Template - 4SHS-Module-Practical Research 1

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Practical Research 1

11 Quarter 3


PR 1 Grade 11
PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1 Module 4 WEEK
First Edition, 2020

Practical Research 1
Qualitative Research

Development Team of the Module


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I What I need to know?

1. States research question

2. Indicates scope and delimitation
3. Cites benefits and beneficiaries of research
4. Presents written statement of the problem

This module will focus on looking for a topic to be studied. This will pre-
sent and discuss on the research question, indicating scope and delimita-
tion, citing benefits and beneficiaries of research and presenting written
statement of the problem. There are texts that would help the learners to
be clarified on the topic that guide them to answer the tasks and to lead
them fully understand the topics involve in this module.
All the tasks activities would be answered/written in the learners’ infor-
mation notebook.

Ilagay ang kahon na may kulay kapag hinhayaan ang
mag-aaral na sumagot sa sagutang papel

I What is new?

Activity 1# 4 Four Pictures 1 Word

Look at the 4 pictures, tell what word is being presented.



The concept that comes out from this activity lead us to the main topic.
Why are questions needed in research? What do you think are the importance of questions in this
Task # 1 Construct questions out of the following concepts
Example: AGE 1. Does the people age ranges 20 –59, guarantee to be safe from COVID-19?
Topics/Concepts Questions
1. Personal Protective Equipment

2. Menu (food)

3. Apps (Computer)

4. Mental issue

5. Family Relationship

I What is new?

Research Question is an explicit query about a problem or issue that can be challenged, exam-
ined, and analyzed and will yield useful new information.
These are the guidelines in formulating research questions.
1. Establish a clear relation between the research questions and the problem or topic.
2. Base the research questions on the Related Review of Literature.
3. Formulate research questions that can arouse the curiosity and surprise the discoveries and
4. State the research question with the independent and dependent variables referred to by the
theories, principles or concepts underlying the research work.
5. Let the set of research questions or sub-problems be preceded by one question expressing the
main problem of the research.
6. Avoid asking questions that are answerable with ‘yes” or ‘no” and use the “how” questions only
in quantitative research.
A good research question is essential to guide the research paper, project or thesis. It pin-
points exactly what the researcher wants to find out and gives the work a clear focus and purpose.
All research questions should be:
1. Focused on a single problem or issue
2. Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
3. Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
4. Specific enough to answer thoroughly
5. Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
6. Relevant to the field of study and/or society more broadly
In a research paper or essay, the researcher usually write a single research question to guide the
reading and thinking. The answer that is developed is the thesis statement — the central asser-
tion or position that the paper will argue for.

The most common types of research questions

1. It addresses a problem relevant to your field or discipline (track and strand)
2. It contributes to a topical social or academic debate
3. It has not already been answered

I What is new?

The most common types of research questions

1. It addresses a problem relevant to your field or discipline (track and strand)
2. It contributes to a topical social or academic debate
3. It has not already been answered
When starting a research question, always consider the initial reading about the chosen topic. The
focus should be attacking the problem or the missing link of the existing knowledge. The query
should contribute to the existing missing link to bridge the gap that would produce new knowledge
for future research. The question should be original/authentic for a particular location or taking a
new focus.
Task # 2 : Construct research questions based on the following statements
1. The 90” Feminist Position and the Effects on the Women’s Rights.
2. The Interest of Senior High School students in Reading
3. The Personal Profile of Grade 11 male students
4. The Aetas practices in burying their dead
5. The Female Perception on Filipino TV Soap
Task # 3 Construct statement based on the following questions
1. What effects do Online selling on the life of the Filipino people during COVID-19 pandemic?
2. What do mothers perceive the Learning Curriculum Plan during pandemic?
3. What makes Reading lead to love for learning?
4. What does teenagers perceive Online learning during this pandemic?

I What is new?

Scope and delimitations are two elements of a research paper or thesis.

The scope of a study explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the work
and specifies the parameters within which the study will be operating. It would have to be narrowed
down to a certain section of the target population.
Example : the scope might be narrowed down to a group of 50 students in grades 11 of one specif-
ic school. Their behavior patterns in school may have been observed for a duration of 6 months.
These would form the delimitations of the study.
Delimitations are the characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study,
such as the sample size, geographical location or setting in which the study takes place, popu-
lation traits, etc. Additionally, the researcher might also choose to use some research tools and
methodologies to collect data but not others. These delimitations might be imposed for practical rea-
sons, such as lack of time or financial resources to carry out a more thorough investigation. The
delimitation section of the study should explain why specific choices were made while others were
excluded and how this might affect the outcome of the research.

Limitations are influences that the researcher cannot control. They are the shortcomings, condi-
tions or influences that cannot be controlled by the researcher that place restrictions on your meth-
odology and conclusions. Any limitations that might influence the results should be mentioned.
Delimitations are choices made by the researcher which should be mentioned. They describe the
boundaries that you have set for the study.
Task # 4
Based on the topics above, write something that makes you remember and understand the topic
1. Scope-

2. Limitation

3. Delimitation

In 5 sentences, write a narrative on how do these concepts affect research question, research

I What is new?

Beneficiaries are those who are likely to be interested in or to benefit from the proposed re-
search. List any beneficiaries from the research and give details of how the results of the proposed
research would be disseminated. Researchers are encouraged to consider who will benefit from
their research, especially when the research may involve or affect multiple individuals or groups (eg
beneficiaries, non-academic users, participants and their associates, researchers or research or-
ganisations) - particularly where benefit to one individual or group may lead to increased risk to an-
other. Researchers should aim to achieve a positive risk-benefit ratio, but should also ensure they
safeguard the independence and excellence of the research.

Benefit can be defined as the positive impact from the research to the parties directly involved (eg
research participants and those associated with them, researchers and research organisations), as
well as the demonstrable contribution of research to knowledge, our economy, individuals and soci-
ety. During the development of the research the maximisation of research benefits should hold cen-
tral position when considering ethics issues. A study may be considered ethical when there is a pos-
itive risk-benefit ratio - that is, the risks and intrusions for people taking part in research are mini-
mized and justified by the expected benefits for the participants, or for science and society.
Task # 5
Based on your research question and statement, who will benefit from your research?

List down 3 benefits that they can get and be shared from the research.

D What I know?

Task # 6 With the research question, research statement, scope and delimitation, benefits and ben-
eficiaries learned, write a narrative with your chosen topic.



Criteria 100% all are 5 are missing 8 are missing 9 are missing 10 are missing
present 5
15 10 8 6









D What is in?

Task # 7 Identify the guidelines of a good research questions.

Check t( / )he guidelines that denote good research question.
________1. Think of multiple problems
________2. Focused on a single problem or issue.
________3. Researchable using primary and /or secondary sources
________4. Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
________5. Specific enough to answer thoroughly

Task # 8 Logical and critical thinking skills

In 2 to 5 sentences, explain the following:
A. Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis

B. Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

C. The thesis statement — the central assertion or position that your paper will argue for.

D What is it?

Task # 9 What is it?

A. Thesis statement B. Research Question C. Scope
D. Delimitation E. Beneficiaries

Choose the letter of the correct answer from the word box
________1. They are characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study .
________2. It explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the work and speci-
fies the parameters within which the study will be operating.
________3. It pinpoints exactly what you want to find out and gives your work a clear focus and
________4. They are those who are likely to be interested in or to benefit from the proposed re-
________5. The answer to a single research question that guides the reading and thinking.

Task # 10 Classification
From the word from the Word Bank, classify the concepts to be included in the different parts of
research work.

sample size geographical location setting technological skills

50 students in Grades 12 – TVL Automotive students PPE snacks

Scope Delimitation Beneficiaries Benefits

E What is more?

Task # 11 Construct Research questions and Research Statements with the following variables.
1. Vegetable and Fruit cookies
3. Social factors
4. Budgeting
5. Electrical Equipments

Research Questions

Research Statements:

E What I can do?

Task # 12 : PLAN OF ACTION

Make a plan by answering the questions.

1.What is the purpose of the 1. What is the profile of the follow- 1. What are the sources
study? ing in terms of; of data?

2.Who is/are the popular person/ 1.1 Age 2. What are the scope
group who have studied the top- and the delimitation of
1.2. Sex
ic? the study?
1.3 Track/Strand
3. What is/are their statement 3. What are the benefits
about the topic? 1.4 etc and who will be the
beneficiaries of the
4. Why do you want to pursue the 2. What does the variable affect
the independent variable? study?

5. What is the relevance of the

study to your track/strand? 3. What is the result of this study?
6. What is the importance of this
study to your life as a students of
a particular school and this school

After answering the questions, construct a coherent paragraph using the answered sentences
Statement of the problem
Scope and Delimitation
Significance of the study

E What else can I do?

Task #13 Organization

In a given set of words, make a research narrative, indicating the research question, research
statement, scope and delimitation, benefits and beneficiaries.

Female age range of 25-30 100 people professional IT

Online business earned 45,000pesos monthly

A What I have learned?

Task #14 Evaluation

A. Write an expository essay, expressing the information on how to construct a research question,
research title, scope and delimitation, and the benefits and beneficiaries of the topic.

A What I can achieve?

Task # 15 Quiz
Write the correct answer in your Information Notebook.
________1. They are those who are likely to be interested in or to benefit from the proposed re-
________2. They are characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study .
________3. It pinpoints exactly what you want to find out and gives your work a clear focus and
. ________4. It explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the work and
specifies the parameters within which the study will be operating.
________5. The answer to a single research question that guides the reading and thinking.

Make a research on variables and kinds of variables


Task # 1 Answers vary

Task # 2 Answers vary
Task # 3 Answers vary
Task # 4 Answers vary
Task # 5 Answers vary
Task # 6 Answers vary w/rubrics
Task # 7 1. 2./ 3./ 4./ 5./
Task # 8 Answers vary
Task # 9 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. E 5. A
Task #10


50 students of Gr.12 TVL Geographical location Automotive students Technological skills

PPE Setting snacks

Sample size

Task # 11 Answers vary

Task # 12 Answers vary
Task # 13 Answers vary
Task # 14 Answers vary
Task # 15 1. Delimitation 2. Scope 3. Research Question 4. Beneciaries
5. Research Statement


Bwisa, Henry https://www.editage.com/insights/the-basics-of-writing-a-statement-of-the-problem-for-

your-research-proposal.May 15, 2018
Kowalczyk, Devin. https://study.com/academy/lesson/research-variables-dependent-independent-
McCombes, Shona. Editage Insights on Resources for authors and journalshttps://
3A,the%20study%20will%20be%20operating.29 Oct, 2019 updated: June 19, 2020
S.rcuk., Je ac.uk/handbook/pages/GuidanceoncompletingaFellowshi/



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