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Accounting Under Ind AS For Upstream

Oil & Gas Entities: The Backbone of World
Oil & Gas activities
are intended to
explore, develop,
CA. Ram Awasthi CA. Amrish Diwakar
extract, refine, market
The authors are members of the Institute. They can be reached at
and sell oil and gas, and

refined products
and petroleum/ Exploration, development are addressed following the oil
and production activities are and gas value chain: exploration
hydrocarbon products. often structured through joint and development, production
Generally, these ventures or joint activities to and sales of product, together
activities require share the substantial capital with issues that are pervasive to
costs. There is significant a typical oil and gas entity.
substantially high
transportation involved through
capital investment pipelines, tankers, special Upstream activities
and long gestation carriers, etc. The sector can also Upstream activities consist
period to explore and have a significant impact on the of the exploration for and
environment consequential and
extract the petroleum/ is often obligated to remediate
discovery of hydrocarbons
(crude oil and natural gas).
hydrocarbons any resulting damage. The development of these
with uncertain This article analyzes the hydrocarbon reserves and
consequences. Read accounting issues under Ind AS resources, and their subsequent
that are most significant for the extraction (production) also
on... oil and gas industry. The issues takes place at this stage. THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT October 2021 53


Typical stages involved in E&P activity are as below:

S. Stage Particulars
i. Pre-exploration Activities carried out by an E&P entity towards the acquisition of right(s) to
Stage or Acquisition explore, develop and produce oil and gas, constitute acquisition activities.
ii. Exploration and E&E activities cover the prospecting activities conducted in the search for
Evaluation (E&E) oil and gas after an entity has obtained legal right to explore a specific area,
Stage as well as activities towards determination of the technical feasibility and
commercial viability of extracting the oil and gas.
iii. Development Stage It covers the activities conducted after determination of the technical
feasibility and commercial viability of extracting oil and gas.
iv. Production Stage It consists of activities for producing oil and/or gas. It can be categorized into
a. Pre-wellhead (e.g., lifting the oil and gas to the surface, operation and
maintenance of wells, etc.) and
b. post-wellhead (e.g., gathering, treating, field transportation, etc.)

The oil and gas natural Accountants of India (ICAI) not cover accounting aspects for
resources found by an entity are has issued a Guidance Note other stages. Broadly speaking,
its very important economic on Accounting for Oil and Gas two acknowledged methods
asset. Resources are the source Producing Activities (Ind AS) in have traditionally been used
of future cash inflows from December 2016 for entities to across the world to account
the sale of hydrocarbons and whom Ind AS is applicable and for E&P and subsequent
provide the basis for borrowing Guidance Note on Accounting development costs: successful
and for raising equity finance. for Oil and Gas Producing efforts and full cost. Many
Activities (revised 2013) for different variants of the two
Accounting for expenses on
other entities. methods exist. Companies in
E&P activities depends upon
the United States and Canada
the stage for which expenditure Natural resources are outside
(two major countries having
is incurred. Below flowchart the scope of Ind AS 16 Property,
oil & gas exploration activities)
summaries the accounting plant and equipment and Ind
have generally been influenced
guidance applicable for each AS 38 Intangible assets. Ind AS
by the US GAAP for the
stage: 106 provides accounting policy
development of accounting
choice for expenses incurred on
The Institute of Chartered practice in this area.
E&E activities, however it does



field basis as production
Natural resources are (ii) A method similar to Full FCM allows companies to
outside the scope of Ind Cost Method (FCM): capitalize nearly all costs
FCM allows companies to
AS 16 Property, plant and capitalize nearly all costs related to the exploration
equipment and Ind AS 38 related to the exploration and development of new
Intangible assets. Ind AS and development of new reserves regardless of
106 provides accounting reserves regardless of whether their efforts were
whether their efforts were
policy choice for expenses successful. The accounting successful.
incurred on E&E activities, method used will directly
however it does not cover affect how net income and a property or mineral right
cash flows are reported. proved or unproved. These
accounting aspects for include lease/signature
other stages. 1. Accounting for major bonus, brokers’ fees, legal
costs incurred by an costs, cost of temporary
entity during the E&P occupation of the land
Depending upon the accounting
stage including compensation
policy adopted by an entity for
(a) Pre-acquisition cost: paid to landowners, and all
such expenses, accounting for
Expenditure incurred other directly attributable
E&P activities can be broadly
before obtaining the right(s) costs which are incurred
classified into in acquiring these rights.
to explore, develop and
(i) Successful efforts method produce oil and gas assets These are costs incurred
(SEM): Costs related to the (e.g., data collection and in acquiring the right to
successful identification explore, drill and produce
analysis costs incurred for
oil and gas including the
of new reserves may be the purpose of identifying
initial costs incurred for
capitalized while costs the oil and gas asset to be obtaining the PEL/LOA and
related to unsuccessful acquired etc.) are expensed ML.
exploration efforts (e.g., as and when incurred.
drilling efforts that result Normally costs incurred (c) Exploration and
in a dry well) would be prior to obtaining the legal Evaluation costs:
rights to explore an area are As mentioned above,
immediately recorded on
expensed immediately to accounting policy
the income statement.
choice is provided for
Costs incurred in exploring, the statement of profit and
expenses incurred on E&E
acquiring and developing loss.
activities. An entity should
reserves are generally (b) Acquisition or Pre- determine an accounting
capitalised on a field-by- exploration costs: An policy (whether FCM or
field basis. Capitalised entity should capitalize SEM) specifying which
costs are allocated to acquisition costs as expenditures to charge
commercially viable an intangible asset or as expense and which to
hydrocarbon reserves. tangible asset, based capitalize as E&E assets;
Failure to discover on its nature which are and apply the policy
commercially viable 15 consistently.
present in obtaining the
reserves means that the right to explore/ mine. E&E assets are measured
expenditure is charged to Acquisition costs cover all at cost and some examples
expense. Capitalised costs costs incurred to purchase, of initial measurements of
are depleted on a field-by- lease or otherwise acquire E&E assets are as below: THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT October 2021 55


is consumed in developing are treated as one single
an intangible asset, the asset. Expenditure incurred
amount reflecting that on other wells within the
Once the technical consumption is part of same block which are still
feasibility and commercial the cost of the intangible in development phase are
viability of extracting oil asset. However, using a capitalized as tangible/
and gas are determinable, tangible asset to develop intangible assets based on
an intangible asset does the accounting policy of the
the E&E assets should not change the nature and entity.
be reclassified as capital classification of a tangible
Any revenue generated
work-in-progress (CWIP) asset into an intangible
from the sale of crude
or intangible asset under oil and natural gas (net
development (IAUD), as (d) Development costs: Once of levies) produced from
the technical feasibility
the case may be. and commercial viability
Exploratory Wells in
Progress / Development
of extracting oil and gas Wells in Progress is
i. Topographical, are determinable, the E&E
geological, geochemical deducted from expenditure
assets should be reclassified on such wells.
and geophysical studies; as capital work-in-progress
(CWIP) or intangible asset (e) Production costs:
ii. Exploratory drilling; Production costs become
under development (IAUD),
Trenching; as the case may be. part of the cost of oil and
gas produced, along with
iv. Sampling; and When a well is ready to depreciation (depletion) of
v. Activities in relation commence commercial capitalized acquisition, E&E
to evaluating the production, the capitalized and development costs.
technical feasibility and costs referred above
corresponding to prove (f) Cost of Profit petroleum:
commercial viability
of extracting a mineral developed oil and gas As per contracts with
resource reserves should be Government/ regulator
reclassified as ‘completed for extracting the Oil and
After initial recognition, wells/producing wells’ Gas Reserves, normally a
an entity shall apply from CWIP/IAUD to the part of the revenue is paid
either the cost model or gross block of assets. With to Government/ regulator
the revaluation model respect to acquisition costs, which is called Profit
to the E&E assets. An the entire cost should be Petroleum. As per Ind AS
entity shall classify E&E capitalized from CWIP/ 115, it does not form part
assets as tangible or IAUD to the gross block of revenue from sale of
intangible according to of assets. Normally, a well products.
the nature of the assets is ready to commence
acquired and apply the commercial production (g) Rig Days’ Costs: Rig
classification consistently. on establishment of movement costs are booked
Some exploration and proved developed oil to the next location drilled/
evaluation assets are treated and gas reserves. This is planned for drilling.
as intangible (e.g., drilling applicable even if a single Abnormal Rig days’ costs
rights, etc.), whereas others well within the block are considered as un-
are tangible (e.g., vehicles is ready to commence allocable and charged to
and drilling rigs). To the commercial production, the Statement of Profit and
extent that a tangible asset if all wells within a block Loss.



(h) General and relate to plugging rates) should be a pre-
Administrative (G&A) and abandoning of tax rate (or rates) that
costs: G&A costs are wells; dismantling reflect current market
included in the cost only to of wellheads; and assessments of the time
the extent that those costs restoration of value of money and
can be directly attributable producing areas in the risks specific to the
to the related field. In all accordance with license liability.
other cases, these costs are requirements and
Changes in the
expensed as incurred. For relevant legislation.
measurement of
example, G&A costs such existing abandonment
as directors’ fees, secretarial In accordance with
costs that result
and share registry expenses, Ind AS 37, Provisions,
from changes in the
salaries and other expenses Contingent Liabilities
estimated timing
of general management, and Contingent Assets,
or amount of the
etc., are usually recognized an entity recognizes
outflow of resources
as expenses when incurred. any obligations for
embodying economic
removal and restoration
benefits required to
that are incurred
(i) Other Costs settle the obligation
during a particular
or a change in the
i. Cost of Support period because of
discount rate should
Equipment and having undertaken
be added to or
Facilities the exploration for
deducted from the
and evaluation of
The cost of acquiring related field in the
mineral resources.
or constructing current period and
Thus, an entity should
support equipment and would be considered
capitalize as part of
facilities used in E&P for necessary depletion
PPE or intangible
activities (for example, (depreciation)
asset, as the case may
equipment, cranes, etc.) prospectively.
be, the amount of
should be capitalized However, the change
provision required to be
in accordance with Ind in the estimated
created for subsequent
AS 16. Depreciation provision due to the
abandonment. The
on such equipment periodic unwinding of
provision for estimated
and facilities should be the discount should
abandonment costs
arrived at in accordance be recognized in the
should be made
with Ind AS 16, and statement of profit and
at current prices loss as it occurs. Since
accounted for as E&E considering the
cost, development cost abandonment costs do
environment and social not reflect borrowed
or production cost, as obligations, industry
may be appropriate. funds, the unwinding
practice, etc. Where cost would not be a
the effect of the time borrowing cost eligible
ii. Abandonment Costs
value of money is for capitalization.
Abandonment costs material, the amount
are the costs incurred of the provision should 2. Impairment Testing
on discontinuation be the present value For impairment assessment
of all operations and of the expenditures as well, separate guidance is
surrendering the expected to be required applicable for assets under
property back to the to settle the obligation. different stages which is
owner. These costs The discount rate (or summarised as follows: THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT October 2021 57



Stage of E&P Guidance Impairment Requirement

Pre-Exploration Ind AS 16 & 38 Impairment to be tested on In case of onshore
Stage triggering of impairment event oil and gas fields, if
E&E Assets Ind AS 106 Mandatory impairment they use common
testing to be carried out production/ transportation
on reclassification from
exploration to development
facilities and are
stage; sufficiently economically
Impairment to be tested on interdependent, then
triggering of impairment they can be treated as a
single cash generating
Development Ind AS 16 & 38 Impairment to be tested on unit (CGU). Accordingly,
Assets triggering of impairment event
impairment test of
Production all onshore fields is
performed in aggregate.
In all the above cases, current asset. Few more
impairment loss will be examples are:
to all the revenue from
recognized, measured and • Development drilling production from the
disclosed in accordance with costs; property, excluding any
Ind AS 36. Further, impairment third-party interest, until all
must be carried out at a cash • Piping and pumps
of the assignee’s costs have
generating unit (CGU) level or • Producing wells. been recovered, after which
group of CGUs but not larger the assignor will share in
than an operating segment ii. Intangible Asset: An
exploratory well may only both costs and production,
as determined in accordance based on the agreed
with Ind AS 108, Operating provide knowledge, and
accordingly, is classified as arrangement. Carried
Segments. cost may be with varied
IAUD. Few examples are:
Expenditure incurred on terms and conditions.
exploratory wells which were • Acquired exploration Accounting treatment of
written off in the past and rights; the same may vary based on
started producing subsequently, • Costs of surveys and the specifications of each
cannot be reinstated. studies; transaction.

3. Other Accounting The carrying party is

• Exploratory drilling
aspects funding the geological risk
and should account for
(a) Presentation of E & P
(b) Carried Interest: Carried that risk as such during
interest is an arrangement exploration phase. During
i. Tangible Asset: It should whereby the assignee (the the payout period, the
be a physical asset e.g., a carrying party) agrees to carrying party should
producing well which is defray all costs of drilling, record all costs, including
used to extract reserves is developing, and operating those carried, as per its
classified as a tangible non- the property and is entitled normal accounting policy,



and should record all (d) Depreciation Method:
revenue from the property Oil & Gas Assets which
including that which is normally comprise of
applicable to the recovery producing wells are
A joint venture is a joint
of costs carried. In case depleted using Unit of arrangement whereby
of carried interest during Production (UOP) method the parties that have
development phase, carried over proved developed joint control of the
interest should be treated as reserves.
receivable based on proved
arrangement have rights
(e) Inventory Valuation: to the net assets of the
and developed reserves Finished goods including
in line with exploration inventories in pipelines / arrangement.
contract as applicable. tanks are valued at cost
In such an arrangement, or net realizable value,
the carried party should whichever is lower. Cost of be capitalized and then
make no accounting for finished goods is generally tested for impairment in
any costs and revenue determined on absorption accordance with Ind AS 36.
until recoupment (payout) costing method. iii. Producing wells: If the
of the carried costs by (f) Accounting for Side- side-tracking results
the carrying party. After Tracking Expenditure: in additional proved
payout, the carried party Sometimes an E&P activity developed oil and gas
should account for its requires a second/higher reserves or increases the
share of revenue, operating attempt to drill a wellbore future benefits therefrom
expenses, and subsequent after the first wellbore has beyond previously assessed
development costs. been junked (generally standard of performance,
(c) Determination of CGU: In referred to ‘side-track’). the cost incurred on
case of onshore oil and gas This saves re-drilling the side-tracking should be
fields, if they use common top part of the hole but capitalized, whereas the cost
production/ transportation requires drop back to a of abandoned portion of the
facilities and are smaller wellbore size in well due to side-tracking
sufficiently economically the sidetrack. Accounting should be depleted in the
interdependent, then they for cost of side-tracking is normal way. Otherwise, the
can be treated as a single based upon the nature of cost of side-tracking should
cash generating unit (CGU). related wells. be charged as expense
Accordingly, impairment i. Exploratory well: Cost of and the cost of abandoned
test of all onshore fields is side-tracking is treated in portion should be depleted
performed in aggregate. the same manner as the in the normal way.
In case of offshore oil cost incurred on a new (g) Accounting for interests
and gas fields, a field is exploratory well and cost in joint arrangements: It
generally considered as of abandoned portion is accounted in accordance
CGU except for fields which should be treated in the with Ind AS 111, Joint
are developed as a cluster, same manner as the cost Arrangements. The
of dry well, in line with the classification of a joint
for which common facilities
accounting policy of the arrangement as a joint
are used, in which case
entity i.e., SEM/FCM. operation or a joint venture
the impairment testing is
performed in aggregate for ii. Development well: Entire depends upon the rights
all the fields included in the costs of abandoned portion and obligations of the
cluster. and side-tracking should parties to the arrangement. THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT October 2021 59


4. Disclosure involvement of any external
expert(s), if used.
Besides the disclosures
Ind AS 106 provides required by applicable Ind viii. Exploration cost written-off
ASs and statutes, an E&P
only limited guidance in entity should also disclose
during the period.

relation to exploration the following in its financial 5. Conclusion

and production statements:
Ind AS 106 provides
industry i.e., primarily i. The accounting policies only limited guidance in
for exploration and followed. relation to exploration and
production industry i.e.,
evaluation assets. ii. Net quantities of an entity’s
primarily for exploration
interests in proved reserves
and evaluation assets.
and proved developed
A joint operation is a joint In most of the areas,
reserves of
arrangement whereby accounting policy choices
the parties that have joint (a) oil (including are available. Availability of
control of the arrangement condensate and natural accounting policy choices
have rights to the assets, gas liquids) and lead to non-comparable
financial statements of
and obligations for the (b) gas, as at the beginning different entities. However,
liabilities, relating to the and additions, the guidance note issued by
arrangement. Those parties deductions, production the Institute of Chartered
are called joint operators. and closing balance. Accountants of India
A joint venture is a joint (ICAI) provides detailed
arrangement whereby iii. Net quantities of an entity’s
interest in proved reserves guidance on various
the parties that have joint crucial topics which is
and proved developed
control of the arrangement being referred by industry
reserves of (a) oil and (b)
have rights to the net members. Thus, it is
gas on the geographical
assets of the arrangement. basis. important to determine
Those parties are called the accounting policy by
joint venturers. Generally, iv. The reporting of reserve giving due consideration to
in the Indian context, quantities should be stated all factors applicable to an
unincorporated joint in metric tonnes for oil entity and the accounting
ventures are likely to be in reserves and cubic meters policy should be followed
the form of joint operations for gas reserves. on a consistent basis.
as described above. Interest v. Description and net References:
in the joint operation is quantities of an entity’s i. Ind AS 106;
accounted as under: interest in reserves used
as a basis for impairment ii. Ind AS 16;
i. Share of the entity’s assets,
assessment, if applicable. iii. Ind AS 38;
liabilities and income and
expenditure of the joint vi. Basis of determination of iv. Guidance Note on Accounting for
operation on a line-by-line cash generating unit used Oil and Gas Producing Activities
consolidation basis; for impairment assessment (Ind AS);
purposes. v. ONGC Annual Report FY 2019-
ii. Share of revenue generated 20
through sale of petroleum vii. Frequency of reserve
evaluation, principal vi. Investopedia
products is as recorded as
turnover of the entity. assumptions used and 


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