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(Draft) Recollection Outline1

I. Orientation
 Review of what a recollection is
 Dispositions needed for a fruitful and meaningful participation in the online
recollection (including online etiquette)
 Flow of the recollection
 Post-recollection evaluation form

II. Opening Prayer (ppt or video)

III. Session I – Spirituality of Stewardship

 Meaning of terms
- Spirituality
- stewardship (mentimeter – word cloud)
 Identity of a Steward
- God is the Owner
- The human person is (merely) a steward to whom God entrusted everything
(that s/he has)
 Stewardship way of life – a disciple’s response (cf., USCCB)
 [An appropriate song/music video can be played to end the first session.]

IV. Session II – The Blessing as Gift and Task

 What are God’s gifts to you? (mentimeter for all pax – word cloud; some will be
invited to share orally)
- Life, time, talent, material resources, opportunities, et al
 Every gift Is a responsibility. What have you done with your gifts? (accountability)
(cf., Mt 25, 14-30 “Parable of the Talents”)
- What gifts have you nurtured and returned to the Lord with increase?
- What gifts have you buried? not acknowledged? not used for love and service?
 [An appropriate song/music video can be played to end the second session.]

V. Session III – Gifted to Give as God’s Stewards

(cf., Mt 10, 8 “You received as a gift, give as a gift.”)
 Gifts are given to us for service.
 God calls us to serve others generously, esp. the poor, the vulnerable and the

I just included here the basic concepts taken from the CBCP Pastoral Letter on Stewardship. You may
want explore how this can be worked out into a more detailed module (with powerpoint presentations,
videos, et al) appropriate to your target recollection participants.
 Considering your present circumstances, in what particular way/s are you
challenged to be a good and faithful steward? (as daughter/son? student? As a
member of a parish community? As a Filipino citizen?...) (break out rooms; some will
be invited to share in the plenum)

VI. Closing Prayer – “Pananagutan” or other appropriate song (music video)


Before the Recollection

 CMO is to design google forms for registration and evaluation categorized according to
grade (basic ed) or course and year level (college)
 Each student is to register online.
 CMO will confirm registration and send zoom meeting link via email.

After the Retreat/Recollection

 Each recollection participant is to fill up an evaluation form and submit the filled in form
within 2 hours after the recollection ends. [Provide link to the google form.]

Full Name (Surname/First Name/MI) ___________________________________

Course ___________________________________________________________
Year (Section) ____________________________________________________
Email Address _____________________________________________________

[Rating scale of 1-5 is to be used in this section… drop down type]

Relevance of theme/topics
Platform used

Most dominant feeling ______________________________________________

Most significant insight/realization _____________________________________
Most significant challenge ____________________________________________

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