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Chinese Mestizo was started to arise during the Spanish colonial in the Philippines.

The first city in Manila that they took place is the Binondo, Manila which we call, as of
now the China Town. They occurred it as the trading place, businesses and
Catholicism. Many Filipinos adopted and influenced by the culture of Chinese though
some Filipinos we’re officially be with them such as to be married as one so that they
called as a Chinese-Mestizo. The cooperation of Chinese-Mestizo in the Philippines is
the way that the commerce of businesses in the area of trading and industry are
become prominent and widely in the economy of the Philippines. They influenced to
controlled the market and caused that the Spaniards concerned with the ability of
Chinese-Mestizo regarding to the Spanish Role.

19th Century is the beginning to finally affects of economic, Political changes in many
countries such as Europe, Spain and Philippines. The Trading and Exporting of
products is increasing mainly the demand for the Philippines in sugar and abaca.
The exporting of products are grew briskly after the opening of Suez Canal in 1896. At
the, Philippine Revolution of 1896-1898 was the act of determination on the part of
Filipinos – Indios and Chinese mestizos alike – to claim for themselves and for future
generations the incomparable birthright of nationhood.

Philippines made a more agreements to them such as the; 2007 Pact on Protection
of Cultural Heritage, 2001 Cooperation in Information Industry, 2002 MOU on Tourism
Cooperation and more. Henceforth, the Election of Philippine President Rodrigo
Duterte in 2016 has a great impact to the effects of changing and strategy of the
relationship of our country to the China. He extended the economic and political
cooperation of China mainly the investment credit line pledges that amounted to
approximately US$ 24 billion in business and trade deals for the Philippines. The
trading and exporting of goods and products are highly arising. The tourism has
increased year by year which many Chinese visits the Philippines and Chinese who
lived to our country.

In Conclusion, Chinese culture has a huge impact and influence to our economy,
Political and Social Factors. As the years pass by, our relationship to them has a
great foundation which is not easy to neglect and to split up the association.

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