Magnets in Magick

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Roger Gascon

Magnets and magick

© 2020 Roger Gascon

Magick magnets


The Earth's magnetic field and its fluctuations11
What you need to know about magnets13
A magnetic field experiment16
Understanding Magnetic Polarities and Magnetic Declination18
Magnetic and geographic pole diagram19
Permanent magnetic and electromagnetic fields19
An electromagnetic experiment20
Magnetic field20
The magic of magnets22
The magical use of magnetites (natural magnets)22
Attraction of desired things22
Modern Magical Applications24

Very important, feed the stones25
Magnetite feeding25
A Mexican Method25
Voodoo methods25
Tired magnetite refill (1)26
Tired magnetite refill (2)26
Wash and remove information from stones for first use26
Magnetite is also known as Luck Stone27
Magnetite Charm for Luck (1)27
Magnetite charm for luck, feeding stone (2)27
A magic box with seven powers28
Another bag for money31
Make a magnetic oil32
Name (or baptize) magnetites to attract love33
A practice for merchants34
A magnetic ritual for business34
Place a genius in a bottle36
The strengthening ritual40
Important Numbers44
The Rite of Awakening47
The coronation of awakening47
Raising the Sorcerer Fire48
Wake up products49
Seal spell50
Acceleration and denomination51
First power56
Tips on the Rite of Awakening57
After Rite57
How not to kill your entities57
What to do when you no longer need your mind60
A brief respectful farewell rite61
Uses of magnets in radionics63
The Magnetic Cup at Will65
The magnetron67
The old meets the new68
A magnet to clean the aura69
A very special pyramid71
How to recharge a magnet73
Location and storage conditions73
Practices and rituals74
Business success74
Very special equipment76
Using mantle81
Take off the coat82

Figure 282
Identification of magnetic poles, using a compass83
Mantle purification, post-confection84
Magnetizing bottle85
Bottle-making materials86
Preparing bottles86
Bad fluid protection bracelet88
Shin guard for bad fluids90
Protective collar93
Bandana dispelling and dispersing bad thoughts95
A magnetic pen for your important writings97
The Gypsy Magic Pot98
The use of seals in the magic ofmagnets 100
The Seven Olympic Minds119
A great practice with your name126

Magnets are now part of our existence and are of great advantage in our
modern life. From our kitchen furniture to various appliances, they have been
everywhere since the very beginning of the 20th century, remember the audio
or video cassettes of our youth (for those who knew that time.)
Magnets of all kinds play an important role in our daily lives. But this was
not always the case, although the fascination with living stones (this is
what magnetites were called, which attracted small pieces of iron.)
This has been well noted by the curious, since these stones were
discovered from a distant antiquity.
Although there was probably some study interest in these lifestones before
the 12th century, there are few reports on the subject, apart from myths. In
the 15th century and before, magnetites from the earth had a medical
destination. These natural magnets have been used to cure bubonic plague,
(to no avail, you'd expect.) But magnetitis was prescribed for almost all
diseases and used as a medication at that time, always with permanent failure
as a result.

And yes, I do! If we put ourselves in the minds of the doctors of the time,
they had to think that if this stone had the power to attract iron, why
would it not attract the disease and thus cure the sick?

Why not after all, if one enters this way of thinking.

On the other hand, the wizards and wizards of this period used the "living
stones" in a completely different way, using them as an influence of
The last use of magnets in the practice of the magical arts were enhanced
by the reputation of the promoter of the theory of animal magnetism, the
famous Franz Friedrich Anton Mesmer, many of whose cures succeeded.
Yet this is just their functions, let's say... Outdoor.
But it is in the last 200 years that their occult uses have developed. In this
book, I hope to give an idea of their hidden applications, or at least, those

that are the least known. I hope this will stimulate you and help you in your
daily life as occultists. I expose some processes in detail while I only touch
others, and this for one reason only. There is an abundance of space for an
interested experimenter to get into the details of the information given in
these pages.
You can easily make by yourself most of the devices I describe, with a
minimum of DIY knowledge. You can experiment with them and judge for
yourself their usefulness. Experimenting with magnets can become a very
useful hobby in your practices because their effectiveness is real.

When and where the properties of magnetism were first discovered will
probably always be an unresolved case in scholastic discussions.
The story of the Cretan shepherd called Magnès finding that the iron tip of
his stick was attracted to certain rocks in the land of Mount Ida is certainly a
myth. However, like many myths, it makes a good story and provides a
simple explanation. A similar story cites the case of a shepherd in the
province of Magnesia in Asia Minor, which is now Turkey, who had done a
bit of the same experience in caring for his sheep. The name of this ancient
city is now identified with all the things that deal with magnetic forces.
Magnetites, these natural magnets, are found in many places around the
world. These natural magnets are often found in iron ore masses and
naturally produce a form of iron oxide, magnetite (Fe, f O4). This rather
heavy rock, usually is black in its color, it is often crystalline, but
sometimes it is just a massive black stone. Scientifically, magnetite is
believed to be a form of iron that has gained its magnetic properties by
being struck by lightning. Lightning transmits a very short but very
powerful electrical current that is accompanied by an equally powerful
magnetic field. A few experiments conducted by Dr. Peter Wasilewski at

Langmuir's laboratory at the University of New Mexico have shown that
this theory of magnetism is quite probably correct.
There are other iron oxides, and all are magnetic, or capable of being
magnetized. The red iron oxide, (FeO and FeO9) is not attracted to the
magnet at all. It seems that only magnetite is magnetized by lightning to
become what it is.

From the time of the discovery of magnetites, probably by the Arcadians,

Greeks, Chinese, or by all independently, until about the 19th century,
magnetite was the only magnet available. Magnetite charms are inscribed
with the symbol of the Marduk God and have been found in the ancient
Sumer. From the time of its discovery, magnetites were almost certainly
used in magical practices. Because of its unique property to attract iron,
many additional myths and stories have gathered around this strange stone.
As a result, magnetites have become the source of many fantastic and
beautiful stories over time. Archimedes (287-212 A.JC.) , in a rather
whimsical story, said that he could remove the irons from enemy ships, and
sink them. Even today, using the most powerful electromagnets now
available, we would be unable to achieve such a feat. On the other hand,
Archimedes had designed mirrors capable of setting enemy ships on fire
and sinking them.
In the vicinity of 70 A.JC, Titus Lucretius Carus in his De Rerum Nalura,
said that amagnetite could support a string of small iron rings, each adhering
to the one below the others. He did not recognize it as a magnetic induction,
but only believed to be a natural curiosity of magnetites.
Pliny the Elder (between 23-79) wrote that there was a hill near the Indus
River that was entirely made up of a stone that attracts iron. Similarly, the
myths of magnetic islands that attracted ships to them also circulated. There
were many other wonderful and amazing stories about this stone, but most
of them have no foundation at all. In a history dating back to the mid-12th
century, magnets have been described as a defense system. This story,
written in 1157, gave a whimsical description of magnetites that were placed
within the walls of Carthage. These magnetites were supposed to attract iron

weapons and armor. Thus, the magnetites in the walls protected the city
from invasion.

Because of their property of attracting small pieces of iron, magnetites soon

gained a reputation both in mysticism and a semi-scientific reputation. For
several years, the effects of magnetism and magnetites were only one of
those natural curiosities in the secular world and amused many those who
knew more.
The compass, which indicates the direction of the North by the use of a
magnetized needle, was apparently mentioned in Chinese scriptures around
the year 83. There was a reference to a "spoon pointing south" found in the
documents of that time. Chinese sky maps, astrological graphs, place the
south at the top, unlike western maps, which place the north at the top.
Therefore, the Chinese would sail by using an instrument pointing south,
rather than north. This is an endless discussion. The Chinese apparently
used their magnetic Southern-only indicators for travel to Earth.
A Chinese author, however, casually says that "foreign sailors" used a
magnetic compass on ships sailing between Canton and Sumatra. In the
first decade of the 12th century, Chinese geomanciens used the
magnetized needle compass. Today, the geophysicist's compass is not a
magnetic instrument at all, but rather an aid in calculation and orientation.
The magnetic compass is only a complement to the geomancien's
compass, the instrument on which the geomancien relies.
The first European mention on the compass was made by Alexander
Neckham (1157-1217),a monk from St Albans, England. In his work De
Naluris Rerum, he describes the compass, but he did not seem to regard it
as a new invention. The compass was first introduced apparently to
Europe around the 12th century. In the first quarter of the 13th century,
magnetic compasses were considered a necessity for navigation. The first
studies of magnetism, as they might have been, were done purely for
practical reasons, mainly sailors. The sailor's compass has developed
rapidly and over the years it has become a more accurate and
indispensable instrument.

Meanwhile, ordinary people who traveled on land during the last quarter
of the Middle Ages used smaller freely suspended magnetites to move on
a string, much like a pendulum hanging at the end of its wire.
In 1236, William Auvergne, the Bishop of Paris, compared the movement of
celestial spheres to magnetic induction, the ability of a magnetite to magnetize
a small piece of iron. He advanced this interesting theory in his book De
Universeo Creaturarum. It was then believed that these celestial spheres
were moving in each other, the Earth being placed in the center.
The first "more or less scientific" mention of the magnets was reported by
Petrus Peregrinus of Maricourt, a French crusader. In 1269 he wrote to a
compatriot his Epislula de Magnete (The Letter on the
Magnet)aboutmagnetites. Petrus Peregrinus, according to Roger Bacon,
was the greatest experimenter to date. In his Letter on the Magnet,
Peregrinus explained how to identify the poles of a magnet (which he
called in his belief that they looked a bit like the poles of the Earth) and
discussed their attraction and repulsion. His letters connected between the
compass and the natural magnets. He also identified magnetic power lines
and discussed how magnetism can be transferred from magnetites to the
needle of a compass. His Letter on the Magnet covered and opened a great
deal of information on the knowledge of the magnets available at that time,
and it was considered the most authorized text on the subject of magnetism
for the next three hundred years.
In his voyage to America in 1492, Christopher Columbus noted that the
compass needle did not exactly point north, as indicated by the polar star.
While in Spain, the needle veered slightly eastward. When he headed east,
he claimed that there were slight changes in direction towards which the
needle was pointing, and that the compass tip pointed slightly to the
northwest when it was in Haiti. In 1498, Columbus wrote his observations,
suggesting that the error in the compass could either point east or west from
the true north, which could depend on the location of the compass on earth.
This error is called the declination error or compass error. Columbus'
conclusion was not widely accepted at that time, except that all his
observations on the compass are universally accepted today.

Phillippus Aureolus Paracelsus (dear Paracelse 1493-1541), the well-

knownmedicalinnovator, occultist and alchemist, claimed that the magnet
attracts all the "martial moods" found in the human system. He went on to
say that the magnet should be placed in the centre of the disease, attracting
the disease, thus destroying the head of the virus and healing the patient. He
recommended this treatment especially for inflammations, flows, ulceration,

bowel and uterine diseases and in both internal and external diseases.
William Gilbert of Colchester, England, published his great treatise on
magnets, De Magnete,in 1600, using references from the letter of Petrus
Peregrinus, as well as many of his own experimental observations. Gilbert's
work became the most authorized text on magnets for the next hundred
years and encouraged many other "natural philosophers" throughout
Europe and began experimenting with magnets. Between 1600 and 1609
Galileo performed a number of experiments with magnetism, alluding both
in conversations and in correspondence with his friends about Gilbert's
work, "De Magnete". Gilbert's book introduces into the European
scientific community the idea of magnetites as experimental objects. Gilbert
had realized that the Earth itself was a huge magnet, with its poles located
(he assumed) near the geographical north and south poles.
Gilbert also assumed that iron being exposed to the Earth's magnetic field
would become magnetized for several years.
Indeed, it is this characteristic of a large number of objects and material
that allows us to measure the changes in the Earth's magnetic field that
have occurred during the long eras of geological time. As scientific
instruments have become increasingly sensitive and sophisticated, it is now
possible for scientists to measure more and more weaker magnetic fields.

This was the surprising result of the revelation that almost everything on
Earth has its own magnetic field that surrounds it.
Gilbert had described another method of making magnets.
Heat an iron rod at high temperature and then hammer it when it has
cooled. We now know that if iron is heated beyond a certain point, its
Point of Curie (called as the French scientist, Pierre Curie, 1859-
1906),it loses all its magnetism. Worked and cooled, the iron will retain the
existing magnetic field around it.
Naturally, this kind of magnet is not powerful.
But... This is no longer the case today because we can have super
powerful magnets.
So I'm going to stop my little history here, which could easily be much
I will continue on a short presentation on magnetic storms and then move
directly to practice.
In 1830, a German pharmacist and amateur astronomer called
Heinrich Schwabe discovered the 11-year-old sunspot cycle.
They then discovered that large magnetic storms slightly influence the
direction of the compass needle on ships and land, and attach to them
those years that have most sunspots. In 1908, George Elery Hale resolved
that these sunspots were in fact magnetic storms on the surface of the sun
(see how to benefit from these solar magnetic storms in my book "The
Sacred Fire of the Sun.) The effect of these magnetic storms is carried on
the Earth by the "solar winds", which continuously blow from the sun
towards the Earth, bringing photons of light, radiation of different kinds
and many free electrons ... (like me!)

Between 1862 and 1864 the interaction between electricity and magnetism
was demonstrated by the brilliant Scottish mathematician, James Clerk
Maxwell (1831-1879) by a set of seemingly simple equations and
calculations. As his mathematical explanation demonstrated that light was
an electrical phenomenon too, he opened the door to the application of
electromagnetic theory, the discovery of radio waves and finally, much of
what we know today as in modern physics. Maxwell was one of the
greatest scientists who made a great contribution to our current knowledge
in a wide range of scientific fields.

In the 19th century, when dynamos made it possible to generate electricity
in almost unlimited quantities, the practical use of electromagnets was
soon discovered. Subsequently, the effect of the magnetic field surrounded
by electrical wires was applied in the invention of the electric motor. This
unique invention quickly brought an industrial revolution, the age of

The Earth's magnetic field and its fluctuations

Scientists have discovered several other magnetic fields that are

considerably smaller and are becoming weaker at a rate of about 5% each
century and the rate of decline may have increased even about since the
1970s. If this trend continues, some scientists expect that in another 2,000
years or more, the Earth's magnetic field will reverse and reverse.
However, this should never happen, because the Earth's magnetic field
would not disappear because the other fields discovered by scientists like
Carl Friedrich Gauss of Germany (which he called the 4 poles, the 8
poles and so on), become stronger as the bi-pole (the two known poles)
weakens. As these changes in the Earth's magnetism occur, it was
assumed that the total magnetic energy present on the Earth would remain
the same. What would change only would be the dominant direction of the
compass, it would indicate the South instead of the present North.
This is something that has happened at least once in the Earth's long
geological history. More recently, the poles were reversed about 700,000
years ago. On the sun, the magnetic poles are also reversed.
We should not be alarmed by this potential reversal of the Earth's
magnetic poles, nor should we be too worried about the weakening of the
magnetic field. The Earth's magnetic field is a natural phenomenon over
which humanity has no control at all. Some make it "a big deal on the
internet" and announce completely hilarious things. It is also something
that will probably not be felt or harm an individual who wears magnetic
jewelry, or those who use magnetic devices of any kind. By then, our
technology will have taken giant steps and solutions will certainly be found
in the event of a problem.
Magnetism directly affects not only the compass, but also people, insects,
birds and many animals. There are magnetic bacteria and we know that
birds, marine mammals, and even insects have an innate sense of magnetic
direction. Professor Orley Taylor of the University of Kansas has shown
that during their migration, monarch butterflies use magnetism (among
other things, such as their biological clock and sunlight) to navigate.
This explains the strange accuracy with which these fragile creatures
complete their annual migration journey of more than 2,500 kilometers
between the United States and Mexico.
Having somewhat explained the historical background of magnetites,
magnets, compasses we will now see what magnets are and how it is that
they can work as well.

What you need to know about magnets

In the last century, scientists have learned that every known thing on Earth
is influenced to some degree by the Earth's magnetic field and that almost
everything on Earth has its own magnetic charge or magnetic field. From
recording these magnetic fields, scientists with extremely fine instruments
have learned a great deal about the geology of the Earth and its
development over long periods of geological time.
Whether it's scientists or occultists, everyone can work in their own way
with magnets, using them each to their advantage in many applications,
but no one seems to have a real idea of what a magnetic field actually is.
As an approach to trying to understand what a magnetic field is, we can
say that magnetic properties are the result of forces between electrical
charges (as found in atoms and moving molecules). All we really know is
that electricity and magnetism seems to be very closely connected to each
other. Of course, this is a simplification. A physicist would have a much
more elegant explanation of the magnetic effect.
The magnets usually have two poles, a pole that indicates the north and a
pole that indicates the south. You should be aware of this difference and
always be sure which poles of the magnet (or which pole) is about your
Some manufactured magnets have three poles, in this case, the third pole
is usually located between the other two. The possibility of a magnet with
a single pole (the single-polemagnet) is actively sought by scientists who
deal with this type of phenomenon. We have nothing in common (for
now) with the three-pole magnets and we will have to wait to experiment
with the magnets with a single pole when they are created.

So in this book we will only deal with natural magnets, namely magnetites
and the usual magnets at two poles.
There are some scientific laws in this case with magnets. You
absolutely have to learn and remember each pole, since they are very
important for someone working with magnets. The first law we must
remember is the law of magnetic poles.
This law tells us that the poles of a magnet attract and regrow. This,
anyone knows.

Lines of strength around a magnetized bar demonstrated by iron chip

The Law of Magnetic Polarities

First exposed by Petrus Peregrinus in 1269, similar magnetic poles repel,

opposite magnetic poles attract.
If the two ends of a magnet are drawn to each other, it means that they
are opposite poles: one of the poles is the north, the other the south. We
do not know which pole is the north or what the south is, but we really

know that they are of different polarities. If both ends repel each other, we
know that they are similar poles. Again, we do not know which pole they
are, but we know for sure that the poles are similar. The law of magnetic
poles is the most fundamental law of working with magnets.
A magnetic field is defined as a region in space where the presence of a
magnetic force can be discovered. It's actually all over the Earth, not only
in a magnet study lab, but everywhere, since the Earth has its own
magnetic field. However, the magnetic field around any magnet you may
want to work with should only be used if you can discover it or know it.
On this subject, the polarities on some magnets is indicated. Your only
instrument for detection will be a compass, and you will find that the field
of your magnet will not extend very far at all. A compass discovers the
earth's magnetic field itself, and that's why it can give you a bad
directional reading if you have other magnets around you when you're
trying to look for the pole with a compass.
If you experiment with a magnet bar, a piece of glass or paper and a little
iron chip, you will discover that the magnetic field of any magnet is always
the strongest at its poles.

A magnetic field experiment

For this experience, you will need a magnetized bar, iron chip and a piece
of glass or a sheet of paper (cardboard is stronger and does not deform)
to deposit the iron chip.
Place the magnetized bar on a table. Put the glass plate or cardboard sheet
in it. Sprinkle a handful of iron chip on the glass or cardboard and notice
how the chip fits. The lines of the iron chip expose what are world-famous
as magnetic power lines.
This is a way of indicating the presence of a magnetic field.
The stronger the magnetic field, the more the lines of force are gathered.
In fact, all the iron chip has just been temporarily converted into a set of
small magnets that have their own polarity.
The scientists have decided (without any real evidence, but they all agree
in this case) that the magnetic lines of force flow from the North Pole
goes to the South Pole outside the magnet and heads from the South Pole
to the North Pole inside the magnet.
This kind of decision is known as a conventional definition. There are
many of these conventional definitions that are found both in the field of
physical science and in the field of nonphysicalforces, which we can call
occult science. These conventional definitions describe something that
cannot be proven or refuted.
For example, there is no evidence anywhere that magnetic fields circulate,
just like electrical current or any other energy.
However, for the benefit of understanding these phenomena, it is
sometimes said that magnetic fields circulate, move, etc. Like any energy
that exists here or from elsewhere.
For my part, and this only engages my way of thinking, all energy (whether
magnetic, electric or of any other nature is available, it is enough only to
capture it, and then animate it to use it.)
One explanation for magnets is that in a certain material, such as hard
magnetic ferro material, individual atoms and molecules can align in a
certain way and then maintain that alignment indefinitely. Thus, inside
each permanent magnet are supposed to consist of millions of small
magnets, practically the size of a molecule and their poles are oriented in
the same way as the larger magnet. So if you break a permanent magnet,
you will have a number of permanent magnets. Each piece of the old
magnet now becomes a small magnet in itself.
The Earth's magnetic poles do not coincide with the rotational axis of the

Earth or the geographical poles,(which is of great importance in
radionics). In other words, the north magnetic pole is not at the
geographic North Pole. To complicate matters a little more, the Earth's
magnetic field varies in intensity and, to a lesser extent, in direction, all
over the Earth. This variation is due to the presence of metal ores in the
earth, the rise above sea level and its relationship with other celestial
bodies in the solar system (especially the sun). However, all of these
magnetic fluctuations are minor and most of them are extremely minimal.
For our occultist purposes, we will completely ignore all these magnetic
fluctuations that serve us no purpose in the context of this text.

Understanding Magnetic Polarities and Magnetic
Magnetic poles are defined by the direction in which they point in the
Earth's magnetic field. There has always been a lot of confusion on this
point, so I will explain it first and then I will illustrate it.
The pole that indicates the north of a magnet points northward into the
northern hemisphere.
The pole that indicates the south of a magnet points southwards, in the
Southern Hemisphere.
When I refer to the North Pole of a magnet, I mean the pole that indicates
the north, and when I refer to the South Pole of a magnet, I am of course
referring to the pole that indicates the south. As I said by the way, other
books can give a different perspective of the poles. Be absolutely sure that
you know which pole you use especially in magic and magnetic healing.
If you think of the Earth as a hollow ball inside which someone has put a
magnet bar, you will have an idea of how the magnetic poles work inside
our Earth. The hollow ball rotates around an axis, but the magnet that is
inside the ball is not accessed exactly in the ball's rotation axis. Now
suppose that from time to time this magnet slides a little inside the hollow
ball. The rotation axis may change a little over the years, but the magnet
axis and the rotational axis of the hollow ball never seem to coincide.
Thinking about it this way, you may think that if you are on the ball (our
Earth) and you use a compass that returns to the north magnetic pole, it
will not necessarily return to the geographic North Pole.

Magnetic and geographic poles diagram

For example: The north is indicated by a small line at the top of each
direction of the compass. You can easily see that the magnetic north is
never the same in relation to the geographical pole.
The axis of the Earth's rotation is linked to the north and south geographic
poles. The angle is measured between the geographic poles and the
magnetic poles, which are slightly different on all the different places on
this earth, is known as magnetic declination (or sometimes as the compass
As soon as you understand this concept, you may want to learn the
magnetic variation of your own location on Earth. The easiest way to find
out is to go to your public library or maybe to your town hall and look at a
topographical map of your location. Almost all topographic maps show a
"declination correction index." You can also find this variation on the
internet for the place where you live.

Permanent magnetic and electromagnetic fields

A permanent magnet has an immutable magnetic field. The North Pole of

a permanent magnet is still the North Pole; The South Pole is still the
South Pole. An electromagnet is created by applying electricity through a
roll of wire. If we change the voltage polarity that is applied to an
electromagnet, we can change the poles of the magnetic field. If we apply
an alternating current to a wire roller, we will find that the magnet poles
will be alternated, when the alternating current switches from positive to

An electromagnetic experiment

Take a cardboard tube, which is found in the center of a roll of paper

towels. Surround it with several towers of fine copper wire, such as the
one that is used to connect a doorbell. So surround all around this
cardboard tube this fine copper wire. You now have the beginning of an
electromagnet. If you place a compass at the end of the tube and connect
a flashlight battery to the ends of the wire (NEVER connect this roller to
an electrical outlet, DANGER !!!!!!) , you will find that the north pole or
the south pole of your compass is oriented towards the end of the wire
roll. Now reverse the polarity by switching the wires connected to your
stack. You will see the compass needle pointing towards the roller itself.
This is essentially the same experiment that Ampere carried out,
demonstrating that the magnetism created by electricity in a wire roller was
the same as what was found in a magnetite or a natural magnet.

The magnetic field

If we take care of the magnetic field of a permanent magnet or an

electromagnet, we must take into account that the magnetic field of any
magnet is born and ends in the magnet that is its source. If we consider
magnetic fields as sources of energy, we may think that energy is born
there and must return to the source of its origin. Thus, each permanent
magnet must be considered to have its own magnetic field and is an
independent source of magnetic energy. Even when two magnets are
firmly held together by their mutual attraction, their magnetic fields meet,
but they do not exchange. Magnetic fields remain separate and distinct in
all cases.
You can break a magnet into a thousand pieces, you will then get a
thousand small magnets. It is only an image, an example but one that
remains in a reality.

The magic of magnets

Part 1

The magical use of magnetites (natural magnets)

The ancients thought magnetites were living stones. From an animist point
of view, even a rock has a spirit of life inside. The natural magnetic ability
of magnetites is what has given people the belief that magnetites are alive
in a certain way. Since magnetites have been discovered since time
immemorial, they have been objects of curiosity, interest and fascination.
It's no wonder that those who found them originally used them for magical

Attraction of desired things

As magnetites attract small pieces of iron, the ancients frequently used

them in magic to attract the different things that the person they were
working for could desire. Magical charms with magnetite have been found
in the region of ancient Sumer (now southern Iraq). This charm was
inscribed with the name of the God Marduk (which some of you now
know well through my book about him), with a call or names of praise for
him to work remotely, and it is precisely an attribute of
One also perceives the attractiveness that a magnetite possesses and that is
able to attract people to the wearer. Because of this ability, magnetite
charms were once worn by prostitutes in order to attract customers. Some
of them have even reported the success of a magnetite charm that they
wear in a red cotton bag or sewn into their bra or elsewhere in their
underwear. This is certainly much less dangerous for them than using the
blue stone amulet (copper sulphate) that is used for these issues in Arabic

We know that the attractive power of magnetite is useful in attracting a

partner, and when a man places a magnetite on or under his bed, he is
supposed to attract a woman into that bed (and not for a card game!)
There is no old equivalent charm for a woman, since women were
supposed to want to call a husband to them, rather than just a lover to.
That's why most magnetite amulets for women are more for a man for
marriage rather than casual, headless sex. Although today, and fortunately,
many things have changed in female sexuality.
Men who place magnetite in oil and then anoint their sex with it, are able
to increase their virility and sexual performance. This is probably a popular
application, because in the "hot" countries ,, (Spain, Mexico, Brazil, and
all around the Mediterranean basin)these oils are found for sale in most
occult and spiritual supply stores. In Mexico and Italy, for example,
magnetites are frequently worn by men in the belt buckle to increase their
sexual performance.
Similarly, magnetized amulets are supposed to increase the chance at
Magnetite amulets that are made for a particular purpose
(any one) must then be "fed" by a little iron chip according to a regular
schedule until the result.
One thing they all have in common is that they are used to attract

something that the person making the charm or one using it, wants to have
as their own.

Modern magical applications

Modern magnets are more powerful and can be advantageously replaced

with magnetites.
General concepts for practicing magnet magic
The magnetic charms, made with modern metallic ceramic and composite
magnets, have an effect similar to these charms made with natural
magnetites. Over the years, I have found that with these modern magnets,
it is considerably easier to work with.

Very important, feeding the stones

Magnetite feeding

If you want to use magnetites, know that there are different techniques to
feed them, according to different traditions.

A Mexican method
Like people, magnetites, after a week of work, then need free time to rest
and regain strength.
1. On Friday evenings, place your magnetite in a glass of wine, water
or a strong alcohol and let it soak overnight.
2. Take it out of the liquid on Saturday morning and sprinkle it with
magnetic sand or iron chip.
3. Allow the magnetite to rest until Sunday evening or Monday
morning, then put it back in its bag.

Voodoo methods

1. Coats magnetite with the oil of your choice according to the desired
results. So if you want magnetite to attract you a new love, choose oil
that attracts love and then sprinkle the magnetite with a few drops of
whiskey or similar drink.
2. Then add iron chip.
Sometimes, after prolonged labor or when it is used to make an oil, a
magnetite can drain its power.

The following formulas are intended to feed a radically reduced magnetite:

Tired magnetite refill (1)

1. Remove magnetite with olive oil.

2. Place it in a pocket filled with soil for three days. (Crossroads land
is the best, if possible.)

Tired magnetite refill (2)

1. Place the magnetite in a metal glass, geode or bowl.

2. Cover it with dirt. (Again the land of a crossroads if possible, but all
land will work.)
3. Keep the bowl inside a closed cupboard for three days.

Wash and remove information from stones for the
first use

Once you've fed a magnetite with magnetic sand (or iron chip),what do
you do next? Well, you wash the stone and start again.
Remove all the magnetic sand and set it aside, bathe the stone in the
whiskey, let it dry, coat it with oil, and it is ready to be fed again. You can
reuse the same magnetic sand, as long as it is clean.

Magnetite is also known as The Stone of Luck

Magnetite charm for luck (1)

1. Coat a magnetite with one or more lucky condition oils, for example
Black Cat Oil (WARNING: it is not a cat that has soaked in oil, but a
composition),root of High John the Conqueror, or Van Vanoil.
2. Sprinkle it with its favourite food, magnetic sand (iron chip).
3. Carry with you in a red cotton bag.
4. Restore the power of your magnetite by feeding it once a week.

Magnetite charm for luck, feeding stone (2)

1. Place a magnetite in a small covered terracotta pot.

2. Once a week, systematically on the same day, take it out of its pot and
place it in a bowl of spring water. Sit in front for a few minutes while
you express blessings that entered your life the previous week, thank
and drink this water or add it to your bath.
3. Dry the magnetite and put it back in its pot.
4. Feed it by sprinkling iron chip.
5. Add a coin to the pot for financial luck. For emotional luck, add a photo
of the person you love or want or any other symbol of love.

A magic box with seven powers

Seven is the number of miracles and good luck. Fill a magic box with
seven lucky charms. Here are some suggestions:
1. Root of High John the Conqueror. (Ipomoea purga) which gives
strength and luck, breaks obstacles.

2. Root of low John the conqueror. (Trillium pendulum)thatundoes bad luck.

3. A horseshoe magnet

4. Four-leaf clover or clover (real or representation).

5. Magnetite.

6. A pyrite or a small piece of real gold.

7. A tonka bean.

You can easily find all these products on the internet.

Another bag for the money

The alfalfa seed has a leaf-like use: A small packet of seeds in a sewn and
well-closed pouch, kept in your wallet makes your money easier to earn.
The fenugrec seed is also used to attract money. These two types of
seeds (which are botanically attached) can be combined in a package, to
add power.
Similarly, the following products can be added: Four-spice, cinnamon,
manna, pyrite, sassafras and any silver-related product such as some
Vaudou powders.

Make a magnetic oil

Choose a good olive or sunflower oil that you pour into a jar that closes
and place the magnetite inside for a minimum of one week, the ideal being
a complete lunar 28 days starting on the day of the new Moon. Take the
jar in your right hand and recite the 23rd Psalm of the Bible for 7 days so
as to load this oil of luck, then leave the jar alone in a cupboard for the
time allotted.
The same principle can apply according to your own needs, just choose
the psalm suitable for your situation.
This oil can be used in two different ways, but can be used together:
- The first, to feed the stone.
- The second, to anoince his wrists and behind the ears.

In the practice of 20th and 21st century lithotherapy that uses minerals for
healing, the meanings given to magnetite and another Iron ore, hematite, is
similar. Both are said to offer "balancing" or "grounding." They "align the
chakras" and strengthen the circulatory system.
They help cure blood diseases and support the immune system.
They may also be prescribed to relieve restless or depressed states of
We don't use these minerals for grounding or balancing chakras in our
context, we use it to attract things or people by their magnetic force.

Name (or baptize) magnetites to attract love

A pair of magnetites is always named for the people for whom the work is
done - either you and your lover or the clients you work for. Of course,
you already know which stone is the "he" and which is the "she" by their
shapes. A male magnetite is pyramidal or pointed and a female magnetite
is cubic or rounded. Size is not important and, in fact, stones should be
roughly equal in size and weight.

Male and female magnetites

This procedure, which is sometimes called "baptizing" stones, can become

a small ceremony that you perform before the actual ritual work. Take
and hold the male magnetite in your left hand, drizzle it with whiskey or
holy water and say the name of the man saying, "magnetite you are
(name) that is mine (or untelle)", and youare (name)". Then you draw
above the magnetite an X with the index and middle finger of your other
hand. You then do the same with female magnetite with the name of the
woman involved in the case. Now the stones are ready to be used for
these people.
Coat them with an oil of attraction or a love oil and feed the stones with
iron chip. The whole thing will be enclosed in a bag of red cotton and
carried by the person who requested this work.

A practice for merchants

Get a great magnetite, coat it with the attraction oil, and put it in your cash
register. Feed the magnetite with iron chip and at every sale, act as if you
were offering him that money.
Every Friday, feed your magnetite with iron chip, then pick up and take
out a few coins from the previous week and put them in another location
that you will give to your customers by returning the change. It's your
"magnetic" money and, as you're going to give it, it will bring more money
to your store. On the other hand, always keep a fifty or one hundred euro
note with your magnetite.

A magnetic ritual for business

Start this ritual seven days before the Full Moon. If you can do it in your
workplace, it will be fine, otherwise do it at home.
You'll need:
• 7 green candles
• 1 packet of magnetic sand (or iron chip)
• 1 bottle of money oil Money Drawing
• 1 packet of Money Drawing powder
• 7 5 euro notes (or 7 notes of the same value)
7 coins of 1 or 2 euros
A plate or tray for magnetite

Getting the job done

Place the magnetite on the tray or plate on a table or altar.

Coat the candles with oil and arrange them in the shape of a crescent
around and behind the magnetite.
From left to right, every morning light a candle and anoi on the four
corners of a ticket with Money Drawing oil and place the ticket under the
As you do this, say Psalm 23 and then feed the stone with a pinch of iron
chip by saying, "Magnetite, as you attract this chip to you, attracts money
for us/me every day." Let the candle burn halfway each day and turn it off
by pinching the wick. After 7 days, all the candles will be half burned.
Now move on to the next phase the same night. Everything is the same:
you light a candle every night, but anoineer a coin every night and place it
under the magnetite, say the Psalm, and when you feed the stone with
the iron chip, you say, "Magnetite, as you attract this chip to you, attracts
money for us/me every day."
This time, you let the candles burn until they are completely consumed.
The ritual ends at the full moon. Clear the altar and bury all the wax left

by the candles.

Place a genius in a bottle

Geniuses are very powerful entities to attract wealth and there are
several specialized in this field.

Do exactly what I say to get the best possible results.

This ritual changed the lives of hundreds of different people when I was
consulting. It is easy to make and produces very good results.


A glass bottle with the lid that symbolizes the life generator ... uterus.
A red pen.
A piece of pyrite (which has a powerful energy field)
A natural string or a white ribbon.
A paper that can also be vegetable parchment.
A little magnetite.
A drop of your blood.

The time for this ritual doesn't matter

We pay no attention to the planetary day or the phases of the moon.

The entity is fed every 7 days as a reference to the day you did the
ritual. So choose a day that you think you have time in the future to
feed the entity.

Step 1
Light a white candle, as it is in the picture.

Step 2

Put the bottle in front of you.

Step 3
Put the pyrite and magnetite inside the bottle.

Step 4
Write the terms of the pact on paper.

"I (your name and surname) I put you in this bottle

genius Sachian and that, from this day on, you will
attract the
wealth and money for me. As
payment for your services, I'll give
a drop of my blood every week. That way, you'll
grow in power
and magic. »

Step 5

Roll the paper or parchment with the string or fabric strip.

Step 6
Put the parchment inside the bottle.

Step 7
Put 1 drop of blood inside the bottle, which is nothing more than the
magic "fuel."

Step 8
Close the bottle and let the candle burn until the end.
As you can see the ritual is quite simple, however, it is extremely
powerful and I recommend it to have good results. However, do not see
this ritual as a supreme weapon to change your life, but rather as another
"weapon" in your arsenal to turn your dreams into reality.

Power manifests itself every 7 days, from the day the entity was created.

The strengthening ritual
Step 1
Light a white candle, although the candle is optional, this gives better

Step 2
Open the bottle.

Step 3
Put a drop of your blood.

Step 4

Enchantment is said at the time of the genius's feeding.

"With my blood, I feed you so that you may keep the

flow of prosperity in my life."

Step 5
Close the lid.

Step 6
Allow the candle to burn until the end.

Step 7
Put the candle in the trash and store the bottle in a secret location.

Here is a sequence of multiple answers to several questions. If you have

any questions, surely the answer is below.

In case you need to travel, take the bottle with you or make sure the
ritual is based on a small bottle.

You will get small or large sums of money, but always referring to your
own routes of protest. First values like 10 to 20 euros, then the sums
increase if you use what the genius gave you to get more.

Never give more than one drop of blood a week.

The genie can die if you are the victim of a black magic ritual or the fall of
the bottle that breaks.

As soon as the ritual is performed, it begins to produce results.

You have to take a bottle that has never been used.

Now, I would like to address a few simple rules, not necessarily

necessary, but that have everything to add you a little extra that is not
First of all, for your bags prefer the following colors depending on their

The colors associated with the planets and their virtues follow:

Planet Activity Color

Sun yellow or gold

creativity, success, victory,

emotions, intuition, occult, hidden purple, silver, blue or
things white

March Red

aggression, lust, conflict, passion

Mercury communication, travel

orange, purple or

Jupiter Business, law, education blue or purple

Venus love, sex, art, beauty Green

Saturn Barriers, restrictions, protection Black

Important numbers
When I was experimenting with the making of various amulets, I was
given a set of numbers to use. I really didn't know how important they
were. But as time went on, I continued to make amulets, and I quickly
realized how the numbers influence these bags, the packets or the vials
themselves. In general, the theory is that these numbers relate to the
number of ingredients you put in your bag.

Traditionally the numbers are: three, five, seven, nine and thirteen. Why
these numbers? Simply because of their significance in numerology, to
determine the characteristics of people's personality when they were born.
This table gives a basic overview of the meanings of numbers in
numerology. Not all have the traditional meanings of numerology, I added
those that relate to the witch tradition that taught me.

Imagination, expression, creativity, the Trinity, the triple goddess, talent,
inspiration, optimism.

Adventure, freedom, adaptation; the number of the human race (one
head, two arms, two legs), pentagram, the five elements (air, fire,
water, earth, spirit),material goods.

Spirituality, concentration, introspection, the number of God, seven
spirits of God, magic, the seven candlesticks, the "perfect" number.

Death, ends, feelings, emotional instability, nine worlds of spiritual plane,


No real area of influence, but that's the number to use for extremely
powerful and strong amulets.

But today I tend to use a different system. I have come to use a number

system that is much more familiar and above all more traditional and
accurate. You can use either, of course, that's why I've included both here
to do your own experiments.

But for my part, I much prefer the associations of numbers with the seven
classic planets, which go in line with the colors. You will notice here,
however, that not all numbers are odd numbers. I use these quantities of
ingredients anyway, because this way of doing produces a greater
association with the virtues and energies of the planets, which is important
to me. The numbers of association with the planets and their meanings are
below, and are related to the Tree of Life. I did not include the spheres of
Kether, Chokmah,and the absolutesphere, the source of knowledge, I
named Daath. The reason is very simple, these spheres are very particular
and touch more on the higher principles of humans and most plants are

Planet Number Virtue

Sun 6 Creativity, success, victory, confidence

Moon 9 Emotions, intuition, occults, hidden things

March 5 Aggression, lust, conflict, passion

Mercury 8 Communication, travel

Jupiter 4 Business, law, education

Venus 7 Love, sex, art, beauty, passion

Saturn 3 Barriers, restrictions, delays, protection

So, for example, if I had to make a package to protect myself from
dangerous spirits, I would use three ingredients. Three protective products
to use would be for example dragon blood resin, a thorn from any thorny
bush or tree, and a protective seal that I will choose in this text. This
would be in accordance with Saturn's planetary virtue and, moreover, I
will use a black cloth for the pouch.

The rite of awakening

I could have put this chapter first before any practical description, but
since you know how to prepare your bags or whatever now, you will learn
to "wake up" the force that is enclosed in your little pouch, or bottle.
There are five main stages to the Rite of Awakening, here they are:

1. Raising the sorcerer's fire

2. Wake up the ingredients
3. Seal the spell
4. Acceleration and appointment
5. First power supply

The coronation of awakening

Before you start the rite, make sure you have all your necessary
ingredients and supplies at your fingertips.
For sachets, make sure you have your cloth or square circle, whatever it
takes for sewing, cord (string or leather cord) that you will use to attach
the set and alcohol you will use for the first diet, such as whiskey, rum or
whatever, and of course your magnetite and iron chip.
For packets, have paper and glue or fabric, with the needle and thread
nearby. Again, all the fasteners and first power equipment should be at
hand too.

And for the bottles, take the bottle, all the ingredients you put inside, and a
lit candle to seal the cap with the melted wax. (You may want to choose a
candle of color that corresponds to planetary virtue, and that corresponds
to the purpose of your work. That's a very good idea!)

Raising the sorcerer's fire

Methods for raising the sorcerer's fire vary.

One way is to breathe the sorcerer's fire. If you have meditated for a very
long time or done a lot of energy work in your magical life, this could be
the easiest method for you. Also, if you are naturally intuitive, the
following breathing method might work well for you.
To try the breathing method, I recommend sitting in a sitting position, feet
well on the ground with your hands laid and relaxed on your knees. Take
a deep breath for several minutes. Imagine where you are sitting and start
imagining yourself surrounded by a red mist or flame. As you continue to
inhale slowly and deeply, visualize that this energy enters your pores and
fills your body. Try to get a feeling that your body is having that energy
that comes into you and fills you. When you feel that you are full of that
energy, mist or fire, you are ready. It's the Wizard's Fire.

Another method I really like to use is called the "S technique."

This is a hissing technique on the exhalation, one sits comfortably with
your legs (or feet) crossed on the floor in a relaxed state. Take very deep
breaths and then exhale through your teeth, so as to make an
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS hiss like a snake. As far as I am concerned, I do it
for a total of thirteen times, but there is nothing to prevent you from doing
more or less. But if you do more, you may feel a little dizzy. It is also a
good practice that usually fills with energy in the same sense as the
sorcerer fire.

Wake up products

If you add one spoonful of mint plus two more cinnamon plus a little
lavender in a pot, it's only going to be a simple blend of plants. What we
are looking for is not just a mixture of harmless plants, but an effective
mix for our good old magic. This step is quite simple and you should know
that the dried herbs from the grocery store are not dead. They all still have
their own minds even though they are currently dormant. That's why we
have to awaken the spirit of plants, or minerals when creating a magic bag
or a bottle, bottle, etc.

To wake up the ingredients that need to be used, just take them one by
one, and tell them the next sentence. You can use something similar of
your choice, but try to include words that mean something like "wake up,"
or "come to life," and so on.

My sentence is this one by holding the product in the right hand:

You (ProductName) , wake up to life and remember the

fullness of your power.

It's extremely simple, but it works.

Then I blow three times on the product whatever it is.
Then I put this product in the bag, the package or the bottle.

Seal the spell

This particular step takes a slightly different shape, depending on whether

you are making a bag, a vial or a packet.
For a bag, crack a match and place it in the bag. Then grab the closed bag
with your hand to smother the flame of the match. Then inhale and exhale
three times into the bag.
All that remains is after removing the match to attach the bag with the
desired cord length, usually at the level of the solar plexus.
You can seal the knot with wax from a candle if you wish, but it is not
For a package, you can use the match technique if you want, but you need
to be sure that the match is out before sewing the package. Breathe three
times into the package. Then take your needle and thread and sew the
opening, preferably from left to right.

For a bottle, a bottle or a jar, you can use the match technique if you
want, but it is very complicated to remove it afterwards. So I don't use it
for vials. Take three breaths in the bottle, being careful not to blow too the
powders or ground herbs that you may have added to avoid any loss of
the powder. Put the lid or cap on the bottle, then pour wax on the lid and
around where the lid closes the bottle to seal it.

Acceleration and denomination

This step speeds up the energies in place, if you prefer, it is the Rite of
Whether what you do is a sachet, a packet or a vial, take the liquid you
will use for your first feed and water it. Whisky or rum is usually used for
If the ritual is sexual, make a mixture of tequila mixed with a little honey.
You can put some of this alcohol in the palm of your hand or in a small
bowl and rub the bag. Also, gently place a few drops of alcohol on the
item if it's easier for you. Similarly, in a bottle, vial or jar, pour the value
of a teaspoon into the container and stir it in all directions so that the liquid
permeates the glass wall.
Then take the products that are out of the liquid, lay them on the left, and
with your right hand above, say something like that...

"I name you (say the name you give him). Wake
up to life and remember your full power. »
Now you will trace the following symbol by pronouncing its name three
times by pressing in the void (as if to fit something in your bag or other).
Some, if not many of you will be greatly surprised, surprised, even purely
... SCANDAL by what I'm going to describe.
Others will even have the thought of wanting to twist my neck for the
enormity of this revelation.
But... When one agrees to remove one's own blinders, when one accepts
to see things in the face as they are, when one is free of one's thoughts,
one can learn more every day.

Here is the famous symbol in question:

Well YES, it's CHO KU REI, the symbol of power in Reiki.
Yes but ... You have to be initiated in the second degree to be able to use
this symbol?
Well not at all, that's what you want to believe those who do not see
beyond the tip of their nose, or who do not know.
For my part, I am master Reiki4th degree Usui and Tibet, and moreover,
I am the founder of a system of magic Reiki very powerful, and that goes
well beyond the simple practices of the usual Reiki.

So I am perfectly empowered, and therefore know very well what I'm

talking about because I went to the very source of Reiki.
Cho Ku Rei is the ONLY AND ONE symbol that
can be used by anyone.

It belongs to some forms of tantric magic very

India and which was found
by Sensei Mikao Usui.
That being said, here's the correct way to trace it.

But, if you are not initiated, I still recommend you "raise" energy before
drawing it. Adopt the SSSSSSSSSSS breathing described above.
Then trace the symbol in both hands by saying its name three times while
gently but firmly clapping your hands:


The exact pronunciation is this in phonetics and rolling the R:


Once this is done, draw the symbol above your bag or other and
pronounce the name three times by pressing your hand without touching
the bag.

First power supply

You probably think you've already had the first diet when you put your
new friend in the liquid or when you sprayed him with alcohol. But this is
just a vitalization technique.
Now place your amulet on your altar and say something like:

"Welcome to this world (its name)"

And then anoint it with more alcohol or other feeding liquids (such as a
suitable fluid capacitor.) You can refer to my text on the subject to learn
Let your amulet rest for a day or two, then start putting it in contact with
you. Talk to him every day, but we'll talk more about it in the upcoming

Tips on the Rite of Awakening

Place your amulet bag where you decided to perform the rite (on your
altar or other, garden, etc.) preferably (but not mandatory) at the time
and active date (and increasing phase of the Moon to attract or in its
decreasing phase to reject) that you have determined. Perform the Rite of
Awakening as described. Remember the steps described above and apply
them in order.

After the rite

In this section, I just want to pass you some tips and tricks that I have
learned over the years for the care and use of your sachets, packets or

How not to kill your entities

First and foremost, don't forget to feed your new friend. The fact is that
we all need to eat to survive (even entities) that are in your amulets.
These are spirits that you have brought together to form a global and
unique spirit that you use to help you in your life. It is a living being,and
all living things need to feed themselves.
Give him some sustenance. Use the liquid you first fed it with. It is
certainly his favorite "food." But, if you are able to communicate with that
mind on a somewhat conscious level, listen to it and ask him to guide you
to what he would like to have as a substitute if you can't afford to buy
whisky or any other alcohol that are relatively expensive. (Don't feed it
with poor quality products.)

When you feed your mind friend, it should usually be the same day of the
week you created it. So if you made a bottle for fetid spirit protection, you
probably did it on a Saturday or Sunday. Or maybe you took the martial
route and created it on a Tuesday. Anyway, feed it on the same weekday
as you did. Not only will the mind have as a kind of feeding calendar and
it will not expect more than that, on your side, remember to feed it at the
right time.
You will really only need to anoince the physical support with only a drop
or two of your food supply. If you want to give your friend a special little
treat from time to time, give him a little more, but be careful with that. For
a "fat" spirit is often a lazy spirit. He might agree to do the work you put
into action for him, but if you overfeed him, if you keep rewarding him for
doing nothing, why should he keep working for you?

Don't abuse the mind either, he also needs rest. Give him an occasional
rest period, a day or two should suffice. Or, leave him to rest on your altar
while you sleep. This way it gets the same amount of rest as you and it
will work the same way you if not better.

You're taking baths, aren't you? So showers? It's not a good idea to wear
a bag while you're in the toilet, so take it off if you're wearing it. Also,
watch out for the washing machine, remember to remove your bag from
the pocket before the laundry, and even more so if it is a paper package, it
is safe to die for the small entity, so be careful to respect these basic safety

Also, don't let others see your bag, packet or vial. I know it can be hard to
keep it a secret when you live with someone who is a very intimate part of
your life (like sharing the same bed) But that's the way it is, and I didn't
set the rules.
But as they say, it's better to prevent than cure, so keep it a secret as
much as possible.
Above all, never let anyone touch your bag, packet or vial after it is done
and "awakened". If you've done the work for someone else, you may well
touch it until you hand it over to its new owner. But once it is handed
over, it is his, and no one else. No one will ever be able to touch it again.
If someone ever comes to touch it, the mind will die instantly and you'll
have everything to do again. I've seen this case happen more than once, so
as I said above, it's better to keep it as secret as you can.
Someone once asked me, "My amulet was accidentally touched, but I still
want to use it. Can I do that?
The answer is a firm and definitive NO. And it's the same regardless of
the container: sachets, packets and vials, it's the same thing. Once the
spirit died, it died.
If your bag goes to the washing machine, or if you forget to feed it too
many times, or if someone sees it or touches it that is not yourself, then
don't even ask yourself the question... He's dead. There's no real question
about it and it's time to make a little ceremonial farewell and leave the
spirit on its way to a better place until it's "reincarnated" again for a new
(perhaps similar) project to the goal.

What to do when you no longer need your mind

Most people don't even think about it, but there may come a time when
you no longer need your little servant mind. What if the point of your
action has been accomplished?
Should you keep your bag, bottle or package indefinitely?
Certainly not, unless it is a protective spirit for example.
If you created a bag to, say, get a new job, and you got one that's really
satisfying at the moment, are you going to keep the bag?
I'd dare say no. His goal has been achieved. In fact, if everything is
already accomplished, its mission is over and the entity may naturally be
on its way to dissolution.
Similarly, if you made a package to attract love or sex and you now have
what you desire, and given that the pouch was for the specific purpose of
this action, it could still work for that purpose, but not maintain your
current relationship.
Because simply, it would continue to attract new relationships, which
could jeopardize your current relationship. Assuming of course you want
to keep this relationship current.

On the other hand, if you have made a bottle for protection from harmful
spirits or negative magic, then you can keep them indefinitely.
If the end is sure, similar to any of the examples above, I suggest you say
goodbye and let the mind go back to the elements from which it came for
a good and peaceful rest.

So what do you do when you no longer need your small entity, or if it

accidentally passes into the afterlife?
Personally and out of respect, I perform a small rite of separation and
funeral. He was a living creature after all, and a friend. I think he deserves
a little respect for his time here on this Earth.
Here is the short funeral rite I perform when my packets, vials and
pouches end up in the afterlife. It's very simple, but it "signs" the perfect
closure and helps you move forward as well as it helps your container's
mind to move forward.

A brief respectful farewell rite

You can take as long as you like with this rite. Often, when we really
begin to reintegrate animism into our consciousness, we tend to make very
close friends with our magical tools. We become so close that they
become like family members, even if other people cannot conceive such
an idea. So mourning the loss of a friend, like a bag, a packet or a bottle
that has really been a big part of our lives for a while, is a natural reaction.
Gather a little with the fire sorcerer, just as you did in the Rite of
Take your bag, packet or vial to a private outdoor location if you can.
Once there, dig a few small holes with a trowel. The number depends on
the number of ingredients you have placed in your bag or other. Of
course, if all you have is powder or dried herbs, then you will only need
two holes: one for the ingredients and one for the container.

Put the ingredients in the holes (if you have herbs, roots, organic controls,
etc. use as many holes as there areproducts.)
Use them all except one destined for the container and that must have its
own hole. Then cover all these holes with soil.
Blow with deep breath on all the holes, then take a sip of the liquid (don't
do that with fluid capacitors that are highly concentrated products) that
you used to feed the small entity and sprinkle the holes of the alcohol that
is in your mouth like voodoo.
Say thank you to your small entity by saying its name and then withdraw,
it's done.

Short and simple, but respectful. An easy way to say "thank you" for all
the service rendered in your life.

Uses of magnets in radionics

Part 2

This first technique involves the use of a special octagon-shaped magnet

of the diameter that suits you best, but let's say that 5 to 7 centimeters are
sufficient for everyday needs.

As you will have little chance of finding this type of magnet, I advise you
to get plastic magnet boards that are easily decoupable to the shape you

Here are some examples

The number eight is related to material success and the conquest of the
physical world, it is special to attract good things to the one who uses it.

The procedure requires placing this magnet between two copper, zinc or
silver supports of the same shape and size, and then writing on a paper
what you want you to place on the magnet, or at least a symbol or seal
that corresponds to your desire. I had the opportunity to use two of these
fixtures for myself, and I had very satisfactory results. You will find
several of these seals for various occasions further afield.

The Magnetic Cup at will

This practice is a magnetic cup at will, which is simplicity itself, and if you
want to do it. You'll need:
• A piece of plastic tube or pipe, PVC for example a good diameter
and about 5 cm in height (or a little larger than the magnets you
• Eight magnets.
• Electrician's glue or duct tape.

Stick the eight magnets around and outside the piece of pipe, you can also
use black electrician tape to hold the magnets against the hose. The
magnets are arranged so that their poles alternate: N-S-N-S-N-N-S. Etc.
Finish with a wood, cardboard or plastic base as a support. Note that this
medium may contain a radionic graph such as a single or triple decagone
as shown below.

To use the magnetic cup as desired, place a written statement of what is

desired inside the cup, and let it act until the wish is fulfilled. As with most
techniques, the results obtained are also quite variable.
This same cup can also be used to cure the disease, by placing a biological
control of the person inside.

Here's what the magnetic cut looks like

The magnetron

The Magnetron was and is a device used to propagate microwaves in a

certain series of frequencies. It was invented during World War II as part
of an aircraft radar system and, in essence, is a large cylindrical copper
block with cut holes.
The first type of magnetron was designed by H. Gerdien in 1910.
Another type of magnetron tube, the divided anode magnetron, was
created by Albert Hull of the General Electric Research Laboratory in
1920, but it has just reached frequencies of 30 kHz. Similar devices were
explored in different and numerous groups during the 1930s.
An essential advance was the multi-cavity magnetron, first proposed in
1934 by AL Samuel of Bell Telephone Laboratories. In any case, the
truly effective main design was created by Alekseev and Malakoff in
Russia in 1936, which accomplished 300 watts at 3 GHz. The tube was
fundamentally improved by John Randall and Harry Boot in 1940 at the
University of Birmingham, England.
They imagined a valve capable of delivering beats of several kilowatts at a
wavelength of 10 cm, an exceptional discovery.
In the post-war period, the magnetron proved to be less widely used as a
radar part.
In the 1950s, the Servanxbrotherswere inspired. They looked at the cross
section of the magnetron and wondered if he would do anything with a
pendulum. Well, to their astonishment, they learned that the magnetron
pattern would act as a radionicamplifier.
From there it passed into the inventive hands of Christopher Hills, who,
although a little crazy (as most of us in this field tend to be), thought that
if he added magnets around the outer circles, he could increase the power
of the pattern.

Occultists have known about this effect for years, but current research has
indicated that it creates a high-frequency response in the practitioner's
brain, as the left and right hemispheres synchronize and this is conducive
to effective manifestation.

The old meets the new

If you were looking for a tool to help you manifest your desires within this
holographic reality, this is the tool for you. The magnetron tool is powerful
and generally gives the results you want quickly and easily.

The magnetron

In the diagram above, you will notice small central circles within the 8
outer circles. These are the locations of the magnets that need to be placed
face north in the air, so check the polarity of each magnet.
On the central circle, you will place in the middle your request or a seal on
which you will have deposited a drop of blood and the whole thing will be
stuck between two small circular magnets, the one at the top having its
north face at the top.
Focus on your request for a few moments, then let it work in a quiet

A magnet to clean the aura

To use a magnet to clean and balance your aura, you'll need a fairly strong
horseshoe magnet, and about 10 centimetres of cotton twine.
Now, ask a close accomplice to treat you.
Lie on your stomach, on a couch or on the floor. Your loved one holds
the string as close (4 or 5 cm) above your left leg, and begins to move the
magnet slowly upwards from the leg. When the magnet decides to swing
on the leg, or turn in a circle like a pendulum, your loved one stays on this
area until the magnet stops on its own. When the magnet is still, it starts
moving slowly upwards from the body, stopping each time the magnet
swings on the leg or gyrates at a point in the body.
Once the entire left leg and hip are done, go to the right leg and repeat the
procedure. When you have done both legs, you go to the pelvis, and
proceed in the same way to the trunk and spine. You will end up at the
end with the magnet just above your head.

Usually this is enough for a treatment lying in this position, but if you feel
really charged, you can continue and lie on your back and repeat the same
procedure up to the forehead. At this point, you can also make the arms
after finishing with the head, starting with the fingertips and moving up to
the shoulder on either side of the body.
Weekly treatments for at least the first month are recommended to restore
and maintain balance in the aura. In cases where the aura has been
deformed, or even had its polarity reversed (which rarely happens),a
treatment of three times a week is usually recommended for at least the
first month, followed by treatments once a week for the following month
or more.
It is important that you realize that all alternative therapies usually take a
long time to achieve a physical effect, which is normal because of their
softness and depth of action. You should also not expect a physical healing
through this aura cleansing procedure.
When performing this cleaning and rebalancing the aura, holding a carbon
rod about 10 to 15 cm long in the right hand makes the treatment more

A magnet to clean the aura

A very special pyramid

This two-dimensional pyramid is very practical for the needs covered in

this text.
Indeed, it has the peculiarity of being a plate of energy capable of
amplifying what is placed in its center, and I also recommend it in place of
the decagone according to your wishes. Besides, if you have a pyramid of
copper, cardboard, glass or other, nothing and no one prevents you from
placing it above, the effects will be even more powerful.
For good use, I suggest you place an angle facing the magnetic north and
have four small rectangular magnets at these angles, and on each of the
four faces, a point crystal pointing outwards.
Place in the center a cluster of small circular magnets, a good ten and
under the first one (the one above) and between the second, jam your
seal or formula and then let it act.

How to recharge a magnet

A magnet is a powerful tool in magic, but as a magic tool, it needs to be

recharged. Clean it at least once a year or more often as needed. During
the ritual, you feed your amulet. If you ignore this procedure, he will
remain hungry, drained and will not give you back the help you expect
from him.
For the rite, prepare some iron chip. To start, wash the magnet with
water, then alcohol and let it dry completely in the open air. When you do,
sprinkle a handful of iron chip on it.
For a while, let the magnet rest in silence and calm, do not touch it. Do
not turn on the TV or computer near it, keep it away as far away from
any electromagnetic waves as possible.

Location and storage conditions

The magnet must have a special storage location.

It is important to preserve not only the quality of the magnet, but also and
above all its magical properties. Two conditions must be met:
When you are not using the talisman, always place it in the same place. It
must be a special container of non-magnetized material (glass, wood,
cardboard for example). Otherwise, the magical power will gradually
One more thing - use each of the amulets for one purpose.
In other words, you can not include the same magnet in love rites, then
after a while in financial rites for example. You will not solve any of these
existing problems. The
"re-profiling" magnets is impossible, this rule must be recalled.

Practices and rituals

Part 3

Business success

You decided it was the right time to undertake and get rid of the
discontent of having a boss. However, whatever your efforts, your
business does not take off, expenses are recurrent, you get discouraged
and frustrated, and the shadow of your failure grows as supplier bills pile
up on your desk, corporate tax, taxes and all thework, I know all this
because I've been there. Break the chains with this ritual, practiced on a
full moon evening before 9 p.m.
1 clay or terracotta pot for plants about 30 cm in diameter by 30 cm in
7 eggshells.
7 coins of the same value in circulation, so for us, 2 euros.
1 sheet of parchment paper (A4 format),blank.
1 blue pen.
1 scissor.
1 magnet.
1 sword of St. George.
Fertilized soil in sufficient quantities to fill the pot.

Here's a sword of St. George

Using scissors, cut the A4 sheet in half and then in half, getting a quarter
of its original total size.
Do the math, to get the minimum monthly income you need, adding up all
expenses, salaries, expenses and taxes.

Multiply by 1.5 or another factor to establish your income.

Write the value obtained, on the piece of paper, in numbers (example:
3000 euros per month.)
Fold this paper into four equal parts.
Put it in the bottom of the pot.
On this piece of paper, spread out the pieces, covering all this piece of
paper and then add the magnet over the pieces.

Then add and spread out the eggshells, which are well crushed.
Put a quarter or more of earth in the pot
Plant the plant of the Sword of St. George on this earth, periodically, by
Place this vase inside on the largest door of your establishment, if there
are several, if not at the front door.
Every morning, when you open your business, put your right hand on the
vase and imagine the thousands of customers who come into your
establishment and leave a lot of money at the checkout.

Very special equipment

The devices that will follow give good fluids and restore energy balance
and you can do them yourself. These utensils, with the exception of the
particularities described for each, are designed to prevent and cancel
spells, spells, blockages and bad-fluids.

Be careful when handling the glue (depending on the brand used) so as

not to stick to it.

As they generate a magnetic field, they should not be carried too close to
electrical and electromagnetic devices such as computers, radios, running
motors, etc. Mobile phones, because they consume little energy, generally
do not affect the efficiency of these devices.

These should not be available to children under the age of 14 (fourteen)

years of age.

People with pacemakers, implants or other
implanted and similar devices (magnetic,
and suffering from cardio-respiratory dysfunctions
should only use these devices after obtaining
medical authorization.

The Mantle of Purification and Restoration

In our modern society, in the routine of our lives, we are forced

to live with people of different kinds, religions, inclinations and
sexual aspirations that may conflict with our own character,
personal, professional, financial and social desires and
aspirations. Because of this, jealousy, grudges, retaliation, evil
eye can often arise unconsciously around your body with
negative energy. To cancel, or prevent, the consequences of this
accumulated negative energy - causing insomnia, impatience,
bad luck, distraction, migraine, loss of libido, digestive
disorders, hormonal changes, memory loss, speed of reflexes,
weariness, loss of money and other ailments - use this purifying
coat, for fifteen minutes, once a week, before going to bed, in
the safety of your home, by freeing yourself of all the negative
energy. In absolute terms, it should be made by the one who
will wear it, or made by a trusted seamstress, and kept away
from the gaze and touch of others over the age of seven, in
order to purify effectively, restore your energies and dispel the
evils that are aimed at you.

Note that the easiest thing is to buy (you'll find this product on the
internet or in your local market) a white cotton dress or bathrobe with a
hood and put it in the washing machine as soon as you receive it by drying
it in the Sun.

Now, for those who feel the soul of a couturier, here is the procedure to


1 cheap white hat - to use only with coat

1 sewing needle
1 scissors
1 reel of white thread
1 sewing dice, so as not to injure your fingers
1 50 cm rule

1 tailor's chalk
1 metre or measuring tape
1 white plastic bag, to store the coat, when not in use
1 white linen or cotton fabric, of the appropriate size
1 Super adherent glue tube
12 neodymed magnets - 3X2 mm disc
1 compass, to determine the poles of the magnets
1 ringtone

Now, apart from the list of necessary cases, it's up to everyone to get by
because sewing exceeds my skills.

The dimensions depend on the height, the robustness of the body and the
level of comfort desired by the wearer of the mantle.

With chalk and a ruler, draw a vertical line in the back, which will coincide
with the position of the cervical spine, see Figure 1.
Draw another vertical line, more or less equidistant of the first, which will
coincide with the direction of the middle line of the chest, see Figure 2.
Draw two other lines, which will coincide with the direction of the flanks,
one on the right and one on the left;
Determine the south poles of neodymed magnets;
Using glue, glue the magnets into neodyms, south poles, into the mantle,
as shown below:
1 magnet, near the beginning of the neck - front.
1 magnet, near the navel - front.
1 magnet, region below the knee - in front.
1 magnet, shoulder area - back.
1 magnet, navel region - front.

1 magnet, tailbone region - back.
1 magnet, area of the upper back - right flank.
1 magnet, at the navel - right flank.
1 magnet, at the area below the right knee - right flank.

With the remaining magnets, repeat the same procedure for the left flank,
which is identical to the right side.

Using the mantle

After purifying the mantle, use it as shown below:

In a quiet, reserved and airy place, with no other clothing than your coat,
and after taking a bath while drying naturally in the open air, schedule the
ringtone to trigger in fifteen minutes.
Ask, in your own words, all the protection of the Universe and the
circulation in your mantle, positive forces, good fluids, and the expulsion
of negative energies from your body.
Put the hat or hood on your head.
Put the coat in the direction of the head towards your feet and position
yourself so that only the feet, hands and face are in contact with the
outside world.
During the mantle cover period, think of the happy moments,
circumstances, loved and happy people by giving your forgiveness to those
you think have done wrong.
After the cleansing and restoration period, thank you for everything that
has happened in your life, for what you have, your job, your business,
your loved ones, your friends, your family, your home, etc.

Take off the coat

And thank you again.

Fold the mantle into successive triangles, then join the two ends until you
get a coil of less than 33 cm.
Then keep your coat in a clean plastic bag.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Identification of magnetic poles, using a compass.

Find the position of the needle. The needle of a compass is a small

magnet, its southern end will be irretrievably attracted to the north pole of
your magnet.
If the north end of the compass needle points towards your magnet, you
know where the south pole of your magnet is. Flip your magnet at the
same distance from the compass: it is the southern end of the compass
needle that will point towards the north pole of your magnet.

The purification of the mantle, post-confection

Before using it for the first time, and after washing the machine, do the
purification as shown below:
Wash it by hand, with running water, with neutral soap, with the utmost
care without kneading it too much.
Allow to dry in the shade, suspended from a hanger.
After drying the coat, you can, if you wish, iron it at a temperature
suitable for the fabric.
Fold it and pack as already described.
Carefully place the package in the center of a small table, place a
hexagram on top of the package and surround it with seven lit white

Ask the Universe, or an angel, etc. according to your devotion to purify

this mantle.
Let the candles go out and take all the necessary security.
Bury the remains of candles in a garden.
Keep the coat locked up if you don't use it right away.

Magnetizing bottle

Although the percentage of water in men varies according to age, sex,

fitness, air pressure and ambient temperature, it can be considered to
account for 75% of children's body weight and 54% of adults. You know
the importance of the quality and quantity of this element, fundamental for
life, that we must restore daily in our body. According to experts in the
field, drinking water, suitable for ingestion, must be odourless
(smellless),colourless (colorless) and tasteless (tasteless). To rebalance
organisms affected by magical works, spells, sympathies, curses, etc. I
suggest adopting the following procedure, for at least seven days each

Bottle-making materials

1 sterilized glass bottle, with a capacity of 2 liters, with cap.

1 dark cloth cover (optional) to cover the contents of the bottle.
12 3x2 mm neodymed magnets, as previously prescribed.
1 rule.
1 felt, all colors except white.
1 super adherent glue.
1 a pair of surgical gloves.
2 litres of mineral water as pure as possible and gas-free.

Preparing bottles

Put on the pair of gloves.

The bottle being sterilized beforehand, using the ruler and felt, we mark, in
the direction of the height of the bottle, three points, one on each quarter
of the bottle and on the whole rim (12 times) by marking a point near the
bottom, another in the body under the neck, another between these two
Stick a neodymative magnet on each of these points, making a total of 12
Fill this bottle with water.
Cover it with the fabric.
Place it in the fridge and let it rest for two hours.


Drink the two litres of water in this bottle, and do not drink any other
water throughout the day throughout the chosen period, and always keep
it in the refrigerator.

1. The magnets must be glued so that the same pole is directed
towards the inside of the bottle, whether it is the North or the South,
although the South is suggested.
2. Wait for the glue to dry completely, according to the instructions
on its packaging.
3. In extreme or critical life cases, take this treatment for three
consecutive months, or as long as the abnormality persists.
4. Do not drink other waters, industrialized beverages, alcoholic
beverages or teas during the period. Natural fruit juice is only allowed in
small quantities.
5. If your daily intake is more than two litres of water, make two of
these purifying bottles or fill them with mineral water as they drain.

Bad fluids protection bracelet

Make this bracelet and wear it every day, or at least when you feel
something is wrong in your life.


1 metre ribbon
1 scissor
1 rule
1 piece of white cloth, cotton or other non-allergenic fabrics, 6 x 20 cm
1 Scrach ribbon roll (Velcro), slightly longer than the size of your
wrist. (This is only to be able to attach it correctly to the wrist.)

2 3 x 2 mm neodymed magnets.

1 red ballpoint pen


Wrap the tape around your wrist, adjusting and fixing it.

With the pen, delineate the excess fabric.
With the scissors, cut and discard the leftovers.
Re-wrap the fabric around your wrist, attaching it to an edge of the fabric
with Velcro or simply attaching the ends to one side of the wrist with a
piece of Velcro. It is more difficult to explain than to apply. In fact, the top
and bottom of the fabric must be marked in order to be able to properly
place the two magnets, one at the top and the other below the middle of
the wrist.
With the pen, mark the inside (middle of the fabric) and the outside of
the wrist (middle of the fabric).
Remove this Velcro bracelet and, using the glue, carefully attach a
neodymed magnet, with the south pole inside, to each of the two marks on
the fabric.

Wait for them to dry out.

Use this bracelet whenever you feel the need or at important events and
occasions in your life.
In extreme or critical life cases, take this treatment for three consecutive
months, or as long as the abnormality persists. In severe cases, use it on
the left wrist and right wrist, so two bracelets.

Note: Know, as we will see later, that you can perfectly put seals of
angels, daemones (in the Platonic sense of the term, and not demons as
they are designated by religions) or other on all magnets according to
your needs.

Shin guard for bad fluids

Make this shin guard and wear it every day, or at least when you feel
something is wrong with your life.


1 metre ribbon
1 scissor
1 rule
1 White fabric, cotton or other non-allergenic fabric, 30 x 50 cm in size
2 3x2 mm neodymed magnets, as described above
1 roll of Velcro tape depending on your preference, to attach the flap to
your shin
1 shin guard, adjustable, of any brand or model, or of any color 1 red
ballpoint pen


Wrap the fabric around your tibia, adjusting and fixing it with Velcro tape
or simply holding it with one hand.
With the pen, delineate the excess fabric.
With the scissors, cut and discard the leftovers.
With the pen, mark the inner and outer sides of the fabric (middle of the
fabric),by matching both sides of the leg.
Remove this fabric and, using the glue, carefully attach a neodymed
magnet, with the south pole inside, to each of the two fabric marks.
Wait till it dries.
Attach the fabric with a piece of Velcro tape.
Place the adjustable shin guard on top to hold and hide the fabric.

Use this shin guard whenever you feel the need or at important events and
occasions in your life.

In extreme or critical life cases, take this treatment for three consecutive
months, or as long as the abnormality persists. In severe cases, use it on
both shins.

Protective collar

The specific attribute of this collar is to scare and prevent evil eye,
malicious people and dispel unhappiness vibrations and parasites of all


1 19x10x5 mm neodymed ring magnet

1 chain compatible with the diameter of the magnet hole - gold or silver

Simply pass the chain through the central hole of the magnet, making it a
pendant suspended by a chain.
Use this necklace whenever you feel unwell in an environment or near
certain people, in ballads, job interviews, hallways, contests, crowds, etc.

If you have a cardiorespiratory abnormality
or a pacemaker
this equipment should not be used.

Bandana dispelling and dispersing bad thoughts

This special bandana aims to ward off and cancel your own bad thoughts
that can clutter your mind. When this happens, go to a secluded and silent
place, put this bandana on your head, and mentalize positive thoughts
against bad thoughts, for example:
1 - Did you think a relative or friend is in danger of death?
Put this person in your head who smiles and is healthy, while claiming
about twenty times or more, and being convinced that this is absolutely
true and concrete:
For example: "Such (say the name of the person) is a healthy and happy
2 - Are you worried because you don't think your financial situation will
Imagine making a lot of money, or having a wonderful pay raise, or
winning a lottery prize, while repeating, "I have the financial abundance in
my life. I am well paid, quickly and a lot of money comes to me (if you
want, you can state an amount)".
3 - You live assaulted at the thought of betrayal of your partner... Mentally
next to your partner in scenes of affection and sex, while repeating the
following statement: "My wife (or husband) and I are very happy and
we love each other very much, so he/she is faithful to me.
You can model sentences to your liking and adapt them according to your
own bad thoughts.

Special material for the bandana

1 virgin white bandana washed with neutral soap

2 two neodymed magnets
1 a good glue

With the utmost care, so as not to stick your fingers or the parts that form
the bandana, stick a neodymlike magnet on either side of the bandana,
near the area where the pineal gland is located.

A magnetic pen for your important writings

This special and powerful pen can be made with the colored ink of your
choice, or as needed or circumstantial. Very useful when signing
commercial contracts, financial agreements, public tenders, job offers and
other important moments in your life. Wearing on the back of the pocket
can scare away bad fluids and bad omens. Very cheap and very easy to
manufacture, it is advisable to make a blue, a black, a red.
But... Don't lend it to anyone.


1 BIC or similar ballpoint pen with a diameter greater than 5 mm of the

hole located opposite the pen.
3 circular neodym magnets smaller than the body of the pen.
1 cutter
1 rule

In a blank, good-mark pen, follow the procedure:

Remove the part of the pen that contains the ball and ink tube.
Carefully, using the cutter and the ruler, cut off part of the tube that
contains the ink, about 7 mm or more depending on the filling of the ink

Put that part back in the body of the pen.

Remove the plastic cap that clogs the largest hole in the body of the pen.
Place the three small magnets inside, one by one, so that they stay
together by sticking them together, the North Pole being pointed out of the
ink tube.
Put the cap back on and use the pen normally for important occasions.

Warning: When the ink is depleted, simply replace the loading tube by
cutting it as explained, otherwise make a new one.

The gypsy magic pot

To attract prosperity, financial stability, money and wealth, you can design
the gypsy pot and place it in a part of your home or even in a commercial
environment. It must be close to a door, to attract positive and abundant

Supplies needed

1 clean glass jar

A handful of raw corn, be careful of the choice of grains, look for those
that are in perfect condition.
A handful of sesame seeds.
1 cinnamon stick.
7 cloves.
7 Jamaican peppers.
7 peanuts.
7 gold coins (or 7 gold medals), which must be washed and dried
A bottle of orange blossom.
1 candle of each of the seven planetary colors, one candle for each day of
the week. If you start for example on a Tuesday, the candle will be red, a
Silver Candle Monday, Golden Candle Sunday, etc.
7 small round magnets plated together.

How do I do that?

Before you start, take a shower and put on a yellow garment. The ideal is
to take a bath with coarse salt to neutralize the energies, but if this is not
possible, no problem, it will not affect the result.
Place the peanuts at the bottom of the pot, add the corn on top and then
the sesame while making layers. Then add cinnamon, cloves and Jamaican
peppers. Put the parts and magnets last.
Light the candle of the day next to the pot, mentalize prosperity, think of
good things, abundance, new business and say a prayer, ps 23 is fine.

Leave to burn, and when the candle goes out, place it inside the jar and
place 7 drops of orange blossom scent. Each day of the week, burn the
corresponding candle and then lay another 7 drops of orange flowers and
repeat your prayers, asking for prosperity and wealth.

The use of seals in the magic of magnets

As incredible as it may seem, magnets attract the beneficial energy of all kinds
of entities,so no need to bother.
To put into action all the seals that will follow, put a drop of blood on the back of
said seal.
Why blood? It is not a "pact" or a pseudo "black magic" but simply because blood
is an elixir of life, it belongs only to you and directs the benefits of the seal over
you, and you alone.
So we're going to see some seals that may be useful to you in your process and I
have no doubt that you will discover other ways through your own research and

Come on, let's go!

1- For the memory

2- Attracting someone you can trust

3- Attracting love

4- To have energy

5- Seal of good luck

6- Opening up to opportunities

7- Relieving stress

8- Feeling happy

9- Banish negative energy

10- Banish anxiety

11- Making a good decision

12- Protest and strength

13- Strength and inspiration

14- Be inventive

15- Satisfaction and security

16- Gaining strength when things go wrong

17- Have more power in magic

18- Getting an embarrassing neighbor out of here

Note: Do not put blood on this seal, write your neighbour's name and address on
the back.

19- Against the noise of the neighbors
Note: Same conditions as above.

20- Impress someone

21- Having charisma

22- Get an aura of authority and impose respect

23- Creating unease

24- Creating confusion

25- To strengthen the financial aspect and attract luck.

26- Helps to get out of the crisis and stabilize well-being.

27- Better relationships in tensions and quarrels. Helps with

mutual understanding.

28- Protection of the house, property, valuables.

The Seven Olympic Spirits

Like all the seals present in this text, they are part of a specific ritual, and in
particular the Olympic spirits who ask for a precise plot, and a phrase of call
written in a special language between the two circles.
If I have included them here, but without further indication, it is that the seals I
present are effective with the technique of magnets.
So here they are, with their functions and the seal to use.


Arathron is associated with Saturn's powers, and can:

Stop something in motion, whether it's a person, a project or an idea.
Destroy the wealth of an enemy.
Discover hidden sources of money.
End a project (yours or someone else's).
Linking a person.


Bethor is associated with Jupiter's powers, and can:

Give you great dignity.
Attract money.

Make yourself look important to those you meet.
Increase the chance in the event of a conflict.
Increase your authority over others.
Helps with self-healing.


Phaleg is associated with the powers of Mars, and can:

Fight the disease vigorously.
Fearing an enemy.
Cancel an enemy's efforts.
Help you respond to attacks with cunning.
Attracting others with a quiet authority.
Weaken competition.


Och is associated with the powers of the Sun, and can:

Help you discover your true desires.
Inspiring creative work.
Find new business-related ideas.
Bring warmth into a healing.
Improve your reputation.
Allow you to work in peace.


Hagith is associated with the powers of Venus, and can:

Improve freedom and any sexual situation.
Change your mind.
Attract those who can help you.
Attracting love.
Attracting friendship.
Cause the separation of a couple.


Ophiel is associated with the powers of Mercury, and can:

Improve artistic expression.
Improve trade.
Relieving mental suffering.
Allow good communication.
Place the word "fly."
You're helping to speak clearly.


Phul is associated with the powers of the Moon, and can:

Improve the magic.
Improve intuition.
Slow down the passing of time.

Make you dream.
Relieve anxiety and fear.
Create a sexual attraction.

A great practice with your name

Write your name on a piece of paper nine times like this:

Michel Dupont
Michel Dupont
Michel Dupont
Michel Dupont
Michel Dupont
Michel Dupont
Michel Dupont
Michel Dupont
Michel Dupont

Then write all around and without lifting the pen your desire that you will of
course place between two magnets to the proportions of your piece of paper.
For example here, it's "I want a new car that fits best."
Note: Don't pay attention to the circle that is not closed, it's just an example.
However, by writing with a pen, you will leave no gap between the beginning and
the end of your text.

I could have added "a ton" of extra material, nothing easier, but basically, why do?
I am sure that you have perfectly assimilated the process and that you will be able
to use with this technique the Runes, the planetary talismans, the seals of the
Daemones, the 72 angels of kabbalah, the seals of the Tarot, and much more,
there are limits only to your imagination.
Here's one last simple ritual "to finish in style."
First a note of 5, 10, 20, or 50 euros (after it's expensive anyway) and put in the
four corners of this note a little florida (perfume used in Voodoo.) In the center,
place a pinch of High John powder, a pinch of iron chip, a pinch of cinnamon
powder and a pinch of manna powder. Finally, put a drop of your blood. Fold the

note in four, take it in your right hand and recite the 23rd Psalm of the Bible for 7
days to load this ticket and then place it between two magnets.
Always keep this post worked on you in a green or gold bag, but be careful to
leave it away from your credit card so as not to demagnetize it. You never know!
With that in me, I wish you all the best.
Your Friend, and for more informations …
Roger Gascon


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