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Assignment (7)
1. A two-peg test is performed with a level placed midway between two points about 50
m apart. The staff readings are shown below. The level is then moved to one end and
the following readings are recorded, 1.42 m and 2.04 m. what can you conclude from
the results of this test?

2. In leveling between two points A and B on opposite banks of a river, the level was set
up near A, and the staff readings on A and B were 1.285 and 2.860m respectively. The
level was then moved and set up near B and the respective readings on A and B were
0.860 and 2.220m. Find the true difference of level between A and B.
3. The following observations were made during the testing of a Dumpy level.
Instrument at Staff reading on A Staff reading on B
A 1.722m 2.244m
B 2.146m 3.044m
Distance AB = 150m. Is the instrument in adjustment? To what reading should the line of
collimation e adjusted when the instrument was at B? It the R.L. of A = 432.052m, what
should be the R.L. of B?
4. Two pegs A and B are driven in the ground at a distance of about 120 m. A dumpy
level is set up at station Q exactly mid-way between pegs A and B. The staff readings
on peg A and B were found to be 3.513 m and 3.149 m. The instrument was then
moved and set up at a point P beyond peg A, in line BA produced at a distance of 20 m
from A. The staff readings on pegs A and B were 1.763 m and 0.847 m respectively.
What is the true difference in elevation between the two points? With the level in the
same position at P what rod readings on B should the line of sight is adjusted. Check
these reading against the true difference in elevation previously determined.

Eng. T. Saleh

5. The following levels were taken on the center line of a part of proposed highway
Distance(m) 000 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Level(m) 16.5 15.9 15.7 16.0 15.2 14.8 15.0 14.3 14.4
Draw the profile and the line of construction with suitable horizontal and vertical scales.
If the grade of proposed line of construction is 1:400 upwards and it begins from a point
at an elevation of (15.0 m) at the zero distance. Calculate the volumes of cut and fill for
the proposed highway if its width is 10 m and side slopes 2 horizontal to 1 vertical for
both cut and fill.
6. Calculate the levels of points from the following observation by use method (height of
instrument) and (rise and fall) and do the arithmetic check of this leveling.
Point BS IS FS Distance(m) Rem.
1 1.579 00 BM1
2 1.295 20
3 1.873 100
4 2.018 300
5 1.884 550
6 1.625 700
7 2.441 1.00 850
8 1.807 1000
9 1.495 1100
10 1.020 1200 BM2 (13.252 m)
Plot the profile of the highway with suitable horizontal and vertical scales from the
tabulated levels notes shown above. If the grade of the proposed line of construction is
1:400 downwards and it begins from a point at an elevation of BM1 (11.25 m). Calculate
the volume of earth. Work if the width of the highway is 8 m, and side slope is 2 H to 1 V
for both fill and cut.
7. The following reduced levels were obtained along the center line of a minor road
between two points A and B.
Chainage (m) 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
R.L (m) 83.50 83.84 84.06 83.66 83.30 82.45 82.20 82.41 82.70 83.05
The roadway is to be constructed so that is one regular gradient between points A and B.
Draw a longitudinal section along the center line at a horizontal scale of 1:1000 and
vertical scale of 1:50 and calculate the volume of earth work if the width of the road is 10
m, and the side slope is 2 H to 1 V for both cut and fill.
Eng. T. Saleh

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