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In three experiments, human subjects were trained on a five-component multiple schedule

with different fixed intervals of monetary reinforcement scheduled in the different compo-
nents. Subjects uninstructed about the fixed-interval schedules manifested high and generally
equivalent rates regardless of the particular component. By comparison, subjects given in-
structions about the schedules showed orderly progressions of rates and temporal patterning
as a function of the interreinforcement intervals, particularly when feedback about rein-
forcement was delivered but also when reinforcement-feedback was withheld. Administra-
tion of the instructions-reinforcement combination to subjects who had already developed
poorly differentiated behavior, however, did not make their behavior substantially better
differentiated. When cost was imposed for responding, both instructed and uninstructed sub-
jects showed low and differentiated rates regardless of their prior histories. It was concluded
that instructions can have major influences on the establishment and maintenance of human
operant behavior.

Several experiments have demonstrated the man et al., 1966; Weiner, 1962). Finally, sev-
influence of instructions on the acquisition eral studies have shown that instructions about
and maintenance of human operant perform- the reinforcement schedule may have effects
ance. One finding has been that when instruc- overriding those of the schedule itself. Thus,
tions about the desired response are omitted, instructions can induce behavior in the ab-
substantial numbers of subjects may fail to sence of reinforcement (Ayllon and Azrin,
acquire the response despite scheduling of re- 1964; Kaufman et al., 1966), and can produce
inforcing contingencies deemed favorable for behaviors more in accord with instructions
acquisition (e.g., Ader and Tatum, 1961; Ayl- than with actually scheduled reinforcement
lon and Azrin, 1964; Turner and Solomon, (Kaufman et al., 1966; Lippman and Meyer,
1962). By comparison, addition of instructions 1967).
about the desired response results in rapid The present experiment dealt with perform-
adoption of the response (e.g., Ayllon and Az- ances by human subjects on fixed-interval
rin, 1964; Baron and Kaufman, 1966) but also schedules of reinforcement, and, in particular,
may induce inappropriately high rates, par- the influences of instructions on such perform-
ticularly on temporally based schedules (Kauf- ance. Holland (1958) reported that unin-
man, Baron, and Kopp, 1966; Weiner, 1962). structed subjects exhibited the temporal pat-
More detailed instructions about reinforcing terning characteristic of subhuman subjects
contingencies, as well as the response itself, on fixed-interval schedules, with overall re-
typically produce response rates approximat- sponse rates decreasing with increases in the
ing the requirements of the reinforcement duration of the fixed interval. Other research-
schedule (e.g., Dews and Morse, 1958; Kauf- ers (e.g., Blair, 1958; Weiner, 1962), however,
observed high, undifferentiated rates under
'Dedicated to B. F. Skinner in his sixty-fifth year. analogous conditions. In addition, Weiner
This research was supported by NSF grants GB 4004
and GB 8234. During some phases of the research, (1962) showed that one way of producing
Kathleen Stauber was an undergraduate research par- lower rates and temporal patterning on fixed-
ticipant supported by NSF Undergraduate Research interval schedules is by making "response cost"
Grant GY 2639 (Harry L. Madison, Director). Judy contingent upon responding, as when in his
Kosovich and Susan Slavick assisted in the collection of
the data. Reprints may be obtained from Alan Baron, study
each response resulted in loss of the
Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin- points used to maintain the fixed-interval
Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201. behavior.

The three experiments of the present series in diameter. The colors, in the order left to
trained subjects on a five-component multi- right, were: blue, red, green, yellow, and or-
ple schedule with different fixed-interval ange. Control and recording equipment were
schedules of monetary reinforcement in the located in an adjacent room.
different components. Experiment I com-
pared the controlling influences of instruc- Preliminary Orientation
tions with those exerte(l by the reinforcement Before the preliminary training session,
schedule itself. Subjects were trained under which lasted for only 10 min, each subject read
either standard conditions, i.e., when unin- a printed description of the job for which she
structed about the schedule of reinforcement, had applied. She was informed that: (a) no
or with one of several combinations of the information could be provided about the pur-
instructions and reinforcement conditions, i.e., pose of the research but that it was neither
when instructed about the schedule but with- physically nor psychologically harmful; (b)
out feedback about reinforcement in the ex- that she would be able to earn, on the average,
perimental environment, with both instruc- from $1.00 to $1.50 per session; (c) she must
tions and reinforcement, and with neither in- await payment until the end of the experi-
structions nor reinforcement. Experiment II ment; (d) she would be fined $1.00 for each
was concerned with the reversibility of the absence without prior notice and excuse; (e)
effects observed in Exp. I. Finally, Exp. III she would forfeit all earnings if she dropped
examined the effects of response-cost when out before the end of the experiment.
introduced in conjunction with some of the
above procedures. Experimental Procedure
Before entry into the experimental room,
METHOD personal belongings were taken from the sub-
ject including her purse, books, watch, and any
Subjects writing materials. The session began shortly
Eighteen female college students served as afterwards and, except for the preliminary
paid subjects for an extended series of experi- session, always lasted 50 min.
mental sessions: Subjects 1 to 14 in Exp. I, After each session, subjects were given a
Subjects 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, and 10 in Exp. II, and written voucher indicating their earnings for
Subjects 15 to 18 in Exp. III. Subjects were that session. Actual payment usually was given
paid $0.75 for each 50-min experimental ses- only at the end of the experiment, although
sion and could earn up to $0.88 more depend- in a few cases fractional payments were made
ing upon performance. earlier because of the subject's financial need.
The same five-component multiple schedule
Apparatus operated during all sessions. Each session was
The subject sat at a table in a 6-ft (1.82-m) divided into five 10-min periods during each
sq sound-attenuated room. Mounted on the of which a different colored light was pre-
table was an 11 by 18 in. (279 by 457 mm) sented. Four of the lights, blue, red, green, and
sloping panel with a plastic pushbutton in the yellow, were associated with fixed-interval
center (Grason-Stadler, E8670A) that required schedules of reinforcement with temporal in-
a force of 50 to 90 g to operate. A five-digit tervals of 10, 30, 90, and 270 sec respectively.
electrical-reset counter was situated 2.5 in. The fifth, orange light was associated with ex-
(64 mm) to the left of the pushbutton. For tinction.
some subjects in Exp. I and II and for all sub- The first interval of a given schedule was
jects in Exp. III, a second counter was located timed from the onset of the component and
symmetrically to the right of the response key. subsequent intervals from preceding reinforce-
This second counter was not part of the pro- ments. The order of components was varied in
cedure when present in Exp. I and II; it al- a semi-random order from session to session in
ways read zero and subjects were told to dis- such a way that each component preceded
regard it. every other component an equal number of
Spaced at 2.5-in. (64-mm) intervals at the top times. Changes from one component to an-
of the panel were five small lights covered with other were separated by 3-sec timeout periods
different colored plastic caps, 0.5 in. (13 mm) when all stimulus lights were off and respond-

ing had no scheduled consequences. During period of time has elapsed since the
the preliminary 10-min session, only the Fl last time it worked. This means that
90-sec schedule was used. if you press the button before the pe-
During the training under the feedback con- riod of time is up, nothing will hap-
dition, the left-hand counter in the experi- pen. Once the time is up, the counter
mental room advanced as the reinforcer was will be ready to work when you press
delivered. During training under the no-feed- the button. Upon pressing the button,
back condition, the left-hand counter never the counter will register and the fixed
advanced, but a record was kept in the con- period of time will begin over again.
trol room of the number of reinforcements. If you delay pressing the button when
For the cost condition (Exp. III only), the the counter is ready to work, you will
right-hand counter advanced each time the be losing time when you could be
response key was operated. making money.
(4) Now, look at the five lights at the
Instructions top of the panel. During different por-
Five sets of printed instructions, correspond- tions of the session, one of these lights
ing to the different conditions studied in the will be on. These lights will serve as
three experiments, were used. These instruc- signals to you.
tions, which the subject was asked to read be- (5) The color of the light indicates the
fore the first session, remained in the room for duration of the time interval associ-
the duration of the condition. ated with the working of the counter,
Schedule Instructions-Feedback (I-F). The that is, how soon it can work after its
most comprehensive instructions were given last operation: BLUE = 10 seconds;
to subjects exposed to this condition, and are RED = 30 seconds; GREEN = 90 sec-
given in their entirety below. Instructions used onds; YELLOW = 270 seconds; OR-
for other conditions, described later, primarily ANGE = the counter does not work at
involved deletion and/or substitution of cer- all. One other thing about the signal
tain sections. Numeration of paragraphs has lights and the time intervals: when
been added below for ease of reference to there is a change from one color to
these sections. another, the particular time interval
starts when the light goes on.
(1) This is how you will earn money. Subsequent parts of the instructions indi-
First, you always will be paid at least cated that: (a) the onset of one of the signal
75¢ for each session you work regard- lights on the darkened panel would indicate
less of what you do. You can earn the beginning of the session and offset of all
money in addition to the 75¢ by press- lights the end of the session; (b) responding
ing the button located in the center of would be ineffective during the brief interval
the panel. To work properly, the but- when the colors changed; (c) earnings based
ton must be pressed all the way down on the counter reading would be entered on a
and then released. payment sheet at the end of the session; and
(2) Now look at the counter to the left. (d) no questions could be answered.
Right now it registers zero. Each time Schedule Instructions-No Feedback (I-NF).
that the counter advances, it means For subjects exposed to this condition, the fol-
that you have earned 1 . If, for exam- lowing paragraph, indicating that the left-
ple, at the end of the session the hand (reinforcement) counter would not oper-
counter registers 70, it means that you ate, was substituted for paragraph (2) in the
have earne(l 700 by pressing the but- I-F instructions:
ton. When added to the 75¢ men-
tioned above, you would have earned (2a) Now look at the counter to the
$1.45 for that session. left. This counter does not work and
(3) Here is how the counter works. will always register zero. However,
When the button is pressed, the each time that a counter just like it
counter sometimes will advance. The in the adjacent room advances, you
counter can work only after a fixed have earned 1¢. If, for example, at

the end of the session, the counter in and S4) were assigned to the I-F condition, i.e.,
the adjacent room registers 70, it they were given instructions about the rein-
means that you have earned 70¢ by forcement schedule, and reinforcement-feed-
pressing the button. When added to back was provided on the left-hand counter in
the 75¢ mentioned above, you would the experimental room. The four subjects (S5,
have earned $1.45 for that session. S6, S7, and S8) assigned to the I-NF condition
also were given schedule instructions, but the
No Schedule Instructions-Feedback (NI-F). reinforcement counter remained inoperative.
For subjects trained with this condition, para-
graphs (3) and (5) of the I-F instructions, those
parts pertaining to the fixed-interval sched- Table 1
ules, were deleted. Assignment of subjects and sequence of conditions in
No Schedule Instructions-No Feedback Experiments I and II.
(NI-NF). For subjects trained with this condi- Exp. I Exp. II
tion, paragraphs (3) and (5) of the I-F instruc- Subjects Sessions 1-20 Sessions 21-40
tions were deleted, and in place of paragraph 1, 2 I-F I-NF
(2) the alternative no-feedback paragraph (2a), 3, 4 I-F
described for the I-NF condition, was used. 5, 6 I-NF I-F
Cost (C). This condition was employed only 7, 8 I-NF
in Exp. III and always in combination with 9,11, 1012 NI-F
one of the above sets of instructions. Follow- 13, 14 NI-NF -
ing paragraph (5) in the NI-F instructions, or
in the analogous place in the other instruc- The four subjects (S9, S10, Sll, and S12) as-
tions, the following paragraph about the right- signed to the NI-F condition were uninstructed
hand, cost-counter was inserted: about the schedule, but reinforcement-feed-
Finally, notice the counter to your back was provided. Finally, two subjects (S13,
right. It now registers zero. This counter S14) were assigned to the NI-NF condition,
will advance each time you press the i.e., they were neither instructed about the
center button. It has nothing to do with schedule nor given reinforcement-feedback.
how much money you earn; it just ad- As indicated by the instructions, at the end
vances each time the button is pressed. of each session subjects in the feedback condi-
tion were told their additional earnings based
Subsequently in Exp. III, when the cost on $0.01 for each count registering on the left-
condition was introduced, the following addi- hand counter at the end of the session. Sub-
tional instructions were given: jects in the no-feedback condition were told
From now on, each time the right-hand their earnings based on the number of times
counter advances it means that you have the counter would have registered had it been
lost one-tenth of a cent from your earn- operative.
ings on the left-hand counter. Every 10 All subjects were trained for twenty 50-min
counts on the right-hand counter, then, sessions.
means the loss of 1 . When the session is
over, I will subtract the money you have EXPERIMENT II: SEQUENTIAL EFFECTS OF
lost, as indicated on the right-hand CHANGES IN INSTRUCTIONS AND FEEDBACK
counter, from the money you have earned, Subjects 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, and 10, all of whom had
as indicated on the left-hand counter, up served in Exp. I, were used. Beginning with
to the limits of those earnings. As before, Session 21, and continuing for a total of twenty
you always will earn 75¢ for each session 50-min sessions, the following procedural
regardless of the counter readings at the changes shown in Table 1 were made: (a) S1
end of the session. and S2, trained originally in Exp. I with the
I-F procedure, were shifted to the I-NF pro-
EXPERIMENT I: INSTRUCTIONS AND FEEDBACK, cedure, i.e., the reinforcement counter now was
ALONE AND IN COMBINATION inoperative; (b) S5 and S6, trained originally
Subjects 1 to 14 served in Exp. I. As sum- in Exp. I with the I-NF procedure, were
marized in Table 1, four subjects (S1, S2, S3, shifted to the I-F procedure, i.e., reinforce-
ment-feedback now was added to the schedule ber of responses in each 10-min component of
instructions; (c) S9 and S10, trained originally each session of the experiments were converted
in Exp. I with the NI-F procedure, also were to common logarithms (with the value of one
shifted to the I-F procedure, i.e., schedule added to each daily total to eliminate scores of
instructions now were added to reinforcement- zero). These logarithms of response rates then
feedback. In all cases, subjects were asked to were averaged in five-day blocks and graphed
read, before Session 21, the instructions ap- as a function of the reinforcement rate with-
propriate to the new condition, and these in each of the components. In referring to
new instruLctions remained in the room there- the response rate-reinforcement rate func-
after. tions given below, it may be helpful to note
the response-rate equivalents (antilogarithms)
EXPERIMENT III: ADDITION OF RESPONSE of the integers on the logarithmic ordinate:
COST TO INSTRUCTIONS AND FEEDBACK 0 = 0 responses/10 min; 1 = 9 responses/10
Four subjects (S15, S16, S17, and S18), who min; 2 = 99 responses/10 min; and 3 = 999
had not previously served, were used. As indi- responses/10 min.
cated in Table 2, three (S15, S16, and S17)
were trained for twenty 50-min sessions using EXPERIMENT 1: INSTRUCTIONS AND FEEDBACK,
the NI-F proce(lure, while the fourth subject ALONE AND IN COMBINATION
(S18) was trained using the I-NF procedure. The results summarized in Fig. 1 show per-
During these 20 sessions, the right-hand formances of the members of each of the four
counter advanced each time a response was groups during Days 1 to 5 (top panels) and
made, but, as stated in the instructions, these Days 16 to 20 (bottom panels) of training. The
counts were unrelated to earnings. data in the top four panels indicate systematic
During Sessions 21 to 40, the cost instruc- differences involving the instructions variable
tions were introduced for all four subjects, and during the first five training days. Five of the
one cent was deducted from left-hand counter eight subjects given instructions, three trained
earnings for each 10 counts that registered on with the I-F procedure (S1, S2, S3), and two
the right-hand counter at the end of the ses- with the I-NF procedure (S7, S8), responded
sion. at rates appropriate to the schedule, i.e., their
Finally, during Sessions 41 to 60, S15 and response rates generally were low (within the
S16 were observed under the I-NF condition range 0 to 100 responses/min) and were close
with cost while S18 was observed under the I-F to the minimum required to produce all sched-
procedure with cost. uled reinforcements. Rates of the remaining
three instructed subjects, S4 trained with the
Table 2 I-F procedure and S5 and S6 trained with the
Assignment of subjects and sequence of conditions in I-NF procedure, also varied as a function of
Experiment III. component, but rates were somewhat higher
and the progression of rates was less orderly.
Sessions By comparison with modal performances of
Siubjects 1 to 20 21 to 40 41 to 60 instructed subjects, rates of the six unin-
15, 16 NI-F NI-F (C) I-NF (C) structed subjects (NI-F and NI-NF) during
17 NI-F NI-F (C) - Days 1 to 5 were considerably higher and, with
18 I-NF I-NF (C) I-F (C) the possible exception of S10 in the NI-F con-
dition, no tendencies can be seen for response
rates to vary as a function of reinforcement
RESULTS rates.
The main concern was with the functions The top panels of Fig. 1 also show that the
relating response rates to rates in the different feedback condition had little or no initial
components of the schedule. Direct graphic effect. Thus, average performances of subjects
presentation of these data was complicated by trained with the I-F procedure were not mark-
wide variations between rates of different sub- edly dissimilar from performances of subjects
jects and within rates of individual subjects. trained with the I-NF procedure. Similarly, no
To deal with this problem, and to reduce the differences of any great magnitude can be dis-
effects of occasional discrepant rates, the num- cerned between the NI-F and NI-NF subjects.





0.2 2 6 0.2 .7 2 6 0.2 .7 2 6 0.2.7 2 6


Fig. 1. Logarithms of response rates as a function of reinforcement rates in Exp. I. The response rate equiv-
alents (antilogarithms) of the logarithmic values represented on the ordinate are: 0 = 0 responses/ 10 min; 1 = 9
responses/10 min; 2 =99 responses/10 min; 3 = 999 responses/10 min. The top four panels show average re-
sponse rates for each subject early in training (Sessions 1 to 5) and the bottom panel shows response at the end
of training (Sessions 16 to 20). Reading from left to right, the conditions were: Instructions and Feedback (I-F),
Instructions and No Feedback (I-NF), No Instructions and Feedback (NI-F), and No Instructions and No Feed-
back (NI-NF). The five points for each subject correspond to the five components of the multiple schedule ex-
pressed as reinforcement rates: Extinction or 0 reinforcements/min; FT 270-sec or 0.2 reinforcements/min; FT 90-
sec or 0.7 reinforcements/min; FI 30-sec or 2 reinforcements/min; and FT 10-sec or 6 reinforcements/min.

The bottom four panels of Fig. 1 summarizefeedback enhanced sensitivity to the different
components of the multiple schedule. One way
performances during Sessions 16 to 20, the last
of assessing relative degrees of sensitivity is to
five sessions of the experiment. Comparison of
count the number of irregularities in the per-
performances during these sessions with initial
performances indicates that previously de- formance curves of individual subjects, i.e.,
scribed differences were maintained but in the number of times response rates did not in-
somewhat reduced form. Attenuation of differ-crease with increases in reinforcement rates.
From this standpoint, Fig. 1 indicates that
ences associated with the instructions variable
may be seen to have stemmed from the follow- seven of the eight instructed subjects showed a
monotonic relationship between response and
ing changes: (a) the discrepant I-F subject (S4)
reinforcement rates (although differences for
showed further increases in overall rates, al-
though an orderly progression of rates still S6 in the range 0.7/min-6/min appear small
on the logarithmic ordinate of the graph). The
was maintained; (b) response rates increased in
three of the four I-NF subjects (S5, S6, S8),remaining instructed subject (S4) showed one
although rates continued to vary systemati- inversion involving 2/min and 6/min. By
cally; and (c) response rates of three of thecomparison, of the four subjects given feed-
four NI-F subjects (S9, S10, S11) declined back but no instructions, one (S12) did not
somewhat and tendencies appeared for dif- show any degree of differentiation, as was the
case with both of the NI-NF subjects. A num-
ferential responding as a function of schedule
component. ber of irregularities are apparent in the curves
Despite these modifications, performances of the remaining three NI-F subjects: for SlO,
during Sessions 16 to 20 support the conclu- 0.7/min is less than 0.2/min; for S9, 6/min
sion that instructions both with and without is less than 2/min and 0.7/min, and for Sll,

EXT is greater than 0.2/min and 0.7/min. trained with the NI-F procedure (lower left)
Aside from the overall differences in rate responded at steady rates with the shorter fixed
described above, the instructions and feedback intervals (10 and 30 sec). Tendencies for tem-
variables also influenced temporal patterning poral patterning appeared with Fl 90-sec and
within schedule components. Figure 2 pre- Fl 270-sec, but marked irregularities also were
sents cumulative records obtained during a present. Some responding occurred during the
given session at the end of training for a sub- extinction component for this subject. The
ject in each condition. Pen deflections on the subject trained with the I-NF procedure
records indicate reinforcement (advancement (upper right) performed at levels intermediate
of the subject's counter) for the feedback con- between the performances of the I-F and NI-F
ditions, and the points at which reinforcement subjects. Temporal patterning occurred with
would have occurred for the no-feedback con- fixed intervals of 30, 90, and 270 sec, but, as
ditions. The records have been assembled in might be expected, without feedback these
10-min segments in order of reinforcement patterns were not coordinated with the actual
rates within the five components, from Fl 10- times when reinforcement would have been
sec to extinction. delivered. Also to be noted is the absence of
Figure 2 shows that the subject trained with responding during the extinction component.
the I-F procedure (upper left) developed pre- Finally, the subject trained with the NI-NF
cise temporal patterning of responses within procedure (lower right) showed no evidence of
the fixed-interval components, with most re- temporal patterning. Rate differences among
sponses occurring near the end of the intervals, the different components for this subject
and that no responses occurred in the extinc- stemmed from progressive decreases in rates
tion component. By comparison, the subject during the course of the session.

Si 0

1 ~ - I- --
Fl 10 Fl 30 Fl 90 Fl 270 EXT Fl 10 Fl 30 Fl 90 Fl 270 EXT


SFo 513 4

FlIIO FI130 Fl190 Fl1270 EXT FIIO0 F1 30 F1 90 F1 270 EXT

Fig. 2. Cumulative records for four subjects, one from each of the four conditions of Exp. I. Pen deflections
on the records indicate occurrences of reinforcement (advancement of the subject's counter) for the feedback
conditions, and points at which reinforcement would have occurred for the no-feedback conditions. The records
have been assembled in 10-min segments in order of reinforcement rates within the five components of the
multiple schedule, i.e., from FI 10-sec to EXT (extinction).

ously controlled by the instructions-feedback

EXPERIMENT II: SEQUENTIAL EFFECTS OF combination was well maintained when feed-
CHANGES IN INSTRUCTIONS AND FEEDBACK back no longer was provided. The cumulative
Figure 3 compares rates during the last five records for these subjects indicated that tem-
sessions of Exp. I (solid lines) with rates during poral patterning, previously established with
the last five sessions of Exp. II (dashed lines). the I-F procedure, also continued when feed-
The top two panels show the consequences back was omitted. But, as was the case in Exp.
of changing from the I-F procedure to the I, in the absence of feedback, patterning was
I-NF procedure. For the two subjects studied not always closely coordinated with the points
(S1 and S2), the differentiated behavior previ- at which reinforcement would have been
The remaining panels of Fig. 3 show the
SESSIONS effects of changing to the I-F procedure after
* "-20
36-40 training with either the NI-F procedure or the
I-NF procedure. It may be seen in the middle
two panels that addition of feedback to in-
I -NF...- structions (S5 and S6) had relatively small in-
fluence and did not produce the low rates and
differentiated behaviors associated with the
L .J

.- ,,-F _ I-F procedure in Exp. I. To be noted is that
these two subjects were the least efficient of the
O --NF .-NF
D 3-
four originally trained with the I-NF pro-
cedure in Exp. I. The bottom two panels show
that addition of instructions to feedback (S9
S lf
,, N
and S10) also did not produce the high degree
of differentiation observed with the I-F pro-
cedure in Exp. I, although rates declined some-
S.5 SG
what for both subjects.

N -F
2 .7 26 0 .
The results summarized in Fig. 4 indicate
that during Sessions 16 to 20, when cost was
not contingent upon responding (solid line),
two of the three NI-F subjects (S15 and S17)
showed the high rates and relatively poor dif-
equivalents S
io ferentiation previously observed under this
0.2. ..7 2
condition. The remaining NI-F subject (S16)
was atypical in comparison with other subjects
trained with this procedure, insofar as rates
Fig. Logarithms response rates as a function of
3. of were quite low and approached the minimal
reinforcement rates during the last five sessions of Exp. rates required by the schedule. Finally, the
3I (Sessions36 to 40). Also presented are the last five
subject trained with the I-NF procedure evi-
sessions Exp. I of (Sessions
16 to 20). The response rate
denced intermediate rates of responding, but
equivalents (antilogarithms) of the logarithmic values
represented on the ordinate are: 0=0 responses/ 10 as was observed previously, rates exceeded the
min; 9 responses/lIO min; 2 =99 responses/ I
= min; minimal requirements of the schedule.
3= 999 responses/ 10 mmn. Subjects and 2 were trained
Introduction of the cost procedure during
with Instructions and No Feedback (I-NF) in Exp. IL,
while Subjects 5, 6, 9, and 10 were trained with In- Sessions 21 to 40 (closed circles, dashed lines)
structions and Feedback (I-F). The five points for each had similar effects on all four subjects despite
subject correspond to the five components of the mul- previous variations in their performances. In
tiple schedule expressed as reinforcement rates: Extinc- all cases, there were marked reductions in re-
tion or 0 reinforcements/min; Fl 270-sec or 0.2 rein- sponse rates with terminal performances ap-
forcements/min, FI 90-sec or 0.7 reinforcements/min,
FT 30-sec or 2 reinforcements/min., and FI 10-sec or 6 proximating the minimal required rates. Ad-
reinforcements/min. ditional details of the effects of cost on tem-

VI) 3



0 0I


Fig. 4. Logarithms of response rates as a function of reinforcement rates in Exp. III. The response rate
equivalents (antilogarithms) of the logarithmic values represented on the ordinate are: 0=0 responses/10 min;
I = 9 responses/ 10 min; 2 = 99 responses/10 min; 3 = 999 responses/ 10 min. Shown are the last five training ses-
sions without cost (Sessions 16 to 20), and the last five sessions in the first and second cost series (Sessions 36 to
40 and Sessions 56 to 60). The five points for each subject correspond to the five components of the multiple
schedule expressed as reinforcement rates: Extinction or 0 reinforcements/min; FT 270-sec or 0.2 reinforce-
ments/min; FI 90-sec or 0.7 reinforcements/min; FT 30-sec or 2 reinforcements/min, and FT 10-sec or 6 rein-

poral patterning may be seen in Fig. 5, which ule, this expectation was not borne out by the
gives the cumulative record of a subject trained present results. In Exp. I and III, over a total
with the NI-F procedure. At the end of train- of twenty 50-min sessions, only one of seven
ing without cost (top panel), this subject uninstructed subjects showed an orderly pro-
showed no evidence of temporal patterning gression of response rates as a function of re-
and poor differentiation of rates among the inforcement intervals, and response rates gen-
various components. By comparison, the record erally were much higher than the minimum
obtained at the end of training with NI-F plus required by the schedules. Another indication
cost for each response (bottom panel) shows of the insensitivity of the subjects was that
highly precise temporal patterning with most even at the end of training, six of the seven
responses occurring close to the end of the
fixed intervals, and with no response occurring
Finally, Fig. 4 also shows the outcome with
respect to overall rates during Sessions 41 to 60
(triangles, dashed lines) when feedback was
removed and instructions added (S15 and S16)
and when feedback was added to instructions
(S18). It may be seen that in all cases, differen-
tiated patterns of responding were maintained.


A14/j/AO ~ M~IN10.
FI90 FI270 EXT

Performances of subjects given feedback NO INSTRUCTIONS-FEEDBACK- COST

without instructions about the schedule pro-
vide parametric data about reactions of hu-
mans to fixed-interval schedules of reinforce- FllO Fl 30 Fl90 FI270 EXT
ment. Although the work of Holland (1958),
using sequential presentations of fixed-interval Fig. 5. Cumulative records for a subject trained with
schedules and a signal-detection procedure, the No Instructions-Feedback procedure without cost
suggested that uninstructed subjects would (top) and with cost (bottom). The records have been
assembled in 10-min segments in order of reinforce-
develop good differentiation of different fixed- ment rates within the five components of the multiple
intervals incorporated into a multiple sched- schedule, from FT 10-sec to EXT (extinction).

subjects continued to respond during the ex- S17, who showed little or no differentiation,
tinction component, although reinforcement were brought to the same level of maximum
never occurred in this component. The basis differentiation when cost was introduced.
for the atypical performance of the one un- These findings add to those of Weiner by
instructed subject who did adjust to the sched- showing the generality of response-cost effects
ule cannot be specified; it may be noteworthy in a multiple schedule that included fixed in-
that each response by this subject advanced tervals ranging from Fl 10-sec to Fl 270-sec, as
the counter subsequently used to indicate re- well as an EXT component.
sponse cost. The other major finding of the present in-
A number of factors may be relevant to the vestigation concerns the effects of instructions
lack of sensitivity to reinforcing contingencies on fixed-interval performance. When schedule
observed in the present experiment. An obvi- instructions were given initially in Exp. I,
ous possibility is that exposure to the schedule with or without reinforcement-feedback, dif-
was not sufficiently prolonged. However, con- ferentiated behavior developed rapidly and
sideration of sequential changes over the 20 was maintained to the end of the experiment.
sessions indicated that whatever systematic de- While there was some indication that instruc-
creases in rate did occur were completed by the tions were more effective when combined with
fifteenth session and no changes of great mag- reinforcement-feedback, differences in this re-
nitude occurred thereafter. A different account gard were small in comparison to the effects of
of these results stresses the conditioning histor- instructions in general. These results concern-
ies that human subjects may bring into the ex- ing the controlling influences of instructions
perimental situation (cf. Kaufman et al., 1966; differ from those reported by Ayllon and Azrin
Long, 1962; Weiner, 1964). If it is correct to (1964), who found with psychiatric-patient
assume that such natural histories characteris- subjects that instructions without immediate
tically involve ratio schedules, thus generating reinforcement did not maintain behavior in
tendencies for high rates, then human subjects many cases. The greater degree of sensitivity
might be expected to respond at unnecessarily to instructional control observed in the present
high rates when reinforcement is provided on study may be related to the use of young-adult
the basis of time, rather than on the basis of college students; as Ayllon and Azrin indicate,
work output. In this regard, Weiner (1964) a defining characteristic of psychiatric patients
demonstrated that a prior experimental his- is their inability to follow instructions. A
tory of ratio reinforcement produces inappro- further indication of control by instructions
priately high rates on interval schedules. A was seen in the performances of those subjects
further possibility is related to the relative in Exp. I instructed to respond but given
effortlessness of the response used in the pres- neither schedule-instructions nor reinforce-
ent study. High rates on interval schedules ment-feedback. Although, as might be ex-
have been attributed to the lack of substantial pected, differentiated behavior as a function
"cost" per response (Weiner, 1962); an inher- of schedule component did not appear, these
ent feature of interval schedules is that while subjects continued to respond at high and per-
reinforcement may be lost if rates are too low, sistent levels for the 20 sessions of the experi-
there is no penalty for unnecessarily high rates, ment.
save for the effort required to respond. While Exp. I indicated that a combination
Evidence for the importance of response cost of instructions and reinforcement-feedback
in the development of differentiated fixed- characteristically resulted in differential re-
interval behavior was obtained in Exp. III. sponding to different schedule components,
The results indicated that introduction of the results of Exp. II suggested that this out-
monetary cost for responding generated highly come is related in complex ways to the sub-
differentiated behavior for both uninstructed ject's experimental history. Experiment II
and instructed subjects. This outcome, which showed that when control initially was estab-
is similar to that reported by Weiner (1962) lished with both instructions and reinforce-
using an Fl 1-min schedule, occurred in the ment, low and differentiated rates were main-
present study regardless of prior rates. Thus, tained even when reinforcement-feedback was
both S16 and S18, who had shown relatively no longer provided. When, however, the in-
good adjustment to the schedule, and S15 and structions-reinforcement combination was in-

troduced after previous establishment of high about contingencies were combined with
and undifferentiated rates, the instructions- actual exposure to contingencies and when the
reinforcement combination was relatively in- combination was present from the start of
effective in producing discrimination of sched- training.
ule contingencies. It would appear, then, that The present findings, as well as those of
extended training unaccompanied by differen- other recent studies of instruction effects, sug-
tial responding to the contingencies of a sched- gest two broad conclusions. First, insofar as
ule may reduce the effectiveness of a set of con- the goal of an experimental analysis of be-
ditions that otherwise would produce sensi- havior is to identify variables with major con-
tivity if introduced at the start of training. trolling influences, these studies indicate that
This general finding has occurred in other investigation of instruction effects with humans
studies of human operant behavior in our is a necessary step toward this goal. Worth
laboratory (Kaufman and Baron, 1969). stressing is that instructions represent an ex-
It is of interest to consider the present re- ternal, observable determinant of behavior
sults from the standpoint of the place of in- whose influences, although complex, can be in-
structions in the experimental analysis of vestigated in a straightforward, objective man-
human operant behavior. Under the heading, ner. Second, as Ayllon and Azrin (1964)
"The circumvention of an operant analysis", pointed out, instructions given to humans pro-
Skinner (1966) raised the question of whether vide a means of evoking and controlling oper-
instructions about contingencies have the ant behaviors whose establishment in other
same behavioral effects as actual exposure to ways would be impractical, if not impossible.
the same contingencies. Skinner suggested that Once behavior has been established, various
since subjects usually cannot verbalize accu- experimental contingencies become accessible
rately the contingencies to which they actually to study, as were effects of fixed-interval rein-
have been exposed, they cannot be expected to forcement in the present study. Thus, use of
react appropriately to descriptions of contin- instructional manipulations in the study of
gencies provided by experimenters. On these human behavior may be viewed as playing a
grounds, he contended that verbal instructions role parallel to such manipulations as depriva-
should not be used as a substitute for the actual tion and drug administration in work with
arrangement and manipulation of contingen- subhuman subjects; by increasing the proba-
cies, although he did concede that instructions bility of desired behaviors in this way a means
nay be of value as an alternative to shaping is provided whereby the controlling influences
when concern is with eventual performance of of reinforcement contingencies may be studied
a response rather than with its acquisition. effectively.
The present study provides needed experi-
mental evidence about establishment and REFERENCES
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Received 11 February 1969.

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