Anti-Aging - How To Live Longer and Healthier

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Anti-Aging: How to Liver Longer

& Healthier
By Kyle J. Norton
All article and E books written by Kyle J. Norton are for information and education
only, please consult with your doctor and related field specialist before applying.

Part I – Definition, Theories of Aging,

Types of Free Radicals & Antioxidants

Human aging is a biological process, no one can stop, but delay it. It
is possible that one person has a physiological younger than his or her
biological if one engages in healthy living life style and eating
healthily by increasing the intake of good healthy food such as whole
grain, fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, etc. and reducing the
consumption of harmful foods, such as saturated fat, trans fat,
artificial ingredients, etc.
Theories of aging
What cause aging? The question that has been asked throughout the
human history, but it doesn't seem to get any answer but raises many
more unanswered questions. While many theories try to answer the
question by related aging to tear and wear of the body, others deal
with how the organs and systems in the body develop and deteriorate
overtime, etc.

1. Somatic mutation theory

In this theory, aging is due to our inherited genes that come directly
from our parents. Since the conception occurred, our body cells
continue to divide and replication themselves. Since the division and
replication are a life long precess at some point, for what ever reason,
if cells division and replication can process incorrectly, leading to
mutation of incorrect copy of DNA. Although the cause of this
incorrect process are unknown, but researchers found that exposures
to toxins, radiation or ultraviolet light, artificial ingredients, unhealthy
life style, etc. can increase the risk of cells mutation and the cells
copied incorrectly can mutate themselves, leading to accumulation of
incorrect gene cells that trigger a chain reaction of an auto-catalytic
nature in producing more and more fincorrect gene cell, until it finally
is brought under controlled, this processes can lead to aging. As an
organism, the immune system tries to destroy or scavenger these
mutated genes but at some points, it is over whelming, leading chronic
age related diseases.

2. Error catastrophe theory

The error catastrophe of aging was originally proposed by Leslie
Orgel in 1963. Our body immune system helps to maintain the
structural integrity of DNA not only for cell survival but also for the
transfer of correct genetic information to the daughter cells. Error
catastrophe indicated that alterations DNA and the incorrect
placement of amino acids in protein synthesis could result in a
progressive degradation aging as a result of these abnormal protein are
no longer functioning as chemical passengers or signallers.

3. Protein glycosylation
Protein glycosylation is a result of chemical reaction of glucose with
varies proteins, including enzyme, elastin and collagen in the blood.
The cross linked protein glycosylation leads to cell to cell adhesion
causing stiffness and rigidity of individual cells, reducing the cells
function in taking nutrients and expelling waste.
If the cross link protein glycosylation occurs in the elastin and
collagen, it will cause brittle skin, causing aging, but it happens in the
organs it will be more serious and sometimes life threatening.

4. The neuroendocrine theory

First proposed by Professor Vladimir Dilman and Ward Dean MD,
this theory postulates on wear and tear of the neuroendocrine system.
In neuroendocrine system, the master pituitary gland secrets hormones
to direct other glands in secreting their hormones and works
conjunction with the hypothalamus glands form a command post in
the nervous system in closely direct the function of most of the body
but as we age, the hypothalamus loses its ability as a hormone
regulator as its receptors of which uptake other gland hormones
become less sensitive to them, including sex hormones, DHEA,
serotonin, melatonin, etc.
As for cortisol, a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands due to stress,
is produced with abundance as we age.

5. Immune system decline theory

As we age, our immune system is weakening that cause us become
vulnerable to the dangerous pathogens, including microbial and viral
invasion. Within the immune system, the thymus glands which play
an important role in helping formation of the immune system
scavenger that reduces the function of immune system further that
allow irregular cell growth cause of aging spot, tumors, cancer,
infection, inflammation and onset of chronic illness.

6. Genetic programming theory

Genetic programming theory proposes that aging is programmed as
the cells cycle in our body are also genetic program since their
inception. the explanation is that all the cells are undergoing certain
time in division over the a said amount of time before dying, leading
to conclusion that people with the long live genetic program live
longer than others who do not.
The theory also emphasizes the genetic diseases as a result of genetic
programming diminished life span, regardless external and internal
Further refinement of the programmed senescence theory was
developed by Bernard Strehler, who proposed that as cells are
program to perform specific functions within the organism that cause
them to lose some of the ability to duplicate their genetic information,
leading to aging.

7. Hayflick limit
The Hayflick limit (or Hayflick Phenomena) theory discovered by
Leonard Hayflick and a biologist in 1966. In vitro study, the number
of times fibroblast diploid cells will divide before it stops. The
discover is conferring a major hypothesis if the cell division can
prolong in a infinite matter without conditions which cause damage of
the cells, then organism can liver forever.
Stem cells
Since stem cells can continue to regenerate new cells for the entire
lifespan of the organism, without limit, thus constituting a notable
exception to the Hayflick limit theory.
Cancer cells
Cancer cell in biological aspect, have found a way around the limit by
becoming a group of immortalized cells produced from cell division
that have no limit as to how many times this immortalized cell
division might take place.

8. The telomerase theory

The tolomerrase theory is a continuation of support to the Hayflick
limit (or Hayflick Phenomena) theory involved in telomeres and
telomerase. Telomeres are the structure at the end of the chromosome.
As each time the cell divides, its telomeres is shortened, at certain
length, the cell stops division and goes into senescence.
The experiment shows, the cell senescence can be reversed by
controlling the genes of telomerase autocatalytic nature, which in turn,
promotes the forever cell division capacity

9. The free radical theory

A free radical is any atom or molecule that has a single unpaired
electron in an outer shell and highly reactive to react with other cell,
which in turn, causes oxidative damage to the enzymes, other protein,
unsaturated fatty acid, phospho-lipids, DNA and RNA, etc., leading to
aging of the organisms, as a result of widespread damage due to set of
a chain reaction auto-catalytically after attacking the lipid bilayers of
the cell walls.

10. Other theories

a. Rate of living and lifespan
Rate of living is defined that a bigger organism, the longer it lives
with human is one of the exception due to its slower rate of
metabolism and lower rate of free radical activity, leading to low
levels of age lipid pigment, resulting in longer life span. Experiment
show that there 100,000 free radicals hit everyday in rat, comparing
10, 000 in human.
b. Caloric restriction
Caloric restriction hypothesis suggested in a study of young rat
showed that if a rat is put into restricted diet with given of necessary
nutrients, it lives longer than those were allowed to eat freely. With
the result also the same in the old rat, the theory also suggest eating
less may cause less toxins in the body that affects the immune system
and reduces the risk of hormone change, leading to free radicals cause
of aging.
c. Age spots
Age spots are mainly composed of lipofuscin and lipopigment caused
by reaction of free radical and peroxidation, leading to the formation
of age spot, as a result of oxygen species interact with autophagocytic
degradation occurring inside the lysosomes.
d. Protein oxidation
Protein oxidation cay affect protein function in normal and
pathological processes as a result of postranslation protein being alter
by reduce oxygen species (ROS) cause of damage to enzyme, leading
to dysfunction of its role resulting in aging.
e. Fast track of aging
The theory suggest that there are many of diseases and syndromes of
which can contribute to faster track to aging
* Hutchison-Gilford syndrome
It is an extremely rare genetic condition wherein symptoms
resembling aspects of aging are manifested at an early age. Those
born with progeria typically live to thirteen years, although many have
been known to live into their late teens and early twenties and rare
individuals may even reach their forties due to genes mutation.
*Werner syndrome
It is Adult progeria, an disorder causes the appearance of premature
aging. The syndrome does not develop until they reach puberty is
caused by autosomal recessive disorder due to alter gene on
chromosome 8.
f. Altered genes
Alter genes are the work of Friedman and Johnson 1988 " .... the
effect of elevated expression of SIR2 in yeast appears to be conserved
in C. elegans (Tissenbaum & Guarente 2001) and Drosophila (Rogina
& Helfand 2004), and mutations in genes encoding components of the
target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway also extend the lifespan in all four
organisms... "
"... It was originally suspected that extension of lifespan by reduced
IIS might turn out to be a worm peculiarity. This was because
mutations in genes in the IIS pathway can also cause the worms to
enter a type of developmental arrest (dauer), normally seen only in
response to low food or crowding (Riddle & Albert 1997). Dauer
larvae are long lived, and the long life of IIS mutant adult worms
could therefore have been a result of re-expression in the adult of the
genes that make the dauer larva long lived...."
g. Free radical connection
Free radical is any atom or molecule that has a single unpaired
electron in an outer shell and accumulation of free radical damage
over time can cause aging. Theory is first proposed by Denham
Harman in the 1950s and in the 1970s extended the idea to implicate
mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species into the 1970s.
Study showed that mutant strains of the roundworm that are more
susceptible to free radicals have shortened life spans, and those with
less susceptibility have longer lifespan
If free radical causes damage to the DNA repaired enzymes, it can
increase the risk of unrepaired DNA damage, leading protein
synthesis incorrectly. In fact, free radicals can inflict damage to all
cells in body such as endocrine glands, leading to decreasing of
hormone secretion, resulting in aging and Kupffer cell in liver,
causing endotoxins accumulated in the blood, leading to more free
radicals attacks the immune system, etc.

10. Hormone depletion

The researchers found that if an decrease or absence of the pituitary
gland hormones mice is given enough amount of pituitary hormones,
it lives longer than a control group of normal mice as it stimulates the
production of growth and other hormones such as prolactin,
adrenocorticotropic hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, etc.

11. etc.

Most Common Types of Free Radicals

Free radicals are atoms, molecules, or ions with unpaired electrons
through chemical bonds with other atoms or molecules during a
chemical reaction. They may have positive, negative or zero charge.
The unpaired electrons cause radicals to be highly chemically reactive
in the human body, leading to aging and cancers.
1. Hydroxyl radical (OH•)
The hydroxyl radical, is the neutral form of the hydroxide ion (OH–).
It is produced from the decomposition of hydroperoxides (ROOH) by
the reaction of an elevation in energy level above an arbitrary baseline
energy state molecular oxygen with water.
The hydroxyl radical is highly reactive and has a very short in vivo
half-life of approx. 10−9 s This makes it a very dangerous compound
to the organism. Hydroxyl radical cannot be eliminated by an
enzymatic reaction and can damage virtually all types of
macromolecules: carbohydrates, nucleic acids (mutations), lipids
(lipid peroxidation) and amino acids, that makes it a very danger
compound to shorten the life span of human being.

2. Superoxide anion radical (O2–•)

A superoxide anion is a compound that possesses an atom or molecule
in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number
of protons, giving it a net positive or negative electrical charge with
the chemical formula O2− with one unpaired electron, leading to the
generating of superoxide anion free radical.
Mutations in the gene coding for the NADPH oxidase cause immune
deficiency chronic granulomatous disease, leading to extreme
susceptibility to infection and pathogenesis of many diseases,
including aging.

3. Singlet oxygen
Singlet oxygen is the common name used for the diamagnetic form of
molecular oxygen (O2), which is less stable than the normal triplet
oxygen. In biological study, species, Singlet oxygen causes oxidation
of LDL cholesterol and resultant cardiovascular effects.
Since singlet oxygen with activation by light can produce severe
photosensitivity of skin, leading to skin defects.

4. Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the simplest peroxide, a clear liquid,
slightly more viscous than water, that appears colorless in dilute
solution. It is considered a highly reactive oxygen species because of
its strong oxidizing capacity.
Hydrogen peroxide
A study published in Nature found that hydrogen peroxide plays a role
in the immune system by signalling the white blood cells to converge
on the site of damage. The process leads to white blood cells did not
accumulate at the site of damage, but somewhere else if the gene in
production of hydrogen peroxide is altered, causing higher levels of
hydrogen peroxide and white blood cells in their lungs accumulation
in the lung than healthy people.

5. Lipid peroxyl free radical

Lipid peroxidation is a process in which free radicals steal electrons
from the lipids in cell membranes, most often affecting
polyunsaturated fatty acids, resulting in damaging to the cell
membrane, which consists mainly of lipids, because of chain reaction
after initial oxidating by producing even more lipid peroxyl free
radicals if not bought under controlled fast enough.

6. Nitric oxide
Nitric oxide is a chemical compound with chemical formula NO.
Even though, low levels of NO production are important in protecting
liver from ischemic damage and contribute to proper smooth muscle
contraction and growth, but its free radical and toxic nature can cause
DNA damage and inflammation.

7. Alkoxyl radical
Alkoxyl radical which is an alkyl (carbon and hydrogen chain) group
singular bonded to oxygen can result in cellular damage caused by
oxyfluorfen, a herbicide.

8. Peroxynitrite
Peroxynitrite is the anion with the formula ONOO−reacted quikly with
carbon dioxide, leading to forming of carbonate and nitrogen dioxide
radicals. If the two radicals do not recombine to form carbon dioxide
and nitrate, they can cause peroxynitrite-related cellular damage.

9. Etc.

A. Antioxidant enzymes
Antioxidant enzymes are chemical substances found in plants that can
protect the body from damage of free radicals by terminating the
chain reactions by removing free radical intermediates and inhibiting
other oxidation reactions.
1. Catalase
Catalase is an enzyme, found in most living organisms that are
exposed to oxygen helped to converse hydrogen peroxide (free
radicals) to water and oxygen as a rate of 40 million molecules of
hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen each second, using either an
iron or manganese cofactor.

2. Glutathione peroxidase
The function of glutathione peroxidase is to protect the organism from
oxidative damage by reducing lipid hydroperoxides, an oxidation of
lipid cell membranes which can easily break and form free radicals of
the form RO and converting free hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and

3. Glutathione reductase
Glutathione reductase, an enzyme reduces pair of sulfur atoms
glutathione to the a organosulfur compound form of antioxidant
(consisting of three amino acids joined by peptide bonds) which helps
to prevent damage of important cellular components caused by free
radicals and peroxides.

4. Super oxide dismutase (both Cu-Zn and Mn)

Super oxide dismutase is an important antioxidant defense in nearly
all cells exposed to oxygen by converting superoxide into oxygen and
hydrogen peroxide depending on the metal cofactor such as both Cu-
Zn and Mn.
B. Metals binding proteins
1. Ceruloplasmin
Ceruloplasmin, the major copper-carrying protein in the blood plays a
role in iron metabolism. It prevents the oxidation that leads to the
forming of oxidation from Fe2+ (ferrous iron) into Fe3+ (ferric iron) by
exhibiting a copper-dependent oxidase activity, causing mutations in
the ceruloplasmin gene cause of iron overload in the brain, liver,
pancreas, and retina.

2. Ferritin
Ferritin, the protein produced by almost all living organisms, acts as a
component to fight against iron deficiency and iron overload, keep in
a soluble and non-toxic form and transport it to the body needs,
including organs. It enhances the immune system in the presence of an
infection or cancer and prevent the infectious agent attempts to bind
iron to become free radicals by migrating from the plasma to within

3. Lactoferrin
Lactoferrin, a multifunctional protein of the transferrin family, is one
of the components of the immune system of the body by fighting
against foreign invasion of bacteria and virus and lipid oxidation by
inhibiting oxidation in a concentration-dependent manner even at
concentrations beyond its capacity.

4. Metallotheinein
Metallotheinein, a family of cysteine-rich, low molecular weight
proteins helps to bind both physiological heavy metals through the
organosulfur compound of its cysteine residues. It also captures
harmful superoxide and hydroxyl radicals by liberating the metal ions
which were bound to cysteine.

5. Transferrin
Transferrin is a glycoprotein that binds iron very tightly but
reversibly. It enhance the immune system in fighting against infection,
inflammation by creating an environment low in free iron that
impedes bacteria survival and cell oxidation.

6. Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that enhances
the carrying of oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and return
CO2 from the tissues to the lungs.
During oxidate stress, the cell membrane is protected by
intraerythrocytic hemoglobin from the forming of free radical.

7. Myoglobin
Myoglobin is an iron- and oxygen-binding protein found in the muscle
tissue of vertebrates. The binding of oxygen by myoglobin is
unaffected by the oxidation or chain of oxidative reaction in the
surrounding tissue, thus reducing the free radicals damage caused by
oxidate stress.

8. Etc.

C. Common antioxidants (scavengers)

1. Bilirubin
Bilirubin is a prosthetic group which helps to break down molecules
into smaller units in releasing energy, excreted in bile and urine. It is a
cellular antioxidant, by reverting to biliverdin, a green tetrapyrrolic
bile pigment, once again when oxidized that inhibits the effects of

2. Carotenoids
Carotenoids are organic pigments, occurring in the chloroplasts and
chromoplasts of plants and some other photosynthetic organisms like
algae, some bacteria.
a. Beta-carotene
Beta-Carotene, an organic compound and classified as a terpenoid, a
strongly-coloured red-orange pigment in plants and fruits.
a.1. It is not toxic and stored in liver for the production of vitamin A
that inhibits cancer cell in experiment. Beta-carotene also neutralize
singlet oxygen before giving rise of free radicals which can damage of
DNA, leading to improper cell DNA replication, causing cancers.
a.2. Cell communication
Researcher found that beta-carotene enhances the communication
between cell can reduce the risk of cancer by making cells division
more reliable.
a.3. Immune system
Beta-carotene promotes the immune system in identifying the foreign
invasion such as virus and bacteria by increasing the quality of MHC2
protein in maintaining optimal function of white cells.
a.4. Polyunsaturated fat
Researchers found that beta-carotene also inhibits the oxidation of
polyunsaturated fat and lipoprotein in the blood that reduce the risk of
plaques build up onto the arterial walls, causing heart diseases and
a.5. There are more benefits of beta-carotene.

b. Alpha-carotene
Alpha-carotene, one of the most abundant carotenoids in the North
American diet, is a form of carotene with a β-ring at one end and an ε-
ring at the other. It is the second most common form of carotene
which not only protects cells from the damaging effects of free
radicals and enhances the immune system in fighting against bacteria
and virus invasion, but also stimulates the communication between
cells thus preventing irregular cell growth cause of cancers.

c. Beta-cryptoxanthin
Beta cryptoxanthin is an antioxidant, beside helping to prevent free
radical damage to cells and DNA but also stimulates the repair of
oxidative damage to DNA. it enhances the immune function infighting
against inflammatory cause of polyarthritis, and irregular cell growth
cause of cancer due to oxidation.

d. Lutein
Lutein is one of the most popular North American carotenoids. It is
found in greens like kale and spinach as well as the yolk of eggs.
Lutein is also found in the human eye. Getting enough lutein in your
diet may help to fight off age related macular degeneration, an eye
Researcher has shown that people who do not have enough lutein in
their diet will not have enough lutein present in the muscular part of
the eye. This is what likely leads to age related macular degeneration
that can result in blindness.

e. Zeaxanthin
Zeaxanthin, a most common carotenoid alcohols found in nature, is
one of the two primary xanthophyll carotenoids contained within the
retina of the eye. Intake of foods provide zeaxanthin with lower
incidence of age-related macular degeneration as a result of its
function of reducing the risk oxidative stress.

f. Lycopene
Lycopene is a red carotene of the carotenoid group that can be found
in tomatoes, watermelons, and grapefruits. This powerful antioxidant
is believed to be a powerful fighter of prostate cancer. Lycopene has
many anti-aging capabilities as well as one of the most powerful
antioxidants in the carotenoid group.

3. Flavonoids
Flavonoids also known as Vitamin P and citrin are a yellow pigments
having a structure similar to that of flavones occurred in varies plants.
it has been in human history for over thousands of years and
discovered by A. S. Szent-Gyorgi in 1930. As he used vitamin C and
flavonoids to heal the breakage of capillaries, which caused swelling
and obstruction of blood flow. Most plants have more than one group
or type act as predominate.
Flavonoids process a property as antioxidants. it helps to neutralize
many of reactive oxygen species (ROS), including singlet oxygen,
hydroxyl and superoxide radicals.
Although nitric oxide is considered a free radical produced by
immune system to destroy bacteria and cancerous cells, but when it is
over produced, it causes the production peroxynitrite which may
attack protein, lipid and DNA, Flavonoids inhibit NO production of
peroxynitrite due to reduction of enzyme expression.
a. Quercetin
Quercetin is a plant-derived flavonoid found in fruits, vegetables,
leaves and grains and studies show that quercetin may have anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant properties as a antioxidant, quercetin
scavenges free radicals, which damage cell membranes, cause
mutation of cells with tampering DNA.

b. Rutin
Rutin is a citrus flavonoid glycoside found in buckwheat and
glycoside of the flavonoid quercetin. It inhibits platelet aggregation,
decreases the capillary permeability, makes blood thinner and
improves circulation. As an antioxidant, it can reduce the cytotoxicity
of oxidized LDL cholesterol caused by free radical that lowers the risk
of heart diseases.
c. Catechin
Catechin is a natural phenol antioxidant plant and natural anti-
bacterial substance. Study showed catechin as good free radical
scavenging power inhibits ROS production, thus it can be useful to the
development of alimentary strategies to prevent OTA-induced
cytotoxicity in human.

d. Etc.

4. Uric acids
Uric acids may have a potential therapeutic role as an antioxidant
becuase of its function of inducing oxidative stress, either through
creating reactive oxygen species or inhibiting antioxidant systems.
High uric acid can cause arthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
Metabolic syndrome, kidney stones, etc.

5. Thiols (R-SH)
Chemically, thiol, a organosulfur compound has strong odours
resembling that of garlic. They are used as odourants to assist in the
detection of natural gas. It presents in the amino acid cysseine which
helps to the functioning of enzyme regulation, cell signaling, protein
trafficking and control of gene expression. As a sulfide residue, thiol
plays an important role in cell function of reversal oxidation by
interacting with GSSG resulting in formation of intramucolar protein
disulfide and GSG.

6. Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 is discovered by Dr. Karl Folfers in 1957, beside
promotes the chemical reaction, often by speeding it up or allowing it
to proceed under less stringent conditions, it also enhances energy
production by promoting the process of the production of ATP then
serving as fuel for the cells and acts an antioxidant to prevent the
generation of free radicals during this process.

7. Vitamin A, C, E. D.
a. Vitamin A
Vitamin A occurs in the form retinol and is best known for its
function in maintaining the health of cell membrane, hair, skin, bone,
teeth and eyes. It also plays an important role as an antioxidant as it
scavenges free radicals in the lining of the mouth and lungs; prevents
its depletion in fighting the increased free radicals activity by
radiation; boosts immune system in controlling of free radicals;
prevents oxidation of LDL and enhances the productions of insulin

b. Vitamin C
Vitamin C beside plays an important role in formation and
maintenance of body tissues, it as an antioxidant and water soluble
vitamin, vitamin C can be easily carry in blood, operate in much of
the part of body. By restoring vitamin E, it helps to fight against
forming of free radicals. By enhancing the immune system, it
promotes against the microbial and viral and irregular cell growth
causes of infection and inflammation.
Vitamin C also is a scavenger in inhibiting pollution cause of

c. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is used to refer to a group of fat-soluble compounds that
include both tocopherols and tocotrienols discovered by researchers
Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop. It beside is important in
protecting muscle weakness, repair damage tissues, lower blood
pressue and inducing blood clooting in healing wound, etc, it also is
one of powerful antioxidant, by moving into the fatty medium to
prevent lipid peroxidation, resulting in lessening the risk of chain
reactions by curtailing them before they can starts.

d. Vitamin D
Reseacher found that vitamin D, a group of fat-soluble secosteroids is
also a membrane antioxidant, with the ability to inhibit iron-dependent
lipid peroxidation in liposomes compared to cholesterol.

Others antioxidants
1. Copper
Copper, an essential trace element is essential for the absorption and
utilization of iron and distributed widely in the body and occurs in
liver, muscle and bone. Deficiency of copper can often cause the
anemia-like symptoms. However, ingesting too much of it can lead to
generator of free radicals that can damage DNA .

1.1. Antimicrobial and viral Copper enhances the immune function in

fighting against foreign invasion, such as bacteria and virus, thus
reducing the risk of infection and imflammation by utilizing the
absorption of oxygen and production of energy within cells.

1.2. Antioxidant enzyme Superoxide dismutase (SOD)

Copper is vital for the making of antioxidant enzyme, superoxide
dismutase, an important antioxidant defense in nearly all cells exposed
to oxygen by protecting the cell membranes from free radicals. In fact,
it outcompetes damaging reactions of superoxide, thus protecting the
cell from superoxide toxicity. Research found in experiment, Mice
lacking SOD1(Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn]) develop a wide range
of pathologies, including hepatocellular carcinoma, an acceleration of
age-related muscle mass loss,an earlier incidence of cataracts and a
reduced lifespan. Mice lacking SOD3(Extracellular superoxide
dismutase [Cu-Zn] ) do not show any obvious defects and exhibit a
normal lifespan, though they are more sensitive to hyperoxic injury
and mice lacking SOD2 (Superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial) die
before birth. The above result enhances the importance of the
presence of copper in improving life span and living health in human
as well.

2. glutathione (GSH)
Glutathione (GSH), a polypeptide of glycine, cysteine, and glutamic
acid that occurs widely in plant and animal tissues beside is best
known for its role in enhancing the immune system in protect our
body from bacteria and virus, it also is an antioxidant that helps to
prevent damage caused by oxidation of cellular components such as
free radicals and peroxides by converting to its oxidized form
glutathione disulfide (GSSG), leading to generation of antioxidant
enzymes, glutathione peroxidases and peroxiredoxins of which
reduces the risk of oxidative DNA damage and subsequently the
individual’s risk of cancer susceptibility.

Deficiency of Glutathione (GSH) causes hemolytic anemia,

progressive degeneration of the spinal cord, disorders of the peripheral
nervous system, diseases of the skeletal muscles, etc.

Intake with vitamin D increases glutathione levels in the brain and

appears to be a catalyst for glutathione production.
3. Alpha lipoic acid
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an organosulfur compound derived from
octanoic acid. It has been used as over-the-counter nutritional
supplements to treat a number of diseases and conditions. Alpha
Lipoic Acid (ALA) not only is importance in preventing the
symptoms of vitamin C and vitamin E deficiency, but also generates
dihydrolipoic acid by reduction of antioxidant radicals.

Recent study showed that Alpha lipoic acid may have a therapeutic
and anti-aging effects due to modulation of signal transduction and
gene transcription, which improve the antioxidant status of the cell.

4. Manganese
Manganese is an essential trace nutrient in all forms of life. It is well
known for its role in helping the body to maintain healthy skin and
bone structure, but also acts as cofactors for a number of enzymes in
higher organisms, where they are essential in detoxification of
superoxide (O2−, with one unpaired electron) free radicals.

Although, superoxide is biologically quite toxic and deployed by the

immune system to kill invading microorganisms by utilizing the
enzyme NADPH oxidase. Any Mutations in the gene coding for the
NADPH oxidases cause an immunodeficiency syndrome.

Superoxide may contribute to aging via the oxidative damage that it

inflicts on cells. In larger amounts, manganese can be poisoning to
neurological damage which is sometimes irreversible.

5. Selenium
Selenium , a trace mineral plays an important and indirect role as an
antioxidant by fulfilling its function as a necessary constituent of
glutathione peroxidase and in production of glutathione, that inhibits
the damage caused by oxidation of free radical hydrogen peroxide,
leading to aging effects.

5.1. Heart health

Since it works synergism with vitamin E, it promotes heart health.
Study showed by increasing the levels of glutathion, selenium
decreases the risk of LDL oxidation, thus lowering the risk of plaque
building up on the arterial walls, blood pressure and heart diseases.
5.2. Immune system
Selenium enhances the immune function that fighting off the attack of
AID virus by promoting the function of interleukin 2 and T-cells.

5.3. Cancer
Study showed that levels pf selenium in blood test is associated with
high rate of cancer, including skin cancer.

6. Zinc
Zinc is an essential mineral that is naturally present in some foods.
The ability of zinc in inhibiting oxidative processes has been
recognized for many years. Chronic effects, zinc enhances the
introduction of metallothioneins, which help to capture the superoxide
and hydroxyl radicals due to cysteine residues, resulting in lessening
the risk of oxidative stress.
Over acute effects, zinc may reduce the postischemic injury to a
variety of tissues and organs by involving the antagonism of copper
reactivity as a result from its antioxidant functions.

Recommended reading
Super Food Library
The Nature Super Food For Health Living and Longevity
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