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Personal Awareness & Responsibility

1. I can express my needs and seek help when needed.
When I had taken Pre-calculus 11, I had difficulty understanding the concepts and struggled
in class, especially when the classes were more condensed than usual due to COVID-19. I
tend to try and do things on my own, but I soon realized that in order for me to comprehend
the concepts, I should seek help. So I asked for help and studied with other peers to practice
and further understand the concepts and when I needed clarification on a question, I would
go to the teacher. This has taught me to not be afraid of seeking help when needed and that
others’ opinions/knowledge could be beneficial for your own learning.
2. I can set goals, regulate my emotions and persevere in difficult situations.
For my IB Geography Class, I was tasked to collect data and write a paper called my Internal
Assessment (I.A.). It was a very interesting though time-consuming assignment and due to
COVID-19, the amount of time I was given to complete this was shortened. In order to
complete the I.A. in time, I set goals and separated the workload every day. By doing this,
the workload wasn’t as much and that allowed me to regulate my emotions as I stayed calm
and collected all throughout. I was proud of the end results and was glad that I prioritized my
time wisely.
Areas of improvement:
1. I understand my decisions and actions can affect me.
I tend to procrastinate on assignments/studying and leave it to the last minute where I panic
and suffer from the consequences. I know that it will affect me, however, I often fear that I
may not like the results so I would not do it until it’s near the due date. Overall, I need to
prioritize my time more wisely and change my outlook on completing an assignment as my
actions can affect me.

Social Responsibility
1. I am aware of my community and environment and work independently and
collaboratively for the benefit of others.
Due to COVID-19, I have become aware of how separated my community is and wanted to
find a solution to bettering the community. So my friend and I came together and teamed up
with United Way to further build the community and host fun events for families, teens, etc.
within Willoughby. The United Way Organization is helping us by offering $500 to spend on
materials needed for the events. To add on, we are also working on a club for this in order to
further build a tight-knit community.
2. I have positive peers and intergenerational relationships.
During the Fall of 2020, I was able to meet new people and establish a friendship with this
group which consists of people from my school and from other schools. They are very
supportive and helped me through tough times and they make me want to become a better
person. I was also able to spend more time with family, especially with my grandma. We
watched shows together and she taught me how to cook some of her recipes. I am proud to
say that I have amazing friends and family.
Areas of improvement:
1. I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my
interactions, including online.
I am aware of certain issues and am a firm believer that it is important to defend human
rights, advocate for others, etc. however, I don’t do it enough and sometimes I don’t act
ethically in all my interactions. Moving forward, I want to speak up more and voice out my
opinions on certain issues.
Critical Thinking
1. I can analyze and make defensible judgments, draw conclusions and consider a
variety of perspectives.
For my IB English class, we were tasked to read and analyze various books that connected
with many global issues that are still happening to this day. Through reading some of these
books, it helped me realize the problems and issues people face around the world. It
challenged me to see global issues from different perspectives and from there, it was easier
to draw conclusions for why specific events happened.
2. I can assess my progress.
During quarantine, I started getting back into shape and began working out. In order to stay
motivated and organized, I created schedules and tracked the exercises I did each time. By
doing this, I am able to assess my progress and see where I am at on my fitness journey.
Areas of improvement:
1. I can explore and create new ways to represent my learning around a variety of
problems, events, issues, and needs.
Although I learn a lot about global issues in my IB English and Geography class, I don’t
explore these issues and problems during my free time. I hope to educate myself more
about what is going on in the world and to create new ways to represent my learning, like
posting awareness of these events on social media.

Creative Thinking
1. I can persevere, and understand that failure can be productive.
When learning new songs, there are a lot of work-in-progress moments. I first thought that it
would be easy, however, I failed many times trying to perfect songs to sing for events. I soon
realized it takes time to learn the song, memorize the lyrics, and actually practice so that you
can hit all the notes and connect with the song. It also varies depending on how difficult the
song is. After countless attempts, I would persevere and keep practicing until I can
confidently sing for events and to relatives.
2. I can use the environment around me, including others, and my unconscious mind to
generate new ideas.
I love watching others achieve their dreams and goals. So one thing I have noticed around
me is that there are a lot of people who are really good at video games in my school and this
sparked an idea in me where I could create an Esports club with some peers of mine. By
doing this, it would allow more opportunities for students who really value gaming and further
promote my school since Esports is becoming more popular. I hope to open new doors for
many students and create a community for people with similar interests.
Areas of improvement:
1. I can take my ideas, evaluate, develop, and refine them and make something
productive out of them.
I am the type of person who constantly thinks of interesting ideas, however, I don’t really
seem to develop them and make something out of them. Although I am slowly learning to
make something productive out of them, I still have lots of room for improvement and I want
to put more effort into these ideas as they could be beneficial for the community.

1. I can reflect on the processes of learning and share what I just learned.
During the summer, I learned how to play a game called Valorant with the help of my friends.
This was my first ever FPS game and so they taught me many tips and were very supportive
of me all throughout the process. I kept practicing and once I felt comfortable enough playing
the game, my friends set up a Valorant Tournament where we could display our skills and
my team won. This experience taught me that everyone starts somewhere and you just need
to keep practicing and never give up.
2. I can work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve problems.
In IB Psychology class, we learn about different studies as a class. The teacher assigns
different table groups a part of a study and as a group, we would discuss and collaborate
together on what to write. After, all the students would come back together and talk about
what we learned. Collaborating with other students allowed me to understand the concept of
the study better and help me see different perspectives of the same thing.

Areas of improvement:
1. I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate, consider
different perspectives, and build consensus.
I consider myself a shy person who’d rather listen than speak up about a certain topic. I want
to start stepping out of my comfort zone and contribute meaningfully to discussions as it will
help me learn to put my ideas/opinions out there and build consensus on topics.

Personal & Cultural Identity

1. I understand what is important to me.
During quarantine, I have had a lot of time to ponder and really figure out what I value most.
I always took things for granted, but I soon realized how important family and friends were to
me. I would sit down and stare at screens for days, not acknowledging the number of loved
ones around me. It wasn’t until we started moving that I realized how much of an impact my
family and friends have on my life. I don’t know where I would be without them and I love
them with all my life.
2. I understand that culture is a broad concept that includes things like my geographic
region, nationality, sex/gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality, language, and religion.
I’ve lived in Vancouver for most of my life and there is so much diversity here. I’ve been
exposed to so many cultures at such a young age that culture was not just based on your
ethnicity, but it included other things. As for me, I do consider myself a Filipino woman, but I
also acknowledge that I am a Canadian Citizen. I love both the cultures that I am in and will
always be proud of who I am.
Areas of improvement:
1. I understand how to use my strengths and abilities to my advantage and I can
explain how I use them to contribute to my community.
Contributing to my community is always my goal, however, I am still not so sure of what my
strengths are. I think what I need to do to find my strengths and abilities is to get out there
and try new things.

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