Assignment1 Flores

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Is the teaching of Rizal course realistic given the dangers and sensitivity of

literature as means of communication in learning nationalism, patriotism, and

volunteerism? Do we really learn nationalism and patriotism with the present
pedagogy of Rizal course?

No, because Jose Rizal works has a large contribution to our present life in our
country. Teachers must teach it to the students especially the nationalism,
patriotism and volunteerism.
Rizal contributed a great impact to the nationalism and patriotism of Filipinos and
to our country. Learning from the past was an open eye for everyone especially to
the Filipino students because nationalism is the identification with one’s own
nation and to support for the political independence and Patriotism is being loyal to
our beloved country and commitment in political community. And Volunteerism is
helping others and the community with sincerity.
As a student, We must learn and have a right to teach to us the nationalism,
patriotism and volunteerism because it is the way to learn on how to follow, to love
and to fight for our rights in this country without violence. Through Jose Rizal
works awakened us from the chaos world and from the depravity and immorality
of the deceitful government or leader and conqueror. We must learn from it, and
always show the love and respect to our fellow Filipinos and to our country.
Additionally, There are literatures about Jose Rizal’s works, life and writings that
are relevant and reliable and various authors, written their own opinions, ideas and
concept that we can’t assure as if it is a reliable to their information. In any case,
we must be thankful that the Rizal’s course must been included to our curriculum.

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