Life Exp Beliefs - Rivero

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Sean Nicholas M Rivero BSCE – A6

God has bestowed upon us the gift of life. Having a life implies you can pursue your goals, enjoy

life, and interact with others. Many of us are unaware of the value of life and so spend most of

our lives in regret. Life isn't only about grief and regret, it's also about the experiences and

lessons we've gained. Life's finest feature is that it continues moving onward. Whatever occurs in

our lives at any one time, our lives continue to go forward, and we should learn to move forward

without regret. There is a reason for everything that occurs in life.

I experience problems in my life, when I face disappointments or rejections in life, I sometimes

get depressed. I begin to believe that my life is a waste of time and that nothing positive can ever

happen to me. But that isn’t correct to think because when I learn how failures and rejection must

be viewed in a positive light. Every setback teaches me something valuable and makes me

stronger in the face of adversity. As a result, failures are important in my life, because me, a

person, cannot thrive in life without suffering failures.

Us people we have different beliefs in our society or other countries. For me, I believe in my

families tradition like we believe in luck and fortune of Chinese people because we always buy

stuff to have luck and we believe in God’s blessings that he is the one who created us and we

should support and serve him by praying or go to church to have a mass because it can help us to

be refresh in our daily lives. My family always believe that giving or helping someone in need

will give us more blessings to help many more people because we experience it, so we always do
it when occasions or events that people are in need. This is what my believes and experience in

my life and how life started.

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