Org & MGT 11 Q1 LAS 2 (Mr. Rendon) Checked

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Saligumba Street, Passi City, Iloilo

Gov’t. Recognition Nos.: SR-028, S. 2014; ER-098, S. 2014; ER-097 S. 2014
Tel. # 311-6263/5245
S. Y. 2021 – 2022


First Semester (Midterms) – Organization and Management 11/12

Name: ____________________________________________ Grade and Section: ___________________

Time Frame: _______________________________________ To be Submitted on: __________________


Learning Competency: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to explain the functions, roles and skills
of a manager.
Day 1
Managerial Roles and Functions
Concept: Organizations typically have three levels of managements with their respective managers – top-
level managers, middle-level managers, and frontline or lower-level managers. Please refer to
Concept Notes 1 and the following link for the discussion:

Activity: Research more about the three managerial roles and functions then answer the questions below:
1. What critical roles do middle managers play in an organization?

2. Among the different types of managers, which type of manager/s is/are more aware of their organization’s
problems? Explain your answer.

3. Have the managerial roles and functions remained the same through time? Why do you say so?

Management Roles and Skills

Concept: Managerial roles are classified into three types: interpersonal, informational, and decision-making.
In his book Strange World of Organization, Henry Mintzberg identified ten managerial roles
categorized into different types. Please refer to CN 1 for further information. Research about the
description of each role according to Mintzberg. You can also find in CN 1 the different key
management skills. Research more about the definition of each skill.

Activity: Answer the questions below:

1. For you, what is the most important type of role a manager should possess? Or would you rather believe
that these roles are equally important? Explain your answer.

2. Based on your judgment, which among the ten roles of a manager are the most and least important role in
a company? Justify your answer.

Assumption Passi: A home where YOU can be your BEST!

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3. Among the key management skills, which do you think is the most important skill that a manager should
possess? Why do you think so?


Learning Competency: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to analyze various forces/elements
influencing local and international business environment using PEST and SWOT
Day 2
Strategic Planning: SWOT Analysis
Concept: The business firm’s environment refers to the conditions and elements that define its operations
and determine its success. There are two types of the firm’s environment: internal and external.
Please refer to CN 1 for the definition of each.
SWOT Analysis is a technique that identifies the Strength and Weakness of a company, as
well as the Opportunities and Threats it faces. Please refer to CN 1 for further discussion.
Activity: Assess the school using SWOT analysis. Identify at least three elements of each aspect (strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). Develop a strategy that will enable the school to utilize its
strengths, improve its weaknesses, act upon opportunities, and address threats. Present your work
in a short bond paper using the SWOT matrix. The explanation and strategy plan should be written
on a separate sheet.
Strategic Planning: PEST Analysis
Concept: PEST Analysis is a method used in analyzing the Political, Economic, Social, and Technological
factors affecting the company. This technique focuses on the factors that define the
macroenvironment of the business. The discussion of the different factors is found in CN 1.
Activity: Read and analyze the selection about Bench found in CN 1. Conduct the analysis based on the
succeeding instructions.
A. Conduct a SWOT Analysis of Bench using the table below. Identify at least three answers for each part.
Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats

B. Perform a PEST Analysis of the company. List all the different factors mentioned in the selection in the table
below under their respective column.
Political Economic Social Technological

Zarate, C. A. (2018). Organization and Management. Quezon City: Rex Book Store

Assumption Passi: A home where YOU can be your BEST!

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