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Classification of Fluid
Flow and the
Conservation Equations
3.3 Classification of fluid flow
Solving fluid flow equations (conservation of momentum etc.) may be difficult

V   1 
   Conservation of momentum
 V   V   p  g 
  neglecting shear forces

u u u u 1 p
x  dir u v w   gx
t x y z  x
v v v v 1 p
y  dir u v  w    gy
t x y z  y
w w w w 1 p
z  dir u v w   gz
t x y z  z

We classify flows as a method of making simplifying assumptions to the fluid flow

equations. e.g. if the flow is steady state then 1st term on the LHS cancels.

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
One, two and 3 dimensional flows
Most fluid flows are complex three dimensional, time-dependent phenomenon,
however we can make simplifying assumptions allowing an easier analysis.
3-Dimensional Flow:
Velocity depends on all 3 coordinates.
 
i.e. V  V  x, y, z , t  3-D unsteady flow
2-Dimensional Flow:
Velocity depends on 2 coordinates.
 
e.g. V  V  x, y  2-D steady flow

2-D plane

2-D axisymmetric

1-Dimensional Flow:
Velocity depends on only 1 coordinate.
 
e.g. V  u  r  i 1-D uni-directional steady flow
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
One, two and 3 dimensional flows
2-Dimensional Flow: Plane or Axisymmetric flows
Velocity depends on 2 coordinates.

2-D plane

2-D axisymmetric

no variation in the z -direction

no variation in the  -direction

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.3.1 One, two and 3 dimensional flows
Fully developed Flow: In pipe or channel, the velocity distribution remains
unchanged after some distance from the inlet.

Uniform Flow: The velocity and other field variables are constant over an area.
They may depend on the space variable in the flow direction.

V  fn  radius 

V  fn  z direction 

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.3.2 Viscous and inviscid flows

Inviscid flows: Viscous effects (Shear forces) do not influence the flow

Viscous flows: Viscous effects (Shear forces) are important and cannot be ignored.

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.3.2 Viscous and inviscid flows

 V   
 
 
 V  V    p   g 
 Conservation of momentum
  neglecting shear forces

  
 
 pressure force gravity force
  accceleration
or after including shear forces

 V   
 
   shear
 V  V   p   g 

    

ma F
volume volume

For inviscid flows we neglect the shear force term in the conservation of momentum eq.

 Regions in a flow field, where shear (frictional) forces are large are called viscous
regions. They are usually close to solid surfaces.
 Regions where shear (frictional) forces are small compared to ma or -p etc. are
called inviscid regions.
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.3.2 External and Internal flows (and Boundary Layer)
External flows: Flow is around solid bodies. e.g. flow around a car or airplane

Internal flows: Flow is bounded by solid bodies. e.g. flow in a pipe or nozzle

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.3.2 External and Internal flows (and Boundary Layer)

 For external flows

shear forces are limited to
a thin region near the solid
boundary and wake (the
region behind the body).

 For Internal flows

the whole flow is affected
by the solid boundary and
shear forces are important
throughout the flowfield.
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.3.2 External and Internal flows (and Boundary Layer)
External flows: can be assumed as inviscid in most of the flow field except
in a thin region near the solid boundaries
Boundary Layer: the region which is affected by the solid boundary. Shear
forces cannot be neglected in this region and the flow is viscous.

Flow outside the BL can be assumed inviscid and is called the free stream
Internal flows: cannot be assumed as inviscid. The whole flow field is affected by the
solid boundary

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.3.3 Laminar and Turbulent flows (and Reynolds number)

 Laminar: highly smooth fluid

motion along the streamlines.

 Turbulent: highly irregular fluid

motion in all directions super-
imposed on an average motion of
fluid in the flow direction.

 Intermittent: the flow that contains

both laminar and turbulent regions

 Reynolds number, Re= VL/ is

the key parameter deciding
whether the flow is laminar or

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.3.3 Laminar and Turbulent flows (and Reynolds number)
3 physical parameters decides if the flow will be laminar or turbulent

1) length scale (L), (a characteristic size of flow) e.g. diameter of the pipe
length of an airplane
L is small then flow is laminar; L is large flow is turbulent
2) Velocity scale (V), (a characteristic velocity of flow) e.g. average velocity in a pipe
velocity at which the airplane moves
V is small then flow is laminar; V is large flow is turbulent
3) Kinematic viscosity (), (a property of fluid)  =/
 is large then flow is laminar;  is small flow is turbulent

Reynolds number (Re) is defined by combining the 3 deciding parameters as

VL m/s m
Re  (units ) (dimensionless)
 2
m /s
Re is small then flow is laminar; Re is large flow is turbulent

Critical Reynolds number (Recrit) is defined such that

Re < Recrit flow is laminar; Re > Recrit flow is turbulent, Re ~ Recrit flow is intermittent

Internal flows Recrit  2000 External flows Recrit  3  105 12

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.3.4 Incompressible and Compressible flows (and Mach number)

 Incompressible: the density

remains nearly constant.
 Liquid flows are typically
 Gas flows are often
compressible, especially for
high speeds.

 Mach number, M = V/c is a

good indicator whether the
flow is compressible or
 M < 0.3 Incompressible
 M > 0.3 Compressible
 M<1 Subsonic
 M=1 Sonic
 M>1 Supersonic c is speed of sound in the fluid
 M >> 1 Hypersonic for ideal gas c  kRT 13
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.3.4 Incompressible and Compressible flows (and Mach number)

in general   fn  x, y, z , t 
   
d  dt  dx  dy  dz
t x y z
d      D 
 u v w 
dt t x y z Dt

Incompressible flow: density does not change in the flow field

  0 for incompressible flow

Compressible flow: density,   fn  x, y, z , t 

  0 for compressible flow
The Mach number (M) identifies if the flow is compressible or incompressible.

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.4 The Bernoulli equation
We have derived the conservation of momentum by neglecting shear forces

V   1 
 
 Conservation of momentum
 V  V   p  g 
  neglecting shear forces

u u u u 1 p
e.g . x  dir u v w   gx
t x y z  x

Writing this equation for flow along a streamline

(line tangent to the velocity vector)
no flow can cross the streamline i.e.
the flow is in the direction of streamline only
i.e. the flow is only in one direction.

Denoting the velocity as V along the stream line (no velocity in any other direction)

s  direction V 1 p
0 V 00    gs
( steady state) s  s
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.4 The Bernoulli equation
dh h
g s   g cos  ; but cos   ;  gs   g
ds s
V 1 p h
V  g
s  s s
assuming constant density and noting that


 V 2
/2 we get

s s
 V2 p 
   gh 0
s  2  
i.e. along a streamline
V2 p
  gh  constant
2 
thus between 2 points on a streamline
V12 p1 V22 p2 Assumptions
  gh1    gh2 1) Inviscid flow (no shear forces)
2 
 2 
2) steady flow (dV/dt = 0)
called Bernoullis equation
3) along a stream line
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
4) constant density
Interpretation of Bernoulli’s equation

p v2
  h  total head
 2g
 h  piezometric head
h 
p v2
  stagnation head
h  2g
 v 2 stagnation
p  = pT
2 pressure

note :    g

Stagnation head
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Integral vs. Differential approach
Differential approach:
We analyze a fluid particle (Lagrangian)
or a location in the flow field (Eulerian).

Integral approach:
We are interested in a mass of fluid (System)
or a region of the flow field (Control volume).

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Integral vs. Differential approach
Differential approach:
The equations are differential equations,
and their solution provide detailed behavior
of flow field.

 V   
     shear
 V  V   p   g 
 t  forces

Integral approach:
We study the average behavior of flow field
through integral formulation of the basic laws.
The integral equations are easier to solve.

    
  
VdV  V (V • n )dA  F
dt  A

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Differential and Integral approaches

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
4.1 Introduction
As engineers we are interested in mass flow rates, (m) or forces acting on the
system (F) or amount of heat transferred, (Q), which are obtained by integrals.

Conservation Differential Integral

equation approach approach
density field
  x, y , z , t  
m  d

stress field

  x, y , z , t  
F   dA
velocity field m   VdA
V  x, y , z , t 
temperature field heat flow  Q 
T  x, y , z , t  at boundaries

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
3.2.3 Material Derivative (recall)

 The total derivative operator d/dt is called the material

derivative and is often given special notation, D/Dt.
  
DV dV V   


 V  V  
 Obtained through the chain rule to represent the total change
 In general for any quantity N (e.g. mass, momentum, energy)

N  

 V  N  
N N N N
 u v w
t x y z
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
4.2. The three laws (Conservation of mass, momentum and energy)

The 3 laws are written for a control mass

(control mass is called a System, and is a
fixed collection of material particles)

Conservation law for The law expressed for a SYSTEM THE LAW
mass mass is constant i.e. Dmsys
m  cont. 0
(continuity equation) total rate of change of mass is zero Dt

 
 
momentum total rate of change of momentum  DM sys
nd ma  F  F
(newtons 2 law of motion) = sum of forces Dt

M 
total rate of change of angular  DH sys
moment of momentum I   M
momentum = sum of moments Dt
energy total rate of change of energy DEsys
E  Q  W  Q  W
(1st law of thermodynamic) = heat added & work done Dt

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
4.2. The three laws for a system
DN sys total property contained
LHS of all laws are of the form where N = 
Dt  in the System
Any total property  N  can be obtained by considering the property per unit volume   
and then integrating over the whole volume of the systemas N sys   d  
property property total property
THE LAW  per unit mass   per unit volume   integral quantity 
  N sys

mass per
mass 0 1  msys   d 
Dt unit volume

    

DM sys

momentum per
momentum  F V V M sys  Vd 
Dt unit volume

    
DH sys  

moment of angular mom.
 r V r  V H sys  r  Vd 
momentum Dt per unit volume

energy per
energy  Q  W e e Esys   ed 
Dt unit volume
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
System & control volume

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
4.3 System to control volume transformation
 A system is a quantity of matter of fixed identity.
No mass can cross a system boundary.

 A control volume is a region in space chosen for study.

Mass can cross a control surface.

 The basic laws apply to systems.

 In most fluid mechanics problems, control volume analysis is preferred

over system analysis.

 Therefore, we need to transform the conservation laws from a system to a

control volume. This is accomplished with the Reynolds transport theorem

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
4.3 System to control volume transformation

Analogy between
transformation from Lagrangian to Eulerian approach
(for differential analysis using infinitesimally small fluid elements)
transformation from systems to control volumes
(for integral analysis using large, finite flow fields). 27
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Reynolds transport theorem (RTT)
Differential analysis Material derivative
D   

 V  
 
 
 
total differential change because time passed  
because in this time new fluid with property
(local term) moved to this location with velocity V
( convective term)

Integral analysis Reynols transport theorem

total change in the Change because in this time
Change because
intergrated property = + some prop erty crossed the
time has passed
with respect to time surface of the control volume
integrated over the whole volume
  total changes with time integrated over
the whole volume flow of the property integrated over
property per unit volume
  
 the whole surface area
change in the property
property per with time for each flow of the property

unit mass small volume element

 
from each small surface
area element
D   d 
 

     d   V  n dA
Dt CV t CS
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Flow rates through surfaces
During time t
distance travelled  V t
volume that travels  VAt

rate of volume travel     VA
mass flow rate  m   VA

If velocity is non-uniform
mass flow rate  m  =  VdA
or  Vavg A

If velocity and area are not in the same direction

mass flow rate  m  =  V cos  dA
 

or   V  ndA    
where n is the unit vector normal to dA V  n is -ve (inflow) V  n is +ve (outflow)
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Flow rate of property () through surface

property per unit mass  

 
flow rate of property N  m  VA

If velocity is non-uniform
 
flow rate of property N =  VdA
or  Vavg A

If velocity and area are not in the same direction

 
flow rate of property N =  V cos dA
 

or   V  ndA    
where n is the unit vector normal to dA V  n is -ve (inflow) V  n is +ve (outflow)

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Reynolds transport theorem (RTT)
DN sys   
     d   CS V  ndA
Dt CV t
RTT special case
For moving and/or deforming
control volumes,
DN sys   
     d   CS Vr  ndA
Dt CV t
Where absolute velocity V in second term is replaced by the relative velocity

Vr = V -VCV

Vr is the fluid velocity expressed relative to a coordinate system moving with the
control volume with velocity VCV.
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
4.3. Transformation of 3 laws to a control volume

     
 
DN sys
Reynolds Transport Theorem:
 
 t
d   A
 V  n dA
 
 
DN sys
 
for a fixed CV,   fn  t     d    V  n dA
 
dt 
  A
 
system control volume

( system)

N sys   d 

(control volume)
total property
Dmsys  
   d 
mass 0 msys   d  1 V  ndA  0
Dt dt  A

        
   
DM sys
  
momentum  F M sys  Vd  V Vd   V V  n dA  F
Dt dt  A

       
M   M
DH sys   
  
moment of d
 H sys  r  Vd  r  V r  Vd   r  V V  n dA 
momentum Dt dt  A

 
  ed     

energy  Q  W Esys   ed  e  e V  n dA  Q  W
Dt dt  A

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
4.3.1 Simplifications of the System-to-Control-Volume Transformation
Steady flow
DN sys  
 
V  ndA

Steady flow with one inlet, A1 and

 
one exit, A2 and V normal to n
DN sys
  A2
 2 2V2 dA   11V1dA

 
Steady flow inlet, A1 , exit, A2 , with uniform properties and V normal to n
DN sys
  2 2V2 A2  11V1 A1

Steady flow with several areas across which fluid flows

DN sys N  
   i iVi  ni Ai
Dt i 1

N is the number of areas

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
4.3.1 Simplifications of 3 laws for a control volume
THE LAW General Steady state
   
  
mass  d   V  ndA  0 V  ndA  0
dt  A A
        
dt  
Vd   V V  n dA 
A  F        A
V V  n dA  F
      
moment of d
momentum dt 

r  Vd   r  V V  n dA 
A     M  r  V V  n  dA   M

   
      e V  n  dA  Q  W
energy  ed    e V  n dA  Q  W
dt  A A

THE LAW Steady state (1inlet & 1exit, cos   1) SS (1inlet & 1exit, cos   1, uniform flow)
mass 
1V1 dA  
 2V2 dA 1V1 A1   2V2 A2  m
     
momentum 
 2V2V2 dA  
1V1V1 dA   F 
m V2  V1    F

 angular 

moment of angular
m    M
momentum  momentum exit momentum inlet 

energy m  energyexit  energyinlet   Q  W

Dr. S. Z. Shuja

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