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terestingly, 2 particular hormones testosterone from degradation. to be markedly influenced by the
have been used to determine how But for testosterone to act at its training program. Mero et al. (17,
an individual responds to various target sites, it must unbind from 18), however, demonstrated that
types, intensities, and volumes of SHBG, thus becoming what is during adolescence, increased
training. Specifically, these are known as free testosterone. It is weightlifting strength was accom-
testosterone and cortisol, and the the 1–2% of the total testosterone panied by increases in circulating
ratio between them (i.e., testos- that is free and available to pro- testosterone. Among their sugges-
terone/cortisol ratio). For a decade duce the desired effects of testos- tions was that strength training
and a half, it has been suggested terone. The ratio of total testos- should begin during this stage of
that this ratio may be one method terone/SHBG is related to actual development, when the anabolic
of quantifying training stress (1). competitive weightlifting perfor- environment is being enhanced. It
Because of the functional proper- mances (12). In adults, long-term still needs to be asked, however,
ties of these hormones, they have weightlifting training over a 2-year whether the hormonal environ-
been used to represent the ana- period has been accompanied by ment is adequate to support the
bolic-catabolic status of an indi- increases in the testosterone/cor- intense training required for elite
vidual. Although this is certainly tisol ratio (13). It has been sug- performances.
an oversimplification of what gested that this may be indicative
■ Can Training Stresses be
these 2 hormones actually do, it of increased weightlifting strength
has been repeatedly demonstrat- and enhanced training tolerance. Monitored by the Hormonal
ed that the testosterone/cortisol Although all these data have been Environment?
ratio is inversely related to the cu- generated from mature adults, it As mentioned above, it appears
mulative training stresses of the is critical for the further study of that changes in the testos-
body. In other words, as the total adolescents. terone/cortisol ratio are negative-
training stress increases, the hor- ly related to the weightlifting-
monal ratio decreases and vice
■ Puberty and the Hormonal training protocol for adult males
versa. It should be pointed out Environment (12). As the volume-load increas-
here that we are concerned with It is apparent that monitoring the es, the hormonal ratio decreases
one's natural production (i.e., en- testosterone/cortisol ratio is help- in a similar manner. We must now
dogenous production) of these ful for tracking the training status ask whether this relationship ex-
hormones and not with the use of of adult males. But because less- ists for young male weightlifters
pharmaceuticals or supplements mature males do not possess the who possess incompletely devel-
that simulate or stimulate these same hormonal environment, it oped endocrine systems. The best
hormones. Concerning weightlift- must be questioned whether the opportunity to study this question
ing, Häkkinen et al. (12) were the use of this ratio is valid for a was with the U.S. National Junior
first to provide evidence that the younger population such as ado- Weightlifting Squad that trains at
testosterone/cortisol ratio was in- lescents. As a young male pro- various times of the year at the
versely related to the volume-load gresses from prepuberty to puber- Olympic Training Center in Col-
(repetitions x weight) in adult male ty, the circulating concentration of orado Springs, Colorado (10, 19).
weightlifters. Furthermore, Alén et testosterone first increases during These athletes had reached a
al. (2) demonstrated that for the sleep hours (3, 14). This in- qualifying total to attend this
adults this ratio was positively re- crease is regulated by luteinizing camp, specifically for athletes
lated to the changes in isometric hormone secreted by the pituitary aged 16–20 years. This is a well-
strength. As isometric strength in- gland (3, 14). Because a less-ma- controlled environment where the
creased over the course of a train- ture male exhibits lower concen- lifter characteristics and the train-
ing program, the hormonal ratio trations of testosterone when com- ing programs can be readily quan-
also increased. For testosterone to pared with a mature adult, it is tified. During the course of a 1-
exist for an extended time period possible that the testosterone/cor- month training camp, 1 week
in the circulation, it must be tisol ratio may not be an appropri- consisted of increased levels of
bound to its binding protein, sex ate marker of training stress for training volume (2–4 sessions/d),
hormone–binding globulin the adolescent. Conceivably, rest- after which training returned to
(SHBG). This protein acts some- ing testosterone levels during ado- normal levels for the last 3 weeks
what like a chaperone, protecting lescence may not be great enough (1–2 sessions/d). Resting testos-

8 Strength and Conditioning Journal October 2002

terone and cortisol levels were young weightlifters (10). In sum- lower than those of mature males,
measured, as were the acute re- mary, it can be surmised that the a proper exercise stimulus could
sponses to a standardized lifting young male weightlifters endured indeed result in elevated hormon-
protocol. As has been reported be- the very high–volume training al responses.
fore (12), the testosterone/cortisol much better than expected. This It is not unreasonable to think
ratio decreased during the 1 week indicates that the training capaci- that such elevations in the hor-
of high-volume training, after ty of adolescent weightlifters is monal concentrations would re-
which it returned to original levels greater than was originally sult from most training sessions
during the 3-week normal training thought. for elite weightlifters. Although
phase. The hormonal ratio thus resting levels of anabolic hor-
■ What is the Hormonal
appeared to reflect changes in the mones are certainly critical, it is
training stress. It should be point-
Response of Adolescent likely that such acute responses
ed out that although Adlercreutz Weightlifters During a Lifting also contribute to the resulting
et al. (1) had proposed some spe- Session? training adaptations. Because
cific values for the hormonal ratios The first research on hormonal re- elite competitors are often more
as indicators of overtraining (a de- sponses of young males to a heavy experienced in their sport than are
crease of at least 30% in the free lifting task suggested that adoles- average competitors, it would be of
testosterone/cortisol ratio, or a cent males could not increase interest to examine the role of
free testosterone/cortisol ratio of their natural levels of testosterone training experience on the hor-
<0.35 × 10 -3), these levels were (5). When interpreting these data, monal responses to weightlifting.
never approached among these however, it must be remembered Using the results reported by
young weightlifters. Despite the that the hormonal response is Häkkinen et al. (13), junior
extremely high volumes of lifting highly dependent on the 5 acute weightlifters were divided into
performed by these young training variables for resistance highly experienced (>2 years) and
weightlifters during the first week, exercise (i.e., choice of exercise, less experienced (<2 years) groups.
they actually increased their 1 order of exercise, volume of exer- Greater training experience was
repetition maximum (RM) for the cise, exercise load [relative inten- accompanied by a greater testos-
snatch and the clean and jerk sity], and interset rest intervals) terone response to a weightlifting
during this time (10, 19). Interest- (16). As such, in hindsight, it is task. It appears that as a lifter's
ingly, it was noted that the barbell likely that the lifting stimulus was training experience increases, so
trajectories during these lifts indi- not adequate to elevate the hor- too does the potential to enhance
cated an increased swinging of the monal concentrations. To further the anabolic hormonal environ-
barbell away from the body (un- address this question, junior-aged ment.
published data), an undesirable weightlifters performed a stan-
trait. On the basis of this, it is like- dardized exercise and lifting pro-
■ Increased Volume Training:
ly that the lifting mechanics may tocol (15 vertical jumps, single Does it Help Future Training?
be a sensitive indicator of the repetitions of the snatch lift in- A commonly used training tactic is
changes in the training stresses. creasing to maximal capabilities, to prescribe high volumes of train-
During this study, the effect of 3 × 10 snatch pulls at 60% 1 RM) ing for short periods of time. To
branched-chain amino acid sup- (15). As a group, these adolescents study the long-term effects of such
plementation (leucine, isoleucine, exhibited typical hormonal levels training methods, junior -aged
valine) on stressful training was for their age, which were indicative weightlifters were monitored over
examined. It was determined that of their pubescent status. Imme- the course of a year of training (9).
these amino acids did not influ- diately after the exercise stimulus, At the beginning and end of this 1
ence any measured variable. there was a significant increase in year, the lifters performed a week
These results suggest that al- the circulating levels of testos- of high-volume training (2–4 ses-
though these amino acids have terone, cortisol, and growth hor- sions/d). As with the previous
been purported to counter the ef- mone, whereas the testos- studies, this training was per-
fects of stressful training via the terone/cortisol ratio decreased. It formed under a highly controlled
central fatigue hypothesis, no evi- thus becomes apparent that al- environment at the Olympic Train-
dence of this was apparent when though these young lifters possess ing Center. During the year of
using typical dosages with these resting testosterone levels that are training, all the lifters had in-

October 2002 Strength and Conditioning Journal 9

creased their 1RM capabilities for coming senior -level event (i.e., group responded in a more favor-
both the snatch and the clean and U.S. Olympic Festival) and the re- able manner to the training taper,
jerk. When their hormonal re- mainder of the lifters were classi- as indicated by the very strong
sponses were analyzed, it was fied as nonelite but were members correlation.
clear that they had been able to of the Junior National Squad (8).
better tolerate the week of stress- Correlations were calculated be-
■ So What are the Practical
ful training at the end of the year. tween the changes in the testos- Implications?
Although the week of high-volume terone/cortisol ratio and the The data reviewed herein have
training was identical at both the changes in competitive perfor- practical implications for training
beginning and the end of the year, mance. As with previous studies, adolescents (Table 1). Beginning
the hormonal responses were not the 4-week period was divided into training at an age when the hor-
as adversely affected the second high-volume training for the first monal changes associated with
time around. The result was a week, followed by a taper where puberty are present allows for the
more anabolic hormonal environ- training volume returned to nor- monitoring of training status and
ment. These results were inter- mal. During the high-volume training stress through hormonal
preted to suggest that the prior ex- week, the nonelite group exhibited markers. Although actual moni-
posure to stressful training had a negative relationship between toring of the testosterone/cortisol
developed a greater resilience to the changes in the hormonal ratio ratio may be unrealistic in most
such training. Not only can high- and the changes in the lifting per- settings, the outcomes of the re-
volume training have an immedi- formance (r = -0.70). During the search performed on the junior-
ate effect on performances during ensuing 3 weeks, this relationship aged weightlifters may be applied
the subsequent taper (gradual re- became positive (r = 0.51). Inter- to the training of adolescents in
duction in training volume) phase, estingly, the elite group demon- general.
but it can also have a long-term strated a different profile. During The resistance training capac-
effect on one's capacity to perform the high-volume week, there was ity for adolescents appears to be
such training on a regular basis. no correlation between the greater than once thought, and
Of course, a coach or trainer must changes in the hormonal ratio and young males elicit similar hor-
be careful about how often train- the lifting performances (r = 0.00). monal responses to training as do
ing of this type is administered, But during the next 3 weeks of mature adults. Among adolescent
but it is evident that adolescent taper, there was a very high corre- trainees, more accomplished
weightlifters can readily perform lation between these 2 variables lifters appear to better tolerate
high volumes of training that can (r = 0.92). Taken in their entirety, short periods of high-stress train-
have long-term benefits. these data suggest several critical ing, and prior weight-training ex-
possibilities. First, similar to what perience results in an increased
■ Is Performance Related to has been reported for mature hormonal response to a single
Hormonal Levels? adults, changes in the hormonal training session. Using periods of
Previous reports have indicated environment are related to high–volume-load training can be
that changes in the hormonal en- changes in the lifting perfor- a beneficial strategy for increasing
vironment in adult males are re- mance. It should be noted though performance with adolescents be-
lated to the actual changes in iso- that one must be careful when in- cause they are better able to toler-
metric strength (2) or competitive terpreting these data. Correlations ate such training in the future. A
weightlifting performances (12). such as these do not imply that taper phase seems to be more
Specifically, such relationships changes in one variable necessar- beneficial to those adolescents
were evident for the testos- ily cause the changes in the other who have gone through previous
terone/cortisol and testos- variable. Secondly, the lack of any high–volume-load phases. This
terone/SHBG ratios. These rela- relationship for the elite group short-term overreaching with ado-
tionships appear to exist for during the high-volume week sug- lescents seems to be as effective as
adolescent weightlifters as well. gests that these lifters better toler- with adults. Some findings sup-
Junior weightlifters who were par- ated the stressful training com- port the contention that closely
ticipating at a 4-week training pared with the nonelite group, at monitoring the lifting technique
camp were divided into an elite least as far as the hormonal data may also serve as an indicator of
group that was training for an up- is concerned. Lastly, the elite training stress in this population.

10 Strength and Conditioning Journal October 2002

es develop training programs for
Table 1
young lifters at all levels of compe-
Program Design Considerations for Young Weightlifters
tition. ▲
• Skill acquisition can begin before puberty, with increased training
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sponse to a single training session plasma anabolic and catabolic
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October 2002 Strength and Conditioning Journal 11

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12 Strength and Conditioning Journal October 2002

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