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S.Y. 2020-2021

Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Science

Performance Check
ACTIVITY# 1 (30 Points)
Name: Jhaymee Rose P. Brocal Date Submitted:
Year & Section: Teacher:

Practice Task 1 : Which words do not belong to the rest of the words inside the
rectangle? Identify those words and write them inside the circle. Write the
remaining words inside the triangle. (5 Points)

Economics Social Work Psychology

Geography Communication
Anthropology Political Science
Sociology Demography
Counselling History
S.Y. 2020-2021
Practice Task 2 : Do you still remember your VENN DIAGRAM? Illustrate the
similarities and differences of SOCIAL SCIENCE AND APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCE . (10 Points)

Social Science Applied Social Science

Applied social sciences are
They develop academic social science fields,
The social sciences are a group of workable solutions to careers, and forms of employment
academic disciplines that study current social issues. that seek to apply basic social
society. This branch of science The provision of skills science knowledge, particularly
investigates how people interact by social science from sociology, economics, and
with one another, how they behave, becomes the moral political science, and, to a lesser
how cultures develop, and how they foundation for applied extent, psychology, social
influence the world. science to bringing psychology, and anthropology, to
awareness issues and improve the daily lives of
concerns. communities, organizations, and

Practice Task 3: Which among the 3 Applied Social Science Career would you like to have? Why?
(5 Points)
S.Y. 2020-2021
Practice Task 3: Identify one social issue during the COVID 19 Pandemic and create a graphic
organizer to illustrate the relationship and impact of social science and applied social science in the
society. 10points
S.Y. 2020-2021
QUIZ # 1: ( 30 Points)
Vocabulary List: RECALL and RECONNECT: When you took-up Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences, you
learned the different disciplines under social sciences which belong to pure social sciences. Can you still
remember them? Answer the following. The jumbled words will guide you in identifying the social
science discipline being described. Ready, go and answer.
__________________1. Study of society, social institutions and social relationships. LOGICOSYO
__________________2. Study of human origins, societies, cultures and races, PYLOGHANTHORO
__________________3. Branch of Social Science that deals with the production, distribution,
consumptions, and management of goods and services. MOCONIECS
__________________4. Study of the natural features of the earth surface, including topography, climate
soil, vegetation, etc and man’s response to them. GYREOGAHP
__________________5. Scientific study of language. GLUITINACS
__________________6. Scientific study of all forms of human and animal behavior sometimes concerned
with the methods through which behavior can be modified, SCHOOGLYPY
__________________7. Scientific study of human populations especially with reference to their size,
structure, and distribution. PHOMRAGDIECS
__________________8. Study of government of states and other political units. SCENICE LOCLAPILIT
__________________9. Discipline of recording and interpreting past events involving human beings.
Circle the letter that corresponds to the Correct answer.
1. Which of the following is NOT an example of social science?
A. Sociology B. Linguistic C. Chemistry D. Economics
2. If you were to explore the culture and traditions of one tribe, which discipline would be the MOST
A. History B. Anthropology C. Psychology D. Political Science
3. Which of the following best describes what social sciences have in common?
A. Study of human culture B. Research on genetics C. Studying human beings D. Talks about
material culture
4. These are engaged and focused in finding ways through a research - based solutions on social
problems A. Social Science B. Applied Social Science C. Physical Science D. Physics
5. Which is NOT a career in Applied Social Science?
A. Molecular Scientist B. Guidance Counselor C. Social Worker D. Journalist
S.Y. 2020-2021

Give 3 Social Scientists

1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________

Give 3 Career Opportunities in Applied Science

1. _________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________

Which among the applied social sciences are most relevant today? Explain your answer. ( 10Points)

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