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Nurse: Hi, Amanda. You're due for your annual checkup. Would you like to schedule an appointment?

We have opening next monday or tuesday morning.

Patient: Thanks for the reminder. Is next monday at 10:30 available?

Nurse: Yes, We have scheduled you for 10:30 am on monday the 25 th. We'll see you then. Please arrive
15 minutes early if you need to update any healthy insurance information.

Doctor: Good morning! Come on in and have a seat. Now what seems to be the problem? How are u
feeling today?

Patient: So, a bit better Doc.

Doctor: Goood to hear that. Are you still dizzy and bad?

Doctor: Great, Last week you had your medical examination and result came in this morning.

Patient: it's about time. It is good news or bad? Do I need to have surgery?

Doctor: I guess its a bit of both. Which do you want first?

Patient: let's get the bad news over with

Doctor: Okay. its looks like you're going to need surgery to remove the tumour from your leg. After the
operation you're going to have to stay off your feet for atleast three weeks.

Patient: I was afraid you were going to say that

Doctor: Now for the good news. The biopsy show that the tumour is benign which means it's not
cancerous. We're going to take it out anyway just to be on the safe side.

Patient: Wow! That’s load off my mind, thanks Doc!

Doctor: These things often are stress related, but we're still going to do a few blood test just to rule a
few things out.

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