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Which of the ff statements does not describe educational tech?

- It refers to the efficiency of teachers in using computers.

Intrapersonal learners are good in interacting with other people.

- False

The ff statements are contributions of technology to the learning process . Which is an exception?

- The role of the teacher can be changed into a demonstrator.

Which of the ff should Ms. Mesina primarily consider in determining her teaching learning objectives and use of
instructional media?

- instructional strategy

Prof Arcilla would like to use audiocassette tape in teaching a lesson in English. In which activity is audiocassette tape
very effective in the learning process?

- in developing listening skills

Your department would like to purchase a computer set as your project. which of the ff advantages of computer will
be the least consideration in purchasing this technology?

- it can be used in entertainment

Bodily-kinesthetics learners must be taught with pictures , diagrams and images.

- false

which of the ff provides norms and principle to the computer and system professionals?

- code of ethics

Mr Samson is planning to integrate the use of technology in his science class. which of the ff would be his second

- set the objectives

Mrs Santos used a film clip in teaching science concepts to her grade 6 class . however, she found out that it was
ineffectively used in the classroom. When technology is considered ineffective?

- when it induces alienation on the part of the learners

Which of the ff processes would you suggest her in using an educational technology?

- design development utilization evaluation

After Ms Raca planned her lesson in english, she found out tha the materials at hand does not match her objectives.
Which is the best thing she can do?

- modify the available materials

which of the ff describes good educational technology preparations?

- not overcrowding

which of the ff is not a factor in selecting educational technology?

- likes and dislikes of learners

it is impractical to bring real objects in the classroom so Aaron constructed a three dimensional visual instead. which
of the ff did he construct?
- model

the effectiveness of the media materials depends on entirely on its cost.

- false

all except one are basic considerations in selecting and evaluating the content of an instructional material. Which is

- can it easily dismantle

role of the teacher

- facilitator

Mr Samson is planning to integrate the second step?

- set the objectives

mrs sison would like to integrate technology in writing a friendly letter. which of the ff is the most effective way of
doing it?

- let he pupils create a friendly letter using word processing and have it critiqued by their peers.

the discovery learning emphasize that learning is an active process in which the learners construct new ideas and
concepts based upon their prior knowledge.

- true

which of the ff ms mesina consider in determining her teaching learning objectives and use of instructional media?

- the learner

blogs, wikis, and voice threads appeal to visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners.

- always true

you were asked to evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional game after using it in teaching a lesson in high
school science. which of the ff should you avoid?

- allow learners to select different content materials

ADDIE stands?

- analysis-design-develop-implement-evaluate

which of the ff should not be considered in developing educational materials?

- complexity

one of the strategies of the lifelong learning includes?

- partnership working

which of the ff is not protected by copyright?

- concepts

copyrighted material used in material projects, may remain in the students portfolio?
- always true

what does ict stands for?

- inforamtion and communication technology

how tech is being used int school today?


all of the ff are true except?

- students often arrived at school knowing far more than their teachers do about tech.

what is professional development?

- acquisition of skills and knowledge for career advancement

describe ict

-use of internet to upload presentations and videos

biggest advantage of internet to education

-for communication

which of the ff is not a reason offered for computer use?

- reduce violence by refocusing students on individual computer tasks and assignment rather than on each other.

the use of computer software to individualized instruction and enable students to learn at their own pace is a
technologically enhanced form of….

-assistive learning

what is lifelong learning?

- ongoing, voluntary and self motivated pursuit of knowledge

what is copyright?

- the exclusive given right to an originator to print, publish, perform, film or record literacy materials.

which of the ff shows the correct application of ict in education?

-teachers use ict in research in preapring teaching materials.

what work is protected by copyright?

- original work

which of the ff is an approach for professional development?

- coaching

internet provides an opportunity for younger age only to learn new knwoledge and concepts.


which of the ff is an advantage of using multimedia in teaching?

- better learning retention

ms gomez's students use cooperative learning , inquiry based project learning approaches in creating their digital
unit plans. what can be developed among the learners thru these approaches?

- construction of knowledge and information exchange

an educational programming or channel shhow in public tv is an example of?

- one way video

which of the ff shows disadvantage of online or computer based learning>

-feeling of isolation from instructors and classmates.

which of the ff is referred to as the first computer powered by hand?

- abacus

computer education is about knowing the hows of computer and its basic operation process.

- true

which educational tech is appropriate if you want students in two different school to work and communicate
together in the same project?

- video conferencing

which of the ff interpersonal communication tech allows synchronous communication of two users on the internet

by typing back and forth in real time?

- instant messaging

which of the ff is not true about email?

-email supports synchronous personal communication

which of the ff is not an example of communicative tool?


teachers can use computers to help with administrative task such as grade-keeping.

- true

which of the ff computer based instructional material can be used to learn new concepts?

- tutorial

which of the ff describes the basic function of a computer?

- device that performs high speed mathematical calculation

your mother wanted to finish her long dreamed course but she wanted to do it at home during her free time . how
could you help your mother in pursuing her dream?

- enroll her in distance education

why is one-way delivery of information a misuse of communication tools?

- because this kind of practice lessens interaction capabilities of communication tools.

the main function of computer is to perform high-speed mathematical or logical operations.

- true

which of the ff does not describe the distance learning>

- instructional material presented by means of computer

distance learning is now possible because of the advent of internet.


which of the ff should a teacher instructor use if looking for sample lesson template?
-teaching sites

it is a website that contains entries or posts where you can post information and manage org.

- blog

giving grade for a student blog is good practice for utilizing blog.

- false

blogging is an online community/platform of blogs.


a teacher should create a set of rules for students about posting comments.


blogging fosters students writing and research skills.


it is not important to inform parents and guardians about blogging.

- false

how does a teacher use blog in teaching?

-for sharing lesson discussion, for feed backing, for facilitating online

always teach students about online safety before starting a blog


a type of blog that provide communication space for teacher and student.

-educational blog

which is not a benefit of blogging?

- posting negative comments

mr kenji a tle teacher wants to start a blog about Philippine cuisine, which of the ff should he do first?

-identify the reason in creating a blog

video, pod cast, and other multimedia can be embedded in a blog.


when posting be sure that it is short and informative.


it is not important to set code of ethics for students about blogging.

- false

a person who writes content for a blog is called


which of the ff shows the benefit of blogging in education?

-it enhances literacy skills of students

discussion forums present in blogs is an important tool in gathering information about students thoughts and

- true

which of the ff shows a good practice in constructng a blog?

- making sure that all student can access internet

a type of blog where an individual can post his daily ecperiences.

- personal blog

apache open office is a free source word processing sotware.


it is a good practice to use bold or italics in highlighting important text.


in writing headings use all capital


tara has finally finished typing her 4 page science project and wants to read the second page again, she should?

- use the scroll bar to view her copy

writing with a computer- an email, a school composition , an order form , etc is called?

- word processing

shay wants to move the second paragraph to the end of his paper. which function would work best?

-cut and paste

anthony realizes that he has typed the same sentence twice in the last paragraph and needs to correct his mistake.
which function should he use?

- delete

which of the ff procedure should be followed in creating a word doc?

-write, edit, save, print

it is a good practice to underline and center the headings.


word processing application allows materials to be shared easily.


not the function of word processing

-tabulating and computing the data

word applications help teacher to use their preapration time more efficiently,


it is a good practice to use more than one type of font in doc.

- disagree
the line near the top of the screen that tells you the name of your file is called.

-title bar

word processing application has a built in grammar checker.


what do you call the word processing that you have created ?

- document

to make changes to a doc is to


it is the most important computer application that is in use to create a doc.

- word processor

each slide in the presentation should have an ample space to rest eyes.


powerpoint presentation has helped teachers by;

- making better visual effects

to maintain balance and simplicity in your presentation , designers recommending using a max of ._______ fonts and
two font styles or effects.


always use picture to enhance presentation


t is widely used presentation program which is very popular in the world of education .


it is good practice to present many textual materials.


putting too much text in a slide can cause distraction to audience

- true

which of the ff is not a reason to use powerpoint presentation in lesson?

-it is highly technical to use.

presenter should speak at normal pace when using powerpoint.


it is the basic unit of a powerpoint presentation.


wikis are not a good source of credible and concrete facts.

- true
what is a pod cast?

- a digital audio recording on the internet

what is a wiki?

-a website for storing and modifying information

podcast has a negative effect on the oral speaking of the students.

- false

wiki hosting platforms are always free.

- false

how do teachers use podcast in teaching?

-teachers use this to provide additional and revision materials to students.

which of the ff shows the correct step in making a podcast?


what is the biggest advantage of wikis in education?

- for collaboration

teachers should be dependent to tech to be successful.

- false

a good tech is all it needs to teach effectively.

- false

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