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According to Watson, "Caring can help the person gain control, become knowledgeable,

and promote healthy changes" and " Caring is central to nursing practice and
promotes health better than a simple medical cure”.

Nursing does not end in helping the patient to gain their normal health. They also
wanted to extend their hands to those people who were in need. Compassion is what keeps
the nurses alive, to help those patients to make them feel better. That's why people all over
the world appreciate them. It is not just because of how noble their work is but because of
the sacrifices and struggles they are facing during the pandemic. With that, let's take the
time to appreciate and analyze this profession.

During the pandemic, we all know that all populations are being affected by the
virus. It is not just the female, male, teenagers, elders but all of us, including the pregnant.
As nurses of pregnant women, we would use the Jean Watson Theory of Human Caring.
This theory does not only focus on one side of the health aspect of the patient. It tackles the
importance of having care for our patients. Thus, we believe that to restore the health of
pregnant women and children is to have the care or compassion for them. We also believe
that other than the machinery, we need to have compassion since machinery only supports
our intervention.

In our situation today we must focus on being careful if we have a family member
that is pregnant or a child because they are easily infected with the disease if we are not
careful. Also, we know that we have a new variant of the covid virus called the Delta variant
which is more contagious in children. Last two weeks we watched a clip where the kid is
walking closer to the ambulance while waving her hand to say goodbye because she is a
positive covid patient and needs to go to the covid facility to isolated her, it seems that her
parent is not nervous but we can’t deny the fact that they still being anxious about her
child’s condition. Hence, the mother and child need care from the health care professionals
to believe that they still have the chance to live. In addition to that, one of Watson's ten
carative factors is instilling faith-hope because it is what keeps people going as these are
meaningful to them. Also, we want to add the helping-trust relationship. During this
pandemic, it will serve as the most effective tool in the mode of communication that
establishes rapport and caring. Since in this part, communication includes verbal,
nonverbal, and listening in a manner that connotes empathetic understanding, that we
think will be of great help in this current situation.

Other than that, if we were going to compare the theories of Nightingale and
Leininger to the theory of Watson, we can say that the applicable theory is Watson's theory
of ‘Human Caring’. During the pandemic, people suffer from problems that also affect their
mental health. We believe that during this pandemic, the mother and child need to feel our
care and sincerity that will touch their heart and hope that they will survive rather than
focusing on the needs of their body and environment as well as respecting the differences
of each person. In addition to that, we believe that if we have cared for our patients, the
theory of Nightingale and Leininger will naturally give to our patients.

Therefore we can conclude that caring is a general aspect that we should give to our
patients. It may not be a two-way process, but nurses are born to be the givers. Through
caring, we will be able to help the mother and child to their holistic health like physical,
mental, and emotional health. These are the things that mothers need because having a
baby or children is not easy. They will need our support especially, with their mental and
emotional development since it is being affected by hormonal changes. In addition, for
Watson, without the care, it would be possible that the disease might be cured, but illness
would remain; thus, health is not attained. Lastly, caring for patients fosters development
and; a caring environment embraces a person for who they are while also anticipating what
they might become.

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