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Information and communication

Information and communication
Technologies (ICTs) and Globalisation technologies (ICTs)
Questioning to Learn:  ICTs encompasses the digital technologies and infrastructure
and products that facilitate the acquisition, storage, analysis,
1. What are some of the ways that ICTs have manipulation, and distribution of information.
facilitated globalisation process?  ICTs also includes other technologies that enable collection,
processing, transmission, and presentation of information in a
2. What kinds of information skills are needed to be number of ways including voice, data, text, images, video, and
personally, professionally, and academically animiation.
sucessful in the Information Age?  3 dominant ICT technologies: PC, cellphone/mobile, internet
3. What factors contribute to the existance of  ICT also includes webcams, email, DVDs, flash memory, hard
drives, servers, and networks, softwares.
digigal devides both within specific countries and  ICTs are the services, platforms, and devices that have eroded
between developed and developing countries? the barriers of time and space, making swift and efficient
international communication flows possible.
4. How might ICTs facilitate development?
 ICTs ~ digital technologies that have rapidly changed the world
5. What are some of the potentially posivetive and
potentially negative consequences of the
globalisation media?

Information and communication

technologies (ICTs) The Information Age
 ICT eroded the constrainst of time and space- necessarry  The information age~ proliferation of information and
prequisite to the formation of glabal economy “with the ability to transfer, share, and instantly access
capacity to work as a unit in real time, or chosen time, on a information.
planetary scale”.  Many consider it begun in the last 20yrs of 20th century
 ICT reflects the convergence of communications- ability to and expedited in mid 90s by the widespread and
deliver a variety of media and communication services development of internet (though it has a long history
(e.g: Cell phones are not simply telecommunications dated back to 1962).
devices; they allow us to play game, download infor, suft  1440, Johannes Gutenberg developed printing press:
net, listen to music, watch video,etc) allows news and knowledge to spread across EU faster
 ICTs allow people to share information and to communicate  1998: Larry Page and Sergey Brin co-found Google:
with each other at any time in any place, extend human increase in the availability of information
interaction, allowing people who are dispersed in space
and time to act in response to events taking place in distant  Internet provides various forums for people to express
locales. their ideas, to build consensus, to debate and to vote, to
share, to comment on a number of spaces (wikis, chat
forums, blogs, etc.)

Internet users in the World

Global ICT development (source:


Dec. 1995 16millions 0.4%
Dec. 1996 36 millions 0.9%
Dec. 1997 70 millions 1.7%
Dec. 1998 147millions 3.6%
Dec. 1999 248millions 4.1%
Dec. 2000 361millions 5.8%
Aug., 2001 513 millions 8.6%
Sept., 2002 587 millions 9.4%
Dec. 2003 719 millions 11.1%
Dec. 2004 817 millions 12.7%
Dec. 2005 1,018 millions 15.7%
Dec. 2006 1,093 millions 16.7%
Dec, 2007 1,319 millions 20.0%
Dec, 2008 1,574 millions 23.5%
Dec. 2009 1,802 millions 26.6%

June, 2010 1,966 millions 28.7 %


Internet users per 100 inhabitants

Global number of internet users by

ICTs in households development status

Mobile cellular telephone

Mobile telephony
subscriptions per 100 inhabitants


Mobile signal coverage Global village-

village- MacLuhan (1962)
 The global village suggests that the globalisation of communication media has
bought the whole world closer together, like a village in which everyone is.
 Global village closes the gap between countries, as an event experienced in one
part of the world could be witnessed from other parts in no time at all. it establishes
the image of a world where everyone is able to speak freely and information can be
shared across borders. (Source: Peter Hirshberg TED Talk: The Web and TV, a
sibling rivalry (2007)

 McLuhan chose the insightful

phrase "global village" to highlight
his observation that an electronic
nervous system (the media)
was rapidly integrating the planet
events in one part of the world
could be experienced from other
parts in real-time, which is
what human experience was
like when we lived in
small villages

Millennium Development Goals

ICTs and Development
 Sept. 8, 2000 UN General Assembly adopted the Millennum  UNs declaration signed in Sept. 2000 consisting of 8
Declaration, committing rich and poor countries alike to set of goals and 21 targets that 192 UNs members and 23
Int’l organisations agreed to achieve by 2015.
8 targets designed to end extreme poverty around the globe
by 2015.
1. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
 Section 20 resolves: “To ensure that the benefits of new
2. Achieving universal primary education
technologies, esp. information and communication
3. Promoting gender equality and empowering women
technologies, in conformity with recommendations contained
in the ECOSOC 2000 Ministerial Declaration, are available to 4. Reducing child mortality
all”. 5. Improving maternal health
6. Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
 World Summit on the Information Society: adoption of the
7. Ensuring environmental sustainability
Declaration of Principles declared a commitment to
8. Developing a global partnership for development
harnessing the potential of ICTs to promote MDGs and to
create an inclusive and development- oriented Information

ICT Development index:

The digital divide
top 10 countries
 Digital divide: Unequal access to physical ICTs, such as
computers, mobile phones, and internet access, as well as to
imbalances in the education and experience needed to
develop information and technology skills.

 Global digital divide: disparities in technology access and

use between countries or global regions.

 (Human Development Report, 1999): WWW not only

connects but also excludes, providing the connected with
ever greater advantages:
“The network society is creating parallel communications systems: one
for those with income, education and – literally- connections, giving
plentiful information at low cost and high speed; the other for those
without connections, blocked by high barriers of time, cost and
uncertainty and dependent on outdated information.”


Proportion of HHs with

internet access, by region

Global mobile subscriptions by

development status


Top 10 countries with the lowest

ICT prices

ICT Development index-

Where is Vietnam?
top 5 per region Fixed Mobile Internation Propostion Propostion Fixed Mobile Internation Propostion Propostion
telephon cellular al internet of H/Hs of H.Hs telephone cellular al internet of H/Hs of H.Hs
e line per subscriptio bandwidth with with line per 100 subscriptio bandwidth with with
100 ns per 100 per internet computer internet inhabitants ns per 100 per internet computer internet
inhabitan inhab. user (bit/s) inhab. user (bit/s)
2002 2007 2002 2007 2002 2007 2002 2007 2002 2007

Sweden 62.5 60.4 89.0 113.7 14,962 62,484 75.0 83.0 66.0 79.0

United 65.3 53.4 48.9 83.5 2,208 15,341 59.0 70.2 52.0 61.7
China 16.6 27.5 16.0 41.2 159 1,735 10.2 39.1 5.0 16.4

Vietnam 4.9 32.7 2.4 27.2 95 704 2.6 10.1 0.6 5.0

Measuring the Information Society- The ICT Development Index

Internet in Asia-
Asia- top 10 countries Conclusion
 ICTs encompasses the digital technologies and
infrastructure that have facilitated globalisation
 ICTs are the services, platforms, and devices that have
eroded the barriers of time and space, making swift and
efficient international communication flows possible.
 The important role of ICTs in poverty reduction
 Efforts needed to provide people around the world
acess to the information and communication tools that
can enhance their chances of achieving their goals for
themseves, their families and their communities.
 Convergece process of devices (mobile devices)
making media forms changing

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