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The Sales

A Book Review
The Facts
Part 4: The Demand Generation Formula
Flip the Demand Generation Formula—Get
Buyers to Find You
• In era that internet empowered buyers, outbound marketing is
disruptive and should be lessen while encouraging inbound
marketing which is modern demand generating
• No matter what client background about, majority recognized
searching through online influence purchase more than
getting a phone call. Yet, company still rather invest more into
outbound marketing.
• To make possible be top search of Google, know their
algorithm, getting more valuable inbound links to your site by
creating quality content
Flip the Demand Generation Formula—Get
Buyers to Find You
• Two factors build inbound marketing: 1) continual quality
content production; 2) frequent online at social media that
your target buyers discuss most
• It never happens overnight, keep posting consistently, commit
to the process
• Matches thought leadership committee with a hired journalist
to build continuous stream of high-quality content
• Always don’t forget to “mingling” around in the social media
platform, just like you did in a conference or event. Share their
post, and even ask them to share yours
Flip the Demand Generation Formula—Get
Buyers to Find You
• Most often people focuses with the head, the hot topics, to
post around their content. But that came along with
• Long-tail is some other topics along with the category. With
internet, huge variety makes possible
• Focuses on long-tailed topics which less competitive and
more likely attracting specified target buyers
Converting Inbound Interest into Revenue
• Marketing must not pass all the inbound leads to Sales,
instead should filter them effectively.
• The characteristic variant between inbound and outbound
sales make salesperson feels marketing leads majority are not
• At the early stages, volume of inbound leads low, may pass
most of them to sales with least complex filter. When later
stages volume gained, advanced filter technique is needed.
Converting Inbound Interest into Revenue
• Must avoid falling into lead scoring trap, instead should use
Buyer Persona vs Buyer Journey matrix in filtering
• Make up some gut's theory findings determining which stage
of the funnel should best pass the leads to salesperson
• Measures the theory, uses figures to valid proof the theory,
and optimize to improve it further. A few key variables for
measurement: leads passed, lead-to-customer, customer
number, total revenue, revenue per customer
Converting Inbound Interest into Revenue
• Sales should personalize their calls, and call low then call high
• Remember to keep the call personal, no one needs or wish to
talk with a machine. Personalize your call with what they wish
to hear, not what you want to tell.
• Start low then call high, is not to feel disappointed when call
reaching to lower position. Explore and chat with them to find
out the identifiable wins, and clarifying their organization
structure better
• Then call high, give the tailored solution brief
Converting Inbound Interest into Revenue
• Sales has to cold call the inbound leads by prioritizing through
their engagement, not cadence or alphabetic sequence. This
shall be done best as in real-time.
• It may be better to consider specialize inbound outbound
teams. Cause otherwise the inbound probably do less cold
call, while the outbound may not appreciate inbound leads
Aligning Sales and Marketing—The
Marketing SLA
• None cooperative relationship between sales and marketing is
the sure failed in a buyer-driven world
• Use Sales and Marketing SLA determine target and quantified
goals replacing subjective relation of sales and marketing
• Measuring the implication value of Buyer Persona Buyer
Journey, and revert the number of reached audience as a
target to achieve by the marketing team
• Marketing SLA determine a framework with revenue quota
Aligning Sales and Marketing—The
Marketing SLA
• Sales SLA defined best practices to assure leads are well
• Make sure marketing team effort is not white elephant, a plan
to assure cold call action must be taken by the sales team on
the inbound leads
• Sales and Marketing SLA results must be updated daily
• Helping both sales and marketing to follow-up clearly on the
latest inbound leads, and make effective lead-to-customer
The Feelings
Inbound Marketing is the thing!
• It is new for me to learn and define about inbound marketing.
It defines clearly on why inbound marketing is important, how
inbound marketing was formed, what to do when there’s an
inbound marketing. But bear in mind, the book never said
outbound marketing has to be totally eliminated.
The Focuses
Sounds a Little Personal… But Build Profile
• The very start of an inbound marketing, is to play along in the
correct social media. I have been building LinkedIn profile, but
I found myself lost of content. Now with appropriate guidance,
I start with getting a personal assistant in content creation,
then posting.

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