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Muslim Public Opinion on U.S.

Policy, Attacks on Civilians, and al Qaeda


Fielded in Egypt
Dates of Survey: January 17 – February 9, 2007 Sample Size: 1000

Fielded in Indonesia
Dates of Survey: December 12, 2006 - January 8, 2007 Sample Size: 1141

Fielded in Morocco
Dates of Survey: December 9-19, 2006 Sample Size: 1000

Fielded in Pakistan
Dates of Survey: January 15 – February 15, 2007 Sample Size: 1243
National poll included 611 Urban and 632 rural respondents

Q1. People may follow international news in many different ways. During the past week how many days have

a. Watched news stories about international issues on television?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
0 days ..................................................... 20% 11% 17% 33% 66% 50%
1 day ..........................................................8 9 4 5 4 4
2 days ......................................................13 13 7 9 5 7
3 days ......................................................12 14 11 13 5 9
4 days ........................................................7 11 13 6 3 5
5 days ........................................................6 7 16 7 3 5
6 days ........................................................2 5 10 4 2 3
7 days ......................................................31 29 22 22 8 15

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 1 1 1 3 2

b. Read articles about international issues in newspapers and magazines?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
0 days ..................................................... 43% 48% 44% 64% 82% 73%
1 day ........................................................13 12 11 5 3 4
2 days ......................................................10 11 16 6 3 5
3 days ........................................................8 9 11 5 2 4
4 days ........................................................4 5 6 3 2 3
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

5 days ........................................................3 3 4 3 1 2
6 days ........................................................1 1 3 3 1 2
7 days ......................................................19 6 5 9 4 6

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 4 1 1 2 1

c. Viewed Internet content on international issues?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
0 days ..................................................... 80% 80% 66% 95% 96% 95%
1 day ..........................................................6 4 11 1 * 1
2 days ........................................................3 1 11 1 1 1
3 days ........................................................3 2 5 1 * *
4 days ........................................................2 1 2 1 * *
5 days ........................................................1 * 2 * 0 *
6 days ........................................................* * 1 * 0 *
7 days ........................................................5 * 1 1 * *

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 11 * 1 2 1

d. Talked about international issues with family, friends, or acquaintances?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
0 days ..................................................... 43% 42% 22% 42% 54% 48%
1 day ........................................................12 18 18 9 7 8
2 days ......................................................13 13 20 10 9 9
3 days ......................................................10 9 16 14 7 11
4 days ........................................................6 5 12 5 6 6
5 days ........................................................3 3 4 5 3 4
6 days ........................................................2 1 3 5 4 4
7 days ......................................................10 4 3 8 6 7

Refused/Don’t Know ................................* 5 2 2 4 3

e. Heard audiotapes or watched videotapes on international issues?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
0 days ..................................................... 94% 55% 70% 92% 94% 93%
1 day ..........................................................2 10 14 2 * 1
2 days ........................................................1 11 7 2 1 1
3 days ........................................................1 7 4 1 * 1
4 days ........................................................1 3 1 0 * *
5 days ........................................................* 2 1 0 0 0
6 days ........................................................* 1 0 * * *
7 days ........................................................1 5 1 1 1 1
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 5 3 1 3 2

Q4. There are many different ways people may hear about the reasons some groups in the Muslim world have
for attacking the United States or other Western countries. For each, how often do you come in contact with
this information: Frequently, Sometimes, Rarely, or Never.

a. In television news stories

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Never ...................................................... 10% 6% 18% 21% 52% 37%
Rarely ......................................................16 27 14 37 25 31
Sometimes ...............................................30 28 28 14 10 12
Frequently ...............................................44 37 40 28 10 19

Refused/Don’t Know ................................* 1 * * 2 1

b. In newspaper and magazine articles

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Never ...................................................... 34% 41% 46% 54% 75% 64%
Rarely ......................................................21 30 17 25 12 18
Sometimes ...............................................22 18 29 11 6 8
Frequently ...............................................23 8 8 10 5 7

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 1 * 2 1

c. In Internet content on international issues

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Never ...................................................... 77% 83% 66% 90% 95% 93%
Rarely ........................................................8 6 16 4 1 2
Sometimes .................................................7 3 12 2 1 1
Frequently .................................................6 1 5 2 1 1

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 6 1 2 3 2

d. In conversations with family, friends or acquaintances

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Never ...................................................... 41% 32% 25% 31% 43% 37%
Rarely ......................................................22 36 35 40 33 37
Sometimes ...............................................22 22 30 16 12 14
Frequently ...............................................14 8 10 12 10 11

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 1 1 3 2

e. In audiotapes or videotapes

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Never ...................................................... 94% 50% 68% 89% 91% 90%
Rarely ........................................................3 28 20 7 4 5
Sometimes .................................................2 13 7 1 2 1
Frequently .................................................* 7 3 1 1 1

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 3 2 3 3

Q5-Q9 STATEMENT: To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

Q5. People should obey the law even if it goes against what they think is right.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly agree ........................................ 39% 6% 27% 36% 28% 32%
Agree .......................................................20 45 30 30 27 28
Neither.......................................................5 21 11 17 19 18
Disagree ..................................................20 22 15 9 6 7
Strongly disagree ....................................15 4 14 6 5 6

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 3 2 16 9

Q6. People tend to be treated fairly by the criminal justice system in my country

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly agree ........................................ 32% 5% 17% 12% 13% 13%
Agree .......................................................23 36 29 26 23 24
Neither.....................................................10 27 26 24 19 22
Disagree ..................................................22 28 13 17 13 15
Strongly disagree ....................................12 2 9 13 7 10

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 7 8 25 16

Q7. You should do what the police tell you even when you disagree with their decision
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly agree ........................................ 31% 3% 24% 11% 9% 10%
Agree .......................................................24 34 33 23 21 22
Neither.......................................................7 27 17 21 24 22
Disagree ..................................................20 31 13 18 13 16
Strongly disagree ....................................17 4 7 24 12 18

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 1 6 3 20 12

Q8. I feel that I should support the police

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Strongly agree ........................................ 53% 8% 40% 29% 26% 28%
Agree .......................................................28 54 33 34 26 30
Neither.......................................................6 29 14 20 22 21
Disagree ....................................................8 6 4 8 6 7
Strongly disagree ......................................5 1 3 6 3 4

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 6 4 18 11

Q9. The law does not protect my interests

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Strongly agree ........................................ 17% 3% 15% 16% 13% 14%
Agree .......................................................15 22 15 24 14 19
Neither.....................................................12 27 19 29 29 29
Disagree ..................................................23 39 16 17 16 17
Strongly disagree ....................................32 4 22 9 8 8

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 6 13 5 20 13

Q10. For each item listed, how much confidence do you have in them: is it a great deal, quite a lot, not very
much or none at all?

a. Religion
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Great deal ............................................... 98% 95% 91% 99% 95% 97%
Quite a lot..................................................2 5 5 * 3 2
Not very much...........................................* * 2 * 1 1
None at all .................................................* 0 1 0 0 0

Refused/Don’t Know ................................* 0 1 0 1 1

b. The national public education system


Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Great deal ............................................... 23% 32% 23% 36% 36% 36%
Quite a lot................................................29 52 32 35 28 31
Not very much.........................................28 14 28 19 16 18
None at all ...............................................20 * 16 7 10 9

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 3 3 10 7

c. The local police

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Great deal ............................................... 32% 13% 26% 19% 20% 19%
Quite a lot................................................31 49 32 24 27 25
Not very much.........................................23 34 26 29 22 26
None at all ...............................................12 2 12 23 16 20

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 3 3 5 14 10

d. The national government

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Great deal ............................................... 34% 20% 22% 26% 26% 26%
Quite a lot................................................29 44 28 27 25 26
Not very much.........................................21 32 30 23 20 21
None at all ...............................................15 2 16 18 12 15

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 3 4 6 19 12

e. The justice system in my country

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Great deal ............................................... 48% 10% 21% 20% 26% 23%
Quite a lot................................................29 38 27 26 20 23
Not very much.........................................15 42 29 26 19 23
None at all .................................................6 7 18 18 14 16

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 4 6 9 21 15

Q11. For each of the following, indicate how important it is in your life.

a. Family
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Very important ....................................... 98% 91% 91% 95% 88% 92%
Important ...................................................1 8 7 4 9 6
Rather important .......................................* * 1 * 2 1
Not very important ....................................* * * * 1 *
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Not at all important ...................................0 0 * * * *

Refused/Don’t Know ................................* 0 * * * *

b. Friends
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Very important ....................................... 63% 30% 37% 44% 48% 46%
Important .................................................25 60 35 33 30 31
Rather important .......................................8 10 18 15 15 15
Not very important ....................................2 * 7 4 2 3
Not at all important ...................................2 * 2 3 2 3

Refused/Don’t Know ................................* * 1 1 3 2

c. Politics
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Very important ....................................... 21% 3% 15% 7% 8% 8%
Important .................................................14 24 20 9 12 11
Rather important .....................................27 34 28 25 22 23
Not very important ..................................17 32 17 17 14 16
Not at all important .................................20 2 18 37 28 33

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 5 3 5 16 10

d. Work

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very important ....................................... 88% 73% 78% 75% 73% 74%
Important ...................................................6 25 16 19 18 19
Rather important .......................................3 1 3 4 4 4
Not very important ....................................1 * 1 1 1 1
Not at all important ...................................1 0 1 1 1 1

Refused/Don’t Know ................................* 1 1 1 2 1

e. Religion

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very important ....................................... 99% 94% 89% 93% 91% 92%
Important ...................................................1 6 8 5 5 5
Rather important .......................................* * 1 1 2 1
Not very important ....................................* 0 1 * * *
Not at all important ...................................0 0 1 0 * *

Refused/Don’t Know ................................* 0 1 * 1 1

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

f. Service to others

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very important ....................................... 69% 28% 39% 64% 60% 62%
Important .................................................23 62 38 27 26 27
Rather important .......................................7 8 14 7 9 8
Not very important ....................................1 1 4 * 1 1
Not at all important ...................................* * 4 * 1 1

Refused/Don’t Know ................................* * 3 1 2 2

Q12. Here is a list of things that may or may not be a problem in [your country]. Please mark to what extent
you perceive the issue to be a problem in [your country].

a. Crime

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very big problem ................................... 79% 65% 12% 88% 79% 83%
Moderate problem ...................................15 33 21 9 9 9
Small problem ...........................................4 2 65 2 4 3
Not a problem ...........................................2 * 1 * 1 1

Refused/Don’t Know ................................* * 1 1 7 4

b. Conflict between different ethnic or religious groups

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very big problem ................................... 42% 60% 2% 55% 42% 48%
Moderate problem ...................................21 31 26 23 23 23
Small problem .........................................14 6 49 12 12 12
Not a problem .........................................22 1 15 4 3 3

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 2 8 7 22 14

c. Corrupt political leaders

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very big problem ................................... 67% 74% 53% 55% 46% 50%
Moderate problem ...................................14 23 23 24 20 22
Small problem ...........................................6 2 9 10 8 9
Not a problem ...........................................8 * 8 2 3 2

Refused/Don’t Know ................................5 1 8 9 23 16

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

d. Terrorism
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Very big problem ................................... 62% 67% 1% 83% 75% 79%
Moderate problem .....................................8 21 12 10 8 9
Small problem .........................................13 7 78 3 5 4
Not a problem .........................................16 1 6 1 1 1

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 4 4 2 12 7

Q13. In [your country], how justified are attacks on civilians (e.g. bombings, assassinations) that are carried out
in order to achieve political goals – strongly justified, justified, weakly justified, or not justified at all?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly justified ...................................... 7% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1%
Justified .....................................................8 3 6 4 3 3
Weakly justified ........................................6 7 19 8 6 7
Not justified at all....................................77 84 57 81 71 76

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 5 15 7 19 13

Q14. What about politically motivated attacks in [your Country] where no one is killed or injured (such as
destroying a pipeline or bombing a radio transmitting tower)? Are these strongly justified, justified, weakly
justified, or not justified at all?
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Strongly justified .................................... 12% 1% 4% 1% *% 1%
Justified ...................................................13 4 6 3 2 3
Weakly justified ......................................11 8 18 9 7 8
Not justified at all....................................62 80 56 77 68 72

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 7 16 9 23 16

Q15. In your opinion, are attacks against civilians, as a tactic in conflict: Often effective to change the
situation, only sometimes effective to change the situation, or hardly ever effective to change the situation?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Often effective ....................................... 26% 8% 6% 4% 1% 3%
Only sometimes effective .......................32 19 17 17 8 13
Hardly ever effective...............................37 42 55 53 44 48

Refused/Don’t Know ................................6 31 22 26 47 36

Q16. To what extent do you believe:

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

a. That you should strive to do your job better than others?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
1 (Not at all) ............................................. 2% 1% 3% 1% 2% 1%
2.................................................................1 1 2 2 3 3
3.................................................................5 8 4 7 10 8
4.................................................................5 28 28 20 21 21
5 (Very much) .........................................86 61 61 68 60 64

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 1 2 1 5 3

b. That without competition, it is impossible to have a good society?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
1 (Not at all) ............................................. 8% 4% 2% 2% 2% 2%
2.................................................................2 4 2 9 3 6
3.................................................................6 14 8 17 14 16
4...............................................................12 33 30 30 31 30
5 (Very much) .........................................71 42 56 38 30 34

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 3 3 4 20 12

c. That pleasing your family is more important than doing what you like?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
1 (Not at all) ............................................. 1% 2% 2% 1% 3% 2%
2.................................................................1 2 3 5 6 5
3.................................................................5 13 11 15 16 15
4...............................................................10 30 27 26 28 27
5 (Very much) .........................................82 51 55 51 39 45

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 3 3 8 5

d. In sacrificing your own self-interest for the benefit of the larger group?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
1 (Not at all) ............................................. 9% na 5% 4% 5% 4%
2.................................................................7 na 6 6 9 7
3...............................................................16 na 13 15 20 17
4...............................................................16 na 30 28 19 23
5 (Very much) .........................................50 na 42 44 37 40

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 na 4 3 12 8

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Q17. Which of the following statements do you agree with more?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
A parent’s major goal should be
ensuring their children have a good
education and a chance to succeed in
life .......................................................... 60% 64% 59% 46% 34% 13%

A parent’s major goal should be

ensuring that their children serve their
nation and their religion ..........................39 34 38 53 62 58

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 2 4 1 4 3

Q18. Which of the following statements do you agree with most?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
I think of myself primarily as a
citizen of [your country] ........................ 35% 67% 60% 14% 15% 13%

I think of myself primarily as a member

of my religion. .........................................51 20 27 80 76 80

I think of myself primarily as a member

of my tribe or ethnic group. ......................1 6 3 2 3 3

I think of myself not so much in these

ways, but primarily as an individual. ......11 5 9 2 3 2

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 2 1 1 3 2

Q19. Read each of the following statements and decide how much you would agree with each according to your
attitudes, beliefs and experiences. Please respond according to the following scale, using only one number for
each statement.

a. I prefer to decide on the first available solution rather than to ponder at length what decision I should make.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
1 (Strongly disagree) .............................. 25% 7% 24% 2% 2% 2%
2 (Disagree).............................................40 33 36 9 5 7
3 (Neither agree nor disagree)...................4 19 13 24 21 22
4 (Agree) .................................................15 32 11 29 22 25
5 (Strongly agree) ...................................15 7 12 28 27 28
Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 1 3 8 23 16
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

b. I get very upset when things around me aren’t in their place.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
1 (Strongly disagree) ................................ 2% 3% 41% 4% 3% 3%
2 (Disagree)...............................................3 21 38 8 6 7
3 (Neither agree nor disagree)...................3 32 10 12 12 12
4 (Agree) .................................................24 35 5 30 30 31
5 (Strongly agree) ...................................68 8 2 40 36 38

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 1 3 6 14 10

c. Generally, I do not search for alternative solutions to problems for which I already have a solution available.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
1 (Strongly disagree) .............................. 12% 3% 31% 3% 2% 2%
2 (Disagree).............................................29 18 33 6 5 5
3 (Neither agree nor disagree)...................7 25 14 21 18 20
4 (Agree) .................................................28 46 10 30 26 28
5 (Strongly agree) ...................................23 6 9 31 26 28

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 1 4 9 23 16

d. Any solution to a problem is better than remaining in a state of uncertainty.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
1 (Strongly disagree) ................................ 8% 4% 28% 2% 2% 2%
2 (Disagree)...............................................8 7 35 4 4 3
3 (Neither agree nor disagree)...................2 16 15 12 15 14
4 (Agree) .................................................32 53 6 30 26 28
5 (Strongly agree) ...................................48 18 5 45 37 41

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 2 10 7 17 12

e. I prefer activities where it is always clear what is to be done and how it needs to be done.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
1 (Strongly disagree) ................................ 3% 3% 42% 1% 2% 1%
2 (Disagree)...............................................5 4 31 4 4 4
3 (Neither agree nor disagree)...................6 11 10 21 19 20
4 (Agree) .................................................33 60 6 30 25 27
5 (Strongly agree) ...................................52 20 2 33 24 28


Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 9 11 28 20

f. After having found a solution to a problem I believe that it is a useless waste of time to take into account
diverse possible solutions.
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
1 (Strongly disagree) .............................. 10% 4% 22% 2% 3% 3%
2 (Disagree).............................................23 30 29 8 4 6
3 (Neither agree nor disagree)...................5 29 15 20 16 18
4 (Agree) .................................................27 30 17 30 29 29
5 (Strongly agree) ...................................35 3 9 32 28 30

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 4 8 8 21 14

Q20. Some people feel they have completely free choice and control over their lives, while other people feel
that what they do has no real effect on what happens to them. Please use this scale where 1 means "none at all"
and 10 means "a great deal" to indicate how much freedom of choice and control you feel you have over the
way your life turns out.
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
1 (None at all) .......................................... 2% 2% 4% 5% 6% 5%
2.................................................................1 1 2 1 3 2
3.................................................................1 1 1 4 3 4
4.................................................................3 2 6 4 4 4
5...............................................................12 6 16 10 13 12
6...............................................................10 16 17 10 8 9
7...............................................................16 16 14 12 8 10
8...............................................................20 19 12 13 10 11
9...............................................................10 14 6 7 5 6
10 (A great deal) .....................................25 17 14 24 16 20

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 6 8 11 25 18

Q21. To what extent are you optimistic / pessimistic about your future?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
1 (Highly pessimistic) .............................. 2% *% 3% 3% 3% 3%
2.................................................................1 * 3 1 2 2
3.................................................................2 * 3 3 3 3
4.................................................................2 1 6 3 4 4
5...............................................................11 3 12 9 7 8
6.................................................................8 7 16 4 9 7
7...............................................................12 9 17 8 7 7
8...............................................................17 17 15 10 9 11
9...............................................................11 19 6 11 9 10
10 (Highly optimistic) .............................34 43 16 40 29 35


Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 4 7 15 11

Q22. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree that in [your country] these days, life is
unpredictable and dangerous?
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
1 (Strongly agree) .................................. 32% 5% 2% 33% 27% 30%
2 (Agree) .................................................21 30 2 30 26 28
3 (Disagree).............................................19 41 31 15 13 14
4 (Strongly disagree) ...............................17 17 49 15 17 16

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................10 7 16 7 18 12

Q23. Thinking about a democratic political system, let me ask what you think about it as a way of governing
this country. Would you say it is a very good, fairly good, fairly bad or very bad way of governing this
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Very good way ....................................... 52% 14% 28% 20% 15% 17%
Fairly good way ......................................30 51 33 41 27 34
Fairly bad way...........................................7 20 12 13 10 11
Very bad way ............................................7 4 4 8 12 10

Refused/Don’t Know ................................4 10 23 18 37 28

Q24. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “In [your country], people of any
religion should be free to worship according to their own beliefs.”

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 78% 82% 29% 64% 43% 53%
Agree somewhat......................................10 11 34 20 23 22
Disagree somewhat ...................................4 3 11 5 7 6
Disagree strongly ......................................7 2 13 5 7 6

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 2 13 6 20 13

Q24A. Please tell me whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: “In [your country], people of
any religion should be free to try to convert members of other religions to join theirs.”

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly......................................... na 3% 7% 35% 24% 29%
Agree somewhat...................................... na 8 16 25 21 23
Disagree somewhat ................................. na 20 30 10 9 10
Disagree strongly .................................... na 65 30 21 20 21

Refused/Don’t Know .............................. na 4 18 9 25 17

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Q25. Please tell me if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very
unfavorable opinion of the following…

a. The current US government?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Very favorable ......................................... 1% 3% 6% 4% 3% 4%
Somewhat favorable..................................3 17 10 11 9 10
Somewhat unfavorable..............................7 50 27 18 12 15
Very unfavorable ....................................86 16 49 49 40 44

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 12 8 18 36 27

b. The American people?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Very favorable ....................................... 12% 4% 22% 6% 2% 4%
Somewhat favorable................................28 34 42 19 10 14
Somewhat unfavorable............................16 42 16 24 16 20
Very unfavorable ....................................39 9 11 29 35 32

Refused/Don’t Know ................................5 11 9 22 37 30

c. American culture?
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Very favorable ....................................... 17% 1% 28% 3% 3% 3%
Somewhat favorable................................22 15 36 11 6 8
Somewhat unfavorable............................12 56 15 17 15 16
Very unfavorable ....................................43 23 10 49 42 45

Refused/Don’t Know ................................6 6 12 19 35 28

d. The laws permitting freedom of expression in the US?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very favorable ....................................... 35% 3% 39% 8% 5% 7%
Somewhat favorable................................22 14 29 21 11 16
Somewhat unfavorable............................11 49 10 21 15 18
Very unfavorable ....................................27 25 10 28 30 29

Refused/Don’t Know ................................5 9 12 22 38 30

Q26. Thinking now about U.S. actions around the world, please tell me if you think the following are or are not
U.S. goals. Please say if you think it is:


Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

a. To spread Christianity in the Middle East [not permitted to ask in Egypt]

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal of the U.S. ................... na 16% 34% 36% 35% 35%
Probably a goal of the U.S. ..................... na 45 33 28 17 23
Probably not a goal of the U.S. ............... na 16 12 10 5 7
Definitely not a goal of the U.S. ............. na 5 10 4 2 3

Refused/Don’t Know .............................. na 17 12 23 41 32

b. To prevent more attacks such as those on the World Trade Center in September 2001

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal of the U.S. .................. 44% 22% 38% 13% 7% 10%
Probably a goal of the U.S. .....................14 46 33 25 18 21
Probably not a goal of the U.S. .................8 12 11 18 13 15
Definitely not a goal of the U.S. .............31 4 8 11 9 10

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 17 10 33 53 43

c. To maintain control over the oil resources of the Middle East

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal of the U.S. .................. 84% 28% 56% 45% 31% 38%
Probably a goal of the U.S. .......................9 46 26 23 20 21
Probably not a goal of the U.S. .................2 7 4 8 5 6
Definitely not a goal of the U.S. ...............2 3 6 3 3 3

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 16 8 21 42 32

d. To see the creation of an independent and economically viable Palestinian state

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal of the U.S. .................... 4% 8% 11% 11% 10% 10%
Probably a goal of the U.S. .......................3 30 12 18 15 17
Probably not a goal of the U.S. .................6 27 21 17 10 13
Definitely not a goal of the U.S. .............85 13 43 19 11 15

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 22 14 35 55 45

e. To expand the geographic borders of Israel

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Urban Rural All

Definitely a goal of the U.S. .................. 79% 18% 35% 36% 25% 30%
Probably a goal of the U.S. .....................12 40 29 26 17 22
Probably not a goal of the U.S. .................3 17 13 7 5 6
Definitely not a goal of the U.S. ...............3 3 10 2 1 2

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 22 13 28 52 40

f. To ensure that [your country] does not fall into the hands of extremist groups

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal of the U.S. .................. 13% 10% 16% 16% 13% 14%
Probably a goal of the U.S. .....................11 31 22 22 16 19
Probably not a goal of the U.S. ...............14 25 17 18 13 15
Definitely not a goal of the U.S. .............56 9 22 16 10 13

Refused/Don’t Know ................................6 25 24 29 48 39

g. To weaken and divide the Islamic world

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal of the U.S. .................. 83% 31% 49% 55% 48% 51%
Probably a goal of the U.S. .......................9 42 29 18 14 16
Probably not a goal of the U.S. .................2 9 6 6 5 6
Definitely not a goal of the U.S. ...............2 6 5 3 2 2

Refused/Don’t Know ................................4 12 11 18 31 25

Q27. Thinking now about groups such as al-Qaeda and groups inspired by al-Qaeda that have conducted
attacks on American and European civilians, please tell me if you think the following are or are not the goals of
such groups. Please say if you think it is:

a. To require a strict application of sharia law in every Islamic country.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal ..................................... 38% 16% 38% 35% 27% 31%
Probably a goal .......................................24 49 36 27 16 22
Probably not a goal ...................................9 16 8 9 5 7
Definitely not a goal................................18 4 9 3 3 3

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................11 16 10 26 49 38

b. To unify all Islamic countries into a single Islamic state or Caliphate.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Urban Rural All

Definitely a goal ..................................... 37% 17% 33% 25% 20% 22%
Probably a goal .......................................23 44 34 27 17 22
Probably not a goal .................................11 18 13 12 8 10
Definitely not a goal................................18 5 8 7 4 5

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................10 16 12 28 50 40

c. To push the US to stop providing support to such governments as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal ..................................... 21% 14% 24% 16% 14% 15%
Probably a goal .......................................20 40 27 19 13 16
Probably not a goal .................................19 19 17 16 10 13
Definitely not a goal................................24 3 11 9 5 7

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................17 24 22 41 58 50

d. To push the U.S. to remove its bases and its military forces from all Islamic countries.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal ..................................... 61% 22% 44% 36% 24% 30%
Probably a goal .......................................20 45 34 23 16 19
Probably not a goal ...................................4 10 6 6 4 5
Definitely not a goal..................................6 1 3 4 3 3

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................10 22 13 31 53 42

e. To stand up to America and affirm the dignity of the Islamic people.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal ..................................... 62% 37% 45% 28% 22% 25%
Probably a goal .......................................16 39 30 29 19 24
Probably not a goal ...................................6 7 7 11 7 9
Definitely not a goal..................................7 2 4 2 1 2

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................10 14 14 30 50 40

f. To keep Western values out of Islamic countries.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal ..................................... 55% 34% 36% 31% 25% 28%
Probably a goal .......................................20 44 31 25 20 23
Probably not a goal ...................................7 7 11 12 6 9
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Definitely not a goal..................................9 3 5 3 1 2

Refused/Don’t Know ................................9 12 17 28 49 38

g. To push the United States to stop favoring Israel in its conflict with the Palestinians.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Definitely a goal ..................................... 64% 24% 46% 29% 20% 25%
Probably a goal .......................................17 41 30 22 21 21
Probably not a goal ...................................5 9 7 9 4 6
Definitely not a goal..................................6 2 4 3 2 2

Refused/Don’t Know ................................8 24 13 37 53 45

Q28. What do you personally feel about these goals? For each goal, please say whether you agree with it
strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly.

a. To require a strict application of sharia law in every Islamic country.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 50% 17% 35% 54% 50% 52%
Agree somewhat......................................24 36 41 25 18 21
Disagree somewhat .................................11 25 10 7 5 6
Disagree strongly ....................................11 15 9 1 1 1

Refused/Don’t Know ................................4 7 6 13 26 19

b. To unify all Islamic countries into a single Islamic state or Caliphate.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 52% 16% 33% 43% 36% 39%
Agree somewhat......................................15 33 38 31 24 28
Disagree somewhat .................................14 25 13 8 8 8
Disagree strongly ....................................14 15 9 5 3 4

Refused/Don’t Know ................................5 11 8 14 29 22

c. To push the US to stop providing support to such governments as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 28% 16% 16% 19% 24% 22%
Agree somewhat......................................16 39 26 21 16 18
Disagree somewhat .................................21 15 22 18 10 14
Disagree strongly ....................................25 4 14 9 5 7
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................10 26 22 33 46 39

d. To push the U.S. to remove its bases and its military forces from all Islamic countries.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 82% 26% 37% 48% 37% 42%
Agree somewhat......................................10 38 35 23 19 21
Disagree somewhat ...................................2 12 11 6 5 6
Disagree strongly ......................................2 4 6 3 2 2

Refused/Don’t Know ................................5 20 12 20 38 29

e. To stand up to America and affirm the dignity of the Islamic people.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 80% 38% 40% 41% 32% 36%
Agree somewhat......................................10 34 29 24 21 22
Disagree somewhat ...................................3 11 10 10 9 9
Disagree strongly ......................................2 5 9 3 2 2

Refused/Don’t Know ................................5 13 12 22 37 30

f. To keep Western values out of Islamic countries.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 80% 40% 33% 45% 40% 42%
Agree somewhat......................................11 38 31 22 23 23
Disagree somewhat ...................................3 9 13 11 4 7
Disagree strongly ......................................1 4 8 3 2 2

Refused/Don’t Know ................................5 10 16 18 31 25

g. To push the United States to stop favoring Israel in its conflict with the Palestinians.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 89% 29% 45% 42% 35% 39%
Agree somewhat........................................6 36 30 23 22 22
Disagree somewhat ...................................1 12 7 8 5 6
Disagree strongly ......................................1 3 5 2 1 2

Refused/Don’t Know ................................4 20 13 24 38 31


Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Q29. How much of what happens in the world today would you say is controlled by the US?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very little ................................................. 1% 7% 4% 6% 8% 7%
Some .........................................................7 17 23 13 12 12
Most ........................................................32 42 35 34 21 28
Nearly all.................................................57 18 28 30 23 27

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 16 10 18 36 27

Q30. Has the U.S. government done anything that hurt you personally or someone you know?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
No ........................................................... 80% 71% 84% 67% 67% 67%
Yes ..........................................................18 20 9 24 13 19

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 10 7 9 20 14

Q31. Has the U.S. government done anything that helped you personally or someone you know?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
No ........................................................... 94% 78% 80% 81% 77% 79%
Yes ............................................................4 12 14 10 3 7

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 11 7 9 20 15

Q31A. Has the U.S. government done anything that hurt a group or a cause that you care about?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
No ........................................................... 53% 62% 13% 55% 56% 55%
Yes ..........................................................45 27 77 28 16 22

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 11 11 17 28 23

Q31B. Has the U.S. government done anything that helped a group or a cause you care about?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
No ........................................................... 91% 71% 73% 71% 66% 68%
Yes ............................................................6 15 12 10 3 7

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 14 15 19 30 25


Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Q32. When you hear or read about an attack in which a Muslim blows himself up while attacking an enemy, do
you think that this action is:
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Often justified ........................................ 41% 3% 16% 6% 3% 5%
Sometimes justified .................................19 12 19 11 7 9
Rarely justified ..........................................8 13 19 11 10 11
Never justified.........................................28 68 34 62 57 60

Refused/Don’t Know ................................5 5 12 9 23 16

Q32A. What do you think most people in [your country] think when they hear or read about an attack in which
a Muslim blows himself up while attacking an enemy? Do you think most people in [your country] would find
such an attack as:
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Often justified ........................................ 29% 2% 12% 5% 5% 5%
Sometimes justified .................................30 11 20 9 7 8
Rarely justified ........................................12 18 19 12 10 11
Never justified.........................................24 62 34 60 54 57

Refused/Don’t Know ................................6 7 15 13 23 18

Q33. In your opinion, what is the position of Islam regarding attacks against civilians?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Certainly supports .................................... 2% 3% 0% 2% 1% 1%
Supports ....................................................2 7 2 3 1 2
Opposes .....................................................7 38 22 16 17 16
Certainly opposes ....................................83 37 61 72 63 67

Refused/Don’t Know ................................6 16 16 9 18 13

Q34. As you know, on September 11, 2001 the United States was attacked. Do you feel very confident,
somewhat confident, or not at all confident that you know who was behind the 9/11 attacks?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very confident ....................................... 24% 13% 10% 18% 7% 13%
Somewhat confident................................21 23 38 11 9 10
Not at all confident..................................44 23 31 15 13 14

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................11 41 21 56 71 64

[If respondent says very confident (01) or somewhat confident (02):]

Q34A:Q34B. Who do you think was behind the 9/11 attacks? [Accept open-ended responses and code
according to list below.]
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Al Qaeda ................................................ 28% 26% 35% 2% 3% 3%
The U.S. government ................................9 17 16 27 13 20
Israel ........................................................29 3 15 7 6 6
Iran ............................................................* 1 2 1 * *
[Any other state] .......................................0 4 2 * * *
[Any other organization] ...........................5 7 3 * 0 *

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................29 43 28 63 78 71

Q35. How do you feel about al Qaeda?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
I support al Qaeda’s attacks on
Americans and share its attitudes
toward the US ........................................ 25% 15% 9% 9% 10% 10%

I oppose al Qaeda’s attacks on

Americans but share many of its
attitudes toward the US ...........................31 24 31 7 5 6

I oppose al Qaeda’s attacks on

Americans and do not share its
attitudes toward the US ...........................31 29 26 17 15 16

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................14 32 35 66 70 68

Q36. Overall, would you say your feelings toward Osama bin Laden are:

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very positive .......................................... 21% 5% 7% 12% 9% 11%
Somewhat positive ..................................19 16 20 15 13 14
Mixed ......................................................34 32 26 24 19 21
Somewhat negative ...................................9 10 10 8 6 7
Very negative ..........................................11 9 11 7 4 6

Refused/Don’t Know ................................6 26 25 35 48 41

Q36A. Just based on your impressions, how do you think most people in [your Country] feel? Would you say
the majority’s feelings toward Osama bin Laden are:

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very positive .......................................... 20% 4% 11% 14% 8% 11%
Somewhat positive ..................................24 15 19 13 11 12
Mixed ......................................................35 36 31 28 22 25
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Somewhat negative ...................................6 10 8 6 6 6

Very negative ............................................5 7 4 5 3 4

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................10 28 27 35 50 42

Q37. Thinking about groups in the Muslim world that attack Americans, would you say you:

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Disapprove of all of these groups .......... 26% 52% 44% 43% 26% 34%

Approve of some but disapprove

of others ..................................................51 18 35 10 5 7

Approve of all or most of these groups ...15 6 3 5 4 5

Refused/Don’t Know ................................8 24 19 42 65 54

[Asked of those who did not say “DISAPPROVE OF ALL OF THESE GROUPS” in Q37]
Q39. Do you sometimes speak favorably to your family or friends about groups that attack Americans, or is
this something you would not talk about?*
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Sometimes speak favorably about this ... 24% 16% 12% 6% 4% 5%
Would not talk about this ........................41 11 34 6 3 4

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 21 11 3 2 2

[Asked of those who said “DISAPPROVE OF ALL OF THESE GROUPS” in Q37]

Q40. Do you sometimes speak to your family and friends expressing your disapproval of groups that attack
Americans, or is this something you would not talk about? †

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Sometimes would express my
disapproval ............................................... 9% 21% 11% 14% 8% 11%

Would not talk about this ........................17 24 30 25 17 21

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 8 3 4 1 3

Q41. Would you ever consider contributing money to an organization that may send some of its funds to a
group that attacks Americans, or would you never consider contributing to such an organization? [Not permitted
to ask in Egypt]
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

All percentages percent of total.

All percentages percent of total.
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Urban Rural All

Would consider ....................................... na 8% 5% 7% 4% 6%
Would never consider ............................. na 21 41 23 24 23

Refused/Don’t Know .............................. na 19 11 27 50 37

[Asked of those who say “WOULD CONSIDER CONTRIBUTING MONEY” in Q41]

Q42. Do you encourage other people to support or make financial contributions to such groups? * [Not
permitted to ask in Egypt
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Do encourage other people ..................... na 4% 2% 4% 3% 4%
Do not encourage other people ............... na 4 2 2 1 1

Refused/Don’t Know .............................. na 1 * 1 * 1

Q43. If a member of your family were to join such a group would you approve of this, disapprove of this, or
have mixed feelings? [not permitted to ask in Egypt]

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly approve ..................................... na 2% *% 1% 2% 2%
Somewhat approve .................................. na 4 3 3 3 3
Mixed feelings ........................................ na 5 12 9 10 10
Somewhat disapprove ............................. na 7 5 6 8 7
Strongly disapprove ................................ na 22 28 17 16 16

Refused/Don’t Know .............................. na 8 9 20 35 28

STATEMENT: Thinking about the following kinds of attacks on Americans, please tell me if you approve of
them, disapprove of them, or have mixed feelings about them?

Q44. Attacks on US military troops in Iraq

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly approve .................................... 83% 9% 39% 22% 17% 20%
Somewhat approve ....................................8 10 29 13 8 11
Mixed feelings ..........................................2 11 11 13 10 11
Somewhat disapprove ...............................2 14 6 13 10 11
Strongly disapprove ..................................2 47 8 22 22 22

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 9 7 17 32 25

Q45. Attacks on US military troops in Afghanistan

All percentages percent of total.
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly approve .................................... 82% 10% 30% 23% 19% 21%
Somewhat approve ....................................9 9 31 11 7 9
Mixed feelings ..........................................2 10 14 14 11 12
Somewhat disapprove ...............................2 12 8 12 13 12
Strongly disapprove ..................................2 47 9 21 19 20

Refused/Don’t Know ................................3 12 8 19 32 26

Q46. Attacks on US military troops based in the Persian Gulf states

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly approve .................................... 73% 9% 27% 20% 16% 18%
Somewhat approve ..................................10 8 25 12 7 10
Mixed feelings ..........................................3 10 19 14 11 13
Somewhat disapprove ...............................4 12 8 10 9 10
Strongly disapprove ..................................6 45 9 17 18 18

Refused/Don’t Know ................................4 17 13 27 38 32

Q47. Attacks on US civilians working for US companies in Islamic countries

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly approve ...................................... 4% 1% 3% 3% 4% 3%
Somewhat approve ....................................2 2 4 4 6 5
Mixed feelings ..........................................2 7 13 16 12 14
Somewhat disapprove .............................12 19 24 19 16 17
Strongly disapprove ................................78 57 49 39 31 35

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 14 7 19 32 26

Q48. Attacks on civilians in European countries

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly approve ...................................... 2% 1% 2% 4% 3% 3%
Somewhat approve ....................................2 2 4 2 4 3
Mixed feelings ..........................................2 5 7 14 11 12
Somewhat disapprove ...............................9 18 21 19 17 18
Strongly disapprove ................................84 60 61 44 32 38

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 15 6 17 32 25

Q49. Attacks on civilians in the United States

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Strongly approve ...................................... 4% 2% 4% 3% 3% 3%
Somewhat approve ....................................2 2 3 2 5 4
Mixed feelings ..........................................2 7 8 13 12 12
Somewhat disapprove .............................12 18 21 21 17 19
Strongly disapprove ................................79 57 57 46 35 40

Refused/Don’t Know ................................2 13 7 15 28 22

Q52. Please tell me how you think the average person in [your country] feels about groups in the Muslim world
that attack Americans. Please answer on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 meaning they do not feel at all supportive
and 10 meaning they feel very supportive.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
0 (They do not feel at all supportive) ....... 8% 8% 19% 10% 5% 8%
1.................................................................2 10 5 5 3 4
2.................................................................4 6 9 5 4 4
3.................................................................6 5 7 5 5 5
4.................................................................4 5 6 5 4 4
5...............................................................22 16 12 10 10 10
6...............................................................11 11 9 11 9 10
7...............................................................12 10 8 6 6 6
8.................................................................9 7 7 8 5 6
9.................................................................4 5 4 3 4 4
10 (They feel very supportive) ................11 7 2 7 4 5

Refused/Don’t Know ................................7 11 12 25 42 34

Q53. On the same scale, how would you rate your feelings?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
0 (Do not feel at all supportive) ............. 16% 11% 19% 14% 9% 11%
1.................................................................5 13 13 6 4 5
2.................................................................5 7 8 4 4 4
3.................................................................4 6 7 6 4 5
4.................................................................3 6 8 5 6 5
5...............................................................21 15 7 11 10 10
6.................................................................6 9 8 8 6 7
7.................................................................8 8 8 6 5 6
8.................................................................9 5 6 65 4 5
9.................................................................3 4 2 4 4 4
10 (Feel very supportive) ........................14 8 1 8 5 6

Refused/Don’t Know ................................6 8 14 23 40 31

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Q54. Do you think the primary goal of what the US calls “the war on terrorism” is to:

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Weaken and divide the Islamic
religion and its people ............................ 31% 29% 33% 42% 45% 43%

Achieve political and military domination

to control Middle East resources.............55 24 39 26 10 18

Protect itself from terrorist attacks ............9 23 19 12 11 12

Refused/Don’t Know ................................4 24 9 20 34 27

Q55. All in all, how do you feel about the world becoming more connected through greater economic trade and
faster communication—do you think this is a very good thing, somewhat good, somewhat bad, or a very bad
thing for our country?
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Very good thing ..................................... 69% 36% 29% 34% 26% 30%
Somewhat good .......................................23 44 33 31 21 26
Somewhat bad ...........................................3 8 11 10 7 8
Very bad ....................................................2 3 12 4 6 5

Refused/Don’t Know ................................4 10 15 21 41 31

Q56. Thinking about Muslim and Western cultures, do you think that violent conflict between them is
inevitable, or that it is possible to find common ground?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Conflict inevitable .................................. 45% 13% 28% 21% 10% 15%
Possible to find common ground ............49 66 54 43 32 37

Refused/Don’t Know ................................6 21 18 36 58 47

Q57. On balance, do you think that the effect of the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington has
been positive or negative for the people of the Islamic world? Would you say “very” or “somewhat”?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Very positive .......................................... 12% 6% 3% 4% 1% 2%
Somewhat positive ..................................11 13 9 4 3 4
Somewhat negative .................................17 34 23 19 11 15
Very negative ..........................................53 22 39 31 26 28
Equally positive, negative (vol.) ...............2 3 6 5 4 4
Both (vol.) .................................................1 1 7 1 1 1
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Refused/Don’t Know ................................5 20 14 36 54 45

Q58. Here are some statements that have been made about the activities of groups in the Muslim world that
have conducted attacks on American civilians, and also about the US and its policies. For each one please say
whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly.

a. Attacks on America make America better understand what it feels like for other people when the US seeks to
dominate them with its military power.
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 38% 15% 34% 12% 9% 10%
Agree somewhat......................................23 39 36 23 15 19
Disagree somewhat .................................14 20 12 18 15 17
Disagree strongly ....................................20 7 8 12 8 10

Refused/Don’t Know ............................... 6 19 10 35 52 44

b. Groups that use violence against civilians, such as al- Qaeda, are violating the principles of Islam. Islam
opposes the use of such violence.
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 77% 28% 29% 9% 10% 10%
Agree somewhat......................................11 37 37 21 14 17
Disagree somewhat .................................. 4 15 15 22 11 16
Disagree strongly ..................................... 3 6 4 13 10 12

Refused/Don’t Know ............................... 6 14 15 35 55 45

c. Groups in the Muslim world that attack American civilians are defending Islam against America’s efforts to
divide and dominate the Islamic world.
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 16% 16% 5% 18% 12% 15%
Agree somewhat......................................17 41 9 23 20 22
Disagree somewhat .................................21 20 29 17 10 13
Disagree strongly ....................................39 7 40 7 6 7

Refused/Don’t Know ............................... 7 16 17 35 53 44

d. When groups in the Muslim world attack American civilians they make Islam look bad.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 83% 21% 35% 17% 18% 17%
Agree somewhat....................................... 7 40 33 18 15 16
Disagree somewhat .................................. 2 19 13 18 12 15
Disagree strongly ..................................... 3 9 5 17 10 13
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Refused/Don’t Know ............................... 5 11 15 31 45 38

e. It is America’s goal to weaken Islam as a religion, so that it will not grow and challenge the Western way of
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 73% 20% 40% 43% 37% 40%
Agree somewhat......................................14 37 29 19 18 19
Disagree somewhat .................................. 6 16 10 11 7 9
Disagree strongly ..................................... 3 11 9 4 4 4

Refused/Don’t Know ............................... 6 16 12 22 35 28

f. There is a lot wrong with America, but at least America has done more to promote economic development in
the Middle East than past great powers like the British.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly......................................... 9% 7% 13% 10% 9% 9%
Agree somewhat......................................22 37 26 18 16 17
Disagree somewhat .................................22 25 19 22 15 19
Disagree strongly ....................................37 7 19 15 13 14

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................11 24 23 34 47 41

g. America pretends to be helpful to Muslim countries, but in fact everything it does is really part of a scheme to
take advantage of people in the Middle East and steal their oil.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 75% 20% 38% 30% 22% 26%
Agree somewhat......................................12 41 24 26 19 22
Disagree somewhat .................................. 4 14 11 13 10 12
Disagree strongly ..................................... 2 7 8 4 6 5

Refused/Don’t Know ............................... 6 18 19 27 43 35

h. There have been times in American history when it has helped to promote the welfare of others.

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Agree strongly........................................ 11% 7% 10% 9% 10% 10%
Agree somewhat......................................19 39 16 24 16 20
Disagree somewhat .................................21 21 14 19 17 18
Disagree strongly ....................................37 6 28 17 17 17

Refused/Don’t Know ..............................12 27 33 31 41 36

Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Q59. How often do you perform prayer?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
More than once a day ............................. 82% 91% 76% 72% 68% 70%
At least once a week ...............................10 5 2 18 15 16
At least once a month ............................... * 1 2 3 6 5
Only during certain holidays or events .... 1 1 3 3 4 3
Almost never ............................................ 2 * 5 3 6 5

Refused/Don’t Know ............................... 5 1 13 1 2 1


Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007


D1. Can you tell me your age please:

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
18-22 ...................................................... 21% 17% 24% 17% 16% 17%
23-29 ..........................................................23 21 23 19 15 17
30-39 ..........................................................20 27 19 20 18 19
40-49 ..........................................................14 20 16 12 10 11
50+ .............................................................22 15 10 7 7 7

Refused/Don’t Know ................................. na na na 26 34 30

D2. Gender
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Male ....................................................... 59% 50% 51% 50% 50% 50%
Female .....................................................41 50 49 50 50 50

D3. Type of Area

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban....................................................... na na 58% 49%
Rural ........................................................ na na 42 51

D4. What is the highest level of education you have completed:

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan

Urban Rural All
Do not have a formal education ............... 6% 1% 29% 28% 59% 44%
Did not graduate from primary
school ...........................................................2 7 na 6 6 6
Graduated primary school ............................5 16 22 9 9 9
Some secondary school/High School
or equivalent.................................................5 28 na 12 10 11
Graduated from High School/Prep
School or equivalent ..................................34 34 13 21 10 16
Some college/Associate’s degree or
equivalent ...................................................14 6 26 13 3 8
Graduated with BA or equivalent ..............33 6 10 8 2 5
Post graduate/Master’s degree
/Ph.D. ......................................................... na * na 3 * 2

Refused/Don’t Know ...................................1 na na na na na

D5. What religion do you follow?

Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Muslim ................................................... 93% 87% 100% 98%
Muslim Public Opinion on US Policy, Attacks on Civilians and al Qaeda Dec. 9, 2006-Feb. 15, 2007

Christian ....................................................7 7 * *
Jewish...................................................... na 0 * 0
Other ....................................................... na 5 na 2

Refused/Don’t Know .............................. na 1 na *

D6. Are you employed now or not? If yes, about how many hours a week? If more than one job: only for the
main job (code one answer):
Egypt Indonesia Morocco Pakistan
Urban Rural All
Full time employee (30 hours a week
or more) ............................................... 48% 30% 21% 29% 32% 31%
Part time employee (less than 30 hours
a week) ......................................................5 14 11 3 3 3
Self employed ...........................................9 14 22 12 11 11
Retired/pensioned .....................................7 3 9 * * *
Housewife not otherwise employed ........15 25 12 42 45 44
Student ......................................................8 5 15 9 3 6
Unemployed ..............................................5 8 11 3 4 4

Refused/Don’t Know ................................1 * na 1 2 2


The questionnaire was developed by researchers drawn from the START team. Questionnaires were initially
translated by the research agencies in each country and then back-translated by native Arabic, Indonesian, and
Urdu speakers working with the research team. Differences were reconciled with the agencies in each country.

Interviewing was conducted face-to-face in respondents’ homes using probability-based samples by

experienced survey agencies in each country. Gender matching of interviewer and respondent was
implemented as needed based upon the judgments of the research agencies.

The survey in Morocco was conducted December 9 – 19, 2006 among 1,000 adults 18 years and over. A multi-
stage national probability sample was conducted in both urban and rural areas covering approximately 79
percent of the Moroccan population.

The survey in Pakistan was conducted among 1,243 Pakistanis between January 15 – February 15, 2007
employing a multi-stage probability sample that represented both urban and rural areas.


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