (龍潭鄉) Recreation
and transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運)
Take Train to Taoyuan Train Station and
The Chinese Furniture Museum
10 Taoyuan City (桃園市) Recreation transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) and alight
at County Government Offices
Take Train to Taoyuan Train Station and
Guanyin Scenic Area Area (觀音
11 Guanyin Township (觀音鄉) Recreation transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) and alight
at Ganquan Temple
Daxi Flower Ocean Farm Ranch Take Train to Chungli Train Station (後車站)
12 Dasi Township (大溪鎮) Recreation
(大溪花海農場) and transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運)
Guanyin Lotus Ranch (桃園縣觀 Take Train to Chungli Train Station (後車站)
13 Guanyin Township (觀音鄉) Recreation
音鄉觀光休閒農業園區) and transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運)
Sinwu Flower Ocean Farm (新屋
14 Sinwu Township (新屋鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Futian Garden Farm (富田花園農
15 Dasi Township (大溪鎮) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
16 Sungreen Farm (向陽農場) Guanyin Township (觀音鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
17 Spring Farm (春天農場) Guishan Township (龜山鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
18 Chinglin Fram (青林農場) Guanyin Township (觀音鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
19 Qingsong Farm (青松農場) Chungli City(中壢市) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Take Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) to Dasi and
20 Jiaobanshan Park (角板山公園) Fuxing Township (復興鄉) Recreation transfer to Taoyuan bus heading to Fuxing (復
Cihu Memorial Park (慈湖紀念雕 Take Train to Chungli Train Station (後車站)
21 Dasi Township (大溪鎮) Recreation
塑公園) and transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運)
Little Wulai Scenic Area (小烏來
22 Fuxing Township (復興鄉) Recreation Take Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) to Little Wulai
Baisha Cape Lighthouse (白沙岬 Take Train to Chungli Train Station (後車站)
23 Guanyin Township (觀音鄉) Recreation
燈塔) and transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運)
Lala Mountain Recreation Area
24 Fuxing Township (復興鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Dongyanshan National Forest
25 Recreation Area (東眼山國家森林 Fuxing Township (復興鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
26 Yong An Harbor (永安漁港) Sinwu Township (新屋鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Take Train to Taoyuan Train Station and
27 Jhuwei Fishing Market (竹圍漁港) Dayuan Township (大園鄉) Recreation transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) and alight
at Jhuwei stop

28 Temple of Confucius (桃園孔廟) Taoyuan City (桃園市) Religions 30 mins walk from Taoyuan Train Station
29 Jingfu Temple (景福宮) Taoyuan City (桃園市) Religions 20 mins walk from Taoyuan Train Station
Shoushan Guanyin Temple (壽山
30 Guishan Township (龜山鄉) Religions Pte Transport recommended
Take Train to Taoyuan Train Station and
Lianzuo Mountain Guanyin
31 Dasi Township (大溪鎮) Religions transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) and alight
Temple (蓮坐山觀音寺)
at Dasi Town
Take Train to Taoyuan Train Station and
32 Zhaiming Temple (齋明寺) Dasi Township (大溪鎮) Religions transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) and alight
at Zhaiming Temple
Take Train to Taoyuan Train Station and
33 Wufu Temple (五福宮) Luzhu Township (蘆竹鄉) Religions transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) and alight
at 南崁站
Take Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) to Dasi and
Jiaobanshan Commerical Area
34 Fuxing Township (復興鄉) Recreation transfer to Taoyuan bus heading to Fuxing (復
Take Train to Taoyuan Train Station and
Taimall (台茂南崁家庭娛樂購物中
35 Luzhu Township (蘆竹鄉) Shopping transfer to Taoyuan bus (桃園客運) and alight
at 台茂站
Take Train to Taoyuan Train Station and
36 Metro Walk (大江國際購物中心) Chungli City(中壢市) Shopping
transfer to Metro Walk Shuttle bus
Window On China Theme Park Take Train to Chungli Train Station and transfer
37 Lungtan Township (龍潭鄉) Theme Park
(小人國主題樂園) to Hsinchu bus (新竹客運)

Hsinchu 新竹
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
City God's Temple Snack (城隍廟
1 Hsinchu City (新竹市) Eating 20mins walk from Hsinchu Train Station
Guanxi Strawberry Farm (關西草 Along county route 118 (縣道118線) Pte
2 Guanxi Township (關西鎮) Eating
莓園) Transport is needed
3 Smangus Village (司馬庫斯部落) Jianshi Township (尖石鄉) Pte Transport recommended
Smangus Old Trail (司馬庫斯古道
4 Jianshi Township (尖石鄉) Hiking Pte Transport recommended
Zhengxibao Sacred Trees (鎮西保
5 Jianshi Township (尖石鄉) Hiking Pte Transport recommended
6 East Gate (迎曦門) Hsinchu City (新竹市) Historical 20mins walk from Hsinchu Train Station
Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Hsinchu
7 Hukou Old Street (湖口老街) Hukou Township (湖口鄉) Historical Train station and alight at Hujing village (湖鏡村
8 Beipu Old Street (北埔老街) Beipu Township (北埔鄉) Historical Pte Transport recommended
9 Xiuruan Hot Spring (秀巒溫泉) Jianshi Township (尖石鄉) Hot Springs Take cab from Zhudong (竹東) Train Station
Take bus (新竹客運) from Hsinchu City to
10 Qingquan Hot Spring (清泉溫泉) Wufeng Township (五峰鄉) Hot Springs Zhudong (竹東) afterwhich take (新竹客運)
which head towards 清泉
Take Hsinchun bus (新竹客運) from Zhudong
11 Beipu Cold Spring (北埔冷泉) Beipu Township (北埔鄉) Hot Springs and alight at Beipu (北埔) and transfer bus
heading (小南坑) and alight at Jiufen
Hsinchu Municipal Glass Arts And
12 Crafts Museum (新竹市立玻璃工 Hsinchu City (新竹市) Recreation 15mins walk from Hsinchu Train Station
Take bus (新竹客運) from Hsinchu City to
13 Baxian Waterfalls (八仙瀑布) Wufeng Township (五峰鄉) Recreation Zhudong (竹東) afterwhich take (新竹客運)
which head towards 清泉
Take Train to Hsinchu Train Station and
Nei-wan Hanging Bridge (內灣吊
14 Hengshan Township (橫山鄉) Recreation transfer to Nei-wan train route. Then take
橋) hsinchu bus to Nei-wan
15 18 Peaks Park (十八尖山公園) Hsinchu City (新竹市) Recreation By Cab from Hsinchu Train Station
Lion's Head Mountain Scenic Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Hsinchu
16 Ermei Township (峨眉鄉) Recreation
Area (獅頭山風景區) Train station
Take Train to Hsinchu Train Station and
17 Youluo Valley (油羅溪谷) Hengshan Township (橫山鄉) Recreation transfer to Nei-wan train route. Then take
hsinchu bus to Nei-wan
QingQuan Recreation Area (清泉 Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Hsinchu
18 Wufeng Township (五峰鄉) Recreation
風景特定區) Train station
Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Hsinchu
17 Kilometers Coastline (十七公
19 Hsinchu City (新竹市) Recreation Train station to Old Harbor (舊漁港) and
transfer to shuttle bus
20 Yasen Farm (亞森觀光農場) Guanxi Township (關西鎮) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
21 Yinsi Waterfalls (銀絲瀑布) Wufeng Township (五峰鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Maliguang Waterfalls (馬里瀑布群
22 Jianshi Township (尖石鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Shei-pa National Park (雪霸國家 Pte Transport recommended Hiking Permit is
23 Wufeng Township (五峰鄉) Recreation
公園) needed)
Sheipa Leisure Farm (雪霸休閒農
24 Wufeng Township (五峰鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Guanwu National Forest
25 Recreation Area (觀霧國家森林遊 Wufeng Township (五峰鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Tea Leaves Exhibition Center (茶
26 Ermei Township (峨眉鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Take Train to Hsinchu (新竹) Train station and
Buddhism Holy Land (五指山佛教
27 Beipu Township (北埔鄉) Religions transfer to hsinchu bus to Zhudong and alight
at 五指山
Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Hsinchu
28 Lotus Temple (蓮花寺) Hsinfeng Township (新豐鄉) Religions Train station and alight at Shanjiao stop (山腳站
Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Hsinchu
29 Sansheng Temple (三聖宮) Xinpu Township (新埔鎮) Religions
Train station and alight at Xinpu stop
Hsinchu City God Temple (新竹城
30 Hsinchu City (新竹市) Religions 20mins walk from Hsinchu Train Station
Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Hsinchu
Xinpu Mingyi Temple (新埔義民廟
31 Xinpu Township (新埔鎮) Religions Train station and alight at Mingyi Temple
Station (義民廟站)
Take Train to Hsinchu Train Station and
32 Nei-wan Old Street (內灣老街) Hengshan Township (橫山鄉) Shopping transfer to Nei-wan train route. Then take
hsinchu bus to Nei-wan
Sightseeing/ Take Train to Hsinchu Train Station and
33 Nei-wan line (內灣鐵路支線) Hengshan Township (橫山鄉)
Historical transfer to Nei-wan train route
Take Train to Jhongli (中壢) Train station and
34 Leofoo Village (六福村主題樂園) Guanxi Township (關西鎮) Theme Park transfer to hsinchu bus (新竹客運) and alight at
Leofoo Village
Little Ding-Dong Science Park (小 Take Train (電聯車) to Hsinfeng Train Station
35 Hsinfeng Township (新豐鄉) Theme Park
叮噹科學園區) (新豐火車站) and take cab

Miaoli 苗栗
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks

Xishuikeng Dofu Street (洗水坑豆 Take bus (新竹客運) from Miaoli Train station
1 Taian Township (泰安鄉) Eating
腐街) and alight at Wenshui (汶水) bus stop

Take Train to Miaoli Train Station and transfer

2 Shengxing Station (勝興車站) Sanyi Township (三義鄉) Historical
to hsinchu bus (新竹客運) and alight at Sanyi
Sanyi Remains of Longteng Take Train to Miaoli Train Station and transfer
3 Sanyi Township (三義鄉) Historical
Bridge (龍騰斷橋) to hsinchu bus (新竹客運) and alight at Sanyi
Take bus (新竹客運) from Miaoli Train station
4 Tai'an Hot Spring (泰安溫泉) Taian Township (泰安鄉) Hot Springs and alight at Wenshui (汶水) bus stop and take
shuttle bus
Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum Take Train to Miaoli Train Station and transfer
5 Sanyi Township (三義鄉) Recreation
(三義木彫博物館) to hsinchu bus (新竹客運) and alight at Sanyi
Take Train to Miaoli Train Station and transfer
6 West Lake (西湖) Sanyi Township (三義鄉) Recreation
to hsinchu bus (新竹客運) and alight at Sanyi
Take Train to Tongxiao Train Station and take
7 Flying Cow Ranch (飛牛牧場) Tongxiao Township (通霄鎮) Recreation

8 Dahu Strawberry Farm (大湖草莓) Dahu Township (大湖鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
9 Dahu Wineyard (大湖酒莊) Dahu Township (大湖鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Lion's Head Mountain Scenic Take Train to Zhunan (竹南) Train Staion and
10 Nanzhuang Township (南庄鄉) Recreation
Area (獅頭山風景區) transfer to hsinchu bus (新竹客運)
Guanyun Recreation Area (觀霧
11 Taian Township (泰安鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Zhong-gang Ciyu Temple (中港慈
12 Zhunan Township (竹南鎮) Religions Take Train to Zhunan (竹南) Train Staion
Take Train to Miaoli Train Station and transfer
13 Fa Yun Temple (法雲禪寺) Dahu Township (大湖鄉) Religions
to hsinchu bus (新竹客運) and alight at Dahu

Strawberry Farm Contact Person Contact No Remarks

千秋草莓園 Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Miaoli and
0930-135897, 黃琦惠 0930-934909 alight at Dahu fuxing stop (大湖富興站)
吳家溫室草莓農場 0928-421666, Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Miaoli and
吳先生 0921-996870 alight at Nanhu elementary (南湖國小)
宏星草莓園觀光果園 Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Miaoli and 吳雲喜 0912-037770
alight at Nanhu elementary (南湖國小)
大湖芳香草莓園 Take hsinchu bus (新竹客運) from Miaoli and NIL 0918-380411
alight at Nanhu elementary (南湖國小)
戀山水草莓園 張芝腕 0955-333187 Pte Transport recommended

0935-990896, NIL 0910-516870
Pte Transport recommended
新興草莓觀光農場 謝錦文 0937-220265 Pte Transport recommended
0919-545781, 林家平 0923-142186
Pte Transport recommended
0921-322837, NIL 0921-322877
Pte Transport recommended

Taichung 台中
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
Qingshui Town Culture Museum
1 Qingshui Township (清水鎮) Cultural Take Train to Qingshui Train Station
2 Banana Paradise (香蕉新樂園) Taichung City (台中市) Eating By cab from Taichung Train Station
3 Qingshui Old Cave (清水古洞) Qingshui Township (清水鎮) Historical Take Train to Qingshui Train Station
Qingshui Earthquake Monument
4 Qingshui Township (清水鎮) Historical Take Train to Qingshui Train Station

Take FongYuan Bus in front of Taichung

5 Dakeng Hot Spring (大坑溫泉) Taichung City (台中市) Hot Springs
Railway Station, and get off at DaKeng Station.

Take train to Fengyuan Station (豐原) and take

6 Guguan Hot Spring (谷關溫泉) Hoping Township (和平鄉) Hot Springs
bus (豐原客運) to Guguang
Take Taichung bus 35 (台中客運) and alight at
7 Fengjia Night Market (逢甲夜市) Taichung Xitun Area (台中西屯區) Night Market
Fengjia University
Jhonghua Night Market (中華夜市
8 Taichung City (台中市) Night Market 5mins walk from Taichung Train Station
Jhongxiao Night Market (忠孝路夜
9 Taichung City (台中市) Night Market Take cab from Taichung Train Station
10 Warehouse No 20 (20號貨倉) Taichung City (台中市) Recreation 5mins walk from Taichung Train Station
11 Wuling Farm (武陵農場) Hoping Township (和平鄉) Recreation Take Kuokuang bus from Yilan Train station
Take Train to Fengyuan Station and transfer to
12 Houli Horse Ranch (后里馬場) Houli Township (后里鄉) Recreation
Fengyuan bus (豐原客運) heading to Houli

13 Fushoushan Farm (福壽山農場) Hoping Township (和平鄉) Recreation Take cab from Taichung Train Station
Take Train to Fengyuan Station and transfer to
Lishan National Scenic Area (梨
14 Hoping Township (和平鄉) Recreation Fengyuan bus (豐原客運) heading to Guguan
Tourist Center (谷關遊客中心)
Basianshan National Forest Take Fengyuan bus (豐原客運) from Taichung
15 Recreation Area (八仙山森林遊樂 Hoping Township (和平鄉) Recreation Train Station and alight at Duming Bridge (篤銘
區) 橋)
Snow Mountain National Forest
16 Recreation Area (大雪山森林遊樂 Hoping Township (和平鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Dongshih Forest Recreation Park Take Fengyuan bus (豐原客運) from Fengyuan
17 Dongshih Town (東勢鎮) Recreation Train Station and alight at Dongshih Forest
Recreation Park
Shei-Pa National Park (雪霸國家
18 Hoping Township (和平鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Take Train to Taichung Station and transfer to
Tiezhenshan Scenic Area (鐵砧山
19 Dajia Township (大甲鎮) Recreation Fengyuan bus (豐原客運) heading to
Take Train to Taichung Station and transfer to
20 Lileng Bu Luo (裡冷部落) Hoping Township (和平鄉) Recreation Fengyuan bus (豐原客運) heading to lileng Bu
Take Fengyuan bus (豐原客運) from Fengyuan
921 Earthquake Museum of
21 Wufeng Township (霧峰鄉) Recreation Train Station and alight at Guangfu village (光
Taiwan (921地震教育園區)
Dajia Tianhou Temple (大甲鎮瀾
22 Dajia Township (大甲鎮) Religions Take Train to Dajia Station
Three Mountain King Temple (三
23 Qingshui Township (清水鎮) Religions Take Train to Qingshui Train Station
Taichung Confucius Temple (台中
24 Taichung City (台中市) Religions 15mins walk from Taichung Train Station
25 International Street (國際藝術街) Longjin Township (龍井鄉) Shopping/Eating Take Taichung bus 22, 46 or 47 (台中客運)
Tianjin Street Shopping Circle (天
26 Taichung City (台中市) Shopping/Eating Take Taichung bus 9 (台中客運)
Lakeview Shopping Circle (湖水岸 Take Taichung bus 14 (台中客運) and alight at
27 Taichung Nantun Area (台中市南屯區) Shopping/Eating
商圈) Lakeview Shopping Circle
28 Yi Zhong Street (一中街) Taichung City (台中市) Shopping/Eating 15mins walk from Taichung Train Station
Donghai Shopping Circle (東海商
29 Taichung City (台中市) Shopping/Eating 20mins walk from Taichung Train Station
20mins walk from Taichung Train Station. Walk
30 Jingming 1st Street (精明一街) Taichung Beitun Area (台中市北屯區) Shopping/Eating
towards Zhonggang road (中港路二段)

Take Taichung bus 17 or 88 (台中客運) and

31 TIGER CITY 購物中心 Taichung City (台中市) Shopping/Eating
alight at Tiger City
Taichung Electronics Street (台中
32 Taichung City (台中市) Shopping 15mins walk from Taichung Train Station
33 台中 SOGO 百貨 Taichung City (台中市) Shopping Take cab from Taichung Train Station
Take Taichung bus 15 (台中客運) and alight
34 Dakeng Scenic Area (大坑風景區) Taichung Beitun Area (台中市北屯區) Sightseeing
Dakeng Roundabout stop
Take Train to Taichung Station and transfer to
35 Wuci Fish Market (梧棲觀光漁市) Wuci Township (梧棲鎮) Sightseeing Fengyuan bus (豐原客運) heading to Taichung
Take Train to Taichung Station and transfer to
36 Dongshan Park (東山樂園) Taichung City (台中市) Theme Park
Fengyuan bus (豐原客運)
Yamay Recreation World (月眉育 Take Train to Taichung Station and transfer to
37 Houli Township (后里鄉) Theme Park
樂世界主題樂園) Renyou bus (仁友客運) to Yamay

Changhua 彰化
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
Take Train to Changhua Train Station and
1 Lugang Cuisine (鹿港美食特產) Lugang Township (鹿港鎮) Eating
transfer to Changhua bus (彰化客運)
Lugang Folk Arts Museum (鹿港 Take Train to Changhua Train Station and
2 Lugang Township (鹿港鎮) Historical
民俗文物館) transfer to Changhua bus (彰化客運)
Take Train to Huatan Train Station and take
3 Taiwan Folk Village (台灣民族村) Huatan Township (花壇鄉) Historical
Lugang Old Market Street (鹿港老 Take Train to Changhua Train Station and
4 Lugang Township (鹿港鎮) Historical
街) transfer to Changhua bus (彰化客運)
Wang Gong Fishing Harbor (王功 Recreation/ Take Train to Yuanlin Train Station and
5 Wang Gong Township (王功村)
漁港) Eating transfer to Yuanlin bus (員林客運)
Bagua Mountain Scenery Area Take Train to Changhua Train Station and take
6 Changhua City (彰化市) Recreation
(八卦山風景區) cab to
Bagua Mountain Hanger (八卦山 Take Train to Changhua Train Station and take
Changhua City (彰化市) Recreation
停機坪) cab to
Take Train to Changhua Train Station and
7 Er-shui Town (二水鄉) Er-shui Township (二水鄉) Recreation
transfer to Er-shui line
Changhua Confucius Temple (彰
8 Changhua City (彰化市) Religions 10mins walk from Changhua Train Station
Lugang Tianhou Temple (鹿港天 Take Train to Changhua Train Station and
9 Lugang Township (鹿港鎮) Religions
后宮) transfer to Changhua bus (彰化客運)
Lugang Longshan Temple (鹿港 Take Train to Changhua Train Station and
10 Lugang Township (鹿港鎮) Religions
龍山寺) transfer to Changhua bus (彰化客運)
Take Train to Changhua Train Station and
11 Wenwu Temple (文武廟) Lugang Township (鹿港鎮) Religions
transfer to Changhua bus (彰化客運)
Sightseeing/ Take Train to Changhua Train Station and
12 Er-shui Line (二水鐵路) Er-shui Township (二水鄉)
Historical transfer to Er-shui line
Hsiao Ken-ting Fantantasic World Take Train to Changhua Train Station and
13 Changhua City (彰化市) Theme Park
(小墾丁水上休閒世界) transfer to Changhua bus (彰化客運)

Nantou 南投
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks

Jiji Railway Museum (集集鐵路文 Take train to Taichung station and transfer to to
1 Jiji Township (集集鎮) Historical
物博物館) JiJi (集集) train route and alight at Jiji (集集)

Take train to Taichung station and transfer to to

2 Dongpu Hot Spring (東埔溫泉) Dongpu Township (東埔村) Hot Springs
JiJi (集集) train route and alight at Shuili (水里)
Take Train to taichung Train Station and
3 Aowanda Hot Spring (奧萬大溫泉) Renai Township (仁愛鄉) Hot Springs transfer to Nantou bus (南投客運) and alight at
Take Train to Taichung Train Station and take
4 Lushan Hot Spring (廬山溫泉) Renai Township (仁愛鄉) Hot Springs Kuokuang (國光客運) to Puli after which take
Nantou bus (南投客運) to Lushan

5 Hongxiang Hot Spring (紅香溫泉) Hongye Township (紅葉村) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
Take Nantou bus (南投客運) from Puli and
6 Chunyang Hot Spring (春陽溫泉) Renai Township (仁愛鄉) Hot Springs
alight at 春陽
7 Ruiyan Hot Spring (瑞岩溫泉) Renai Township (仁愛鄉) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
8 Jinying Hot Spring (精英溫泉) Renai Township (仁愛鄉) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
9 Guoxing Cold Spring (國姓冷泉) Guoxing Township (國姓鄉) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
Aowanda National Forest Take Train to Taichung ang transfer to Nantou
10 Recreation Area (奧萬大森林遊樂 Renai Township (仁愛鄉) Recreation bus (南投客運) or take free Shuttle bus at
區) Taichung HSR station (Sat/Sun only)

Take train to Taichung station and transfer to to

11 Dongpu Scenic Area (東埔風景區) Dongpu Township (東埔村) Recreation
JiJi (集集) train route and alight at Shuili (水里)

Yushan National Park (玉山國家

12 Xinyi Township (信義鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Tak Train to Taichung afterwhich take Nantou
13 Cingjing Farm (清境農場) Renai Township (仁愛鄉) Recreation
bus (南投客運) to Cingjing Farm
HeHuanShan National Forest
Take Nantou bus (南投客運) to Cingjing Farm
14 Recreation Area (合歡山國家公園 Renai Township (仁愛鄉) Recreation
(清境農場) afterwhich take cab to 合歡山
Lugu Tea Culture Center (鹿谷鄉 Take Yuanlin bus (員林客運) to Zhushan and
15 Lugu Township (鹿谷鄉) Recreation
農會茶業推廣中心) transfer to Yuanlin bus heading to Lugu (鹿谷)
Take Train to Ershui (二水) Train Station, then
16 Songbolin Forest Park (松柏嶺) Mingjian Township (名間鄉) Recreation transfer to Jiji Line and get off at Zhuoshui (濁
水) Station.
Taiguang Herb Farm (台光香草園 Take Train to Taichung and transfer Nantou
17 Puli Township (埔里鄉) Recreation
) bus (南投客运) to Puli
Take Train to Taichung and transfer Nantou
18 Carp Lake (鯉魚潭) Puli Township (埔里鄉) Recreation
bus (南投客运) to Puli
Chung Tai Chan Monastery (中台 Take Train to Taichung and transfer Nantou
19 Puli Township (埔里鄉) Religions
禪寺) bus (南投客运) to Puli
Take Train to Taichung and transfer Kuokuang
20 Puli Brewery Factory (埔里酒廠) Puli Township (埔里鄉) Shopping/Eating
bus (國光客运) to Puli
Sightseeing/ Take Fengrong bus (豐榮客運) from Puli and
21 Paper Dome (埔里紙教堂) Puli Township (埔里鄉)
Cultural alight at Taomili (桃米里)
Sightseeing/ Take train to Taichung station and transfer to to
22 Jiji Township (集集鎮) Jiji Township (集集鎮)
Historical JiJi (集集) train route and alight at Jiji (集集)

Sun-Moon Lake National Scenic Take Train to Taichung and transfer Nantou
23 Yuchih Township (魚池鄉) Sightseeing
Area (日月潭國家風景區) bus (南投客运)
Formosa Aboriginal Culture Take Train to Taichung and transfer Nantou
24 Yuchih Township (魚池鄉) Sightseeing
Village (九族文化村) bus (南投客运)


Tourists can tour around Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area by the following means of transport
Cable Car
Ferry Service
Tourist bus

Tourists can tour around Jiji Town by the following means of transport

Entrance fees is needed for the following places

九族文化村 (Formosa Aboriginal Culture Village) - $700

Sun-Moon Lake National Scenic Area

Shueishe Visitor Center (水社遊客中心)
Lalu Island (拉魯島)
Meihe Garden (梅荷園)
Ci En Pagoda (慈恩塔)
Ita Thao (伊達邵)
Wenwu Temple (文武廟)
Syuanguang Temple (玄光寺)
Syuentzang Temple (玄奘寺)
Yunlin 雲林
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
Yunlin Food Square (雲林溪美食
1 Douliu Township (斗六鎮) Eating Take Train to Douliu Station
Hebaoshan Coffee Recreational Take Ritong bus (日統客運) from Douliu and
2 Gukeng Township (古坑鄉) Recreation
Area (荷苞山咖啡遊憩區) alight at Dimumiao (地母廟)
Huashan Scenic Area (華山風景
3 Gukeng Township (古坑鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Take Train to Douliu (斗六) Train Station and
4 Caoling Scenic Area (草嶺風景區) Gukeng Township (古坑鄉) Recreation
transfer to Taixi bus (台西客運)
Santiaolun Sea Bath (三條崙海水
5 Sihu Township (四湖鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
6 Haiqing Temple (海清宮) Sihu Township (四湖鄉) Religions Pte Transport recommended
Take Train to Taichung Train Station and
Beigang Chao-Tian Temple (北港
7 Beigang Town (北港鎮) Religions transfer to Taixi bus (台西客運) and alight at
Take Train to Taichung Train Station and
Beigang Xing Xiang Shopping
8 Beigang Town (北港鎮) Shopping transfer to Taichung bus (台中客運) and alight
Circle (北港形象商圈)
at Beigang
Take Train to Douliu (斗六) Train Station and
Janfusun Fancyworld (劍湖山世界
9 Gukeng Township (古坑鄉) Theme Park transfer to Taixi bus (台西客運) and alight
Janfusun Fancyworld

Chaiyi 嘉義
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
Chiayi City Historic Relic Museum
1 Chaiyi City (嘉義市) Historical By Cab from Chaiyi Train Station
Alishan Railway North Gate Post
2 Chaiyi City (嘉義市) Historical By Cab from Chaiyi Train Station
Alishan High Mountain Museum By Alishan Forestry Train or mini van operated
3 Fanlu Township (番路鄉) Historical
(阿里山高山博物館) by hotels owners
Wenhua Night Market (文化路夜
4 Chaiyi City (嘉義市) Night Market 15mins walk from Chaiyi Train Station
Alishan National Scenic Area (阿 By Alishan Forestry Train or mini van operated
5 Fanlu Township (番路鄉) Recreation
里山國家風景區) by hotels owners

6 Taiho Scenic Area (太和風景區) Meishan Township (梅山鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport

7 Ruifeng Scenic Area (瑞峰風景區) Meishan Township (梅山鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport

8 Ruili Scenice Area (瑞里風景區) Meishan Township (梅山鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport

9 Taiping Scenic Area (太平風景區) Meishan Township (梅山鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport
Fengchihu Scenic Area (奮起湖風 By Alishan Forestry Train or mini van operated
10 Jhuci Township (竹崎鄉) Recreation
景區) by hotels owners
11 Forever Bridge (天長地久橋) Fanlu Township (番路鄉) Recreation By Cab from Chaiyi Train Station
Solar Exploration Center (太陽探
12 Shueishang Township (水上鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport
Dongshi Fisherman's Wharf (東石 Take Chaiyi Bus (嘉義客運) and alight at
13 Dongshi Township (東石鄉) Recreation
漁人碼頭) Dongshi (東石)
Take Chaiyi Bus (嘉義客運) and alight at Budai
14 Budai Salt Flats (布袋鹽場) Budai Township (布袋鎮) Recreation
Chaiyi Jiuhua Shan Ti Tsang
15 Wang Temple (嘉義市九華山地藏 Chaiyi City (嘉義市) Religions 20mins walk from Chaiyi Train Station
Chaiyi City God Temple (嘉義城
16 Chaiyi City (嘉義市) Religions 20mins walk from Chaiyi Train Station
Chayi FE 21 Mega Store (嘉義遠
17 Chaiyi City (嘉義市) Shopping By cab from Chaiyi Train Station
18 Chaiyi Yidie Store (嘉義衣碟百貨) Chaiyi City (嘉義市) Shopping 20mins walk from Chaiyi Train Station
Budai Fish Market (布袋漁港觀光 Sightseeing/ Take Chaiyi Bus (嘉義客運) and alight at Budai
19 Budai Township (布袋鎮)
漁市) Eating (布袋站)
Take Chaiyi Bus (嘉義客運) and alight at
20 Budai Salt Flats (布袋鹽田) Budai Township (布袋鎮) Sightseeing
Xinchu (新厝站)


Alishan Forestry Train is currently closed due to Typhoon Morakat

Alishan National Scenic Area

Alishan Forest Railway (阿里山森林火車)
Sunrise at Zhushan (祝山日出)
Sea of Clouds (雲海)
Sunset (晚霞)
Taiwanese Red Cypresses (台灣檜木森林)
Two Sisters Pond (姊妹潭)
Shoujhen Temple (受鎮宮)
Tree Spirit Pagoda (樹靈塔)
Alishan Shermuh (神木)
Zhaoping Park (沼平公園)
Tainan 台南
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
Cha-Ha-Mu Aboriginal Park (札哈 By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
1 Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Cultural
木原住民公園) 15 and alight at Yonghua road sector 2

2 Qigu Seafood Street (七股海產街) Cigu Township (七股鄉) Eating By cab from Tainan Train Station

By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus

3 Fort Anping (安平古堡) Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Historical
15 and alight at Anping bus stop
Anping Minor Artillery Fort (安平 By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
4 Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Historical
小砲台) 15 and alight at Anping bus stop
By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
5 Fort Provintia (赤崁樓) Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Historical
17 and alight at Provintia bus stop
By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
6 Eternal Fortress (億載金城) Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Historical
15 and alight at Yonghua road sector 2
By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
7 Anping Tree House (安平樹屋) Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Historical
15 and alight at Anping bus stop
By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
8 Deji Trading House (德記洋行) Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Historical
15 and alight at Anping bus stop
Dongxing Trading House (東興洋 By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
9 Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Historical
行) 15 and alight at Anping bus stop
10 Nanmen (大南門城) Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Historical 30min walk from Tainan Train Station
11 Koxinya's Shrine (延平郡王祠) Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Historical 30min walk from Tainan Train Station
By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
12 Haishan Kuan (海山館) Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Historical
15 and alight at Anping bus stop
Guanziling Hot Springs Zone (關
13 Baihe Township (白河鎮) Hot Springs By cab from Tainan Train Station
Take Xingnan bus (興南客運) from Tainan City
14 Guidan Hot Spring (龜丹溫泉) Nanxi Township (楠西鄉) Hot Springs
and alight at Lutao (鹿陶站)
Flower Garden Night Market (花
15 Located within Tainan City (台南市北區) Night Market By cab from Tainan Train Station
Chengkong Night Market (小北成
16 Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Night Market Walking distance from Tainan Train Station
Wusheng Night Market (武聖夜市
17 Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Night Market Walking distance from Tainan Train Station
) Wed and Sat only
18 Yonghua Night Market (永華夜市) Tainan City (台南市) Night Market By cab from Tainan Train Station
Luermen Tianhou Temple (鹿耳門
19 Located within Tainan City (台南市安南區) Religions By cab from Tainan Train Station
Tainan Confucius Temple (臺南孔
20 Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Religions 30min walk from Tainan Train Station
21 Da Tianhou Temple (大天後宮) Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Religions By cab from Tainan Train Station
Madou Dai Tien Temple (麻豆代
22 Madou Township (麻豆鎮) Religions By cab from Tainan Train Station
Temple of the Five Concubines
23 Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Religions 30min walk from Tainan Train Station
Nankunshen Daitian Temple (南 Take Train to Tainan Train Station and transfer
24 Bei-men Township 北門鄉 Religions
鯤鯓代天府) to Xingnan bus (興南客運)
Madou Shopping Circle (麻豆形象 Take Ubus (統聯客運) or Hoshin bus(和欣客運)
25 Madou Township (麻豆鎮) Shopping/Eating
商圈) from Tainan Train Station
By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
26 Yenping Old Street (延平老街) Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Shopping/Eating
2 and alight at Anping Post Office
Xinhua Shopping Circle (新化鎮大 Take Train to Tainan Train Station and transfer
27 Xinhua Township (新化鎮) Shopping
目降商圈) to Xingnan bus (興南客運)
Tainan Electronics Street (台南資
28 Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Shopping 15mins walk from Tainan Train Station
Bei-men Commercial Area (北門
29 Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Shopping 15mins walk from Tainan Train Station
Xi-men Commercial Area (西門商
30 Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Shopping 25mins walk from Tainan Train Station
Jhongjhen Commercial Area (中
31 Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Shopping 25mins walk from Tainan Train Station
Tainan FE MAGA Store 台南大遠
32 Located within Tainan City (台南市中區) Shopping 15mins walk from Tainan Train Station
Tainan MEGA Entertainment City
33 Tainan City (台南市) Shopping 25mins walk from Tainan Train Station
(MEGA 娛樂城)
Caoshan Moon World (草山月世 Take Train to Tainan Train Station and transfer
34 Zuozhen Township (左鎮鄉) Sightseeing
界) to Xingnan bus (興南客運)
Taiwan Salt Museum (台灣鹽博館
35 Cigu Township (七股鄉) Sightseeing By cab from Tainan Train Station
36 Cigu Salt Mountain (七股鹽場) Cigu Township (七股鄉) Sightseeing By cab from Tainan Train Station
Fire and Water homologous (關子
37 Baihe Township (白河鎮) Sightseeing By cab from Tainan Train Station
38 Baihe Lotus Lake (白河蓮潭里) Baihe Township (白河鎮) Sightseeing By cab from Tainan Train Station
Historic Harborside Park (港濱歷 By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
39 Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Sightseeing
史公園) 15 and alight at Yonghua road sector 2
Anping Fish Market (安平觀光魚 By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
40 Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Sightseeing
市) 15 and alight at Anping bus stop
By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
41 Harbor Promenade (環港步道) Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Sightseeing
15 and alight at Anping bus stop
Anping Fisherman's Wharf (安平 By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
42 Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Sightseeing
漁人碼頭) 15 and alight at Anping bus stop
43 Sunset Platform (觀夕平台) Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Sightseeing By Cab From Tainan Train Station
By cab from Tainan Train Station or by City bus
44 Lin Moniang Park (林默娘公園) Located within Tainan City (台南市安平區) Sightseeing
15 and alight at Yonghua road sector 2
Ma Sha Gou hai-bin Recreation Take Train to Tainan Train Station and transfer
45 General Township (將軍鄉) Theme Park
Area (馬沙溝濱海遊樂區) to Xingnan bus (興南客運)


Entrance fees is needed for the following places

Fort Anping (安平古堡) - $50NT
Anping Tree House (安平樹屋) - $50NT
Deji Trading House (德記洋行) - $50NT
Fort Provintia (赤崁樓) - $50NT
Eternal Fortress (億載金城) - $30NT
Koxinya's Shrine (延平郡王祠) - $40NT
Kaohsiung 高雄
S/n Place of Interest Station Categories Remarks
1 Cijin Seafood Street (旗津海鮮街) Sizihwan (西子灣) Eating 5mins ferry from Gushan ferry Station
Former British Consulate (打狗英 Take MRT Shuttle bus O1 (ORANGE) alight at
2 Sizihwan (西子灣) Historical
國領事館) Sizihwan (Exit 1)
Kaohsiung Museum of History (高
3 Yanchengpu (鹽埕埔) Historical 5mins walk from Yanchengpu Station (Exit 2)
Vision of Kaohsiung Museum (高 3mins walk from Kaohsiung Main Station
4 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Historical
雄願景館) Station
5 Zuoying Old City (左營舊城) Zuoying (左營) Historical 15mins walk from Zuoying Station (Exit 1)
Teresa Teng Cultural Relic Hall
6 Yanchengpu (鹽埕埔) Historical 20mins walk from Yanchengpu Station (Exit 2)
Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) and alight at
7 Baolai Hot Spring (寶來溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs
Baolai Hot Spring Zone
Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) and alight at
8 Bulao Hot Spring (不老溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs
Bulao Hot Spring Zone
Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) from Kaoshiung
9 Duona (多納溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs
and alight at (多納站)
10 Shidong (石洞溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) from Kaoshiung
11 Shikeng Hot Spring (十坑溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs
and alight at Baolai Hot Spring
Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) from Kaoshiung
12 Qikeng Hot Spring (七坑溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs
and alight at Baolai Hot Spring
Take Train from Kaohsiung Train station and
13 Gaozhong Hot Spring (高中溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs
alight at Gaozhong station
Take Kaohsiung bus (高雄客運) and alight at
14 Taoyuan Hot Spring (桃源溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs
Liugui (六龜)
Take Kaohsiung bus (高雄客運) and alight at
15 Qinho Hot Spring (勤和溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs
Liugui (六龜)
Take Kaohsiung bus (高雄客運) and alight at
16 Fuxing Hot Spring (復興溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs
Liugui (六龜)
Take Kaohsiung bus (高雄客運) and alight at
17 Meishan Hot Spring (梅山溫泉) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Hot Springs
Liugui (六龜)
Jhongsiao Night Market (忠孝夜市 15mins walk from Sanduo Shopping District
18 Central Park (中央公園) Night Market
) Station (Exit 2)
Guanghua Night Market (光華夜 15mins walk from Sanduo Shopping District
19 Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈) Night Market
市) Station (Exit 4)

20 Ruifeng Night Market (瑞豐夜市) Kaohsiung Arena (巨蛋) Night Market 3mins walk from Kaohsiung Arena Station

Xingjhong Night Market (興中夜市 3mins walk from Sanduo Shopping District
21 Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈) Night Market
) Station
Walking distance from Formosa Boulevard
22 Liuho Night Market (六合夜市) Formosa Boulevard (美麗島) Night Market
Station (Exit 1)
Walking distance from Formosa Boulevard
23 Nanhua Night Market (南華夜市) Formosa Boulevard (美麗島) Night Market
Station (Exit 3 or 5)

24 Love River (愛河) Yanchengpu (鹽埕埔) Recreation 10mins walk from Yanchengpu Station (Exit 2)

Take MRT Shuttle bus O1 (ORANGE) alight at

25 Sizihwan (西子灣) Sizihwan (西子灣) Recreation
Sizihwan (Exit 1)
Take MRT Shuttle bus O1 (ORANGE) alight at
26 Fisherman's Wharf (漁人碼頭) Sizihwan (西子灣) Recreation
Fisherman's Wharf
Take MRT Shuttle bus R25 (RED) alight at
27 Zhenai Pier (真愛碼頭) Central Park (中央公園) Recreation
Zhenai Pier (Exit 1)
Urban Spotlight Arcade (城市光廊 Walking distance from Central Park Station
28 Central Park (中央公園) Recreation
) (Exit 1)
Cape of Good Hope Coffee
29 Sizihwan (西子灣) Recreation 15mins walk from Sizihwan Station (Exit 1)
House (好望角咖啡廳)
10mins walk from Sanduo Shopping District
30 85 SKYTOWER (高雄85大樓) Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈) Recreation
Station (Exit 1)
31 Shou Shan Zoo (壽山動物園) Yanchengpu (鹽埕埔) Recreation Take bus 56 and alight at Shou Shan Zoo
20mins walk from Sanduo Shopping District
32 Xinguang Pier (新光碼頭) Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈) Recreation
Station (Exit 1)
Airport Runway Café (機場跑道咖
33 Caoya (草衙) Recreation Take bus 69 and alight at Ming Sheng Street
Café @ Love River (愛河藝文咖啡
34 Yanchengpu (鹽埕埔) Recreation 10mins walk from Yanchengpu Station (Exit 2)
35 Lover's Wharf (情人碼頭) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Recreation 30mins by cab from Dahu Train staion
Take bus 60 and alight at Chengcing Lake
36 Chengcing Lake (澄清湖) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Recreation
Cijin Coastline Park (旗津海岸公
37 Sizihwan (西子灣) Recreation 5mins ferry from Gushan ferry Station
Zuoying Confucius Temple (左營
38 Zuoying (左營) Religions 10mins walk from Zuoying Station (Exit 2)
Fo Guang Shan Monastery (佛光 Take Kaohsiung bus (高雄客運) and alight at
39 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Religions
山) Fo Guang Shan Monastery
Free Shuttle bus at bus stop beside Kaisyuan
40 Dream Mall (夢時代購物中心) Kaisyuan (凱旋) Shopping/Eating
Shinkuchan Shopping District (新 Walking distance from Central Park Station
41 Central Park (中央公園) Shopping/Eating
堀江) (Exit 2)
Chungwah Shopping Circle (中華
42 Fongshan (鳳山) Shopping/Eating Walking distance from Fongshan station
Kaohsiung Shopping District (高 Walking distance from Sanduo Shopping
43 Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈) Shopping
雄購物商圈) District Station
Kaohsiung Electronics Street (高 10mins walk from Kaohsiung Main Station
44 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Shopping
雄資訊街) (Jianguo 2 road)
An Jie Street Shopping Circle (安 Walking distance from Kaohsiung Main Station
45 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Shopping
寧街成衣商圈) (Back station Exit)

46 Meinong Folk Village (美濃民俗村 Sightseeing Take Kaohsiung bus (高雄客運) and alight at
Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站)
) Meinong Township
Take Kaohsiung bus no 305 or 308 and alight
47 Qishan (旗山) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Sightseeing
at Qishan Township
Lotus Lake Scenic Area (蓮池潭
48 Zuoying (左營) Sightseeing 10mins walk from Zuoying Station (Exit 2)
Maolin National Scenic Area (茂 Take Pingtung bus (屏東客運) and alight at
49 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Sightseeing
林國家風景區) Dajin
50 Heart of Love River (愛河之心) Houyi (後驛) Sightseeing 10mins walk from Houyi Station (Exit 2)
51 Tower of Light (光之塔) Houyi (後驛) Sightseeing 10mins walk from Houyi Station (Exit 2)
52 Cijin island (旗津) Sizihwan (西子灣) Sightseeing 5mins ferry from Gushan ferry Station
53 Cijin Lighthouse (旗后燈塔) Sizihwan (西子灣) Sightseeing 5mins ferry from Gushan ferry Station
Tianliao Muddy Volcanoes (田寮 Take Kaohsiung bus no 602 and alight at
54 Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Sightseeing
泥火山) Tianliao Township
Take Kaohsiung bus no 602 and alight at
55 Tianliao Moon World (田寮月世界) Kaohsiung Main Station (高雄車站) Sightseeing
Tianliao Township


Tourists are recommended to purchase 1 day ticket which cost $200NT (MRT only)
A deposit of $70NT will be refunded back upon the return of card
Train is needed to get to the following places
Lover's Wharf (情人碼頭)

The following places is currently closed due to Typhoon Morakat

Maolin National Scenic Area (茂林國家風景區)
Baolai Hot Spring Zone (寶來溫泉區)
Bulao Hot Spring Zone (不老溫泉區)
Pingtung 屏東
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Park Take Train to Pingtung Train Station and
1 Majia Township (瑪家鄉) Historical
(原住民族文化園區) transfer to Pingtung bus (屏東客運)
Minzu Road Night Market (民族路
2 Pingtung City (屏東市) Night Market 15mins from Pingtung Train Station Station
Taiwan Paiwan Tribe Sculpture
3 Pingtung City (屏東市) Recreation By cab from Pingtung Train Station
Hall (台灣排灣族彫刻館)
Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Take bus (客運) and alight at Donggang (東港
4 Donggang Township (東港鎮) Recreation
(大鵬灣國家風景區) 站)
Take bus (客運) and alight at Donggang (東港
5 Donggang (東港) Donggang Township (東港鎮) Recreation
Take Train to Pingtung Train Station and
6 Bada Elf Paradise (8 大精靈樂園) Chaozhou Township (潮州鎮) Recreation
transfer to Pingtung bus (屏東客運)


Buses (客運) going to Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area (Available at bus interchange beside Kaohsiung railway station)
Zhongnan bus (中南客運)
Pingtung bus (屏東客運)
Kenting bus (墾丁列車)
Kuokuang bus (國光客運)

Offshore Islands-Liuqiu 小琉球

S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
1 Sanmin Old Street (三民老街) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Historical By vehicles rental or public bus
2 Black Dwart Cave (烏鬼洞) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) By vehicles rental or public bus
3 Dafu Port (大福漁港) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Recreation By vehicles rental or public bus
4 Baisha Port (白沙觀光港) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Recreation By vehicles rental or public bus
5 SanFu Port (杉福漁港) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Recreation By vehicles rental or public bus
6 ChungAu Beach (中澳沙灘) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Recreation By vehicles rental or public bus
7 Restoration Pavilion (復育涼亭) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Recreation By vehicles rental or public bus
8 Geban Bay (蛤板灣) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Recreation By vehicles rental or public bus
9 Sunset Galley (落日亭) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Recreation By vehicles rental or public bus
10 Wetland Park (濕地公園) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Recreation By vehicles rental or public bus
11 Biyun Temple (碧雲寺) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Religions By vehicles rental or public bus
12 Lingshan Temple (靈山寺) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Religions By vehicles rental or public bus
13 Sanlung Temple (三隆宮) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Religions By vehicles rental or public bus
14 Sea View Pavilion (望海亭) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Religions By vehicles rental or public bus
15 White Lighthouse (白燈塔) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
Sanfu Ecological Path (杉福生態
16 Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
17 Wild Boar Ditch (山豬溝) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
18 Duozaiping (肚仔坪) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
19 Climbing Tiger Rock (爬山虎) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
20 Beauty Cave (美人洞) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
21 Vase Rock (花瓶石) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
22 Guanyin Rock (觀音石) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
23 Indian Rock (紅蕃石) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
24 Mouse Rock (老鼠石) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
25 Houshi Fringing Reef (厚石裙礁) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
26 Lobster Cave (龍蝦洞) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
27 HaiTzuKuo (海子口) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus
28 Net Cage (箱網養殖) Liuqiu Township (琉球鄉) Sightseeing By vehicles rental or public bus


Tourists can get to Liuqiu by ferry at Donggang Port

Tourists can tour around Liuqiu by vehicles rental or public bus
Hengchun/Kenting 恆春/墾丁
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
East Gate of Hengchun (恆春東門
1 Located within Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Historical Walking distance within Hengchun Township
South Gate of Hengchun (恆春南
2 Located within Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Historical Walking distance within Hengchun Township
West Gate of Hengchun (恆春西
3 Located within Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Historical Walking distance within Hengchun Township
North Gate of Hengchun (恆春北
4 Located within Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Historical Walking distance within Hengchun Township
5 Shipai Park (石牌公園) Located within Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Historical Walking distance within Hengchun Township

By cab from Checheng Town or by Kenting

6 Shimen Battlefield (石門古戰場) Checheng Township( 車城鄉) Historical
Shuttle bus
Sihjhongsi Hot Spring (四重溪溫
7 Checheng Township (車城鄉) Hot Springs Take bus (客運) and alight at Checheng
Take bus (客運) from Hengchun and alight at
8 Shuhai Hot Spring (旭海溫泉) Pingtung (屏東縣牡丹鄉) Hot Springs
Shuhai Town (旭海村)
Hengchun Night Market (恆春夜市
9 Located within Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Night Market Walking distance within Hengchun Township
) Sunday only
Recreation/ By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
10 Houbihu Harbor (後壁湖漁港) Hengchun Township (恆春鎮)
Eating Shuttle bus
Kenting National Park (墾丁國家 Take bus (客運) and alight at Kenting Main
11 Kenting Road (墾丁路) Recreation
公園) Street
Sheding Nature Park (社頂自然公 Take bus (客運) and alight at Kenting Main
12 Kenting Road (墾丁路) Recreation
園) Street
By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
13 Jioupeng Desert (九棚沙漠) Checheng Township( 車城鄉) Recreation
Shuttle bus
By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
14 Kuanshan Sunset (關山夕照) Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Recreation
Shuttle bus
By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
15 Baisha Bay (白砂灣) Hengchun Township (白砂路) Recreation
Shuttle bus
National Museum of Marine
By cab from Checheng Town or by Kenting
16 Biology and Aquarium (國立海洋 Checheng Township( 車城鄉) Recreation
Shuttle bus
17 Fuan Temple (福安宮) Checheng Township (車城鄉) Religions Take bus (客運) and alight at Checheng
By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
18 Fude Temple (福德宮) Located on top of Kuanshan (關山) Religions
Shuttle bus

19 kuangning Temple (廣寧宮) Beside West Gate of Hengchun (恆春西門旁) Religions Walking distance within Hengchun Township

Take bus (客運) and alight at Kenting Main

20 Kenting Main Street (墾丁大街) Kenting Road (墾丁路) Shopping/Eating
Walking distance within Hengchun Township
21 Hengchun Old Street (恆春老街) Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Shopping/Eating
(open on Sunday only)
Cape No 7 Filming Site (海角七號
22 Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Sightseeing Walking distance within Hengchun Township
Cape No 7 Filming Site (海角七號 By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
23 Kenting Road (墾丁路) Sightseeing
拍攝場景) Shuttle bus
Cape No 7 Filming Site (海角七號 By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
24 Manjhou Township (滿州鄉 ) Sightseeing
拍攝場景) Shuttle bus
Cape No 7 Filming Site (海角七號
25 Checheng Township (車城鄉) Sightseeing Take bus (客運) and alight at Checheng
By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
26 Fengchuisha (風吹沙) Jiaer Road (佳鵝公路) Sightseeing
Shuttle bus
200m away from East Gate of Hengchun (恆 By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
27 Chuhuo (出火) Sightseeing
春東門外) Shuttle bus
Taiwan Most Southern Tip (台灣 By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
28 Eluanbi Park (鵝鑾鼻公園) Sightseeing
最南點) Shuttle bus
By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
29 Eluanbi Park (鵝鑾鼻公園) Eluanbi Park (鵝鑾鼻公園) Sightseeing
Shuttle bus
By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
30 Sailboat Rock (船帆石) Pinger Road (屏鵝公路) Sightseeing
Shuttle bus
By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
31 Maobitou (貓鼻頭) Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Sightseeing
Shuttle bus
Jialeshuei Scenic Area (佳樂水風 By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
32 Manjhou Township (滿州鄉 ) Sightseeing
景區) Shuttle bus
By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
33 Wanlitong (萬里桐) Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) Water Sports
Shuttle bus
By cab from Hengchun Town or by Kenting
34 South Bay (南灣) Pinger Road (屏鵝公路) Water Sports
Shuttle bus

Buses (客運) going to Hengchun and Kenting (Available at bus interchange beside Kaohsiung railway station)
Zhongnan bus (中南客運)
Pingtung bus (屏東客運)
Kenting bus (墾丁列車)
Kuokuang bus (國光客運)

Kenting Shuttle bus is available at Hengchun Town bus interchange

Cape No 7 Filming Site in Hengchun Township

Aga`s house (阿嘉家) - 恆春鎮光明路90號
Hengchun Post Office (恆春郵局) - 屏東縣恆春鎮恆西路1巷32號
West Gate of Hengchun (恆春西門) - 位於恆春鎮西門路
Shuiwa bike shop (水蛙的機車店) - 恆春鎮恆南路44號
Aga at seaside (阿嘉看海的地方) - 山海里萬里路14-3號
Aga and Youzi hugging scene (阿嘉擁抱友子的沙灘) - 白砂灣
Gathering after wedding dinner (喜宴結束後大夥躺在堤岸) - 後彎堤防
Aga and Laoma fighting scene (阿嘉與勞馬打架的十字路口) - 恆春市區省北路,7-11旁
Aga`s mother and Town Representative strolling scene (鎮代表跟阿嘉母親夜晚散步經過的戰車) - 北門旁
Laoma playing harmonica (勞馬吹口琴的海港) - 後彎堤防
Beach where Youzi strolling (友子海邊散步) - 白砂灣
Road travel by Aga during his delivery of letters (阿嘉送信的老街) - 恆春中正路
Aga and Po Pek went finding the old address (阿嘉跟茂伯去找海角七號) - 山海漁港
Po Pek helping Aga to deliver letters (茂伯幫阿嘉去送那些沒送出的信) - 山海漁港
Alley where Aga and Youzi passby after wedding dinner (喜宴結束後阿嘉與友子先後經過的小巷) - 山海漁港
Discussing who to be the bassist (論當貝斯手的場景) - 郵局正對面小巷裡

Cape No 7 Filming Site in Kenting

Hotel where Youzi stay (友子住宿的飯店) - 墾丁夏都沙灘酒店
Concert Location (演唱會沙灘) - 墾丁大灣
Town Representative delivering letters (主席送信) - 墾丁大街巴沙諾瓦南灣路212號
Malasun wine saleman promoting scene (馬拉桑推銷米酒) - 墾丁大街巴沙諾瓦南灣路212號

Cape No 7 Filming Site in Manjhou Township

Po Pek`s house (茂伯家) - 滿洲鄉永靖村庄內路42號
Youzi grandma`s house (友子奶奶家) - 滿洲鄉中山路54號
Police Post where Laoma is stationed (勞馬任職的警察局) - 滿州鄉中山路60號
Cape No 7 Filming Site in Checheng Township
Band members selection venue (車城活動中心) - 車城鄉中山路55號
Wedding dinner venue (喜宴宴客地方) - 車城鄉射寮村代巡宮旁空地
Sending letters to Youzi grandma (阿嘉送信去友子奶奶的家) - 車城舊鐵橋
Yilan 宜蘭
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
National Center for Traditional Take Train to Luodong Train Station and take
1 Wujie Township (五結鄉) Cultural
Arts (國立傳統藝術中心) Capital Bus No.261 (首都客運)
Memorial Hall of Founding of
2 Yilan Administration (宜蘭設治紀 Yilan City (宜蘭市) Historical 20mins walk from Yilan Train Station
3 Jiaoxi Hot Spring (礁溪溫泉) Jiaoxi Township (礁溪鄉) Hot Springs Take Train to Jiaoxi Station
Take Train to Yilan Train Station and transfer to
4 Yuanshan Hot Spring (員山溫泉) Yuanshan Township (員山鄉) Hot Springs
Yilan bus (宜蘭客運) and alight at 員山溫泉站

Take Taiqi bus (台汽客運) from Yilan and alight

5 Qingshui Hot Spring (清水溫泉) Sanxing Township (三星鄉) Hot Springs
at Bullgate (牛鬥站)
Take Taiqi bus (台汽客運) from Luodong and
6 Fanfan Hot Spring (梵梵溫泉) Datong Township (大同鄉) Hot Springs
alight Yingshi Bridge (英士橋)
Take Taiqi bus (台汽客運) from Luodong and
7 Tiangou Hot Spring (天狗溪溫泉) Datong Township (大同鄉) Hot Springs
alight at Renze (仁澤)
Take Bus (台汽客運) from Yilan heading 仁澤
8 Renze Hot Spring (仁澤溫泉) Datong Township (大同鄉) Hot Springs
溫泉 and alight at (仁澤站) Renze bus stop
9 Nan'ao Hot Spring (南澳溫泉) Nan'ao Township (南澳鄉) Hot Springs Take Train to Nanao Train Station
10 Suao Cold Spring (蘇澳冷泉) Suao Township (蘇澳鎮) Hot Springs Take Train to Suao Station
11 Luo dong Night Market (羅東夜市) Luo Dong Township (羅東鎮) Night Market 20mins walk from Luo Dong Train Station
Taipingshan National Forest
12 Recreation Park (太平山國家森林 Datong Township (大同鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport
Daxi Honeymoon Bay (大溪蜜月
13 Toucheng Township (頭城鎮) Recreation Take Train to Daxi Train Station
Take Kuokuang bus (國光客運) from Taipei
Beiguan Tidal Park (北關海潮公園
14 Toucheng Township (頭城鎮) Recreation Main Station and alight at Gengxin stop (更新站
Dongshan River Scenic Area (冬
15 Wujie Township (五結鄉) Recreation 30mins walk from Luo Dong Train Station
16 Hot Spring Geothermy (清水地熱) Datong Township (大同鄉) Sightseeing Engaged own transport
17 Wufongci Waterfalls (五峰旗瀑布) Jiaoxi Township (礁溪鄉) Sightseeing Take Train to Jiaoxi Station

Hualien 花蓮
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
1 Ami Cultural Village (阿美文化村) Jian Township (吉安鄉) Cultural Engaged own transport

Take the Train to Rueisuei Railway Station.

2 Ruisui Hot Spring (瑞穗溫泉) Wanrong Township (萬榮鄉) Hot Springs Then transfer to Hualien Bus and get off at
Rueisuei Stop.

Hualien Red Leaves Hot Spring Take the Train to Rueisuei Railway Station.
3 Wanrong Township (萬榮鄉) Hot Springs Then transfer to Hualien Bus and get off at
Rueisuei Stop.
Take Train to Antong Station, walk along
4 Antong Hot Spring (安通溫泉) Yuli Township (玉里鎮) Hot Springs
Antong River to arrive.
40mins walk from Hualien Train Station or pte
5 Nan-bin Night Market (南濱夜市) Hualien City (花蓮市) Night Market
Herb Spa Resort (君達香草健康世
6 Jian Township (吉安鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport
Take Train to Hualien after which transfer to
Taroko National Park (太魯閣國家
7 Xiulin Township (秀林鄉) Recreation Hualien bus (花蓮客运) and alight at Taroko
National Park
East Coast National Scenic Area Parts of Hualien and Taitung Counties (花蓮縣
8 Recreation Engaged own transport
(東部海岸國家風景區) 與台東縣)
Chinan National Forest
9 Recreation Area (池南國家森林游 Shoufeng Township (壽豐鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport
10 Moon Cave (月洞) Fengbin Township (豐濱鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport
11 Shitiping (石梯坪) Fengbin Township (豐濱鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport
12 Tulip Park (鬱金香花園) Jian Township (吉安鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport
Huadong Whale World (花東賞鯨 Take Train to Hualien City
13 Hualien City (花蓮市) Recreation

Stone Sculptural Museum (石雕博 Take Hualien Bus (花蓮客运) at Hualien Train
14 Hualien City (花蓮市) Recreation Station and alight at Hualien County Culture
Bureau Station
Stone Handicraft Street (石藝大街 40mins walk from Hualien Train Station or pte
15 Hualien City (花蓮市) Recreation
) vechicles
40mins walk from Hualien Train Station or pte
16 Nan-bei bin Park (南北濱公園) Hualien City (花蓮市) Recreation
Mataian Wetland Ecology Park
17 Guangfu Township (光復鄉) Recreation Engaged own transport
18 Qingxiu Temple (慶修院) Jian Township (吉安鄉) Religions Engaged own transport
19 River Rafting (秀姑巒溪泛舟) Fengbin Township (豐濱鄉) River Rafting Engaged own transport
Sightseeing/ 40mins walk from Hualien Train Station or pte
20 Hualien Harbor (花蓮漁港) Hualien City (花蓮市)
Eating vechicles
Cisingtan Scenic Area (七星潭風 Take Train to Hualien after which transfer to
21 Hsincheng Township (新城鄉) Sightseeing
景區) Hualien bus (花蓮客运)
Take Train to Hualien after which transfer to
22 Carp Lake (鯉魚潭) Shoufeng Township (壽豐鄉) Sightseeing Hualien bus (花蓮客运) and alight at Chinan
Station (池南站)
Eastern Hawaii Theme Park (東方
23 Hualien City (花蓮市) Theme Park By cab from Hualien Train Station
Take Train to Hualien after which transfer to
Hualien Ocean Park (花蓮海洋公
24 Shoufeng Township (壽豐鄉) Theme Park Hualien bus (花蓮客运)and alight Hualien
Ocean Park


Tourists are recommended to engage vehicles rental service while touring Taroko National Park
Tourists can also engage bicycle service to cycle around Hualien City

Entrance fees is needed for the following places

Hualien Ocean Park (花蓮海洋公園) - $890NT
Ami Cultural Village (阿美文化村) - $300NT

Taroko National Park (太魯閣國家公園)

Tunnel of Nine Turns (九曲洞步道)
Eternal Spring Shrine Trail (長春祠步道)
Baiyang Trail (白楊步道)
Swallow Grotto (燕子口步道)
Cingshuei Cliff (清水斷崖)
Tiansiang (天祥)
Pulowan Recreation Area (布洛灣台地)
Cihmu Bridge (慈母橋)
Chongde (崇德)
Meiyuan Jhucun (梅園竹村)
Bilyu Sacred Tree (碧綠神木)
Lianhua Pond (蓮花池)
Shakadang Trail (砂卡礑步道)
Taitung 台東
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
Ami Indigenous Culture Art
1 Chenggong Township (成功鎮) Cultural Pte Transport recommended
Center (阿美族民俗中心)
2 Basian Cave (八仙洞遺址) Changbin Township (長濱鄉) Historical Pte Transport recommended
3 Dulan Site (都蘭遺址) Donghe Township (東河鄉) Historical Pte Transport recommended
National Museum of Prehistory
4 Taitung City (臺東市) Historical 10mins walk from Taitung Train station
5 Wu-Lu Ancient Fort (霧鹿古砲台) Hairui Township (海瑞鄉) Historical Pte Transport recommended
Taitung Red Leaves Hot Spring Take Dingdong bus (鼎東客運) from Taitung
6 Hongye Township (紅葉村) Hot Springs
(紅葉溫泉) and alight at 鹿鳴站
Take Dingdong bus (鼎東客運) from Taitung
7 Wulu Hot Spring (霧鹿溫泉) Haidong Township (海東鄉) Hot Springs
and alight at 霧鹿站
8 Lisong Hot Spring (栗松溫泉) Hairui Township (海瑞鄉) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended

Take the Train and get off at Jhihben Station.

9 Jhihben Hot Spring (知本溫泉區) Beinan Township (卑南鄉) Hot Springs
Then take the taxi to Jhihben Hot Spring

10 Jinfeng Hot Spring (金峰溫泉) Jinfeng Township (金峰鄉) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
11 Bilu Hot Spring (比魯溫泉) Jinfeng Township (金峰鄉) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
Take Dingdong bus (鼎東客運) from Taitung
12 Jinlun Hot Spring (金崙溫泉) Taimali Township (太麻里) Hot Springs
and alight at 金崙溫泉站
Pu Sha Yuyang Hot Spring (普沙
13 Dawu Township (大武鄉) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
14 Mokenan Hot Spring (摩刻南溫泉) Hairui Township (海瑞鄉) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
15 Lulu Spring (轆轆溫泉) Hairui Township (海瑞鄉) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
16 Xiamo Hot Spring (暇末溫泉) Hairui Township (海瑞鄉) Hot Springs Pte Transport recommended
17 Lyu Island Hot Spring (綠島溫泉) Green Island (綠島) Hot Springs Take ferry or flight to Green Island from Taitung
18 Green Island (綠島) Offshore Island of Taitung County Offshore Island Refer to Green Island for more info
19 Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Offshore Island of Taitung County Offshore Island Refer to Orchid Island for more info
Beinan Cultural Park (卑南文化公
20 Taitung City (臺東市) Recreation 10mins walk from Taitung Train station
21 Siao Yeliu (小野柳) Taitung City (臺東市) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
22 Water Running Up (水往上流) Donghe Township (東河鄉) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
23 San Xian Tai (三仙台) Chenggong Township (成功鎮) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
24 Shiyusan (石雨伞) Chenggong Township (成功鎮) Recreation Pte Transport recommended
Jhihben National Forest Take Dingdong bus (鼎東客運) from Taitung
25 Beinan Township (卑南鄉) Recreation
Recreation Area (知本國家公園) and alight at 內溫泉

26 Liyu Mountain Park (鯉魚山公園) Taitung City (臺東市) Recreation Behind Taitung Old Train Station
Taitung Railway Art Village (台東
27 Taitung City (臺東市) Recreation Behind Taitung Old Train Station
Taitung Seaside Park (台東海濱 Take Dingdong bus (鼎東客運) from Taitung
28 Taitung City (臺東市) Recreation
公園) and alight at Haibin Park (海濱公園站)
Jhihben Four-faced Brahma (知本
29 Beinan Township (卑南鄉) Religions Pte Transport recommended
Sightseeing/ Take Dingdong bus (鼎東客運) and alight at 富
30 Fugang Fishing Harbor (富岡漁港 Taitung City (臺東市)
) Eating 冈站
Chenggong Fishing Harbor (成功 Take Dingdong bus (鼎東客運) and alight at
31 Chenggong Township (成功鎮) Chenggong Harbor or Pte Transport
漁港) Eating
32 Wukou (埡口) Hairui Township (海瑞鄉) Sightseeing Pte Transport recommended
33 Wulu Gorge (霧鹿峽谷) Hairui Township (海瑞鄉) Sightseeing Pte Transport recommended
Shanyuan Intertidal Zone (杉原潮
34 Beinan Township (卑南鄉) Sightseeing Pte Transport recommended
35 Liji Bad Land (利吉惡地) Beinan Township (卑南鄉) Sightseeing Pte Transport recommended

36 Jintsun tombolo Beach (金樽海岸) Donghe Township (東河鄉) Sightseeing Pte Transport recommended
37 Taiyuan Glen (泰源幽谷) Donghe Township (東河鄉) Sightseeing Pte Transport recommended


Pte Transport recommended for most of the tourists attraction outside Taitung City
Fugang Fishing Harbor (富岡漁港) is also the Ferry Terminal for Green Island and Orchid Island

The following hot spring is currently closed due to Typhoon Morakat

Taitung Red Leaves Hot Spring (紅葉溫泉)
Jinlun Hot Spring (金崙溫泉)

Offshore Islands-Green Island 綠島

S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
1 Shilang Diving Zone (石朗潛水區) Green Island (綠島) Diving Spots By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)

Chaikou Diving Zone (柴口潛水區

2 Green Island (綠島) Diving Spots By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
White Sand Beach Diving Zone
3 Green Island (綠島) Diving Spots By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
4 Youzih Lake (柚子湖) Green Island (綠島) Historical By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
5 Calaboose (綠島監獄) Green Island (綠島) Historical By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
6 Jhaori Hot Spring (朝日溫泉) Green Island (綠島) Hot Springs By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
7 Gwanyin Cave (觀音洞) Green Island (綠島) By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
8 Lyudao Lighthouse (綠島燈塔) Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
Green Island Human Rights
9 Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
Memorial Park (人權紀念公園)
10 Nanzih Lake (楠子湖) Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
Small Great Wall Footway (小長
11 Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
12 General Rock (將軍岩) Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
13 Fanchuanbi (帆船鼻) Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
14 Nioutou Hill (牛頭山) Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
15 Turtle Bay (龜灣) Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
16 Confucius Rock (孔子岩) Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
17 Pekinese Dog Rock (哈巴狗) Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
18 Sleeping Beauty Rock (睡美人岩) Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)
19 Horse Shoe Bridge (馬蹄橋) Green Island (綠島) Sightseeing By Green Light Bus (綠光巴士)


Tourists can get to Green Island by either ferry or flights

Tourists can tour around Green Island by taking the Green Light Bus (綠光巴士) ($100NT for unlimited rides within 3days)
Ferry Timing and Trips might vary accordingly to seasons and weather

By Sea (Fugang Harbor)


By Air (Taitung Airport)

Mandarain Airlines (華信航空)

Jhaori Hot Spring (朝日溫泉)

Lyu Island Hot Spring (綠島朝日溫泉) is one of the world rare seabed hot spring
The world at present only Japan and Italy have the use seabed hot spring

Offshore Islands-Green Island 蘭嶼

S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
1 Kaiyuan Port (開元港) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Recreation By vehicles rental
2 Fisherman's Village (漁人部落) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Recreation By vehicles rental
3 Ivalino Village (野銀部落) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Recreation By vehicles rental
4 Yeyou Village (椰油部落) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Recreation By vehicles rental
5 Greenfield Pasture (青青草原) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Recreation By vehicles rental
6 Lovers Cave (情人洞) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
7 Tank Rock (坦克岩) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
8 Beauty Rock (玉女岩) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
9 Five-hole Cave (五孔洞) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
10 Mantou Rock (饅頭岩) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
11 Crocodile Rock (鱷魚岩) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
12 Warship Rock (軍艦岩) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
13 Twin Lions Rock (雙獅岩 ) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
14 Dragon's Head Rock (龍頭岩) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
15 Elephant Truck Rock (象鼻岩) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
16 Helmet Rock (鋼盔岩) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
17 Dongqing Bay 東清灣 Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental
18 Hen Rock (母雞岩) Orchid Island (蘭嶼) Sightseeing By vehicles rental


Tourists can get to Orchid Island by either ferry or flights

Ferry Timing and Trips might vary accordingly to seasons and weather

By Sea (Fugang Harbor)


By Air (Lanyu Airport)

Daily Air Corporation (德安航空)
Offshore Islands-Penghu 澎湖群岛
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
1Central Street (中央街) Makung Township (馬公市) Historical Within Makung City
2Four Eyed Well (四眼井) Makung Township (馬公市) Historical Within Makung City
3Suo-gang Tower (鎖港石塔) Makung Township (馬公市) Historical Within Makung City
4Shun Cheng Gate (順承門) Makung Township (馬公市) Historical Within Makung City
5Soldiers Well (萬軍井) Makung Township (馬公市) Historical Within Makung City
Penghu Reclamation Hall (澎湖開
6 Makung Township (馬公市) Historical Within Makung City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
7 Er Kan Old House (二崁古厝) Siyu Township (西嶼島) Historical
from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
8 Siyu West Fortress (西嶼西臺) Siyu Township (西嶼島) Historical
from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
9 Siyu East Fortress (西嶼東臺) Siyu Township (西嶼島) Historical
from Magong City

Lizhengjiao Japanese Monument By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental

10 Hushi Township (湖西鄉) Historical
(裡正角日軍登陸紀念碑) from Magong City

Historical/ Take ferry or flight from Nan-hai Tourist Center

11 Seven Beauty Shrine (七美人塚) Cimei Township (七美島)
Religions (南海旅遊中心)
Penghu National Scenic Area (澎
12 Penghu County (澎湖群岛) Recreation Take Flights or Ferry from Taiwan main island
Guanyin Pavilion Leisure Campus By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
13 Makung Township (馬公市) Recreation
(觀音亭休閒園區) from Magong City

Penghu Sightseeing Industry

14 Makung Township (馬公市) Recreation Within Makung City
Center (澎湖觀光產業推廣中心)
Penghu Culture Administration
15 Marine Resource Hall (文化局海 Makung Township (馬公市) Recreation Within Makung City
Zhi-tou Affinity Park (岐頭親水公
16 Makung Township (馬公市) Recreation Within Makung City
Xiao-men Geology Center (小門 By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
17 Siyu Township (西嶼島) Recreation
地質展示中心) from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
18 Lintou Park (林投公園) Hushi Township (湖西鄉) Recreation
from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
19 Yimen Beach (隘門沙灘) Hushi Township (湖西鄉) Recreation
from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
20 Penghu Aquarium (澎湖水族館) Baisha Township (白沙島) Recreation
from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
21 Ji-bei Water Park (吉貝海上樂園) Baisha Township (白沙島) Recreation
from Magong City
Take ferry from Chi-kan (赤崁碼頭) or Hou-bin
22 Ji-bei Island (吉貝嶼) Baisha Township (白沙島) Recreation
Wharfs (後寮碼頭)
Take ferry from Chi-kan (赤崁碼頭) or Hou-bin
23 Ji-bei Beach (吉貝沙尾) Baisha Township (白沙島) Recreation
Wharfs (後寮碼頭)
Yuan-bei Water Trail (員貝海上步 By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
24 Baisha Township (白沙島) Recreation
道) from Magong City
Mu-dou underwater Tunnel (目斗 Take ferry from Chi-kan (赤崁碼頭) or Hou-bin
25 Baisha Township (白沙島) Recreation
嶼海底隧道) Wharfs (後寮碼頭)
26 Mu-dou Island (目斗嶼) Baisha Township (白沙島) Recreation Take ferry from Chi-kan (赤崁碼頭)
27 Xian-jiao Island (險礁嶼) Baisha Township (白沙島) Recreation Take ferry from Chi-kan (赤崁碼頭)
Penghu Green Turtle Tourism
28 and Conservation Center (澎湖蠵 Wangan Township (望安島) Recreation Take Ferry from Magong Habour
Penghu Queen of Heaven
29 Makung Township (馬公市) Religions Within Makung City
Temple (澎湖天后宮)
Qingshui Grand Master Temple
30 Makung Township (馬公市) Religions Within Makung City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
31 Ta Gong Ta Po (塔公塔婆) Siyu Township (西嶼島) Religions
from Magong City
32 Makung City (馬公市) Makung Township (馬公市) Shopping/Eating Within Makung City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
33 Tongpan Island (桶盤嶼) Makung Township (馬公市) Sightseeing
from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
34 Scenery Sand Beach (山水沙灘) Makung Township (馬公市) Sightseeing
from Magong City
35 Dachang Island (大倉嶼) Makung Township (馬公市) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
Take ferry from Chi-kan (赤崁碼頭) or Hou-bin
36 Shell Island (員貝嶼) Makung Township (馬公市) Sightseeing
Wharfs (後寮碼頭)
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
37 Shihli Beach (嵵裡沙灘) Fongguei Peninsula (風櫃半島) Sightseeing
from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
38 Fongguei Cave (風櫃) Fongguei Peninsula (風櫃半島) Sightseeing
from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
39 Fongguei Cave (風櫃洞) Fongguei Peninsula (風櫃半島) Sightseeing
from Magong City
Snake Head Hill Scenic Area (蛇 By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
40 Fongguei Peninsula (風櫃半島) Sightseeing
頭山遊憩區) from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
41 Guoyeh Sunrise (菓葉日出) Hushi Township (湖西鄉) Sightseeing
from Magong City
Kui Pi Shan Scenic Area (奎壁山 By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
42 Hushi Township (湖西鄉) Sightseeing
遊憩區) from Magong City
Trans-Ocean Bridge (澎湖跨海大 Baisha Township and Siyu Township (白沙島 By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
43 Sightseeing
橋) 和西嶼島) from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
44 Baisha Township (白沙嶼) Baisha Township (白沙島) Sightseeing
from Magong City
Tongliang Great Banyan (通樑古 By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
45 Baisha Township (白沙島) Sightseeing
榕) from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
46 Bird Island (鳥嶼) Baisha Township (白沙島) Sightseeing
from Magong City
Penghu Windmill Power Set (中屯 By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
47 Baisha Township (白沙島) Sightseeing
風車發電機組) from Magong City
Nei-an Amusement and Rest By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
48 Siyu Township (西嶼島) Sightseeing
Area (內垵遊憩區) from Magong City
Yuwong Island Lighthouse (漁翁 By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
49 Siyu Township (西嶼島) Sightseeing
島燈塔) from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
50 Whale Cave (鯨魚洞) Siyu Township (西嶼島) Sightseeing
from Magong City
By cab from Magong airport or vehicles rental
51 Niu-xin Hill (牛心山) Siyu Township (西嶼島) Sightseeing
from Magong City
52 Wangan Island (望安嶼) Wangan Township (望安島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
53 Zhong-she Old House (中社古厝) Wangan Township (望安島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
54 Mountain Tiantai (天台山) Wangan Township (望安島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
55 General Island (將軍澳嶼) Wangan Township (望安島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Wangan Island
56 Colored Island (花嶼) Wangan Township (望安島) Sightseeing Tourist need to engaged own ferry
57 Wangan kou Beach (網垵口沙灘) Wangan Township (望安島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
58 Cimei Island (七美嶼) Cimei Township (七美島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
59 Cimei Lighthouse (七美嶼燈塔) Cimei Township (七美島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
60 Dashi Scenic Area (大獅風景區) Cimei Township (七美島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
61 Little Taiwan (小台灣) Cimei Township (七美島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
Yuyueli Bay Amusement and
62 Cimei Township (七美島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
Rest Area (魚月鯉灣遊憩區)
63 Husband Rock (望夫石) Cimei Township (七美島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour
64 Double heart Stone (雙心石滬) Cimei Township (七美島) Sightseeing Take Ferry from Magong Habour


Penghu Consist of Magong City, Husi, Baisha, Shiyu, Wangan and Cimei Townships
Tourists can get to Penghu by either ferry or flights
As Penghu consist of several islands, tourist are advised to ferry and accommodation booked beforehand
Tourists need to get to various islands by ferry and flights except between Magong City and Siyu Town
Tourists can get to various places of interest by rental of cars and bikes
Tourists can get to various places of interest by public bus
Ferry Timing and Trips might vary accordingly to seasons and weather

To get to various islands, tourists can enquire more information at the following tourist center
Nan-hai tourist Center (南海遊客服務中心) Magong City
Bei-hai Tourist Center (北海遊客服務中心) Baisha Town
Ji-bei Tourist Center (吉貝遊客服務中心) Ji-bei Island
Hou-liao Tourist Center (後寮遊客服務中心) Baisha Town
Yuwong Island Tourist Center (漁翁島遊客服務中心) Yuwong Island

By Sea
Kaohsiung harbor (Kaohsiung)
Budai Harbor (Chaiyi)

By Air
Songshan Airport (Taipei)
Taichung Airport
Chaiyi Airport
Kaohsiung International Airport
Offshore Islands-Matsu Islands 馬祖群島
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
Matsu folk cultural object building Historical/
1 Nankan Township (南竿鄉) By cab or bus or vehicles rental
(民俗文物館) Culture
2 Beihai Tunnel (北海坑道) Nankan Township (南竿鄉) Historical By cab or bus or vehicles rental
3 Iron Fort (鐵堡) Nankan Township (南竿鄉) Historical By cab or bus or vehicles rental
4 Dapu Inscription (大埔石刻) Juguang Township (莒光鄉) Historical Take ferry from Fuao Wharf (福沃港)
5 Inscription (枕戈待旦) Nankan Township (南竿鄉) Historical By cab or bus or vehicles rental
6 Matzu Distillery (馬祖酒廠) Nankan Township (南竿鄉) Recreation By cab or bus or vehicles rental
7 Beikan Qibi Village (北竿芹壁村) Beikan Township (北竿鄉) Recreation Take ferry from Fuao Wharf (福沃港)
8 Tunnel 88 (八八坑道) Nankan Township (南竿鄉) Sightseeing By cab or bus or vehicles rental
9 Yuntai Mountain( 雲台山) Nankan Township (南竿鄉) Sightseeing By cab or bus or vehicles rental
10 Bi Mountain (壁山) Beikan Township (北竿鄉) Sightseeing Take ferry from Fuao Wharf (福沃港)
11 Dongyin Lighthouse (東引燈塔) Dongyin Township (東引鄉) Sightseeing Take ferry from Fuao Wharf (福沃港)
12 Rat Sand Rock (老鼠沙石林) Dongyin Township (東引鄉) Sightseeing Take ferry from Fuao Wharf (福沃港)
13 Swiftlet Echo (燕秀潮音) Dongyin Township (東引鄉) Sightseeing Take ferry from Fuao Wharf (福沃港)


Matsu Islands consists of 南竿島,北竿島,東引島,東莒光 and 西莒光

Tourists need to get to various islands by ferry
As Matsu consist of several islands, tourist are advised to ferry and accommodation booked beforehand
Tourists can get to Matsu by either sea or flights
Ferry Timing and Trips might vary accordingly to seasons and weather
Tourists can get to various places of interest by rental of cars and bikes or by public bus
As Matsu consist of several islands, tourist are advised to ferry and accommodation booked beforehand

By Sea (Keelung Harbor)

By Air
Songshan Airport (Taipei)
Taichung Airport
Offshore Islands-Kinmen and Small Kinmen (Lieyu Township) 金門
S/n Place of Interest Location Categories Remarks
Chiang Jing-kuo Memorial By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
1 Jinning Township (金寧鄉) Culture
Museum (蔣經國先生紀念館) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Kinmen Culture Museum (金門民 Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
2 Jinsha Township (金沙鎮)
俗文化村) Culture 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
3 Guande Bridge (觀德橋) Jinsha Township (金沙鎮) Historical
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Zheng Family’s Ancestral Hall (東 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
4 Jinsha Township (金沙鎮) Historical
溪鄭氏家廟) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Lin`s house Bloody Monument (林 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
5 Jinning Township (金寧鄉) Historical
厝浴血殲敵紀念碑) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Guningtou Battle Museum (古寧 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
6 Jinning Township (金寧鄉) Historical
頭紀念館) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Guningtou Shuiwei Pagoda (古龍 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
7 Jinning Township (金寧鄉) Historical
頭水尾塔) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
8 Zhen Wei Di (振威第) Jinning Township (金寧鄉) Historical
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Yang Hua’s Historical Residence By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
9 Jinning Township (金寧鄉) Historical
(楊華故居) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
10 San-pin Well (三品井) Jinning Township (金寧鄉) Historical
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
11 Zhu Zi Shrine (浯江書院‧朱子祠) Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Historical
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
12 Zhaishan Tunnel (翟山坑道) Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Historical
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
13 Wentai Pagoda (文台寶塔) Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Historical
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Qing Kinmen Military Headquarter By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
14 Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Historical
(清金門鎮總兵署) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
15 Jyuguang Tower (莒光樓) Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Historical
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Qiou Lianggung’s Mother Chastity By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
16 Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Historical
Honorific Arch (邱良功母節孝坊) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
17 Model Street (模範街) Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Historical
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Xujiangxiaowo Stone Tablets (虛 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
18 Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Historical
江嘯臥碣群) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Huang Family’s Youtang Villa (水 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
19 Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Historical
頭黃氏酉堂別業) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Hanying Yungen Petroglyph (漢影 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
20 Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Historical
雲根碣) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Chen Zhen’s Honorific Arch (陳禎 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
21 Jinsha Township (金沙鎮) Historical
恩榮坊) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Mashan Broadcasting and By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
22 Jinsha Township (金沙鎮) Historical
Observation Station (馬山觀測站) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Wu Wang Zai Ju Inscription (毋忘 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
23 Jinsha Township (金沙鎮) Historical
在莒) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
24 Li Family’s Abode (西山前李宅) Jinsha Township (金沙鎮) Historical
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
25 Zhou Family’s Abode (浦邊周宅) Jinsha Township (金沙鎮) Historical
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
August 23 Artillery Battle Museum By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
26 Jinhu Township (金湖鎮) Historical
(八二三戰史館) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Qungling Cai Family’s Ancestral By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
27 Jinhu Township (金湖鎮) Historical
Hall (瓊林蔡氏祠堂) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Cheng Family’s Three Women By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
28 Jinhu Township (金湖鎮) Historical
Honorific Arch (一門三節坊) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Hujingtou Battle Museum (湖井頭 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Jiugong
29 Lieyu Township (烈嶼鄉) Historical
戰史館) (九宮碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Jiugong
30 The General's Fortress (將軍堡) Lieyu Township (烈嶼鄉) Historical
(九宮碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Jiugong
31 Jiugong Tunnel (九宮坑道) Lieyu Township (烈嶼鄉) Historical
(九宮碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Jiugong
32 Bada Tower (八達樓子) Lieyu Township (烈嶼鄉) Historical
(九宮碼頭) ferry terminal
Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
33 Chen Jian’s Tomb (陳健古墓) Jinsha Township (金沙鎮)
Religions 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
34 Kuixing Tower (魁星樓) Jincheng Township (金城鎮)
Religions 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Lu Ruoteng’s Historical
Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
35 Residence and Tomb (盧若騰故宅 Jincheng Township (金城鎮)
Religions 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
36 Wen Yingju’s Tomb (文應舉墓) Jincheng Township (金城鎮)
Religions 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
37 Huang Wei’s Tomb (黃偉墓) Jinsha Township (金沙鎮)
Religions 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
38 Huang Bian’s Tomb (黃汴墓) Jinsha Township (金沙鎮)
Religions 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
39 Cai Panlung’s Tomb (蔡攀龍墓) Jinhu Township (金湖鎮)
Religions 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Stable Master’s Shrine (蓮豐山牧 Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
40 Jinhu Township (金湖鎮)
馬侯祠) Religions 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
41 Chen Xian`s Tomb (陳顯墓) Jinhu Township (金湖鎮)
Religions 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Tomb of Qiu Lianggong (邱良功墓 Historical/ By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
42 Jinhu Township (金湖鎮)
園) Religions 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Kinmen National Park (金門國家
43 Kinmen and Lieyu Township Recreation By Flights from Taiwan main island
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
44 Cihu (慈湖) Jinning Township (金寧鄉) Recreation
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
45 Gugang Lake (古崗湖) Jincheng Township (金城鎮) Recreation
頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Tai Wu Shan Scenic Area (太武山 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
46 Jinhu Township (金湖鎮) Recreation
風景區) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Kinmen Pottery Factory (金門瓦器 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
47 Jinhu Township (金湖鎮) Recreation
工廠) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Taihu Recreation Area (太湖風景 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
48 Jinhu Township (金湖鎮) Recreation
區) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Kinmen Wine Park (金門酒廠景觀 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
49 Jinning Township (金寧鄉) Recreation
公園 ) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
General Li Guangqian Temple (李 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
50 Jinning Township (金寧鄉) Religions
光前將軍廟) 頭碼頭) ferry terminal
Temple of Chaste Maiden (烈女廟 By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Jiugong
51 Lieyu Township (烈嶼鄉) Religions
) (九宮碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Jiugong
52 Cide Temple (慈德宮) Jinsha Township (金沙鎮) Religions
(九宮碼頭) ferry terminal
By cab or bus or vehicles rental from Suitou (水
53 Hai-yin Temple (海印寺) Jinhu Township (金湖鎮) Religions
頭碼頭) ferry terminal


Evidence of human settlement in Kinmen dates back as early as Jìn Dynasty (晋朝) which is AD 265–420
As Kinmen a prominent location during the Ming and Qing Dynasty, there are many historical buildings/tombs.
Tourists can get to Kinmen by flights
Tourist can only get to small Kinmen (Lieyu Township) by the means of ferry at Kinmen's public bus and ferry center
Tourists can get to various places of interest by public bus
Tourists can get to various places of interest by rental of cars and bikes
Ferry Timing and Trips might vary accordingly to seasons and weather

Songshan Airport (Taipei)

Kaohsiung International Airport
Taichung Airport
Chaiyi Airport
Tainan Airport

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