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• Written for an organization / publication / manager / headmaster etc.
• Purpose: to inform by describing facts objectively, give an account, compare & contrast, make a
recommendation, give an opinion, depending on the task;
• Register: formal / semi-formal;
• May make use of bullet points or numbered lists to make it easier for the reader to find the information
quickly. However, you should write complete sentences, not just notes even though you use bullet points;
• The introduction & the conclusion can be short
An international magazine is investigating tourism in various areas around the world. You have been asked to
write a report for the magazine’s editors, addressing the following questions:
• How has tourism in your region changed over the last decade?
• What are the reasons for these changes?
• What problems exist and can anything be done to solve them?
Write your report in 220-260 words

Tourism in Prague

The last decade has seen a dramatic increase in the number of tourists visiting the Czech Republic and Prague
in Particular. The following report presents a brief overview.

Until 1989, Prague was not a popular destination for tourists from Western Europe due to a number of factors:
• The city was difficult to reach; visitors often had to wait for long periods at border crossings;
• There was little information about trips to Prague in foreign travel agencies;
• Some people felt nervous about trips to countries in central and eastern Europe;

All the above factors have changed dramatically: Prague is now easy to reach by road, rail and air; trips to
Prague are widely advertised in western countries; few visitors feel nervous about visiting a country in Eastern
Europe any more.

The majority of visitors to Prague are extremely satisfied on the whole. However, there are a few complaints
about two specific areas:
• Taxi drivers acting in a rude manner and, in many cases, might overcharge customers;
• Some hotels providing less than adequate service;

Future development
The city council is at present considering stricter laws relating to taxi drivers. Moreover, the hotels are being
reclassified by the local tourist authority.

While Prague can offer visitors a generally positive experience, there are some issues which need to be
addresses. I am of the opinion that better regulation of taxi drivers and hotels will solve these problems.


• The aim of this report is to assess impact of advertisements on children.

• This report is intended to evaluate the company’s competitiveness on the market.
• This report examines / looks at teaching methods in our school.


• It seems / appears that the museum does not attract enough visitors.
• It was found that production costs are too high as compared to our competitors.
• It was felt that more interactive teaching methods should be employed to engage learners.


• On the whole, the introductory weekend was a positive experience.

• In the main, the employees are satisfied with their working environment.


• Better insulation of the building could make it more energy efficient.

• The introduction of the fully automated assembly line may / might jeopardize hundreds of jobs.
• The industrial revolution was, perhaps, the most important event in history.


• Interestingly, the application process was easier than we had imagined.

• Strangely / Oddly, turnout at the fair was low although the organizers were very well prepared.
• Generally, most part-time workers work in low-wage occupations.
• Not surprisingly, youth unemployment is high in Western Europe due to tough economic conditions.
• Predictably, the marks were low because of the difficulty of the test.


• Perhaps the management should consider cutting some benefits.

• It is recommended that the school should purchase more interactive whiteboard.
• It would be advisable that the company finds cheaper suppliers.
1) Your college wants to improve its facilities for English language students to study in their free periods and
has asked for a report outlining the facilities currently available and how they are used, with recommendations
for improvement. Think about possibilities for use of technology, space available and materials.
Write your report in 220-260 words.

2) A British television channel is interested in making a documentary about public transport in different parts of
the world. You have been asked to write a report for the channel addressing the following questions:
• What means of public transport in your region are the most popular?
• What is being done to improve these facilities and encourage the use of public transport?
• What more could be done?
Write your report in 220-260 words.
3) You were recently sent on a training course by the company you work for, and your manager has
asked you to write a report on the training you received. In your report, you should briefly describe the
training, explain why it was useful for your current job, and say how the new skills may help you in the
future. Write your report in 220-260 words.

4) You have just helped organise a day of activities to welcome new students to the international college
where you are a student. The principal has asked you for a report. In your report, you should briefly
describe the day, comment on how effective the activities were in welcoming the new students and
make recommendations for a similar event next year. Write your report in 220-260 words.

5) You have just completed three months of unpaid work experience in a large company to learn about
a career you are interested in. The company director has asked you to write a report. In your report, you
should describe the new skills you acquired, comment on how well you were supported by the people
you worked with, and evaluate how useful the experience will be for a future career. Write your report in
220-260 words.

6) Your local city council is investigating whether the city centre meets the needs of the city’s
inhabitants. You have been asked to write a report for the council. Your report should discuss the
entertainment and restaurant facilities in the city centre from the point of view of people of your age
group. It should also describe at least one way in which the city centre could be improved to meet your
age group’s needs more effectively. Write your report in 220-260 words.

7) An international organisation is investigating transport issues in different towns. You have been asked
to write a report in which you give information about the traffic situation in your town. Your report should
briefly describe the public transport system, discussing whether it meets the needs of the local
population. It should also explain what the most serious traffic problem in the town currently is. Write
your report in 220-260 words.

8) An electronics company has invited customers to write a report on an electronic gadget. Write a
report on an electronic gadget that you regularly use, such as a mobile phone or a games console. Your
report should outline the gadget’s capabilities and what you use it for. It should also comment on the
extent to which the gadget meets your needs. Write your report in 220-260 words.
Sample task

A local sports team in your town needs new facilities where they will train for national
competitions. As assistant coach of the team, you have been asked to visit a new sports centre
and to write a report assessing the suitability of the centre. Write your report.

Read the model below and insert the following words and phrases in the appropriate spaces:

Rotheroe Sports Centre

The purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of Rotheroe Sports Centre as a possible
future training base for the Dersely Swimming Club.

Location and Access

Rotheroe Sports Centre is conveniently located just off the Ring Road to the south of Derseley,
next to the Marston Industrial Estate. It is (1).............................easily accessible by private
transport from most parts of the city and has ample free parking. Buses run between the sports
centre and the city centre every 15 minutes from 6 am to 11 pm. (2).............................,direct
services from other areas may be limited, (3).............................early in the morning or late at night.

The Rotheroe Centre offers an excellent range of facilities. The swimming pool is of Olympic size
and is fully heated. It has a large spectator area and changing rooms with ample locker space and
showers. (4)............................., the centre has a large, well-equipped gym. (5).............................,
there is no cafeteria; (6)............................., there are no restaurants within walking distance of the
centre, which means that team members would have to bring packed lunches.

Availability and cost

The pool could be available for sole use by the club on weekday mornings from 7 to 8 am or on
Monday and Wednesday nights after 9 pm. There is (7).............................the possibility of booking
the pool for galas on occasional Saturday evenings. The gym is available from 8 am to 10 pm
every day. The cost of hiring the pool at special club rates would be £40 per hour, compared to the
£30 currently paid by the club for the City Baths.

(8)............................., Rotheroe Sports Centre would be able to provide the facilities necessary for
the Derseley Swimming Club to train. Most importantly, it has an excellent 50-metre pool of the
type used in top-level competitions. The slight increase in the cost of hiring the pool is acceptable,
(9) view of the fact that charges at the City Baths are due for revision in a
month's time.

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