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In this day and age, we live in a society where people are well aware of how science works every
day. All we do is related to it, and the stuff we use is also a part of science. Generally, science helps us to
make and do things a lot easier with its practical approach that people can rely on. I think of science as a
substance of this unpredictable world where it continuously does and creates something useful and
beneficial. But as days go by, we can't deny the fact that science also has its danger when people abuse

According to the web, scientism is the broad-based belief that the assumptions and methods of
research of the physical and natural sciences are equally appropriate (or even essential) to all other
disciplines, including philosophy, the humanities, and the social sciences. With this, I assume that this has
helped scientists to define and rule the way people live even up to this day. We live in an age of science,
technology, and progress. Some people, because of their deep knowledge and understanding of science,
they tend to control humanity and grab the opportunity to make people believe that science can be an
alternative religion for them to follow and worship.

CJ Lewis and other scientists believe that there was no magic in the Middle Ages. The extreme
magical effort and the serious scientific effort are twins: one would be ill and died, the other was healthy
and throve.They were born with the same instinct. Scientocracy is the practice of basing public policies
on science. This thing explains how people create rules and regulations that are science-based as they
treat as an alternative religion.

From the video (which was quite long) that I’ve watched, Lewis saw these developments. He saw
that two world wars in which one he served and was badly wounded and had roots in barbaric and
hysterical scientistic ideas abuses of the scientific method. Like what I've said, the developed scientism
can also be a danger to people. The belief that science is dangerous is profoundly ingrained in our culture,
particularly in literature, but science is the best way to explain the universe. Science is not the same thing
as electronics. Unlike technology, accurate scientific information is value-free and has little legal or ethical

Nowadays, there is a pernicious and highly influential stream of thought which is usually referred
to as "scientism" which is not only a challenge to any other field, even philosophy but risks undermining
the very integrity of research. However, it is much worse to make a groundbreaking discovery and then
disapprove or refuse publishing due to research shortcomings.

The road to scientific exploration is fraught with possible pitfalls. Each with the ability to make
tremendous attempts, time, and money useless. Although certain situations are beyond the reach of the
researcher, a variety of typical missteps can be avoided by proper preparation and caution.

In conclusion, I got the point in life where not only good things will come, but the bad ones as well.
As for science, it has good and bad points, but we can avoid doing things that will affect no good to us
and our society. Lastly, I've read something on the web, it states that: Scientific knowledge enables one
to create new technology, to solve practical challenges, and to make rational decisions, both personally
and collectively. Since its goods are so valuable, the research method is interconnected with these uses:
modern scientific understanding will lead to new applications.

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