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Reagan Dunn

Councilmember, District 9
Metropolitan King County Council

Executive Dow Constantine Mayor Jenny Durkan

King County City of Seattle
401 5th Ave. Suite 800 600 4th Ave, 7th Floor
Seattle, WA 98104 Seattle, WA, 98104

October 11, 2021

SUBJECT: Urgent Request to Establish a Weekly Testing Option In Lieu of Terminating

Hundreds of Law Enforcement Officers, Medical Staff, and other Government Workers

Executive Constantine and Mayor Durkan:

As we near the respective deadlines for King County and City of Seattle employees to comply with
policies that require vaccination against COVID-19 as a basis of employment, I am growing increasingly
concerned that these mandates will force hundreds, if not thousands, of dedicated public servants out
of their jobs. Mass termination of our government employees would result in staffing shortages and
cripple our ability to serve the public in the way in which we are obligated. I am particularly concerned
what this means for our ability to retain law enforcement officers, critical public health staff and other
civil servants who we desperately need during these unprecedented times. I am worried that the
potential loss of hundreds of law enforcement officers amid the officer shortage that we are currently
experiencing will further hurt our ability to provide for the safety of our communities as violent crime
surges to record levels.

While I share the desire to increase vaccination rates in our jurisdictions, the current policies may be too
rigid. When it comes to the current pandemic, I believe that we should use the least restrictive means
available to stop the spread of COVID-19 while still providing the basic services of local governments.
Seattle and King County already have some of the highest vaccination rates in the nation. Despite this
high level of compliance, both King County and the City of Seattle’s vaccine policies for their employees
are among the most stringent in the nation, with no option for weekly testing in lieu of vaccination as
President Biden’s federal policy allows. In addition, most states also allow for a weekly testing option
and are in-line with President Biden’s mandate. Weekly COVID-19 testing is a softer tool we could use
that would allow these employees to keep their jobs while still reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19.

Recent reports from the Seattle Police Department and the King County Sheriff’s Office indicate that
there are a significant number of officers who will not comply with a vaccine mandate. According to the
most recent data available to me as I write this letter, the Seattle Police Department is reporting that
there are 292 officers, nearly 30% of deployable officers, who have not yet turned in their proof of
vaccination. King County currently has around 200 King County Sheriff’s deputies who have not been
vaccinated and expects to lose 50 to 100 deputies due to the mandate. Meanwhile, the City of Seattle

King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue Suite 1200, Seattle, WA 98104
has already seen a mass exodus of nearly 300 police officers over the past year, and King County
continues to struggle to fill their 59 vacant deputy positions.

At the same time, we are seeing historic levels of violent crime on our streets, including the highest
homicide rates in almost 30 years. Homicides and murders have spiked 86% since 2018, increasing from
51 homicides in 2018 to 70 homicides in 2019 and 95 homicides in 2020. Firearm violence rose
significantly in 2020, with shootings up by 19% compared to the three-year average. The number of
overall shooting victims has increased nearly 36% from the three-year average. There are about 101
homicide or potential homicide scenes thus far in 2021 – and we are on pace to match or exceed the
2020 numbers.

This is not the time to terminate our law enforcement personnel, for example, when a regular weekly
testing option could preserve their jobs and help reduce the spread of COIV 19 at the same time.

As government leaders, we have a responsibility to our employees to make a critical decision like mass
firings in context of the rapidly declining infection rate across King County. All indicators are currently
pointing to the rapid decline in the latest Delta variant wave. The evidence is clear. We are seeing
dramatic decreases in infection rates and even greater declines in hospitalizations.

I am requesting that King County and the City of Seattle consider making weekly testing for employees
and option for COVID-19. While I agree that vaccination is preferred, we must create a safe harbor in
the form of a weekly testing option for our employees who will not get vaccinated for whatever reason.
This will allow many of our critical public employees to keep their jobs, healthcare, retirement and be
able feed their families. This less restrictive option would still reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission,
allow unvaccinated government employees to continue their public service, and avoid exacerbating our
already challenging staffing shortages.

Thank you for considering this request.


Reagan Dunn
Vice Chairman
King County Council

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