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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

1. Pay attention to the notice below!

The notice above means that ….
A. Only the guest can go there
B. All the people around the housing complex can go there
C. Only the participant of the housing complex can go there
D. Only the security guard of the housing complex can go there
Read the following text to answer the question number 2 to 3!
From: Susan
Just to inform you that the meeting will be cancelled for tomorrow Monday, Nov 17’19 at
9 a.m. as the principal will arrive from Tokyo tonight.

2. From the text we know that ….

A. the principal was away when the message was sent
B. the sender cannot attend the meeting
C. the principal will wait for the meeting that day
D. the sender has just arrived from Tokyo
3. The short message is written to ….
A. inform that the sender has just arrived from Tokyo
B. say that the principal won’t come to the meeting
C. tell what happened to the meeting
D. inform the cancelation on a meeting

Text for question number 4 to 5.

The Songkran festival is celebrated in Thailand as the traditional New Year’s Day. It is
celebrated from 13 to 15 April. It coincides with the New Year of many calendars of South
and Southeas Asian countries. It is believed to have been adapted from the Sankranti Hindu
festival. It is now observed nationwide even in the far south.
However, the most famous Songkran celebrations are still in the northern city of Chiang
Mai, where is lasts for six days and even longer. It has also become a party for foreigners
and an additional reason for tourists to visit Thailand. The most obvious celebration of
Songkran is the throwing of water to other people. Thais roam the streets with containers
of water or water guns. In addition, many Thais will have small bowls of cheap beige
coloured talc and mixed with water which is then smeared on the faces and bodies of
random passersby as a blessing for the new year. City officials close off many sections of
the street for the festival.
Besides the throwing of water, people celebrate Songkran by going to a watch
(Buddhist monastery) to pray and give food to monks. They also cleans Buddha images in
the household shrines as well as Buddha images at monasteries by gently pouring water
mixed with a Thai fragrance over them. It is believed that doing this will bring good luck
and prosperity in the New year. In many cities, such as Chiang Mai, the Buddha images
from all of the city’s important monasteries are paraded through the streets so that people
can toss water at them, ritually ‘bathing’ the images as they pass by.
4. The purpose of the text is ….
A. to retell about an experience in Thailand
B. to inform readers about a celebration
C. to advice a cultural event
D. to entertain the readers
5. Why do the people pour fragrant water over the Buddha images?
A. Because they are in the party mood.
B. Because of the officials close the street.
C. Because it will bring them good luck.
D. Because the images need some cleaning.
The following text is for question number 6 to 7.
Dear Matt
I really need your help with the science homework. I don’t understand the chapters on force
and motion. Could you please come to my house to study together after school? My mother
will cook dinner for you and my brother will drive you home in the evening.
Please let me know.
6. Who doesn’t understand the chapter about force and motion?
A. Andrew
B. Matt
C. Brother
D. Mother
7. “I don’t understand the chapters on force and motion.”
The underlined word is closest meaning to ….
A. addition
B. question
C. movement
D. improvement

The following text is for question number 8 to

Dear Mutia Sanas
Congratulation on your graduation from the Junior High School. I know how hard you
have studied. But, finally your hard work has paid off. Your parents must be happy and
proud of you. I wish you all the best in pursuing your ambition to study in the best Senior
High School in town.
From your friend who misses you so much

8. The text above ….

A. express one’s pleasure on Mutia’s achievement
B. invites Mutia to attend a special school activity
C. informs Mutia about her ambition to be the best
D. reminds Mutia of her good attitude in learning
9. What is the possible relationship between Mutia and the writer?
A. They are siblings.
B. The writer is Mutia’s brother
C. Both belong to a family
D. The writer is Mutia’s friend
Text for question number 10 to 12.
My favorite thing is aquarium. It is a place in which aquatic plants animals, particularly
fish, are kept. The term is applied to single tanks for home use in which fish are kept for
their decorative effect and interesting habits and to public institutions with lanks for
exhibition and scientific study of aquatic life.
I make home aquarium to simulate a natural environment. Aquatic plants supply the
oxygen needed by the fish. But, often an aerating device is used to furnish additional
oxygen. Goldfish enjoy cool water, but the popular tropical fish mush have water at a
constant temperature of 220C (720F) or more. I must keep the water pure and free of algae
for long periods by sufficient aeration and by keeping mollusks in the aquarium. A layer of
sand of gravel at the bottom of the tank will hold the roots of such important aquatic plants
as tape grass, vallismeria spiral, and aid in the removal of debris.
My home aquarium range in size from small fishbowls holding two or three pets to
huge tanks.
10. What is the above passage about?
A. Making an aquarium
B. A natural environment
C. Aquatic plants and animals
D. The writer’s home aquarium
11. To give additional oxygen … is used in a home aquarium.
A. a layer of sand
B. aquatic plants
C. an aerating device
D. a natural environment
12. Which is not needed to stimulate a natural environment in a home aquarium?
A. The writer’s home
B. A natural environment
C. Making an aquarium
D. Aquatic plants and animals

The following text is for question number

You are invited to a dinner party on August 13 th at Moonly Restaurant. Wear your funniest
clothes to make the party fun.
13. The text is written to … a dinner party.
A. force students to go
B. announce students to have
C. invite people to go
D. inform people t refuse
14. The persons who may join the party is ….
A. IXB students
B. the writer’s friend
C. the teachers at the school
D. all the students at the school
The following text is for question number
Student Writing Contest
THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invites submissions of poems, fiction, and personal or
journalistic essays for this year’s Student Writing Contest.
Poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays
Should be typewritten (one side only, please) double-spaced, and accompanied by a cover
sheet with the following information: title, category, word count, author’s name, address,
phone number, e-mail address (if available), and academic institution. Of this information,
only the title should appear on the manuscripts itself.
Students Writing Contest
The Atlantic Monthly
77 N. Washington Steer
Boston, MA 02114
15. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To retell the students about writing contest
B. To describe the student writing contest
C. To amuse the students with writing contest
D. To announce the students with writing contest
16. The following are required for the works that the participants should prepare, except
that they are ….
A. original
B. unpublished
C. easy to read
D. typewritten
Text for question number 17 to 20.
Once upon time were two butterflies, Teri and Koni. They are friends. Teri and Roni had
the same crown. One day, Kodi a frog, saw Teri and Roni quarreling. “You took it!” No, I
did not! said Teri. “Hey, what’s the matter?” asked Kodi “No. I didn’t,” said Teri.
“Yesterday, I still had my crown when she came to visit me,” said Roni “Today I cannot
find the crown! Look, she is wearing it!” Roni shouted. “My mom gave me this crown,”
Teri explained. Kodi suggested they all go to Roni’s house. “Where did you put it?” said
Kodi to Roni. “I put it on the table,” Roni answered. They didn’t find the crown “Maybe, it
fell down.” Kodi looked under the table. Nothing was there. “It was my favorite crown!”
Roni sobbed. “I didn’t steal yours, but if you like it so much, you can have mine,” Teri gave
the crown. “It’s here!” Kodi saw the crown behind the curtain. Roni stopped crying. “Thank
God. Kodi found it!” “Sorry, Teri, I accussed you, I’am terrible friend!” “It’s OK, said Teri,
“Let’s say thank to Kodi!”
17. Where did Kodi find the crown?
A. Under the table
B. On the table
C. Behind the curtain
D. In the house
18. “I put it on the table,” (line 7)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The crown
B. The house
C. The table
D. The curtain
19. From the story, we can learn that ....
A. trusting each other is very important
B. the goodness is always the winner
C. a wise friend can be trusted
D. we shouldn’t accuse of the others without proof.
20. From the story above we can conclude that Kodi is a .... friend.
A. wise
B. good
C. polite
D. happy
The following text is for question number 21 to 23
Recent Developments at the Post Office Source: The World Book Encyclopedia, 2007
Post offices in industrial countries have a policy to provide their customers with a better
service. One of their better services is the handling of mail. Government also takes part to
increase the function of post offices. Now, the postage rates have risen. Private firms are
not normally allowed to handle ordinary mail, although some private carriers have been
increasingly in circulating catalogues, magazines, and merchandise samples. Private parcel
carriers also compete with the post office.
The growth of electronic postal services has been a major development. In developing
countries, the postal service is being extended to rural areas, and modernized into new
technological developments. Many small nations earn valuable income from the stamp
collectors. However, delivery of letters remains the main job of post officers and postal
workers around the world.
The World Book Encyclopedia, 2007

21. In what countries do post offices have a policy?

A. Developing countries.
B. Modern countries.
C. Industrial countries.
D. All are incorrect.
22. In your opinion, how can they increase their better services by handling of mail?
A. They don’t deliver mail on time.
B. They handle it carelessly.
C. They handle it carefully.
D. They handle it foolishly.
23. What is the meaning of the phrase “a major development” in paragraph 2 line 2?
a. Main development.
b. First development.
c. Single development.
d. Initial development.
Question number 24 and 25 refer to the following text.
Dear Sally,
Can you pick me up? I have just landed safely at the airport. I am on my way to take my
I will be waiting at the passenger lounge.
24. Why does Billy send the message?
A. To inform Sally about the landing.
B. To tell Sally about his flight.
C. To ask Sally to pick him up.
D. To describe the passenger lounge.
25. Billy sent the message while he was ….
A. landing in the airport
B. walking to take the luggage
C. waiting at the lounge
D. keeping his luggage
Text for question number 26 to 28

Moxilin COUGH Free

To relieve fever and Headache Shake well before use to relieve
fever, flu, and coughs.
Children under 12: One tablet, Dosage:
twice a day Children under 12: One
Adults: Two tablets three teaspoonful after meal, three times
times a day a day
Adults: Two teaspoonful after
meal three times a day

26. Which statement is not correct based on the text?

A. Moxilin can be used by kids
B. COUGH Free can be taken after meal
C. Both medicines are in the form of liquid
D. Both medicines can be used to relieve fever
27. I am forty years old. My sister is four years younger than me. How many tablets must
she take when she suffers from headache?
A. One teaspoonful three times a day.
B. Two teaspoonful three times a day
C. One tablet twice a day
D. Two tablets three times a day.
28. From the text we can conclude that……
A. People have to shake the Cough Free before use
B. People have to take Cough Free when they suffer from headache
C. People have to take Moxilin when they suffer from flu.
D. Moxilin is a kind of capsule
The following text is for question number 29 to 31.
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in Java that was attacked by another kingdom.
The king asked his Queen to save her life. Alas! In the middle of jungle, the enemy killed
all her guards. However, the Queen was lucky because she changed herself into a golden
snail and survived.
One day, an old woman saw the snail and took it home. She looked after it. Whenever
the old woman was not home, the snail turned into a human being. She cooked and did the
household chores. When the old woman came home, the Queen quickly changed into a
snail again. It happened several times and made the old woman feeling curious. One day,
the old woman peeped and saw what was going on. She broke in, immediately. She asked,
“Why did you change yourself into a snail?” The queen told her what happened. The old
woman was surprised to know that the snail was actually a Queen.
Later, from the head of the village they discovered that the King had won the battle and
was looking for his wife. Then, the village head sent a message to the King telling him that
his wife was alive.
Several days later, the king and his guard came for the Queen. They thanked the
villagers of their kindness and brought the old woman to their palace.
29. What happened when the old woman found the snail?
A. She helped it to find the Queen’s husband.
B. She brought it to her house and took care of it.
C. She reported it to the head village.
D. It helped cleaning and cooking in her house.
30. What does the second paragraph tell you about?
A. The Queen lived as a golden snail.
B. The enemy who attacked the kingdom.
C. The old woman who looked after a snail.
D. The King’s guard who were killed by the enemy.
31. In the end of the story, the old woman finally live in ….
A. the King’s palace
B. a small village
C. the village head’s house
D. the middle of the jungle
32. in - your - the - best - speech - on - congratulation - contest - performance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 7 - 4 - 9 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 8
B. 7 - 6 - 2 - 4 - 9 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 8
C. 7 - 6 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 9
D. 7 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 6 - 2 - 9 – 4
The following text is for question number 33 to 37.
Do you know that a giraffe may grow than six meters tall? Yes, the giraffe is a very
tall animal. In fact, it is the tallest animal in the world.
A giraffe has a very long neck. Unfortunately, the giraffe cannot bend its neck
easily. Thus, when it wants to drink water at a pool. The giraffe has to spread its front legs
apart, so it can reach the water.
A giraffe feeds on plants only. Hence, it can reach the leaves on trees easily
because of its height. Also, a giraffe has a very long tongue abut 0,5 meters long. The
giraffe uses this long tongue skillfully to pick leaves off plants and trees.
This tall animal can protect itself very well. It has a very good sense of smell and
sight. It can hear very well, too. Finally, it can gallop very fast- at a speed of 50 km/h.
The giraffe’s hind legs and long neck are also very useful. For example, a giraffe
can kick its enemy with its legs or even hit out with its long neck.
33. What does a giraffe use to kick its enemy?
A. Front legs.
B. Bent neck.
C. Hind legs.
D. Long tongue.
34. What can a giraffe do with its height?
A. It may grow more than six meters tall.
B. Its legs must be spread apart for drinking
C. It is able to reach the leaves on the trees
D. It can gallop at speed of 50 km/h.
35. What does the text tell us about?
A. The protective animal
B. The height of giraffe
C. The giraffe long tongue
D. Giraffe in general
36. “.... can protect itself very well. (paragraph 4)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Having serious attention
B. Keeping safe from danger
C. Increasing in height
D. Taking care seriously
Text for question number 37 to 40
1) Take the phone out of the water as soon as possible.
2) After removing the phone from water, quickly gather some paper towels or soft cloths
to lay the phone on while you remove the battery.
3) Remove all other accessories such as memory cards, and protective covers.
4) Dry your phone with soft cloths or a towel.
5) Place the phone in a bowl of uncooked rice overnight. The rice can absorb some
remaining moisture from the phone.
6) Plug it into its charger. If it is still does not work, take your cell phone to an authorized

37. How is the wet cell phone dried?

A. By using soft cloths or a towel
B. By plugging into its charger
C. By removing memory cards
D. By removing the battery
38. What do we do after we lay the phone on paper towels or soft cloths?
A. Place the phone in a bowl of uncooked rice overnight
B. Remove all other accessories and protective cards
C. Rub it with a cloth or a towel
D. Plug it into its charger
39. "Plug it into its charger." What does the underlined word refer to?
A. the bowl
B. the phone
C. the card
D. the substance
40. "... quickly gather some paper towels or soft cloths ..."
The underlined word has the closest meaning to ....
A. downy
B. thick
C. rough
D. gentle
The following text is for question number 41 to 42.
A Shepherd took his sheep out to pasture, but when it was time to return to the sheep
pen, he found that some wild goats had become mixed up with his flock. Nonetheless he
was very pleased that the flock had grown by itself, and he closed the gates into the pen
along with the sheep.
The next day was rainy and the shepherd did not to go out. He gave his sheep only
a small handful of food, while he gave much bigger rations to the goats. He thought that if
he treated them well, they would stay with him, In spite of this, as soon as the Shepherd
opened the gate, the goats ran out and he was unable to catch them again.
“Ungrateful beasts,” shouted the shepherd after them. “ I treated you better than the
“That’s why we’re going,” answered of the goats, “If you prefer us new animals to
your sheep, how will you treat us if you find some more animals in your flock?”
So do not be too happy if someone shows you that prefer you to their old friend.
You too will soon be an old.
41. Why was the shepherd happy one day?
A. He found some wild goats among his sheep.
B. He could close his sheep in good condition.
C. His lost goats returned in good condition.
D. There was a pasture for his hungry sheep.
42. What is the moral value you can learn from the story?
A. Never ever trust to the new one.
B. Don’t treat your friend as enemy.
C. There are not good things on the old one.
D. Don’t forget the old friend if you get the new one.
Text for questions number 43 to 45.
Ramuan BRA. Mooryati S


This herbal mix is on extract of selected plantations consisting of essence of root,
leaves, bark, seed and flower essence which contain essential mineral and vitamins
and have been of its efficacy in Indonesia through research by experts of Tokyo
MD University.
Efficacy and benefits: Helps to reduce excessive fat in the body and supports
slimming process. Recommended for men, women and teen.
Direction : Place one tea bag in a cup of boiled water. To be taken 2-3 times daily
after meal.
Attention: It is highly recommended to take this product with regular physical
exercise, low calories and low fat.

43. The use of the product above is....

A. to avoid the body from the slim

B. to make our body healthier

C. to reduce excessive nutrition of the body

D. to decrease the amount of fat in the body

44. Which statement below is true?
A. We have to drink a cup of tea 2-3 per hour

B. We are asked to take the product after eating

C. We are forbidden to take an exercises when using this product

D. It is recommended for kids, teen, and adult.

45. The word “benefits” has the similar meaning with.....

A. interests

B. advantages

C. fee
D. usage

46. Read the jumbled sentences below!

(1) In the end, the Crow had no more cake because of her foolishness.

(2) The Crow was so proud to hear this.

(3) One day a hungry fox was walking alone in the jungle.

(4) As soon as she opened her beak,

(5) The cunning Fox caught the cake happily and ran away.

(6) Then she started to open her beak to sing for the fox.

(7) “Oh! Beautiful Crow! You’re the best singer I’ve known in the world. I really want
to hear your melodious voice. Please, sing me a song now!
(8) He saw a crow perch on a branch of a tree.

(9) she fell the cake she brought on her beak.

Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above?

A. 3-5-2-8-4-9-1-7-6
B. 3-5-7-8-2-9-4-1-6

C. 3-8-2-5-9-7-6-4-1

D. 3-8-7-2-6-4-9-5-1

For questions 47 to 49, choose the suitable word to complete the text below!

Bela has a parrot named Boni. It has ... (47) feathers. They are yellow, blue and red. Boni is
very noisy. .... (48) always imitates the human voice. It has a curved bill. It also has feet with
two toes pointing forward and two backward. The feet help it to .... (49) on the branches and
hold food.

47. A. ugly

B. nice
C. colorful

D. beautiful

48. A. It

B. Its
C. They

D. Their
49. A. fly

B. take
C. grip

D. bring

50. Read the jumbled sentences below!

(1) Why was it named like that?

(2) A brontosaurus was as long as four big elephants standing in a line.

(3) The man who named it though that when such a big animal walked, it must have
made a noise like thunder
(4) The word brontosaurus means thunder lizard.

The best arrangement of the sentences above is ....

A. 4 - 2 - 1 - 3
B. 2 - 4 - 1 - 3

C. 3 - 4 - 1 - 2

D. 1 - 4 - 3 - 2

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