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Understanding Addiction

Addiction is a complex illness. According to (what?) the addiction disease ,It

involves biochemical processes in brain specially in the mid – brain and parts of
the pre- frontal cortex. Like the other chronic illnesses , if detected and treated
in early stages the outcomes are good and avoids further complications. A
range of treatments are available , accessible and quite affordable . Involvement
of family and close friends in treatment and recovery is very useful. Many a
times the source of the disease is from within the family by influence from others
closely associated with the person. Addiction is due to Culture and family .

Types of Addiction;

1-Substance Addiction leading to dependence and regular use of products like

Heroin, alcohol, nicotine synthetic drugs. The individual’s attraction and need to
these substances grow over time , making it difficult for the person to live a
normal and healthy life .There are special features of a substance addiction that
make it difficult to give it up .It can be described as Chemical dependence

2-Process or Behavioral addiction :

Excessive gambling , multiple sex relationships ,having and displaying particular

type of emotions repeatedly, excessive eating and work habits are some
addictions in this category. Such addictions pulls a person away from normal
behaviour . Priority is on attachment of value to a behaviour associated with
dysfunction , behaviour is usually hidden . It is found that gambling
addiction/obsession is an illness which can never really be cured, but only contained or
transformed. Some people tend to be more vulnerable than others just like in use of
alcohol and drugs. On top of that, most true problem gamblers are unable to change on
their own. Gambling addiction can be Professional gambler, they make money to
support the family . There are few types of addictions in gambling like the Anti –
Social gambler in which the addict pursues a motive by the act of cheating .He
enjoys for relaxation and it becomes recreational. Another type is the Social
gambler who has the need to gamble with increased amounts to achieve
desired level of recognition in a social context. A more severe addiction is seen
in Problem gambling which is a persistent and recurrent maladaptive
behaviour that disrupts personal, family or vocational well being. It includes
distortions in thinking, preoccupation with gambling.

3.Game addiction is regarded as a psychological addiction from the overuse of video games, such
that they exhibit certain symptoms common to addiction, as well as neglecting their real life for their
online life. Some of the symptoms of people suffering from game addiction include: Having a
sense of euphoria while playing cyber games ,Inability to stop computer activity ,Craving for
more time at the computer ,neglect the family, friends and social activities ,feelings of
depression, emptiness or irritability when not at the computer ,lying to employers, family and
friends about computer activities ,problems with school or work ,using it to escape from
problems ,lack of proper sleep, panda-eyes ,lack of physical activity, physically degrading .

Dear Counselor why the person is addicted ?

Answer ; There are many factors involved

This can happen due to cognition –irrational thinking ,peer group pressure, family
abuse , unitary family systems , growing up in extremely critical environment
,rejection or emotionally unavailable parents . Families that over emphasize
status or overvalues money and been brought up in an extremely competitive
manner lead to addictive behaviour. Exposure to gambling /alcohol at a young
age, worse if parents are habituated as well .

Misaligned habits and poor coping strategies in life lead to imbalance of

chemicals in the body. Once an addict drops the addiction activity or action it
causes irritation in body as the person is unable to manage his mental balance.
In due course this may damage the brain.

Rate of gambling found by%(Frank , Lester & Wexler , 1991) among alcohol and
drug abusers (10-%30%) Nicotine (41.6%in heavy gamblers :30.1%recreational
gamblers .Anti –social Personality disorder 48%----( This para not clear)

Dear Counselor -Why addiction is so difficult to change ?

Given their current level and response to stress (change), people always use
their best problem solving strategies to get their needs met, even if these are
dysfunctional. People feel frustrated to change the life pattern and are reluctant
to give up the past way of life and undesirable friends.

Some of the obstacles to change are the inability to cope up with shame / guilt ,
getting lonely & the depression , fear, anxiety , ambiguity associated with such
a state . Other obstacles are Lack of confidence in self to make the transition .
Questions that haunt are - do i have the skill ?Can I really do this ?What’s wrong
with the way things are ?Further a Lack of understanding (vision ) of what is
needed and inability to see personal or professional benefits of the change .

Dear Counselor- So How can you make addicts change ?

The therapist can influence by motivation. Each person possesses a powerful

potential for change. Therapist task is to release that potential by facilitating
natural process already inherent in the individual .Motivation is defined as the
probability that a person will enter into , continue and adhere to a specific
behaviour .There are 4 basic Principles of Motivational Therapy –

1-Express Empathy – Accept the “person” but not the “behaviour”. Recognize
“positives ‘of the substance use -drugs because they would help in some way ,
what one likes about the effects are awareness of personal attitudes and
values .Identify the feelings and human yearnings.

2-Develop Discrepancy –To create and amplify, in the client’s mind a discrepancy
between the present behaviour and broader goals .Encourage the client to
express negative feelings about gambling . Tell them about the down side .Help
them to perceive discrepancy at different levels –if they continue addiction as
before , how do they see themselves in 3years from now? What sorts of things
are important? How does the gambling fit in with their goals ( positive self)

3-Avoid Argumentation and roll with resistance – Arguments are counter


Argumentation forces people to defend the behaviour they are trying to change.
Set up being on “their” side. Resistance is a signal to change the strategies.

4-Support self efficacy – By eliciting and supporting hope and optimism ,try to
bring attention to assets and strengths , acknowledge progress , no matter how
small it is .Set targets which are easily achievable. Try to offer a range of

Dear Counselor- Can you tell us more about techniques used by a Therapist?

A therapist’s optimism can powerfully influence clients motivation and

outcomes .

• Behaviour Therapy is very commonly used by Therapists to cure

addictions . It is based on experimentally derived principles of learning
which are systematically applied to help people change their maladaptive
behaviors. It deals with the client’s current problems and the factors
influencing them, as opposed to an analysis of possible historical factors
(past). Behavior therapists look to the current environmental events that
maintain problem behaviors and help clients produce behavior change by
changing environmental events. Clients monitor their behaviors both
during and outside the therapy sessions, learn and practice coping skills,
and role-play new behavior. It is an action-oriented approach, and this is
an educational approach in which clients participate in a teaching-learning
process. The behavioral approach emphasizes Identifying the problem,
and evaluating change. There is direct assessment of the target problem
through observation or self-monitoring.

• Behavior therapy emphasizes a self-control approach in which clients

learn self-management strategies. Therapists frequently train clients to
initiate, conduct, and evaluate their own therapy. The practice of
behavior therapy is based on a collaborative partnership between
therapist and client. The emphasis is on practical applications.
Interventions are applied to all facets of daily life in which maladaptive
behaviors are to be decreased and adaptive behaviors are to be

• Therapists strive to develop culture-specific procedures and obtain their

clients’ adherence and cooperation. Teaching clients skills of self-
management, with the expectation that they will be responsible for
transferring what they learn in the therapist’s office to their everyday
State goverments across the nation are always developing new programs and
dedicating money to gambling addiction research. Treats problem gambling and
other behavioural addictions (internet, gaming, etc), and substance addictions
(alcohol and drugs).

Our Services include:Assessment and treatment of addictive disorders by a

multi-disciplinary team of psychiatrists, counsellors, psychologists, and social
workers,Individual, group and family therapy,Public education talks.

• Training for health care and social service professionals.


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