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Additional Information: Chinese Mandarin(普通话) jìzhě(journalist) chūzūchē(taxi) zìxíngchē(bike) zìzhùcān(buffet)

汉语普通话是中国汉民族的共同语,也是中国的官方语言。它以北 2. Read the following tongue twister correctly.

语法规范。 Sì shì sì,shí shì shí. Shísì shì shísì,sìshí shì sìshí.

The common language of the Han nationality is Mandarin (4 is 4, 10 is 10, 14 is 14, 40 is 40)
Chinese. Mandarin is also the official language of the People’s
Republic of China. Beijing phonetic is regarded as the standard
pronunciation and the basic dialect is the dialect of the northern Additional Information: Chinese Pinyin(汉语拼音简介)
part of the country. The standard modern Chinese written works
become grammar examples.

母(26 个),声母(21 个),韵母(39 个),声调(4 个),和

Generally speaking, a single Chinese character is equal to a syllable. The Pinyin is a system for representing standard Mandarin in the
The structure of a Chinese syllable is quite simple, usually being Latin alphabet. It contains 26 letters, 21 initials, 39 finals, four
composed of an initial and a final with a tone. The initial is the first tones and several special spelling rules.
part of a syllable. Following the initial is the final, which can be
classified into three types; the simple final, compound final and final 用拉丁拼音字母记录汉字的读音始于公元 1610 年的法国传教
with a nasal ending. Tone marks are placed on the major vowels of
士。1958 年中华人民共和国正式公布拉丁字母式的《汉语拼音方
the final.
案》。1977 年,联合国决定采用汉语拼音为中国地名拼写法的国
际标准。 1982 年,该方案成为国际标准 ISO 7098(中文罗马字
Extended Exercise: Where Are You From?
1. Listen and read.
In 1610, a French missionary first used the Latin alphabet to
qìchē(car) zìjǐ(self) rìjì(diary) sījī(driver) record the pronunciation of Chinese characters. Then in 1958,
Chinese government published the "Scheme for the Chinese
Phonetic Alphabet" officially. Later in 1977, the UN adopted Extended Exercise: Are You a Student?
Pinyin as the international spelling standards of Chinese
geographical names and the scheme became ISO 7098(Roman 1. Listen and read.
alphabet spellings for Chinese) in 1982.
kāfēi(coffee) píjiǔ(beer) shuǐguǒ(fruit) niúnǎi(milk)
hǎochī(delicious) xuéxiào(school) yàzhōu(Asia) yěhuā(wild
The Pinyin has become the educational-based content in Chinese
2. Read the following tongue twister correctly.
mainland and a essential part in Chinese- speaking communities
Jiāojiāo zǎo qǐ jiào jiùjiu. Kuài bēi yóulǒu mǎi lǒu yóu.

(Jiaojiao gets up early and calls her uncle to get a basket carried
on the back to buy some oil.)

The laws of Chinese Pinyin are relatively simple, which plays an

important in popularizing Chinese characters and primary
education. With the popularization of computer technology, Pinyin Additional Information: Spelling Rules of Pinyin(汉语拼
has become a very popular Chinese input method besides 音拼写规则)
character stroke input.
拼写规则 Rules of Spelling

1. zhi chi shi ri, zi ci si 的韵母用“i”
The finals of zhi chi shi ri, zi ci si are “i”.

Because Pinyin is only for recording the pronunciation, it can

2. i 开头的韵母,前面没有声母时,写成 yi ya ye yao you yan yin
never be the substitute of Chinese character. The article that
yang ying yong
completely written by Pinyin is difficult to understand. Therefore,
Pinyin is not a formal way of writing and it is just a reading aid.
Finals beginning with i without initials are written as : yi ya ye yao Tone marks are marked on the vowels ɑ o e i u ü according to the
you yan yin yang ying yong. order. When the tone mark is on an i, the dot on the i can be
omitted, e.g. kāi zhǎo tiào guā tiē zǒu jīn jùn jù.
3. u 开头的韵母,前面没有声母时,写成 wu wa wo wai wei wan
wen wang weng -iu, -ui 这两个韵母的调号应该标在后面。

Finals beginning with u without initials are written as: wu wa wo For the finals iu and ui, the tone marks should be placed on the
wai wei wan wen wang weng. latter u or i, e.g. diū huì.

4. 韵母 ü,üe 和声母 l,n 相拼,ü 的两点保留。ü 及以 ü 开头的韵

母和声母 j,q,x 相拼,ü 一律称 ü。
Extended Exercise: Who is He/She?
ü and üe are combined with l and n, the two dots on the ü are
remained, e.g. lü, nü, lüe, nü. When ü and finals beginning with ü 1. Listen and read.
are combined with j, q, x, ü is all pronounced as ü, e.g. ju quan
shāngdiàn (shop) yínháng(bank) míngtiān(tomorrow) dēnglong
5. ü 开头的韵母,前面没有声母时,ü 上的两点省略。
rénshēng(life) wǎnfàn(supper) chènshān(shirt) gōngyuán(park)
When the finals beginning with ü without initials, the two dots on
the ü are omitted, these are written as: yu yue yuan yun. 2. Read the following tongue twister correctly.

Hónɡ fènɡhuánɡ, fěn fènɡhuánɡ.

6. iou uei uen 前面有声母时,写成 iu ui un.

When iou uei uen are preceded by initials, they are written as iu Hónɡ fěn fènɡhuánɡ, fěn hónɡ fènɡhuánɡ.

ui un, e.g. niu liu gui hun.

Huánɡ fènɡhuánɡ.

7. 声调的调号一般按照顺序一次标注在 ɑ o e i u ü 上。如果调在 i
(Red phoenix, pink phoenix.Red and pink phoenix, pink and red
上时,i 上的点儿可以省略。
phoenix.yellow phoenix.)
Please introduce the persons according to the following

1. Ma Yueshu
college professor

address: 301, building 2, Lanting

phone num.: 84907156

2.aunt Lee

doctor, my father’s collegue

address: 5, Fangyuan

phone num.: 13249607988


Zhè shì Mǎ(Yuèshū) xiānshenɡ。Tā shì dàxué de lǎoshī。Tā zhù

zài Lántínɡ èr hào lóu sānlínɡyāo hào。Tā de diànhuà shì
bāsìjiǔlínɡ qīyāowǔliù。

Zhè shì Lǐ āyí。Tā shì yīshēnɡ。Tā shì wǒ bàba de tónɡshì。Tā

zhù zài Fānɡyuán wǔ hào。Tā de diànhuà shì yāosān’èr
sìjiǔliùlínɡ qījiǔbābā。

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