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Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227

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A review of the circular economy in China: moving from rhetoric

to implementation
Biwei Su a, Almas Heshmati a, *,1, Yong Geng b, Xiaoman Yu b
Department of Food and Resource Economics, College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Korea University, East Building Room#217, Anam-dong Seongbuk-gu,
Seoul 136-713, Republic of Korea
Key Laboratory of Pollution Ecology and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang,
Liaoning Province 110016, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Circular economy (CE) is a sustainable development strategy proposed by the central government of
Received 9 July 2012 China, aiming to improve the efficiency of materials and energy use. This strategy, formally accepted in
Received in revised form 2002, has been implemented and developed in a number of pilot areas in China. Scholars have produced
15 November 2012
rich studies in regard with the CE from its fundamental concept to its practical implementation.
Accepted 16 November 2012
Available online 28 November 2012
Successful enforcement of a CE can be seen as a way for China to tackle its urgent problem of envi-
ronmental degradation and source scarcity. Given its importance, we provide a holistic literature review
on the CE, aiming to provide a panorama of how this strategy has been developed and implemented. The
Circular economy
review covers the concept, current practices, and assessment of the CE. To have a more numeric concept
Environmental indicators of how it has developed, we look at the performance of the CE in Dalian after its implementation of
Environmental policy relevant policies and compare the changes with three other pilot cities, Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin.
Sustainable development Based on an examination of the statistical results, we identified the underlying problems and challenges
Waste management for this national strategy. Finally, we offer a conclusion regarding CE’s development as well as policy
China recommendations for future improvement.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Through an analysis on the relationship between economic and

natural systems, they proposed a closed-loop of material flows in
1.1. Concept of a circular economy the economy, which was named, circular economy.
The starting point of CE’s implementation began in 1996 in
The concept of a circular economy (CE) has been first raised by Germany, accompanied with an enactment of a law: “Closed
two British environmental economists Pearce and Turner (1990). In Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act”. This law provided
Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment, they pointed a closed cycle waste management and ensured environmentally
out that a traditional open-ended economy was developed with no compatible waste disposal. Another example is that the Govern-
built-in tendency to recycle, which was reflected by treating the ment of Japan developed a comprehensive legal framework for
environment as a waste reservoir. Yet, under the first law of ther- moving towards a recycling-based society. The Basic Law for
modynamics where total energy and matter remains constant in Establishing a Recycling-Based Society came into force in January
a closed system, the open-ended system could be and should be 2002 (METI, 2004; Morioka et al., 2005). It provides quantitative
converted to a circular system when considering the relationship targets for recycling and dematerialization of Japanese society
between resource use and waste residuals. In another word, facing (Van Berkel et al., 2009). One common feature of both countries’ CE
existing environmental problems and resource scarcity, they called policy is to prevent further environmental deterioration and to
for a need to contemplate earth as a closed economic system: one in conserve scarce resources through effective waste management,
which the economy and the environment are not regarded by linear especially integrated solid waste management.
inter-linkages, but by a circular relationship (Boulding, 1966). In the case of China, rather than being regarded as an incre-
mentally improved environment management policy, the CE has
been introduced as a new development model to help China leapfrog
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ82 10 45131712.
E-mail addresses: (B.W. Su) (X.M. Su), heshmati@
into a more sustainable economic structure (Zhu, 2008; Geng and (A. Heshmati), (Y. Geng), (X.M. Yu). Doberstein, 2008a). The main focus of the CE, embedded in the
Research Associate at Soran University. original concept, has gradually been shifted from narrow waste

0959-6526/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
216 B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227

recycling to broad efficiency-oriented control during the closed-loop 2012). This increase resulted from China’s heavy dependence on
flows of materials at all stages of production, distribution and energy-intensive industries and an immense consumption of coal-
consumption. Moreover, more areas have been covered: aside from based energy sources. In response to serious environment prob-
resources and waste problems, energy efficiency and conservation, lems, mitigation of carbon emission and reversal of environmental
land management and soil protection, and integrated water resource degradation have become urgent missions.
management problems have also been considered as key issues. Second, the severe shortage of resources and energy cannot
A consensus has been reached whereby China’s CE concept in meet with the growing demand and impeded China’s future
many ways resonates with the concept of industrial ecology, which economic growth (Li et al., 2010). On one hand, China must support
emphasizes the benefits of utilizing residual waste materials, 21% of the earth’s population with 9% of the farmed land, 6% of its
including energy, water, different by-products as well as informa- water, and 4% of its forest (Vermander, 2008). On the other hand,
tion (Jacobsen, 2006; Yuan et al., 2006). The most common example a boom in economic growth and a surge in the output of heavy
of this concept would be industrial symbiosis where collective industries starting from 2002 have resulted in the great
benefits come from both economic and environmental aspects. consumption of various resources and energy. China’s national
Economically, firms’ agglomeration brings pools of common energy consumption was 3249 Mt standard coal equivalents in
production factors such as labour, capital, and energy which may 2010, not only being the largest energy consumers in the world, but
decrease factor prices or raise productivity (Anderson, 1994). also experiencing a double increase over the last decade (Guan
Besides the transportation and transaction costs saved by spatial et al., 2012). Since energy-intensive and resources-consuming
proximity, firms that are located together can obtain technology industries will still dominate the Chinese industrial structure in
spill-over more easily (Coe et al., 2004). On the other hand, envi- the near future (Li et al., 2010), China have to seek an innovative
ronmental benefits will be obtained not only by minimizing the pathway for sustainable economic development.
amount of discharged waste, but -more importantly- by mini- Third, in recent years, strict production and environmental stan-
mizing the use of virgin materials for economic activity (Andersen, dards and regulations in international trade, so-called “green
2007). Zhu (2005) suggested that it was, in essence, an ecological barriers”, have been put into effect. These compulsory barriers
economy that would bring fundamental changes to the traditional significantly hurt developing countries’ trade revenue, since they
way of development. Three aspects, including economic, social, and require not only acquisition of advanced technologies but also
environmental dimensions, need to be considered in this model. implementation of a green reform in the production mode. Wang and
With regards to economic aspect, it contributes to higher regional Liu (2007) regarded the CE as the fundamental resolution to remove
and domestic competitiveness through an increase in the effec- green barriers and expected that through its implementation, China
tiveness of resource allocation, resource utilization and produc- would gain enhanced national competitiveness in international trade.
tivity. Environmentally, it reduces negative externalities mainly by Last, the CE helps to strengthen national security due to the
redesign of the industrial structure in an ecological way. Socially, it importance of sustainable energy supply. Additionally, the positive
creates employment opportunities, equals distribution of economic environmental effects help to improve the overall well-being in the
growth and improves people’s overall well-being. society and advance a nation’s modernization (Heck, 2006).
In order to implement the CE, the 3R principles (Reduction, Generally, the urgent environmental problems and resource
Reuse, and Recycle) have been embedded in production and shortages in China and the potential implementation benefits in
consumption since the flow of materials and energy penetrates in the long-run are the primary reasons for the Chinese government
both areas (Zhu and Qiu, 2007). Reduction refers to minimize the to choose the CE as the national development strategy, aiming to
input of primary energy and raw materials through the improve- improve the efficiency of materials and energy use. This strategy
ment of production efficiency. As for consumers, a more frugal way has been implemented and further developed in various Chinese
of consumption has been encouraged. Reuse suggests using the by- areas. Many studies have been conducted, explaining the funda-
products and wastes from one firm as resources for other firms or mental concepts and examining the practical implementation of
industries. It also refers to use products to its maximum capability the circular economy. The successful enforcement of the circular
with frequent maintenance and reclamation to prolong its endur- economy regulation can help tackle both environmental degrada-
ance. Recycle encourages processing the recyclable materials into tion and resource scarcity issues.
new products so that the consumption of virgin materials can be This study aims to contribute to the rapidly growing literature
reduced. These principles, as parts of the whole process, have on the CE in general and serves as an assessment of the design,
different hierarchical importance, with the reduction of resources implementation and effectiveness of Chinese CE’s policy in partic-
used as the leading principle within a circular economy system. ular. In order to achieve the goals, we first present the CE concept
and explain why it is imperative for China. Second, we introduce
1.2. Importance of a development strategy the current practices in China and discuss the assessment of CE’s
development, including a discussion and comparison of indicators
The recent enacted 12th five-year plan (2011e2015) for China’s designed and utilized by governmental agencies and scholars. Our
economic and social development suggests the continuous imple- main focus is to provide data analysis of the key CE indicators
mentation and further development of the CE. It is not surprising to through a case study in Dalian city and have a comparison with
see that the Chinese government spares no effort to push this other pilot cities (Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin) so that a more
economic model into practice for a number of reasons. First, China holistic picture of circular economy practices in China can be pre-
faces daunting environmental challenges due to rapid industriali- sented. Then, based on our analysis and other literature, we identify
zation and urbanization as well as lax environmental oversight. the underlying problems and challenges for this national strategy.
Striking problems include land degradation, desertification, defor- Finally, we provide the conclusion of the circular economy devel-
estation, water depletion and pollution, as well as loss of biodi- opment as well as policy suggestions for future improvement.
versity. Globally, increasing concerns about climate change brings
controversy and extended pressures over China’s position on 2. Current CE practices
carbon dioxide emissions. According to Chinese national statistics,
on average, CO2 emissions have been growing at 7.5%, annually, A successful implementation of the CE policy requires efforts at
from 3102 million tons (Mt) in 1997 to 7693 Mt in 2010 (Guan et al., three different levels: micro-level, meso-level, and macro-level
B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227 217

(Yuan et al., 2006; Geng and Doberstein, 2008a; Zhu and Huang, “green products” coexist) (Geng et al., 2009a). For the first area, the
2005). Inspired by Zhu and Huang’s (2005) work we categorize eco-industrial park applies a concept of industrial symbiosis
the current on-going CE practices into four areas (see Table 1). through cooperative management of resource flow regarding
Table 1 shows that, the four main areas, production, consumption, geographically clustered firms; improvements in environmental
waste management and other support, are changing in parallel, but performance can be coupled simultaneously with a decrease of the
practices at micro and meso levels are more vibrant than those at overall production cost (Chertow, 2000). In an eco-industrial park,
the macro level due to the fact that the complexity of practices firms share common infrastructure and services and trade indus-
increases when the scale level increases. trial by-products such as heat, energy, wastewater and
At the micro level, in production area, factories and agricultural manufacturing wastes. It helps domestic companies to abate the
products producers are encouraged or required to adopt cleaner dependency on external resources and reduce their environmental
production (CP) and eco-design. Cleaner production has been the externality. In the agricultural sector, the eco-agricultural system
most effective and widely developed measure compared to other resembles industrial symbiosis aiming to utilize by-products and
practices, especially after the enactment of China’s “Cleaner wastes from crops and livestock (Yin et al., 2006). A second
Production Promotion Law” in January 2003 (Geng et al., 2010c). CP program is mainly a commitment to the “green” design of resi-
is a strategy for addressing the generation of pollution as well as the dential communities in order to reduce energy, water, and land
efficient use of resources at all stages of the production process. For consumption. Besides, a system should be designed where house-
heavily polluting enterprises in printing and dying, foundry, hold wastewater and solid waste can be easily collected and recy-
tannery, food processing, pulp and paper, electroplating and cled. Ultimately, this eco-friendly human habitation environment
chemical industries, CP is compulsory and plays a prominent role to helps to restore the ecosystem in cities and boost the quality of life
reduce their environmental externalities as well as their energy (Zhu and Huang, 2005). Last, in the waste management area, the
intensity (Hicks and Dietmar, 2007). Peng et al. (2005) studied regulating and expending of the waste trade market and building
barriers for promotion of clean technology in SMEs and revealed a venous industrial park aims to increase the productivity and
that the exterior barriers of policy and financial barriers should be economic benefit of the resource recovery industry.
stressed rather than the inner barriers such as technical and At the macro level (city or regional scale), more complex and
managerial barriers. Eco-design refers to a systematic incorpora- extensive co-operative networks between industries and industrial
tion of environmental aspects into the design of production process parks from primary, secondary and tertiary sectors emerge in the
and the final product. It encourages heavily polluting companies in production area. The 3R principles are achieved by the redesign and
manufacturing and process industries to generate more integrated, rearrangement of a city’s infrastructure and industrial layout
efficient, and sustainable ways for production through innovative according to regional characteristics, as well as phase-out of the
design of production line (Negny et al., 2012). Hu et al. (2011) heavy polluting enterprises, while supporting high-tech industries
proposed ecological utilization of leather tannery waste with like bio-farming and the tourism industry etc. On the consumption
circular economy model. Whereas for companies in electric and side, Zhu (2005) proposed to form the renting system in the city
electronic sectors, eco-design involves proactively addressing based on the concept of Stahel’s service or functional economy.
environmental attributes in the earliest stage of the product Stahel (1986) suggested that in contrast of the current products
development process in order to minimize the negative environ- economy, the service economy shifts from selling and buying
mental impacts of a product throughout its entire life cycle. products themselves to just the utilization of the products. It would
However, Yu et al. (2008) conducted a survey among 36 China’s create new job positions such as labour-intensive service centres,
electrical and electronic manufacturers and found that there was for workers who are no longer needed in centralized, automated
little evidence of eco-design in their products. Therefore, more production units. Moreover, resource usage would be lowered as
awareness raising efforts should be made. In terms of consumption, products are no longer moved rapidly from the factory to the
green consumption should be promoted since it can facilitate the customer and then to the landfill. In the area of waste management,
use and purchase of environmentally friendly services and products urban symbiosis should be encouraged. Urban symbiosis is an
(Geng and Doberstein, 2008b). As for waste management, it extension for industrial symbiosis. It can be defined, in contrast of
encourages the development of companies that can play a role as the current products economy, service economy, as well as the
scavengers (feeding the waste resources of other companies in the shifts from selling and buying products for industrial operations.
economic system) and decomposers (using the waste resources Similar to industrial symbiosis, urban symbiosis is based on the
from both producers and consumers and then transform or recycle synergistic opportunity arising from the geographic proximity
them back into the system) (Geng and Cote, 2002) in order to build through the transfer of physical resources (waste materials) for
up an industrial ecosystem. environmental and economic benefit (Geng et al., 2010a). Typical
At the meso-level, the practices include developing eco- activities include environmental-friendly products and equipment,
industrial parks and an eco-agricultural system; environmental environmental test and analysis, utilization of recycled waste,
friendly design of the environmental friendly parks, and building materials, green technologies and products, as well as the resto-
up a waste trading system and venous industrial parks (resource ration and protection of natural ecosystems (Dong and Fan, 2005;
recovery parks where environmental technology firms making Wang and Huang, 2006).

Table 1
Structure of the CE practices in China.

Micro (single object) Meso (symbiosis association) Macro (city, province, state)
Production area(primary, secondary, Cleaner production Eco-industrial park Regional eco-industrial network
and tertiary industry) Eco-design Eco-agricultural system
Consumption area Green purchase and consumption Environmentally friendly park Renting service
Waste management area Product recycle system Waste trade market Urban symbiosis
Venous industrial park
Other support Policies and laws; Information platform; Capacity-building; NGOs
218 B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227

Other supports that are mentioned in Table 1 include govern- definition in the tertiary level. Some scholars, rather than focussing
mental and non-governmental initiatives. The Chinese government on one enterprise, estimated the performance of one industry (Du
regulates the implementation of the CE through two agencies, the and Cheng, 2009; Xu, 2010; among others). The indicator system
Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) and the National appears to be more general and focus on the overall performance.
Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The former agency For instance, Du and Cheng (2009) used the Date Envelopment
is in charge of the National Pilot Eco-industrial Park Program while Analysis model with 9 inputeoutput indicators and the Malmquist
the latter one is in charge of the National Pilot Circular Economy productivity index as an alternative approach estimating the
Program in cooperation with MEP and 4 other related ministries. To economic efficiency of 47 iron and steel enterprises for the period
date, 60 industrial parks have been selected as the national pilot 2003e2006. Others gave their attention to the enactment of CP in
EIPs (Zhang et al., 2010). Apart from focussing at the meso-level, the China (Shi et al., 2008; Staff-Mestl et al., 2005; among others). For
second program also covers missions at wider levels, such as a city, instance, Shi et al. (2008) formed twenty indicators to estimate the
or even a province. barriers inhibiting CP uptake. They consider four barrier categories:
A number of laws and policies related with CE have been released. policy and market, financial and economic, technical and infor-
The first one is the “Cleaner Production Promotion Law”, which was mation, and managerial and organizational.
effective in January 2003. The second one is the amended Law on At the meso-level, academically, Geng et al. (2010b) developed
Pollution Prevention and Control of Solid Waste, which took effect on an emergy based indicators to systematically evaluate the overall
April 1st 2005. In the same year, NDRC announced eight initiatives in eco-efficiency of one industrial park, while practically, Chinese
order to facilitate the implementation of circular economy, including governmental agencies NDRC and MEP have respectively published
initiation of the legislation process, pilot projects, the application of two sets of tentative EIP evaluation indicator systems to ensure
economic instruments, research and development (R&D) efforts, objective and credible information on the status of EIP in China
industrial restructuring, performance indicators, financing mecha- (Geng et al., 2009b, 2012).
nism, and training and education. Finally, on January 1st 2009, the NDRC’s indicator system has four dimensions: resource output
Circular Economy Promotion Law went into enactment. It is the third rate, resource consumption rate, integrated resource utilization,
law related to a circular economy in the world, after those of and reduction rate in waste discharge (see Table 2). Resource
Germany and Japan, and serves as a fundamental law guiding all output rate refers to the amount of production value in EIP gener-
circular economy policies in China (See Ren, 2007). ated from one unit of material, land, energy, and water consump-
Another concern on the current practices of CE is the develop- tion. The higher ratio indicates the higher efficiency of resources. In
ment of environmental Non-Governments Organizations (eNGOs). the second dimension, resource consumption rate, indicators
Though governmental regulations and industrial efforts are crucial capture the energy and water intensity in EIP, an alternative way to
for development circular economy, the underlying requirement for see how resource efficiency has been achieved. Resource compre-
its success requires attitude changes throughout the whole society. hensive utilization rate is designed to examine the reuse rate of
This requires education, information, and the encouragement of industrial water and the recycling rate of industrial waste. The last
active public participation so as to increase people’s awareness. dimension examines the reduction in industrial waste discharge. It
NGOs, which have easy access to grassroots, possess large, if not is clear that these indicators have been built upon the 3R principles,
current, potential influence on promotion of the CE in society. No targeting at tracing the improvement of resource and energy
particular studies have been investigated for uncovering the rela- efficiency and thus reduce, reuse and recycle of industrial waste.
tionship between CE and eNGOs in China, but a rapid development The MEP’s structure of indicators is different from the one
of China’s eNGOs can be seen. The total number of eNGOs increased proposed by NDRC. Although the number of dimensions is the same
from 2768 in 2005 to 3539 in 20082and they are highly interacting within the two sets of indicator systems, the concerns are different.
with the transnational environmental movement (Xie, 2011). MEP has four dimensions, covering material reducing and recy-
cling, economic development, pollution control and administration
3. CE assessment and management perspectives (see Table 3). The design of MEP’s
dimensions seems more appropriate as it considers the special
The successful development of CE requires a system of indica- characteristics of China’s EIP. Unlike most North American models,
tors for its assessment. Good indicators are valuable metrics for where industrial parks are predominantly manufacture-based,
evaluating the soundness of its development and providing China’s industrial parks have dual functions since both produc-
guidelines for decision-makers to further develop effective policy tion and residential based areas are included (Geng and Cote,
instruments. Consequently, governmental agencies and scholars 2003). Thus residents’ behaviours, awareness, and economic
have intensely studied and made efforts on promoting unified well-being are closely related with the development of EIP. Addi-
programmatic indicators. However, different implementation tionally, this set of indicators focuses on, but not limited to, esti-
levels of the CE and different characteristics of enterprises, indus- mating the realization of the 3R principles in EIP.
tries or regions require different assessment indicators. Another difference is that MEP grouped the industrial parks into
At the micro-level, each enterprise needs to tailor the firm- three groups, namely, the sector-integrated group, the venous
specific indicators according to its characteristics, condition, and group and the sector-specific industrial parks,3 according to their
existing problems. Thus, a unified and only one standard set of characteristics and subsequently designed three sets of indicators,
indicators may fail to capture the full development of the circular respectively (Geng et al., 2009a). Generally, indicators for those
economy in different enterprises. Chen et al. (2009) developed a set three types of EIP remain the same, while a few minor changes lie
of indicators for one iron and steel enterprise, including 4 indicators
in the first-level reflecting CE’s 3R principle, 12 in the secondary
level, which are closely combined with the condition of the Sector-integrated group refers to parks with multiple industrial sectors, espe-
cially the development zones, which are the main form of Chinese industrial parks.
enterprise with 3R principles, and 66 indicators with the concrete
The venous industrial park refers to those resource recovery parks where envi-
ronmental technology companies and firms making “green products” coexist. The
sector-specific group refers to parks with primarily one main sector or anchor
The data is according to two national surveys conducted by the All China tenant. Since most of the indicators are the same, here we only present the list of
Environmental Federation. indicators for sector-integrated park in Table 3.
B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227 219

Table 2 Table 3
Evaluation indicator system for the CE by NDRC (at the meso level). Evaluation indicator system for the CE by the MEP (at the meso level).

Dimensions No. Indicators Dimensions No. Indicators

1.Resource 1.1 Output rate of main mineral resources Economic 1.1 Industrial value added per capita
output rate 1.2 Output rate of land development 1.2 Growth rate of industrial value added
1.3 Output rate of energy Material reducing 2.1 Energy consumption per industrial value added
1.4 Output rate of water and recycling 2.2 Fresh water consumption per unit of industrial
2.Resource 2.1 Energy consumption per unit of production value value added
consumption 2.2 Energy consumption per unit of production in the 2.3 Industrial wastewater generation per unit of
rate key industrial sectora industrial value added
2.3 Water consumption per unit of production value 2.4 Solid waste generation per unit of industrial
2.4 Water consumption per unit of production in the value added
key industrial sector 2.5 Reuse ratio of industrial water
3.Integrated 3.1 Utilization rate of industrial solid waste 2.6 Utilization rate of industrial solid waste
resource 3.2 Reuse ratio of industrial water 2.7 Reuse ratio of middle watera
utilization 3.3 Recycling rate of industrial wastewater Pollution control 3.1 Chemical oxygen demand loading per unit of
4.Reduction 4.1 Decreasing rate of industrial solid-waste industrial value added
in waste generation 3.2 SO2 emission per unit of industrial value added
generation 4.2 Decreasing rate of industrial wastewater 3.3 Disposal rate of dangerous solid waste
generation 3.4 Centrally provided treatment rate of domestic
Note: In total 13 indicators are categorized into 4 groups.
a 3.5 Safe treatment rate of domestic rubbish
Key industrial sector: iron, copper, aluminium, cement, fertilizes, and paper.
3.6 Waste collection system
3.7 Centrally provided facilities for waste treatment
and disposal
in the second category of indicators: material reducing and recy- 3.8 Environmental management system
cling. In the cases of sector-integrated parks and sector-specific Administration 4.1 Extent of establishment of the information
parks the set contains indicators related to material reduction and management platform
4.2 Environmental report release
and recycling. However, for venous parks, this group contains more
4.3 Extent of public satisfaction with local
indicators related to resource recycling and reuse, providing a more environmental quality
accurate assessment for the temporal development of EIP. 4.4 Extent of public awareness degree with
On the other hand, very few scholars studied the building of eco-industrial development
a particular indicator system. But there is evidence that certain Note: In total 20 indicators are categorized in 4 groups.
efforts have been made to evaluate and assure the development of Middle water is a Chinese term for the recyclable treated wastewater from
EIP. Geng and Cote (2003) suggested that Environmental Manage- wastewater treatment plants.
ment Systems such as International Organization for Standardiza-
tion 14001 can be used as a tool in China by industrial park
managers to improve their environmental performance. Dai (2010) of the CE was, in itself, an improvement of eco-efficiency that was
applied biological theory to the development of two indexes by the ratio of GDP and consumption of natural resources. Zhu and
which the author evaluated an EIP. The first index is the eco- Zhu (2007) built the eco-efficiency indicators for Shanghai,
connectivity of an EIP that defines the degree of connectivity which included the productivity of land, water, energy, and raw
among the enterprises or factories in an EIP; while the second index materials, as well as the productivity of sulphur dioxide, waste-
defines the degree of by-product and waste recycling in an EIP. water, and solid waste. Then, he combined them with IPAT4
At the macro-level, more studied have been conducted by function (Ehrlich and Holdren, 1971) for the evaluation and
academia. For the indicator system developed by NDRC, no major further planning of future scenarios on energy consumption and
changes have been made from the one regarding the meso-level pollutants generation.
except that one more dimension has been added. Under this Another issue about assessing the CE related indicator system
added dimension, the importance of recycling at the regional level is how to decide the weight of each sub-indicator prior to an
has been highlighted and materials such as iron scrap, non-ferrous aggregation. The often used methods include average weighting
metal, waste paper, glass, plastic, and rubber are given prior (Li and Zhang, 2005), which takes the same weight for every
consideration, which indicates that China’s political commitment indicator; principal component analysis (Meng and Shen, 2006;
for promoting circular economy heavily emphasizes resource effi- Xiong et al., 2008; among others) that identifies patterns in data of
ciency and conservation. high dimensions, and expresses the data in reduced dimension in
In contrast, scholars have suggested that aside from indicators such a way as to highlight their similarities and differences;
evaluating 3R principles or the environmental aspect, a more analytic hierarchy process (Chen, 2006; Qian et al., 2008; among
systematic evaluation system should be established by adding others), which decomposes complex problems into several
indicators of economic development and social aspects (Geng et al., elements and then incorporates them into different levels in order
2009a; Jiang, 2010.). For economic development, there were indi- to form a multi-level structure; fuzzy synthesis appraisal (Hao
cators for the state of economy like GDP per capita, growth of et al., 2009; Jiang, 2010) and the grey correlation degree method
economy (Wang et al., 2006; Qin et al., 2009.); indicators for the (Zhang and Huang, 2005), which both avoid personnel subjective
potential of the economy like export share, technology develop- judgement, and the full permutation polygon synthetic indicator
ment, capital investment (Chen, 2006; Yang et al., 2011); and method (Li et al., 2009). More detailed information about these
indicators for the structure of the economy (Yang et al., 2011; Li and studies, the measurement methods and findings have been listed
Zhang, 2005). As for the social aspects, unemployment rate, living in Appendix A.
area, Engel’s coefficient, and resident’s disposable income were the
most chosen indicators (Qian et al., 2008; Wang, 2009).
While majority of the scholars designed the indicators based on 4
(I) stands for environmental impact, (P) stands for the product of population,
3R principles and the goals of the CE, some other scholars (Zhu (A) stands for GDP per capita and (T) stands for environment impact per unit of
and Zhu, 2007; Zhou et al., 2007) argued that, the development GDP.
220 B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227

4. Development of the CE in pilot cities A number of plans have been raised in order to improve the
efficiency of water use (See Geng et al., 2009b). As parts of these
How has the CE been developed in China in recent years? We plans, the Dalian municipality attempts to pursue both the supply
answer this question by firstly assessing the performance in one and demand-driven approaches to water management including
pilot city Dalian for the time period from 2006 to 2010. Thanks to its finding new water sources, minimizing water loss, and encouraging
geographic advantages, Dalian is one of China’s biggest industrial water saving behaviour among residents through price incentives
centres and one of China’s most prosperous business areas. With and quota management. Apparently, those collaborations from
the aspiration to be a leading environmentally friendly city in government, enterprises and citizens have been effective, leading
China, Dalian’s government has taken a series of initiatives to to a substantial rise in water use efficiency in the form of a 52%
implement the CE strategies. reduction of water consumption per produced industrial value
Geng et al. (2009b) had comprehensively reviewed Dalian’s added and a 67% reduction of water consumption per capita.
focus and goals of the CE implementation for the period of 2006e Waste management in Dalian focuses on reducing the quantity
2010. Dalian had the objective that by 2010to: (i) further improve of waste disposed and the safe disposal or reclamation of waste in
land, water and energy use efficiency, and thus remove the both industrial and residential sources (Geng et al., 2009b; Wang
bottlenecks that restrict Dalian’s sustainable development; and (ii) and Geng, 2012). Enterprises are supported and encouraged by
improve levels of reuse, recycling and recovery for solid wastes and government to initiate their CP efforts, pursue ISO14001 certifica-
wastewater, and thus significantly reduce disposal amounts (Dalian tion, and embed the 3R principles set within the production
Municipality, 2007). procedures. The municipality has established a waste reporting
The data for 2005 and the goals by 2010 are derived from the system to trace and track all waste flows. For the residential side,
Dalian Municipality (2006). Thanks to the access to the consistent a demonstration project has been carried out in selected commu-
statistical data for 2010, we are able to observe whether the stated nities to improve the recycling rate of waste (Qu and Zhu, 2007;
goals have been achieved and the appropriateness of CE practices in Wang and Geng, 2012). From Table 4, we see a 17% decrease of
Dalian. Ten indicators have been chosen to assess the close linkage municipal waste generation per capita. The ability for wastewater
to Dalian’s industrial advantages and the prevalence regarding the and solid-waste treatments has increased by 17% and 20%,
development of bottlenecks (Dalian Municipality, 2006). The indi- respectively. Moreover, performances of waste reclamation are
cators are classified into four aspects: energy and water efficiency, considerable and both exceed the set goals, implying a contribution
waste discharge, waste treatment and waste reclamation. to reduce the consumption of virgin materials and waste disposal.
In 2007, the Dalian municipality decided to shut down small scale In sum, with the collaborative efforts from key stakeholders,
facilities with high energy use rates; encourage advanced technol- including government, enterprises and citizens, the implemented
ogies and equipment for large manufactures, and regulate the CE policies have helped Dalian to accomplish the goals for resource
structure of industries by attracting services with low energy use efficiency and waste management. In the next part, we
intensity (Dalian Municipality, 2007). From Table 4 we can see that compare Dalian’s performance with the other three CE pilot project
energy consumption has been evaluated in terms of energy effi- cities by using the same indicators.
ciency with respect to the economic size and the produced industrial Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin are three economic developed
value added. The results are impressive as the goals have been well areas in China with different economic and demographic charac-
achieved. The increases of energy efficiency are 21% and 27% with teristics (politically equal to one province). To have a more intuitive
respect to GDP and industrial value added, respectively. As Fig. 1 view of CE’s development, we compare the percentage changes in
shows, the economic growth rate of Dalian has been significantly the individual indicators of the four cities (including Dalian) from
high and has fluctuated between 10% and 25% per year during recent 2005 to 2010 (See Table 5). And we also compute the relative
years. That is to say the reason behind the attained energy use effi- performance of each indicator in those four cities for the years of
ciency with respect to GDP would be ambiguous: it could either be 2005 and 2010 (See Table 6).
a reduction in the total consumption, or due to a greater expansion of From Table 5 we can see that all four cities have achieved fruitful
economic scale than that of the energy consumption. While the story improvements in terms of energy and water efficiency. Compared
for other indicators is much clearer since the growth rate of the with the other three cities, the improvement of Dalian’s energy use
industrial share are small varying from 4% to 3%, thus a rise in efficiency seemingly lags behind, but performs much better in
efficiency is more likely to be caused by a reduction in energy improving water use efficiency. Beijing has a large increase in
consumption. The results show a success of implementation of CE energy and water use efficiencies with respect to one unit of
policies in terms of energy use efficiency and could be set as an produced GDP; Tianjin, with the largest share of industrial sectors
example for other pilot areas with similar regional features. among the four cities (China City Statistical Yearbook, 2002e2010),

Table 4
Key CE indicators in Dalian in 2005 and 2010 and goals set in 2006.

Indicators Actual 2005 Goals by 2010 Actual 2010 Goals by 2010 Percent change
Resource Energy consumption per GDP (standard coal, tons/104RMB) 1.0 0.8 0.8 21% 21%
efficiency Energy consumption per unit of industrial value added 1.6 1.2 1.2 27% 27%
(standard coal, tons/104RMB)
Water consumption per unit of industrial value added 37.5 26.2 18.0 15% 52%
Water consumption per capita (m3/year) 186.9 e 62.1 e 67%
Waste Municipal waste generation per capita (kg/year) 163.7 e 136.4 e 17%
Waste Rate of municipal wastewater treatment 73% 90% 90% 17% 17%
treatment Rate of safe disposal of municipal solid wastes 80% 98% 100% 18% 20%
Waste Rate of treated wastewater recycling 10% 35% 42% 25% 32%
reclamation Rate of industrial solid waste reclamation 62% 75% 96% 13% 34%

Note: Municipal waste includes waste from both industrial and residential sources. Source: Dalian Municipality, 2006, 2011 and Liaoning Statistic Yearbook, 2006, 2011.
B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227 221

Fig. 1. Growth rate of GDP, industrial share and population of Dalian for the period of 2002e2009. Source: China City Statistical Yearbook, 2002e2010.

has improved its energy use efficiency mainly in the industrial intensive companies (such as the famous Capital Steel and Yanshan
sector, which is much higher than its energy use efficiency at the Petrochemicals) have been relocated out of the city during this
GDP level; Shanghai acts moderately to improve the energy use period. Dalian reduces waste generation and improves the rate of
efficiency while it has better performance in terms of per capita safe disposal for municipal solid waste significantly while energy
water consumption. use efficiency needs to be further improved. The challenge that
As for waste management, Dalian reduces municipal waste by Dalian is facing is that more energy intensive companies (especially
17%, which is the highest among all cities. In contrast, Shanghai and chemical and petrochemical firms) have been recruited during this
Tianjin, fail to reduce their waste generation levels in 2010 compared period. Shanghai, with the highest rate of economic growth among
with those of 2005. The reason may be that the economic develop- those four cities performed the worst. Though it has cut the water
ment in those cities drastically affects the total amount of production consumption per added industrial value largely, the per capita
and consumption, resulting in an increase in waste generation. For water consumption is the highest among others. That is to say, the
the rate of wastewater treatment, Tianjin has a substantial consumption of water for the industrial sector may be reduced but
improvement, which is almost double higher than the others. not the total water consumption. Additionally, Shanghai scores the
Shanghai is the only city that has a decreasing rate of wastewater lowest in three out of the four indicators, which evaluate the extent
treatment. It happens when speed of wastewater generation of waste reusing and recycling, suggesting a poor performance in its
increases faster than the speed of technological development for waste management.
wastewater treatment. As for the rate of safe disposal of municipal In sum, the implementation of the CE in China has been carried
solid wastes, all cities have experienced a similar process and the on effectively in Dalian and the other three pilot cities since the goals
variations between them are relatively small. Last, for the waste set for Dalian have been fully realized in 2010 and the performances
reclamation aspect, Shanghai again shows evidence of inability in its regarding the other 3 pilot cities are impressive, especially in terms
goal achievement, with a figure of 5%change in the rate of treated of resource use efficiency. The primary reason behind the potential
wastewater recycling, while such a figure in Beijing is 45%. For the success of the improvement would be the government’s decision to
rate of industrial solid waste reclamation, Dalian’s progress (34%) is focus its efforts on those sectors, which will yield the greatest short-
better than that of Tianjin (27%), Shanghai (21%) and Beijing (16%). term impact, such as heavy industry relocation and applying
Table 6 shows the relative performance of the four cities in 2005 instrument regulations which are likely to be the most effective
and 2010. Since the best performance has been chosen as the sectors. Second, those four pilot cities are more modernized, richer
benchmark during calculation, thus the ratio “1” represents a fine and have more advanced energy efficient technologies and equip-
example and a reference point, and for other numbers, the smaller ment than other regions in China, thus it is relatively easier for these
the gap from “1”, the better the performance is suggested to be and four cities to raise their energy use efficiency. However, data credi-
vice versa. bility makes our study uncertain. A lack of trust in China’s economic
It is obvious that the CE has been developed over time, for all the statistics persists, and data on economic growth and energy
“1” cases have been found in the year of 2010. In general, Tianjin consumption could be messaged to produce the required energy
performs the best since it has four “1”s out of nine, two in the intensity estimates (Andrews-Speed, 2009).
energy efficiency aspect and two in the waste management aspect. The clear disparity among these four cities does exist. In general,
Only for the indicator of water consumption per added industrial Tianjin performs the best while Shanghai needs more work, espe-
value, the result is slightly lower than the other corresponding cially in the area of waste management. The reasons are manifold
cities. Beijing performs well in improving energy use efficiency and such as different natural, social, economic, and environmental
treated water recycling but needs to improve the rate of municipal conditions, as well as different policy enforcement level by local
wastewater treatment. The main reason is that several large energy government.

Table 5
A comparison of key CE indicator in four cities during 2005e2010.

Indicators Beijing Shanghai Tianjin Dalian

Resource efficiency Energy consumption per GDP (standard coal, tons) 62% 31% 21% 21%
Energy consumption per unit of industrial value added(standard coal) 66% 36% 76% 27%
Water consumption per unit of industrial value added 69% 58% 43% 52%
Water consumption per capita 45% 71% 30% 67%
Waste discharge Municipal waste generation per capita 11% 4% 1% 17%
Waste treatment Rate of municipal wastewater treatment 3% 8% 31% 17%
Rate of safe disposal of municipal solid wastes 15% 10% 14% 20%
Waste reclamation Rate of treated wastewater recycling 45% 5% 5% 32%
Rate of industrial solid waste reclamation 16% 21% 27% 34%

Source: Data are collected from Statistical Yearbook of Liaoning, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Dalian in 2006 and 2011.
222 B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227

Table 6
The relative performance of four cities in 2005 and 2010 for each indicator.

Indicators Beijing Shanghai Tianjin Dalian

2005 2010 2005 2010 2005 2010 2005 2010

Resource efficiency Energy consumption per GDP (standard coal) 2.58 1.00 2.06 1.42 1.88 1.48 2.02 1.60
Energy consumption per unit of industrial value added(standard coal) 3.03 1.03 1.67 1.06 4.09 1.00 1.82 1.33
Water consumption per unit of industrial value added 3.59 1.11 2.35 1.00 2.06 1.18 2.21 1.06
Water consumption per capita 2.39 1.32 4.50 1.33 1.42 1.00 3.88 1.29
Waste discharge Municipal waste generation per capita 2.66 2.37 2.71 2.83 1.03 1.04 1.20 1.00
Waste treatment Rate of municipal wastewater treatment 0.78 0.81 0.90 0.82 0.69 1.00 0.73 0.90
Rate of safe disposal of municipal solid wastes 0.82 0.97 0.81 0.90 0.85 0.99 0.80 1.00
Waste reclamation Rate of treated wastewater recycling 0.25 1.00 0.33 0.24 0.55 0.63 0.17 0.71
Rate of industrial solid waste reclamation 0.83 0.99 0.76 0.97 0.73 1.00 0.63 0.98

Note: The numbers are obtained by dividing each row data by the best performance for each indicator respectively.

5. Challenges and barriers towards the successful CE incentives to save energy, material and water because the price
implementation increase for these resources have been tightly constrained, and
even if the price has gone up, producers can easily transfer the
The performance in four pilot cities demonstrates a promising cost to consumers in the form of higher sale prices. Andrews-
future for developing the CE in China. Several challenges that may Speed (2009) further traced underlying reasons for this unwill-
slow down or prevent the implementation of the CE have been ingness regarding price regulation by combining the current
recognized and repeatedly stressed by a number of scholars, policies in other sectors. He pointed out that China’s economic and
including lack of reliable information, shortage of advanced tech- industrial policies had been devoted to promoting heavy industry,
nology, weak economic incentives, poor enforcement ability of infrastructure and manufacturing, which were closely associated
legislation, poor leadership and management, lack of public aware- with the price of energy and materials. Additionally, the govern-
ness, and lack of a standard system for performance assessment. ment’s insistence on keeping tight control on end-user energy
Geng and Doberstein (2008a) raised the importance of infor- prices is derived from the desire to protect poor consumers as well
mation for enterprises to be able to plan and design firm-specific as constraining inflation.
scenarios for their optimal reduction, reuse and recycle activities. Another prevailing problem in China is the poor enforcement of
For each enterprise, not only internal information would be needed, legislation. This deficiency remains because: enforcement is
but also, the need to be a part of a larger economic system or web. superficial; excessive time exists between noncompliance and
Thus, the inter-linked relationship with other firms or areas should enforcement; available punishment for noncompliance is inade-
be also considered. Therefore, an efficient information system is quate; injured parties are not properly compensated and some
crucial if decision-makers are to find more environmentally and environmental crimes receive administrative instead of criminal
financially beneficial ways to plan and manage their resources and punishment (Wang, 2007).
structures. However, such systematic information systems are rare Fifth, government’s management system has been questioned in
in China. In most cases, accurate information is not available to China due to the complex structure of government agencies, poor
decision-makers, or is not conveyed in a timely manner. Moreover, accountability of local governments and straight-forward corrup-
due to fragmented management frameworks, different kinds of tion. The implementation of the CE over a sustained period
information often belong to different agencies, which further required integrated management efforts, including the top leader-
decrease the efficiency in information exchange. ship, pro-active participation from major actors at all levels of
Secondly, technology is a key factor in the development of government, and transparency and predictability in both the
a circular economy. Each of the three CE principles requires administrative and economic policy instruments (Ma and Ortolano,
advanced technology and development and the updating of facili- 2000). As a result, failures in the management of energy, materials
ties and equipment. However, the overall technology level in China and environment in China to a greater extent can be attributed to
is characterized as backward and due to insufficient financial and deficiencies in these respects.
technology support, the development within the area of environ- Sixth, practices in Germany and Japan indicate that public
mental technology is not satisfactory. SMEs, generally accounted participation is indispensable to the development of a CE program. It
for 99.88% of the total number of manufacturing establishments in could be more important for China due to both the complex nature of
China, are the key players in this respect (Shi et al., 2008). Most of the concept, and the array of potential contributions that more than
them have no or just a few incentives to carry on “greener activi- one billion Chinese consumers can make (Geng and Doberstein,
ties” in terms of waste reduction and reclamation, since changing 2008a). In fact China lacks the human and institutional capabilities
or updating equipment is usually both time- and money- to encourage public participation in a CE. Also, environmental
consuming while the potential economic benefit is limited. An management programs and facilities at many Chinese academic
alternative way is to transfer the technologies from developed institutions are limited. Even in a well-performed pilot city like
countries, but it also appears to be risky due to the “locked-in Tianjin, residents have limited awareness and a poor understanding
effect”, which implies a strong dependence on exporter’s supports about the CE program (Liu et al., 2009). A more surprising survey
when technique failures occur (Xing et al., 2011). result has been given by Xue et al. (2010) whereby 16.70% of the
The third constraint is the apparent continued unwillingness interviewed officials (252 in total) had just heard of CE, indicating
for the government to use suitable economic and financial that there is still a need for government officials to acquire a more
instruments to complement the preferred administrative sophisticated understanding of CE.
approach (Wang et al., 2008). On the one hand, insufficient Last but not least, the Chinese government needs to build a more
financial support from banks and inadequate public tax incentives complete system for performance assessment with concerns
prevent enterprises from innovating more environmental friendly covering areas such as standardizing the process of data collection,
technologies. On the other hand, producers see little economic calculation and submission, adding prevention-oriented and
B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227 223

absolute energy/material consumption reduction indicators, to efforts of estimating CE’s implementation at the macro level (see in
setting specific and quantitative goals in each local government the Appendix A), it is obvious that local governments have had
(Geng et al., 2012). Given the autonomy, local governments are fully some success in turning their local economies into circular ones.
in charge with developing their own way to collect, evaluate and With regards to where China as a whole stands in the CE adoption
submit their data to the central government. Without a transparent process, it is difficult to gauge due to the lack of clear, standardized
monitoring and auditing mechanism, the validity and accuracy of quantitative measurements and goals.
the provincial data collected are brought into question. Further, no Other challenges that impede the successful implementation of
specific goals and values that consider development guidelines are the CE in China are: lack of reliable information, shortage of
provided by the central government to the local governments. Such advanced technology, poor enforceability of legislation, weak
a reality may discourage the eagerness of local governments as they economic incentives, poor leadership and management, and lack of
do not know to what extent they need to improve or what goals public awareness.
they should achieve. Due to imbalanced economic development, The recent issued 12th five-year plan (2011e2015) has put
resource endowment, technology level and public awareness on CE, forward the implementation of the CE to a deeper and wider extent
the national government should consider setting up region-specific in China. It is evident that CE presents a unique policy strategy for
indicators, rather than using the same national standards, so that the systemic consideration of resource depletion, energy conser-
even poor western regions have incentives to pursue such targets vation and waste reduction. The question is whether this trend of
(Geng, 2011). Otherwise, the statistical departments in such regions improvements can be sustained, or whether the country reverts to
may simply provide statistical data to fit different political purposes the old practice and standards considering the complexity, diver-
(in this case gaining access to national financial subsidies) since sity and great regional discrepancy of this economy.
they are not politically independent agencies and are often pres- In order to adopt the CE as future economic model, immense
surized by other governmental agencies. efforts are required to perfect the existing measures as well as to
deploy a wider range of policies to overcome these challenges.
6. Conclusion and policy suggestions As international practices reveal that economic measures
remain one of the most effective means of conserving the envi-
Various studies on CE have been conducted during the last ronment and resources, China’s government should promote
decade, especially in China where both resource depletion and economic incentives through policies to stimulate the behaviours
environmental issues are severe. Those studies are not organized for of both enterprises and residents under the principles of the CE.
unified effort and progress. Development research grants in this field The current measures, for example pricing reforms, and prefer-
are allocated in a fragmented way, with lack of a visible integrative ential tax policies should be developed continuously and accord-
effort. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide an overall review ingly. New measures, say environmental taxes, insurance for
on CE in China. It is clear that CE provides a way to ease the tension liability resulting from environmental damage, cap and trade
between economic development and carbon dioxide emission; system, and environmental labelling, should be explored and be
addresses the urgent pollution and resource scarcity problems; and included in legislation.
helps China’s enterprises and industries to improve their competi- The government needs to continue its support for the major
tiveness and remove green barriers in the international trade. technologies necessary for the CE. This requires that the govern-
Our review results show that current practices are being carried ment accurately identifies key technological areas and projects in
out at the micro, meso and macro levels simultaneously and cover line with current and long-term requirements for the economy and
the areas of production, consumption, and waste management. supports research efforts in the field of energy savings, alternatives,
Other supports, from government and non-governmental organiza- and recycling, and eventually boosts the nation’s capacity in
tions, help to promote, regulate and monitor the CE implementation. proprietary technological innovation through R&D investment at
We also find that appropriate performance indicators can help both enterprise and academic levels.
identify the key issues. At the enterprise level, indicators are In order to improve public awareness and participation, activi-
tailored to individual firms or an industry’s characteristics. At the ties related to the CE concept such as TV promotions, newsletters,
EIP level, two governmental agencies NDRC and MEP have issued achievement exhibitions and workshops should be carried out
two different indicator evaluation systems. The former one focuses periodically. Such initiatives can provide platforms at which
exclusively on the realization of 3R principles and the latter addi- experiences from different parts of the world and from different
tionally considers EIP’s impact on economic, environmental and institutions could be objectively reviewed. Moreover, enterprises
social aspects. At the regional level, where the research studies are could strengthen their mutual understanding and friendship
the most abundant, the indicator systems are generally based on through information exchanges, which will be the solid foundation
CE’s ultimate goals and 3R principles (Wang et al., 2006; Yang et al., for further collaboration on promoting the CE.
2011; Geng, 2011), but few scholars developed the indicator system Improvements regarding the enforceability of legislation as well
based on the ecological efficiency theory (Zhu and Zhu, 2007; Zhou as the management system within the government are also
et al., 2007). As for the weight of each sub-indicator prior to an impressive. It calls for a reform in judicial management mecha-
aggregation, different methods have been used, such as principal nisms, a more transparent monitoring and auditing mechanism. On
component analysis, average weighting, analytic hierarchy process, the other hand, the government should seek standardized methods
fuzzy synthesis appraisal. for data collection, calculation and submission procedures so as to
In the empirical section, we conducted a case study in Dalian ensure a more accurate assessment of CE’s development.
and compare the changes with the other three pilot cities, Beijing,
Shanghai, and Tianjin. The results show that the Dalian munici-
pality has well achieved its goal for developing the CE in 2010. Acknowledgement
Compared with the other three pilot cities, Dalian does fairly well in
waste management but lags behind in terms of energy efficiency The third and fourth authors were supported by the Natural
due to recently recruited energy intensive firms. In general, Tianjin Science Foundation of China (71033004), the Chinese Academy of
performs the best while Shanghai needs more work especially, in Sciences (2008-318), and the Ministry of Science and technology
the area of waste management. Accompanying the other scholarly (2011BAJ06B01).
Appendix. A. Summary table of the empirical literature on circular economy in China

Author(s) Topic of research Study period Dimensions (number of indicators) Estimation/computation method Summary of findings and conclusion
Wang et al. (2006) Evaluating regional CE: a case study 1986e2003 Economic development; Resource Analytic hierarchy process The analysis showed that the CE is developing
of Jiangsu Province reduction; Recycling, Pollution (16) at a steady speed. According to the trend of
development from 1986 to 2003, the official
goal will not be achieved until 2022.
Wang et al. (2006) Evaluation and diagnosis of obstacle 1985e2003 Social and economic development; Analytic hierarchy process and The results showed 10 obstacles that are
for CE in Jiangsu’s industry sector Resource reduction; Obstacle analysis impeding the CE’s development in Jiangsu’s
Recycle and reuse; industrial sector. Among which energy
Waste reduction; efficiency was the biggest obstacle. The
Safety of resources and average growth of CE indicators: in general
environment(35) (10.21%), waste reduction (17.63%), resource
reduction (9.56%), recycle and reuse (3%).
Chen (2006) Evaluation of CE for 3 different Experience and Economic development; Analytic hierarchy process Shanghai(metropolitan) scored 93, Yinchuan
economic-scale cities Shanghai, consulting Living environment; (big city in the west) scored 76, Rizhao
Yinchuan, Rizhao, Structure feature; (medium sized city in the east)scored 65
Resource utilization
Social Development (38)

B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227

Qian et al. (2008) Assessment of development level Recent year data Resource efficiency; Analytic hierarchy process The comprehensive index of CE development
of CE and the countermeasure in Environmental impacts; of Qiandao is 0.733, i.e. the mid-circular state;
Qingdao City Social development (28) identify the bottlenecks in the development of
CE. Development countermeasures are put
forward to the existing problem in the
development of CE in Qingdao.
Meng and Shen Research on the CE evaluation of 2003 Economic development; Principal component analysis Economic development has proposed the most
(2006) Central Plain cities Green development; influence on CE, followed by reduction of
Social development (25) resource usage and social development.
Xiong et al. (2008) Comprehensive evaluation of circular 1998e2004 Resource reduction; Principal component analysis From 1998 to 2004, the performance of CE has
economy development in Shaanxi Resource efficiency; been gradually improved. Waste per produced
Waste generation; unit of GDP decreased and utilization of solid-
Resource reuse and recycle; waste improved.
Economic aspects (19)
Wang (2009) Evaluation of CE on 29 Chinese cities 2006 Economic development; Principal component analysis 16 cities’ comprehensive score had been over
Reuse and recycle; Resource reduction; zero, and it indicates that these cities’ CE
Emission reduction; development is more balanced than others in
Social development (10) all aspects; 12 cities’ comprehensive score had
been below zero and there is a huge gap in the
goal of CE for them. Also pilot cities scored
lower than the non-pilot cities.
Yang et al. (2011) Integrative evaluation on the 2004e2008 Economic development; Resource Principal component analysis The results showed that CE’s development in
development of CE of Shaanxi efficiency; Resource recycling and and Analytic hierarchy process this province is in steady upward developing.
reuse; Environment protection; Pollution Different indicators have different trends.
reduction (59)
Zhang and Huang Research on CE indicator system Data of 2002 and Economic development; Grey correlation degree method In 2002e2007 the goal is to focus on reducing
(2005) and demonstrable assessment for goals in 2020 Resource reduction; pollution and resource consumption; In
Nantong city Waste reduction; 2008e2010 the goal is to focus on
Resource recycle; eco-environment protection, reducing pollution
Eco-environment (12) and management; in 2011e2020 the goal is to
control for a balanced development among all
Hao et al. (2009) Design of CE index at the city level e Economic development; Fuzzy synthesis appraisal The indicator system should be built according
Social stability; to the features of the city. The index system
Resource consumption; can be classified into main index system and
Environmental Protection (16) assistant index system.
Jiang (2010) Empirical Analysis of Regional CE e Resources consumption; Fuzzy synthesis appraisal; Jiangsu had higher development in CE than other
development of Jiangsu, Heilongjiang, Environmental disturbance; Comparison evaluation method two provinces. Helongjiang needed to adopt
Qinghai Provinces Recycling; energy conservation. The CE development and
Social development (16) efficiency in recycling need powerful economic
strength security.
Qin et al. (2009) Integrative evaluation and case study 2005 Resource usage reduction; Resource Obstacle analysis Different status of development in 21 cities in
on the development level of CE in recycling and reuse; Guangdong owing to the dissimilarities of
Guangdong Resource and environment protection; natural and environment condition as well as
Economy and social development (23) social and economic basis.
Zhu and Qiu (2007) Analytical tool for urban CE planning 1990e2004 Productivity of resource and waste (7) Eco-efficiency and IPAT It lists three most serious problems in the case
and its preliminary application for of Shanghai: energy supply, management of
Shanghai waste gas and solid waste.
Zhu and Qiu (2008) Eco-efficiency indicators and their 1990e2005 Productivity of resource and waste (7) Eco-efficiency The eco-efficiency of natural resource input in
demonstration as the CE measurement China has increased from 1990 to 2005. But it is
in China not enough for China to decouple the economic
growth from natural resources.
Li et al. (2009) Measurement indicators and an evaluation Plan of 2004e2020 Economic growth and efficiency; Full permutation polygon Value of a synthetic indicator for sustainable
approach for assessing urban sustainable Ecological and infrastructural construction; synthetic indicator method development of Jining was 0.24 in 2004, which
development: case for Jining Environmental protection; indicates a low level of sustainable development.
Social and welfare progress (52) According to the ecological plan of 2004e2020,
the indicator will improve to 0.45 in 2007, 0.62
in 2010, and 0.90 in 2020.
Li and Zhang CE evaluation index system in resource Recent data in Resource factors; Economic factors; Same weight Strategies for developing CE should be made
(2005) based cities two cities Eco-environmental factors; according to the features of the different cities
Social factors (21) and external restricting factors to promote

B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227

sustainable and all-round development of CE.
Du and Cheng Evaluating CE efficiency of 47 iron and 2003e2006 Input: water, energy, labour productivity, Data envelopment analysis and The circular economy efficiency of iron and steel
(2009) steel industry establishments in China financial support. Malmquist productivity index industry on the whole is not high, but has
Output: wastewater, waste gas and solid a fluctuated upward trend. The main factor that
waste. affects the enhancing of CE efficiency of iron and
(9 for inputs, and 4 for outputs) steel industry is pure technical efficiency.
Peng et al. (2005) Studies on barriers for promotion of 2002 20 barriers are grouped into four major The Analytic Hierarchy Process The exterior barriers of policy and financial
clean technology in SMEs of China categories: Policy and market barriers, (AHP) barriers should be stressed rather than the
Financial and economic barriers, Technical inner barriers of technical and managerial
and information barriers and Managerial barriers. Absence of incentives, lax enforcement
and organizational barriers. of regulations and high initial capital cost were
the most important barriers to adoption of clean
technologies in China.
Li and Su (2012) Evaluation of the circular economy Enterprises’ Economic development, resources exploiting, Weighted sum model The analysis on the CE development of Beijing
development level of Chinese chemical confidential pollution reducing, ecological efficiency, Petrochemical New Material Base indicates that
enterprises data development potential (18) the CE development in this base is in a transitional
stage from the transitional development to the
circular mode. In the future more importance
should be attached to the efficiency of resources-
exploiting and its potential development to raise
the level of CE development

226 B.W. Su et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 42 (2013) 215e227

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