Act 2 Determination of Reynolds Number GP 1initial

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ChE 34: Chemical Engineering Laboratory 1


Group #1:
Co-workers: Date Performed: 07 December 2017
ALI, Hanah Nasifa M. (20140003835) Date Submitted: 10 December 2017
CHING, Lorraine Ann A. (2013000828)
Instructor: Engr. Shierlyn S. Paclijan
MABAO, Michael Alex S. (2013002572)
VILLAMAR, Hazel Ann C. (2013001557)

This experiment determines the “critical” Reynolds number at which laminar flow becomes
transitional and transitional flow becomes turbulent. An improvised Osborne Reynold's apparatus was used in
the experiment which has a glass pipe and a dye was injected at the center of the pipe where the flow can be
observed. At 1 turn and 2 turns where all NRe is lesser than 2100, which shows a smooth transitional flow
pattern at lesser volumetric flow rate. Slight eddies were formed at the 4 turns which has an average NRe value
of 2160.89, which indicated transitional flow. Extremely violent eddies were formed at 6 turns where all NRe
value is greater than 4000, indicating turbulent flow.

Flow in fluids changes from laminar flow to transitional flow to turbulent flow. Studies have shown that
these transitions from laminar to turbulent flow is not just a function of velocity of the fluid but it is also
affected by the density and viscosity of the fluid and the diameter of the pipe. These variables are combined
into dimensionless parameter, the Reynolds Number:[1]

N Re 

The dimensionless Reynolds number plays a prominent role in foreseeing the patterns in a fluid’s
behavior. The Reynolds number, referred to as Re, is used to determine whether the fluid flow is laminar or
turbulent. It is one of the main controlling parameters in all viscous flows where a numerical model is selected
according to pre-calculated Reynolds number. The fluid flow can be specified under two different regimes:
Laminar and Turbulent. The transition among the regimes is an important issue that is driven by both fluid and
flow properties.[2]

A fluid flow in the pipe can be laminar if the Reynolds Number is less than 2000. Laminar flow occurs at
low velocities where fluid particles move in straight lines and layers of water flow over one another at
different speeds with virtually no mixing between layers. The velocity profile of the laminar flow is parabolic
in shape where the maximum flow is in the center of the pipe while the minimum is in pipe walls. For
transitional flow, Reynolds numbers between about 2000 and 4000 the flow is unstable as a result of the onset
of turbulence. These flows are sometimes referred to as transitional flows. A flow is turbulent if the Reynolds
Number is greater than 4000. At high velocities, turbulent occurs where the flow is characterized by the
irregular movement of particles of the fluid and average motion is in the direction of the flow. [3]

The critical Reynolds number, which changes in accordance with the physical case, can be classified as
internal and external, where it might face slight changes in the amount. The internal flow configuration is a
convenient geometry for heating and cooling fluids used in energy conversion technologies such as nuclear
power plants. In general, this flow regime is of importance in engineering, because circular pipes can
withstand high pressures and hence are used to convey liquids. Non-circular ducts are used to transport low-
pressure gases, such as air in cooling and heating systems. [3] External flow at which mainstream has no district
boundaries is alike to internal flow that also has a transition regime. Flows over bodies such as a flat plate,
cylinder and sphere are the standard cases used to investigate the effect of velocity throughout the stream. [2]
As an object moves through the atmosphere, the gas molecules of the atmosphere near the object are
disturbed and move around the object. Aerodynamic forces are generated between the gas and the object. The
magnitude of these forces depend on the shape of the object, the speed of the object, the mass of the gas going
by the object and on two other important properties of the gas; the viscosity, or stickiness, of the gas and the
compressibility, or springiness, of the gas. To properly model these effects, aerodynamicists use similarity
parameters which are ratios of these effects to other forces present in the problem. If two experiments have the
same values for the similarity parameters, then the relative importance of the forces are being correctly
modeled. Representative values for the properties of air are given on another page, but the actual value of the
parameter depends on the state of the gas and on the altitude. The important similarity parameter for viscosity
is the Reynolds number. The Reynolds number expresses the ratio of inertial (resistant to change or motion)
forces to viscous (heavy and gluey) forces. From a detailed analysis of the momentum conservation equation,
the inertial forces are characterized by the product of the density r times the velocity V times the gradient of
the velocity dV/dx. The viscous forces are characterized by the dynamic viscosity coefficient mu times the
second gradient of the velocity d2V/dx2. The Reynolds number Re then becomes:

V dV dx
N Re 
 d 2V dx2

The first derivative of the velocity gradient is proportional to the velocity divided by the length, as well as the
second derivative of the velocity gradient that it is proportional to the velocity divided by the square of the
length. So:

V (V L)
N Re 
 V L2 

VL Dv
N Re  
 
The Reynolds number is a dimensionless number. High values of the parameter (on the order of 10 million)
indicate that viscous forces are small and the flow is essentially inviscid. [4]


the valve was

A dark green dye at each turn of
manipulated in order
solution was valves, the fluid was
to adjust the flow
prepared collected

the time it takes to

The length of the type of flow was collect the water and
pipe was measured observed the volume collected
was recorded

the valve at the end the dark green dye

3 trials were done at
of the pipe was solution was injected
each turn
partially opened into the tube
A green dye solution was prepared before the experiment was done. The green dye solution was then
injected into the equipment and the valve was partially opened to make the flow at steady state. The set up
was a water tank attached into a transparent glass pipe at the end of the tank and at the end of the pipe is a
valve which controls the flow rates of the fluid. The valve was turned at different angle. At each different turn
of valve, the discharged fluid was collected using a beaker. The fluid collected at a certain period of time was
measured and recorded. It was done in different turns with three trials at each turn.


Numb Duration of Vol. of H2O Velocity NRe Type of Desscription

er of Run (s) collected (L) (m/s) Flow
1 13.69333 0.14333 0.01887 625.1215 Laminar in an orderly nature and
2 13.31667 0.20667 0.02783 922.087 Laminar seen as almost straight
4 7.74667 0.28167 0.06522 2160.893 Unstable
6 5.40000 0.37833 0.12592 4172.198 Extremely violent
Turbulent eddies
were formed
Table 1. The Averaged data and results from 1, 2, 4 and 6 turns. And the description of its flow

Figure 1. Sketch diagram of the different flow of the system

Reynold's Number vs. Velocity


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14

Graph 1. Reynolds Number vs. Velocity Plot

The aim of this experiment is to determine the Reynolds number for the different types of fluid flows.
Water was allowed to flow at steady state through transparent glass pipe with a valve at the end of the pipe
which controls the flow rate. A green dye was introduced through a fine jet and its flow patterns were
observed from the experiment. At low rates of water flow, the discharged dye was in an orderly nature and
seen as almost straight. At higher rates of water flow, the discharged dye became dispersed and the pattern
was very unstable and inconsistent.

From the results shown in Table 1, the Reynolds number is directly related to velocity, ceteris paribus.
It was observed that the Reynolds number is generally increased with increasing velocity. The graph 1 shows
the validity of the dependency of Reynolds number on the velocity because its shows linear relationship
between the two.

At 1 turn and 2 turns, the flow rates are relatively low. It was observed in the first turn and second
turn of the valve in the experiment that the discharged dye together with water in a transparent glass pipe is in
an orderly nature and seen as almost straight which indicates as laminar flow. The Reynolds number (NRe)
calculated from the first and second turn were 625.121 and 922.087 respectively which falls in the range of
laminar fluid flow (NRe < 2100).

At 4 turns of valve, the flow rate is slightly increased. It was observed that eddies and inconsistent
flow was present in the fluid flow which indicates that there is a change in laminar to turbulent. The computed
Reynold’s number of this flow is 2160.89, which falls in the range of transitional state (2100<N Re<4000)

Lastly, at 8 turns of valve, the flow rate is high and it was observed that extreme formation of eddies
are present in the fluid flow which indicates that the fluid flow is in turbulent flow. The computed Reynold’s
number is 4172.2 which falls in the range of turbulent flow (N Re >4000).


A. Conclusions
1. The fluid flow is greatly affected by velocity. As the velocity increased, the Reynolds number
calculated also increase. In terms of its characteristics, as the velocity is progressively increased, the dye line
will change from thin straight line into swirling shape. The plot makes the dependency of Reynolds number to
velocity valid.
2. Laminar flow occurs when the calculated Reynolds number were at below 2100, while at between
2100-4000, the flow is in transition state. And Turbulent flow occurs when the calculated Reynolds numbers
were above 4000.

B. Recommendation/s
1. The equipment should be improved particularly the dye injector since the preparation for the set-up to
maintain a continuous jet of dye is quite challenging with the current method. A syringe can be used for
temporary solution.
2. The dye solution should be concentrated ( the color should be darker) since it is difficult to observe
the resulting variable such as the density and viscosity which are temperature dependent.
3. The effect of temperature on Reynolds number can also be studied as it affects other variable such as
the density and viscosity which are temperature dependent.

[1] Geankoplis, C. J. (2003). Principles of Tansport Processes and Separation Processes. Pearson Education,

Perry R. H. and D. W. Green. (1997). Perry’s Chemical Engineering Handbook, 7th ed. McGraw-Hill
Rott, N. (1990). Note on the History of the Reynolds Number. Annual Reviews, Inc.

Welty, J. R., Wicks, C. E., Wilson, R. E., & Rorrer, G. L. (2008). Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and
Mass Transfer (5th ed.). United States of Ameria: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[2]What is the Reynolds Number?¶. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2017, from

[3] What is Reynolds Number - Definition of Reynolds Number. (n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2017, from

[4(n.d.). Retrieved December 10, 2017, from


A = cross-sectional area of the pipe (m2)

D = inner diameter of the pipe (m)
NRe = Reynolds number (dimensionless)
ρ = fluid density (kg/m3)
P = pressure (atm)
Q = volumetric flow rate of the fluid (m3/s)
t = time (s)
T = temperature (°C)
μ = fluid viscosity (Pa.s)
υ = fluid average velocity (m/s)
V = volume of water (fluid) collected (m3)


Temperature(deg C): 30
Nominal Pipe Size: 1 inch sched 40
Density (kg/m^3) 995.68
Inner Diameter: 1.049 inch
Area: 0.00056m2 Viscosity(Pa*s) 0.0008007

Tabulated Data and Calculated Values:

Trial t(s) V(L) V(m^3) V(m^3/s) v(m/s) Diameter Density Viscosity Nre Type of flow
1 12.03 0.13 0.00013 1.08063E-05 0.0193807 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 642.1383 Laminar
2 15.8 0.155 0.000155 9.81013E-06 0.0175941 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 582.9422 Laminar
13.25 0.145 0.000145 1.09434E-05 0.0196265 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 650.2839 Laminar
Trial t(s) V(L) V(m^3) V(m^3/s) v(m/s) Diameter Density Viscosity Nre Type of flow
1 13.45 0.21 0.00021 1.56134E-05 0.028002 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 927.7861 Laminar
2 13.05 0.2 0.0002 1.53257E-05 0.027486 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 910.6895 Laminar
3 13.45 0.21 0.00021 1.56134E-05 0.028002 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 927.7861 Laminar
Trial t(s) V(L) V(m^3) V(m^3/s) v(m/s) Diameter Density Viscosity Nre Type of flow
1 8.51 0.305 0.000305 3.58402E-05 0.0642779 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 2129.713 Transitional
2 7.8 0.29 0.00029 3.71795E-05 0.0666799 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 2209.298 Transitional
3 6.93 0.25 0.00025 3.6075E-05 0.0646991 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 2143.669 Transitional
Trial t(s) V(L) V(m^3) V(m^3/s) v(m/s) Diameter Density Viscosity Nre Type of flow
1 5.4 0.375 0.000375 6.94444E-05 0.1245458 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 4126.562 Turbulent
2 4.7 0.34 0.00034 7.23404E-05 0.1297397 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 4298.648 Turbulent
3 6.1 0.42 0.00042 6.88525E-05 0.1234841 0.0266446 995.68 0.000801 4091.385 Turbulent

A.2 Sample Calculations

At T = 30°C and P = 1 atm, the water (fluid) has:

ρwater = 995.68 kg/m3
μwater = 8.007 x 10-4 Pa.s

The pipe is 1 inch Schedule 40 having an inner diameter of 1.049 inches or 0.0266446 meter (from Perry’s
( )

Trial 1:
( )

( )( )( )
( )

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