Name: Xena Marie Corpus Date: December 9,2020 Moderator: Evelyn S. Zuniga

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1. In the locker room after the St. Francis game, are the Richmond team members
demonstrating responsibility? WHY or WHY NOT?

The Richmond team members was not demonstrating responsibility because they were
blaming, insulting and dragging each other down. They were fighting because of the multiple
rounds of game they loss.

2. What do you think motivates Coach Carter to take the low-paying coaching job?

Coach Carter was motivated to accept the job because he noticed how the students were acting
irresponsibly and needs discipline. It’s also because of the former losses of the team and simply
his former coach wants him to.

3. What does Coach Carter say is one way to demonstrate respect to an adult? When
using these terms, which type of growth is demonstrated (physical, social, emotional,

Coach Carter is demonstrating physical respect to an adult by punishing them into training.

4. How does Coach Carter’s son Damien demonstrate perseverance in achieving his

Coach Carter’s son, Damien, exceeded more than requisites needed in order to play for his dad.

5. What value does the team show by helping Cruz do push-ups and suicides?

When Coach Carter said that Cruz came up short and told him to leave, Lyle insited that he’ll
help Cruz with his push ups. The whole team followed him and helped Cruz with his push-ups
and suicides.

6. The team worked hard to win the tournament. What helped them win? What do they

What Coach Carter taught them made them win the tournament, Their teamwork, their unique
strategies made them win the tournament.

7. When the players do wrong, they are required to do suicides. What stage or level of
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development does this action indicate?

The stage 1 of Kohlbers’s Theory of Moral Development. This stage indicates punishment and
obedience orientation. Obey rules to avoid punishment.
8. What does Coach Carter value more, winning basketball games or an education?
Which do you value more and why?

Coach Carter value both winning basketball games and an education. Education thrpugh
Basketball. I also value both like Coach Carter because career path to basketball is only possible
when there’s education.

9. Do you agree with the lock-out? Why or why not?

Yes, I agree with the lock-out because it gave the team to grow intellectually and dream longer.

10. How did the boys grow intellectually from the lock-out? What was available to them
in their environment to help them grow intellectually?

The boys grew intellectually by exceeding their gpa in the contract they signed by Coach Carter,
They grew intellectually by not winning basketball games, also by dreaming to go to college to
have life.

11. What have you learned after watching the movie?

The example that Coach Carter sets for his players is ultimately what creates unity. He is
determined to show each member of his team that the future goes beyond the four walls of
their high school gym. Another great lesson from the film is the importance of persistence and
perseverance and improve yourself to the best.

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