Rag & Bone - Chain of Command: Free Content Friday - Outbreak: Undead.. August 2021

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Free Content Friday – Outbreak: Undead..

August 2021


Written By: Graphic Design & Layout:
Noxweiler Ignatius Berf Christopher J. De La Rosa, Caleb Cleveland, Alex Huilman

Attention, soldier! When I say ‘Attention!’ that means that you wipe sixteen mother fucking years old and officially a private in the Citadel
your fuckin’ nose and, at the very fuckin’ least and pretend to be an Armed Forces of the Resurgent United States,The Penn’s Fighting First.
adult enlisted in the greatest fuckin’ city-state in The Penn! Did I give
you permission to blink, motherfucker? No! No, I did not. Private, You’re leaving the walls, and when you do remember the chain of com-
I am getting the distinct sense that your head isn’t on a swivel today mand and the laws that we live by, they will save your sorry ass when
and that I’ve been wasting my fucking time training you these last seven you’re out there in the middle of weeds, dropping the Romero threat
months. You see, I don’t get two wet farts how long you been living in and bringing the civilian population into line. We stand for something
these wall, sucking on the sweet titty of Momma Citadel, your days on in a world that can’t stand for itself. We are the last thread of civili-
the practice range are over as of today... zation that binds this whole shit-show together and Command has our
marching orders dialed in. Ours is not to question why, Private, ours is
The Citadel pulled you out of the filth and squalor that you were just to do or die. Happy fuckin’ birthday, Private….
crawling in and brought you up. We taught you to shoot at five years
of age, gave you kitchen and latrine duties at ten, and made you part James Allen Riggs,“Riggs” — First Lieutenant Captain of
of the security detail inside the walls at thirteen….but, today, you are The Citadel Armed Forces

MAKING A STAND The Southern regions the former United States—as far as anyone
in the Iron Penn has been able to explore it are empty, barren,
The United States of America has fallen. It fell over twenty years and ruined land. Scarred by sprawling marshes unable to sustain
back, alongside every other government on the planet. There any farming whatsoever. The lands are glutted with the dead
simply were not enough people left to maintain any sense of and there has been no radio contact that have led anyone to
order in the face of an extinction level event for humanity. At believe that there is much worth risking the trip for. Most of
the time, every major metropolis was a death sentence and the the survivor came north in an exodus that swelled the numbers
only people that managed to survive are the ones that got far of the sustainable lands of The Penn to sizes that made any sort
enough away from it all to ride out the worst of the fall out. rebuilding possible.

The dead roam the streets and highways endless seeking to With the verdant lands, untainted soil, fresh water from the
sate their hunger on the warm flesh of the living, the infection Three Rivers, the land that would become The Penn was born
that brought them back from death spreading and preserving out a few hundred survivors gathering from all corners of a
their rotten and mutated forms, giving them bottomless wells destroyed nation, hoping to make it another day. The world is
of endurance as they hunt and destroy. In the largest congrega- a big place and, as best as anyone can tell, there are only about
tions of the Romero swarms, entire cities of the dead migrate, 1 million people left on the entire planet. Compared to the
like birds across the countryside. Billions of people that clogged Earth before the Apocalypse, that
number might well spell out the End of Days for the human race.
Nuclear fallout has made the majority of the East Coast unlivable.
But people are people, and they find each other, they keep trying
to make themselves safe and secure, they have children—even settlement was a perfect fulcrum against the Citadel’s increasing
now—and they fight. Like cockroaches, humanity just doesn’t aggression and a bottleneck to their ever-expanding territory.
know how to give up the ghost. And in The Penn, communities
of wildly diverse cultures and backgrounds have settled into Simply put, Grey Ridge would have unified the neighboring
something that is beginning to look like it might be the start of communities and forced the Citadel to tow a more civil and
something approaching a new beginning. cooperative line….That’s all out the window, now, and the com-
munities that are present are now left to scavenge for whatever
At the same time, things are violent and messy out there and is left behind. There are hopes that books, papers, instruction,
for the past twenty years communities have risen and fallen in journals, and maybe even a trained assistant or two might be
the wake of countless skirmishes and tiny wars for resources discovered and some of that medical research and skill might be
and land, people and pride. From that maelstrom, a few groups salvaged from the catastrophe that occurred a few months back.
have managed to solidify themselves, those groups are slowly
become city-states unto themselves. Some of them have good It’s not looking good.
intentions, others….not so much. All of them, however, are
It’s a long shot, however. At the end of the day, Ten-Four and the
under the leadership of strong-minded survivors that have carved
Ender’s Line want to help people. They are a valuable resource
a place for themselves in the emerging history of the The Penn.
in a world that is on the brink of extinction. But Ten-Four’s
Ten-Four—the field leader of The Ender’s Line and the public patience and good-nature can only be stretched so thin. There
face of a strong Rag & Bone collective that has single-handedly are elements within the new blood of the organization, the outer
pulled together many of the small knots of humanity gathered in circles of the Enders’ Line that have grown too fast to be fully
the only safe-zones of what was once the American Midwest— and truly vetted by Ten-Four or Ruby Red.
knows much more than he’s letting his people onto. He wants to
Neither of them have their hands on every cell and group that
trust all his agents and caravan personnel, but he can’t. He knows
wears the Crossway symbol. The genie is out of the bottle and
that someone inside of the local cells of Rag & Bon—most likely
the idea of organizing all the Rag & Bone across The Penn region
one of his own Enders—is selling out the entire organization and
has become too big to manage with home-grown spit and deter-
slowly causing the network that he and his wife built to fall apart.
mination. If they want to make local unity a reality, then the
A lot was riding on the safe transfer of Doctor Maria Espinoza leadership of the Enders’ Line have little choice but to continue
into the network of the Ender’s Line and securing the Grey Ridge to let go of the strict standards that had protected them when
farm as a functional community capable of producing viable forming up their early groups.
antibiotics and other medicines would have made things better
It’s a risk that they have been rolling the dice on for a few years
for a whole lot of people. Strategically speaking, the location
now…and, with Grey Ridge, the price has come due.
of that old farmhouse and its defensible position against the
Mount Pleasant, made it a perfect springboard for bigger things. Someone is trying to destroy everything that they have built
Along with their network of mines and tunnels, the emerging together.

002 – Walkthrough
Walkthrough – 003

Echo Survivor
5 Basic First Aid Training: Tier 2 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 39)
”Welcome to the Ragged Edge of Nowhere, friend. If you got
the stomach for it, I could use someone with your particular 5 Billy Goat: Tier 1 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 40)
skillset. The pay in trade is well worth your effort and better
than the scraps that you’ve been stealing from my caravans…. 5 Charisma: Tier 3 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 40)
What do you say? We in business?”
5 Craftsman, Wood: Tier 2 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 42)
- Ten-Four to Achira Samson when he caught her stealing from
Station B9, Sometime in January 24 A.F. 5 Damage Threshold: Tier 2 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 43)

Joseph was born poor, his parents—before the Fall—were both laid off 5 Efficient: Tier 3 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 43)
the bottom fell out of the automotive industry in the United States in the
5 Honor: Tier 1 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 44)
1970s. They never recovered.
5 Marksman: Tier 1 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 45)
But having nothing made Joseph, known as Joey at the time, appreciate
everything that he ever earned. He also learned how to make something 5 Mule: Tier 3 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 46)
out of very little. How to stretch a soup and fix his old shoes. As he grew
older, he left home and hit the open road, taking on a job as truck driver. 5 Salesmanship: Tier 3 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 47)
He saved every penny that he could and eventually owned his own truck.
5 Survival Skills, Temperate Forest: Tier 2 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 48)
When the world ended, he didn’t stop doing the only thing that he knew
how to do, get people things that they needed. Soon others started to 5 Training, Long Gun: Tier 2 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 49)
help and supply runs formed, even after the roads and highways became
useless and most vehicles were rusted out and forgotten. Things evolved and 5 Wheedle: Tier 2 (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 50)
changed. Joseph became Ten-Four, and Ten-four became a leader in a dark Disadvantages:
and dangerous landscape.
5 Addiction — Tobacco (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 51)
People respect him and he treats people as well as they treat him. He and
his wife, Ruby-Red, run the Enders’ Line, mostly from afar via CB Radio but 5 Addiction — Alcohol (Survivor’s Guide, pg. 51)
they aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty from time to time. In theWaste-
lands of The Penn,Ten-Four has managed to carve out something special Supported Skill(s)
that brings people together and give the world a real chance at rebuilding.
{Composure%, Expression%, Diplomacy-Barter%, Diplo-
Affiliation macy-Command%, Diplomacy-Determine Motives%,
Diplomacy-Persuade%, Firearms-Long Gun%, First Aid%,
Enders Line, Field Leader Construction/Engineering%, Survival%}

004 – Walkthrough

6 4

2 0 2 3 4 0 4 0 10

27 42
22 22
8 0 8
24 24
9 53 42
Voluntarily indulge in an addiction as a form
25 8 35
of stress relief to prevent the loss of Morale.
5 29 5 32
7 49 27

25 18 45
44 27
13 40
20 64 24
5 49 24
14 58 24
44 27
7 51 24
27 25

6 8
6 2

7 13
4 3

Walkthrough – 005
FORMATIONS This formation provides J
1 and allows the survivors to make


good time at roughly 1 mile per ^ 1

Working in tandem with other Rag &Bone, the team undertaking Traveling the Ender’s Line provides S1 for every 10 miles trav-
this formation works together to create a secure and effective eled with a maximum of S250 attainable in a single Mission.
unit for the long journeys that are often required in traveling
with large pallets of supplies. While far from perfect, Rail-Carts
are hand pulled with a flanking member on each side of the rails,
out of sight and ready to cover their allies.

Faction Leadership & Mastery

Use the following ruleset to determine large scale troop move- {Diplomacy-Persuade%} to get people to go recruit follow-
ments, combat tactics, and support actions. Examples would ers for your cult, or {Diplomacy-Intimidation%} to get
include commanding soldiers in the defense of a settlement, your people to leave grisly trophies hanging outside of all the
organizing a supply line and maintaining its security, and foster- nearby warehouses to frighten any that might cross your group.
ing increased loyalty and building morale of a large gathering of
people through action, speech, and spectacle. The Game Master would take into consideration the overall Morale
of all the involved parties and add a number of Difficulty Dice based
Note that these rules may be used alongside the Stronghold and on every individual involved with a Morale score of three or less. For
Core Rules of any Mode of Play, should you like, but they are example, if Lucy has a Morale score of two and John and Rebecca have
intended to offer Game Masters a quick and fair means with scores of four, then the collective roll for the action will automatically
which a player, or group of players may interact with larger have two dice of Difficulty.
scale faction actions.
The roll would also include any added dice that the Game Master
A Faction Leadership or Mastery Check can be constructed using sees fit to include due to environmental difficulties such as poor
the Skills and Abilities that are present on a player’s character weather or foreign territory.
sheet and do not require new Skills, Attributes, or Abilities to
be added. A Faction Leadership or Mastery Check is much like The Leader in this example would be the one using their Skills for the
other Checks in the Outbreak: Undead.. system across the varied roll, however any other character may support or even deter from the
Modes of Play. A Game Master is only gathering the necessary results with their own Skill rolls, as determined by their actions. So,
information to guide the players in larger, more open usage of if Lucy is rolling {Diplomacy-Command%} to get two units of
Skill and Abilities on scales not originally, or explicitly, intended soldiers to attack at opposing flanks of an enemy encampment, she
in the core ruleset. would treat the roll much like a normal action roll.

Imagine that the collective of your player group is a single char- However, the Stronghold Morale of those troops and the Morale
acter, when they are activating these Faction Leadership rules. of her companions will affect that roll with the addition of Dice
The positive—and negative elements— that each player brings, of Difficulty. In this example they are all above a four other than
who is attempting to take the lead, all factor together to boil Lucy herself who is at a two. n n are added to the roll, but as
a very complex, large-scale action into a manageable and easy John and Rebecca are both supporting Lucy as she roleplays the
shorthand. {Diplomacy-Command%}, they can each roll a Skill Check
and potentially help Lucy succeed.
If the action requires further support, then rolls can be deter-
mined at a Time interval that is reasonable to the Game Master. John rolls {Diplomacy-Intimidation%} as he is standing
Maintaining and nurturing these actions can result in further behind Lucy looking like he might rip off someone’s head, and
growth time and greater success. Rebecca rolls {Diplomacy-Persuade%} as she plays the “good
cop” and offers everyone additional rations from her personal
If the survivors in your game are located within a Stronghold, add stash for the evening meal. For every +
on either roll, you can
automatic + - or based on the health, security, population, reduce the Difficulty in Lucy’s pool by one until there is either
and morale of the Stronghold. This may result in an automatic
failure. That is perfectly acceptable. After all, a population that
no Difficulty remaining or until there are no
any of the Support Pools.
remaining in

is starving isn’t going to listen to a player’s orders to fight against

an encroaching settlement before they are properly cared for. Using the following general chart, compare the Degrees of
Success or Degrees of Failure and narrate the results in what-
To build Faction Leadership dice pool use the appropriate skill ever way is best for your story. More specific types of Faction
for the action as per your own best judgement. Some examples Leadership Actions and their usage will be included in future
might be: {Diplomacy-Command%} for a military march, releases. This ruleset will evolve further as we expand this series.

006 – Walkthrough
+ — The Faction Leadership Action succeeds but there are no
bonuses attributed to future Faction Leadership Action Checks
- — The Faction Leadership Action fails. Morale remains
for the Upkeep of this Order or Action. Morale remains stable
but unimproved. -- or --- — As above, but have all characters
make immediate {Composure%} Save Throws, any who are unable
++ — As above, but your Action is positive and may have
greater lasting effects. You may increase a Stronghold Morale by
to succeed remove J
1 from their current total.

1 for ^ 20. - - - - or - - - - - — As above, but

involved parties lose J1 without the ability of making a {Com-
+ + + — You have made a very positive improvement on
the Morale of everyone involved in this Mission and, in addition to
posure%} Save Throw.

success, may improve a Stronghold Morale by J1 permanently

and increase the Morale of all involved characters by J1 if they
are currently below J4.

+ + + + or + + + + + — As above, and
increases all involved characters total Morale by J1 regardless of
their current Morale total. Also the Game Master may forgo Upkeep
checks for the amount of Time that they feel is appropriate based
on the complications of the Faction Leadership Action.

e TRUTH about what lie
He was no sort of fool.
beyond the wastelands.
l. Get answers.
Crazy as a bat, but no foo
and leave no trace.
Burn this station do wn

— Ten-Four

Walkthrough – 007

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