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Cavite Mutiny is very important in Philippine History because without it, the
independence day and the Philippine Revolution 1896 was never been held.
January 20, 1872, uprising of military personnel of Fort San Felipe (the Spanish
arsenal in Cavite) Around 200 soldiers and laborers rose up in the belief that it
would elevate national uprising. The mutiny was unsuccessful and government
soldiers executed many of the participants.
GOMBURZA was a Filipino priests charged with treason and sedition. They are
connected the priests to mutiny as part of conspiracy to stifle the movement of
secular priests who desired to have their parishes instead of being assistants to the
regular friars. On February 17, 1872, the GOMBURZA were executed by garrote in
public to serve as a threat to Filipinos never attempt to fight again the Spaniards
again. This is a scene purpotedly witnessed by a young Jose Rizal.
Others who were Implicated such as Joaquin Pardo, Antonio Ma Regidor, Jose Basa
and Pio Basa and other Filipino Lawyers were suspended from the practice of law,
arrested, and sentenced to life imprisonment at the Maranias Island.
There Two(2) Version of Cavite Mutiny;
Filipino Version is simple mutiny by the native Filipino soldiers and laborers of the
Cavite arsenal who turned out to be dissatisfied with the abolition of their privileges.
Privileges in arsenal such as the soldiers is exempted in paying of Taxes and
exempted in polo y serbisyo.
Spanish Version is an attempt of the indios to overthrow the Spanish government in
the Philippines.
Our Philippine Independence can be traced back from Cavite Mutiny. The
GOMBURZA Fathers or Filipino priests was witnessed of Jose Rizal to inspired him
to write his novel of El Filibustirismo and Noli Me Tangere to dedicate the injustice
that happen in Philippines during Spanish Colonial. The 1896 Philippine
Revolution was held because of the inspiration and influenced of Andres Bonifacio
on the writings from Jose Rizal novels of El Filibustirismo and Noli Me Tangere to
give the Philippine Independence.

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