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Student Name: ………………………… Topic Selected: ……………………

Grade 10

Quarter 2 - Writing Assessment II

A speech is a formal talk given to an audience.
The language of a speech should target and interest the listeners.
There are a range of language techniques that can help to make your speech more powerful.
Here are some: 

Key Features:
Now, please note that it is not just the structure of the speech that you will be evaluated on, it is also the rhetoric you
use. There are some key features for speech that make it impactful, a few of which are given below. You are suppose to
use at least 4 in your personal speech. These rhetoric techniques fall under the 3 appeals; ethos, pathos and logos.
Click the titles to watch the videos with explanation. For some rhetoric techniques you’ll find more than one source here,
explore them all for better understanding. Make your personal notes for each technique here. 

Anecdote / Anecdote 
Parallelism / Parallelism 

Duration for oral performance: No more than 3 minutes.

Approximate word limit: 300 + words


You are required to write and deliver an original speech. For this assignment, you will need to select one of the
topics from the list that was given to you. You will need to submit the following components in order to
complete your assessment task requirements:

1- Graphic Organizer/Outline

2 – Written speech (first and final drafts)

3 - Deliver a speech effectively to the class without the help of any notes.
Speech Outline
I. Introduction - 1st paragraph
A. Attention getter – a rhetorical strategy for capturing an audience’s attention. This could be a shocking fact
/ a unique and extraordinary idea / a negative news etc (1-2 lines)
B. Thesis statement – the thesis captures the main idea that you are speaking about  (1-2 lines)
C. Motivation – this provides a reason why the audience should listen  (1-2 lines)
D. Preview – a brief overview of the main points of your speech  (1-2 lines)
E. Transition – a complete sentence that connects this with the next part of your speech  (1-2 lines)

II. Body 
A. First Main Point (worded as a claim) 2nd paragraph 
1. Evidence
a. Evidence 1 supporting point 
b. Evidence 2 supporting point 
2. Further elaboration, explained the same way as 1. 
3. Transition sentence 
B. Second Main Point (worded as a claim) 3rd paragraph 
1. Evidence
(Continue to follow organization of First Main Point) 
3. Transition sentence 
C. Third Main Point (worded as a claim) 4th paragraph
1. Evidence
(Continue to follow organization of First Main Point) 
3. Transition sentence 

III. Conclusion - 5th paragraph

A. Summary – brief review of the main points 
B. Closure – brings the speech to its completion; give a call-to-action (what should the audience do/how
should THEY act after listening to the speech) 

This simple format will allow you to organize your thoughts effectively. If you have any questions, or just want to 
practice your presentation, reach out!
Persuasive Speech (Written Form)

Speaker’s name: _______________________ Evaluator: __________________________

Criterion Rating Rating Rating Rating Score

Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
  Points 1-2 Points 3-4 Points 5-6 Points 7-8  
Subject A. I. Provides minimal identification I. Provides adequate I. provides substantial I. Provides perceptive
Knowl or explanation of the content, identification and explanation identification and explanation identification and explanation
edge context, language, structure, of the content, context, of the content, context, of the content, context,
language, structure,
(Writte technique and style. language, structure, language, structure,
technique and style.
n technique and style. technique and style.
Speech A. III. Rarely justifies opinions and
) ideas with examples or III. Justifies opinions and III. sufficiently justifies
explanations; uses little or no ideas with some examples opinions and ideas with III. Gives detailed justification
Criteri terminology and explanations, though this examples and explanations; of opinions and ideas with a
range of examples, and
on A may not be consistent; uses uses accurate terminology
thorough explanations; uses
-I & Task Clarifications- Aspects to include: some terminology accurate terminology
III+ Task Clarifications- Aspects to
Criteri - Introduction: Task Clarifications- Aspects to include: Task Clarifications- Aspects to
on D ● -Hook include: include:
( I and ● Claim - Introduction:
iii) -Body: - Introduction: ● -Hook - Introduction:
● Supporting evidence ● -Hook ● Claim ● -Hook
-Conclusion ● Claim -Body: ● Claim
Memorable statement -Body: ● Supporting evidence -Body:
● Supporting evidence -Conclusion ● Supporting evidence
-Conclusion Memorable statement -Conclusion
Memorable statement Memorable statement

Criterion D: Criterion D:
Criterion D: Criterion D:

I. Uses a limited range of I. Uses an adequate range of I. Uses a varied range of . i. Effectively uses a varied
appropriate vocabulary and forms appropriate vocabulary, appropriate vocabulary, range of appropriate
of expression sentence structures and sentence structures and vocabulary, sentence
forms of expression forms of expression structures and forms of
III. Uses grammar, syntax and competently expression
punctuation with limited accuracy; III. Uses grammar, syntax
errors often hinder communication and punctuation with some III. Uses grammar, syntax III. Uses grammar, syntax and
degree of accuracy; errors and punctuation with a punctuation with a high
sometimes hinder considerable degree of degree of accuracy; errors are
communication accuracy; errors do not minor and communication is
hinder effective effective

Total Mark
Oral Performance Rubric

Rating Rating Rating Rating

Needs Improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent
Points 1-2 Points 3-4 Points 5-6 Points 7-8 Score

Organi Cr
zation II. Organizes opinions and II. Organizes opinions and II. Organizes opinions and II. Effectively organizes ite
ideas with a minimal degree ideas with some degree of ideas in a coherent and opinions and ideas in a ri
of coherence and logic coherence and logic logical manner with ideas coherent and logical manner on
building on each other with ideas building on each B-
other in a sophisticated way II

Eye Little or no eye contact Eye contact with audience Eye contact with audience Eye contact with audience Cr
Contac less than 75% of the time less than 80% of the time virtually all the time (except ite
t for brief glances at notes) ri

Use of Use of language is Use of language causes Use of language does not Use of language contributes Cr
Langua inappropriate potential confusion, and/or have negative impact, and to effectiveness of the ite
ge vocalized pauses vocalized pauses speech, and vocalized pauses ri
(um uh er etc.) (um uh er etc.) (um uh er etc.) on
are distracting not distracting not distracting D-
Body Body language, gestures, Body language, Body language, Body language, gestures, and Cr
langua and facial expressions and gestures, and facial facial expressions ite
ge facial expressions are gestures expressions compliment adds greatly to the message ri
lacking or inappropriate lack variety and spontaneity message on

Clarity Often mumbles or can not Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and distinctly Cr
be understood with more distinctly most of the time distinctly nearly all the time all the time with no ite
than three mispronounced with no more than two with no more than one mispronounced words ri
words mispronounced words mispronounced word on
Time Not within allotted time Within 60-70% of allotted Within 80% of allotted time Within allotted time  C
(2 minutes over or under time (30 seconds over or under (3 minutes) rit
the allotted time) (1 minute over or under the the allotted time) eri
allotted time) on

(Adapted from Dan Rooney)

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