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ii. 1.

Joints (articulating bones) are enclosed within a

fibrous capsule.
2. The synovial fluid separates articulating bones
(b) Vertebrae are linked togetherby ligaments to form
an upright column and they allow the attachment of
(c) i. 81
ii. The femur has to bear all the weight of the upper
iii. Sunlight
2 (a) i. P: Biceps
Q: Triceps
ii. P: Flexor
Q: Extensor
(b) A muscle can only pull and cannot push. Therefore, the
coordinated contraction and relaxation of antagonistic
muscles can pull a bone in opposite directions and
make movement possible.
(c) i. R: Tendon
S: Ligament
ii. R: Attaches a muscle to a bone
S: Binds two bones together
iii. R needs to pull bones so it should not be stretchable.
S is flexible to enable bones to move at the joint.
3 (a) R: Parenchyma
S: Xylem
(b) X: Terrestrial
Y Aquatic
(c) X: Has more xylem tissue to provide support against
bending stress produced by wind.
Y Has large and numerous intercellular space to
provide water buoyancy.
(d) R: The water content of the thin-walled parenchyma
cells provide turgid support.
S: The rigidity of the thickened cell wall/rylem provides
mechanical support.

Section B
a (a) . To search for food, mate and shelter tl ml
. To escape from predators and other dangers ll
(b) Grasshopper - walking
. Uses the first two pairs of smaller legs to walk [1 z]
. -
To walk supports body by using three legs; the
other three legs move the body forward lI m]
Grasshopper - jumping
. A pair of long hind legs for jumpin g ll
. Flexor muscles in the femur contract and bring the
tibia close to the femur in a "Z" position. Ll ml
. Then the extensor muscle contracts and propels the
grasshopper into the air. [1 m]
Grasshopper - flyrrg
. Has a pair of wings; movements of the wings drive
air downwards and produce lift and flight. ll ml
. Contractions of the flight muscles move the wings
forward and backr,vards, upwards and downwards.
lt ml
Fish - swimming
. There are myotomes on both sides of its vertebra
column. ll ml
. Antagonistic contractions of myotomes create wave-
like movements from the anterior to the tail. [1 z]
. Wave-like movements push water backwards and its
bodv forward. 11 ml
(c) sttain, overuse or abuse of the musculoskeletal
system Uml
The grasshopper needs The body weight of the . To avoid and decrease the abnormal wearing of
to support its body fish is supported by joint surfaces that could result in arthritis [1 z]
weight in air against the water buoyancy. . To prevent the vertebral column from becoming
gravitational pull. It only requires an fixed in abnormal positions ll ml
It has a strong chitinous internal bony skeieton . To reduce the stress on the ligaments holding the
exoskeleton to support to support its body for joints of the vertebral column together 11 ml
its body and protect swimming. . To contribute to a good physical appearance
its internal organs, and 12 ml lt m)
strong legs to carry its 6(a). Diagram (A) is a herbaceous plant or herb; has
body. relatively little woody tissue and no lasting woody
12 m) shoots. 12 ml
Vascular bundles: Arranged in a ring around to
Resistance to movement The high density of
provide flexibility and support. ll ml
by the air molecules water creates a lot of
Parenchyma: Forms most of the herbaceous plant;
very low due to the resistance and drag to
are living cells with thin cellulose walls; contribute
low density of the movement.
to support via turgidity. 11 ml
atmosphere. The body of a fish is
Collenchyma: Found just below the epidermis in
The grasshopper moves streamlined to reduce
stems and petioles; forms a cylinder of flexible but
about easily by walking, water resistance
strong tissue (cellulose strands) which allows them
hopping, and flying while fins help it to
without the need for a to bend in the wind. lt ml
manoeuvre and swim in
streamlined body.
Diagram (B) is a woody plant; has shoots that last
year after year during which time the stems become
12 ml 12 ml
hard and woody. [2 rn1
5 (a) i. . The human musculoskeletal system is an organ . Sclerenchyma: Dead cells with very thick lignified
system that gives humans the ability to move by walls, which provide hard structural support to the
using the muscular and skeletal systems. 12 m) plant. 11 ml
. It is made up of the skeleton, muscles, cartilage, . Xylem vessels form long cylindrical vessels, with walls
tendons, ligaments, joints and other connective thickened by lignin, which give the plant support.
tissues. 12 ml
ii. . Support - as a framework for tissues and organs . Tracheids consist of dead cells with thick, t,rll#l
to attach themseives to as well as holding the walls; give support to the plant [1 ml
body above the ground. ll ml (b) Support in plants:
. Locomotion - antagonistic pairs of muscles work . To grow towards sunlight so that photosynthesis can
to flex and extend the legs during walking and take place Um)
running. [1 m] . To support tropic (besides phototropic) and nastic
. -
Movement e.g. contractions of external and responses [1 m]
internal intercostal muscles move the ribcage, . To position leaves for maximum absorption of light
enabling inhalatlon and exhalation to occur. for maximum photosynthesis 11 ml
lr m) . To produce and display flowers to attract insects for
. Protection - skull protects the soft and delicate pollination lr ml
brain. lt ml . To hold fruits up for effect dispersai of seeds [1 z]
. Production of blood cells - the red marrow Support in animals:
of some bones produces blood cells to replace . To maintain the body shape lt ml
existing cells that have been destroyed by the . Supporting tissues provide protection for the delicate
liver. lr ml tissues and internal organs. [r m]
. Storage - calcium and phosphorus are stored . To allow movement - supporting tissues form a hard
in bones; muscle proteins, are converted into skeleton against which the muscles can act U ml
sugar for respiration when there is a shortage of . To escape from predators or to capture prey [1 m)
glycogen and fat. [1 m] " To enable breathing and act as a store for calcium and
(b) i. Posture - the correct way the human body should phosphorus [1 m)
be carried against gravity while standing, sitting or
lying down. [2 m] CHAPTER 3: Coordination and Response
ii. . To keep the bones and joints in the correct PAPER T
alignment so that the muscles can function 1C 28 3B 4C 5B 6B
properly [1ml 7B 8C 9A 10D rlA t2A
. To prevent fatigue and strain by using muscles 13B 14B 15C 16D 17D 18B
more efficientlv lt m) 19c 20c 2rA 22D 23D 24C
. To prevent strain or overuse of certain parts of 25C 26A 278 281' 29C 308
the musculoskeletal system lr m) 3lc 328 33D 34D 35B 36A
To prevent backache and muscular pain due to 37C

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' Covers 6 chopters

based on the textbook I
ergns Barsukanl tt;riii:
Cerdcs Fikirsn ' sPM Formotive
Proctice: Objective
Questions, 5tructured
Questions, Essoy
Questions & Written
Procticol Quesfions
' Kertos Percuboon SPM
(B i I inguol-Dwibohoso)
' Answers Provided

Rojin Belojor,
Sentioso Pinto Berpersotuon,
Luos Penqetohuon,

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