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Trinh Phuong Ha – 11E8

Hello, I will be responsible for the introduction of this presentation. Writer J.
K. Rowling once said that: “A good impression can work wonders”, we firmly believe
that, first impressions can last a lifetime. Within only milliseconds of interaction, we
all subconsciously make judgments of an individual’s identity, including but not
limited to: attractiveness, likeability, trustworthiness, competence, and aggressiveness;
in fact, evaluating first impression is one of the survival traits that have been passed
on through generations of human evolution. We have divided this presentation into 5
parts, talking about its Definition, Importance/Influence, How people make judgments
automatically, Giving some tips on making a good impression, and finally
Counterarguing the maxim “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. We will now move on
to the meaning of first impressions.

You know how people stress the importance of first impressions? They carry a
whole lot of weight when it comes to how we perceive and are perceived by other
people, thanks to the primacy effect and confirmation bias. The primacy effect is the
tendency to remember the first piece of information we encounter better than
information presented later on. Have you ever been asked to memorize a really long
list of items? If so, you might have noticed that it's easier to remember the very first
items and the very last items on the list, but the ones in the middle are a bit hazy.
Companies have utilized this universal phenomenon, by making sure that the first
news you hear, the first thing you see about a product is positive. The same goes for
evaluating people: when reading a series of facts about an individual, the amount of
time they spend paying attention declines with each new fact presented; therefore, an
individual’s opinion can easily be manipulated or skewed based on their first
impression of an object or person.
One of psychologist Solomon Eliot Asch’s studies was published in 1946,
exploring the primacy effect regarding individuals and their impressions of others. In
the study, Asch first presented study participants with an initial list of character traits.
He generated two different types of lists, one with character traits of an individual, but
beginning with the individual’s positive traits, and the other list containing exactly the
same traits but in reverse order. When asked to describe the person based on the list,
participants who read lists where positive traits came first formed more favorable
impressions than those who read lists with negative traits first. The difference in list
order, resulted in a completely different description of the individual as perceived by

SUBCONSCIOUS JUDGMENTS: “ First impressions are long-lasting.”

Question: Please raise your hands if you still remember the first impression of
the one who sits next to you? ----> many don't remember.
We always form judgments of people with or without intention. You might
assume that if you’ve known someone for a year, that your impression of them over
that year just changes gradually over time. After a couple of weeks, you learn
Trinh Phuong Ha – 11E8

something new about them: They do something that appeals to you or doesn’t appeal
to you, and you slowly form this impression of how smart they are, how warm and
generous and kind. It turns out that that happens within three seconds. If you ask
someone about the first impression of someone else, the relationship between that
response and what they’ll say a year later is incredibly high. It is a very strong
Vivian Zayas, professor of psychology at Cornell University found that people
continue to be influenced by another person's appearance even after interacting with
them face-to-face. First impressions formed simply from looking at a photograph
predicted how people felt and thought about the person after a live interaction that
took place one month to six months later.
"Facial appearance colors how we feel about someone, and even how we think
about who they are. These facial cues are very powerful in shaping interactions, even
in the presence of other information," said Zayas.
The researchers ran experiments in which 55 participants looked at photographs of
four women who were smiling in one instance and had a neutral expression in another.
For each photo, participants evaluated whether they would be friends with the woman,
indicating likeability, and whether or not her personality was extroverted, agreeable,
emotionally stable, conscientious, and open to new experiences.
Between one month and six months later, the study participants met one of the
photographed women - not realizing they had rated her photograph previously. They
played a trivia game for 10 minutes then were instructed to get to know each other as
well as possible for another 10 minutes. After each interaction, the study participants
again evaluated the person's likeability and personality traits.
The researchers found a strong consistency between how the participants
evaluated the person based on the photograph and n the live interaction. If study
participants thought a person in a photograph was likable and had an agreeable,
emotionally stable, open-minded, and conscientious personality, that impression
carried through after the face-to-face meeting. Conversely, participants who thought
the person in the photograph was unlikeable and had a disagreeable, emotionally
unstable, close-minded, and disagreeable personality kept that judgment after they

Saying that does not mean … but once a first impression is made, if it’s less
than great, unfortunately, it takes a long time to change it or even never. The reason
why first impressions are so important is that they last well beyond that moment. The
fact is that when you first meet a person, he makes a judgment about you in
approximately four seconds, and his judgment is finalized largely within 30 seconds
of the initial contact. In a survey of the members of the American Personnel
Consultants ¾ those men and women who are responsible for hiring people for large
companies, ¾ members generally agreed that they made their decision to hire or not to
hire a person within 30 seconds of the first meeting. This means that before we even
get sufficient time to demonstrate our abilities, the first impression is already cast. So,
first impressions are made very fast. Some scientists say they happen too fast to be
Trinh Phuong Ha – 11E8

very accurate. There are stereotypes that humans associate with certain physical
characteristics, and these stereotypes can greatly affect the first impression. Not only
impressions are important in communication among people, but a good first
impression can also be considered equally important in businesses. Giving a bad first
impression can lose you the confidence of prospective employers, customers, and
clients, and even cost you business. The first impressions you give a customer or
client will set the tone for your future business relationship and shows that you are
professional and prepared. First impressions have the ability to make or break a
business, and a positive experience can create long-lasting business relationships. For
this reason, it is essential that you work on that first impression; for example, the way
in which you present yourself and your venture in public, how you communicate with
colleagues and clients, and the ways you publicize yourself. Making a good first
impression is particularly important when it comes to meeting customers, pitching to
potential clients, or during interviews.
 Long gone are the days where companies had the luxury of taking their time to
win customers over. Today, technology and digital communication have sped things
up in every corner of the world. Consumers are online with their phones almost all day
consuming information and sales messages from your competitors. If you want to
avoid losing business to competitors, you need to arrive in front of your customers
first. This includes social media, emails, phone calls, and first impressions when
dealing with salespeople. If you don’t get the sale, your opponents might swoop in
days later to close the deal. Therefore, it requires a real fascinating first impression to
attract the customers. And it’s the end of my part. In the next part, please welcome
 You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
1.Be on time. In fact, it’s best to be a little early. Double-check where you’re
supposed to be and what time you’re expected to start
what if you have a car accident , jusst simple you cản find your shose because your cat
stole it, you have a sudden stomachache or your
In case you still need the reason why, here are 3 big ones
1.Being Late Weakens Your Position: 
Nobody wants to start an important business meeting with an apology. You
may also be stressed and scattered, which may make the other person question their
choice to work with you. If you can’t even be trusted to be on time, why would a
customer trust you with their money?
2. When You’re Not on Time, You’re Stealing: If time is money, then by arriving
five minutes late you’ve just stolen something from the other person, which is
NOT a great way to start any important business negotiation. The other person
feels like they’ve already given you something, so they’re not going to be as
likely to give you more.
      3.Being Late Communicates a Lot…and None of it is Good: It tells them you
think your time is more important than theirs, and whatever you are doing is more
Trinh Phuong Ha – 11E8

important than what they could be doing. It shows disrespect and disregard, and it tells
the other person you’re totally unreliable, careless, and disorganized.
2.Master people’s names. 
questions : anybody here can remember names from the first time meeting, if
you dont know that you have already make a great first impression
That’s because people closely associate their name with the core of their
identity. Being addressed by name tells you the speaker recognizes, respects, and
values your individuality

Looks are vital with regards to establishing a decent first connection. 48% percent of
all Americans feel that a grin is the most paramount element after first gathering
While grinning is significant, however don't drive it. Grin too generally and it will
seem as though you're concealing apprehension. Or on the other hand you may seem
to be presumptuous. Indeed, even a little smile can go far.
In addition to the fact that smiling makes others feel more great around you, however
it additionally diminishes pressure chemicals that can contrarily affect your wellbeing

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