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(Grade 7)

(2) Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
a. Define and identify pronouns in text
b. Discuss common types of pronouns and examples
c. Identify singular and plural pronouns

(3) A pronoun is a word that can replace a noun in a sentence. The

noun that is replaced by a pronoun is called an antecedent.
Example: I love my dog because he is a good boy, the word he is
a pronoun that replaces the noun dog.

(4) Generally speaking, pronouns allow as to shorten our sentences

and make them sound less repetitive.

(ekis na symbol)- The construction workers are building the office.
The construction workers are making good progress. The
construction workers should finish the project in no time.

(tsek na symbol)- The construction workers are building the office.

They are making good progress. They should finish the project in
no time.
(5) Pronoun List
 He, It, You, I, They, We, Who, Him, Them, Whoever,
Anyone, Something, Nobody

Examples on how we use pronouns in a sentence

 We looked for Britney at her house, but she wasn’t there.
 I took my car to the mechanic to get it fixed.
 Possessive Pronouns
 Personal Pronouns
 Relative Pronouns
 Reflexive Pronouns
 Indefinite Pronouns
 Demonstrative Pronouns
 Interrogative Pronouns
 Intensive Pronouns
 Reciprocal Pronouns

(7) Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronoun is a pronoun that expresses possession,
ownership, origin, relationship, etc.

Possessive pronoun examples

-Mine, Yours, His, Hers, Ours, Theirs

Example of possessive pronouns used in a sentence

 That toy in the shelf is mine.

 Sara and Joshua separated the French fries into two piles: the left
one was hers and the right one was his.

(8) Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns are pronouns that we use to refer to people
and, sometimes animals.
The pronouns It, they, and them can also apply to objects.

Personal pronoun examples

- I, you, she, he, it, we, they, me, us, them

Example of personal pronouns used in sentences

 I am afraid of snake.
 The toaster gets really hot when it heats bread.
(9) Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns connect dependent clauses to independent

Relative Pronoun examples

- Who, whom, which, what, that

Example of relative pronoun used in sentences

 I need to find a person who can read Swedish.
 She doesn’t want to eat a meal that is too spicy.

(10) Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns is a pronoun used as an object of a verb that
refers to the same person or thing as the object of the verb.

Reflexive Pronoun examples

- Myself, yourself, itself, herself, himself, ourselves, themselves

Example of reflexive Pronouns used in sentences

 John looked at himself in the mirror.
 The silly clowns made fool of themselves.

(11) Intensive Pronouns

Intensive Pronouns refer back to the subject in order to add
emphasis. Intensive pronouns are identical in appearance to
reflexive pronouns.

Intensive pronouns examples

- Myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, themselves

Example of Intensive Pronouns used in sentences

 I built my house myself.
 The children made the cookies themselves.
(12) Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite Pronoun is a pronoun that doesn’t specifically identify
who or what is referring to.

Indefinite Pronouns examples

- Some, somebody, anyone, anywhere, nothing, everybody

Example of Indefinite Pronouns used in sentences

 Someone ate my lunch.
 The water splashed everywhere.

(13) Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns are used to point to specific things.

Demonstrative pronoun examples

- This, that, these, those

Example of demonstrative pronouns used in sentences

 This is my favorite dress.

 I need you to fix these.

(14) Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative Pronouns are pronouns used to ask questions
about unknown people or things.

Interrogative pronoun examples

- Who, whom, what, which, whose

Example of interrogative pronouns used in sentences

 Who wrote this letter?
 Which is the correct answer?
(15) Reciprocal Pronouns
Reciprocal pronouns express mutual relationships or actions.

Reciprocal pronoun examples

- Each other, one another

Example of reciprocal pronouns used in sentences

 The members of the team support one another.
 The two fishermen love to compete with each other.

(16) Singular and Plural Pronouns

(17) Singular Pronouns

Singular Pronouns refer to a single person or thing. Like singular

nouns, singular pronouns must use singular verbs.

Singular Pronouns examples

- I, he, she, it, one, this, someone, something, anyone, nobody

Example of singular pronouns used in sentences

 This is the best cake I have ever eaten.
 Somebody is standing next to the window.

(18) Plural Pronouns

Plural Pronouns refer to multiple people or things. Plural
Pronouns must use plural verbs.

Plural Pronouns examples

- We, they, us, them, ourselves, themselves, those, these, many,
several, others
Example of plural pronouns used in sentences
 We went to the gym yesterday.
 Several of ducks know that children like to feed them

(19) Thank you!

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