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Introduction to the study

a) Purpose of the study

A highly quality employee staff is the corner stone of a successful management

system. Employees are both largest cost and the largest human capital resources of any
management system. Attracting and retaining high quality employees is thus necessity for
any organization. However good employees are difficult to recruit and retain if they are
not satisfied.

Employee at grass-root level experience a sense of frustration because of low

level wages, poor working conditions, unfavorable terms of employment, inhuman
treatment by their superiors and the like whereas managerial personal conflicts, role
conflicts, job pressure, lack of freedom in work, absence of challenging work etc.

Certain values were attributed in the past. Work was worship and people had
sincerity and commitment to work. But today’s employee would not believe in such
values of work. He works for his salary; he works hard if the conditions of work are
conductive and congenial and terms of employment are favorable to him. As such, the
work norms have been changing from time-to-time.

The first step in this study is to understand the factors associated with the
employee satisfaction and further to identify the employee satisfaction in the
b) Title of the project:
The project is entitled as “A study of Employee Satisfaction” at Hindalco
Industries Limited, Belgaum.

c) Objectives of the study:

 To study the employee satisfaction at Hindalco Indusries, Ltd.

 To study the factors associated with the employee satisfaction.
 To suggest the improvement measures to enhance the employee satisfaction.

d) Scope of the study

The study of employee satisfaction is restricted to the employees of Hindalco
Industries Ltd., Belgaum.

Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and
working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of tremendous benefit
to any company, as happy workers will be more likely to produce more, take fewer days
off, and stay loyal to the company. There are many factors in improving or maintaining
high employee satisfaction, which wise employers would do well to implement.

To measure employee satisfaction, many companies will have mandatory surveys

or face-to-face meetings with employees to gain information. Both of these tactics have
pros and cons, and should be chosen carefully. Surveys are often anonymous, allowing
workers more freedom to be honest without fear of repercussion. Interviews with
company management can feel intimidating, but if done correctly can let the worker
know that their voice has been heard and their concerns addressed by those in charge.
Surveys and meetings can truly get to the center of the data surrounding employee
satisfaction, and can be great tools to identify specific problems leading to lowered

Many experts believe that one of the best ways to maintain employee satisfaction
is to make workers feel like part of a family or team. Holding office events, such as
parties or group outings, can help build close bonds among workers. Many companies
also participate in team-building retreats that are designed to strengthen the working
relationship of the employees in a non-work related setting. Camping trips, paintball wars
and guided backpacking trips are versions of this type of team-building strategy, with
which many employers have found success.

Of course, few workers will not experience a boost in morale after receiving more
money. Raises and bonuses can seriously affect employee satisfaction, and should be
given when possible. Yet money cannot solve all morale issues, and if a company with
widespread problems for workers cannot improve their overall environment, a bonus may
be quickly forgotten as the daily stress of an unpleasant job continues to mount.

If possible, provide amenities to your workers to improve morale. Make certain

they have a comfortable, clean break room with basic necessities such as running water.
Keep facilities such as bathrooms clean and stocked with supplies. While an air of
professionalism is necessary for most businesses, allowing workers to keep family photos
or small trinkets on their desk can make them feel more comfortable and nested at their
workstation. Basic considerations like these can improve employee satisfaction, as
workers will feel well cared for by their employers.

The backbone of employee satisfaction is respect for workers and the job they
perform. In every interaction with management, employees should be treated with
courtesy and interest. An easy avenue for employees to discuss problems with upper
management should be maintained and carefully monitored. Even if management cannot
meet all the demands of employees, showing workers that they are being heard and
putting honest dedication into compromising will often help to improve morale.


Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are

happy and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures
purport that employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal
achievement, retention and positive employee morale in the workplace.

Employee satisfaction is supremely important in an organization because it is

what productivity depends on. If your employees are satisfied they would produce
superior quality performance in optimal time and lead to growing profits. Satisfied
employees are also more likely to be creative and innovative and come up with
breakthroughs that allow a company to grow and change positively with time and
changing market conditions.


It can include factors as following:

Organization development factors

• Brand of organization in business field and comparison with leading competitor.

• Missions and Vision of organization.
• Potential development of organization.
Policies of compensation and benefits factors

• Wage and salary

• Benefits
• Rewards and penalties

Promotions and career development factors

• Opportunities for promotion.

• Training program participated or will do.
• Capacity of career development

Work task factors

• Quantity of task
• Difficult level of task

Relationship with supervisor factors

• Level of coaching
• Level of assignment for employee
• Treatment to employee etc

Working conditions and environment factors

• Tools and equipment

• working methods
• Working environment

Corporate culture factors

• Relationship with coworkers

• Level of sharing etc
Competencies, Personalities and Expectations of employee factors

• Competencies and personalities of employee are suitable for job?

• Expectations of employee are suitable for policies of organization?


You should remember that “achieving results were difficult but keeping the results are
more difficult”

To maintain employee satisfaction, you can use 2 solutions as follows:

1. Determining suitable frequency of appraisal

Appraisal frequency should be at least 3 or 6 months / time. This will help you regularly
review satisfaction trends of employees.

For some department, you should increase appraisal frequency for them because of lack
of management skills or unsuitable personalities.

Many organizations only perform appraisal satisfaction of employees 1 time per year,
simply by applying the standard management rather than the needs of the organization.
This is a very long time because the dissatisfaction of employees can occur at any time.

2. Implementation of feedback program regularly

You can not assess satisfaction of employees every month because it is very time-
consuming. So how you know the opinions of employees? You can implement the
program on the response of employees monthly or suddenly when a problem happened.

The feedbacks of the staff are their comments, attitudes about problems that will occur or
has occurred.
The feedback can conduct independent or attached to the assessment of the work


1.1 Organization development

• Shared mission or vision: In many organizations, employee doesn’t know what is

mission, vision, objects. Building a corporate culture that requires employees to be an
integral part of the organization can be an effective way of getting the most from the
talents or competencies brought to the organization by each employee.

• Feedback programs: These programs will help organization what is opinions of their

1.2 Work itself

You can increase job satisfaction by

• Job rotation
• Job enlargement: knowledge enlargement, task enlargement.
• Job enrichment

1.3 Compensation and benefits

Policies of compensation and benefits are most important part of organization. But you

• Hiring the right employees:

• Clearly defined and communicated employee expectations
Research methodology

Sampling technique and sampling plan

Sampling Method : Convenience sampling

Sample size : 100 Employees
Sampling plan : Questionnaire & Personal Interview

Data collection

1. Primary Data:
The primary data is collected by taking the personal interview of
the employees. A structured questionnaire is circulated.

2. Secondary Data:
The secondary data is collected from various sources like previous
records and reports, company website, reference books, etc.

Tools of data analysis

‘pie charts’ are used as a tool for data analysis.

1. I agree that doing job in alternative ways is encouraged in my department.

Particulars No. of Respondents
Strongly Agree 51
Somewhat Agree 31
Neutral 10
Somewhat Disagree 5
Strongly Disagree 3
Total 100

Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree 5%


Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Interpretation: According to the analysis we can interpret that 51% employees

strongly agree that doing job in alternative ways is encouraged in the department and 3%
strongly disagree,5% somewhat agree.. Therefore we can say that the employees are
satisfied to some extent

Q.2. The Infrastructure provided to me in my department enables me to do my job

Particulars No. of Respondents
Strongly Agree 58
Somewhat Agree 28
Neutral 6
Somewhat Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 6
Total 100

Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree 2%

Somewhat agree
28% Strongly agree

Interpretation: According to the analysis we can interpret that 58% of the employees
are strongly satisfied with the infrastructure facilities provided to them. 28% somewhat
agree, and finally 6% strongly disagree. Therefore we can say that the employees are

3. I get Material & Equipment's at the right time & at the right Place.
Particulars No. of Respondents
Strongly Agree 63
Somewhat Agree 21
Neutral 9
Somewhat Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 3
Total 100

Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree 4%


Somewhat agree
Strongly agree

Interpretation: According to the analysis we can see that 63% of employees strongly
agree that the materials and equipments are available at the right time and right place.
21% somewhat agree, and 3% strongly disagree.

4. The safety measures in my department are good.

Particulars No. of Respondents
Strongly Agree 88
Somewhat Agree 6
Neutral 4
Somewhat Disagree 1
Strongly Disagree 1
Total 100

Neutral Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree

4% 1% 1%
Somewhat agree

Strongly agree

Interpretation: From the analysis we can interpret that 88% of employees strongly
agree, 6% somewhat agree, and 4% neither agree nor disagree with the safety measures..
Therefore we can say that employees are highly satisfied with the safety measures.

5. I get an opportunity to do what I am very good at.

Particulars No. of Respondents
Strongly Agree 59
Somewhat Agree 23
Neutral 9
Somewhat Disagree 3
Strongly Disagree 6
Total 100
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree 3%


Somewhat agree Strongly agree

23% 59%

Interpretation: According to the pie chart we can interpret that 59% of the
employees strongly agree that they get opportunity to do what they are good at & 23% of
employees somewhat agree with it, 6% strongly disagree and only 9% neither agree nor
disagree. Therefore we can interpret that the employees are satisfied.

6. My grievances and complaints handled in time and to my satisfaction

Particulars No. of Respondents
Strongly Agree 56
Somewhat Agree 30
Neutral 9
Somewhat Disagree 1
Strongly Disagree 4
Total 100
Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree
4% 1%


Somewhat agree Strongly agree

30% 56%

Interpretation: According to the pie chart we can interpret that 56% of the
employees strongly agree and 30% somewhat agree that grievances and complaints
handled in time and to their satisfaction.

7. I get an opportunity to learn and grow in the work place.

Particulars No. of Respondents

Strongly Agree 54
Somewhat Agree 26
Neutral 7
Somewhat Disagree 8
Strongly Disagree 5
Total 100
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree


Strongly agree
Somewhat agree

Interpretation: According to the pie chart we can interpret that 54% of the
employees strongly agree that they get opportunity to do what they are good at & 26% of
employees somewhat agree with it. Therefore we can interpret that the employees are
satisfied .

8. The recreational facilities provided in community center and clubs are good.
Particulars No. of Respondents
Strongly Agree 64
Somewhat Agree 21
Neutral 8
Somewhat Disagree 8
Strongly Disagree 4
Total 100
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree 3%


Somewhat agree
Strongly agree

Interpretation: We can interpret that 64% of the employees strongly agree that the
recreational facilities provided are good, 21% of them somewhat agree, 3% somewhat
disagree, 4% of them strongly disagree and. Therefore we can interpret that the
employees are fairly satisfied.

9. The cultural activities are good.

Particulars No. of Respondents
Strongly Agree 59
Somewhat Agree 19
Neutral 9
Somewhat Disagree 5
Strongly Disagree 8
Total 100
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree


Strongly agree
Somewhat agree 59%

Interpretation: We can interpret that 59% strongly agree that the cultural activities
are good, 19% somewhat agree, and only 8% strongly disagree. Therefore we can say
that employees are satisfied.

10. The communication meeting in the canteen is useful.

Particulars No. of Respondents
Strongly Agree 60
Somewhat Agree 24
Neutral 6
Somewhat Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 8
Total 100
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree 2%


Somewhat agree
24% Strongly agree

 More than 80% of the employees are satisfied with the infrastructure facilities
provided to them.

 More than 90% employees are highly satisfied with the safety measures.

 .

 More than 70% of the employees are satisfied with the recreational facilities
,medical facilities, fringe benefits and with the welfare facilities.
 Some employees are personally dissatisfied with the company’s job promotion
policy and with their supervisor.

 95% of the employees agree that the transport facilities are good and timely.
Therefore they are highly satisfied with the transport facility.

 The employees are highly dissatisfied with the canteen facility. According to
them food is not hygienic and fresh food is not available in each shift.

 The management should ensure that the promotion of the employees is fair and
transparent process i.e. employees with same qualification, work ability and
experience should be promoted at the same time.
 In canteen Fresh food should be given in each shift.
 Company should introduce extra cultural activities i.e.sports for the employees.
 The company should give proper training about every new equipment/machine
taken into operation.


 The employees are highly satisfied with welfare facilities, transport facilities and
safety measures
 They are fairly satisfied with the cooperation given by the coworkers and other
departments and with the training given to them. They are also satisfied with the
medical facilities, fringe benefits, recreational and cultural activities provided to

 They are satisfied with the communication meeting in the canteen and with the
information given on the notice board.

 They are satisfied with the infrastructure provided to them and most of them
agree that the materials and equipments provided to them is at the right time and
right place

 They are highly dissatisfied with the canteen facility.

 They are dissatisfied with the company’s job promotion policy

 Most of the employees are having positive view towards their supervisor and
The Hindalco plant.

1. I agree that doing job in alternative ways is encouraged in my department.

a) Strongly agree
b) Somewhat agree
c) Somewhat disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) Neither agree nor disagree
2. The Infrastructure provided to me in my department enables me to do my job
a) Strongly agree
b) Somewhat agree
c) Somewhat disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) Neither agree nor disagree
3. I get Material & Equipment's at the right time & at the right Place.
a) Strongly agree
b) Some what agree
c) Somewhat disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) Neither agree nor disagree
4. The safety measures in my department are good.
a) Strongly agree
b) Somewhat agree
c) Somewhat disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) Neither agree nor disagree

5. I get an opportunity to do what I am very good at.

a) Strongly agree
b) Somewhat agree
c) Somewhat disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) Neither agree nor disagree
6. My grievances and complaints handled in time and to my satisfaction
a) Strongly agree
b) Somewhat agree
c) Somewhat disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) Neither agree nor disagree
7. I get an opportunity to learn and grow in the work place.
a) Strongly agree
b) Somewhat agree
c) Somewhat disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) Neither agree nor disagree
8. The recreational facilities provided in community center and clubs are good.
a) Strongly agree
b) Somewhat agree
c) Somewhat disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) Neither agree nor disagree

9. The cultural activities are good.

a) Strongly agree
b) Somewhat agree
c) Somewhat disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) Neither agree nor disagree
10. The communication meeting in the canteen is useful.
a) Strongly agree
b) Somewhat agree
c) Somewhat disagree
d) Strongly disagree
e) Neither agree nor disagree


 Human Resource Management by Ashwathappa Himalaya book publications.

 Human Resource Management by Subbha Rao Himalaya publications.





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