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CMN The Canary in the Coal Mine: Clinical and Public

Vol. 40, No. 9
May 1, 2018
Health Laboratories Respond to Biosafety Risks Michael A. Pentella, Ph.D., D(ABMM), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

I n Th is Issu e
Biosafety is important to all laboratories, as any clinical specimen has the potential to harbor an infec-
69 The Canary in the tious agent. The rate at which infectious diseases have spread globally in recent years has only heighted
Coal Mine: Clinical and awareness of laboratory safety and the assessment of biosafety risk. This article presents an overview of
Public Health Laboratories responses to recent events and provides resources for laboratories that can be utilized to prepare and
improve their biosafety programs.
74 Streptobacillus
moniliformis Native
Introduction from infected patients, bacteriologists identified
Valve Endocarditis
In 2014, when clinical laboratories faced the Haemophilus influenzae in many specimens and
A case report erroneously concluded that it was the causative
potential of receiving specimens from patients
suspected of being infected with the Ebola virus, agent of the pandemic. Only after the work of
many were unprepared. This sentinel event led to Richard Shope in 1930 was it recognized that
the recognition of the critical value of supporting “hog flu” was due to a virus and not the bacte-
a strong culture of biosafety in clinical and public rium H. influenzae [3]. In 1933, Shope worked
health laboratories. Performing a risk assessment with researchers in the United Kingdom, using
identifies how laboratorians are vulnerable to the ferret model to establish the pathogenicity
exposures and what steps to take to mitigate the of human influenza virus. Many new strains of
risk. Risk assessment is part of the biorisk man- influenza virus have emerged since 1918, and
agement system that needs to be in place in every another new strain can emerge at any time. For
laboratory [1]. It includes mitigation, evaluation, example, in 2009, a new strain of influenza virus
and continuous improvement. Biorisk manage- A H1N1 arose in Mexico and Southern Califor-
ment is now recognized as an important compo- nia and spread throughout the world. The 100th
nent of the quality management system. anniversary of the 1918 influenza pandemic is
an excellent opportunity to reflect on the risk of
Lessons Learned working with specimens from patients infected
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the with an unknown deadly agent that was posed to
1918 influenza pandemic, when an emerging scientists at the time. There is no documentation
influenza virus killed more people than World of fear associated with working with the speci-
Corresponding author: Michael mens and pathogen in 1918, but James Barry in
War I. Estimates are that 675,000 Americans died
A. Pentella, Ph.D., D(ABMM),
in the 1918 pandemic [2]. The mortality rate was his book The Great Influenza [2] describes their
University of Iowa College of
Public Health, CPH 433, 145 2.5%, compared to 0.1% in a typical influenza actions as “heroic.” We know that there was fear
N. Riverside Dr., Room S433 season [2]. While the deadly disease was spread- of influenza in the community, and it probably
CPHB, Iowa City, IA 52242. ing, medical scientists were at a loss to identify extended to the scientists in bacteriology labo-
Tel.: 319-384-1573. E-mail: the cause, let alone a vaccine or therapeutic agent. ratories, as well. It would be over a dozen years Microbiology at that time was essentially focused before the cause of the pandemic was recognized.
0196-4399/©2018 Elsevier Inc. on bacteriology, as viruses were not yet com- In 1918, the scientists did not have critical tools,
All rights reserved monly recognized. Through culturing of sputa risk assessment, or same level of laboratory or

Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 40:9,2018 | ©2018 Elsevier 69

personal protective equipment (PPE) we have today to help pro- Table 1. BBC key priorities
tect them from a laboratory-acquired infection (LAI). Emerging Priority no. Details
and reemerging pathogens will always be a threat to public health;
I Serve as subject matter expert to public health and
the risk assessment process is the best tool to protect scientists in clinical laboratories
the workplace.
II Build a toolbox for biosafety and biosecurity preparation
Overview of National Biosafety Efforts III Develop a COP for BSOs
IV Design and deliver a core curriculum and training for
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has
biosafety and biosecurity
provided national leadership to public health and clinical labora-
V Encourage a culture of biosafety and biosecurity
tories regarding biosafety issues. In 2007, the Trans-Federal Task
Force on Optimizing Biosafety and Biocontainment Oversight VI Engage professional organizations and regulatory groups
in supporting biosafety and biosecurity efforts
was convened [4]. As an outcome of the Trans-Federal Task Force,
in 2008, the CDC convened the Biosafety Blue Ribbon Panel. In
2012, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) “Guide-
lines for safe work practices in human and animal medical diagnos- The APHL has established the Biosafety and Biosecurity Commit-
tic laboratories” was published [5]. Competencies are an excellent tee (BBC) to address the resources needed to develop materials to
way to build knowledge and improve biosafety practices. In 2011, assist those laboratories with outreach and training for the clini-
the MMWR “Guidelines for Biosafety Laboratory Competen- cal laboratories in their jurisdictions. The BBC membership con-
cies” was published based on a collaborative effort of the CDC sists of experts in biosafety and biosecurity from APHL member
and the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) [6]. In laboratories, the CDC, and other professional organizations. The
2015, the White House published plans for enhancing biosafety BBC identifies its purpose as providing leadership and guidance
and biosecurity at infectious disease laboratories [7]. The admin- on policies and practices that impact biosafety and biosecurity in
istration performed a comprehensive evaluation of biosafety and state and local governmental, as well as clinical, laboratories. In
biosecurity practices and identified best practices. turn, the BBC vision is that every laboratory performing clinical
Despite the availability of these resources and activities to promote testing on human and animal specimens should be prepared to
biosafety, clinical and public health laboratories had not focused safely handle specimens for any emerging disease threat.
on biosafety and biosecurity practices and were unprepared for At the outset of organizing, the BBC established 6 key priorities
the potential to encounter Ebola virus in 2014. Since then, funds (Table 1) with the goal of organizing a national effort for the public
have been provided through the CDC to improve biosafety and health laboratory BSOs to work collaboratively. The first priority
biosecurity in both public health and clinical laboratories. This of the BBC is to serve as a subject matter expert for public health
funding, which was made available starting in 2015 for a three-year and clinical laboratories. This includes providing guidance and
term, provides a full time biosafety officer/official for all 62 funded support to public health laboratories and resources for outreach to
public health laboratories. These include the 50 state public health strengthen biosafety practices at clinical laboratories. Ultimately,
laboratories, Pacific islands and larger metropolitan public health the purpose of the BSO is to serve as an expert resource for both
laboratories. The focus of the efforts supported by the funds has clinical and public health laboratories by developing training
been to make every public health and clinical laboratory able to courses, risk assessment templates, and other biosafety/biosecurity
conduct a risk assessment. Conducting risk assessments and ana- tools that can be applied to clinical laboratories. The APHL Lab
lyzing the biosafety program in every laboratory ensures that the Biosafety and Biosecurity Resource Website is available to every-
laboratories can safely handle and dispose of Ebola virus and other one at no cost, and past webinars are also available at no cost [8].
highly infectious agents. The funding provides technical assistance
through the BSOs to strengthen biosafety practices in local clinical The BBC established a second priority, to build a repository for
laboratories. During the first year of the 3-year funding period, the biosafety and biosecurity tools and also make them available at
work of the BSOs was to enhance biosafety capabilities in public no cost to public health and clinical laboratories. The repository
health laboratories. In years 2 and 3, the focus moved to clinical includes risk assessment templates, sample risk assessment, and
laboratories. By now, all clinical laboratories in the United States checklists, available at the APHL Lab Biosafety and Biosecurity
should have been contacted by their state or local public health Resources website [8]. Providing resources, such as checklists and
laboratories about ways to improve biosafety practices. templates, serves to standardize processes and educate users. To
that end, the BBC set out to prepare tools, materials, and train-
The CDC has engaged the APHL, a membership organization in ing documents and posted them on the web page for anyone’s use.
the U.S. representing the laboratories that protect the health and Prior to posting, the documents were vetted through expert review.
safety of the public, to serve as subject matter experts. The APHL’s
primary role assigned by the CDC is providing biosafety/biosecu- The third priority of the BBC is to provide advice and assistance in
rity expertise and training to the public health laboratories. In turn, the development of a “community of practice” (COP) for BSOs in
public health laboratories are charged with connecting with clinical public health laboratories. The BBC recognized that by connect-
laboratories in their jurisdictions to improve biosafety practices. ing the BSOs, a system of mutual support, sharing of experiences,

70 Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 40:9,2018 | ©2018 Elsevier

providing expert resources, and collaboration would form. To facil- “Case Studies in Biosafety and Biosecurity,” which was originally
itate communication for the COP, a listserv was made available. viewed by 61 sites.
The listserv, which is restricted to only BSO’s, has grown to 140
members and serves to connect colleagues from across the coun- The fifth priority of the BBC is to encourage a culture of biosafety
try and territories to share information, experiences, suggestions, and biosecurity within all laboratories. The APHL is an advocate
etc. Typical topics include potential exposures, decontamination for a strong culture of safety in all laboratories. To highlight the
and disinfection concerns, issues surrounding personal protective importance of biosafety and biosecurity, APHL members adopted
equipment, laboratory procedures to support biosafety activities, a position statement titled “Urging Laboratories To Enhance Bio-
and training efforts. In-person workshops also served to build the safety Practices via Routine Risk Assessments and Standardized
COP, which has proven to be an excellent resource for BSOs to Training, Identification of True Risk and Best Practices, Devel-
rely on to receive expert opinion and share experiences. opment of Consensus Standards and Guidelines, and Improved
Reporting of Exposure Events.” The APHL conducted a survey
The fourth priority, designing a core curriculum for biosafety and of public health laboratories at the outset of these efforts to deter-
biosecurity, delivering training materials, and convening work- mine the current status and to serve as a benchmark for progress.
shops, was important because the BSOs did not have the same The survey results were published in the 2016 APHL Biosafety and
level of expertise. The BBC determined that a BSO must have Biosecurity Survey: Summary Data Report [9]. Fifty-seven of the 62
competencies in safety, security, workforce training, microbiology, CDC-funded public health laboratories responded to the survey.
communications, emergency management and response, quality A year into the funding, 87.7% of the laboratories had completed
management systems, and general laboratory practices. Finding a risk assessment, 62% had identified gaps through the process,
individuals with expertise in all these areas is difficult. Most of the and all had mitigated the risks identified. In the survey, the pub-
BSOs hired for the positions lacked some of the necessary com- lic health laboratories indicated that 5,194 clinical laboratories
petencies. In order to build the competencies, APHL convened were in their jurisdictions. Those clinical laboratories would be
workshops for BSOs in six regions throughout the U.S. to assist the focus of further outreach efforts. Another survey, planned for
BSOs in building the skills and competencies needed to perform 2018, will focus on the connection with the clinical laboratories.
the functions of the role. These 2.5-day workshops included train-
ing sessions on risk assessment, risk mitigation strategies, com- The sixth and final priority of the BBC is to engage other labora-
petency assessment, incident response, and other topics related tory professional organizations and regulatory groups in support-
to building a culture of safety in the laboratory. The in-person ing biosafety and biosecurity efforts. To achieve the objectives of
workshops further enhance the development of the COP. In addi- this priority, the APHL invited partners to send a representative
tion to the workshops, another opportunity of knowledge building to a one-day in-person meeting hosted by the APHL to discuss
and skill development is peer networking, where a BSO from one stakeholder priorities on biosafety and biosecurity in clinical and
state visits a BSO from another state for 2 or 3 days. These visits public health laboratories. This meeting was named the Biosafety
are well-structured events where the BSOs have the opportunity and Biosecurity Partners Forum. At the conclusion of the meeting,
to observe and discuss biosafety issues in another laboratory. A all of the attendees left with the assignment to bring the biosafety
less experienced BSO is partnered with an experienced BSO who priorities to the attention of their organization’s membership
has significant expertise. After the initial visit, the experienced and to consider ways to support this national effort. BBC mem-
BSO then travels to the other laboratory to further exchange bers have presented on biosafety related topics at several national
ideas and mentor another BSO. An additional means of building meetings, including ASM Microbe, the Clinical Laboratory Man-
BSO competency is the Bio360 BSO Leadership Program, which agement Association national meeting, the American Biological
is an online course, presented by Sean Kaufman, CEO of Behav- Safety Association annual meeting, and APHL annual meetings.
ioral Based Improvements Solutions. Such courses are offered to Presentations and trainings have focused on issues of mutual
all BSOs. importance to public health and clinical laboratories regarding
biosafety and biosecurity.
Other educational opportunities include webinars, which are
archived and available on the APHL Biosafety website [8]. The The APHL continues to reach out to the broader clinical labora-
webinar topics include Clinical Laboratory training materials and tory community through the APHL Partners Forum, which meets
“Fundamentals of Biosafety and Biosecurity.” When the “Funda- annually. The participating partners are from federal and non-gov-
mentals of Biosafety and Biosecurity” webinar was first provided, ernmental organizations and discuss opportunities to strengthen
there were 781 participants from 138 sites. A second webinar, biosafety and biosecurity in clinical and public health laboratories.
“Public Health Laboratory Competencies,” originally had 205 The meeting serves to facilitate exchange of information and ideas
participants from 54 sites. A third webinar is “Biosecurity in among stakeholders. The Partners Forum reviews priorities and
Public Health Laboratories: More than Locking Doors,” which proposes directions for activities to improve biosafety and bios-
originally had 115 participants from 43 sites. A fourth webinar ecurity practices in clinical and public health laboratories. The
is “Public Health Laboratories Outreach to Clinical Labora- purpose is for the represented partners to bring the information
tories: Challenges and Solutions.” This webinar was originally to their constituents and to adopt the biosafety and biosecurity
presented to 160 participants from 50 sites. The fifth webinar is priorities that the APHL and the CDC are advocating.

Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 40:9,2018 | ©2018 Elsevier 71

The APHL has also worked to strengthen biosafety practices glob- After identifying the organisms commonly and potentially
ally through partnership with CRDF Global to support global encountered in the facility, the assessor can proceed to perform
fellowship programs, providing biological safety cabinet train- the exposure assessment by reviewing the activities performed
ing and conducting reviews of biosafety practices and policies in that may present a risk of exposure. This assessment should be a
other countries. collaborative effort between the assessor and staff working in the
laboratory section to determine how exposure could occur and
Risk Assessment what routes of exposure are possible. By reviewing these issues,
A metric of the success of these efforts to improve biosafety prac- the risk involved in working with the agent can be determined.
tices in our nation’s laboratories has been the number of labora- There are several portals of entry through which staff are vulner-
tories that have performed a risk assessment. For example, when able to exposure to infectious agents, including intact skin and the
considering a laboratory’s readiness to handle infectious specimens mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Intact skin is
from a patient suspected of being infected with Ebola virus, the an excellent barrier against nearly all agents, but sharps, such as
first step a laboratory should begin is the risk assessment process. needles and broken glass, can easily puncture intact skin. Mucous
Preventing LAIs starts with determining the risk of a biologi- membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth and breaks in the skin
cal exposure to staff in the laboratory. The performance of a risk provide portals of entry. Aerosols, splashes, and splatter can con-
assessment achieves two important goals. First, it provides infor- taminate mucous membranes and serve as an excellent means of
mation regarding a particular risk, and second, it reduces the risk entry. Protecting against splashes and splatter serves to protect
to an acceptable level [10]. Therefore, the expectation that every individuals from agents that infect through mucous membranes,
clinical laboratory should perform a risk assessment is a reason- the gastrointestinal tract, and the skin. One portal of entry that
able performance measure. needs its own type of protection is the respiratory tract, since inha-
lation of aerosols is a risk.
The risk assessment should be based on the procedures that the
laboratory currently performs. This is done by defining the situ- Based on these results, the risk of exposure can be characterized.
ation and asking specific questions, such as what work is occur- Essentially, risk is characterized by considering the likelihood of
ring, what can go wrong, how likely it is to happen, and what the exposure and the consequence if an exposure occurs. In the prior
consequences are. There are tools available to help the clinical example of a sputum specimen, if the laboratory processes sputum
specimens from patients suspected of having tuberculosis, then
laboratorian perform the risk assessment, but performing the
the likelihood of exposure is high. The consequence of exposure
risk assessment is more than completing a checklist, it is a critical
is also high, because fewer than 10 organisms may cause disease.
analysis of procedures and protocols and determining what miti-
gation steps are appropriate. The next consideration in the risk assessment process is mitiga-
tion [5], which is the combination of actions and control measures
There are essentially four steps to the risk assessment process:
that serve to reduce or eliminate the risks associated with biologi-
(i) hazard identification, (ii) hazard evaluation or dose-response
cal agents and toxins. There are several effective ways to mitigate
assessment, (iii) exposure assessment, and (iv) risk characteriza-
exposure risks. For example, working in a biosafety cabinet pro-
tion. The hazard in the case of a biosafety risk assessment is the
tects against splash, splatter, and aerosols. While the pathogens
microbial agent, i.e., a bacterium, virus, fungus, or protozoan. Each
typically found in a sputum culture dictate that a sputum speci-
laboratory needs to begin the risk assessment process by asking
men should be processed in a biosafety cabinet, the same cannot
what pathogens are likely to be encountered. Since the clinical
be said for a urine culture. which can be safely processed on the
laboratory is rarely informed of what pathogen the physician sus- open bench. It is important to think through the process and to
pects, this question can be difficult to answer. However, the clinical use the mitigation tools to effectively mitigate the risk while not
laboratory can make an educated assumption based on where the imposing too much burden when the risk is not reasonable. There
laboratory is located, what pathogens are routinely encountered, is a hierarchy of mitigation [11]. At the apex are administrative
and what unusual pathogens have been encountered in the past. procedures, which are followed by containment equipment, such
To evaluate the hazard, the assessor must review the host range as biosafety cabinets, laboratory practices, and PPE. Staff need to
for the identified likely pathogens, with special concern for human recognize that PPE is the final and least effective mitigation tool.
pathogens. If the organism is pathogenic to humans, the assessor Understanding how to use mitigation tools and effectively utiliz-
must determine if it is a highly pathogenic agent or has a low level ing them is critical to a successful biosafety program.
of pathogenicity. Part of this assessment step is to determine if the In the above example, by mitigating the risk by using a biosafety
dose of the exposure matters for the specific pathogen being con- cabinet, the likelihood of exposure was reduced to low, but the
sidered. For example, exposure to as few as 10 Mycobacterium tuber- consequence of the exposure remained high. With additional
culosis organisms could result in disease [5]. As the list of organisms PPE requirements for an N95 respirator, the likelihood of expo-
is assembled and the pathogenicity is assessed, it is important to sure from failure of the biosafety cabinet can be reduced to rare.
review which of these pathogens have been reported as a cause of From consideration of the mitigation steps, the risk is reduced,
LAI. Next, consideration must be given to the length of survival although some acceptable risk remains. The nature of the work
of the pathogen if it were to contaminate a surface. dictates that the risk cannot be eliminated totally. Even if every

72 Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 40:9,2018 | ©2018 Elsevier

available protection is taken, the risk will never be zero. There is necessary to have a document that defines exactly what happens
always the potential for human error or that exposure may occur when an exposure occurs. These plans can save valuable time and
to someone who was not considered to be at risk. can be used as a training tool. Management and staff must agree
that risk will never be down to zero percent; in the effort to keep
The risk assessment process prescribes reviewing the procedures
everyone as safe as possible, there needs to be a strong culture of
performed, analyzing expected hazards that may be encountered,
safety that serves as the bedrock of the safety program. The culture
and implementing mitigation processes that are reasonable. A
of safety is supported by the recognition that safety is ultimately
potential additional benefit of a risk assessment is that the find-
everyone’s responsibility.
ings of the risk assessment could be the basis for justification for
space and equipment needs. Importantly, the risk assessment is Conclusion
an opportunity for evaluation of emergency plans and potential
procedural changes. Public health and clinical laboratories have many resources avail-
able to them to improve their biosafety programs. There are free
Another important consideration is when to perform the risk tools available on the internet to make the processes easier and
assessment. There are several events that should trigger the perfor- faster [8]. Direct consultation is available through the jurisdic-
mance of a risk assessment. First, before a new testing procedure tional public health laboratories to obtain expert advice. What
is being performed in the laboratory. Second, whenever there is a is needed is the time and institutional leadership to accomplish
move or renovation in the laboratory. Third, if there are signifi- the work. That must be supplied locally by the public health and
cant changes in personnel. Fourth, if there is a new or emerging clinical laboratories. If laboratories are to be prepared for the next
infectious agent that the laboratory is going to perform testing emerging pathogen that poses a high risk to laboratory workers,
to detect or if there are new reagents or equipment being used in then every laboratory needs to perform a risk assessment. Not
the laboratory. Risk assessments should be reviewed on an annual just in the microbiology laboratory, but throughout all the sec-
basis and repeated when changes are made in reagents, practice, tions of the laboratory in which there is a risk. While there are no
employees, or facilities and when new pathogens emerge that may federal mandates or certification requirements, we know that we
be encountered in the laboratory. need to do it to be prepared to do our jobs. The future vision for
Clearly, a knowledgeable assessor is vital to a successful risk assess- biosafety in public health and clinical laboratories must include
ment. The assessor needs a good deal of practical experience and active biosafety programs. These programs should come under
good problem-solving skills. There is a wealth of diversity in opin- the umbrella of the laboratory quality management system. Over
ions in the microbiology community on biosafety issues. However, time, quality indicators can be measured, for example, the num-
many practices are not based on scientifically proven information. ber of risk assessments completed, the number of risk assessments
Therefore, the assessor must be familiar with best practices in the revised and the reasons for revision, the reduction in exposures,
laboratory community that can be successfully implemented in the and the number of laboratories that incorporate biosafety compe-
clinical laboratory. tencies into their quality management systems. With strong lead-
ership at the national and local levels, much can be accomplished
The assessment of laboratory activities must be protocol driven.
for the safety of staff, the good of the patient, and the security of
The assessor must consider the procedures and protocols com-
the nation [12,13].
monly practiced in the laboratory while handling the infectious
agents. For example, how are suspensions of organisms made? References
Are open tubes ever vortexed? If organisms are being cultured,
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74 Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 40:9,2018 | ©2018 Elsevier

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