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Jedi Battlemaster - d20 Stats


       Feats: Alter, Control, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Force-sensitive, Martial Arts,
       Skill Ranks: Battlemind 8+, Force Defense 8+, Sense Motive 5+
       Special Jedi Level 6+.
       A Jedi Battlemaster must own two lightsabers, one of which he must have constructed
       The Jedi must study under a teacher with at least 3 levels in the Jedi Battlemaster class
before multiclassing into this class.
       Vitality: 1d10 per level

Class Skills

The Jedi Battlemaster’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str),
Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis),
Spot (Wis), and Treat Injury (Wis). Additionally, all Force Skills are class skills for the Jedi

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

Class Features

Weapon Proficiency: The Jedi Battlemaster has the Weapon Proficiency feats for blaster pistols,
simple weapons, vibro weapons.

Increased Lightsaber Damage: As a Jedi Battlemaster gains le vels, the amount of damage she
can deal with her lightsaber increases. Each time the Jedi gains increase lightsaber damage, the
weapon's damage increases by +1d8.

Two-Weapon Fighting: When using two lightsabers, a Jedi Battlemaster is considered to have
the Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon fighting feats for the purposes of calculating the attack
penalties. This does not apply to the use of any other weapons.

Precision Attack: At a certain point, a Jedi Battlemaster learns to make focused attacks against
vital parts of his opponents’ anatomy due to extensive study in battle. Beginning at 2nd level, a
Jedi Battlemaster may make an attack against a single opponent with his lightsaber that deals an
additional 1d8 damage. Use of this ability is a full-round action. For non-humanoid species (such
as Hutts), a Knowledge (alien species) check (DC 15) must be made to use this ability. At 6th
level, the bonus increases to 2d8, and at 10th level the bonus increases to 3d8

Deflect (Defense or Attack): Every time the Jedi Battlemaster gains one of these SQ's, she gains
a +1 increase to her relevant bonus or penalty. Thus, if the Battlemaster already has Deflect
(Attack -3), when the relevant SW is gained, it becomes Deflect (Attack -2).

Delayed Strike: Beginning at 5th level, if a Jedi Battlemaster delays his attack in any round until
after he has been attacked in combat, he is granted a +2 bonus to his next attack. This represents
the Battlemaster’s ability to observe his opponent and wait for an opening rather than charge into

Tactics: At 9th level, the Jedi Battlemaster becomes so accustomed to directing his
comrades and other soldiers on the battlefield that he becomes a tactical expert. He gains
the Tactics SQ, as per the Officer ability of the same name (see the Revised Core
Rulebook, page 279 for more details).

Base Attack Fort Defense Reputation

Level Ref Save Will Save Special
Bonus Save Bonus Gain
1st +1 +2 +1 +1 Two-Weapon Fighting +1 +0
2nd +2 +3 +2 +2 Precision Attack +1d8 +2 +1
Increase Lightsaber
3rd +3 +3 +2 +2 +2 +1
4th +4 +4 +2 +2 Deflect (Defense +1) +2 +1
5th +5 +4 +3 +3 Delayed Strike +3 +1
6th +6 +5 +3 +3 Precision Attack +2d8 +3 +2
7th +7 +5 +4 +4 Deflect (Attack -4) +4 +2
Increase Lightsaber
8th +8 +6 +4 +4 +4 +2
9th +9 +6 +4 +4 Tactics +4 +2
10th +10 +7 +5 +5 Precision Attack +3d8 +5 +3

Classes of the Old Republic

By Jon Larsen and Peter Lee

In 2003, the computer game Star Wars: Knights of

the Old Republic (KotOR) took the market by storm,
winning over 40 Game of the Year awards. As the
first Star Wars game to use d20 mechanics similar to
the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, KotOR
introduced many gamers to the time of the Old
Republic. KotOR expanded on the core classes in the
Star Wars Roleplaying Game by creating a new
Jedi class, the Jedi sentinel.

Building on the success of the first game, Knights of

the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords includes six
prestige classes, a concept with which Star Wars
roleplayers are familiar. Four of these classes are
already available in the roleplaying game -- the Sith
Lord is in the Dark Side Sourcebook, the Jedi
weaponmaster is in the Power of the Jedi
Sourcebook, and both the Jedi Master and dark side
marauder are in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game
revised core rulebook.

In this article, we look at the Jedi watchman and dark side assassin classes
from The Sith Lords. Because there are fundamental differences in the game
mechanics between the roleplaying game and the computer game, it's not
possible to have a completely faithful conversion of the classes. Instead, the
classes below capture the feel of Knights of the Old Republic and fill a unique
niche in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.

New Class: Jedi Watchman

The Jedi Council draws these elite guardians of the galaxy from a select group
of Jedi. They seek out truth, defeat injustice, and track people and information.
They investigate the presence of the dark side and bring it to light, whether it
is a rising dark side threat or a dangerous crime lord. Despite the gender
implied by the name, both male and female characters can be Jedi watchmen.

Using stealth and guile, they root out dark side activity and other threats to
the Jedi Order, the Republic, and its citizens. They learn to use the Force to
hide from sight, allowing them to penetrate to the source of danger.


To qualify to become a Jedi watchman, a character must fulfill the following


Jedi Level: 7th.

Skills: Affect Mind 7 ranks, Gather Information 7 ranks, Hide 7 ranks, Move
Silently 7 ranks.

Special: The character must have approval from the Jedi Council to be trained
to be a Jedi watchman.

Game Rule Information


Jedi watchmen gain 1d8 vitality points per level. The character's Constitution
modifier applies.

Class Skills

The Jedi watchman's class skills and the key ability for each skill are as follows
(see Chapter 4 of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game revised core rulebook for
skill descriptions):

Climb (Str), Computer Use (Int), Craft* (Int), Disable Device (Int), Gather
Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge* (Int), Listen
(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Pilot (Dex), Profession* (Wis), Search (Int), Sense
Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Survival (Wis). All Force skills the character has
met the requirements for are considered class skills for the Jedi watchman.
*This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Each time this
skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen. Examples include Craft
(lightsaber), Knowledge (Jedi lore), or Profession (droid programmer).

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are features of the Jedi watchman prestige class.

Danger Sense

The Jedi watchman gains an insight bonus on Wisdom checks to avoid being
surprised (see the Force-Sensitive feat description on page 109 of the Star
Wars Roleplaying Game revised core rulebook). This bonus is equal to the
Jedi watchman's class level.

Bonus Feat

At 1st and 3rd level, the Jedi watchman gains a bonus feat from the following
list: Improved Initiative, Lightning Stealth (described later in this article), Mind
Trick, Stealthy, Track, Urban Tracking (described later in this article).

Force Camouflage

At 2nd level, the Jedi watchman learns a special technique to hide himself
using the Force. He becomes a pale shadow and easily blends into his

While Force camouflage is activated, the Jedi watchman gains a +10 Force
bonus on Hide checks. If a character succeeds in his Spot check against the
Jedi watchman's Hide check, the spotter detects the Jedi watchman and can
target him normally. However, any attack directed at the camouflaged Jedi
watchman has a 20% chance to miss due to concealment.

Activating Force camouflage is an attack action and costs 3 vitality points.

Every additional round that Force camouflage is maintained requires an attack
action and the expenditure of 3 vitality points. A Jedi watchman can't maintain
Force camouflage while using other Force skills or engaging in distracting

Increase Lightsaber Damage

A Jedi watchman's ability to deal damage with a lightsaber improves as he

gains levels. At 4th level, the Jedi watchman's lightsaber damage increases by
+1d8. This added damage is cumulative with increased lightsaber damage
from other Jedi classes.

Subtle Camouflage

At 5th level, a Jedi watchman is able to hide himself from the physical reality
at the same time as masking his presence from other Force-users. A Jedi
watchman gains the ability to use Force camouflage without disrupting the
Force Stealth skill. This combination also allows the Jedi watchman to remain
hidden from a Force-user using the Sense Surroundings technique.

Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
Bonus feat, danger
1st +0 +1 +2 +2 +1 +0
2nd +1 +2 +3 +3 Force camouflage +2 +1
3rd +2 +2 +3 +3 Bonus feat +2 +1
Increase lightsaber
4th +3 +2 +4 +4 +2 +1
5th +3 +3 +4 +4 Subtle camouflage +3 +2

New Class: Dark Side Assassin

During the time of the Old Republic, the Sith actively pursued those most
susceptible to the lure of the dark side of the Force. Some individuals are so
consumed by the power of the dark side that they become obsessed with the
nature of death. These murderers become dark side assassins, favoring
quickness and stealth over brawn.

Dark side assassins were originally trained by the Sith to be the ultimate
hunters. The assassins' unique abilities served the Sith in their battle against
the Jedi. After the Battle of Ruusan and the scattering of the Sith forces, this
changed. Dark side assassins became less common as the Sith went into
hiding, but their deadly purpose remained -- to destroy the Jedi.

In the more modern era, dark side assassins are known as some of the most
ruthless killers in the galaxy. Some work for bounty hunter and assassin guilds
while others are freelance killers. Either way, the few Sith remaining in the
galaxy are pleased to know that their traditions carry on in a new guise.


To qualify to become a dark side assassin, a character must fulfill all the
following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +3.

Skills: Bluff 6 ranks, Disguise 4 ranks, Hide 6 ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks.

Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (any), Force-Sensitive.

Dark Side Points: 4.

Game Rule Information


Dark side assassins gain 1d8 vitality points per level. The character's
Constitution modifier applies.

Class Skills

The dark side assassin's class skills, and the key ability for each skill, are as
follows (see Chapter 4 of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game revised core
rulebook for skill descriptions):

Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Craft* (Int), Disable Device
(Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide
(Dex), Knowledge* (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Pilot (Dex),
Profession* (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), and Tumble (Dex). All Force skills
for which the dark side assassin meets the prerequisites are considered class
*This skill actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Each time this
skill is learned, a specific category must also be chosen. Examples include Craft
(lightsaber), Knowledge (streetwise), or Profession (gambler).

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are features of the dark side assassin prestige class.

Starting Feat

The dark side assassin gains the following bonus feats:

Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistol)
Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster rifles)

Force Training

The dark side assassin gains a bonus Force feat at 1st, 3rd, and 5th level. This
bonus Force feat is selected from the following list: Alter, Control, Sense.

Once one of these Force feats is selected, its associated Force skills become
class skills for the character.

Signature Weapon (Attack)

At 1st level, a dark side assassin chooses an exotic weapon with which she is
proficient to be her signature weapon. When using this signature weapon, she
gains a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls.

Sneak Attack

At 2nd level, a dark side assassin can strike a vital spot of an off-guard
opponent for extra damage. Whenever the dark side assassin's opponent
would be denied a Dexterity bonus to Defense (whether the target actually has
a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the dark side assassin flanks her target, the
dark side assassin's attack deals extra damage. The extra damage is +1d6 at
1st level, +2d6 at 4th level, +3d6 at 7th level, and +4d6 at 10th level.

See the bounty hunter prestige class in Chapter 12 of the Star Wars
Roleplaying Game revised core rulebook for a complete description of what
circumstances affect the use of sneak attack. The dark side assassin's sneak
attack bonus dice are cumulative with those gained by any other class (such as
the bounty hunter).

Force Camouflage

At 6th level, a dark side assassin learns a special technique to hide herself
using the Force. She becomes a pale shadow and easily blends into her

While Force camouflage is activated, the dark side assassin gains a +10 Force
bonus on Hide checks. If a character succeeds in his Spot check against the
dark side assassin's Hide check, the spotter detects the dark side assassin and
can target her normally. However, any attack directed at the camouflaged dark
side assassin has a 20% chance to miss due to concealment.

Activating Force camouflage is an attack action and costs 3 vitality points.

Every additional round that Force camouflage is maintained requires an attack
action and the expenditure of 3 vitality points. A dark side assassin can't
maintain Force camouflage while using other Force skills or engaging in
distracting activity.

Uncanny Dodge

Starting at 4th level, a dark side assassin can react to danger before her
senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to
defense (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by a hidden
attacker. (She still loses her Dexterity bonus to Defense if immobilized.) If a
dark side assassin already has uncanny dodge from a different class, she
automatically gains improved uncanny dodge.

Signature Weapon (Damage)

At 8th level, a dark side assassin deals +1d6 points of damage with her
signature weapon. This increase stacks with any weapon modifications and
feats the character may already possess.

Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
Force training,
1st +0 +0 +2 +1 +1 +0
sneak attack +1d6
Signature weapon
2nd +1 +0 +3 +2 +2 +0
3rd +2 +1 +3 +2 Force training +2 +1
4th +3 +1 +4 +2 Sneak attack +2d6 +2 +1
5th +3 +1 +4 +3 Force training +3 +2
6th +4 +2 +5 +3 Force camouflage +3 +2
7th +5 +2 +5 +4 Sneak attack +3d6 +4 +3
Signature weapon
8th +6 +2 +6 +4 +4 +3
9th +6 +3 +6 +4 Uncanny dodge +4 +4
10th +7 +3 +7 +5 Sneak attack +4d6 +5 +4

New Feat: Lightning Stealth

You have learned to move quickly yet quietly.

Prerequisite: Move Silently 6 ranks, Hide 6 ranks.

Benefit: You can move at your normal speed with no penalty on Hide and
Move Silently checks. You can run or charge with only a –10 penalty on these

Normal: A character suffers a –5 penalty on Hide and Move Silently checks

while moving between half and full speed, and a –20 penalty on Hide and Move
Silently checks while running or charging.

New Feat: Urban Tracking

You can track down the location of missing persons or wanted individuals
within communities.

Benefit: To find the trail of an individual or to follow it for 1 hour requires a

Gather Information check. You must make another Gather Information check
every hour of the search, as well as each time the trail becomes difficult to
follow, such as when it moves to a different area of town.

The DC of the check, and the number of checks required to track down your
quarry, depends on the community population and the conditions:

Population DC
Thorp, hamlet, or village 10 1d3
Small or large town 15 1d4+1
Small or large city 20 2d4
Metropolis 25 2d4+2
Megalopolis 30 3d4+3

Every 3 individuals in target
Target covers trail, or lies low +5
Each planetary day since target
was in area
Target matches community's
Target differs from community's
Highest Reputation in target
Quick Tracking (cutting time to
30 minutes)
Community helpful to targets +5
Community helpful to tracker –5
Community hostile to targets –5
Community hostile to tracker +5

Foot or animal +0
Vehicle +2
In-system space travel +6
Hyperspace travel +10

A GM can set additional modifiers to the DC based on circumstances. For

instance, an intimidated community may be less likely to help the tracker.

If you fail a Gather Information check, you can retry after 1 hour of
questioning. The GM rolls the number of checks required secretly, so the player
doesn't know exactly how long the task requires.

It is difficult to track individuals through hyperspace. In this case, the tracker

is listening for rumors mentioning a destination, checking docking information,
and so on. The size of the group matters less in these cases. Only take into
account individuals who know where the group is traveling when calculating
the size of the group.

Normal: A character without this feat can use Gather Information to find out
information about a particular individual, but each check takes 1d4+1 hours
and doesn't allow effective trailing.

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