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I Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. generation B. goose C. ginger D. engineer
2. A. question B. mosquito C. mosque D. unique
3. A. mechanic B. stomachache C. Christmas D. chance
4. A. giggle B. gone C. engine D. forget
5. A. complete B. compass C. concert D. century
II Put the words containing sounds /g/ or /k/ into the correct column.

ache goat community good competitor traffic comic

forgot geese gone make coin green Greek

/g/ /k/
…………………........................... …………………...........................
…………………........................... …………………...........................
…………………........................... …………………...........................


III Match column A with column B
A Answer B
1. help 1……………… a. less computer games.
2. play 2……………… b. more food for homeless people.
3. donate 3……………… c. homeless people, elderly people and the poor.
4. provide 4……………… d. houses and rooms.
5. clean 5……………… e. blood.
IV Look at the pictures and choose a suitable words to complete the blank.

raise money recycle rubbish donate blood

community service homeless people provide food

1.…………………… 2.……………………

3.…………………… 4.……………………

5.…………………… 6.……………………
V Use the present perfect tense or past tense.
1. Mum (make) ……………… a delicious omelet already.
2. I (leave) ……………… university 2 years ago.
3. We (not decide) ……………… what to get Mark for his birthday yet.
4. He (break) ……………… the vase this morning.
5. I can‟t see where my umbrella is. Somebody(take) ……………… it.
6. I (not see) ……………… Susan recently.
7. Our team (win) ……………… the match yesterday.
8. She (finish) ……………… her homework already.
9. I (visit) ……………… Ha Long Bay several times.
10. ……………… you (ride) ……………… into town on your new bike yet?
VI Circle the correct answer.
1. Have you (saw/seen) my sunglasses?
2. You have (broken/broke) my cup.
3. Where (you have/have you) put my keys?
4. (Have/ Has) John and Tim called you?
5. He hasn‟t (gave/given) me his phone number.
6. She hasn‟t (buy/bought) tickets for the concert yet.
7. (It has/ Hasit) stopped raining?
8. I haven‟t (did /done) my homework yet.
9. They didn‟t (go /gone) to the party last night.
10. I (met/ have met) him yesterday.
VII Fill in each blank with yet/ already/ just.
1. Our classmates have ……………… joined a volunteer work.
2. We have raised a lot of money for the poor ………………
3. She hasn‟t seen this film ………………
4. The woman has ……………… completed the cooking to provide the homeless.
5. Have you finished your homework ………………?
VIII Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the correct verb form.

pass spend sell teach win send plant provide

1. You should ……………… others how to recycle things to protect environment.

2. He ……………… the driving test already.
3. Sometimes we take part in charity work to …………… the poor with food and money.
4. They ……………… their house in the city last month.
5. I ……………… a letter to Paul recently.
6. The children ……………… all their money on computer games.
7. He ……………… the race.
8. We ……………… a lot of trees to make the environment fresh.
IX Choose the best answer A,B,C or D.
1 .We should join our hands to help ……………… because they are so poor.
A. the homeless B. the rich C. the happy D. the old
2. I have to prepare some English lessons ……………… the orphans in the village.
A. to learn B. to finish C. to teach D. to send
3. The ……………… are people who don‟t have their own houses to live in.
A. young children B. street children C. rich children D. weak children
4. We usually collect ……………… and food to provide to the homeless.
A. old clothes B. garbage C. rubbish D. cans
5. My father ……………… the bike for me already.
A. bought B. will buy C. has bought D. buys
6. We ought to take care ……………… poor people.
A. in B. on C. with D. of
7. I ……………… an interesting news from my best friend yesterday.
A. have heard B. heard C. hear D. did hear
8. They ……………… to that village to do volunteer work several times.
A. went B. go C. going D. have gone
9. The house looks clean ……………… it?
A. Did you wash B. Do you wash
C. Have you washed D. Did you washed
10. I have decided to ride to school ………… it is a good way to protect the environment.
A. because B. so C. but D. although
11. Our class has a charity programme……………… to poor people.
A. ask B. tell C. help D. take
12. My brother and I ………………Da Lat recently.
A. visited B. will visit C. has visited D. have visited
13. We should help street children because they have bad ………………
A. living conditions B. life style C. earnings D. live
14. My friends and I sometimes ……………… blood to cure patients in hospitals.
A. bring B. donate C. take D. make
15. We ought to ……… the volunteer activities because we can help a lot of poor people.
A. make B. take in C. participate in D. bring

X Read the passage and circle T (true) or F (false).

Community service is very important in social life. As you know, our social life has both
the rich and the poor people. So it is necessary for us to take part in volunteer activities to
help poor people and elderly people. We can help them in various ways. Firstly, it is easy for
us to collect old clothes which we don‟t need. Besides, we can join volunteer activities to
raise funds for the poor and the homeless in our country. Finally, we can spend time talking
with older people, sharing with poor children. Through these activities, we can develop our
leadership skill by organizing fund raising, providing food as well.
1. Community service is not necessary in our life. T/ F
2. We take part in volunteer activities to help rich people T/ F
3. We don‟t need to collect old clothes for the poor. T/ F
4. We shouldn‟t talk with older people. T/ F
5. Community service can develop our leadership skill. T/ F

XI Go around the class and find 3 friends who have done community services. Ask them
some information as in the table below. Take notes.
Friends’ name Jobs When Where With whom
Now report to the class based on the notes.
XIIWork in pairs. Now tell your partner about one of the volunteer work you have done.
You should base on the suggestions below:
-What was it?
-When/where did you do it?
-What did you do?
-Who did you do it with?
-What did you think about the work?

XIIILook at the list below about the volunteer jobs for British teenagers. Match the jobs
with the descriptions.
Jobs Job descriptions
1. Toad warden a. To make programmes for community radio station
2. Tandem bike rider b. Work on a charity stall at a music festival
3. Pet carer c. Work with children to do theatre plays and musical
4. Festival volunteer d. Look after pets when elderly owners go into
5. Radio producer e. Be the front rider on a tandem bike so blind people
can enjoy recycling
6. Kids theatre volunteer f. Help toad cross the road when they migrate for the
annual breeding season.
1………… 2………… 3…………
4………… 5………… 6…………
Do you find the jobs interesting? Which one do you like to do?
XIV 1. Listen to a man calling for people’s attention to volunteer activities. Then decide if
the statements below are true (T) or false (F)
The man says that:
1. Being a volunteer is a way to avoid wasting time. .................
2. Only a few volunteer organizations need new volunteers. .................
3. Many people are lazy and don‟t want to do something new .................
4. Being a volunteer can be boring sometimes. .................
5. Sometimes volunteers can be sad about what the government .................
do to people.
2.Listen again and fill in the gaps with the missing words.
Being a volunteer is one of the (1) ……………… things you can do with your
life.It‟s a great way to help other people. It‟s also very (2) ……………… to know that
you are not wasting your time and are helping people who need help. Many of us could
and should be out there doing (3) ……………… of some kinds. So many volunteer
organizations need extra hands. It really is easy. Just pick up the phone and offer your (4)
……………… I think too many of us settle into a lazy lifestyle. We just want to come
home and watch TV. Life is much more interesting when you‟re a volunteer. I‟ve found it
really opens your eyes to how some people live. It‟s sometimes sad to see how the
government lets people (5) ………………, but at least I‟m doing my bit.

XV Make meaningful sentences based on the given words.
1. Last week/ we/ plant/ lot/ trees/ new park/ close/ school.
2. Volunteers/ wash/ dirty clothes/ classify/ before/ give/ the poor.
3. We/ come/ people‟s houses/ ask/ donate/ money/ charity.
4. Next week, we/ give away/ books/ school things/ poor children.
5. Singer/ decide/ donate/ show‟s money/ show/ orphanage children/ district.
XVI Suppose that you were an organizer of a volunteer organization. Plan a volunteer
campaign and write an advertisement to call for people’s participation.
You should base on some suggestions below:
♦About the volunteer work:
What is it?
- Where to do it?
- When to do it?
- How to do it?
- What can volunteers gain from the work?
♦About the volunteers:
- How many volunteers are needed?
- What qualities do the volunteers need to have?
Review BASIC (Units 1, 2, 3)

I Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. answer B. further C. butter D. birth
2. A. burn B. collect C. alone D. neighbour
3. A. chimpanzee B. mechanic C. chemistry D. earache
4. A. of B.funny C. wife D. bookshelf
5. A. conquer B.cook C. centimetre D. key
II Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
1. A. enjoy B. collect C. escape D. paper
2. A. answer B. repeat C. repair D. attract
3. A. village B. summer C. contact D. winter
4. A. raincoat B. machine C. airport D. bookshop
5. A. homesick B. explain C. allow D. expect


III Find one word which does not belong to each group.
1. A. like B. enjoy C. hate D. love
2. A. gardening B. skating C. running D. swimming
3. A. working B. sleeping C. relaxing D. resting
4. A. sunburn B. allergy C. sunlight D. flu
5. A. junk food B. orange juice C. milkshake D. lemonade
6. A. sick B. tired C. well D. sore
7. A. community B. compete C. complete D. compare
8. A. running B. running nose C. sore throat D. cold
9. A. donate B. provide C. collect D. money
10. A. clothes B. food C. provide D. money
IVFill in the columns with the words in the box.

the homeless grandparents rubbish postcards bottles

table tennis basketball letters places the poor
mum wishes balling Ha Long Bay cans

recycle send help visit play

……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………
……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………
……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………
V Put the following verbs into the correct tense.
1. I enjoy (fish) ………………. because it is relaxing.
2. She (love) ………………. swimming in the afternoon.
3. My friend hates (eat) ………………. out alone.
4. We suggest (watch) ………………. a horrible film.
5. What about (listen) ………………. to pop music.
6. Does she enjoy (do) ………………. gardening?
7. ………………. you (visit) ………………. your grandparents recently?
8. She (send) ………………. a letter to her pen-pal for 2 days.
9. They (write) ………………. this essay last week.
10. ………………. she (finish) ………………. school a month ago?
VI Complete the following columns.
Present simple Past simple Present perfect
go ………………….... …………………....
see ………………….... …………………....
know ………………….... …………………....
meet ………………….... …………………....
write ………………….... …………………....
speak ………………….... …………………....
send ………………….... …………………....
do ………………….... …………………....
eat ………………….... …………………....
drink ………………….... …………………....
sleep ………………….... …………………....
sing ………………….... …………………....
VII Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
1. My hobbies is going hiking and shopping at weekends. .................
2. If you eat more sugar, you will lose your weighteasily. .................
3. Her son has lost his way on his way home yesterday. .................
4. You shouldeat much junk food because you will be fat soon. .................
5. Peter and Ann has bought a new car for about 2 weeks. It is so nice. .................
VIII Put the correct form of the words in the following sentences.
1. English is an ………………. and important subject. (interest)
2. Ba has a large stamp ………………. (collect)
3. My mother works ………………. hours than yours. (many)
4. He drinks ………………. beer than me.(little)
5. Eating more vegetables and less meat will make you ………………. (health)
6. I don‟t like this movie because it is so ………………. (bore)
7. He gets a cold, so he has a ………………. nose. (run)
8. There are ………………. symptoms when you have a cold. (differ)
IX Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1. My family has decided to use ….……. electricity by using more solar energy instead.
A. more B. less C. much D. fewer
2. She studied very hard, ………………. she passed all the exams.
A. so B. and C. because D. but
3. All of them enjoy ………………. to rock music.
A. to listen B. listening C. listen D. to listening
4. My friend is interested in riding a horse. He rides a horse three ………………. a week.
A. time B. a time C. times D. timings
5. The seafood she ate this morning makes her feel ………………. all over.
A. well B. good C. itchy D. weak
6. You can help your young children learn better by ………………. them how to do
homework after school.
A. teaching B. doing C. offering D. helping
7. We ………………. to Ho Chi Minh three times. Last summer we ………………. there
by plane.
A. flew/ gone B. have flown/ have gone
C. flew/ went D. have flown/went
8. When you have a flu, you may have a cough and a ………………. nose.
A. run B. running C. runny D. flowing
9. It is interesting………………. leaves from different countries.
A. collect B. collecting C. to collect D. collected
10. I love playing volleyball, ………………. my father doesn‟t.
A. and B. so C. because D. but
11. Laughing is very good ………………. your health.
A. for B. of C. at D. to
12. When you have a fever, you should drink more water, stay in bed and relax ………….
A. much B. more C. most D. less
13. Volunteers always do general ……………. such as talking with the elderly, repairing
houses, providing food and so on.
A. matters B. labors C. jobs D. activities
14. Last year, our class came to the village and ………………. meals for the poor.
A. cook B. offered C. do D. make
15. What has she ………………. for that orphanage?
A. do B. did C. done D. doing

X Read the passage. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

You have a headache and you sneeze and cough. Your nose is all stuffed up, and it keeps
running, so you have to blow it every few minutes. You know by these (1)………. that you
have a cold, and you feel completely (2) …………….
Everyone suffers (3) ………. the common cold at some time or other. It isn‟t a serious (4)
…………., but nothing can cure it. Medicine can relieve the symptoms. That is, it can make
you cough (5)……….,make your head less intense, and stop your nose (6)………. for a
while. So far(7) ……… no cure for the common cold and no medicine to prevent it.
(8) …………. there is no cure or preventive medicine for colds, people have all kinds of
ideas about (9) ……………. to prevent and treat colds. Some people think that if you eat a
lot of onions, you won‟t get cold. (10) ……………. say that you should avoid getting wet
and chilled, or you will catch cold.
1. A. diseases B. fevers C. cures D. symptoms
2. A. sad B. hungry C. miserable D. thirsty
3. A. from B. of C. with D. about
4. A. misery B. illness C. headache D. wrong
5. A. less B. fewer C. much D. more
6. A. walking B. jogging C. running D. flowing
7. A. it is B. there is C. they are D. there are
8. A. Although B. Despite C. In spite D. But
9. A. what B. why C. where D. how
10. A. Other‟s B. Another C. Others D. Other
XI Your best friend is ill. Now you call him and give him some advice. Look at the pictures
below as the suggestions.

XII Now make a plan about what to do in this summer holiday to enjoy your hobby.
You should base on some suggestions below:
-What is your hobby?
-What is your plan?
- How often will you spend time on it?
-Who will do it with you?

XIII Listen to a friend talking about his favorite hobby as reading books. Then answer the
questions below.
1. How did he feel when he first read a book?
2. How did he feel when he read a story with a happy ending?
3. How did he feel when he read a detective story?
4. What can he learn from reading books that helps to improve his English?
5. What are about other countries that he can learn from books?
XIVListen again and decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F)
1. He started reading when he was over 4 years old. .................
2. He likes J.K. Rowling because of the sense of humor in her books. .................
3. Reading books doesn‟t help him in learning English very much. .................
4. He thinks he might become a writer one day. .................
5. He often spends 1 hour as minimum to read books daily. .................
XV Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences.
1. poor/ should/ the/ rich/ help/ the.
2. she/in/ close/ watching/ her/ is/ movies/ friends/ at / interested/ cinema/ the/ with/.
3. away/ should/ the/ people/ give/ unused/ poor/ things/ to.
4. doing/ meaningful/ volunteer/ activity/ work/society/ is/ a/for.
5. night/ stop/ comic/ reading/ to/ books/ at/ go/ and/ bed/ early.
XVI Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.
1. My friend is a big fan of K-Pop music.
→ My friend is ....................................................................................................... (fond)
2. Tom is interested in reality TV shows. He doesn‟t like game shows.
→ Tom is ................................................................................................................. (but)
3. She started to work for this volunteer organization in 2010.
→ She has ............................................................................................................. (since)
4. The teacher has taught these students for three years.
→ The teacher began ................................................................................................ (ago)
5. He was taken to the hospital. His right leg was broken.
→ His ......................................................................................................................... (so)
XVII Do you have any health problems? What do you think you should do to improve
your health? Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to tell about it.
You should base on the suggestions below:
-What is/are your health problems?
-Why do you have the problem(s)?
-What should/ shouldn‟t you do to improve your health?
-Is there anyone to help you with your problem(s)?

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