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Episode 17 – The Swashbuckler (Post Tasha’s)

Level 1
 Class: Rogue
 Race: Custom Lineage
 Free Feat: Magic Initiate: Wizard
 Spells: Booming Blade, Message, Find Familiar (get an owl)
 Abilities: Dex 15 (+2), Con 14, Wis 14
 Equipment: Two short swords, leather armor
 Sneak Attack: 1d6
 Expertise: Stealth and Thieves’ Tools

Level 2
 Cunning Action

Level 3
 Roguish Archetype: Swashbuckler
 Sneak Attack = 2d6
 Rakish Audacity

Level 4 (Ranger 1)
 Favored Foe
 Deft Explorer

Level 5 (Ranger 2)
 Fighting Style: Dueling
 Spells: Hunter’s Mark
 Booming Blade = 1d8 on hit and 2d8 on move

Level 6 (Ranger 3)
 Beast Master (Primal Sky)
 Primal/Primeval Awareness

Damage Report! Vs 10 AC: 43, Vs 15 AC: 36

Level 7 (Rogue 4)
 ASI/Feat: Piercer (+1 Dex for 18)

Level 8 (Rogue 5)
 Uncanny Dodge
 Sneak Attack = 3d6

Level 9 (Rogue 6)
 Expertise: Perception? Acrobatics? Investigate?

Damage Report! Vs. 10 AC: 51 DPR, Vs. 16: 46

Level 10 (Rogue 7)
 Evasion
 Sneak Attack = 4d6

Level 11 (Rogue 8)
 ASI/Feat: Dex (20)
 Booming Blade now 2d8 on hit and 3d8 on move

Level 12 (Rogue 9)
 Panache
 Sneak Attack = 5d6

Level 13 (Rogue 10)

 ASI/Feat: +Wis for Pet damage bump? +Con? Lucky?

Damage Report! Vs 10 AC: 72 DPR, Vs 17: 66 DPR

Level 14 (Rogue 11)

 Reliable Talent
 Sneak Attack = 6d6

Level 15 (Rogue 12)

 ASI/Feat: Whatever you didn’t take at level 10 

Level 16 (Rogue 13)

 Elegant Maneuver
 Sneak Attack = 7d6

Level 17 (Rogue 14)

 Blindesense
 Booming Blade = 3d8 on hit, 4d8 on move

Damage Report! Vs. 10 AC: 91 DPR, Vs. 18 AC: 86

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