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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia



NTQF Level III and IV

Ministry of Education
July 2014

Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. Within the

policies and strategies of the Ethiopian Government, technology transformation – by
using international standards and international best practices as the basis, and,
adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a pivotal element.
TVET is given an important role with regard to technology transfer. The new
paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation at the current and
anticipated future demand of the economy and the labor market.

The Ethiopia Occupational Standards (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian
National TVET-Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National
TVET-Qualification Framework (NTQF). They are national Ethiopian standards,
which define the occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a
specific occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.

This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the
Ethiopia Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.

A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. It is documented in a

standard format that comprises:
 Occupational title and NTQF level
 Unit title
 Unit code
 Unit descriptor
 Elements and Performance criteria
 Variables and Range statement
 Evidence guide

Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor in determining
whether the candidate is competent.

The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the

occupation with all the key components of a Unit of Competence:
 chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective level (Unit of
Competence Chart) including the Unit Codes and the Unit titles
 contents of each Unit of Competence (competence standard)
 occupational map providing the technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for this standards and for the individual, a career

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service
Occupational Code: HLT HES


HLT HES3 01 0714 HLT HES3 02 0714 HLT HES3 03 0714
Collect, Maintain and Perform Community Promote and Implement
Utilize Community Mobilization and Hygiene and
Health Data Provide Health Environmental Health
Education Services

HLT HES3 04 0714 HLT HES3 05 0714 HLT HES3 06 0714

Prevent and Control Prevent and Control Promote Community
Common Common Non- Nutrition
Communicable communicable
Diseases Diseases

HLT HES3 07 0714 HLT HES3 08 0714 HLT HES3 09 0714

Promote and Provide Promote Institutional Promote and Provide
Ante-natal Care Delivery and Provide Post-natal Care
Delivery Service

HLT HES3 10 0714 HLT HES3 11 0714 HLT HES3 12 0714

Promote Child Survival, Promote and Implement Promote and Provide
Growth and Immunization Family Planning Service
Development and Apply

HLT HES3 13 0714 HLT HES3 14 0714 HLT HES3 15 0714

Promote and Provide Provide First Aid Manage Community
Adolescent and Youth Health Service
Reproductive Health

HLT HES3 16 0714 HLT HES3 17 0714 HLT HES3 18 0714

Respond to Emergencies Monitor Implementation Apply Quality Control
of Work Plan/Activities

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HLT HES3 19 0714 HLT HES3 20 0714 HLT HES3 21 0714
Lead Workplace Lead Small Teams Improve Business
Communication Practice

HLT HES3 22 0714

Maintain Quality System
and Continuous
Improvement Processes

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HLT HES4 01 0714 HLT HES4 02 0714 HLT HES4 03 0714

Manage Community Manage Health Manage Common
Health Services Education, Advocacy Communicable
and Community Diseases

HLT HES4 04 0714 HLT HES4 05 0714 HLT HES4 06 0714

Manage Common Non- Manage Hygiene and Manage Child Survival,
communicable Environmental Health Growth and
Diseases Development and Apply

HLT HES4 07 0714 HLT HES4 08 0714 HLT HES4 09 0714

Intervene Nutrition Manage Ante-natal Manage Delivery
Problems Care and PMTCT Practice

HLT HES4 10 0714 HLT HES4 11 0714 HLT HES4 12 0714

Manage Post-natal Manage Immunization Manage
Care and Cold Chain Comprehensive Family
Planning Service

HLT HES4 13 0714 HLT HES4 14 0714 HLT HES4 15 0714

Manage Adolescent Apply Infection Plan and Organize
and Youth Reproductive Prevention Techniques Work
Health Services and Workplace OHS

HLT HES4 16 0714 HLT HES4 17 0714 HLT HES4 18 0714

Migrate to New Establish Quality Develop Individuals and
Technology Standards Team

HLT HES4 19 0714 HLT HES4 20 0714 HLT HES4 21 0714

Utilize Specialized Manage and Maintain Manage Continuous
Communication Skills Small/Medium Business Improvement System

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Collect, Maintain and Utilize Community Health Data
Unit Code HLT HES3 01 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required
to collect, summarize, maintain and use data to improve
community health related activities.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan and prepare 1.1 Questionnaire is prepared and made available.
necessary 1.2 Necessary personnel and equipment are identified to
materials for data execute data collection.
1.3 Member of community is informed about data collection
dates and time.
1.4 Community leaders are invited to support data collection
2. Collect data that 2.1 Necessary data set is identified and collected.
needs to be 2.2 Information received is classified or sorted out on the
entered into the basis of a clear understanding of the purpose for
health database maintaining the database system.
2.3 Steps are taken to maintain confidentiality according to
prescribed procedures and guidelines.
3. Collect vital 3.1 Registration book is prepared for vital events.
events and 3.2 Vital events and surveillance data are collected
surveillance data continuously and sustained.
3.3 Vital event data are updated timely.
3.4 The reportable diseases are communicated to the
Woreda health office or centre.
4. Prepare and 4.1 Updates and timely reports are submitted according to
submit reports prescribed procedures and guidelines.
5. Contribute to 5.1 Discussions are made with key stakeholders regarding
Working with the health problem, its causes and appropriate
Community to interventions or solutions.
Identify Health 5.2 Briefing materials are provided throughout the
Needs consultation process to identify and issues of
interest/concern are clarified to stakeholders and own
5.3 Feedback is provided to the team leader or work team on
the results of the consultation process.
5.4 Positive contributions are made to activities that develop
an understanding of the factors contributing to the health
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problem of the community.
5.5 Feedback is provided to team members/leader to
facilitate discussion and issues arising from the review of
literature and consultation process are clarified with the
community and relevant stakeholders.
5.6 Further information and data are collected when needed
for input into the analysis and presentation of results
arising from the review of literature and consultation
5.7 Activities that would build the capacity of the community
are recommended to identify their health needs to
relevant stakeholders.

Variables Range
Data May include:
 Vital events
 Surveillance data
 Qualitative
 Quantitative
Types of data May include:
required about the  Demographic characteristics (e.g. age, sex, ethnic
target group composition, residence, education level achieved)
 Patterns of behavior
 Lifestyle
Database systems May include but not limited:
 State disease surveillance system
 Health registries created for different health issues (TB,
Malaria, HIV/AIDS, and Trachoma etc.)
 System of activity reported in the region.
Prescribed May be:
procedures and  Organizational procedures manual
Health problem May be identified through one of the following ways:
 Consultation with supervising Population Health
 Position/job description
 Policy documents/legislation detailing national, state or
local health goals
Feedback May include:
 Written reports
 Brief commentary or summary presentations
Consultation May take the form of one of the following:
 Interviews (personal, phone, formal or informal)
 Nominal group process
 Questionnaires

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 Delphi Method
 Focus groups
 Forums
Relevant sources of Include:
information  Books
 Journals
 Hospital records
 Notification systems
 Registers
 Sentinel recording systems
 Surveys
 Annual public health reports
 Existing epidemiological/socio-demographic data
 National Population Health and Health Promotion agencies
and organizations
 General practitioners/primary care service
 Local health authorities
 Target group representatives
Health need Defined as:
 State, conditions or factors in the community which, if
absent, prevent people from achieving the optimum of
physical, mental and social well-being
Types of need May include:
 Normative need (based on expert opinion)
 Expressed need (based on inferences made from
observation of use of health services)
 Comparative need (derived from examining the services
provided in a similar population)
 Felt need (based on what members of the community say
they need)
Key stakeholders May include:
 Representatives of relevant health agencies operating in
the local community
 Community advocates or change agents
 Representatives/leaders of the target population
 Population health professionals/Supervisors
 Federal, State or local health service and population health
 Federal, State or local health service providers
 Other health and/or non-government organizations
Ethical May include:
considerations  Privacy and confidentiality
 Responsibility to help a community respond to needs they
identify which might not necessarily coincide with stated
priority health needs

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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  collect vital events and disease surveillance.
 collect and utilize population data
 maintain a health database of the community
 consult and communicate to identify community health
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  theory and practice of population health including health
Attitudes promotion, control and prevention of communicable and
non communicable diseases
 Woreda and local health goals, targets and priorities
 evidence-based practice
 equity issues in population health
 basic statistical concepts and procedures.
 survey methodology
 report writing
 consultation and communication to identify community
health needs
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
 collect data that needs to be entered into the health
database system
 collect vital events and surveillance data
 prepare and submit reports
 communication skills
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Perform Community Mobilization and Provide Health
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT HES3 02 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required
to work With community members to determine community
health information needs, implement and maintain healthy
living styles, advocate, train and mobilize community on an
identified health issues.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Participate in the 1.1 Community representatives are consulted to determine

determination of current health needs and priorities.
community health 1.2 Effectiveness of existing health promotion/education
information needs
programs considering cultural practices and beliefs is
consulted and determined when determining information
1.3 Useful and harmful traditional practices are identified
according to the information provided by community.
2. Participate in the 2.1 Feedback from community consultation is used as a
preparation of basis for planning community health information
health information programs
2.2 Plans for health care information program are
discussed with supervisor to adjust community values
and concern.
3. Provide health 3.1 Influential community representatives and voluntaries are
promotion and identified and consulted to disseminate IEC-BCC
education activities.
services 3.2 Health promotion and education services are organized
and promoted in partnership with the community.
3.3 Health promotion and education are provided to meet
community and organization guidelines/requirements.
3.4 Health promotion and education activities are sustained
involving the resources of the community.
3.5 Clients are supported to take self-care approach in line
with individual needs for changing unhealthy behavior.
4. Train model 4.1 Better performing household is identified in their day to
families day activity.
4.2 Space and time for training are agreed.
4.3 Necessary resources are identified and collected.

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4.4 Training is provided according to MOH guideline.
4.5 Follow up and monitoring is done.
4.6 Well performing model household is evaluated and
5. Perform 5.1 Sensitizations are conducted with decision makers,
advocacy of community leaders and other stakeholders’ health
identified health issues are identified.
issues 5.2 Discussions on the identified health issues are made with
decision makers.
5.3 Continuous lobbying is performed to get support and
solve the identified health issues.
6. Promote 6.1 Identification and organization of available social
community structure are performed to solve community health
mobilization on problems.
the identified 6.2 Sensitizations and discussions on health issues are
health issues conducted with the identified structure and community
6.3 Model families and volunteers are trained and used as
mediators for community mobilization.
6.4 Consensus on the health issues is reached to plan and
implement together.

Variables Range
Harmful traditional May include but not limited to:
practices  early marriage
 rape
 female genital mutilation
 sexual harassment
 abduction
Feedback May be provided:
 in writing
 verbally
 using symbols or drawings
 using sound or visual media
Health care May include but not limited to:
information  promotion of:
 benefits of good nutrition and physical exercise
 factors that act as enablers and barriers to participation
in physical exercise
 smoking cessation and safe use of alcohol
 safe sex
 avoiding hazards for children
 ways to seek help

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 accessing health services/ programs available to school
and prisons
 information on nutrition, such as:
 benefits of obtaining a nutritionally adequate diet
 information on healthy food and cooking
 food content labeling
 risks of food-borne disease
 maternal and infant health information, such as:
 benefit of institutional delivery
 common physiological and emotional changes after
 activities to enhance post natal health care
 benefits of breast-feeding
 care of the newborn baby
 information on nutrition for children, such as:
 appropriate age to introduce semi-solid and solid foods
 appropriate foods introduction
 basic advice on healthy food
 healthy snacking for toddlers and pre-school age
 information on treatment of common childhood conditions,
such as:
 gastro-enteritis/diarrheal disease
 scabies and school sores
 information on communicable disease particularly on tb,
malaria, hiv /aids etc….
 hygiene and environmental health.
 information on oral health, such as:
 oral hygiene
 oral disease
Organization May include but not limited to
guidelines  health extension program implementation guideline
 model household training guide
 National framework for peer education to prevent HIV/AIDS.
 Environmental Health Manual
 IEC-BCC guideline
 National adolescent and youth reproductive health strategy
 Occupational health and safety guidelines
 Communicable diseases Prevention and Control Guidelines
 Other National guidelines
Stakeholders May include but not limited to:
 bodies taking part in the activities, like:
 Kebele leaders
 religious leaders
 schools
 agriculture sector
 women’s association
 NGOs,
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Social structure May include but not limited to:
 religious institutes
 farmers’ association
 women’s association
 youth association
Prevention of May include but not limited to:
communicable  clearing mosquito areas
diseases  providing HIV/Aids education
 promoting personal hygiene
 implement latrine utilization
 enhancing environmental cleaning campaign
 promotion of condom use
 promotion of immunization
 use of mosquito net
Advocacy May include:
 sensitization
 discussion
 lobbying
 decision for implementation of the selected health program
Community May include:
mobilization  sensitization/ awareness
 discussion
 campaign
 community conversation
 community involvement in planning and implementation

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence should demonstrate the individual’s ability to work
Competence with rural community volunteers to:
 consult with community representatives and clarify needs in
relation to health promotion
 help to prepare relevant and accurate health information
material to address these needs
 communicate health information effectively at household
and community levels to change unhealthy behavior
 consult with community representatives and clarify needs in
relation to health promotion
 disseminate relevant health information to address
community needs
 communicate health information effectively at decision
making and community levels to persuade people and bring
change on health program implementation
Underpinning Must demonstrate essential knowledge of:
Knowledge and  principles and processes of health promotion and
Attitudes education/IEC-BCC

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 understanding of local community traditions, values, cultural
beliefs and expectations, and how these affect the way the
health worker practice
 relevant policies, workplace norms, procedures and
programs for preparing and delivering health promotion and
 individual and community health perceptions
 health and disease relationship
 health communication approaches
 understanding of educational methods and materials
 planning, implementation and evaluation of health
education programs
 behavioral change communication
 advocacy and community mobilization
 local community traditions, values, cultural beliefs and
 relevant policies, laws and regulations, workplace norms,
procedures, programs, guidelines and professional ethics
for advocacy and community mobilization
 major health problems in the community
 decision and community perceptions on health issues
 planning, implementation and evaluation of advocacy and
community mobilization
Underpinning Skills Essential skills required includes the ability to:
 determine community health information needs
 collaborate with other health care worker and share
 provide health promotion and education services
 interpersonal communication
 coordination and leadership
 planning, monitoring and evaluation
 training and persuasion
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Services Level III
Promote and Implement Hygiene and Environmental
Unit Title
Health Services
Unit Code HLT HES3 03 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required
to develop healthy behavior which enables the community to
protect from ailments that can be encountered due to poor
personal hygiene and environmental health problems.

Element Performance Criteria

1. promote and 1.1 Target groups are identified to provide personal hygiene
provide education.
environmental 1.2 Teaching forums and facilities required are identified
and personal and organized.
education 1.3 Hygiene and environmental health education are
provided for the identified target groups in the
appropriate forum.
1.4 Lesson is covered and other activities, including inputs
used are implemented.
1.5 The element is recorded and analyzed; and gaps are
identified and used for improving next implementation at
facility level.
1.6 Reports are submitted to the reporting unit at district
2. Establish and 2.1 Sites are identified and prepared for demonstration.
demonstrate 2.2 Appropriate demonstration materials are assembled on
community- site according to specification
sanitation 2.3 Community group are identified for the demonstration of
technologies new technology.
2.4 The purpose, use and application of the sanitation
technology are described and elaborated according to
2.5 Activities, including inputs are implemented, recorded,
analyzed and used for improving next implementation at
facility level.
2.6 Reports are submitted to the reporting unit at district
3. Provide 3.1 Public health importance of solid and liquid waste
environmental management is properly addressed.
health service 3.2 Sources of solid and liquid waste are classified.
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3.3 Methods of solid and liquid waste disposal are well
3.4 Types and construction of latrine are well specified.
3.5 Public health importance of vectors and insects are
3.6 Prevention methods and control of vectors and insects are
3.7 Characteristics of good housing and basic requirements are
identified and described.
3.8 Safe water and handling are well described.
3.9 Water associated diseases are well defined.
3.10 Protection of spring and well water is well demonstrated
with locally appropriate materials including water
treatment at home level.

Variables Range
Facilities required May include:
 transport
 chairs or benches
 tea break facility arrangements
Appropriate forum’ May include:
 Woreda administration forums
 technical and vocational education training centers events
 agriculture extension forums
 health facilities
 community events
 women and youth forums
Sanitation May includes but not limited to:
technology  Ventilated Improved Pit latrine (VIP)
 Pit Privy (PP)
 Spring Protection (SP)
 Well Protection (WP)
 Standard Housing Components (SHC) design and
 personal hygiene practices

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate can:
Competence  identify the principles and components of personal and
environmental hygiene;
 rationally relate the dimension of personal and
environmental health in community development;
 understand the mechanisms of transmission, prevention
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and control of the common communicable diseases,
 knowing the practical procedures required to protect,
spring, well, VIP, pit privy
 demonstrating hygienic conditions in individual and public
Underpinning Essential knowledge must include:
Knowledge and  principles and components of hygiene and environmental
Attitudes health in relation to communicable diseases and
mechanisms of control;
 data analysis and writing activity and financial reports
 performance record keeping.
 public health importance of solid and liquid waste
 classification and source of solid and liquid waste
 methods of solid and liquid waste disposal
 types and construction of latrine
 public health importance of vectors and insects
 prevention and control of vectors and insects
 characteristics of good housing and basic requirements
 safe water and safe water handling
 water associated diseases
 protection of spring and well with local materials
 water treatment at home level
Essential attitude may include:
 Accept that empowering the empowered
 Individuals and households can harvest their own health
Underpinning Skills Essential skills must include the ability to:
 provide personal and environmental hygiene education
 establish and demonstrate community-appropriate
sanitation technologies
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Prevent and Control Common Communicable Diseases
HLT HES3 04 0714
Unit Code
Unit Descriptor This unit describes knowledge; skills and attitudes to detect
infectious diseases early provide treatment and make follow up
and referral in the process of prevention and control of
communicable diseases.

Elements Performance Criteria

1 Educate the 1.1 Community diagnosis/community need assessment is
community on conducted based on the standard procedure.
early detection 1.2 Plan is developed based on the identified gaps.
and prevention
of communicable 1.3 Methods are selected as per the identified gaps.
diseases 1.4 Teaching materials are collected as per the designed
teaching methodology.
1.5 Prevention and control methods of infectious/
communicable disease are explained according to the
existing health education guideline.
1.6 PIHCT is promoted according to the standard guideline
1.7 Activity is reported, documented and followed up based
on the standard format.
2 Perform disease 2.1 Preparations are made for surveillance.
Surveillance 2.2 Logistics are prepared based on the standard
2.3 Data are collected through active and passive
surveillance procedures.
2.4 Case is determined (possible, probable) based on the
standard case definition.
2.5 Timely and complete reports (public burden, epidemic
prone under elimination/eradication) are submitted using
the existing guidelines.
2.6 Appropriate action is carried out in collaboration with
different stake holders.
2.7 Feedback is collected and disseminated to the
concerned bodies as per the existing formats.
4. Follow up of 3.1 Cases are notified from the referral format.
Cases 3.2 House to house visit is conducted.

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3.3 Defaulters are traced and advice is given.
3.4 Anti-TB drugs are administered when cases are
transferred out from the health center based on the
national treatment guidelines.
3.5 ART is followed up.

Variables Range
Community May include but not limited to:
diagnosis  the process of assessing the community health problem
through collection of data, compilation, interpretation,
analyzing and developing action plan for the prioritized
Prevention May include but not limited to:
 promotion of health
 prevention of exposure
 prevention of disease
Control Means:
 prevention of further transmission
Infectious/ Means:
communicable  preventable and easily transmittable diseases
PIHCT Means:
 provider initiated HIV counseling and testing related
Surveillance Means:
 process of detecting the incidence of disease, trend in
incidence, or geographical spread of infection
Logistics Means:
 required resources
Epidemics May include but not limited to:
 presence of health related condition in excess of the usual
occurrence at a specified time and place
Feed back May include but not limited to:
 exchange of information between the health post and
other health institutions
Defaulter Means:
 client who discontinued taking the prescribed drug
Transfer out Means:
 referring clients from the nearest health institution to the
health post
Early detection- Means:
Identification  symptoms before progression of disease process / clinical

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Evidence guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence that shows individual ability in:
Competence  educating the community on infectious process
 applying principles of communicable disease control
 under taking effective surveillance for early management of
 working in collaboration with various partners and stake
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge on:
Knowledge and  principles of basic parasitological and microbiology
Attitudes  Common infectious diseases ( CDCs)
 principles of infection prevention
 Basic Statistics Concept and Procedure ( BSCP)
 principles of surveillance
Underpinning Skill Must demonstrate skills on:
 community assessment skill
 client assessment skill
 minor clinical management skill
 common and focused testing skill
 post clinical management counseling skill
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Prevent and Control Common Non-communicable
HLT HES3 05 0714
Unit Code
Unit Descriptor This unit describes knowledge, skills and attitude to teach the
community on the significance of change in life style in
prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, (DM,
HTN, COPD, Cancer, and Cataract, and Mental illness,
Disability, etc). It also describes the knowledge and skills
required to detect non-communicable diseases and refer
early, to provide community rehabilitation for those with

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Educate the 1.1 IEC materials are prepared and health education
community on provided.
healthy life style 1.2 Community diagnosis is carried out based on the
and early standard procedure.
detection of
disease. 1.3 Plan is developed based on the identified gaps from the
community assessment.
1.4 Methods are selected based on the problem identified.
1.5 Activity is reported and followed up based on the
recommended format.
2. Screen and refer 2.1 Pertinent history (HX) and Physical Examination (P/E) are
clients requiring done based on the standard procedure.
further 2.2 Cases beyond scope are referred for further investigation
investigation and and management as per the referral procedure.
3. Follow up cases 3.1 Community diagnosis is carried out based on the standard
and promote procedure.
community based 3.2 Communities are mobilized for taking care of people with
rehabilitation disabilities.
3.3 Trainings are conducted to select family members and
community based organizations.
3.4 Cases are followed up as per the feed back obtained from
the health institution.

Variables Range
Standard procedure Includes:
 nationally accepted working guides

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Disability Means:
 limitation on the full range of functions on some parts of the
Non communicable Means:
disease  disease not transmitted from person to person by any
route except by heredity
Community Based Means:
Rehabilitation  prevention of further disabilities and permanent damage at
community setting and making remained parts functional /
Screening Means:
 identifying diseases in apparently healthy people
Healthy life style Means:
 health behavior that helps for adopting healthy way of life
Suspected case Includes:
 unconfirmed but shows some signs and symptoms
indicating certain disease
Culture Includes:
 sum of customs, belief systems, and traditions in a given

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills on:
Competence  acquisition of knowledge required to deliver health
education for preventing chronic non infectious diseases at
individual, family and community settings
 skills required to screen, refer and follow up of cases
 acquisition of knowledge and skills regarding the formation
of CBR programs in collaboration with various partners and
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge on:
Knowledge and  non-communicable diseases
Attitudes  sociology and anthropology
 psychology
 basic nutrition
 health education
Underpinning Skill Must demonstrate skills on:
 community assessment skill
 client assessment skill
 minor clinical management skill
 post clinical management counseling skill
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test

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 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Services Level III
Unit Title Promote Community Nutrition
Unit Code HLT HES3 06 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
support the provision of basic nutrition education to the

Element Performance Criteria

1. Collect 1.1 Client education requirements are obtained from

appropriate community assessment.
information for 1.2 Basic educational materials and products are gathered
preparing nutrition according to the directions of the nutrition guideline
1.3 The community is consulted about the appropriateness of
the language, cultural value and convenience of time for
2. Provide basic 2.1 The purpose of the information/education is confirmed
nutrition based on the nutrition national guideline.
information/ 2.2 The client is guided to ensure that meal choices are
education to the consistent with the nutritional care plan designed in the
clients. guideline.
2.3 Practical nutritional education is provided to support
meal and food choices consistent with nutrition care plan
2.4 Appropriate nutrition resources and equipment are
made available for teaching.
2.5 The feedback of plan implementation is provided to
Woreda health office.
3. Monitor client 3.1 Clients are monitored according to nutrition care plan,
response to the using appropriate monitoring/reporting strategies.
information/ 3.2 Client deviations are identified from the nutrition care plan
education and the community health nurse is consulted to restore
appropriate course of action.
3.3 The daily progress of nutritional plan implementation is
compiled and reported.

Variables Range
Client May include but not limited to:
 infants
 children
 adolescents

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 mothers
 geriatric (aged people)
 people with disabilities
 people with a physical or mental illness
Basic educational May include but not limited to:
materials  leaflets
 food packages
 food models
 charts
 posters
 training manuals
Practical nutrition May include but not limited to:
education  basic nutrition
 farming different food items (crops, vegetables, animal
 product usage
 food safety from preparation to consumption
 food storage
 cooking
 recipe modification
 food identification
 food hygiene
Nutrition resources May include but not limited to:
and equipment  nutrition analysis programs
 scales
 stadiometer (height measure)
 tape measure
 software
 food packages
Monitoring May include but not limited to:
 weight checks
 weight logs
 meal consumption
Reporting May include but not limited to:
 verbal
 telephone
 face to face
 written material
 progress reports
 case notes
 incident reports
 epidemic reports

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate can:
Competence  provide basic nutrition information/ education to the
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 monitor client response to the information/ education
 analyze and document community information
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  the important aspect of nutrition for human body function
Attitudes  nutrition principles
 cultural diets and restriction
 nutritional composition of food
 food safety
 roles, responsibilities and limitations of self and other allied
health team members
 appropriate use of equipment, materials and resources
 social/interpersonal behavior
 principles and practices of confidentiality and privacy
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
 collect appropriate information for preparing nutrition
 provide basic nutrition information/education to the clients
 monitor client response to the information/education
 gathering, analyzing and documenting community
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Promote and Provide Ante-natal Care
Unit Code HLT HES3 07 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the competency required to provide
antenatal examination, advices and conduct early referral of
cases with abnormalities and/or complications during
pregnancy and delivery.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Provide 1.1 General, social and obstetric health history are taken and
antenatal documented to deliver health care.
examination and 1.2 Symptoms of pregnancy are identified.
information for
pregnant women 1.3 Antenatal care plan is prepared in consultation with the
pregnant woman based on standard protocols and client
1.4 Information on healthy living and maternal health are
1.5 Antenatal examination are performed in line with
standard protocols and client requirements
1.6 Information on birthing options, signs of labor, and
stages of labor, pain management techniques and family
attendance at delivery are provided for client.
1.7 Sign and symptoms of minor disorders of pregnancy and
potential serious complication are identified to provide
advices and referred to the next level.
1.8 Information is provided on PMTCT.
1.9 Women are supported to obtain the necessary medicines
and provided with appropriate information on use.
2. Conduct home 2.1 Registers of women undergoing antenatal care are
visit and refer maintained according to organization policies and
pregnant women procedure
with health 2.2 Schedules of participation in antenatal care and use are
problems kept to organize continuing care for women.
2.3 Reminders and other assistance are organized and/or
provided to attend the ANC care according to women’s
2.4 Referral and communication networks are maintained
with medical staff and midwives allied health staff, birthing
facilities and female community elders.
2.5 Records on attendance are kept and used for antenatal

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care and birthing outcomes to follow antenatal care.

Variables Range
Antenatal Includes but not limited to:
examination  abdominal palpation to identify foetal lie and presentation
 measurement of fundal height and estimation of expected
progression of pregnancy
 identify all signs/evidence of pregnancy
 documentation of findings from a physical examination and
follow up as procedures manual
Information Includes:
 normal and abnormal vaginal discharge
 care of the perineum
 resumption of sexual relations
 obtaining baby clothes and nappies
 sources of advice and support
Potentially serious May include:
complication  vaginal bleeding (painful and painless) – threatened
miscarriage, incomplete miscarriage, placenta previa,
placental abruption
 abdominal pain in early pregnancy –ectopic pregnancy
 premature labor and premature rupture of membranes
 proteinuria / hypertension – pregnancy-induced
 signs and symptoms of gestational diabetes
 other urinary abnormalities – uti, glucosuria,
 reduced fetal movements and/or signs of poor fetal growth
 signs and symptoms such as:
 shortness of breath
 a rise in BP
 rapid weight gain
 poor weight gain
 edema
 abnormal fundal heights for dates
 absence of foetal heart beat
 anemia
 abnormal foetal lie (transverse, oblique)
Risk factors May include but not limited to:
 lifestyle and other health problems identified from a health
 potential effects of health related problems on the foetus,
 alcohol consumption
 tobacco use
 mal-nutrition
 prescription and non prescription drugs
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 drugs that are not prescribed
 environmental hazards
 potential impact of compliance or non-compliance with
antenatal care plan
 presence or absence of family, financial and social support
 environmental and housing issues affecting pregnancy,
child care and family health

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence should demonstrate the individual’s ability to:
Competence  undertake antenatal care
 provide information, guidance and support to clients and
their families on antenatal health issues
 provide physical examination of pregnant woman, identify
and refer potential risky pregnancies
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  organization policies and procedures relating to client
Attitudes confidentiality
 anatomy/physiology, pharmacology and abnormalities
related to pregnancy
 antenatal health and prevention of infection
 nutritional needs of pregnant women
 health conditions, obstetric problems and associated
issues related to pregnancy
 strategies to:
 improve antenatal health in the community
 address clients presenting with antenatal problems
 medical and obstetrics problems requiring referral
 relevant treatments, medicines and associated care
services available
 risks and contraindications associated with relevant
treatments and medication
 realistic expectation of client condition during monitoring of
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
 provide antenatal examination, identify pregnancy related
health problems and abnormalities and inform the client
 conduct home visit and refer pregnant women with health
 make physical examination
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.

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Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Promote Institutional Delivery and Provide Delivery
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT HES3 08 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
support women during childbirth and manage the process of
normal delivery in a community both at home and health post.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Support women 1.1 Local birthing practices and cultural beliefs are identified
during childbirth and discussed with women in planning and advocating for
appropriate childbirth.
1.2 Roles, relationships and responsibilities, including the role
of the trained birth attendants and health extension worker
as an advocate for women and families are discussed to
support safe birthing.
1.3 Information on Episiotomy and breasts engorgement is
1.4 Signs and symptoms of onset of labor are discussed
and identified to support women in attending a delivery
service as required.
2. Provide normal 2.1 Midwifery kit for normal delivery and instructions are
delivery maintained in community settings.
2.2 Urgent professional assistance is sought and advice
provided with delivery.
2.3 Locally available resources are prepared to manage
normal delivery in a community setting.
2.4 Helpers are identified appropriately based on experience
and knowledge.
2.5 Appropriate equipment and medication are prepared for
delivery according to existing delivery manual.
2.6 Basic management of second and third stages of labor is
instituted, if needed.
3. Provide 3.1 APGAR score is identified and properly managed and
immediate reported.
neonatal care 3.2 Bleeding is identified and managed properly from
umbilical knob.

Variables Range
Signs and May includes but not limited to:
symptoms of onset  tone and rate of uterine contractions

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of labour  effacement (taking up of cervix)
 cervical dilatation
 show
Midwifery kit May include but not limited to:
 scissors
 artery forceps
 cord tie
 bowels
 needle holder
 bulb suction
 gloves
APGAR score May include but not limited to:
 airway
 pulse rate
 grimace
 appearance
 respiratory rate

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence should demonstrate the individual’s ability to:
Competence  support women during the birthing process
 provide childbirth in a community setting
 identify and refer high risk cases
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  organization guidelines and procedures relating to client
Attitudes confidentiality
 anatomy/physiology, relevant to pregnancy, maternal
and/or infant health
 immediate care for the newborn
 maternal and/or infant health and prevention of infection
 birthing practices suitable for culturally appropriate birth
 health conditions, obstetric problems and associated
issues related to pregnancy
 medical problems occurring in pregnancy requiring referral
 relevant assessment methods and use of associated
equipment, testing procedures
 relevant treatments, medicines and associated care
services available
 risks and contraindications associated with relevant
treatments and medication
 realistic expectation of client condition during monitoring of
 episiotomy and breast feeding
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
 support women during childbirth
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 provide normal delivery
 recognize danger signs and refer
 identify post delivery complication
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Promote and Provide Post-natal Care
Unit Code HLT HES3 09 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes knowledge, skills and attitude required to
provide postnatal health care services for mothers and infants.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Provide services 1.1 Observation is made for mother and infant and recorded
for lactating in line with standard protocols and organizational
mothers on infant guidelines
care, nutrition 1.2 Information and support for self-care and wellbeing are
and exclusive provided during post-natal period
breast feeding
1.3 Advice on routine care of the newborn is provided to
1.4 Strategies are implemented to establish and support
exclusive breast-feeding.
1.5 The importance of nutrition, exercise, rest, sleep and
support with domestic tasks and care of family is
discussed with the client in the immediate postnatal
1.6 Minor post-natal problems for mother and newborn are
identified to provide appropriate advice and care and for
possible referral.
1.7 Information on contraceptive options is provided.
2. Organize and 2.1 Registration of women undergoing postnatal care is
follow-up maintained according to organizational guidelines and
maternal health procedures.
programs 2.2 Schedules of participation in postnatal care are kept and
used to organize continuing care for the lactating mother
and infant.
2.3 Reminders and other assistance are organized to attend
care according to lactating mother’s needs.
2.4 Referral and communication networks are maintained with
medical staff, midwives, allied health staff, and community
2.5 Records on attendance for antenatal care and birthing
outcomes are kept and used to follow maternal health

Variables Range
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Information May include but not limited to:
 normal and abnormal vaginal discharge
 care of the perineum and breast feeding
 episiotomy and breasts engorgement
 family planning method and immunization schedule
 resumption of sexual relations
 sources of advice and support
 signs and symptoms of infection
 exclusive breast feeding
Advice May include but not limited to:
 umbilical stump
 eye care
 nappy area
 safe sleeping arrangements
Minor post-natal May Include but not limited to:
problems  for the mother:
 breast engorgement
 constipation
 delirium due to post natal psychosis
 post partum hemorrhage
 for the newborn:
 sticky eye
 rash
 skin discoloration
 bleeding from the umbilical stump

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence should demonstrate the individual’s ability to:
Competence  undertake comprehensive health checks related to
postnatal neonatal and infant health
 provide information, guidance and support to clients and
their families with postnatal, neonatal and/or infant health
 monitor the outcomes of postnatal, neonatal and infant
health care services and make any required revisions to
services, care plans or information provided
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  organization guidelines and procedures relating to client
Attitudes confidentiality
 anatomy/physiology relevant to postnatal and infant health
 microbiology relevant to postnatal and infant health
 postnatal nutritional needs of women and infants
 health conditions, obstetric problems and associated
issues related to postnatal and infant health
 strategies to:
 improve maternal and neonatal health in the community

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 address clients presenting with postnatal problems
 coordinating provision of optimum level of maternal health
service delivery
 postnatal medical problems requiring referral
 effective post natal care practices for mother and baby
 relevant assessment methods and use of associated
equipment, testing procedures
 relevant treatments, medicines and associated care
services available
 risks and contraindications associated with relevant
treatments and medication
 realistic expectation of client condition during monitoring of
 relevant evaluation criteria for monitoring effectiveness of
specific postnatal and infant health care
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
 identify and treat postnatal maternal and neonatal/infant
health problems
 plan, organize, implement and evaluate postnatal care for
lactating mother and neonate/infant
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Promote Child Survival, Growth and Development and
Unit Title
Apply ICCM
Unit Code HLT HES3 10 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skill and attitude required to
promote child survival, growth and development and apply
Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM) in the health
post and within the surrounding vicinity.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Promote child 1.1 Appropriate child feeding practices are communicated
survival, growth and demonstrated to the care givers.
and development 1.2 Communication and playing mechanisms are
activities communicated and demonstrated to the care givers.
1.3 Appropriate messages to prevent illnesses are
communicated and demonstrated to the care givers.
1.4 Messages on health seeking behaviors are communicated
to the care givers.
1.5 Child abuse practices and negligence are communicated
on to the care givers.
2. Access and 2.1 Diagnoses and classifications are made based on history
manage and physical examination.
common child 2.2 Treatments and follow up are undertaken for minor/
hood illness uncomplicated cases based on ICCM and other treatment
3. Refer child 3.1 Relevant child’s details are documented according to
requiring further health post standard guidelines.
care 3.2 Client confidentiality is maintained at all times and levels.
3.3 Documentation is ensured for referral procedures.
3.4 Appropriate information is conveyed to individuals
involved in referral to facilitate understanding and optimal
3.5 Child’s care is maintained until responsibility is taken over
by staff of the receiving health institutions during referral.

Variables Range
History of child Includes present history elicited from:
 primary care givers
 medical (health) personnel
Client history Includes:
 pre-existing conditions
 allergies
 current medication or treatment
Types of May include, but are not limited to:

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documentation  referral reports
 case management records

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence required demonstrating this competency unit:
Competence  acquisition of essential knowledge across the range
statement outlined to confirm physical health status.
 after successful completion of initial checkup, provide basic
care and meet referral decision
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  procedures and equipment used to manage common child
Attitudes hood illness as specified in protocols.
 pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria
 organization administrative policies and procedures
 function of documentation being provided
 referring client requiring further care
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
 assess child’s general health condition
 manage the child’s problem
 council the care taker on child’s general condition
 provide health promotion and education services
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III

Unit Title Promote and Implement Immunization
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Unit Code HLT HES3 11 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, attitude and skill required for
planning, and efficient and effective implementation of
immunization programs.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Plan 1.1 Data are collected, analyzed and reported for planning
immunization including defaulters.
programs 1.2 Immunization programs are planned to achieve maximum
immunization rates and protect the public.
2. Conduct 2.1 Resources and materials are collected and managed for
immunization immunization sessions to facilitate a professional and
programs efficient program.
2.2 Communication is undertaken with relevant health and
education professionals and relevant government agencies
to maximize effectiveness of the immunization programs.
2.3 Immunization programs are conducted and reviewed as
2.4 Records on immunization are maintained in a safe,
accurate and efficient manner.

Variables Range
Materials May include but not limited to:
 vaccines
 medical equipment
 gas/kerosene
 burner
 record-keeping materials
 syringes and needles
 cotton swab
 ice box
Immunization May include:
sessions  regular vaccination days
 special (e.g. school based, community based campaigns)

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence should demonstrate the individual’s ability to:
Competence  plan and deliver immunization programs
 manage cold chain system
 keep and maintain records
 provide reliable and timely report

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Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  immunization procedures
Attitudes  key organizations and individuals
 immunization handbook
 cold chain system maintenance
 advocacy and social mobilization
 providing due consideration community’s cultural and
traditional believes
 client safety procedures
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  plan immunization programs
 conduct and monitor immunization programs
 manage cold chain system
 keep and maintain records
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Services Level III
Unit Title Promote and Provide Family Planning Service
Unit Code HLT HES3 12 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required for
planning, implementing, monitoring and follow up of family
planning services and referral of family planning clients beyond
the health post level.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Educate the 1.1 Information on available methods, types of contraception
community on and advantages of each contraceptive are identified.
family planning 1.2 Advices on how to use and possible side effects of each
options contraceptive are given
1.3 The advantages and disadvantage of natural method are
2. Educate 2.1 Priority health needs are identified based on community
adolescents on health diagnosis
family planning 2.2 Skills on FP advice are demonstrated to adolescent and
and STI young people.
2.3 Skill on linking FP with other RH services such as STIs
screening and management and the availability of abortion
care depending on the permitted abortion law are

Variables Range
Natural method May include:
 safe period of menstruation cycle

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence should demonstrate the individual’s ability to:
Competence  understand and respond to clients’ FP (family planning)
method of choice and respect clients’ right to continuity of
 understand the types of contraceptives, their significance,
side effects and consequences
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  history taking on past and present personal, medical,
Attitudes obstetric and gynecological conditions
 identifying and prioritizing community health service needs
 types of contraceptive
 alternative family planning methods
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 effectiveness and possible side-effects of each method
 interpersonal communication
 data management (data entry, tally, analysis, use and
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  identify of community health service priorities
 plan, organize, implement and evaluate family planning
 communicate and persuade people
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Promote and Provide Adolescent and Youth Reproductive
Unit Title
Health (RH)
HLT HES3 13 0714
Unit Code
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan,
promote and provide adolescent and youth friendly
reproductive health service at the health post, school,
household, and community

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan adolescent 1.1 Eligible and target groups are identified for Reproductive
and youth RH Health (RH) information.
(Reproductive 1.2 Resource mapping is conducted using the standard format
Health) services of FMOH.
1.3 Action plan is developed based on priority health need.
2. Promote 2.1 Influential community representatives and volunteers are
adolescent and identified and consulted.
youth RH 2.2 RH service promotion and education are organized and
(Reproductive promoted in partnership with the community and relevant
Health) services organizations/schools on the basis of inter-sectoral
2.3 RH service promotion and education are provided and
sustained to meet community and organizational
requirements on the basis of duty and responsibilities of
all stakeholders.
2.4 RH problem are supported to take self-care approach in
line with individual needs for changing unhealthy behavior
on the basis of healthy promotion and strategic behavioral
change approach of FMOH.
3. Provide RH 3.1 Client’s RH symptom of RH problem, service seeking
(Reproductive behavior and compliance on advice and treatment are
Health) service advised based on the national adolescent and youth RH
package guideline.
3.2 Low risk conditions are managed according to the
3.3 High risk conditions are referred to the next higher health
facility according to the standard protocol.
3.4 Follow up is undertaken according to the focused
antenatal protocol.
4. Register and 6.1 Registration book is prepared for nutritional events
document RH registration according to HMIS (Health Management
records Information System) standards of FMOH.
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6.2 RH events data are collected continuously, sustained and
updated timely on the basis of HMIS (Health Management
Information System) guideline of FMOH.
6.3 RH services are reported and communicated to the higher
level and relevant body on the basis of HMIS (Health
Management Information System) procedure of the
6.4 Plan on adolescent and youth RH health services is
revised for the catchments for a specific period of time.

Variables Range
RH information May include but not limited to:
 youth friendly service package
 about secondary sexual characteristics
 adolescent and youth RH related health problems such
as HIV/AIDS, STI, safe abortion and so on
 harmful traditional practices like female genital mutilation
 family planning
Organizations/schools May include but not limited to:
 HIV counseling
 family planning
 harmful traditional practice
 early marriage, abortion care, etc
Clients May include but not limited to:
 youth
 adolescents
 adults
 schools
Follow up May include but not limited to:
 psychiatric problem
 substance abuse
 withdrawal symptoms

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence should demonstrate the individual’s ability to:
Competence  identify priority health needs
 support adolescent and youth during any problem/need in
related RH issues
 provide adolescent and youth RH service in the
community, at the health facility and schools
 refer cases which need further investigation and
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge on:
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Knowledge and  comprehensive reproductive health
Attitudes  interpersonal communication
 history taking on past and present personal, medical,
obstetric and gynecological conditions
 planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating youth
and adolescent health services
 common cultural and traditional community practices
Underpinning Skill Must demonstrate skills on:
 identifying priority health needs of youth and adolescents
 planning, organizing, implementing and evaluation
 communication and persuasion
 RH (Reproductive Health) advice for adolescent and youth
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III

Unit Title Provide First Aid
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Unit Code HLT HES3 14 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required
to deliver first aid and basic client care in the health post and
within the surrounding area of the community based on client

Element Performance Criteria

1 Assess and 1.2 Vital signs are checked and monitored in accordance
identify client’s with local health post standard guidelines.
condition. 1.3 History of the event is obtained by data records.
2. Provide first aid 2.1. Clinical equipment is correctly operated as required for
service client management according to
manufacturers’/suppliers’ instructions and local clinical
2.2. Client care techniques are implemented in accordance
with procedures and techniques applicable to health post.
3. Refer client 3.1 Relevant client details are documented according to
requiring further Health post standard guidelines.
care 3.2 Client confidentiality is maintained at all times and levels.
3.3 Documentation is ensured for referral procedures.
3.4 Appropriate information is conveyed to individuals
involved in referral to facilitate understanding and optimal
3.5 Client care is maintained until responsibility is taken over
by staff of the receiving health institutions during referral.

Variables Range
Vital signs May include but not limited to:
 conscious state assessment e.g. unconsciousness
 respiratory status assessment, e.g. rate, rhythm, effort and
breath sounds
 perfusion status assessment, e.g. pulse, blood pressure
History of event Includes present history and may be elicited from:
 client
 bystander
 primary care givers
 medical (health) personnel
 evidence at the sight
 pre-existing conditions
 allergies
 current medication or treatment
Client management Will need to take into account:

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 location and nature of incident
 environmental conditions
Types of May include but are not limited to:
documentation  incident reports
 referral reports
 case management records

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence required demonstrating this competency unit:
Competence  acquisition of essential knowledge across the range
statement outlined to confirm physical health status
 after successful completion of initial checkup, provide basic
care and meet referral decision
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  basic anatomy and physiology as defined in unit confirming
Attitudes physical health status
 procedures and equipment used for basic life support, as
specified within authorized limits
 first aid techniques
 STIs/HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria
 understanding of client psychology
 organization administrative policies and procedures
 function of documentation being provided
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:
 make initial client checkup
 provide first aid service
 implement basic client care procedures
 refer client requiring further care
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III

Unit Title Manage Community Health Service
Unit Code HLT HES3 15 0714

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Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required
to manage community health services following organization
policies and procedures in an ethical manner.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Follow 1.1 The policy and organization of the health care system of
organizational Ethiopia is comprehended.
guidelines, 1.2 Primary healthcare in Ethiopia is understood.
health policy and 1.3 Elements of primary health care are identified.
service delivery 1.4 Health service extension program is understood.
1.5 Workplace instructions and policies are followed.
1.6 Organizational programs and procedures are
supported within the job role.
1.7 Organizational resources are used for the purpose
2. Work ethically 2.1 Alignment of decisions and actions are ensured within
job description and are consistent with organization
2.2 Duties are performed promptly and consistently in all
workplace activities.
2.3 Inappropriate gifts are not accepted.
2.4 Client resources and possessions are used for the
purpose intended.
2.5 Reasonable and careful manner are behaved at all times.
2.6 Confidentiality is maintained in accordance with
organization requirements.
2.7 Difficulties in carrying out duties are reported to
appropriate person/supervisor.
3. Provide team 3.1 Work requirements are identified and presented to team
leadership and members.
responsibilities 3.2 Reasons for instructions and requirements are
communicated to team members.
3.3 Duties and responsibilities are allocated having regarded
to the skills, knowledge and aptitude required to properly
undertake the assigned task and according to company
3.4 Duties are allocated having regard to individual
preference, domestic and personal considerations,
whenever possible.
4. Establish quality 4.1 Quality standard procedures for health services are
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standards, developed and agreed upon.
assess and 4.2 Quality standard procedures are documented in
record quality of accordance with the organization policy.
service deliver
4.3 Standard procedures are introduced to organizational
staff / personnel.
4.4 Standard procedures are revised / updated when
4.5 Services delivered are checked and evaluated against
organization quality standards and parameters and
4.6 Gaps are identified and corrective actions are taken in
accordance with organization policies and procedures.
4.7 Records of the quality performance activities are kept in
accordance with organization procedures.
4.8 Information on quality and other indicators of service
performance is recorded.
5. Manage work 5.1 Appropriate communication method is selected.
and resources at 5.2 Multiple operations involving several topics areas are
a Health Post communicated accordingly.
5.3 Questions are used to gain extra information.
5.4 Correct sources of information are identified
5.5 Information is selected and organized correctly.
5.6 Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when
5.7 Communication skills are maintained in all situations.
5.8 Response to workplace issues is sought.
5.9 Response to workplace issues are provided immediately.
5.10 Constructive contributions are made to workplace
discussions on such issues as production, quality and
5.11 Goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the
workplace are communicated.
5.12 Issues and problems are identified.
5.13 Information regarding problems and issues are organized
coherently to ensure clear and effective communication.
5.14 Dialogue is initiated with appropriate staff/personnel.
5.15 Communication problems and issues are raised as they
6. Lead workplace 6.1 Elements of communication are identified.
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communication 6.2 Berries to communication are identified.
6.3 Types of communication are recognized.

Variable Range
Organization May include those relating to:
programs and  administrative systems including:
procedures  filing
 record-keeping
 workplace programs and timetable management
 use of equipment
 staff rosters
 workplace agreements
 job descriptions
 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
 grievance procedures
 professional code of conduct and ethics
Workplace May be:
instructions  written or verbal
Report May be:
 notes, memos, records, letters, reports via phone, face-to-
face reports
Work requirements May include:
 client profile
 assignment instructions
Quality standards May include:
and parameters  materials
 components
 work process
 designed standard and specification
Performance May include:
 work output
 work quality
 team participation
 compliance with workplace protocols
 safety, customer service
Methods of May include:
communication  Verbal, face to face, written, using internet, phone call

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills on:
Competence  policies and regulation of the organization
 mission and values of the organization
 scope of work
 professional code of conduct and ethics

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 maintained or improved individuals and/or team
 assessed and monitored team and individual performance
against set criteria
 allocated duties and responsibilities, having regard to
individual’s knowledge, skills and aptitude and the needs of
the tasks to be performed
 set and communicated performance expectations for a
range of tasks and duties within the team and provided
feedback to team members
 identify required standard for each service provided
 check service and completed work continuously against
organization standard
 identify gaps of service, cause of gaps and take corrective
measures and keep records
 deal with a range of communication/information at one time
 make constructive contributions in workplace issues
 respond to workplace issues promptly
 use appropriate sources of information
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  organization policies, procedures and programs relating to
Attitudes the work role
 organization Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
policies and procedures
 organization mission and values
 legal and ethical issues associated with work role
 how performance expectations are set
 methods of monitoring performance
 duties and responsibilities of team members
 relevant quality standards and characteristics of services
 relevant evaluation techniques and quality checking
 organization requirements for written and electronic
communication methods
 effective verbal communication methods
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills of:
 interpreting policies, regulation and procedures and put into
 using basic workplace technology and equipment in line
with workplace requirements and instructions
 work within legal and ethical requirements of job role
 communication required for leading teams
 informal performance counseling
 team building
 negotiating
 interpreting work instructions, specifications and standards
appropriate to the required work or service
 carrying out relevant performance evaluation
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 organizing information
 understanding and conveying intended meaning
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Respond to Emergencies
Unit Code HLT HES3 16 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the process of recognizing and responding to
emergencies and implementing a range of life support measures
across a broad spectrum of situations or incidents.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Prepare for 1.1 Safety equipment and aids required for emergencies are
emergency selected, used, maintained and stored in good order.
situations 1.2 Regular checks of the workplace are carried out to minimize
potential hazards.
1.3 Appropriate actions are taken to maximize safety and
minimize health hazards in the workplace.
1.4 Options for action in cases of emergency are identified and
1.5 Organizational emergency procedures and policies are
correctly implemented.
1.6 Occupational health and safety procedures and safe working
practices are applied.
1.7 Potential hazards are reported and documented.
2. Evaluate 2.1 The possible development of emergency and potential
the hazards are assessed and evaluated.
emergency 2.2 Advice is sought from relevant people in evaluating the
2.3 Needs including those for assistance are prioritized promptly
and accurately.
2.4 Emergency and potential emergency situation are reported.
3. Act in an 3.1 The plan of action is implemented using techniques
emergency appropriate to the situation and available resources and
3.2 Equipment is operated safely and, where necessary,
equipment and techniques are improvised.
3.3 Strategies are identified and implemented for group control
and clients and other individuals are removed from danger.
3.4 The condition of all staff and others assisting is constantly
3.5 The information required is acquired and documented to
assist emergency services, where relevant.
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3.6 Emergency services are notified as necessary.
3.7 The plan of action is changed to accommodate changes in
the situation variables.
3.8 Casualty evacuation methods are demonstrated to the
context, where relevant.
3.9 Organizational procedures and policies and legal
requirements are correctly implemented in the event of a
major injury or death.
4. Apply 4.1 Immediate risk is minimized to self and casualty's health and
essential safety by isolating the hazard.
first aid 4.2 The casualty's injuries and vital signs are assessed.
4.3 Casualty is reassured in a caring and calm manner and made
comfortable using available resources.
4.4 First aid care is provided in accordance with established first
aid procedures.
4.5 First aid assistance is sought from others as appropriate.

Variable Range statement

Situation May apply to:
variables  capabilities of the group/clients
 weather conditions
 topography, time factors
 human resources
 available food and water
 size of search area
 distance from emergency response providers
 delays in accessing emergency help
 time of day
 communications facilities and difficulties
 emotional and physical condition of casualties
Hazards May include:
 biological
 chemical
 mechanical
 electrical, thermal
 explosive
 structural
 climatic
 psychological (e.g., critical incident stress)
 nuclear, proximity of other people
 vehicles and machinery
 fire, gas, fumes, electrical situations
 security related and wildlife related situations
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Workplace Refer to:
procedures  search procedures (search of likely routes followed
 systematic search, voice or whistle contacts)
 evacuations, use of isolating equipment
 prevention of escalation of risk, containment
 clean up, control of fire, administering of first aid
 assistance to injured team member,
 retrieval of team member and activity-specific rescue
Personal Refer to:
protective  Firefighter protective clothing
equipment  helmets and hardhats, boots, gloves
 breathing apparatus
 protective clothing
 protective hose lines or sprays
 safety eye washes and safety showers
Industrial gases May include:
 compressed and liquefied fuel gases, oxygen, acetylene,
 nitrogen, anhydrous ammonia and carbon dioxide
Emergencies May be:
 fire, hazardous releases, fuel spillage, gases, chemical
 spills, bomb threats, civil disorder
 medical (e.g., bites, stings, epileptic fit, heart attack)
 road accidents, injury from machinery and equipment, fall
 climbing accident, swimming or diving accident
 snake bite or poisoning, respiratory or cardiac arrest, and
 electrocution, injuries, panic and other emotional responses
 equipment failure, lost team or team member
 result of environmental conditions (e.g., heat, cold, wet, snow
wind, lightning, bushfires, floods, high seas), and activity-
Relevant people May include:
 managers, OHS officers, workplace first aiders
 fire wardens, emergency service people
 other external experts and consultants
Injuries May include:
 shock, external bleeding, burns, limb
 abdominal and pelvic injuries, head and neck injuries
 poisoning, bites and stings
 facial injuries and management of a casualty with chest pains
 who is fitting, who is known to have diabetes and collapses
 who is choking, who is drowning, who has a swollen neck
 who has asthma, who is not breathing
 who is suffering from overexposure
 who is suffering from a chest injury, and/or who has been hit by
a motor vehicle or injured by machinery and equipment
Others May include:
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 participants in an activity or program, colleagues, general
 public, small group or larger group, experienced or
 inexperienced personnel
Development of May include:
the  spread of fire
situation  threat to adjoining areas
 danger of explosion
 loss of communications and involvement of additional persons
Emergency May include:
reports  observation
and signals  verbal, emergency warning system
 emergency alarm system
 hand signals, verbal reports
 telephone communications
 radio communications and whistles
Emergency May be:
services  police search and rescue
 emergency service
 fire brigade
 ambulance service
 Land Management Authorities (e.g., National Parks, Forestry)
Management May include:
authorities  city councils, local government authorities, departments,
agricultural producers, defense forces, water authorities and
utility agencies and commissions

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Must demonstrate the ability to:
of Competence  apply OHS legislative requirements and Codes of Practice
 practice first aid skills using prepared and improvised materials
 implement hazard identification, assessment and control
 deal with contingencies
 communicate with others
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  use of safe working practices
Attitudes  emergency network
 enterprise plan and evacuation procedures
 OHS legislative requirements and codes of practice
 legal responsibilities and duty of care
 use of communications equipment
 organizational and legal policies and procedures in the event of
an accident/incident
 local call out procedures to access emergency services
 practical first aid skills using prepared and improvised materials
 hazard identification, assessment and control
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Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  accurately evaluate the emergency
 avoid/control escalation of the emergency
 develop a plan of action decisively
 efficiently implement a plan of action
 render first aid care
 deal with contingencies
 communicate with others
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information
on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Monitor Implementation of Work Plan/Activities
Unit Code HLT HES3 17 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit covers competence required to oversee and monitor
the quality of work operations within an enterprise. This unit may
be carried out by team leaders or supervisors.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Monitor and 1.1Efficiency and service levels are monitored on an ongoing
improve basis.
workplace 1.2Operations in the workplace have been supported overall
operations enterprise goals and quality assurance initiatives.
1.3Quality problems and issues are promptly identified and
adjustments made accordingly.
1.4Procedures and systems are changed in consultation with
colleagues to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
1.5Colleagues are consulted about ways to improve efficiency
and service levels.
2. Plan and 2.1Current workload of colleagues is accurately assessed.
organise 2.2Work is scheduled in a manner which enhances efficiency
workflow and customer service quality.
2.3Work is delegated to appropriate people in accordance with
principles of delegation.
2.4Workflow is assessed against agreed objectives and
timelines and colleagues are assisted in prioritisation of
2.5Input regarding staffing needs is provided to appropriate
3. Maintain 3.1Workplace records are accurately completed and submitted
workplace within required timeframes.
records 3.2Where appropriate, completion of records is delegated and
monitored prior to submission.
4. Solve problems 4.1Workplace problems are promptly identified and considered
and make from an operational and customer service perspective.
decisions 4.2Short term action is initiated to resolve the immediate
problem where appropriate.
4.3Problems are analysed for any long term impact and
potential solutions assessed and actioned in consultation
with relevant colleagues.
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4.4Where problem is raised by a team member, they are
encouraged to participate in solving the problem.
4.5Follow up action is taken to monitor the effectiveness of
solutions in the workplace.

Variables Range
Problems May include but not limited to:
 difficult customer service situations
 equipment breakdown/technical failure
 delays and time difficulties
 competence
Workplace records May include but is not limited to:
 staff records and regular performance reports

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  ability to effectively monitor and respond to a range of
common operational and service issues in the workplace
 understanding of the role of staff involved in workplace
 knowledge of quality assurance, principles of workflow
planning, delegation and problem solving
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  roles and responsibilities in monitoring work operations
Attitudes  overview of leadership and management responsibilities
 principles of work planning and principles of delegation
 typical work organization methods appropriate to the sector
 quality assurance principles and time management
 problem solving and decision making processes
 industrial and/or legislative issues which affect short term
work organization as appropriate to industry sector
Underpinning Demonstrate skills to:
Skills  monitor and improve workplace operations
 plan and organize workflow
 maintain workplace records
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Apply Quality Control
Unit Code HLT HES3 18 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required in
applying quality control in the workplace.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Implement 1.1 Agreed quality standard and procedures are acquired and
quality confirmed.
1.2 Standard procedures are introduced to organizational
1.3 Quality standard and procedures documents are provided
to employees in accordance with the organization policy.
1.4 Standard procedures are revised / updated when
2. Assess quality 2.1 Services delivered are quality checked against
of service organization quality standards and specifications.
2.2 Service delivered are evaluated using the appropriate
evaluation quality parameters and in accordance with
organization standards.
2.3 Causes of any identified faults are identified and corrective
actions taken in accordance with organization policies and
3. Record 3.1 Basic information on the quality performance is recorded in
information accordance with organization procedures.
3.2 Records of work quality are maintained according to the
requirements of the organization.
4. Study causes of 4.1 Causes of deviations from final outputs or services are
quality investigated and reported in accordance with organization
deviations procedures.
4.2 Suitable preventive action is recommended based on
organization quality standards and identified causes of
deviation from specified quality standards of final service or
5. Complete 5.1 Information on quality and other indicators of service
documentation performance is recorded.
5.2 All service processes and outcomes are recorded.

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Variable Range
Quality check May include but not limited to:
 Check against design / specifications
 Visual inspection and Physical inspection
Quality standards May include but not limited to:
 Materials
 Components
 Process
 Procedures
Quality parameters May include but not limited to:
 Standard Design / Specifications
 Material Specification

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  Checked completed work continuously against organization
 Identified and isolated faulty or poor service
 Checked service delivered against organization standards
 Identified and applied corrective actions on the causes of
identified faults or error
 Recorded basic information regarding quality performance
 Investigated causes of deviations of services against
 Recommended suitable preventive actions
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge  Relevant quality standards, policies and procedures
 Characteristics of services
 Safety environment aspects of service processes
 Evaluation techniques and quality checking procedures
 Workplace procedures and reporting procedures
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 interpret work instructions, specifications and standards
appropriate to the required work or service
 carry out relevant performance evaluation
 maintain accurate work records
 meet work specifications and requirements
 communicate effectively within defined workplace procedures
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning

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Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Lead Workplace Communication
Unit Code HLT HES3 19 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to
lead in the dissemination and discussion of information and
issues in the workplace.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Communicate 1.1 Appropriate communication method is selected
about workplace 1.2 Multiple operations involving several topics areas are
processes communicated accordingly
1.3 Questions are used to gain extra information
1.4 Correct sources of information are identified
1.5 Information is selected and organized correctly
1.6 Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when required
1.7 Communication skills are maintained in all situations
2. Lead workplace 2.1 Response to workplace issues are sought
2.2 Response to workplace issues are provided immediately
2.3 Constructive contributions are made to workplace
discussions on such issues as production, quality and
2.4 Goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the
workplace are communicated.
3. Identify and 3.1 Issues and problems are identified as they arise
issues arising in 3.2 Information regarding problems and issues are organized
the workplace coherently to ensure clear and effective communication
3.3 Dialogue is initiated with appropriate staff/personnel
3.4 Communication problems and issues are raised as they

Variable Range
Methods of May include but not limited to:
communication  Non-verbal gestures
 Verbal
 Face to face
 Two-way radio

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 Speaking to groups
 Using telephone
 Written
 Using Internet
 Cell phone

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  Dealt with a range of communication/information at one time
 Made constructive contributions in workplace issues
 Sought workplace issues effectively
 Responded to workplace issues promptly
 Presented information clearly and effectively written form
 Used appropriate sources of information
 Asked appropriate questions
 Provided accurate information
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Organization requirements for written and electronic
Attitudes communication methods
 Effective verbal communication methods
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Organize information
 Understand and convey intended meaning
 Participate in variety of workplace discussions
 Comply with organization requirements for the use of written
and electronic communication methods
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Lead Small Teams
Unit Code HLT HES3 20 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to
determine individual and team development needs and
facilitate the development of the work group.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Provide team 1.1 Learning and development needs are systematically

leadership identified and implemented in line with organizational
1.2 Learning plan is collaboratively developed and
implemented to meet individual and group training and
developmental needs
1.3 Individuals are encouraged to self-evaluate performance
and areas identified for improvement
1.4 Feedback on performance of team members is collected
from relevant sources and compared with established team
learning process
2. Foster individual 2.1 Learning and development program goals and objectives
and are identified to match the specific knowledge and skills
organizational requirements of competence standards
growth 2.2 Learning delivery methods are made appropriate to the
learning goals, the learning style of participants and
availability of equipment and resources
2.3 Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/ mentoring
assistance are provided to facilitate individual and team
achievement of competencies
2.4 Resources and timelines required for learning activities are
identified and approved in accordance with organizational
3. Monitor and 3.1 Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify and
evaluate implement improvements in future learning arrangements
workplace 3.2 Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are
learning assessed and recorded to determine the effectiveness of
development programs and the extent of additional support
3.3 Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of learning
3.4 Records and reports of competence are maintained within
organizational requirement

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4. Develop team 4.1 Open communication processes are used by team to
commitment and obtain and share information
cooperation 4.2 Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its
agreed roles and responsibilities
4.3 Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the
5. Facilitate 5.1 Team members are made actively participatory in team
accomplishment activities and communication processes
of organizational 5.2 Individual and joint responsibility has been developed
goals teams members for their actions
5.3 Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain organizational

Variable Range
Learning and May include but not limited to:
development  Coaching, mentoring and/or supervision
needs  Formal/informal learning program
 Internal/external training provision
 Work experience/exchange/opportunities
 Personal study
 Career planning/development
 Performance appraisals
 Workplace skills assessment
 Recognition of prior learning
Organizational May include but not limited to:
requirements  Quality assurance and/or procedures manuals
 Goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
 Legal and organizational policy/guidelines and requirements
 Safety policies, procedures and programs
 Confidentiality and security requirements
 Business and performance plans
 Ethical standards
 Quality and continuous improvement processes and
Feedback on May include but not limited to:
performance  Formal/informal performance appraisals
 Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues
 Obtaining feedback from clients
 Personal and reflective behavior strategies
 Routine and organizational methods for monitoring service
Learning delivery May include but not limited to:
methods  On the job coaching or mentoring
 Problem solving

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 Presentation/demonstration
 Formal course participation
 Work experience and Involvement in professional networks
 Conference/seminar attendance and induction

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  identified and implemented learning opportunities for others
 gave and received feedback constructively
 facilitated participation of individuals in the work of the team
 negotiated learning plans to improve the effectiveness of
 prepared learning plans to match skill needs
 accessed and designated learning opportunities
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  coaching and mentoring principles
Attitude  understanding how to work effectively with team members
who have diverse work styles, aspirations, cultures and
 understanding how to facilitate team development and
 understanding methods and techniques for eliciting and
interpreting feedback
 understanding methods for identifying and prioritizing
personal development opportunities and options
 knowledge of career paths and competence standards in the
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 read and understand a variety of texts, prepare general
information and documents according to target audience;
spell with accuracy; use grammar and punctuation effective
relationships and conflict management
 receive feedback and report, maintain effective relationships
and conflict management
 organize required resources and equipment to meet learning
 provide support to colleagues
 organize information; assess information for relevance and
accuracy; identify and elaborate on learning outcomes
 facilitation skills to conduct small group training sessions
 relate to people from a range of social, cultural, physical and
mental backgrounds
Resource Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated
Implications environment where assessment can take place
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written exam
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
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Context of Competence may be assessed in the workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Unit Title Improve Business Practice
Unit Code HLT HES3 21 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required in
promoting, improving and growing business operations.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Diagnose the 1.1 Data required for diagnosis is determined and acquired.
business 1.2 Competitive advantage of the business is determined from
the data.
1.3 SWOT analysis of the data is undertaken.
2. Benchmark the 2.1 Sources of relevant benchmarking data are identified.
2.2 Key indicators are selected for benchmarking in
consultation with key stakeholders.
2.3 Like indicators of own practice are compared with
benchmark indicators.
2.4 Areas are identified for improvement.
3. Develop plans 3.1 A consolidated list of required improvements is developed.
to improve 3.2 Cost-benefit ratios are determined for required
business improvements.
3.3 Work flow changes resulting from proposed improvements
are determined.
3.4 Proposed improvements are ranked according to agreed
3.5 An action plan is developed and agreed to implement the
top ranked improvements.
3.6 Organizational structures are checked to ensure they are
4. Develop 4.1 The practice vision statement is reviewed.
marketing and 4.2 Practice objectives are developed/ reviewed.
plans 4.3 Target markets are identified/ refined.
4.4 Market research data is obtained.
4.5 Competitor analysis is obtained.
4.6 Market position is developed/ reviewed.
4.7 Practice brand is developed.
4.8 Benefits of practice/practice products/services are

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4.9 Promotion tools are selected/ developed.
5. Develop 5.1 Plans are developed to increase yield per existing client.
business 5.2 Plans are developed to add new clients.
growth plans
5.3 Proposed plans are ranked according to agreed criteria.
5.4 An action plan is developed and agreed to implement the
top ranked plans.
5.5 Practice work practices are reviewed to ensure they support
growth plans.
6. Implement and 6.1 Implementation plan is developed in consultation with all
monitor plans relevant stakeholders.
6.2 Indicators of success of the plan are agreed.
6.3 Implementation is monitored against agreed indicators.
6.4 Implementation is adjusted as required.

Variable Range
Data required May include but not limited to:
includes:  organization capability
 appropriate business structure
 level of client service which can be provided
 internal policies, procedures and practices
 staff levels, capabilities and structure
 market, market definition
 market changes/market segmentation
 market consolidation/fragmentation
 revenue
 level of commercial activity
 expected revenue levels, short and long term
 revenue growth rate
 break even data
 pricing policy
 revenue assumptions
 business environment
 economic conditions
 social factors
 demographic factors
 technological impacts
 political/legislative/regulative impacts
 competitors, competitor pricing and response to pricing
 competitor marketing/branding
 competitor products
Competitive May include but not limited to:

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advantage  services/products
 fees
 location
 timeframe
SWOT analysis May include but not limited to:
 internal strengths such as staff capability, recognized
 quality
 internal weaknesses such as poor morale,
 under-capitalization, poor technology
 external opportunities such as changing market and
 economic conditions
 external threats such as industry fee structures, strategic
 alliances, competitor marketing
Key indicators May include but not limited to:
 salary cost and staffing
 personnel productivity (particularly of principals)
 profitability
 fee structure
 client base
 size staff/principal
 overhead/overhead control
Organizational May include but not limited to:
structures  Legal structure (partnership, Limited Liability Company, etc.)
 organizational structure/hierarchy
 reward schemes
Objectives should May include but not limited to:
be 'SMART'  S: Specific
 M: Measurable
 A: Achievable
 R: Realistic
 T: Time defined
Market research May include but not limited to:
data  data about existing clients
 data about possible new clients
 data from internal sources
 data from external sources such as:
 trade associations/journals
 Yellow Pages small business surveys
 libraries
 Internet
 Chamber of Commerce
 client surveys
 industry reports
 secondary market research
 primary market research such as:
 telephone surveys
 personal interviews

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 mail surveys
Competitor May include but not limited to:
analysis  competitor offerings
 competitor promotion strategies and activities
 competitor profile in the market place
Market position May include but not limited to:
should  product
include data on:  the good or service provided
 product mix
 the core product - what is bought
 the tangible product - what is perceived
 the augmented product - total package of consumer
 features/benefits
 product differentiation from competitive products
 new/changed products
 Price and pricing strategies (cost plus, supply/demand, ability
to pay, etc.)
 Pricing objectives (profit, market penetration, etc.)
 cost components
 market position
 distribution strategies
 marketing channels
 promotion
 promotional strategies
 target audience
 communication
 promotion budget
Practice brand May include but not limited to:
 practice image
 practice logo/letter head/signage
 phone answering protocol
 facility decor
 slogans
 templates for communication/invoicing
 style guide
 writing style
 AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)
Benefits May include but not limited to:
 features as perceived by the client
 benefits as perceived by the client
Promotion tools May include but not limited to:
 networking and referrals
 seminars
 advertising
 press releases
 publicity and sponsorship
 brochures
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 newsletters (print and/or electronic)
 websites
 direct mail
 telemarketing/cold calling
Yield per existing May include but not limited to:
client  raising charge out rates/fees
 packaging fees
 reduce discounts
 sell more services to existing clients

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  ability to identify the key indicators of business performance
 ability to identify the key market data for the business
 knowledge of a wide range of available information sources
 ability to acquire information not readily available within a
 ability to analyze data and determine areas of improvement
 ability to negotiate required improvements to ensure
 ability to evaluate systems against practice requirements
 and form recommendations and/or make recommendations
 ability to assess the accuracy and relevance of information
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  data analysis
Attitudes  communication skills
 computer skills to manipulate data and present information
 negotiation skills
 problem solving
 planning skills
 marketing principles
 ability to acquire and interpret relevant data
 current product and marketing mix
 use of market intelligence
 development and implementation strategies of promotion
and growth plans
Underpinning Demonstrates skill in:
Skills  data analysis and manipulation
 ability to acquire and interpret required data, current practice
systems and structures and sources of relevant
benchmarking data
 applying methods of selecting relevant key benchmarking
 communication skills
 working and consulting with others when developing plans
for the business
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 planning skills, negotiation skills and problem solving
 using computers to manipulate, present and distribute
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level III
Maintain Quality System and Continuous Improvement
Unit Title
Processes (Kaizen)
Unit Code HLT HES3 22 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit of competence covers the skills and knowledge
required to prevent process improvements in their own work
from slipping back to former practices or digressing to less
efficient practices. It covers responsibility for the day- to-day
operation of the work/functional area and ensuring that quality
system requirements are met and that continuous
improvements are initiated and institutionalized.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Develop and 1.1 Information about the enterprise's quality system is

maintain quality distributed and explained to personnel
framework within 1.2 Personnel are encouraged to participate in improvement
work area processes and assume responsibility and authority
1.3 Responsibilities are allocated for quality within work area
in accordance with quality system
1.4 Coaching and mentoring are provided to ensure that
personnel are able to meet their responsibilities and
quality requirements
2. Maintain quality 2.1 Required quality documentation, including records of
documentation improvement plans and initiatives are identified
2.2 Quality documentation is prepared and accurate data
records are maintained and kept
2.3 Document control system is maintained for work area
2.4 The development and revision of quality manuals and
work instructions are contributed to the work area
2.5 Inspection and test plans are developed and
implemented for quality controlled products
3. Facilitate the 3.1 All required procedures are ensured to be accessible by
application of relevant personnel
standardized 3.2 Personnel are assisted to access relevant procedures,
procedures as required
3.3 The resolution of conflicts arising from job is facilitated
3.4 The completion of required work is facilitated in
accordance with standard procedures and practices
4. Provide training 4.1 Roles, duties and current competency of relevant
in quality personnel are analyzed
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systems and 4.2 Training needs are identified in relation to quality system
improvement and continuous improvement processes (kaizen)
processes 4.3 Opportunities are identified for skills development and/or
training programs to meet needs
4.4 Training and skills development programs are initiated
and monitored
4.5 Accurate training record is maintained
5. Monitor and 5.1 Performance outcomes are reviewed to identify ways in
review which planning and operations could be improved
performance 5.2 The organization’s systems and technology are used to
monitor and review progress and to identify ways in
which planning and operations could be improved
5.3 Customer service is enhanced through the use of
quality improvement techniques and processes
5.4 Plans are adjusted and communicated to personnel
involved in their development and implementation
6. Build continuous 6.1 Improvement team is organized and facilitated
improvement 6.2 Work group members are encouraged to routinely
process monitor key process indicators
6.3 Capacity in the work group is built to critically review the
relevant parts of the value chain
6.4 Work group members are assisted to formalize
improvement suggestions
6.5 Relevant resources are facilitated and work group
members assisted to develop implementation plans
6.6 Implementation of improvement plans is monitored taking
appropriate actions to assist implementation where
7. Facilitate the 7.1 The job completion process is analyzed
identification of 7.2 Relevant questions of job incumbent are asked
opportunities 7.3 Job incumbents are encouraged to conceive and suggest
7.4 The trying out of improvements is facilitated, as
8. Evaluate relevant 8.1 Regular audits of components of the quality system that
components of relate to the work area are undertaken
quality system 8.2 Continuous improvement tools are implemented in the
quality system in accordance with own level of
responsibility and workplace procedures
8.3 The updating of standard procedures and practices is

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8.4 The capability of the work team aligns with the
requirements of the procedure is ensured

Variable Range
Coaching and May include but not limited to:
mentoring  providing assistance with problem-solving
 providing feedback, support and encouragement
 teaching another member of the team, usually focusing on
a specific work task or skill
Continuous May include but not limited to:
improvement  cyclical audits and reviews of workplace, team and
processes individual performance
 evaluations and monitoring of effectiveness
 implementation of quality systems, such as International
Standardization for Organization (ISO)
 modifications and improvements to systems, processes,
services and products
 policies and procedures which allow the organization to
systematically review and improve the quality of its
products, services and procedures
 seeking and considering feedback from a range of
 Kaizen
 Enterprise-specific improvement systems
Technology May include but not limited to:
 computerized systems and software such as databases,
project management and word processing
 telecommunications devices
 any other technology used to carry out work roles and
Customer service May include but not limited to:
 internal or external
 to existing, new or potential clients
Key process Key process indicators may include:
indicators  statistical process control data/charts
 orders
 lost time, injury and other OHS records
 equipment reliability charts, etc.
Continuous May include but not limited to:
improvement tools  statistics
 cause and effect diagrams
 fishbone diagram
 Pareto diagrams
 run charts
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 X bar R charts
 Sigma techniques
 balanced scorecards
 benchmarking
 performance measurement
 upstream and downstream customers
 internal and external customers immediate and/or final

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence of the following is essential:
Competence  taking active steps to implement, monitor and adjust plans,
processes and procedures to improve performance
 supporting others to implement the continuous
improvement system/processes, and to identify and report
opportunities for further improvement
 knowledge of principles and techniques associated with
continuous improvement systems and processes
 assist others to follow standard procedures and practices
 assist others make improvement suggestions
 standardize and sustain improvements
Assessors should ensure that candidates can:
 implement and monitor defined quality system
 requirements and initiate continuous improvements within
the work area
 apply effective problem identification and problem solving
 strengthen customer service through a focus on
continuous improvement
 implement, monitor and evaluate quality systems in the
work area
 initiate quality processes to enhance the quality of
performance of individuals and teams in the work area
 gain commitment of individuals/teams to quality principles
and practices
 implement effective communication strategies
 encourage ideas and feedback from team members when
developing and refining techniques and processes
 analyze training needs and implement training programs
 prepare and maintain quality and audit documentation
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  principles and techniques associated with:
Attitudes  benchmarking
 best practice
 change management
 continuous improvement systems and processes
 quality systems
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 range of procedures available and their application to
different jobs
 applicability of TAKT time and MUDA to jobs
 identification and possible causes of variability in jobs
 continuous improvement process for organization
 questioning techniques
 methods of conceiving improvements
 suggestion and try out procedures
 relevant OHS
 quality measurement tools for use in continuous
improvement processes
 established communication channels and protocols
 communication/reporting protocols
 continuous improvement principles and process
 enterprise business goals and key performance indicators
 enterprise information systems management
 enterprise organizational structure, delegations and
 policy and procedure development processes
 relevant health, safety and environment requirements
 relevant national and international quality standards and
 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the technical
work performed in work area
 enterprise quality system
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 coach and mentor team members
 gain the commitment of individuals and teams to
continuously improve
 innovate or design better ways of performing work
 communicate with relevant people
 prioritize and plan tasks related to encouraging and
improving use of standardized procedures
 negotiate with others to resolve conflicts and gain
commitment to standardized procedures
 facilitate other employees in improvement activities
 implement and monitor defined quality system
 initiate continuous improvements within the work area
 apply effective problem identification and problem solving
 strengthen customer service through a focus on
continuous improvement
 implement, monitor and evaluate quality systems
 implement effective communication strategies
 encourage ideas and feedback from team members when
developing and refining techniques and processes
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 analyze training needs and implementing training
 prepare and maintain quality and audit documentation
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
Implication situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and
to information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage Community Health Services
Unit Code HLT HES4 01 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required
to manage health service of the area in an ethical manner and
improving quality by doing small scale research.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Plan, manage, 1.1 The health care system is dealt with through efficient
monitor and management skills.
evaluate health 1.2 Health programs are planned.
1.3 Human resource and supply are dealt with for health
1.4 Individual and team are developed.
1.5 Issues rose are resolved promptly and effectively through
participation and consultation.
1.6 Health service monitoring and evaluation mechanisms
are developed.
2. Lead and 2.1 Learning and development needs are systematically
develop identified and implemented in line with organizational
individuals and requirements.
teams 2.2 Individuals are encouraged to self-evaluate performance
and identify areas for improvement.
2.3 Learning and development program goals and objectives
are identified to match the specific knowledge and skills
requirements of competence standards.
2.4 Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/
mentoring assistance are provided to facilitate individual
and team achievement of competencies.
2.5 Team’s members are led and developed for individual
and joint responsibility for their actions.
2.6 Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain
organizational goals.
2.7 Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify
and improvements are implemented in future learning
3. Plan, collect, 3.1 Standardized questionnaire are developed.
analyze, utilize
and maintain 3.2 Questionnaire is pre-tested, modified and amended.
population health 3.3 Required resources are collected.
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data 3.4 Data collectors are selected and trained based on pre-
prepared data collection training manual.
3.5 Necessary data set is identified and collected.
3.6 Data are entered and cleaned.
3.7 Data are analyzed and interpreted.
3.8 Data are prepared, submitted and utilized according to
prescribed procedures and guidelines.
3.9 Registration book is prepared for vital events.
3.10 Vital event are continuously and consistently collected
and timely updated.
3.11 Vital events are reported regularly to Health Center,
Woreda and Kebele health offices.
4. Establish 4.1 Ethical values are developed.
principles of 4.2 Principles of health care ethics are addressed.
health care

Variables Range
Health care provided to the community in a way of :
Health service
 health promotion and prevention
 facility based curative service

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate’s ability to:
Competence  collect vital events and surveillance data
 analyze, interpret and utilize population data
 document and maintain community health data
 plan and manage health extension service
 plan and manage individuals and teams
 principles of health care ethics
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  population health data collection, analysis, interpretation
Attitudes and utilization
 national and local health goals, targets and priorities
 evidence-based practice
 equity issues in population health
 basic statistical concepts and procedures
 survey methodology
 report writing and dissemination
 basic principles of leadership
 principles of health care ethics
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to:

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 systematically collect data
 analyze, interpret and utilize data
 prepare, write and submit reports
 plan and manage health extension service
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Manage Health Education, Advocacy and Community
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT HES4 02 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required
to undertake health education, advocacy and mobilize
community on identified health issues.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Undertake 1.1 Advocacy plan is prepared to address an identified health

advocacy on issue.
identified health 1.2 Sensitizations are conducted with decision makers,
issues community leaders, and other stakeholders on identified
health issues.
1.3 Continuous and consistent awareness raising activities
are persuaded and get community willingness and
2. Mobilize 2.1 Community and all available resources are organized.
community 2.2 Community is mobilized and identified health issue is
solved and desired health outcome is achieved.
3. Manage health 3.1 Assessment and gap identification activities are
education and performed.
communication 3.2 Target group identification is done.
3.3 Health education plan is prepared.
3.4 Methods and approaches of health communication are
3.5 Health education service is provided.
3.6 Monitoring of service utilization and evaluation of
behavioral change are done.
3.7 Strategies are developed, promoted, implemented and
reviewed for internal and external dissemination of
information as required.
3.8 Work related network and relationship are maintained as
3.9 Negotiation and conflict resolution strategies are used
where required.
3.10 Different approaches are used to meet communication
needs of clients and colleagues.

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Variables Range
Stakeholders May include but not limited to:
 bodies taking part in the activities, like:
 schools
 agriculture sector
 women’s association
 youth association
 development partners
Community May include but not limited to:
mobilization  sensitization/ awareness
 discussion
 campaign
 community conversation
 community involvement in planning and implementation

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence should demonstrate the individual’s ability to:
Competence  communicate and convince the community and decision
 work with decision makers and community volunteers
 mobilize and solve an identified community health issues
 disseminate relevant health information to address
community needs
 adopt relevant communication techniques and strategies
 demonstrate effective communication skill
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge And  advocacy and community mobilization
Attitudes  local community traditions, values, cultural beliefs and
 relevant policies, laws and regulations, workplace norms,
procedures, programs, guidelines and professional ethics
for advocacy and community mobilization
 major health problems in the community
 decision and community perceptions on health issues
 planning, implementation and evaluation of advocacy and
community mobilization
 adopt relevant communication techniques and strategies
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills of:
 advocating and persuading community on identified health
 good listening
 communicating and persuading people
 developing supportive social networks and forming strong
coalitions and joint ventures
 good collaboration
 good consensus building
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 good negotiation
 conducting meetings
 mobilize community on the identified health issues
 effective communication
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage Common Communicable Diseases
Unit Code HLT HES4 03 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes knowledge, skills and attitude required to
undertake community diseases surveillance, identify
communicable diseases, promote preventive methods, provide
basic curative Practices and refer cases beyond scope to next
higher health institution.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Conduct 1.1 Data collection instrument is prepared and data are

community collected.
diagnosis and 1.2 Health problems are identified based on the synthesized
case report.
1.3 Plan is prepared to resolve the identified health problems.
1.4 Methods are selected to resolve the health problems.
1.5 Teaching materials are collected as per the designed
teaching methodology.
1.6 Communicable disease prevention and control methods
are explained according to the existing health education
1.7 Activity is reported, documented and followed up based
on the standard format.
2. Perform 2.1 Preparations for surveillance are made.
disease 2.2 Data are collected through active and passive surveillance
surveillance procedures.
2.3 Data are organized, analyzed and interpreted.
2.4 Possible and probable cases are determined based on the
standard case definition.
2.5 Timely and complete reports (public burden, epidemic
prone, under elimination/eradication) are submitted using
the existing guidelines.
2.6 Appropriate action carried out in collaboration with
different stake holders.
2.7 Feedbacks are collected and disseminated to the
concerned bodies as per the existing formats.
3. Follow up of 3.1 Cases are collected from the referral format.
cases 3.2 House to house visit is conducted.
3.3 Defaulters are traced and given advice.
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3.4 Anti-TB drugs are administered when cases transferred
from the health center based on the national treatment
3.5 Follow up of ART and other cases is performed.

Variables Range
Prevention May include but not limited to:
 promotion of health
 prevention of exposure
 prevention of transmission
Surveillance May include but not limited to:
preparations  questionnaire development
 pre-testing and amendment
 select and train data collectors
 avail required resources
Surveillance Referred to as:
 the process of detecting the incidence of disease, trend,
and geographical spread of infection
Feed back May include but not limited to:
 exchange of information between the health post and
Health center and Woreda health office
Defaulter Is:
 client who discontinued taking the prescribed drug
regimen or treatment

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skill to:
Competence  undertake community diagnosis and surveillance for early
management of epidemics
 educate the community on communicable diseases
 apply principles of communicable disease control
 work in collaboration with various partners and stake
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge And  principles and method of infectious disease prevention
Attitudes  common infectious diseases management
 Basic Statistics Concept and Procedure (BSCP)
 principles of surveillance
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills to :
 educate the community on prevention of
communicable/infectious diseases and early detection of
 manage common communicable diseases
 perform disease surveillance
 follow up of cases

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Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage Common Non-communicable Diseases
Unit Code HLT HES4 04 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes knowledge, skills and attitude required to
improve the life style of the community that will enable to
prevent and control non-communicable diseases (DM, HTN,
COPD, Cancer, Cataract, Mental illness, Dental health, etc). It
also describes effective community based rehabilitation (CBR)
for the people with disabilities, early detection (screening),
referral and follow up of cases.

Element Performance Criteria

2. Prevent non- 1.1 Community diagnose is carried out and cases are
communicable identified based on the standard procedure.
diseases 1.2 Plan is prepared to resolve the identified cases.
1.3 Methods are selected to resolve the case based on case
management guideline.
1.4 The community is educated on healthy life style and early
detection of disease.
1.5 Activity is reported and cases are followed up based on
the recommended guideline.
3. Screen and 2.1 History taking and Physical Examination (P/E) are done
refer clients based on the standard procedure.
requiring further 2.2 Simple test and examination are performed to identify
investigation chronic diseases like DM, cataract, breast tumor,
hypertension, etc.
2.3 Cases beyond scope are referred for further investigation
and management as per the referral procedure.

Variables Range
Cases May include:
 cases that cannot be handled and managed by the
community health nurse

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skill to:
Competence  deliver health education to prevent non-communicable
 take client history and make examinations
 screen, detect, refer and follow up of cases

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Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge on:
Knowledge And  common non-communicable diseases
Attitudes  screening and detecting non-communicable diseases
 basic nutrition and healthy life style
 health education
 physical examination and minor tests
Underpinning Skills Must demonstrate skills of:
 interpersonal communication and persuasion skill
 educating the community on healthy life style and early
detection of diseases
 screening, early detection and referral capability
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage Hygiene and Environmental Health
Unit Code HLT HES4 05 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
provide hygiene and environmental sanitation to individuals,
families and community through volunteer community members
and community health workers to improve the health of a
community. It also describes the competency of providing
supportive supervision and monitoring based on given clear

Element Performance Criteria

1. Organize and 1.1 An assessment on hygiene and environmental health is made

evaluate and gaps are identified.
hygiene and
1.2 Hygiene and environmental health program is planned based
environmental on identified gaps.
programs 1.3 Clients are educated on basic personal hygiene and its
1.4 Institutional hygiene and sanitation are improved and
1.5 Information is provided on food hygiene and safety.
1.6 The hygienic requirements of food and drink establishments
are identified.
1.7 Sanitary inspection in food and drink establishments is
undertaken and assisted.
1.8 Clients are identified and educated on environmental health
hazards, healthful housing and air pollution.
1.9 The hygiene and environmental health plan is monitored and
evaluated and amendments are made based on gaps
1.10 Records of the hygiene and environmental health activities
are kept and maintained.
2. Provide 3.1 Debriefing and support is provided to:
supervision of 3.1.1 HEW is provided with a supportive environment to
health discuss work issues.
Practices at 3.1.2 Confidentiality of clients and HEW are maintained.
household and 3.1.3 HEW and volunteers are guided through a process
institution level of self reflection and key issues are reviewed
relating to hygiene and environmental health.
3.1.4 HEW is assisted to identify personally confronting
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issues and constructively utilized in health extension
3.1.5 HEW is assisted to identify and apply appropriate
strategies and techniques for protection of self and
clients in health extension services.
3.2 Processes and outcomes are analyzed and evaluated to:
3.2.1 Information is obtained to clarify issues arising and
strategies used to address these issues in hygiene
and environmental health.
3.2.2 Client outcomes achieved through health extension
service are clarified.
3.2.3 Strategies and practices used by health extension
worker are analyzed.
3.2.4 The effectiveness of strategies and practices used
in health extension service are evaluated in terms of
outcomes and impact.
3.3 Feedback and support to health extension promoters and
health extension workers are provided to:
3.3.1 Strategies and practices used by health extension
workers are discussed in relation to client outcomes
and impact.
3.3.2 Feedback is provided to reinforce appropriate health
extension service and/or to support change where
3.3.3 Professional guidance is provided to health
extension workers as required.
3.3.4 Health extension worker is supported to change
and/or enhance practices as appropriate.
3. Assist in the 3.1 Client and/or community are/is consulted about effectiveness
evaluation of of hygiene and environmental health information.
health 3.2 Feedback is sought to determine how well health information
information has been understood.
3.3 Feedback is provided in line with organization and
supervisory requirements.

Variables Range
Institutional May include but not limited to:
hygiene and  school hygiene and sanitation
sanitation  prison hygiene and sanitation
 health facility hygiene and sanitation
 public offices hygiene and sanitation

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 religious institutions hygiene and sanitation
 mill house hygiene and sanitation
Healthful housing May include but not limited to:
 satisfaction of physiological needs
 protection against infection
 protection against accidents
 protection against psychological and social stresses

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Assessment  assess and identify hygiene and environmental health gaps
 prepare and implement feasible plan of hygiene and
environmental health activities
 undertake activity analysis – breaking activities down into
component parts
 monitor and evaluate knowledge and skill
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge on:
Knowledge and  principles and concepts of hygiene and environmental health
Attitudes  environmental health hazards
 personal hygiene
 healthful housing
 institutional hygiene and sanitation
 important vectors in public health
 food hygiene and safety
 hygienic requirements of foods and drink practice
 provision of safe drinking water
 treatment of drinking water at household and community level
 community drinking water source protection
 sanitary survey of drinking water
 waste management
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  apply assessment and planning procedures and activities
 undertake activity analysis – breaking activities down into
component parts
 work under direct and indirect supervision
 communicate effectively with clients for hygiene and
environmental health activities
 communicate effectively with co-workers
 manage time, personal organization and establishing priorities
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
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Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Manage Child Survival, Growth and Development and
Unit Title
Unit Code HLT HES4 06 0714
This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required
Unit Descriptor
to deliver basic child survival, growth and development
services and child care according to IMNCI guidelines in the
health facility and community.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Manage child, 1.1 Appropriate child feeding practices are communicated and
survival, growth demonstrated to the care givers.
and 1.2 Communication and playing mechanisms are
development communicated and demonstrated to the care givers.
1.3 Appropriate messages are communicated and
demonstrated to the care givers to prevent illnesses.
1.4 Messages on health seeking behaviors are communicated
to the care givers.
1.5 Child abuse practices and negligence are communicated
on to the care givers.
1.6 Child’s growth and development patterns are identified.
1.7 Child’s developmental milestones are recognized and
communicated with care givers.
2. Asses, classify 2.1 Pertinent history is taken as per the standard procedure.
and manage 2.2 Physical examination is performed based on standard
common child procedure.
hood illnesses
2.3 Child is correctly assessed by checking general danger
2.4 Some basic investigations are carried out like rapid
diagnostic tests and blood tests.
2.5 Classifications are made based on history, physical
examination and investigation.
2.6 Specific treatments are correctly identified for the child’s
2.7 Management and follow ups are undertaken based on
IMNCI and other treatment guidelines.
3. Refer cases for 3.1 Complicated and cases that cannot be managed are
further referred urgently at the health facility level based on the
investigation and referral procedure.
management 3.2 Client confidentiality is maintained at all times.
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Variables Range
Patient history May refer to:
 general information that helps to reach to a certain diagnosis
Physical May refer to:
examination  systematic examination of the general body status with the
help of relevant tools
Essential May include:
treatments  treatment given to a client with acute illness to resolve and
prevent complication before referral for better treatment and
management, for instance providing first line antibiotic, cotri-
moxazole, for a child with acute pneumonia
IMNCI May refer to:
 integrated management of neonatal and childhood illnesses

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skill to
Competence  child’s developmental and growth patterns, milestones
 take client history and make physical examination
 manage basic curative service
 carry out simple laboratory investigation
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  child’s developmental and growth patterns, milestones
Attitudes  taking history and making physical examination
 basic anatomy and physiology
 common child hood illnesses
 client assessment and classification
 emergency life saving procedures
 infection prevention
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  take history and perform physical assessment
 classify and manage common childhood problems
 undertake emergency life saving procedures and
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Intervene Nutrition Problems
Unit Code HLT HES4 07 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
assess, screen and identify nutritional problems and to plan and
manage the identified nutritional problems.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Plan and 1.1 Nutritional assessment and screening are conducted
undertake according to national nutritional assessment protocol of the
assessment FMOH.
for nutrition 1.2 Nutrition related problems are identified.
related health
problems 1.3 Resource mapping is conducted using the standard format of
1.4 Nutrition eligible community members are identified.
1.5 Number of expected target group is calculated for nutritional
problem from the catchments using standard statistical
2. Plan and 2.1 Plan is prepared to take corrective measures.
undertake 2.2 Influential community representatives and volunteers are
corrective identified and consulted.
2.3 Nutrition promotion and education are organized and
promoted in partnership with the community and relevant
2.4 Nutritional supplements and nutrition promotion and
education are provided and maintained.
2.5 Nutritional problem is supported to take self-care approach
in line with individual needs for changing unhealthy behavior
on the basis of healthy promotion and strategic behavioral
change approach of FMOH.
3. Manage 3.1 Nutritional problem for clients, symptom of nutritional
clients with problems and the importance of early treatment seeking and
nutritional compliance of treatment is advised based on national
problems nutritional guideline of FMOH.
3.2 Essential Nutrition Action (ENA) is undertaken.
3.3 Low risk conditions are managed according to the nutrition
3.4 High risk conditions are referred to the next higher health
3.5 Emergency conditions of nutrition are managed according to
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the standard nutritional guideline.
3.6 Practical preparation and education of balanced diet and
therapeutic feeding are demonstrated at health facility,
household, school and community levels.
4 Register, 4.1 Registration book is prepared for nutritional events registration
document and according to Nutrition Information System (NIS)
report standards of FMOH.
nutritional 4.2 Nutrition events data are collected continuously and
records maintained on the basis of HMIS guideline of FMOH.
4.3 Nutrition events data are updated timely according to HMIS
guideline of FMOH.
4.4 Nutrition activities are reported and communicated to the
higher level and relevant body on the basis of HMIS
procedure of the FMOH.

Variables Range
Screening May include:
 anthropometric measuring technique
 wt/age
 wt/height
 body mass index
 Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC)
 skin fold
 head circumference
Nutritional May include:
problem  protein energy malnutrition
 vitamin a deficiency
 vitamin d deficiency
 other vitamin deficiencies
 iron deficiency
 iodine deficiency
 other mineral deficiency
Clients May include:
 infants
 children
 adolescents
 mothers
 aged people
 people with disabilities
 people with physical or mental illness
Essential Nutrition May include:
Action (ENA)  promotion of optimal breast feeding
 complementary feeding
 feeding sick children

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 improve women nutrition
 control of VAD/IDA/IDD
Managing May include:
emergency  OTP (Outpatient Therapeutic Program)
 TFC (Therapeutic Feeding Center)
 SC (Stabilization Center)
Practical May include:
preparation and  farming different food items (crops, vegetables, animal
education products, etc)
 product usage
 food safety from preparation to consumption
 cooking
 food identification
 food hygiene
Nutrition May include:
Information  micronutrient coverage (vitamin a, iodine, iron)
System (NIS)  growth of children under two years (growth monitoring
 prevalence of malnutrition (severe acute malnutrition and
moderate acute malnutrition)
 birth weight
 Maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and lactation
Report May include:
 verbal
 telephone
 face to face
 written materials
 progress reports
 case notes
 incident reports
 epidemic reports
Advice May include:
 the client is guided to ensure that meal choices are consistent
with the nutritional care plan designed in the guideline
 practical nutritional education is provided to support meal and
food choices consistent with nutrition care plan

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  assess or screen and detect nutritional health problems
 intervene basic nutritional problems
 promote basic nutrition information/ education to the
community, and health facility
 monitor client response to the information/education
 document and report community information
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
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Knowledge and  the important aspect of nutrition for human body function
Attitudes  nutrition principles
 cultural diets and restriction
 nutritional composition of food
 food safety
 roles, responsibilities and limitation of self and other allied
health team members
 appropriate use of equipment, materials and resources
 social/interpersonal behavior
 principles and practices of confidentiality and privacy
 legal frameworks and policy
 principles of nutritional problems assessment and
 documentation
 factors affecting nutrition
 types of nutritional assessment
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  assess, identify and manage nutritional problems
 plan, organize, conduct and evaluate nutritional education
 follow up and monitor effectiveness of implemented nutritional
 register and document nutritional records
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage Ante-natal Care and PMTCT
Unit Code HLT HES4 08 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
plan and manage antenatal care and PMTCT, including recording
antenatal data.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Plan antenatal 1.1 Resource mapping is conducted using the standard format
activity of FMOH.
1.2 Antenatal eligible is identified and the number of expected
pregnant women is calculated from the catchments using
standard statistical method.
1.3 A plan of action is developed.
2. Promote 2.1 Influential community representatives and volunteers are
antenatal identified and consulted.
health care 2.2 Antenatal care promotion and education are organized,
promoted and provided in partnership with the community
and relevant organizations on the basis of inter-sectoral
2.3 Antenatal care promotion and education activities are
sustained by involving the resources of the community on
the basis of stakeholders’ genuine participation.
2.4 Antenatal clients are supported to take self-care and birth
plan approach in line with individual needs for changing
unhealthy behavior on the basis of healthy promotion and
strategic behavioral change approach of FMOH.
3. Take and 3.1 General and social information (name, parity, etc) are taken
record from the antenatal client based on the standard format and
complete document of FMOH.
history of the 3.2 Complaints of the current pregnancy are taken from the
pregnant antenatal client according to the procedure of FMOH.
3.3 Obstetric health, medical, surgical history and related
complications are collected from previous antenatal and
other client documents base on the standard assessment
4. Perform 4.1 (T, BP, PR and RR), Wt, Ht etc are taken according to the
antenatal standard procedures and complete vital signs.
examination 4.2 Inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation are
performed In line with standard protocol and guidelines.

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4.3 Minor problems of pregnancy are identified based on the
standard procedure.
4.4 Danger signs are identified according to the standard
5. Manage 5.1 Advice on danger signs of pregnancy, nutrition, sign of
antenatal labor, the importance of next visit, etc are provided to the
cases client based on history and physical examination.
5.2 Pregnancy related and other medical conditions are
managed according to the guidelines.
5.3 Follow up is undertaken according to the focused antenatal
5.4 Clients’ need further care are referred to the next higher
health facility according to the standard protocol.
6. Provide 6.1 PIHCT is provided to the pregnant mother according to
PMTCT PIHCT protocol of the FMOH.
6.2 Information regarding HIV testing is given to the client.
6.3 HIV testing is done according to rapid test algorithm of the
6.4 HIV post-counseling is given to the client according to the
standard counseling technique protocol of the FMOH.
6.5 Appropriate treatment is given to the pregnant mother
according to the national protocol.
7. Register and 7.1 Registration book is prepared for antenatal care events
document registration according to HMIS standards of FMOH.
antenatal 7.2 Antenatal care events data are collected continuously and
records sustained on the basis of HMIS guideline of FMOH.
7.3 Antenatal care events data are updated timely according to
HMIS guideline of FMOH.
7.4 Antenatal care activities are reported and communicated to
the higher level and relevant body on the basis of HMIS
procedure of the FMOH.
7.5 The next plan on the number of women to be visited is
revised for the catchments for a specific period of time.

Variables Range
Antenatal history May include:
taking  general and social information which includes:
 age
 occupation,
 place of residence,
 marital status, parity,
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 number of children,
 educational level, ethnicity, economic status
 obstetric information which includes:
 parity, gravidity
 previous abortion
 previous CS
 still birth, prolonged labor or obstructed labor,
 APH, PPH, multiple pregnancy
 medical information which includes:
 hypertension, anemia, dm,
 surgical information which includes: laparatomy,
Antenatal May include:
physical  inspection: inspect thoroughly from the head to toe to look for
assessment jaundice, anemia, cyanosis, edema, etc
 palpation: to identify fetal lie and presentation
 auscultation: to appreciate and count the fetal heart beat
 identify all signs/ evidence of pregnancy
Danger signs May include:
 immediate/emergency signs and symptoms:
 bleeding
 blurring of vision
 severe head ache
 convulsions
 severe abdominal pain
 fever
 absence of fetal movement
 foul vaginal discharge, etc.
Conditions of May include:
pregnancy  symptoms such as:
requiring referral  shortness of breath
 absence of fetal movement
 vaginal bleeding (painful and painless) – threatened
miscarriage, incomplete miscarriage, placenta praevia,
placental abruption
 abdominal pain in early pregnancy – ectopic pregnancy
 premature labor and rupture of membranes
 urinary abnormalities – UTI complaints, glycosuria
 previous history of obstructed labor with complications
such as fistula
 signs such as:
 a rise in BP
 excessive or poor weight gain
 Oedema
 abnormal fundal heights for dates
 absence of fetal heart beat
 anemia
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 Proteinuria/ hypertension – pregnancy-induced
Registration Includes:
 Documentation of findings from history taken and physical
assessment and follow up as procedures manual

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills of:
Competence  Communication to educate antenatal health care
 Identification of danger sign and ability to refer to the next
higher level
 HIV counseling
 Providing basic antenatal health care including history taking,
physical assessment, management, registration and
documenting records
 Providing advice, guidance and support to clients and their
families on antenatal health issues
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Organization policies, protocol, and procedures legal
Attitudes framework, relating to client confidentiality
 Planning
 Anatomy/ Physiology, Pharmacology and disorder relevant to
 Antenatal health and prevention and control of infection
 Antenatal physical assessment
 Nutritional needs of pregnant women
 Health conditions, obstetric problems and associated issues
related to pregnancy
 Strategies to:
 Improve antenatal health in the community and at
household level
 Address clients presenting with antenatal problems and
identification of danger sign
 Managing relevant treatments, medicines and associated care
Practices available
 Risks and contraindications associated with relevant
treatments and medication
 Realistic expectation of clients condition during monitoring of
progress of pregnancy
 Medical problems occurring in pregnancy requiring referral
 HIV testing, counseling, and referral
 Recording and registration of findings from a physical
assessment and follow up as procedures manual
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  Plan antenatal activity
 Promote antenatal health care
 Take client’s antenatal history
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 Perform antenatal examination
 Assess antenatal danger signs
 Manage antenatal problems
 Provide PMTCT
 Register and document antenatal records
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage Delivery Practice
Unit Code HLT HES4 09 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes knowledge, skills and attitude required to
manage the process of skilled delivery at health facility level.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Support women 1.1 Local birthing practices and cultural beliefs are identified
before and and discussed with women in planning and advocating for
during childbirth appropriate childbirth.
1.2 Roles, relationships and responsibilities to support safe
birthing are discussed.
1.3 Signs of onset of labor are discussed and identified to
support women in attending a delivery practice as required.
2. Provide 2.1 Assessment of mother in labor is done and pantograph
institutional completed.
skilled delivery 2.2 Normal delivery bundles and instructions are maintained in
practice a health post.
2.3 Urgent professional assistance is sought and advice
provided with delivery.
2.4 Appropriate sterile equipments and medications are
prepared for delivery according to the manual.
2.5 Skilled delivery is conducted.
2.6 Third stage of labor is well managed and placenta expelled
2.7 Mother is checked for postpartum hemorrhage and the
neonate resuscitated if needed.
2.8 Woman with abnormal and complicated labor is referred for
better management and care.

Variables Range
Signs of onset of May include but not limited to:
labor  uterine contraction
 show
 leakage of amniotic fluid
 cervical dilatation
 cervical effacement
Vital signs May include but not limited to:
recorded in the  PR
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during labor  BP
 temperature
 respiratory rate
 fetal heart beat
 rate and tone of contractions
 cervical dilatation
 cervical effacement
 fetal presentation
 fetal lie
Neonate May refer to:
 a new born baby of less than or equal 28 days from delivery

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  support women during the birthing process
 provide institutional skilled delivery
 identify and refer women with complications
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  organization guidelines and procedures relating to client
Attitudes confidentiality
 anatomy/physiology, relevant to pregnancy, maternal and/or
infant health
 management of skilled delivery
 maternal and infant health and prevention of infection
 birthing practices suitable for culturally appropriate practices
 health conditions, obstetric problems and associated issues
related to pregnancy, maternal and infant health
 medical problems occurring in pregnancy requiring referral
 relevant assessment methods and use of associated
equipment, testing procedures
 relevant treatments, medicines and associated care practices
 risks and contraindications associated with relevant
treatments and medication
 realistic expectation of client condition during monitoring of
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  provide psychological and social support to women in labor
 manage skilled delivery
 manage third stage of labor
 identify and manage abnormal conditions
 manage neonatal resuscitation
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,

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Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage Post-natal Care
Unit Code HLT HES4 10 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
provide postnatal health care services for mothers and infants.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Provide 1.1 Essential new born care is provided for the newborn.
neonatal care 1.2 Neonate is assessed for asphyxia or respiratory distress,
bleeding from umbilical stump, skin discoloration, red
swollen eye and discharge, and hypo or hyperthermia.
1.3 Appropriate measures are taken based on the findings of the
assessment done above.
2. Provide 2.1 Observation for mothers is made and recorded in line with
postnatal care standard protocols and organizational guidelines.
for mothers 2.2 Information and support for self-care and wellbeing are
provided during post-natal period.
2.3 Advice is provided on routine care of the newborn to
2.4 Education is implemented to establish and support
exclusive breast-feeding.
2.5 The importance of nutrition, exercise, rest, sleep and
support with domestic tasks and care of family is discussed
with the client in the immediate postnatal period.
2.6 Minor post-natal problems for mother and newborn are
identified to provide appropriate advice.
2.7 Information is provided on alternative family planning
options, immunization practices and personal hygiene etc.
3. Organize for 3.1 Registration of women undergoing postnatal care and the
follow-up of newborn is maintained according to organizational
maternal and guidelines and procedures.
newborn health 3.2 Schedules of participation in postnatal care are kept and
services used to organize continuing care for women and newborn.
3.3 Reminders and other assistance are organized to provide
care according to lactating mother’s needs.
3.4 Referral and communication networks are maintained with
medical staff, midwives, allied health staff, volunteers and
female community elders.
3.5 Records on attendance for antenatal care and birthing
outcomes are kept and used to follow maternal health

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Variables Range
Information May include but not limited to:
 normal (Lochia) and abnormal vaginal discharge
 care of the perineum
 episiotomy and breast engorgement
 resumption of sexual relations
 obtaining baby clothes and nappies
 family planning
 personal hygiene
 nutrition
Advice May include but not limited to:
 umbilical stump care
 eye care
 nappy area
 safe sleeping arrangements
 breast feeding
 immunization
Minor post-natal May include but not limited to:
problems  for the mother:
 breast engorgement
 constipation
 for the newborn:
 sticky eye
 nappy rash

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  undertake comprehensive health checks related to postnatal
and infant health
 provide information, guidance and support to clients and their
families with postnatal and/or infant health issues
 monitor the outcomes of postnatal and infant health care
practices and make any required revisions to practices, care
plans or information provided
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  organization guidelines and procedures relating to client
Attitudes confidentiality
 anatomy/physiology relevant to postnatal and infant health
 microbiology relevant to postnatal and infant health
 postnatal nutritional needs of women and infants
 health conditions, obstetric problems and associated issues
related to postnatal and infant health
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 developing strategies to:
 improve maternal and neonatal health in the community
 address clients presenting with postnatal problems
 coordinate provision of optimum level of maternal health
practice delivery
 postnatal medical and obstetrical problems requiring referral
 effective post natal care practices for mother and baby
 relevant assessment methods and use of associated
equipment, testing procedures
 relevant treatments, medicines and associated care practices
 risks and contraindications associated with relevant treatments
and medication
 realistic expectation of client condition during monitoring of
 relevant evaluation criteria for monitoring effectiveness of
specific postnatal and infant health care
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  assess and differentiate normal from abnormal postnatal
 manage abnormal postnatal outcomes
 resuscitate neonate
 provide practices for lactating mothers on infant care, nutrition
and exclusive breast feeding
 organize and follow-up maternal health programs
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage Immunization and Cold Chain
Unit Code HLT HES4 11 0714

Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required for
planning, promoting, conducting immunization session for
women and children, managing cold chain, and monitoring EPI

Element Performance Criteria

1. Plan EPI activity 1.1 Resource mapping is conducted using the standard format
of FMOH.
1.2 EPI-eligible is identified and the number of expected EPI
mothers and children calculated from the catchments using
standard statistical method.
1.3 A plan of action is developed to reach the eligible.
2. Promote EPI 2.1 Influential community representatives and volunteers are
activity identified and consulted.
2.2 EPI health promotion and education are organized,
promoted and provided in partnership with the community
and relevant organizations on the basis of inter-sectoral
2.3 EPI health promotion and education activities are sustained
by involving the resources of the community on the basis of
stakeholders’ genuine participation and involvement
3. Conduct 3.1 The required EPI logistics are availed for the immunization
immunization for session based on national EPI protocol.
children 3.2 Immunization is conducted at health facility and/or
outreach including household level on the basis of the
national EPI procedure.
3.3 Vaccine is given to protect vaccine preventable childhood
illnesses like BCG, Polio, Pentavalent, PCV and Measles,
according to the national EPI protocol.
3.4 Adverse effects of different vaccines are advised to the
mother based on the national EPI guideline of FMOH.
3.5 Follow up is given for completing the required immunization
according to national EPI schedule of FMOH.
3.6 Defaulters are traced according to the standard EPI
protocol of FMOH.

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4. Conduct 4.1 The required EPI logistics are availed for the immunization
immunization for session based on national EPI protocol.
mothers 4.2 Immunization is conducted at health facility and/or outreach
including household level on the basis of the national EPI
4.3 Vaccine is given to protect vaccine preventable illnesses
for pregnant and non pregnant mothers like TT one up to
five according to the national EPI protocol.
4.4 Adverse effects of different vaccines are advised to the
mother based on the national EPI guideline of FMOH.
4.5 Follow up is given for completing the required immunization
according to national EPI schedule of FMOH.
4.6 Defaulters are traced according to the standard EPI
protocol of FMOH.
5. Manage cold 5.1 Refrigerator is placed appropriately according to standard
chain procedure of FMOH.
5.2 Vaccines are stored according to the required procedure
5.3 Temperature of the refrigerator is monitored regularly
according to EPI guideline of FMOH.
5.4 Cold chain minor operational defects are maintained.
6. Monitor 6.1 Registration book for immunization activities is prepared
immunization according to HMIS standards of FMOH.
Practice 6.2 Immunization activities data are collected continuously and
sustained on the basis of HMIS guideline of FMOH.
6.3 Immunization activities data are updated timely according
to HMIS guideline of FMOH.
6.4 Immunization activities are reported and communicated to
the higher level and relevant body on the basis of HMIS
procedure of the FMOH.
6.5 Immunization practice at catchment is monitored regularly.
6.6 Plan is revised based on immunization schedule for the
catchments for a specific period of time.

Variables Range
EPI logistics May include but not limited to:
 vaccine and supply forecast
 vaccine and supply ordering
 storing and handling
 stock balance and temperature record
 distribution
 inventory
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Immunization May include but not limited to:
 immunization provided regularly and on campaign
Vaccine May include but not limited to:
preventable  Tuberculosis
illnesses  Poliomyelitis
 Diphtheria
 Pertusis
 Tetanus
 Hemophilus influenza
 Hepatitis B
 Measles
 Bacterial Pneumococcal and meningitis
 Diarrhea
Cold chain May include but not limited to:
 the refrigerator temperature ranges from plus two degree
Celsius to eight degree Celsius
 ice box and ice bags should be kept sold hard and cold
 defrosting, cleaning and sharpening dirty wick, etc
Operational May include but not limited to:
defects  frosting, dirty wick, wrinkle edge, unclean fuel tanker, etc
Immunization May include but not limited to:
schedule  For children:
 at birth, six week, ten weeks, fourteen weeks, nine month
 For women:
 TT, at initial contact, after one month, after six month, and
yearly for two consecutive years
 Other vaccines as indicated
Anti-gene May include but not limited to:
 BCG, OPV, Pentavalent, Measles, TT, Rotarix,
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV10) and other

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate the individual’s ability to:
Competence  plan, organize, conduct and evaluate immunization program
 solicit and avail required resources
 manage and maintain cold chain system
 revise plan and deliver immunization programs
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  planning, organizing and monitoring immunization program
Attitudes  communication and persuasion
 immunization procedures
 key organizations and individuals

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Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  plan and organize EPI program
 promote EPI activity
 conduct immunization for children and mothers
 monitor and evaluate immunization practice
 manage cold chain
 register and document immunization records
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard July 2014
Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage Comprehensive Family Planning Service
Unit Code HLT HES4 12 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required for
planning, promoting, providing, monitoring and evaluating
comprehensive family planning services.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Plan family 1.1 Resource mapping is conducted using the standard format
planning of FMOH.
services 1.2 Family planning eligible are identified and the number of
expected target group for family planning practice is
calculated from the catchments using standard statistical
1.3 A plan of action is developed to reach eligible.
2. Promote family 2.1 Influential community representatives and voluntaries are
planning identified and consulted.
services 2.2 Family planning practice promotion and education are
organized and promoted in partnership with the community
and relevant organizations on the basis of inter-sectoral
2.3 Family planning practice promotion and education activities
are sustained involving the resources of the community on
the basis of stakeholders’ genuine participation.
2.4 Family planning practices are supported to take self-care
approach in line with individual needs for changing
unhealthy behavior on the basis of healthy promotion and
strategic behavioral change approach of FMOH.
3. Provide family 3.1 Counsel on method mix for advantages, side effects,
planning misconceptions, and compliance on continual usage is
services provided to clients based on national family planning
guideline of FMOH.
3.2 Method mix (OCP, injectables, implants, IUCD, barrier
methods) is supplied for clients according to family planning
protocol of FMOH and client’s preference.
3.3 Side-effects and problems occurred from the method mix
are managed.
3.4 Clients preferred permanent methods are referred to the
next higher health facility according to the standard
3.5 Continuous follow up is provided to family planning clients
based on the standard guidelines.
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4. Monitor family 4.1 Registration book for family planning services is prepared
planning according to HMIS standards of FMOH.
services 4.2 Family planning services data are collected, updated and
sustained on the basis of HMIS guideline of FMOH.
4.3 Family planning activities are reported and communicated
to the higher level and relevant body on the basis of HMIS
procedure of the FMOH.
4.4 Plan on family planning for the catchments is revised for a
specific period of time.
4.5 Family planning practice at Kebele is monitored against

Variables Range
Method mix May include but not limited to:
 Pills, Barriers, natural methods, injectables, implants, IUCD
permanent methods (vasectomy, tubal ligation)
Follow up May include but not limited to:
 Any Practice which needs close contact such as clients
complaint, methods which needs follow up etc
Social mobilization May include but not limited to:
 IEC material development
 community conversation
 community sensitization
 Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  plan and organize family planning programs
 differentiate and educate methods of contraceptives
 identify and educate the advantages and disadvantages of
 manage side-effects and problems with method mix
 understand and respond to clients’ family planning method of
choice and respect clients’ right to continuity of care
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  correct personal protective clothing appropriate to family
Attitudes planning activities
 using correct manipulation and handling techniques of inject
able contraceptives and implants.
 appropriate storage of equipment and materials
 dealing with spillages and disposal of waste including:
 needles and syringes, according to disposal standard
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 taking relevant history on past and present personal, medical,
obstetric and gynecological conditions
 Available contraceptive methods
 FP method side effect and management
 method effectiveness
 interpersonal communication
 data management (data tally, analysis, use and reporting)
 Client screening criteria
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  plan family planning practices
 promote family planning practices
 provide family planning practices
 monitor family planning practice
 manage side-effects and problems occurring from method
 communicate and persuade clients
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV

Unit Title Manage Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health
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Unit Code HLT HES4 13 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required for
Planning, providing and monitoring adolescent and youth
reproductive health services.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Identify 1.1 Different vulnerabilities, risk-taking behaviors and life skills
adolescent and of adolescents are systematically identified and addressed.
youth RH 1.2 Common RH related health problems like unwanted
related health Pregnancy and Abortion, Sexually Transmitted Infections
problems (STIs), Harmful Traditional Practices (HTPs), Gender-
Based Violence, Substance Use etc are identified and
1.3 Family planning options for adolescents are identified and
2. Promote 2.1 Adolescent health services related in school are
adolescent and identified and communicated.
youth RH 2.2 Peer education programs are designed and implemented.
2.3 Family life education is provided.
2.4 Orphans and other vulnerable adolescents are identified
and addressed by reproductive health services.
3. Provide 3.1 Counseling services and contraceptive options for young
adolescent and people are provided.
youth RH 3.2 Adolescent- and Youth-Friendly Reproductive Health
services Services are implemented.
3.3 Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health Program is
managed effectively.

Variables Range
Adolescent health May include but not limited to:
services  Reproductive services that are accessible to, acceptable by
and appropriate for adolescents and youth
Peer education May include but not limited to:
 Reproductive health related education given to people who
are at the same age and/or status by those having the same
age and status.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skills to:
Competence  identify reproductive health related risks and health problems

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 address common adolescent reproductive health problems
 provide services of adolescent and youth friendly
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge on:
Knowledge and  identification of RH related health problems and risks
Attitudes  interpersonal communication
 different adolescent and youth friendly services
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  promote adolescent and youth friendly services
 provide adolescent and youth friendly services
 monitor adolescent and youth friendly services
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV

Unit Title Apply Infection Prevention Techniques and Workplace OHS
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Unit Code HLT HES4 14 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
establish and maintain infection prevention and OHS
management system to ensure the workplace is safe and without
risks to the health of employees, clients and/or visitors.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Apply infection 1.1 Basic components of disease transmission are identified.

prevention 1.2 Essential elements of infection prevention are
techniques implemented.
2. Establish and 2.1 Appropriate participative processes are established and
maintain maintained with employees and their representative in
participative accordance with relevant OHS legislation, regulations and
arrangements relevant industry standards consistent with enterprise
2.2 Issues rose are dealt with promptly and effectively through
participation and consultation.
2.3 Information is provided to employees about the outcomes
of participation and consultation in a manner accessible to
3. Assess and 3.1 Workplace procedures are developed for hazard
control risks identification, assessment and control of risks.
and hazards 3.2 Identification of all hazards at the planning, design and
evaluation stages of any changes in the workplace are
addressed to ensure that new hazards are not created by
the proposed changes.
3.3 Procedures are developed and maintained for selection
and implementation of risk control measures in accordance
with the hierarchy of control.
3.4 Inadequacies in existing risk control measures are
identified in accordance with the hierarchy of control and
provide promptly resources enabling implementation of
new measures.
4. Establish and 4.1 Training needs are identified.
maintain an 4.2 An OHS induction and training program is developed and
OHS induction maintained to identify and fulfill employees’ OHS training
and training needs
4.3 A training management system is maintained so that
individual employee’s training needs is easily identified,
training attendance monitored and non-attendance
followed up.
4.4 Training is coordinated with relevant training experts as
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4.5 Outcomes are evaluated to ensure that the training
objectives are met.
5.1 Systems are established and monitored for keeping
5. Establish and
Organizational Health and Safety (OHS) records to
maintain a
meet regulatory requirements.
system for
OHS records 5.2 Identification of patterns of hazardous incidents,
occupational injuries and diseases are allowed within the
area of managerial responsibility.

Variables Range
Infection May include but not limited to:
prevention  hand washing
 personal protective barriers
 proper handling of sharp items
 proper processing of instruments and materials
 environmental cleanliness
 proper infectious-waste disposal
 aseptic technique
Identifying hazards May occur through:
and assessing risk  hazard and incident reports
 workplace inspection in area of responsibility
 consulting work team members
 housekeeping
 workplace inspections
 daily informal team consultation and regular formal team
 internal and external audits
 industry information such as journal, newsletters and
Hazard Is defined as:
 something with the potential to:
 cause injury or disease to people,
 damage property
 disrupt productivity
Organizational May include:
Health and  audit and inspection reports
Safety (OHS)  agendas and minutes of meetings of ohs committees, work
records group and management meetings
 training records
 manufacturer's or supplier's information
 hazardous substances registers
 plant and equipment maintenance and testing reports
 workers compensation and rehabilitation records
 first aid/medical records
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 workplace environmental monitoring records
Designated May be:
personnel for OHS  employer
referrals  supervisor
 chairperson of OHS committee
 OHS nominee
 elected OHS representative/employee representative
 other personnel with OHS responsibilities
Relevant May include but not limited to:
organizational  hazard management policies and procedures (these may be
procedures for integrated with quality, care or other documents or be
managing risks separated as OHS policies and procedures).
 communication, consultation and issue resolution procedures
 human resources management procedures such as
grievance procedures, induction programs, team meetings,
management of performance levels
 job procedures and work instructions
 post incident/injury management such as first aid, critical
incident debriefing, compensation and return to work
 other related procedures including waste management,
OHS issues which May include:
may be raised by  hazards identified
workers with  problems encountered in managing risks associated with
designated hazard
personnel  clarification on understanding of OHS policies and
 communication and consultation processes
 follow up to reports and feedback
 effectiveness of risk controls in place
 training needs
Workers’ May include:
Contributions  Listening to the ideas and opinions of others in the team
 sharing opinions, views, knowledge and skills
 identifying and reporting risks and hazards
 using equipment according to guidelines and operating
 behavior that contributes to a safe working environment
which includes following OHS procedures
Participative May include:
arrangements  regular information sessions (using clear and understandable
language) on existing or new OHS issues
 formal and informal OHS meetings
 meetings called by OHS representatives
 health and safety committees
 other committees such as consultative planning and

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 other means and processes for raising requests and
concerns as well as contributing suggestions and reports to
 documented issue resolution processes
 easy access to relevant written workplace information
Controlling risks in May include:
the work  application of the hierarchy of control, namely:
 eliminate the risk
 reduce/minimize the risk through
 engineering controls
 administrative controls including training
 personal protective equipment
Reports identifying May include:
workplace hazards  face to face
may be verbal or  phone messages
written  notes
 memos
 specially designed report forms
Work instructions May be:
 verbal
 written
 provided visually, e.g. video, OHS signs, symbols and other
pictorial presentation, etc.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Must demonstrate knowledge and skill on:
Competence  communication and persuasion knowledge and skill
 developing, implementing and maintaining organizational
OHS policies and procedures
 managing and controlling risks and hazards
 listening and responding quickly
 techniques of infection prevention
Underpinning Must demonstrate knowledge on:
Knowledge and  understanding and interpreting relevant laws and guidelines
Attitudes that affect the operation
 working with risk assessment and/or other technical
specialists in a team environment
 risk control strategies
 collecting and analyzing data from the workplace
 designing and conveying organizational instructions,
procedures and systems
 communication and reporting verbally and/or in writing with
an aim to encourage continuous improvements
 coaching and mentoring
 problem solving

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 techniques of infection prevention
 chain of disease transmission
Underpinning Must demonstrate skills to:
Skills  identify potential risks and hazards and manage timely
 communicate and persuade employees, officials and
 listen and take appropriate prompt measure
 understand, interpret and implement policies, procedures and
relevant laws
 plan, organize, implement and monitor work place ohs
 manage, analyze and interpret data
 apply techniques of infection prevention
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV

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Unit Title Plan and Organize Work
Unit Code HLT HES4 15 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required in
planning and organizing work activities in a production
application. It may be applied to a small independent operation
or to a section of a large organization.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Set objectives 1.1 Objectives are planned consistent with and linked to work
activities in accordance with organizational aims.
1.2 Objectives are stated as measurable targets with clear time
1.3 Support and commitment of team members are reflected in
the objectives.
1.4 Realistic and attainable objectives are identified.
2. Plan and 2.1 Tasks/work activities to be completed are identified and
schedule work prioritized as directed.
activities 2.2 Tasks/work activities are broken down into steps in
accordance with set time frames and achievable
2.3 Task/work activities are assigned to appropriate team or
individuals in accordance with agreed functions.
2.4 Resources are allocated as per requirements of the
2.5 Schedule of work activities is coordinated with personnel
3. Implement work 3.1 Work methods and practices are identified in consultation
plans with personnel concerned.
3.2 Work plans are implemented in accordance with set time
frames, resources and standards.
4. Monitor work 4.1 Work activities are monitored and compared with set
activities objectives.
4.2 Work performance is monitored.
4.3 Deviations from work activities are reported and
recommendations are coordinated with appropriate
personnel and in accordance with set standards.
4.4 Reporting requirements are complied with in accordance
with recommended format.
4.5 Timeliness of report is observed.
4.6 Files are established and maintained in accordance with
standard operating procedures.

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5. Review and 5.1 Work plans, strategies and implementation are reviewed
evaluate work based on accurate, relevant and current information.
plans and 5.2 Review is done based on comprehensive consultation with
activities appropriate personnel on outcomes of work plans and
reliable feedback.
5.3 Results of review are provided to concerned parties and
formed as the basis for adjustments/simplifications to be
made to policies, processes and activities.
5.4 Performance appraisal is conducted in accordance with
organization rules and regulations.
5.5 Performance appraisal report is prepared and documented
regularly as per organization requirements.
5.6 Recommendations are prepared and presented to
appropriate personnel/authorities.
5.7 Feedback mechanisms are implemented in line with
organization policies.

Variable Range
Objectives May include but not limited to:
 Specific
 General
Resources May include but not limited to:
 Personnel
 Equipment and technology
 Services
 Supplies and materials
 Sources for accessing specialist advice
 Budget
Schedule of work May include but not limited to:
activities  Daily
 Work-based
 Contractual
Work methods and May include but not limited to:
practices  Legislated regulations and codes of practice
 Industry regulations and codes of practice
 Occupational health and safety practices
Work plans May include but not limited to:
 Daily work plans
 Project plans
 Program plans
 Resource plans
 Skills development plans
 Management strategies and objectives
Standards May include but not limited to:
 Performance targets
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 Performance management and evaluation systems
 Occupational standards
 Employment contracts
 Client contracts
 Discipline procedures
 Workplace assessment guidelines
 Internal quality assurance
 Internal and external accountability and auditing requirements
 Training Regulation Standards
 Safety Standards
Appropriate May include but not limited to:
personnel/  Appropriate personnel include:
authorities  Management
 Line Staff
Feedback May include but not limited to:
mechanisms  Verbal feedback
 Informal feedback
 Formal feedback
 Questionnaire
 Survey
 Group discussion

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  set objectives
 planned and scheduled work activities
 implemented work plans
 monitored work activities
 reviewed and evaluated work plans and activities
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  organization’s strategic plan, policies rules and regulations,
Attitudes laws and objectives for work unit activities and priorities
 organizations policies, strategic plans, guidelines related to
the role of the work unit
 team work and consultation strategies
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skill to:
 plan
 lead
 organize
 coordinate
 communicate
 inter-and intra-person/motivation skills
 present
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to

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information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Migrate to New Technology
Unit Code HLT HES4 16 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to apply skills and
knowledge in using new or upgraded technology. The rationale
behind this unit emphasizes the importance of constantly
reviewing work processes, skills and techniques in order to
ensure that the quality of the entire business process is
maintained at the highest level possible through the appropriate
application of new technology. To this end, the person is
typically engaged in on-going review and research in order to
discover and apply new technology or techniques to improve
aspects of the organization’s activities.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Apply existing 1.1 Situations are identified where existing knowledge can be
knowledge and used as the basis for developing new skills.
techniques to 1.2 New or upgraded technology skills are acquired and used
technology and to enhance learning.
1.3 New or upgraded equipment are identified, classified and
used where appropriate, for the benefit of the organization.
2. Apply functions 2.1 Testing of new or upgraded equipment is conducted
of technology to according to the specification manual.
assist in solving 2.2 Features of new or upgraded equipment are applied within
organizational the organization
2.3 Features and functions of new or upgraded equipment are
used for solving organizational problems
2.4 Sources of information relating to new or upgraded
equipment are accessed and used
3. Evaluate new or 3.1 New or upgraded equipment is evaluated for performance,
upgraded usability and against OHS standards.
technology 3.2 Environmental considerations are determined from new
performance or upgraded equipment.
3.3 Feedback is sought from users where appropriate.

Variables Range
Environmental May include but is not limited to:
Considerations  recycling, safe disposal of packaging (e.g. cardboard,
polystyrene, paper, plastic) and correct disposal of waste
materials by an authorized body
Feedback May include but is not limited to:
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 surveys,
 questionnaires,
 interviews and meetings.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Competence must confirm the ability to transfer the application
Competence of existing skills and knowledge to new technology
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Broad awareness of current technology trends and directions
Attitudes in the industry (e.g. systems/procedures, services, new
developments, new protocols)
 Knowledge of vendor product directions
 Ability to locate appropriate sources of information regarding
metal manufacturing and new technologies
 Current industry products/services, procedures and
techniques with knowledge of general features
 Information gathering techniques
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Research skills for identifying broad features of new
 Ability to assist in the decision making process
 Literacy skills in regard to interpretation of technical manuals
 Ability to solve known problems in a variety of situations and
 Evaluate and apply new technology to assist in solving
organizational problems
 General analytical skills in relation to known problems
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Establish Quality Standards
Unit Code HLT HES4 17 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
establish quality specifications for work outcomes and work
performance. It includes monitoring and participation in
maintaining and improving quality, identifying critical control
points in the production of quality output and assisting in
planning and implementing of quality assurance procedures.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Establish 1.1 Market specifications are sourced and legislated

quality requirements identified.
specifications 1.2 Quality specifications are developed and agreed
for product
1.3 Quality specifications are documented and introduced to
organization staff / personnel in accordance with the
organization policy
1.4 Quality specifications are updated when necessary
2. Identify 2.1 Critical control points impacting on quality are identified.
hazards and 2.2 Degree of risk for each hazard is determined.
critical control
points 2.3 Necessary documentation is accomplished in accordance
with organization quality procedures
3. Assist in 3.1 Procedures for each identified control point are developed
planning of to ensure optimum quality.
quality 3.2 Hazards and risks are minimized through application of
assurance appropriate controls.
3.3 Processes are developed to monitor the effectiveness of
quality assurance procedures.
4. Implement 4.1 Responsibilities are allocated for carrying out procedures
quality to staff and contractors.
assurance 4.2 Instructions are prepared in accordance with the
procedures enterprise’s quality assurance program.
4.3 Staff and contractors are given induction training on the
quality assurance policy.
4.4 Staff and contractors are given in-service training relevant
to their allocated safety procedures.
5. Monitor quality 5.1 Quality requirements are identified
of work 5.2 Inputs are inspected to confirm capability to meet quality
outcome requirements

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5.3 Work is conducted to produce required outcomes
5.4 Work processes are monitored to confirm quality of output
and/or service
5.5 Processes are adjusted to maintain outputs within
6. Participate in 6.1 Work area, materials, processes and product are routinely
maintaining monitored to ensure compliance with quality requirements
and improving 6.2 Non-conformance in inputs, process, product and/or
quality at work service is identified and reported according to workplace
reporting requirements
6.3 Corrective action is taken within level of responsibility to
maintain quality standards
6.4 Quality issues are raised with designated personnel
7. Report 7.1 Potential or existing quality problems are recognized.
problems that 7.2 Instances of variation in quality are identified from
affect quality specifications or work instructions.
7.3 Variation and potential problems are reported to
supervisor/manager according to enterprise guidelines.

Variable Range
Sourced May include but is not limited to:
 End-users
 Customers or stakeholders
Legislated May include but is not limited to:
requirements  Verification of product quality as part of consumer legislation
or specific legislation related to product content or
Safety procedures. May include but is not limited to:
 Use of tools and equipment for fabrication/production/
manufacturing works
 Workplace environment and handling of material safety,
 Following occupational health and safety procedures
designated for the task
 Respect the policies, regulations, legislations, rule and
procedures for manufacturing/production/fabrication works

Evidence Guide

Critical Aspect of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:

Competence  Monitored quality of work
 Established quality specifications for product
 Participated in maintaining and improving quality at work
 Identified hazards and critical control points in the production

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of quality product
 Assisted in planning of quality assurance procedures
 Reported problems that affect quality
 Implemented quality assurance procedures
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge  work and product quality specifications
 quality policies and procedures
 improving quality at work
 hazards and critical points of operation
 obtaining and using information
 applying federal and regional legislation within day-today
work activities
 accessing and using management systems to keep and
maintain accurate records
 requirements for correct preparation and operation
 technical writing
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  monitor quality of work
 establish quality specifications for product
 participate in maintaining and improving quality at work
 identify hazards and critical control points in the production
of quality product
 assist in planning of quality assurance procedures
 report problems that affect quality
 implement quality assurance procedures
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Develop Individuals and Team
Unit Code HLT HES4 18 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
determine individual and team development needs and
facilitate the development of the workgroup.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Provide team 1.1 Learning and development needs are systematically
leadership identified and implemented in line with organizational
1.2 Learning plan is collaboratively developed and
implemented to meet individual and group training and
developmental needs
1.3 Individuals are encouraged to self-evaluate performance
and identify areas for improvement
1.4 Feedback on performance of team members is collected
from relevant sources and compared with established team
learning process
2. Foster 2.1 Learning and development program goals and objectives
individual and are identified to match the specific knowledge and skills
organizational requirements of Competence standards
growth 2.2 Learning delivery methods are made appropriate to the
learning goals, the learning style of participants and
availability of equipment and resources
2.3 Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/ mentoring
assistance are provided to facilitate individual and team
achievement of competencies
2.4 Resources and timelines required for learning activities are
identified and approved in accordance with organizational
3. Monitor and 3.1 Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify and
evaluate implement improvements in future learning arrangements
workplace 3.2 Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are
learning assessed and recorded to determine the effectiveness of
development programs and the extent of additional support
3.3 Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of learning
3.4 Records and reports of competence are maintained within
organizational requirement
4. Develop team 4.1 Open communication processes to obtain and share
commitment information is used by team
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cooperation 4.2 Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its
agreed roles and responsibilities
4.3 Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the
5. Facilitate 5.1 Team members are made actively participatory in team
accomplishmen activities and communication processes
t of 5.2 Individual and joint responsibility is developed by teams
organizational members for their actions
goals 5.3 Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain organizational

Variable Range
Learning and May include but is not limited to:
development  Coaching, monitoring and/or supervision
needs  Formal/informal learning program
 Internal/external training provision
 Work experience/exchange/opportunities
 Personal study
 Career planning/development
 Performance evaluation
 Workplace skills assessment
 Recognition of prior learning
Organizational May include but is not limited to:
requirements  Quality assurance and/or procedures manuals
 Goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
 Legal and organizational policy/guidelines and
 Safety policies, procedures and programs
 Confidentiality and security requirements
 Business and performance plans
 Ethical standards
 Quality and continuous improvement processes and
Feedback on May include but is not limited to:
performance  Formal/informal performance evaluation
 Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues
 Obtaining feedback from clients
 Personal and reflective behavior strategies
 Routine and organizational methods for monitoring
service delivery
Learning delivery May include but is not limited to:
methods  On the job coaching or monitoring
 Problem solving
 Presentation/demonstration
 Formal course participation

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 Work experience and involvement in professional networks
 Conference and seminar attendance

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  identified and implemented learning opportunities for others
 gave and received feedback constructively
 facilitated participation of individuals in the work of the team
 negotiated plans to improve the effectiveness of learning
 prepared learning plans to match skill needs
 accessed and designated learning opportunities
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  coaching and monitoring principles
Attitude  understanding how to work effectively with team members
who have diverse work styles, aspirations, cultures and
 understanding how to facilitate team development and
 understanding methods and techniques to obtain and
interpreting feedback
 understanding methods for identifying and prioritizing
personal development opportunities and options
 knowledge of career paths and competence standards in the
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 read and understand a variety of texts, preparing general
information and documents according to target audience;
spell with accuracy; use grammar and punctuation effective
relationships and conflict management
 communicate including receiving feedback and reporting,
maintaining effective relationships and conflict management
 plan and organize required resources and equipment to
meet learning needs
 coach and mentor skills to provide support to colleagues
 report to organize information; assess information for
relevance and accuracy; identify and elaborate on learning
 facilitate and conduct small group training sessions
 relate to people from a range of social, cultural, physical and
mental backgrounds
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning

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Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV

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Unit Title Utilize Specialized Communication Skills
Unit Code HLT HES4 19 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
use specialized communication skills to meet specific needs of
internal and external clients, conduct interviews, facilitate
group discussions, and contribute to the development of
communication strategies.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Meet common 1.1 Specific communication needs of clients and colleagues
and specific are identified and met
communication 1.2 Different approaches are used to meet communication
needs of clients needs of clients and colleagues
and colleagues
1.3 Conflict is addressed promptly and in a timely way and in a
manner which does not compromise the standing of the

2. Contribute to 2.1 Strategies for internal and external dissemination of

the information are developed, promoted, implemented and
development of reviewed as required
communication 2.2 Channels of communication are established and reviewed
strategies regularly
2.3 Coaching in effective communication is provided
2.4 Work related network and relationship are maintained as
2.5 Negotiation and conflict resolution strategies are used
where required
2.6 Communication with clients and colleagues is made
appropriate to individual needs and organizational
3. Represent the 3.1 When participating in internal or external fora, presentation
organization is made relevant, appropriately researched and presented
in a manner to promote the organization
3.2 Presentation is made clear and sequential and delivered
within a predetermined time
3.3 Appropriate media is utilized to enhance presentation
3.4 Differences in views are respected
3.5 Written communication is made consistent with
organizational standards
3.6 Inquiries are responded in a manner consistent with
organizational standard
4. Facilitate group 4.1 Mechanisms which enhance effective group interaction
discussion are defined and implemented

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4.2 Strategies which encourage all group members to
participate are used routinely
4.3 Objectives and agenda are routinely set and followed for
meetings and discussions
4.4 Relevant information are provided to group to facilitate
4.5 Evaluation of group communication strategies is
undertaken to promote participation of all parties
4.6 Specific communication needs of individuals are identified
and addressed
5. Conduct 5.1 A range of appropriate communication strategies are
interview employed in interview situations
5.2 Different types of interview are conducted in accordance
with the organizational procedures
5.3 Records of interviews are made and maintained in
accordance with organizational procedures
5.4 Effective questioning, listening and nonverbal
communication techniques are used to ensure that
required message is communicated

Variable Range
Strategies May include but is not limited to:
 Recognizing own limitations
 Utilizing techniques and aids
 Providing written drafts
 Verbal and non verbal communication
Effective group May include but is not limited to:
interaction  Identifying and evaluating what is occurring within an
interaction in a non-judgmental way
 Using active listening
 Making decision about appropriate words, behavior
 Putting together response which is culturally appropriate
 Expressing an individual perspective
 Expressing own philosophy, ideology and background and
exploring impact with relevance to communication
Interview situations May include but is not limited to:
 Establish rapport
 obtain facts and information
 Facilitate resolution of issues
 Develop action plans
 Diffuse potentially difficult situation
Types of Interview May include but is not limited to:
 Related to staff issues
 Routine
 Confidential
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 Evidential
 Non-disclosure
 Disclosure

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  Demonstrated effective communication skills with clients and
work colleagues accessing service
 Adopted relevant communication techniques and strategies
to meet client particular needs and difficulties
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  communication process
Values  dynamics of groups and different styles of group leadership
 communication skills relevant to client groups
Underpinning Demonstrates skills of:
Skills  full range of communication techniques including:
 active listening
 feedback
 interpretation
 role boundaries setting
 negotiation
 establishing empathy
 communication strategies
 communicate to fulfill job roles as specified by the
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations
Unit Code HLT HES4 20 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the operation of day-to-day business activities in
a micro or small business. The strategies involve developing,
monitoring and managing work activities and financial
information, developing effective work habits, and adjusting work
schedules as needed.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Identify daily 1.1 Work requirements are identified for a given time period by
work taking into consideration resources and constraints
requirements 1.2 Work activities are prioritized based on business needs,
requirements and deadlines
1.3 If appropriate, work is allocated to relevant staff or
contractors to optimize efficiency
2. Monitor and 2.1 People, resources and/or equipment are coordinated to
manage work provide optimum results
2.2 Staff, clients and/or contractors are communicated within a
clear and regular manner, to monitor work in relation to
business goals or timelines
2.3 Problem solving techniques are applied to work situations
to overcome difficulties and achieve positive outcomes
3. Develop 3.1 Work and personal priorities are identified and a balance is
effective work achieved between competing priorities using appropriate
habits time management strategies
3.2 Input from internal and external sources is sought and
used to develop and refine new ideas and approaches
3.3 Business or inquiries is/are responded to promptly and
3.4 Information is presented in a format appropriate to the
industry and audience
4. Interpret 4.1 Relevant documents and reports are identified
information 4.2 Documents and reports are read and understood and any
implications discussed with appropriate persons
4.3 Data and numerical calculations are analyzed, checked,
evaluated, organized and reconciled
4.4 Daily financial records and cash flow are maintained
correctly and in accordance with legal and accounting

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4.5 Invoices and payments are prepared and distributed in a
timely manner and in accordance with legal requirements
4.6 Outstanding accounts are collected or followed-up on
5. Evaluate work 5.1 Opportunities for improvements are monitored according to
performance business demands
5.2 Work schedules are adjusted to incorporate necessary
modifications to existing work and routines or changing
needs and requirements
5.3 Proposed changes are clearly communicated and recorded
to aid in future planning and evaluation
5.4 Relevant codes of practice are used to guide an ethical
approach to workplace practices and decisions

Variable Range
Resources May include but is not limited to:
 staff
 money
 time
 equipment
 space
Business goals May include but is not limited to:
 sales targets
 budgetary targets
 team and individual goals
 production targets
 reporting deadlines
Problem solving May include but is not limited to:
techniques  gaining additional research and information to make better
informed decisions
 looking for patterns
 considering related problems or those from the past and how
they were handled
 eliminating possibilities
 identifying and attempting sub-tasks
 collaborating and asking for advice or help from additional
Time management May include but is not limited to:
strategies  prioritizing and anticipating
 short term and long term planning and scheduling
 creating a positive and organized work environment
 clear timelines and goal setting that is regularly reviewed and
adjusted as necessary
 breaking large tasks into smaller tasks
 getting additional support if identified and necessary

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Internal and May include but is not limited to:
external sources  staff and colleagues
 management, supervisors, advisors or head office
 relevant professionals such as lawyers, accountants,
management consultants
 professional associations

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A person must be able to demonstrate:
Competence  ability to identify daily work requirements and allocate work
 ability to interpret financial documents in accordance with
legal requirements
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Federal and Local Government legislative requirements
Attitudes affecting business operations, especially in regard to
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), equal employment
opportunity, industrial relations and anti-discrimination
 technical or specialist skills relevant to the business operation
 relevant industry code of practice
 planning techniques to establish realistic timelines and
 identification of relevant performance measures
 quality assurance principles and methods
 relevant marketing, management, sales and financial
 methods for monitoring performance and implementing
 structured approaches to problem solving, idea management
and time management
Underpinning Demonstrate skills to:
Skills  interpret legal requirements, company policies and
procedures and immediate, day-to-day demands
 communicate using questioning, clarifying, reporting, and
giving and receiving constructive feedback
 numeracy skills for performance information, setting targets
and interpreting financial documents and reports
 technical and analytical skills to interpret business document,
reports and financial statements and projections
 relate to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic
backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
 solve problem and develop contingency plans
 using computers and software packages to record and
manage data and to produce reports
 evaluate using assessment work and outcomes
 observe for identifying appropriate people, resources and to
monitor work
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
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Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Health Extension Service Level IV
Unit Title Manage Continuous Improvement System
Unit Code HLT HES4 21 0714
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to sustain and develop an environment in
which continuous improvement, innovation and learning are
promoted and rewarded.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Review programs, 1.1 Strategies are established to monitor and evaluate

systems and performance of key systems and processes
processes 1.2 Detailed analyses of supply chains, operational and
product/service delivery systems is undertaken
1.3 Performance measures, and assessment tools and
techniques are identified, and their effectiveness is
1.4 Performance reports and variance are analyzed from
plans for all key result areas of the organization
1.5 Changing trends and opportunities relevant to the
organization are identified and analyzed
1.6 Advice is sought from specialists, where appropriate, to
identify technology and electronic commerce
2. Develop options 2.1 Groups are briefed on performance improvement
for continuous strategies and innovation as an essential element of
improvement competition
2.2 Creative climate and organizational learning are fostered
through the promotion of interaction within and between
work groups
2.3 New ideas and entrepreneurial behavior are encouraged,
tested and recognized where successful
2.4 Failure of an idea is accepted during trialing, and success
are recognized, celebrated and embedded into systems
2.5 Risk management and cost benefit analyses are
undertaken for each option/idea approved for trial
2.6 Innovations are approved through agreed organizational
3. Implement 3.1 Sustainability/continuous improvement is promoted
innovative as an essential part of doing business
processes 3.2 Impact of change and consequences are addressed for

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people, and transition plans are implemented
3.3 Objectives, timeframes, measures and communication
plans are ensured in place to manage implementation
3.4 Contingency plans are implemented in the event of non-
3.5 Failure is followed-up by prompt investigation and
analysis of causes
3.6 Emerging challenges and opportunities are managed
3.7 Continuous improvement systems and processes are
evaluated regularly
3.8 Costs and benefits of innovations and improvements are
communicated to all relevant groups and individuals

Variable Range
Supply chains May include but is not limited to:
 network of facilities that procures raw materials, transforms
them into intermediate products or services and then
finished goods or service, and delivers them through a
distribution system
 procurement, production and distribution, viewed as
interlinked not as discrete elements
Performance reports May include but is not limited to:
 budget or cost variance
 customer service
 environmental
 financial
 quality
 other operating parameters
Sustainability/continu May include but is not limited to:
ous improvement  addressing environmental and resource sustainability
initiatives, such as environmental management systems,
action plans, green office programs, surveys and audits
 applying the waste management hierarchy in the
 complying with regulations and corporate social
responsibility considerations for sustainability to enhance
the organization’s standing in business and community
 determining organization’s most appropriate waste
treatment, including waste to landfill, recycling, re-use,
recoverable resources and wastewater treatment
 implementing ecological footprint
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 implementing environmental management systems, e.g.
ISO 14001:1996 Environmental management systems life
cycle analyses
 implementing government initiatives,
 improving resource and energy efficiency
 initiating and maintaining appropriate organizational
procedures for operational energy consumption
 introducing a green office program - a cultural change
 introducing green purchasing
 introducing national and international reporting initiatives,
 introducing product stewardship
 reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
 reducing use of non-renewable resources
 referencing standards, guidelines and approaches, such as
sustainability covenants and compacts or triple bottom line
 supporting sustainable supply chain

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  demonstration of consultation processes to introduce or
evaluate an existing continuous improvement process or
system, including suggested actions or an action plan
 generation of an idea or concept which exhibits creative
thinking and which offers the possibility of advantaging the
 how the concept or idea was introduced, tested and
evaluated - the idea or concept does not have to have
been shown to work or to be adopted by the business
 knowledge of quality management and continuous
improvement theories
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  quality management and continuous improvement theories
Attitudes  creativity/innovation theories/concepts
 risk management
 cost-benefit analysis methods
 creativity and innovation theories and concepts
 organizational learning principles
 quality management and continuous improvement theories
 risk management
 sustainability practices
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 analyze and identify improvement opportunities in relation
to deliver services/products or develop concepts/ideas
 do flexibility and creativity skills to think laterally

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 use leadership skills to foster a commitment to quality and
an openness to innovation
 use teamwork and leadership skills to foster a commitment
to quality and an openness to innovation
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
Implication situations, including work areas, materials and equipment, and
to information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the Ministry of Health, partners,

academic and government agencies that took vital role and donated their expertise

and resource for the revision of this occupational standard.

We would like also to express our appreciation to the Experts from different

governmental: Ministry of Health, Hossana College of Health Sciences

And non-governmental organizations: AMREF Ethiopia, Jhpiego Ethiopia and

UNICEF that made the revision of this occupational standard possible.

This occupational standard was revised on February 2013 at Adama, Ethiopia

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