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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Describe it!
What I Know

Before proceeding to the next activity, let us check how far you have
learned about degrees of adjectives.

Directions: Complete the sentence using the positive,

comparative and superlative degrees of adjective.

1. The pencil is .

a. big b. bigger c. biggest

2. Monkeys are than elephants.

a. small b. smaller c. smallest

3. Lamp is but the sun is the .

a. bright b. brighter c. brightest

4. Mars is to Earth than Uranus

a. close b. closer c. closest

5. The blue and pink T-Shirt is than black T-shirt.

a. colorful b. most colorful c. more colorful

English: Degrees of
2 Adjectives

What’s In
Before you proceed to the different activities in this module, read and
understand every instruction written below.
A. First, look at the picture below.

B. Second, read and analyze the randomly written phrases/sentences or

• One Sunday morning
• Betty and Letty, the Twin Sisters
• Betty and Letty, the twin sisters were talking on the cell phone.
Betty was asking Letty to come home from the town so she can go
with her to church. Letty was very busy with her selling business at
that time. “Oh! I am sorry my dear twin sister but I cannot go with
you!” Letty told her.
• Less than an hour the twin sisters were in the church singing
songs of praises to God Almighty.
• Betty was quiet for a minute and said, “Sissy Letty today is Church
and Family Day”. Letty on the other line, felt the sincerity in the
voice of Betty in telling her those words and she replied, “I will go
with you my twin sister, please wait for me”. Betty smiled and
said, “take your time my twin sister. Thank you so much!”

What’s New
You are now ready for a new lesson!
Directions: Observe the picture below and complete the sentences that follow.

Choose the adjective: big, bigger, biggest

1. Give a word that describes the soccer ball
2. Give a word that describes the tennis ball
3. Give a word that describes the basketball

What is It
If your answers are the same with the sentences written in the box
below, you got them right!

Write the underlined words in the box below.

The Three Degrees of Adjectives

What’s More
You have now understand the three degrees of adjectives by doing the
activity below.

Directions: Apply the degrees of Adjectives by filling up the table with the
correct answer.

Adjective Positive Comparative Superlative

1. small

2. bright

3. light

4. dark

Additional Activity
Directions: Match the definition of the degrees of adjective by connecting
column A to column B with an arrow.

Column A Column B

1. Positive a. It mainly describes a noun or a pronoun.

2. Comparative b. It describes two nouns or pronouns.

What I Have Learned

Do you now understand the differences between a positive, comparative
and superlative degree of adjectives?
Complete the sentences below to check if you truly understand the new concept
we have learned.

What is your idea about each degree of adjective? Write you answers in the
1. small- is an example of degree of adjectives.
2. smaller- is an example of degree of adjectives.
2. smallest is an example of degree of adjectives.

Directions: Complete the chart below.

Positive Adjective Comparative Superlative Adjective


slow slower slowest




Writing Activity

Directions: Complete the sentences below:

Direction: Write at least 3 sentences using the adjectives from the box below.
WhatlKnow What’sln What’snew

1 .big 1 .Favoritefruitsinmyclass. 1 biggest

2 .smaller 2 2 .bigger

3 brighter 3 13 3 .big

4 .closer 4 grapes

5 .morecolorful 5 .Answersmayvary

What’sMore WhatlHaveLearned Assessment

1 sIower,sIowest
1 small, smaIIer,smaIIest 1 .positive 2 wiser,wisest
2 .bright,brighter,brigBtest .compbrative prettier,prettiest
4 happier,
3 .light,Iighter,lightest 3 .superlative happiest
5 . dark,darker,darkest
4 .dark,darker,darkest

5 .short,shorter,shortest WritingAct. WritingAct.

1 taIIer,taIIest
AnswersMayVar# shorter,shortest
3 .sweeter,sweetest

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