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1. The following aptitude scores have been recorded in a guidance office.

139 88 115 91
93 117 99 101
98 123 119 146
107 111 100 125
81 127 116 113
126 114 110 114
109 102 113 106
107 91 102 103
104 101 131 87
113 135 126 112

a. Arrange the data in descending order.

Test Score (x) Frequency (f) Percent Cumulative Percent
140 1 2.0 2.0
139 2 4.0 6.0
138 1 2.0 8.0
135 2 4.0 12.0
131 1 2.0 14.0
127 1 2.0 16.0
126 2 4.0 20.0
125 1 2.0 22.0
124 1 2.0 24.0
123 1 2.0 26.0
119 1 2.0 28.0
117 1 2.0 30.0
116 1 2.0 32.0
115 1 2.0 34.0
114 2 4.0 38.0
113 3 6.0 44.0
112 1 2.0 46.0
111 1 2.0 48.0
110 2 4.0 52.0
109 1 2.0 54.0
108 1 2.0 56.0
107 3 6.0 62.0
106 1 2.0 64.0
104 2 4.0 68.0
103 1 2.0 70.0
102 2 4.0 74.0
101 2 4.0 78.0
100 1 2.0 80.0
99 1 2.0 82.0
98 1 2.0 84.0
96 1 2.0 86.0
93 1 2.0 88.0
91 2 4.0 92.0
90 1 2.0 94.0
88 1 2.0 96.00
87 1 2.0 98.00
81 1 2.0 100
Total 50 100

b. Determine the range.

r =H-L
c. Determine the class interval for twelve (12) classes.

Class Interval= 4.9 or 5

d. What is the response in c and d, present in a table the scores as grouped frequency distribution showing:

1. actual tallying of scores;

2. numeric frequency;

3. midpoints of each class interval;

4. cumulative frequency; and

5. cumulative percentage.

Class Interval Midpoint (x₁) f Cumulative Cumulative

Frequency(cf) Percentage
136-140 138 4 50 100
131-135 133 3 46 92
126-130 128 3 43 86
121-125 123 3 40 80
116-120 118 3 37 74
111-115 113 8 34 68
106-110 108 8 26 52
101-105 103 7 18 36
96-100 98 4 11 22
91-95 93 3 7 14
86-90 88 3 4 8
81-85 83 1 1 2
Total (N) 50

f. Construct a histogram from the given scores.

g. Draw a frequency polygon superimposed in the histogram you have done in f.

h. Using your data in e.5, draw a cumulative percentage polygon.

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