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In this “New Normal” classroom set up, what are the kinds of NOISE that you have encountered
while conducting our lesson? You may answer as many kinds of noise as you have honestly
observed in your situation. You may open your notes and check all the kinds of noise that we
have discussed so you can base your answers from there. In my case as your teacher, I was
bothered by internal noise. I kept thinking about my other tasks while discussing. I was also
bothered by Semantic and Syntactic noise in a way that I find it difficult to pick the appropriate
words to use that you can understand from your level. These are just some of the noise that I
had encountered. Tell me about yours. Was it difficult to understand the lesson because of the
noise? Was it tolerable? Is the noise you encountered something that you can ignore or is it
bothering you too much? What are the solutions that you can think of to address this issue in
your home? How eager are you to fix it? Why do you need to fix it? How soon can you fix it?
Answer these guide questions in such a way that you are writing a conversation with me.
Imagine that you and I are talking face to face and you are telling me about the kinds of noise
that you have encountered at home while attending the virtual class. Remember to end your
composition with a solution that you can apply to your situation

As a student, I normally experience a lot of noise while studying especially now in a designated “New
Normal” classroom set up. I was bothered by external noises. I can hear our neighbors gossiping in
an indiscreet manner, vehicles, dogs barking, cats meowing and most especially my mother. I was
also bothered by internal noises and I hate that while my teacher is in the middle of discussion, I kept
thinking of the things that makes me excited especially when I was scolded, embarrassed or when
someone shouted at me; I kept thinking about it all day. I cannot concentrate, so I can only shake my
head and try listening to my teacher again. I was also bothered by syntactic noise and bring a bit of
pressure on myself to understand and correct my grammar all the time because I need high scores.
Organizational noise bothered me also, just like when my mother instructed me to do something but
her explanation was not detailed or unclear. It is something that I cannot ignore because it does
bother me too much and it is difficult for me to understand our lessons because of it. I do not really
know a solution to it but I can only try to focus harder on the lessons as I always practice to focus on
small things. I am desperate to learn the lesson and I have to try to fix it as soon as I can for me to
properly understand our lessons.

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