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Should Heinz have stolen the drug? Why or why not?

Yes, Heinz should steal the drugs to be able to save his wife even he will face the consequences.
The situations of Heinz are moral question and it’s not an ethical question. And as for me I will
do the same thing if I’m on the same situation I will think what is the most important, that in this
case is his wife life and the righting to do is to break the rules or steal the drugs in order to save
what is important. Stealing something from others is completely wrong but in Heinz situation it’s
the righting to do. Also I guess stealing is wrong but in Heinz situation it’s not, and he shouldn’t
be punishes or facing any of the consequences because for me there is nothing wrong if he just
want to save people’s lives for all cost. Laws are made to limits our action but in some situation
the laws can’t be always right or can’t be always the right choose to follow like in the situation
of Heinz, his not wrong about the reason why he need to steal the drugs or break the rules just to
save someone life. The situation of Heinz can prove what you can do to a problem or to the
situation that will drag you to do something that others might miss understand. When it’s come
to a personal dilemma we people straggle so much that we only can do what the things we think
right even others don’t think the same thing.

“Right is not always right and wrong is not always wrong”

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